The Chowanian Motto for 1925-26; Bigger and Better Better and Bigger! Vol. 3 COLLEGE DIPLOMAS INSTEAD ROLLING PIN FOOUSBAND Married Women Enroll At Chowan And Mates Will No Longer Fear Hus band’s Punisher Sign the subscription blank in this issue and don't miss an issue. Olowani Four Pages Murfreesboro, N. CFriday, September 25, 1925 One Section No. 1 SHEEPSKIN TO TAKE ITS PLACE IN HOME They Are Equipping Them selves To Hold To That Which They Now Have Hail the advent of college di- necmaii; uas plomas to take teh place of rolling ^^ftball, Mary Brumsey; Volley bal pins in managing husbands! The Jones;hiking, Susan Barnes starter^th'J^tics Students Enjopd NEwrosmpM Freshie Catches “Chowanitis” Within rHnWANfnMPTC Girl« Have Begun Program for _ ^ Foi«’iano Teacher Remembers Few Minutes After Arrival at College COLLEGE By Mrs. Weaver '• “TOOK OFF” FOR. ANOTHER SESSION Girls Have Begun Program for Year. Athletics Play Big Part College Life Athletics started off in lively fashion with a volley ball game be tween the freshmen and the upper classmen. The freshmen took th first laurels of the season. Athletics is playing a very largs part in the life at Chowan Colleg« this term. Ujder the efficient lead ership of Miss Ruggles, Physica Education Instructor, the Athleti Association has been organized: President, Lizzie Jones; Vice President, Lucille Freeman; Secre tary, Edna Hedepeth; Treasurer Mary Brumsey. Leaders have been selected fo the different sports, as follows: Soccer, Lucille Freeman; bas ;hiking, Tennis, Willie Blount; Track, Ha zel Griffin; Swimming, Madie Wade; Gym, Miss Ruggles. Soccer, volley ball, and hiking seasons rave already begun. pins in managing husbands! The Ertrance of a number of mar ried girls in Chowan College this fall leads to the belief that the art of controlling and keeping a husband is evolving to a standard that requires educated diplomacy to supplant the sceptre swayed by CITDCfpiDrp rAMPAirN the monarchial Maggie over Jiggs, wUDuvIVIDLft v/Hllf Alull Although safely embarked on the sea of connubial bliss, four girls are declaring to their sister| friends yet outside the nuptial .■ i ir.r» n pales that self-sufficiency for themi Almost 100 Percent is not attained in the mere ability Subscribers. List Growing to win a husband. Training minds! Rapidly Daily and tact they must have in order! to hold them, and the bird in hand! , Ine subscription campaign for Dressed up in Attire of Little Boys and Girls, They Re turned to The Days of Their Childhood Foi**iano Teacher (an Spirit and Say. It £xi«t» At Milligan (By Mary Lou Jones, ’29) Slowly we got out of the car! p|»'ng is an excerpt from a before I was to leave and started up the steps. The letti-eived recently by Dr r w» Chowan, pleasant smile and cheerful “glad^ - ^ thrilled” that I could to-see you” from a girl standing^ Weifrom Miss Sarah Hughes hardiv fini I from a girl standing Wh rmerl^ piano teacher at finaJlv wpnt '■ “s I * who i.= now Director of chance f there was no so lost were we in our thoughts Aeroanutically, She Taxied (Milligan College, Tenn. house”-^L^niinw*'” ^ ^ From Her Landing Field everything is lovely and be on my wav September 9 to 78th here, I shall never for- Chowan. see plainly written on their faces I r », to 78th Id Chowan and the many * ^ at Cofield the '’^ally our destination? ds will not be forgotten ^ found a crowd of girls , ^ Chowan that we have* I Hpht n-f j- T waiting to be mnvo^ro/^ +U heard the e* rnxro 1TT1 I Cha Mu DR, LIDDLE DRESSED AS INFANT PRODIGY The Most Dignified and Lof' ty Minded Threw Aside Stately Mien BEGAN LAST SATURDAY viewed in comparison with those in the bushes they, no doubt, con sider worth the extra effort. Per haps too the game of having and holding appears to be as lively as the game to the single miss of catching one of the two or more perched afar in the bushes. Three of this number of stu dents carrying the extra weight of a husband’s care are returned stu dents. Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth, ne* Ed-a MillJ, a senior snd presidenti the Chowanian began last Satur day morning, September 19, where all good work should start, at home. The chapel p-'riod was giv en to the staff to j. resent their appeals and plans to the students After a short talk on the general feature of the paper, the Editor in-Chief introduced the members of the staff, each of whom respond ed with a few striking remarks in the interest of the Chowanian Miss Souter, Business Manager An amazing transformation like the plea expressed by the poet, “Backward, turn backward, 0 Time, in your flight Make me a child again, just for tonight.” was effected Saturday night, Sep tember 19, when the students and faculty, in response to Mrs. Wea ver’s invitation, dressed like little girls and boys and gathered a» the home of Dr. and Mrs. Weaver. Mrs. Weaver was assisted in entertain ing by Misses Margaret Vann and Leona Caudle. With all the gleeful joy of child hood days, each one enjoyed the Session -- .fev/i-ccii ' “ - —&11X3 , LiiiiL we nave ^ Th(* debt of gratitude I owe ‘o th “^ard the girls rave about? Why [STUDENTS ALREADY Chd^ The inspiration, the . “A. Everyone®^ "1^- ^ave we come to this DOWN AT H A »r> wnoir ’ - - ■ - ^batting gaily, and as I didn’t ’ (Pardon me, please but AXID WORK l.-n U - 1 1». , _11 . * \ Ijand joy I received while ri omq as i aian » ii«iuun me, piease but ^beautiful memories. I . alone I got busy modesty will not allow me to ex ; everything that is good *be names of all the J’“st what was running Chang , everything that is good nai..,, ^ Jful will come to Chowan f' , ***"' ® “Chowan Col through my mind at that time.) !, for she is a trrand nM ’ Pennant on her handbag. \ shown to our rooms There were three girls in the separated from my compan Chris- grand old and deserves nothing —giiis in tne : .1 ‘ 1 !St. The same Chris- I came over in—all new ^ “"’y persons that I knew -phere and spirit that who sat next to fu P'ace. But I didn’t mind " ' " ■ ' that, for every instant I felt it be. -T, "iJ'in. mat ® ""‘o sac nex existt^howan is here, and I talked about her ideas thii* is the thing that ‘ ‘ ’ ouuui, ner laeas of j i leii ic oe. Chowan; just what she expected increasingly necessary for maMe happier than anyth'ng and so forth, and I in "within the seclusion o£ turn told of of my wild imag- "’™- I" one glance eyes took . _^st wishes for a success- ‘"'"gs concerning the College of !" j . ‘^“"tents of my room ful y am our destinaHnn i landed Since,-c^y yours, Sj-HUGHES WHITE. BIG R IS FACING and Have our destination. landed on something hanging on “Oh, it’s known for its beauti-'mo ‘^’’^sser. Curiosity prompted ful campus, historic grounds and tt ° .’"''^ft'S'a'te. It was a very wonderfu' old buildings,” said one bv the Y W 4 prepared girl. “Mother went there and she hL says it’s-a marvel.” it. Why, tha6 'RARV QftriCTICC " ^''Sduated there two'cent^of'^v ®®''®"ty-five per .KAKl OUUtllES another, « and 7ck rlrX’ 1’v^b.rd her talk so much about firson^hyttal hoiri" Made At College And New Faculty Faces Seen Aeronautically speaking, Chowan College taxied from her landing field, took off” to a flying start on September 9 for the seventy-eighth ^ annual journey around the world, ^ with the greatest staff of ofl^icers ever assembled by her in charge, and crowded to the gunjiels Cby the way do airships have tho things, and is that the way - •' spell it?) with happy swiliKg passengers. In other rords, , Chowan College opened Se| mber ^ 9 with the largest enrollmtnt o£ i bona fide students in the histbly' large# games and stunts. First a line was'^ it thaVT'CnT' .'"