The Chowanian Motto for 1925-26: Bigger and Better Better and Bigger! The Chowanian ytvA- py- Sign tha lubscription blank in this issue and don’t miss an issue. Vol. 3 Four Pages Murfreesboro, N. C., Friday, May 7, 1926 One Section No. 12 OLD OFFICERS OF STUDENT COUNCIL GIVE WAY TO NEW Inauguration Service Took Place In Chapel Friday, April 2 MISS MARGARET AMAN INSTALLED AS HEAD Retiring and New Presidents Make Talks, Stressing Work Ahead Marchirg to the tune of Alma Mater, on the morning of Friday, April 2, the new student govern ment officers took their places on the stage for the inauguration service. Beside the incoming of ficers the officers of the preceding administration took their place in the line. Miss Beryl Souter, the retiring president was chairman of the ex ercises. Before she introduced her successor, Miss Margaret Aman, she made a short talk in her usual attractive manner. Her farewell remarks were indeed im pressive. She urged the students to continue to strive toward the high ideal embodied in student self government. In order to make the student body one of high char acter she developed the idea in a striking manner that it is up to each individual to look inward, purify their own lives and thoughts. • She cited the poem which ex presses tile idea that one must live with himself always and for that reason he should seek to make himself the very best companion possible. Miss 'Souter’s remarks were convincing to the students because they have confidence in her as a living example of her precepts. She has shown marked ability as an executive in carrying out the duties of president of the Student Government Association. In introducinp' her successor Miss Souter congratulated the stu dent body upon their choice of Miss Aman for the new president. Miss Margaret Aman has shown herself as a student of exception al ability during the three years that she has been at Chowan. All the students and faculty hold ab solute confidence in her, and feel that she is thoroughly worthy of the honor given her in this posi tion. Miss Aman is a young wom an of excellent character, inde pendent judgment, steadiness and dependability, and her qualifica tions for the work of her office are recognized. After the oath of office was ad ministered to the new officers by Miss Souter, the retiring presi dent, Miss Aman made a short talk. Her conception of the or ganization of which she is head, assures that she is capable of her position. Student government should be highly appreciated by the students, she stated, for it is a declaration of higher authorities that they are capable of regulat ing their own conduct. It gives the students the opportunity for the development of the highes type of character by affording them the chance to act upon their own sense of honor. It is not true character that avoids doing wrong only because of fear of punish ment. For the building of the highest type of character one must have the motive for doing good for good’s own sake, because one loves virtue better than evil, and not just because he is goaded to ward the mark by a prick of im pending punishment. The speaker challenged the students to reach the height of character where no rule can touch the hem of their garments. “You do not come un der the law at all till you have broken the law,” she stated. The greatest thing in regard to laws, she said, is to instill the proper attitude toward them. We should regard them in the right light, as created for our own bene fit and protection, and not. as something iron and despotic im posed by someone. “Laws and hearts are made to be broken,” stated Miss Aman, “and as someone has so aptly said, you hardly know you have a heart till it has been broken. Likewise, the time that brings consciousness of a law acutely to your aware ness is when you have violated that law. Don’t you realize as never before that there are rules in college when you have broken one?” In closing the speaker applied this point by saying that she hoped that every student in Chowan would live upon such a high plane that before the end of the year everyone would forget that such College Community Was Blessed by Personality of Doctor Bagby It is not very often that the en tire college is as wholly interested in a revival meeting as was Chowan College during the 10 days between April 5 and 15. Dr. A. Paul Bagby, of Wake Forest College, is the remarkable person who so interested the college and Murfreesboro. Dr. Bagby has a personality that is both magnetic and radiant; and therefore any thing which he might say is neces sarily forceful and interesting. He himself made the remark that when a man has something to say he will never lack for someone to say that thing to; and he proved that statement to be true. After the people found out what ki’id of prcacher he is they kept the house full every night in order not “The Three P’s of Power.” His next was “Sir, we would see Jesus. When I be lifted up, I shall draw all men unto me.” The first P of Power is Personal Powre, a definite I. There is no power in this world which has not been a result of one person’s power. At the bottom of every great move there is one person. Therefore, powr may be spelled Personality. History takes in the movements of all the world, and yet it can be written in the form of biography. It is all personal power. Jesus is the personal power that has af fected