i m o I 1 I t I i I I I . I S ' . 1' JAMES G. BOY LI Publisher Published Mondays and Thursdays SI.OO a Year, Hum In Advance WADES IHHtO, K. C, MONDAY, 'XOVEMBEIt 25, UHS I2STAHLTSIIKI) 1883 ONLY SEMI-WEKKLY IN ANSON .r v m iiii.iit.i'. fi 19 if i WILLIS I.MillAM KKLKASI-n. to Iwth Turned IrfM by JuMlco of Uie I'cwcw at tho Preliminary Hearing Friday. Willi Ingram, the negro who Btab bed to doath Jadle Phillips, also colored, Saturday night, tho 16th . Inst., had a preliminary hearing bo fore Esq. J. A. Little Friday. Mr. II. II. McLendon appeared for Ing ram. No lawyer represented the State. At tho clone of the exarai- . nation of the only two witnesses who testified the Justice of the peace turned Ingram loose on the ground that he did the killing In imlf defense. Jadle Phillips, the man who wa killed, and Willi Ing- ram, the man who did the killing, and three other negroe were return ing to their homes In Gulledge town ship from Wadesboro at the time of the homicide. One of the ne groes wa the brother of the dead man. The other two testified at tie preliminary hearing as follow: Will porch: "Jadle rhllllps. Wil lis Ingram and myself were in the back end of the wagon near the Carter place; Jadle Phillip begin to curse Willi Ingram and Willi told Jadle not to curse him; Jadie DL'SOLATION OK THE TEMPLE. It Wa INwoUto liocaufte It PriosU IumkI Wa Obsolete. No more tithe were to be brought CD X FF. 1 1 K X t TJ APPOINTMENTS FOR CHARLOTTE DISTRICT. IUv. W. Bruw Doylo Shows Uie liter Illation of the Twnple of . - 0 tlmnge Made in Anaon. t lw I Near at Hand. After hi discourse on "Woe ,unto for another priest to stand in the Dlatrlct, In part a follows: you, Scribes, Pharisee, hypocrites" smoke of the altar and sprinkle our Lord spoke these words, "Your blood. From under hi own vine house Is left unto you desolate," and and fig tree any man may approach then he went out of the Jerusalem boldly the throne of grace, temple, and bo far as we know nev- WW jiado Desolate by Deluding F.XORMOIH FORF.IliN TRADE. AWAITINU UINILTH. Bureau Report Will Viuk lr IUrfh HuUm on T.lutt.lJ IJn K Attainment at l.tMK).HKMMK dy fw IUam.(i..n of lUtll. Import iN.uMml. London, No. 21. No riou. WatdilnKton, Nov. 21. - AtUln- flKbtlnjc b rrjortr,l on the Trh.t rai ment of a four-blllou-djll.ir fordjin J Hue. whw bo'h si l app-ir to trade by the United Htates In l 3 I 2 D" waiting the Umw of th arai!- wlll bp one of the most noteworthy i N""" nt'go'laMor,. M-nhU all th the Jew, and U.a IU.n There- wUh Lllcvllle and Anon,llle, for Ho QueMtlonn WhetJier tlw tnt!r nfrmitit,8i An high priest Tn appointments of the Western Tlmo of tho Kvonl Return of Uie who wa after the order of Melchl- North Carolina Conference were sodoc and not Aaron. Their priest rwid D Uhop Denny at High Point v.r iiv,t nn the rlirht hand of the this morning. At noon the M. &. I. Text: Matt. 23:38 'lour house, ,.,., nk im..A,. received the anMolntnientA overtone f:ictnr fr hlttnri.in ,. . n.w ih a v dmiioaif i.mn ir Kinr Is left unto you desolate. I . f T, . A nM , distance telephone for Charlotte the boulnnln of th n..w v...r in nu.l. for a rrau.nnfj.in of th war announcing the totals of the ex- "h''iM th a.-KOtiaMun fall, port and Import trade of lh coun-i HuUarU I shipping hr fore-4 try for the 10 months ending with i 'r," Saloolsl in (;rk trunnportn. October, the llureau of iKjm. stie I prewumably (or fr;u,f. r to Gti:ipll and Foreign Commerce today suited I14'"1"""!, whre Turkr U a!i the forengn commerce would reach ''renKthuning her forc..a by An.itol thls enormous total by the end of,'an troop Here an numpt wi:i b December. Its highest former rec-ni;l4l y tbe all!. assisted by thi ord was $3,626,000,000 In 1911. lrUrk fltvt. to tak th Dardanelles. cros(ed the three-bllllon-dollar line The ret i the allied forre. liber- er returned. He ay. "Your house," not "My house." It had been the temp!e of Tahnvah tha utMk rt th elitirrh on earth, but It had become a den