“7 i person that was a,s h, formed in couples, and in sprightlyj Twoidents Have Joined is going to loo“k ^ that, step enlivened by “peppy’ music,! F,to Arrange Fine I feel the leL bt'UlT t ’ ' I" « moments I got up nerve, they inarched around twice whilel p 'to a niacp T', going enough to venture out in the hall judges were stationed to decide,! f « Program {Everybody loves"^crowar f "^y are nard at the winner of the prize offered fo^ „ T , , hardly wait to get there"; , S I ™et students wear an expres#' Thus we passed the time wish W I didn’t know joy that signifies their d . . "'isn I her. The next one knew me, and returning; and the new of the college, and’ the senior class in years. All the students now haV' schedules and courses and are hard at work. o£ her class, is a bride of only al , - little moie than one moon’s dura "’ade her appeal from the point of ,tion, having been married Avigust; '“y^^'ty and merits of the publica- ^ 12. After so recently and so l-en ' substantiate her claims derly .vowing fidelity to each other^ “till death do us part,” the lure ofi -■ the fountain of knowledge snatch 'readers of the Cho a wav she read a number of laudatory ' J comments gleaned from letters re oi.cLtn 'readers of the Cho now the dis Iranian of p'eminence and good the most typical little boy and; PWlans and prospects for' Thus wo j girl. Dr. Liddell, dressed like an in-, the tiiary societies at Cho- ino- that th j time, wish fant in long clothes, received onJwa„l|„ th^ biggest year in up^”‘ ton we"rameT„'‘^a‘look"‘as if the^want to'sa prize. This infant prodigy staggerJ their The two presidents and were told ^ ^’^ted to admit that I had "We’ll soon fopl n» mn ed thru the bewildered and enviouJmustJthought of little else' “A^d her' forgotten any of my old friends as you do •’ crowd with outstreched hands ex-( duriJimmer, judging from'lege ” said thp^t; I ^ "'ant to make anyone feel’ Durincr' tho ' pressing her inarticulate joy andl the Attractive plans they ed through the p r""’ f sa-l-too, spoke “in a friendlv has beeif done delight by coos and cries for alii bav^or the year. Their en borran^t,,^!/-^ /Io’ way.’^ But I was n^Ied buildiri ^ ancg al ».n.h, .M .n., ."1 ‘f*? '* ™ S«"'! p!-~' S.™ . was given the prize for'the'mo"sti thenUptting the spirit and at Chowan ‘'buTLl typical little boy. She wore are Shpln nnf i . , ut all knickers, and a wide straw perched carelessly on her The two prizes, which were round like an automobile tire, but much -mailer and covered with blue rib- l^'ceivea irom readers of the Cho bon,seemed to puzzle those childish e"'"g- , wanian of p 'ominence and good ■ ird to know how to use th.-m He. the "Iner. eave'^tiiFplaps in Oie adver orna\entally to the use of sleovo ’■ hooting.) I vpntnroH luu) Lnat i nadn't room. However thev~«i co^'' lesborp separates the coup^j gave her plans in the adver W. K. McLean, alsoi tjsing end of the business, and ur ged each girl to assist her by solic iting 'advertisements from ^ thei home towns. Miss Hood, Circula tion Manager, made an interest ing talk on the value of the Cho wanian for material and persona possession. As it will contain a memi,er of the seni'fc- clas^ quired her prefixed MRS. degree sometime before she matriculated; at Chowan three years ago in pur suance of an affixable A. p. de gree. Mrs. J. M. Sewell, of Mur freesboro, nee Elsie Gordon, is a little mai came in treesboro, nee e/isic possession, as it wui >• student in voice and piano and complete account of every phas also taking some literary subjects.j activity of the college life du She was formerly in the employ ''I, ^he year, she held up the Cho bands There was an outburst of merri ment when a lisping wearing a slouched hat _ leading his monkey tied to a string After the monkey danced arouni and exhibited other ape-like an tics, the pomegrannate cheeked lit i^nci. tie man passed his hat around for, aairant entrance intoj ir-coll^e debates some- jped in front of a building, the|exno=ed = columns of whicui-V' ~ ;eptain plans to work ^Watri a common end, yjjvii^.j/h competition prevaiffl tinish incentive to strive I ( bt work and more excellei'‘es’ An’f held each i.ujcu ..well, will b^ificiiiiitirest and abil to had j a severe ocse ■> lAiCKi. nkp to 'FIVE YEARS MAKES A CHOWAN SPIRIT SEEN 11^ 'nep,t^,i to meet at niMi Many new faculty have ti,e- pHs,. nickels. Another interesting thing ''^^®.time dig t .