this world more than any one man has affected a limited space of ground. Laying aside his power to save, Jesus has made the world anew. His real power is not to lose any of the valuable truths | his regeneration of the society, which he brought to mind. ^ It was' remarked that Dr. Bag’^y did untold good by just coming here and being among us, to say nothing of the things he said and did while he was here. He always made some remarks which were worth thinking about afterwards. A book would be required to tell all of these things; but a few of the most outstanding statements have lingered with us. Possibly the strongest address Dr. Bagby delivered was one which he gave in the college chapel on “Unconscious, Influ ence.” Among other things he said that life is given more or less to display. For instance, the store windows display what there is for sale on the inside, wealth is used for display of possessions. In like manner, people try to show what they have, and often make the er ror of appearing to be what they but of the individual soul. Real personal power is always shown in the relationship of individual to individual. The second P of Power is the Price of Power. Someone has said that genius is natura Ipowers on fire. It is when the natural powers get on fire that something is real ly done. There is no easy path to power, no more than there is a royal road to learning. The road is not laden with roses, but is lad en with thorns. Jesus, Himself, declared that He had to pay the price of power. He is today the magnate of souls because he paid the price. It is in the paying of the price that the real desire for a thing is weighed and tried. That is the reason why so many Chris tians do not have the power which they would like to have—because they will not pay the price. The third P oi Power is the are not. Homes that are not homes | Promise of Power. Only to the are for display. A home which has the most charming atmosphere and wields the strongest influence, is the home which moves along the smoothest and quietiest, being just what it stands for. Everywhere person who has bought it and paid the price can one promise power. But Christ has given the unlimit ed promise of power to those who are willing to pay the price. And when a person has the love of you find those who are trying toijesus Christ in his heart, he will make the world believe they are i be willing and glad to pay the worth while when they are not. i price, and does not consider it a The world is not ]ookir>cr^for dis- Commencemeinent Program Aniiounced Chowan College will celebrate its 77th annual commencement May 22-25. The exercises will ’-egin Satur day night, May 22, with a stu dents’ recital. The recital will be given by students oi. the music and dramatic departm--nts. On Sunday morning. May 23, the baccalaureate ser non will be preached at 11 o’clock in the col lege auditorium by Or. W. W. Weeks of Richmond, ''a. We will also preach the miss.\iary sermon on Sunday night at tliy college. The board of trust es will con vene on Monday .^ernoon for their annual session , j The Senior Class I'"y exercises, to be held Monday ni ht. May 24, will be unusually b',autiful and impressive. A pageai t written by members of the class will be pre sented in an outdoor theater. The amphi-theater is beij'.^ arranged on the slopes of the i‘- vine. On Tuesday morning, May 25, the finals of the year will be con ducted. At the grt.iuating ex ercises Dr. Horace I'illiams, of the University of Nor'-h Carolina, will deliver the liter-.ry address. After this medals aid diplomas will be awarded. TI e following will receive diplomas of gradua- jtion: Meryl BrittoElizabeth Watson, Madge Cocker, Thelma Draper, Hazel Griffin, Flora Mae Hood, Beryl Souter, Rosalie Tolar, Mrs. W. K. Mckean, Jessie Marie Parker, EsteLo Carleton, Nancy Parker, Jewell Askew, Moella Askew, Marie ta Bridger. MOTHERS—A F {AYER Better to Have Loved and Lost Than Never to Have Loved at All play, but for'truth. The hypocrite! be dr is one who makes a display of his religion—or the religion which he has not. He knows that he has no religion in his heart; yet he tries to impress people with his devout attitude. My conscious influence is exert ed when my own conscience is looking on my deed. Then to make my conscious influence better it is necessiary to remember “I have to live with myself and therefore must make myself fit to live vrth.” But the unconscious influence is exerted all the time when we least think of it. It is like the un thought thought, the undreamed dream. It is personality, the big gest thing in all the world that counts. The person who wields the greatest unconscious influence is the one who does not realize that he is doing so. Then he won ders what it is all about, and how he did it. This influence is wielded chief ly by conversation and acts, not the studied conversations and acts, but those in which the person is off guard—when the business man speaks to his stenographer, when the young person is in a game, when the boy is not trying to make an impression upon his par ent, not when the deacon is in a prayerful attitude in church, nor when someone is watching, not when one is trying to put his best foot forward. And people are judged by the unconscious influ ence. The world can not be foiled. It may look on and applaud the acts for awhile, but it knows and accepts them as