The Chowanian Motto for 1925-26: Bigger and Better Better and Bigger! The Chowanian Sign the subscription blank in this issue and don’t miss an issue. 1 Vol. 3 Four Pages Murfreesboro, N. C., December 4, 1925 One Section No. 6 J.FRANKLINNBABB ADVISES TO FIGHT AGAINSTHANDICAP Every Person Has Some Kind of Obstructlsn, Chautau qua Man Says MUST STRIVE ALWAYS TO OVERCOME THEM He Tells Hearers of Many Noted Persons Who Over came Obstacles “Everything we have that is worthwh’le resulted from handi caps,” declared Ur. J. Franklin Babb, Chautauqua lecturer, v^fho spoke before an audience in the College College auditorium on Thursday after November 26, using as his jct “Handi capped.” A mar. finding himself handicapped in certain ways, sets his brain to work to devise means of o\ercoming the handicap. The outcome was suggested by men tioning numerous inventions of machinery, scientific discoveries Roanoke Rapids Wins In Football College Girls Divide Cheer ing Between Two Teams; Score 21 to 2 FAITHFUL, LOYAL Wofe FOR HER ALMA MATER The football game between Roa noke Rapids High School and the Boykins High School, on Chowan athletic field, November 20, ended with a score of 21 to 2, in favor of Roanoke Rapids. The college girls showed ready scholastic spirit in dividing themselves in two minutes hostile camps, each answering the cheers of the other. The rainy weather prevented as large a num ber of attendants as last year, but even with this a large crowd was there. Roanoke Rapids team from the beginning of the game to the end showed her superiority over her opponent both in line plung ing, end running and ground gain ing, as well as in the air attack. This is attributed to her efficient coach. Boykins team played splen did football, considering the odds were so overwhelmingly against them. They were a little off color due to the fact that they had not played in the last three weeks be fore the game at the college. Roa noke Rapids emerged the victory with three touch-downs to her and other achievements which are the children born of necessity to: credit and the successful goal kick surmount obstacles of inadequacy after each. All that Boykins was of the human physical system. able to chalk up was a safety. The Dr. B-bb said that this was his philosophy of life formed after a long period of thought and study. He always uses this subject in , , , speaking before college audiences, as it is a most appropriate one ‘Or. Babb is a charming speaker. He has traveled extensively and otiidied a great deal. A vigorous and pleasing nersonality lends it self well to the effectiveness of his speech. In recounting some of the vic tories that have been won by ex erting especial effort to rise above diffi'”’lties in the way, the first in stance was a very graphic account of a race. Finland, the greatest dis- stance runner of which there is anv record lost in a race with C.larlii Paddock, of California, i'cferee; Beal, of Franklin, Va, head linesman; Richmond, of Mur- C. W. Davis, Roanoke Rapids. Both teams are eager to play on the college grounds again next year, Glowing Report Of Student Meet Is Brought Back made an extra pli^ging leap to o handicap. When he Clouds r A,. .1.... « '^f Mef/a iled To Chautauqua Gives I Excellent Program j Lecturers, Musicians and Play Were Features In Themselves Miss Eunice McDowell, newly elected Lady to fill the recent vacancy in office of Dean of Women. She has a rare genius for winning ilie love and confidence cf girls. As a confidante in many love afi ..irs, she has caused matches Lo be ma.le some to be broken. f ® MANY i^REAT PROGRAMS Ci rlie Paddock noticed that he _ _ .,, wL some yards back of the start- DURING THE MEETING ini^point, while another was some' yaras ahead of it. By a marvel- Chowan Girls Took Part In lous feat "addock literally leapd programs and Won Hearts •nto the air, and never finished, ® n the ground; he finished and won or Mearers the race in the air. . — ^ • j “Have you ever said '.o yourself, i The inclement weather tried to ‘God is not fair?’” ’^'“d the weaken the heai i.o aiid purposes of spe->ker “We are ' ,o *■ ?rribly 10 valiant hearts which nestled in h^dicapped. Some h.. e nothing, the bosoms of Chowan girls; but and some have everything. Is it fair? Some do no have health, some do not have S' L -al position. To those who ft that things ought to be equalled, he showed that they are equalized. Some '■'people have weak bodies that are not capab’’. l-’i ^^xerting great ph.vsi-al This was in tend,or 1,/'' he .’