„o DIFFOT CHOWAN: sSt who Has Attended^^;-^ Iwiificiiintirest and abil I anil fther Additions ! Finds Dis- h,! "1'^. ?'‘°^®®®or of Bible, ’h! there § the college as secretary to wanian as^very desirable to keep^j^^ paper walking contest, im A usys president. Mr. and Mrs. .Se^elJ have a ^ I , thia ite(f Althouft there may be nothing . I new un/r the sun, if those who paying society have n/ visited Chowan for the He in the „ riOHA' W HOOt,, ™f" B, 0, p.„, „ „ „ KS/or . y.„ /jTi,f7n aesirau.e .u the paper warning ^ rsystetf paying society have n/ visited Chowan for thpl By full history of the ^^hich the faculty chiefly particiJ dues Sbeen .Ati out. Each past f/ or five years would sud-l sPeak, the writer Palestinp 4 “ d'“'. ^ balf in - . 1, I- |pated. After several exciting trials g^udej to i^a f)udget, part denly/^^^’n, they would fee) f-hnf!school befnro ^^^f^nded a stat« turer H ’• *.1 Army lec- fourth student c^rying the di^ - stirring talks a shoW|with diflerent ones for elimination, .^^hvill h#«|rd the initia- ther/igbt be an exception to be'and perhaps ha"?""? *^*’owan;j rg,j 'ate war, Dr. Bur- ty of a prefixed Mrs. is Mrs Clay J those who Professor Macey and Mrs. Clayton s«tj expense and ma. Perhaps, Kp.„ - I''eil visited T? r.lo-^rtnn nfl . ,, _ linn^TC of the i.u- J. xy ui * 'jt'oi riaxius wao — ton, wife of Dr. W. F. Clayton, o^ .^^^j^hed to subscribe, and girls were were the science department, bhe js '^e- ^he names. contest. membered in Murfreesboro as ^ With the faculty already 100 pe Some * * member of the Murfreesboro High g^^ong on the subscription list ment were a quartet sung back of e:3meste. School faculty last yei.r and a( ^ number of collections made wards by Genievieve Miller, Maud* TVcers of he t married in April last. I for students’ subscriptions, and Buchanan, Moella Askew, and ar Ifows; lavc -•* ••• « voiicge 01 a differsnfl ■ Elmira M V ravorski of the VVU11VK.1110 Ul^CVlP’LW Uc paiU Some other features of entertain in ace, halfvt W beginning s/s like a new Chow’aii. "| At Chowan'wTfo^'^'l'i. i. I Elmira N '“vorski of ► ."’^"'fested as soon as wtl graduated from Elmira societies/ 'fowan""'‘ t‘h''"^ "oticeable about! atmosphere and“?he dlmoS;?^ departmen? ^fowan IS the newness of the manifested as soon eraduatf.H f fast building, which has been im her gates ® C°"ege School nf j™"' roved by addin., new 'f: hare a charLff!.: tauirht r° . Musi Madam ■ .. for stuaents suuocuptions, ana Buchanan, Moeiia askc , ar rows; j „ building, which has been im i entered her gate? Ti. College School e » Elmira This instance makes it a ^"e^ ^ more Virgie Johnson, who with backs AIENIAN-Prelent, M#roved by adding new stpn! .' hare a charLtprt,=f g'rla'taught in T i Music, and ha'* tion for discussion whether matn-^ ^ indicated her intention turned to the audience, sang “Ma- rietWger; vfe-PtHent, /y renewing the inner wall so tTat' making the new °‘'’er Southern''r"ii and mony does clip the soaring wing^ « Monday ry Had a Little Lamb;” Lyndal welW; Sec. taryPene/it gives the appearance of haviW ^'’i^ «t once. Nrstude^t^'"'® have char« "f th^^. '^i>' of ambition from a girl. Matn^.^^^ ^ ^ p^^gggsing the Denny and Edith Oakley sang a BroCensor, J ora utler/' been made entirely over rS "itbin the door of rl Club ■ mony and ambition are senousiyi salesman personality plus, to duet that they learned in the days teW'.Uic. usar Ba/> oflice of the dietitian (who by the ^ n°t love the verv walT**" ‘chorus. She i, « , • " pitted against each other m th j town of Murfreesboro gone by; and an extemporaneous Tr*. Mary,l*ync /_ (way, ,s quite efficient this o„'College. a fPol;„„ y/fi’s of the has » ,.„il . of abilit hearts of probably every ambitious subscriptions in a house to play was staged under the direc —xir-»rvian Tf. 1R iHnw at)t)ar“l. rr«i— i-u« ^^o?rm Miss Vann, entitled **Gath young woman. It is mow appa^rj Thgn the campaign tion ui !«.=.