of,befor ln ued,'or In Act we read, "There was a certain man, Simeon by name, who thieves, a bouse of robber, a place eery and amazed the people of Sa- of merchandise. There hwp and;""1""' m' TteinBfAtv Bni some great one. money wa exchanged for filthy u- We learn of another, Dosltheus, who pretended that he wa the That wa a splendid temple to be " Iore left desolate. The 'Jew. could, "any ,'a,8e , PP,h dJd &f,8e' boast that it had been forty and six salnK- h 19 chrl8t' tt,,d' the" year in building. Those temple Christ," and deluded the people Weaver. Charlotte District J. K. Scroggs, P. E. Charlotte Uelmont J. H. Brad ley. Brevard Street L. O. Fall. Calvary R. S. Howie. Chadwlck N. R. Rlchardaon. Dllworth J. O. NIrvin. North. Charlotte W. B. Davis. Wadesboro Qeo. D. Herman. Ahsonvllle circuit L. L. Smith. Morven circuit J. E. Woosley. Ltlesvllle circuit T. C. Jordan. Polkton circuit O. C. Brlnkman Derlta P. L. Terrell. Marshvllle A. L. Aycock. Matthews S. T. Barber. Monroe Central church J, H walls enclosed more than nineteen a ' n ncres. The eastern wall was near- It Was Made IVwdate by tho Dc ly eight hundred feet high. Some pint u re "of CliristJarH. PAf. nn and eeta the riding plank of the stones measured Blxty-flve Je8U8 n;u, warned hls people to and Willi takes out hi knife and feet long, eight feet high and nine Jeave the t.ity when they Baw egn8 BOn and I catches Willis Ingram. In the wide. The gates were overlaid with J of doom. breast and pushes him back, and j Kold. Her colonnades were of mar-, -when therefore ye see the took hold of the plauk to keep ble. Beautiful was her golden sanc-j abomination of desolation spoken of Jadle from hitting him with it; then luary wenppea in a manuo oi uu-. Dy Daniel, the prophet standing in they Jump out of the wagon and Ja- tlque sacredness. die Phillips hits Willis Ingram with It Wa Mario Desolate by the De- the plank; when about fifteen Biepsi. ,mrturct of Jesus North Monroe R. II. Kennlngton. Mt Zlon Z. Paris. Pinevlllo W. L. Sherrlll. Prospect circuit S. E. Willlam- from the wagon I saw Willis strike I Qld gt stephen wa8 once the capl. him, then Jadie comes back and gets cUy of Alabama Thero they in the wagon; wuj.s auu- teU a Btory of a minl8ter wno onPe come on down to Mr. Jonnie Burr's came ln to preach. But the people ..... . .1 ...II.. 1MI ana Jaaies Dromer jesse ie.i t fc h, t th TombIgboe river us.fte naa KUiea jaa.e, wuu. and put h,m acrog8 ln a boat and mm ne recon not, a..u wu toW Wm they wouM km h,m lf ever down to Dora uone b Jesse ruuny- he , d tQ each there ,n uia ner to onug a nS"i i When j vlalted the Blte of that Jadle dead; she bring tne ngni Ug locatlon waB ldentified by a and and tells him that ne was aeaa, HnanMtH rhlmneva rrambllna WllliB Ingram walks on off up the rmoinB nf collara amid a . m r Jeo Ph'lllp starts on after lQney pine tore8t bealde the rlver . rana tell mm lo wan. vlla where alllgator8' crawi( foxea r0am struck Wtet an so aia jesse ior and e the,r doleful hoot9 , about BeAe.ty-flve yards; then Jesse moonllght DeBOiate without comes baOfe, andl I. have not seen Qpg WUll Since. Any place l8 desolate that Christ Jim Tinman: "jaaie rnnups wm nQt enter Woe are we wlthout Willis Ingram, commencea arguing hlm A -Anil sm Warlaahnrn " tlAAl uu ' anV7;,rpv, ,,;a It Wa Made Desolate by tho Rent the Carter place, and Jadle Pmilips cursed Willis Ingram, and Willis i Ingram jumped out of the wagon first and Jadle Phillips afterwards; in the Vail When Christ cried on the cross with a loud voice and gave up the Son Robinson, Jesse Phillips and . ghost the vail ln the temple was myself gets out of the wagon also, J rent. This separated the holy of ho- and I told Willis Ingram to give me lies. Into that place no man went the knife .but he told me he would not do it, they were all trying to impose on him, and I grabbed him by the wrist, and he said alright and gave the knife up.'