.mighty so tha. the intt^'ct mi-f.t be always su?i^^ior and be^ble to d?'nand ai contrcfl b^ 'lily streng+h. ihe father of agriculture is hunger. Hunger is an aw. ul handi cap. It means endless trouble and bother to have to spend 30 minutes three times every day eat: ig, jusi strengthened by the presence and optimism of two willing teachers Chowan Students Greet \Vith Cheers The Announcement of Mi-:js4^unice McDoweH’sl) Appoirifrrieht“as Lady’lliid lcn|i “«g The Swarthmore Chautauqua ended a three days’ presentation of extraordinary programj Friday evening, November 27. Each num ber of the series was a feature 'n itself. ' The first day’s program was in charge of Mrs. Marion Ballou Fisk, cartoonist and lecturer; and the Mexican Serenaders. Mrs Fisk’s pictures of queer people whom she had known and the pic tures of beautifully colored scenery drawn while she talked about them were especially pleas ing to the audience. Mrs. Fisk is indeed a clever and unique com bination of cartoonist, entertainer, story-teller and lecturer. Her work was genuinely artistic and there was an irresistible charm in her speech as she went about her work. She entertained for a while both afternoon and night. The Mexican Serenaders, Senor Felipe Llera, Senora Julia Llera and Don Felipe Antonio Llera re ceived much applause and admira tion. The little boy, Don Felipe, 9 1-2 years of age, displayed re markable accomplishment. He is indeed a child prodigy. These Spanish artists rendered many songs in their own tongue. Senor Llera gave some Mexican songs of his own composition. On the second day the Davis Sisters, known as “Sammies’ Sis ters,” for their service during the World War, gave two delightful concerts, afternoon and evening. The Davis Sisters are artists on the trumpets, mellophone, fluegel horn, and euphonium. They play ed many very beautiful selections “Somewhere a Voice Is Calling” and “The Rosary” were especially enjoyed. At the 61 camps which they visited with their music they 1 said these two songs were always ] the boys’ favorites. After the concert by the Davis Sisters Thursdav afternoon Dr, J rKh*—J- ;jped.’' ' ^ The afternoon of tne third an DR. BURRELL GAVE GLOWING REPORT CONVENTON TRIP Meeting Held In Charlotte Was In Many Respects Best Ever Held NO CONTROVERSY OVER EVOLUTION QUESTION Peace Now Broods Over Baptists Instead of An Impending Row Dr. Burrell returned from the Baptist State convention held in Charlotte, Saturday, November 21 and gav’e a report of the great meeting. There were throngs in attendance, and the quality of the delegates, the temper in which matters were discussed, and the manner in which they were dis posed of were especially pleasing. The convention went on record as being solidly behind Chowan College, and showed itself as being fully desirous, of enabling her to fulfill the utmost hope of her ardent supporters and admirers. Provisions were made for Chowan for the year 1925-26. It is under stood that after the year 1926 it will share prorata in educational funds with other schools of the denomination. This means that Chowan College will have little more thpn a year in which to com plete its necessary endowment. The only ones disappointed in the outcome of the convention were perhaps a number of news paper representatives who were on hand prepared to make a big scoo- out of a controversy expected in connection with the evolutio question. Threatening storms tha^ loomed so long in the newspaper.? before and during the assembly faded away to the dimansions of a spring sephyr. No important cha:r.-es were made in any ^liases or aspect (1 •i!# d.The beau'-ifull.\]^-a, ^Ipiious "spiift. I last dav was given over to the She Takes Place of Dean of Women, Using Another T?;le, This To Be In Addit}»jj juniors. They opened their _ __ _ ^n »¥_! f dLT.1 rri*QVM wifVi Q fnwn TYIPPriTie'. I pro- To Her Duties As College Librarian, Office hich Sh,e l^as B^en Holding. _She] K^a^m mth "^aw and order leadership of a greater progran, manifested was 'ratifying to those in charge of the conven tion, and it inspired ''them to th' Has Been Great Factor Iri Life and Growln of Colleg*^ tid Is Endeared To Hun dreds of Alumnae of Chowan. Her Father, Dr. A. McVo^ell, Was First Presi dent of College. 