= - ent that marriage does not always extended by correspond ering of the Nuts.” still the voice of aspiration in^the vigorously and perisi-^-"*'” ~ ' until at least 600 names are )e exLenueu ciiiig va h*, vigorously and perisistently This was a party in which the'Deireasurer Evel- ^| -, *'■ “““"'J' ‘-ne memory of n at least 600 names are on the ^^st dignified and lofty minded CM.izzie Jo'^esi^^.y, Upon descend-ng to the dining','^'^’o had this same snirit anH ^“''^™bia VrTiver^ilJVr'' *ron mailing list of paid up subscrip-threw aside their stately mien andjCljlhe Blount; Gif',.^ | hall, the girls had to c1o.sp t-ho;» i’ve on in thp and la.!t 7’, York tlirCW CtOlUC - ^ allowed their cares to steal silent- ic,: Cobb: Coij ly away. Dr. Weaver, dressed in Se, Vida Dunnir short trousers, with a red bandanjL’_- handkerchief tied around hi,|f^ soul of a young woman that leads her to make the necessary sacri- fice in getting a college education I tjoj,g_ Other questions as to the femi | nine motives in education may p,.p,c pQR FOUNDERS arise. Does a girl seek knowledge! .m ti-Ii: MAKINO na handkerchief tied around hi • ■ NOW IN THb presented a striking appear —I-- - — ance of Tom Sawyer, of the comic situation to be encountered In tho Founder’s Day, the annual day strips. Dr. Clayton was very nifty life, whether foj. commemorating the founding .j^ith his pink bow tie and aiOIie i*IlU PTl tl^r _ J! 19AQ will be held , . hoiy. noV+pH 1T1 with a , and stronger sex? Any theory that propounds the girl’s incentive to pursue wisdom solely in 9,i3Jer to cultivate sufficient Kjhafm to en snare the man of her choice is blasted to smithereens. Even af ter his is safely entrapped, we must conclude from the example of the aforementioned young la dies, te game has not ended. It is only begun. In the class with Fords lOI K.11UW1CW&^ O V,. — ^T herself to better cope with the, situation to be encountered In tho great adventure of life, whether foj. commemorating the founding looking with his pink bow tie and traveling alone and independently ^f the college in 1848, will be held j^^^gg trousers, and hair parted in __ ...iti, „ companion of the bolder this year on Tuesday, October 13 middle. Hair hanging loose, and » * Chowan College vras founded on j^ggggj jj, hows of ribbon and we-, October 11, 1849, by Portsmouth ^jjg ribbon sashes around Association of Virginia and the thg ;,vaist of short dresses, the Chowan Association of North Ca j^g^^bers of the faculty appeared rolina. Later the Portsmouth As- juvenescent, sociation surrendered its interest rp^ crown the evening of reju- in the college when Virginia be agnation refreshments were serv- came a seperate entity denomina which consisted of candy and' tionally and still later the Chowan p^j,gh. Association was divided into two known as the Cho PARTY WILL BE t) ADDED ,,RARYMEr l^L phonograplis, and houses bought the installrhent plan, the first on tne inscaiimciiv cost of a husband is not the last, and in order to be able to pay and pay ly as the movies put it—the paj r-- -- price of a husband’s perpetual care and affection, they must take time off to store up a copious fund of knowledge. ,\n appropriation of $40,000 for the care and education of criopled children of the State was made at the recent session of the Npw York Legislature. associations, tt.nuwii v*.- --- wan and the West Chowan. Thes two associations supported the col lege until the beginning of th Seventy - Five Million Campaigi when the Baptist State Conven tion took over the college as a par of their state educational system The Founders’ Day speaker thi year will be Senator Sumner Bur All applicants for teachers’ cer tificates in Wyoming must pass an gwyn, of Woodland, - — features of the celebration will b the meeting of the Alumnae Asso elation and the Board of Trustees , wnn.iii.g, — The evening program will consis , niittee planning this party of a musical program presented hy it is to be held for the purpose the Department of Music, unde i of raising money for the Y. W. A oming must pass an the direction of Professor Thos | expen_ses^ | examination on the Constitution of ^ L. ’n® ey Railroad revenues in Czecho the Unit^ States and of ^^e A detailed ^ State of Wyoming. N. C. GIVEN ON THE CAMPUS A lawn party on the college cam pus will be given by the Y. W. A. of Chowan College, on Monday ev ening, September 28. There will be everything to add to the air of festivity, including different kinds of refreshments of $100.00 ijv Dr. J. L. Pi. . „ N. C., to tiyO.i'O ;’about a yeai 'V . C. Askew, t->- ■ and Miss establish a W fund in honi the* and step-mo bo-n :i were studef Cr.’