.' The Stenographer's Innings. Law Notes. On a trial In a certain court in this State, when the witness on the stand was being subjected to a mer- clless; cross-examination, In answer ing one question the .witness nod ded. Whereupon the court stenog rapher, who was crowding the lim it to get it all and could not see the witness, at once demanded: "Answer that question," to which the witness replied: I save the high priest, and he only once a year. But when the priests accuse him who is mighty to save, when sol diers nail him to a foreign cross, the temple vail must bear the mark of a desolate world wrapped In a mantle of sin. It Was Made Desolate by the Altar Losing Its Charm. The sacrifices offered on its altar were typical of that one great sac rifice that Christ offered of almself. He was the lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. He of fered himself a sacrifice sufficient to satisfy divine Justice and reconcil I us to God. That sacrifice was Unionvllle circuit M. T. Steele. Waxhaw W. F. Sanford. Weddington Seym ore Taylor. Rev. J. H. West, who 'was pas- the holy place, then lot them that lt,r oc ne waaesuoro Memoaisi are in Judea flee unto the moun- church for four years before last tains." j "ear oe8 to Leaksville. Last year Now Josephus, the great Jewish Mr- w8t was at Concord. i historian, who was an eye witness Mp KJkep VWu 8t.hwu of whlu. of the destruction of Jerusalem by ... .. ,,j Store and Ijiiu-hlxiro. the Romans some forty years after . Jesus' death, tells us that tho Ro-J Th Past week was spent ln visit-j man army "without any reason ln lnS the schools in White Store and the world" withdrew from the city Iauesboro townships. I am well during the siege. And he Bays that pleased with the work that I saw many of the principal men of the ln progress. The teachers Impress city took this opportunity to depart me boln& whole-souled and much from the city as from a sinking ship, interested ln their work. The type Aealn JoseDhus says that when th j OI wof ociag done is rar better Roman army returned a great mul-!tnai'' n tn rural schools of some tltndo fled" to the mountain. J otneivcounties tnar. i nave visited fmni nthor historians of an ear-! Taken as a whole the attendance ly day we learn that at this June-' 18 much better than that of last ture all the followers of Christ took year at this time. Let us keep thl refuge in the mountains beyond the UP- Let teachers, pupils and pat rona make a special effort to make this the best school year of our his tory. it Is very gratifying to visit a school and find the building and grounds in good condition. It shows for the first time la 1906 and pass ed two billion in 1899. Import ln the 10 months amount ed to 11,511,000,000 and exports to 11,871,000,000, making It apparent that the Imports of the full year ated In Macedonia, will b s-nt by rail a speedy as pos!ble to rein force the Bulgarians att.u-klng thJ Tchatalja line. Their placed will b.j taken by the Bulgarian 1912 rec ruit who, after three weeks' training ar will approximate 1, 800,000,000 and. b,,D drafted Into Macedonia foe the export $2.300.000.00. total- garrison duty. ling 4, 100, 000, 000. T" on,y Dew of military lmpor- Import have practically doubled tance tonight la the occupation oC ln value since 1901 and exports Ochrlda, a large town near Monastir, have practically doubled since 1904. the Servian. The positions at The exports of domestic product, ' Adrtanopte and Scutari is apparently which had never touched the two-'unchanged. billion mark until 1911, will in J Official statements Issued at 1912 approximate the two and a. Vienna, conrlnue to deny the report quarter billion dollar mark, while pd W!" preparations. Letters from the imports of foreign merchandise Vienna have reached London, how in the present year will probably fall ver. confirming the reports that slightly below the high record of the strength of the lx different $37,250,000 in 1911. army corps is being increased and One of the striking features or 'that