0 commissioners and a health com missioner. Each of these officers gave a report. Their meeting was conducted as much like a real town Genuine, soul-provoked smiles I in turn ev^pecting the best of them, following assisted m the inst'uc-1 t cou^d amus- and joyful clapping followed the Accordingly she leaves the g rls non department under the pre^i-,. resorted to the detective in May, 1881, she es of putting on a pair^of Ian bedroom slippers to creep nr se-^^^'- lessly up and down the halls anu /e„ra.'' listen for vAat migV-ji be g^ng-*’|f ,'hc we inside the doors, -^ith^ •- .;i'’';at taught f announcement made by Dean Ed wards in chapel Saturday morn ing, November 14 that Miss Mc Dowell had consented to come in and one man, they se-t out un-'a'nd fill the vacancy recently left daunted on the lengthy trip to' in the office of Dean of Women for Chapel Hill, October *^0. The the remainder of the term, this Baptist Student con ,.ition wasjin addition to her work as college held there from Ihatifiate until! librarian. the afternoon oi Sunuay, Novem- This office will no longer be ber 1. It would be hard to tell known as Dean of Women, how- just what was the especial and|ever, as Miss McDowell is called ^shejreaches their hearts so most mighty drawing card on this “Lady Principal.” The change ini she can impart to them l ;r trip considering the situation of designating the position was made the convention and the environ-^ to preclude the difficulties that ment thereof. ] cause slight confusion sometimes When the delegation arrived in in making distinction between the Chapel Hill, about 6:30 o’clock two offices. Dean and Dean of tha* evening, the kin'dest and Women. heartiest welcome was awaiting Miss McDowell is excellently up^yi their honor to obey rules of her father. Dr. A. Me-i'"g . —., ^ . J j-u After the Jolly Juniors closed and 'ry out her advice. She has Dowell. Upon her father s death, ^ singing “It Ain’t Any Trouble nevei resorted to the detective in May, 1881, she '.vent to Scot- M-f-L-E ” Miss Teft the measures of putting on a pair^of land Neck, "^ere she was superintendent’ for nc se~ ^ a scnool tnBrv"* lor lu , . .. «o wirvcf infpt'PQt At the end of that period his «rcuit.__made^a most^in^ went to Franklin, Va., and '"K ^’ith' •^..(■'.■at taught there for eight years. After love for girls she wino^'neir 'at- one year at Meredith College and tachment, and through sinc'!re one year in a college at Murfrees- friendship and motherly affection boro, Tenn., she went to Greens- ■' that boro College for Women, and was she'*can impart to them l ;r high there when it was destroyed by and practical ideals of life and in^»-fire. Thence following her educa- still within them some of that tional career to Conway, Ark., for noble culture that is hers. | spvo'^ years as lady principal; from An adroit mind and hand with tl 9r>, ,to Bessie Tift College as youth is further 'attested by the he-.u'l'jf the Latin department for fact that she has been the con- five'years; and five years as dean fidante of many girls in their love a ■■' ‘[‘’tructor of Latin in Averett patine not to mentio;’ lae 'lours them in the form of a steady and fitted for this place. She is a cai/ill&y . . — i A.l__ 1^^ J Tf 1 1 /-’I t f\f\ T\1llC and instructive lecture on Children’s Hour,” illustrating with several entertaining stories to show the benefits of “Children’s Hour.” On the night of the third and closing day the comedy-drama, “Give and Take” was presented. This was a screaming farce on modern business and economic life. The cleverly spoken lines throughout the play kept the audi ence in convlusions of laughter. and hours spent in preparing t. To satisfy hunger everything in the way of agriculture owe ' im- netus. > Th-- father and mother ■of’";”'’h'- c instantly cooler downpour. now seems as if the weather were and possesses a superici g trying to tell us what an outpour-1 for disciplining and winning the ing of blessings was in store for confidence and love of young col- Truly the 'St valuable things lege girls. Her attachment for tectuie and art was homeless;.: ?assiome in disguised form and are the institution is strengthened by Back in the remote ages when m ^.fpard to approach. Well, we all the fact that she was born in the dwelt in the forest primeval shel- k-'ow that everybody’s approach college, and her father, Dr. A. tered by caves one dav i man had,tu th*. pme object cannot be alike,'.McDowell, was its first president, an idea His’ingenious idea was and iiUhis report of the Chapel During her 46 years of active to move a cave upstairs where bears cou’d not block up his front door. Here was the first archi tecture of a home upstairs. Then affairs. She reads love letters Danville, Va., reaches to It loval Chowanian'lOO per cert plus which soime girls bring to her with the year 1920 at which time she, ■ /mpathetic interest. Numbers of returned to Chowan College, and successful matches are to her has been actively connected with he became an artist. In his up stairs fla',!