>- llege. j „ t Elizabeth 4 _Prt>- nother, atteifhis in the yeii'oo-.'l- Mrs. RacB Spivey the girls had to close their ’''® on in eyes and look again. It seempH *’°‘iy and as if they irere entering some ex |‘^°iie8^e. Clu, tea shop, instead of th Christian influpn. same ro^ they have known fo ®^«ry one, and shed^ r several »ars. ^ very decide a pe^eful “ ‘ ceived a new^"jl„^_h«rs have re | ^_Th« all its spirit and now'nd ^",'versity. New York " ■' 'I.* s “tK ’S't‘ of is^MifsTena Terr^ _of Alabama. Miss Terry ha^ George Peab'^od/coT rnr,ndr.ido., =’,,.‘:dT,^ npp®s in harrhoniy (cer, calls forth thp hoof n,_j. ? lomics at Baylor Universi°”'^^'^°”' The Dean of Women, orful drap.'=“S^i.nenea „ r -^iuus nandiwork of h;™l“ ®° be the collee'p nh-,L;..- '“ V windows, and the «s at the ° created all that is beautiful I years, is Dr Cnr^pj°J, shades for the lights, “resque^ | Williamson of London Enelanrf dining room was renoytfn th« ® ^^'SAPPOINrMENT TODAY ® graduate of Tufts Cofwf' rd, step-motl| heth Spivej William Pri to them w 1, namely: Pritchard, J. L. Pritch ^— uiiieieiit vx , J ^ i^ru' OtheP games and stunts, the Mystic Wo- j^^fanche I o aiiu 01-V4..W, ^ liiancne man has already been engaged to Le tell fortunes. “A good time for all pntcha ?_ il cil-vrpaTl * i Lcii .... ft - iary rntcu« is the working slogan of the com glizabet: ‘ritcha sef’- i P. Snipe A uetaiieu piugian. j the next issue of the Chowanian. the deatl illtam Pi her sistei 1908. 18l- ml^ li in ’8- orn fife ine colors replace®® harrfioniz I ^alls forth the A charming effect'S table cloth?.! g.rl by keeping before'her' °ean of Women‘''ti,'®''®:. bv the colorful draV;engthened '"‘"'velous handiwork of himlfi!®“ college physician T iw'indows, and the at the =reated all that is beautifiTi^®., ' for the lights, uresque I dining manager principle that fooo is mure ns cne toil and care’ able when presented well an^l Who will guide our footsteps’ the midst of pleasing surroundinji^'iU they lead anywhere? ' The fourth floor of the Eas building has the joy of students'^right after another- living in her rooms this year swiftly on their wav - • » . . 1 VP»r% . y. dsor, 1. Window rd (M n, N. jewist t a roodlaro, his fi-st ard latei achel S^i , this _ ^ _ w.cii again. It has been several years hours "of “opportu'IiX -ince those rooms have been full on day by day in addition to those m the oth«r ^ buildings. Regard ?are to take them’ Improvements have been made makthrother, stay' the post office and book store^ ELIiOW before you -»s of TODAY post onivc aityA which enables the mail to be deliv i ered more promptly, and the sup-^ Trenton, SmTth Pa plies to be more easily purchased, of the building. 29 l,na. Miss Bryant is ^ S,, tl,o nrpsident is now improvements ai- —— Winthrop CoIIpJp ®^raduate of ji^^ndfa*’^^" ^ mission's SSS-i-r; .rcoXirVo?' Sf" •T'""' ga^o^a^ra^VY-S"”';' LT-'m"'. I™']- SoS cS te" thp front room across the ......... yj. uoner ^uum Carolina an/i ,m his old office. This makes it > dents stiH more ^ made from Columbia’ UniveStv' .VP pleasant place in which to are_nlanning to have gtu-! Miss Louisp Y: and no doubt the efficiency of the office force will be strength- mans are weu u.iuei ^ jviarion, Virginia‘''h«rr''''‘u?"- ot the omce i promise much enjoyment , ■ ^ 'rCTnia, has taught phy I V _ j_. a-ro PV . ^ cuucatinn tv, /i ! work, es, the new h-B^eSttse and other improve :r;boTy. T^e'se plans are iAtHe„3;Coireg- .ImenSIn the general appearance;o mature very soo,. ^.;^.^and S-et Bnar I the Posse Normal continued on Page 4)

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