a large number of restrvista the rapidly-enlarging Import trade have been called out. is the Increase ln Import or non-dutl ' . able merchandise. In 1902 it was , Second DrKTre Verdict Given to NkrinA Allen. WythevlUe. Va., Nov. 22. Guilty or murder in the second degree wa Jordan, thus fulfilling the prophet ic warning of their Lord. It Was Made Desolate by Uie Suf fering Which Befell the Jew There. During that siege by the Romans ( that some one is interested in the famine and pestilence were not en- school. Patrons, do not depend on durable ln . the city. your teachers to do all the work The famine devoured the people j Visit the schools, show your inter- by whole families. The upper rooms est ln every progressive move of the teachers, and lend your aid, for they alone cannot make a good school Remember that a good school is the life of any community. PAUL J. KIKER, . County Supt., of Schools. "I did answer it; I nodded my,enougn, ana mere was no iurmer reason for a sacrifice for sin. Tne altar was useless. ' Now instead of offering bulls an I goats on that altar the people ate head." The stenographer, without a mo ment's hesitation, came right back with. . "Well; I heard it rattle, but ' them for food and on he strength of could not tell whether It was up ' that food went many days preaching And down or from side to side." 'Christ, of homes smelled of dead bodies. The lanes of the city were filled with the dead bodies of the aged. As for burying the dead, the sick were not able to do it, and those who were not sick were deterred by the uncertainty as to how soon they should die. Many went to their cof fins and lay down In them before the fatal hour came. And a histo rian says, "Now every one of these died having their eyes fixed on the temple." How desolate was that house! One pitiful case is related. A wo man in her hunger snatched her nurselng Infant from her bosom and said to it, "O, thou-miserable in- Beginning cf a Canning Industi1- While some places are boasting of the number of cabbages which have been shipped to them, the S. M. Brooks Canning Co., of Morven, has this season, shipped eight loads of canned vegetables and : fruits, besides supplying the local demand. Sir. S. ,M. Brooks, who manages this company, moved to this county a few years ago from fant, for whom shall I preserve theej Alabama, and has built up this busi- in this war, this famine, and thisjness within' the last three years, sedition? Come on now and be tnou; Conditions here are very favora- -'.-- '.'-.- ';! WATCI! V . .... ! ! ' iV , ' ,V : . . . - 'j 1 . ' '.:! ' . . , - t . - ..z.-Tii? my food and a bye-word to the na- tions.which is all that is now want ing to complete the calamity of the Jews." With : this saying she slew, roasted and ate her child It Was Made Desolate by Internal Strife Among the Jews During Its Siege, During the siege by the Romans the Jews fought among themselves around ' their, temple. . Dead bodies they heaped up, their own blood they let, their own city returned the terrible echo and bemoaned their misfortune. : Many of those venerable men who presided over the temple and wore priestly robes were cast out of the ble to the canning industry if suffi cient vegetables and fruits are rais ed to supply the demands of can ners, and, as climatic conditions make raising many vegetables and fruits extremely easy, H there is no reason why we should not develop a large canning industry in Anson. The Southern farmer can plant a crop of cotton, sow crimson clover in. it in September, turn the clover down for corn in the spring, raise a crop of corn and cowpeas, follow the corn with oats, sow cowpeas af ter the oats, sow rye after the cow peas, and be ready , for cotton again in the spring. ' Isn't there money In such farming, and a wo n- city naked to become food for dogs. I derful chance to Improve the soil? but 1409,000,000 and ln 1912 seems likely to approximate $975,000,000. This iicrease ln foreign trade