‘sh ;t off so that he could not see *' J '■j,- *^side world, he be gan to bring pic ’ares that he could visualize to oflt^et the disadvi-ntage of being thus walled in. Sickness and diesease, as i- ble as they are, have been bat x of science and medicine, and humanitarianism. The handicap of illness that made science come into its own has meant that through the practice of science the span of life has been lengthened, and now more people may die peacefully and naturally of old age. In the case of the hand, this a /- pendage is only a suggestion *jf what it might hold, but when the V^ain talks to it and tells it what to do, it beats handicaps. It can manipulate machinery and lift tons. In the pugilist ring it is not al ways the mightiest in physical strength -vi*- championships; it is the on that through skill is able to time the blow to greatest (Continued on Page 4) Hill trip’i'oes not exactly coincide! engagement in the educational •vith the dew of some other of field in dealing with young girls, uie delegates it is hoped that they she says she has never yet come to will transfer their vision t^ this| one that she could not get along telcscope. ! with. Her method of discipline. To begin with, then,ki. ^rnote of she says, consists in giving the the entire conference \vas “Christ gyls the very best that she h^ and —Constrained In /an'pus Con quest,” and every lecture, service,. SECOND RECITAL OF SESSION IS GIVEN The second students’ recital of credit in consoiT^ence to her en- the ii.o'-'itution since that time. ^ ; (-he year was given Tuesday eve- couraging the girls tV..t confide in Wheii she became librarian itS|f,ijjg^ November 24. Those appear- her, just as several possible shelves ore sadly lacking and the the program performed matches have been broken on ac- libn\^r was far below the require- pleasing skill and delightful count of her discouraging them. , ments'l’or a standard college. Un- gase. In addition to being a true and der her management its content Following is the program of the ever-ready friend to the present has been swelled to a large number . day student body, Miss McDowell^of voiumes. . , . , . “Sonata,” Op. 49, No^ F. Beet is exce'-,'.ingly loyal and active in the work of the Alumnae Associa tion, of which she has heen presi dent for the past fr^'i'/ears. Miss McDowell gi'aa'Vted in the class of 1878, and for three years or song see:ned to point to th; thought. The w dcome to the vi; ' ing students was given by the d^ of the TTniversiiy of North O lina. Hf asked the patience of all visitors Concerning the weather, and assured them that tb^.t was just a tru“ expression of real wel come givei « » all the j-nost choice people who ijome to Chapel Hill. Dr. Frank Leavell spoke for a fev^ minutes on “Continuing the Con>- ^est.” In his brief discourse, he ; -inted to the fact that no per son* ! given to the world for a sinf le nu. lose, but for many pos sibilities - V-jrvice. Even . ero- planes have wheels and do no fly at all times. In referring to the athletics on campuses, he advocat ed the thought that play is a quite important section of the student’s life, and that athletics should have its place. However, there is danger (Contlnaed on page 4) CHOOL NAMED AFTE FORMER CHOWAN GI The students feel keenly graci- hoven Maidie Wade ous to the Board of Trustees and Reading Louise McDaniel other officials in obtaining the all- wi.>' nd loving direction of Miss Eunice McDowell as lady principal of the college. In a late issue of the Raleigh News & Observer an alumna of Chowan Colley, Mrs. J. M. Bar- .olographet Comes, Mer;;“ A Painful Delay At last! A photographer! The senior class gave a sigh of relief. bee( Jennie Jones, graduate of thej s . • j Class of 18P9) was mentioned asijoy and ecstasy when they spied figuring pr„.rinently in connection the W ooded for an^ ent, careful and skilful The first day of his stay, No vember 1 /, was taken up entirely with seniors, and a few of the fea-i “Fantasia,” W. A. Mozart tures. The following day the! Lois Essex Twilight,” Op. 36, No. 2, R- Friml Mary Stephenson La Zingara,” Hongroise C Bohn Rosalind Home I Passed By Your Window, j Mary,” Brahne Bray | Frances Flythe ‘Second Valse,” Benjamin God ard Rosalie Liverman ‘Noon and Night,” C. B. Haw ley Evelyn White than heretofore attempted, at least since the days of working u for the Seventy-five Million Cam paign. The reports from the convention churches in the matter of addi tions and conversions greatly sur passed those of previous years, and while finances, as usual, lef^ much to be desired, yet indication : are for greater efforts along thi; line in the coming year. One particularly noticeable fea ture of the convention was the ab sence o^ anything in the nature of ovei rlship. A perfect equality of all present, both off and on the platform was maintained. Perhaps one of the most out standing features of the conven tion and subsidiary meetings was the address by Prof. A. T. Robert son, of the Seminary in Louisville, Ky. His charming personality, witty turns of speech, and serious ness of purpose greatly endeared him to all delegates. Dr. Spillman also occupied an important place among the speakers. ■ Mention should be made too of the courte ous, impartial, and cordial way in which the presiding officer. Dr. J. M. Mercer, presided. His pres ence, courtesy and affability did much to make the convention de- light'*’’il. Altogether, North Carolina Bap tists have reason to be proud of themselves, and of the manner in which the business of the Kingdom entrusted to them is being con ducted. With peace brooding ove’’ formerly troubled waters, with tbr brethren relieved of their distress ful apprehension, with the coas’ clear for future operation, there i ample rei.son to believe that tho year 1926 will be the banner year for the convention and its work. freshmen came out smiling from with an event of the Barbee [ photographer. School, ot Raleigh. This school i photographer — ' Griffin, the business manager, had Mrs. McLean, the llitor, and Miss wai I'jamed in honor of Mrs. Bar bee, ‘»'ho was its principal for sev eral ^ears. almost pulled their ha'r out be cause the man they had engaged "a United States flag and Bible would not come, -rhey declared - that the cenes would all be either had recently been presented to the school, and Mrs, Barbee •• the honor of raising the flag. .ri, The Tirst dental college f‘ worn en in the Philippines vy--),pened this year in Manila, vnnection with the Centro Escolar de Senoritas, with a woman dentist as dean. Reading Flora Mae Hood “Elegy,” Massenet Helen Rouillon ‘Etude,” Wallenbaupt Lyndal Denny dressed in their “Sunday best. When Mr. Photographer had fin ished each one said, “I want an extra order before Christmas. Are you sure you can get them before; of the eyes, not speaking of an. Christmas?” The sophmores came unjunior-like grin. , ,, ,1 out in a little more sophisticated! Mr. Photographer worked hard snow scenes or lank and leafless; manner; nevertheless they did not] for three days of that week, and - l.« _l ^ A.- — — X I I iV IV^ ^ PA CODDLE WRITES HIS WEEKLY LETTER TO MOLLY trees shivering in the wind. Final ly Mr. Hamlin, from Suffolk, was engaged instead of Mr. White, the former photographer. The weather was rather “cross and crabbid" to have pictures made, but the girls tried to reflect summer weather in their faces fail to state tliat they’d like to have a few before Christmas. The juniors! Oh, me, oh my! Mr. Ham lin said they were much more stately and dignified than the seniors. They would hardly loosen up their" “austretious’ bearing, to smile around the edges had to return the following Mon day, November 23. He said the Chowan girls were undoubtedly the prettiest set of girls he had ever had the pleasure to photo graph—with the exception of— those other girls to whom he told the same chivalrous yam. Dear Molly» We seei from your letter that yer been to see a Chautauqua there at their collej. 1 ask yer ma what that was, and she lowed it was a She Talker instead of a He Talker. 1 didn't like hit much ’bout you payings out good money to har a She Talker talk, being as how you got as many She Talkers 'round yer every day that yer kin har without paying yer pa's good dough. Lemme tell yer Molly; money is tight up this way. Be careful, and go slow, cate money's tight» Lore from me and your ma, Your Pa.

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