while distributed among all the grand divisions except Africa is es-' lhe verdict of the Jury in the case peclally apparent in the trade withof Sldna Allen for the murder of neighbors on the American Contl- Judge Thornton L. Massie at Hills- nent. vuie, va., ftiaren 14, last, wtien tna Tho Atlantic ports get the lion's Allen elanmien shot up Carroll coun share of the increase in imports, i tT court, killing five persons. Pun but the Northern border and Pacir-I ishment was rUed at 15 year in. lc coast ports show the largest per- the State penitentiary at Richmond. centage of gains in exports. Rev. C. H. Martin will preach at Mt. Olive Thanksgiving Day at 10 o'clock. Miss Ethel Ashcrart, who is study ing to be a trained nurse in a hos pital in Wilmington is with her mother, Mrs. K. W. Ashcraft, who is quite sick at her home on the LHes- vllle road. The case was given to the jury at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but they were unable to reach an agree ment until 1 o'clock this afternoon. On the first ballot the Jury stood 6 for first degree, 1 for second de gree and 6 for acquittal. Immediately after the discharge of the jury, the prosecution announced that It would next take up another indictment against the . prisoner, that charging the murder of Com monwealth's Attorney William M. The greatest number of bushels of Foster and the court fixed December corn made by a member of the An- 1 a the date of trial. It was an- - i Bon county boy's corn club was 104 3-10 bushels, made by Francis Liles, the 15-year-old Bon of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Liles, of Lilesville. nounced that the next venire would be summoned from different places and from lhe eastern part of tha State. Until the case of Sldna Allen ia disposed of nothing will he done in, Consoling the ratient. the case of bis nephew, WeBley Ed- "Sorry, Brown," said the doctor wards. after the examination, "you're in a The prisoner received the verdict very serious condition. I'm afraid (with no show of emotion, which I'll have to operate on you." "Operate?" .gasped Brown. "Why, I haven't any moneyd for operations. I'm only a poor workingman." "You're insured, are you not?" "Yes, but I don't get that until I'm' dead." "Oh, that'll be all right," the doctor, consolingly. was also true of his wife, who sat beside him. However, the strain of the trial shows plainly on him. He has lost considerable flesh and ap pears worn and dejected. said Miss Anna Tyson will re-open the old Anson Hotel next Wednesday. Under the new management it will be known as the Central Hotel. FOR RENT Good two or three horse farm on the river in Liles ville township. Farm wll make from 20 to 30 bales of cotton. Sea T. A. Home at Lilesville, N. C. For Thanksgiving cards, or any other kind or post cards, books, jew elry &c go to B. H. Crowder's. And here is another pitiful case All the food a woman had was taken from her and her' children by rob bers. By Imprecations and reproach es shft tempted them to take her life) with her bread. At last she made a feast. Hunger found a lamb. A part she ate, the rest she concealed. - The smell of food brought the wolves. The robbers appeared demanding the rest! With (Continued on 4th page)." Progressive Farmer. .... Dr. W. H, Wakefield of Charlotte will be at the National Hotel In Wadesboro on Wednesday. Dec. 4th, for one day. The doctor's practice is limited to the medical and surgi cal treatment of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat - diseases and fitting glasses. ' . Be at the opening of the Central Hotel Wednesday evening. - ,.,..-, f .... .w - at mrw:-w- IF ITS INSURANCE WE HAVE IT We represent several good re liable companies. We also buy and sell Real Es tate on commission and lend money on good security. ' We solicit your business. Offce in the Hardison Buldg. Wadesboro Loan & Ins. Co. Phone No. 234 Office in Hardison Bids (

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