merely acting, and watches for the unguarded mo ment before it cries, “There is the man.” Not what I do, but what I am; not what I say, but what I am. This is why we need Jesus Christ so much in our lives, in order that we may make out un conscious influence count for the right. It is not difficult to govern our lives when we are watched, but it is when we are unwatched that we show ourselves as what we are. There is power in the life which has Jesus Christ in it, in the life that is surcharged with the Spirit. When Christ gets inside of a life it is changed and safe guarded against those things which undermine. Another one of Dr. Bagby’s beautiful talks was on the subject aricc. Viut a pr;"!lr a thing as a rule was in existence After this Dean Edwards spoke for a few minutes upon the sub ject of “Student Government and Its Principles.” The other officers installed be sides the president already men tioned were: vice president, Mil dred Parker; secretary, Pauline Willis; treasurer, Ar’es Isenhower. I'awn up. This drawing of men up: It will be on a higher plane. In other words “Let that will be in you which is in Christ Jesus.” We wonder sometimes what God would do in certain circumstances, but the answer to all of our won- derings can be found in the first four gospels. There every ques tion of our lives can be settled. And does this lifting up mean that we are drawn up on a platform with Christ? In attitude, it does. Sin is not an act. It is an attitude and when we get on Christ’s plat form, we have Christ’s attitude, and we remind people of Christ. In his presence, on his platform, we have His passion, which was to help others. This is the Divine Passion. Besides discussing questions of Christian character and desires. Dr. Bagby treated several funda mental questions of religion with an interesting light. One of these sermons was that in which he re conciled science and theology by saying that in the beginning God gave man power over all, the pow er to subdue all nature. In a few words. Dr. Bagby succeeded in drawing out all the beautiful ruths in Christianity, and in show ing the relation of sin and its in fluence of these truths. There is no doubt of the fact hat Chowan College and Mur freesboro were loathe to allow Dr. Bagby to leave. On Wednesday 3vening, the time set by him for the last meeting of the series, the congregation unanimously gave him a standing request to remain until Thursday evening. He de cided to stay over another day, whereby Murfreesboro and its community was blessed with his beautiful character and influence for 24 hours more. We feel in clined ^ say with another friend of Dr. Bagby that he has the wrong initials, and that instead of Dr. A. Paul Bagby, it should be The Paul Bagby. BRIEFS Miss Moella Askew will give her (graduating recital in expression on Tuesday evening, May 11. She will present “Little Lord Faunt- leroy,” a play which is very popu larly known. It has charmed mil lions on the cinema screen with Mary Pickford playing the star role. It has also proved highly successful on the stage. Miss Askew is an accomplished reader, and her selection should be indeed pleasing. Dr. W. R. Burrell preached the baccalaureate sermon for Repub lican High School, on Sunday, April 24. (By William R. j3urrell) “God give us men!” th5 poet cries. “Give us men! or the lation dies.” But how shall God thp; prayer at tend How meet our need, how answer send? Whence are men? Tail men, sun- crowned But lands where women abound { Women of large soul; part ners sweet The hour, whose splendid shadows fall Fruilifying, answers every call And grants to each the boon he craves Through vessels, whereon his name he graves. So these: The glory of a mother's heart Ke doing his: Hers not the lesser part. So pray we still: God give us men! But deeper yet, great mothers send. The nation having these shall then What ever the need, find stock of men To meet the hour. Like bulwark stand To guard that mother giving land. So give us women: mother fit For heroes; torch of freedom lit By fathers strong, to catch and hold And bear aloft, nor craven fold Hands and sit, while vile de magogue And foeman bold, the state befog And lure to death. Then hear our prayer ful scenery. You can view the Niagara Falls, be thrilled and awed at the beauty and grandeur. You can not stand and gaze at it always, but you can carry with you always the memory of the scene, and as Wordsworth says of the daffodils, “When on my couch I lie, they flash upon that inward eye,” and make a bliss of solitude. In defending the negative side of the question, Willie Blount spoke as one with authority. Love is fraught with misery, worry, pain and disappointment. “Look at Cleopatra,” she urged. “She loved, and consider what a death she came to. What shame and ignominy she was subjected to in the end.” Others whose names are familiar were mentioned whose lives were wrecked and ruined by love. ■ People live along serenely and peacefully until love comes along and tears their hearts asunder. Never again do they know a calm and happy day after if they lose, and sometimes it is terrible if they do not lose their lover. “Certainly it is better to have never loved at all than to have loved and lost,” reiterated Miss Blount. “Suppose you fall in love with someone, lose your heart completely to him. Then he dies. Your heart is gone now. A part of you has gone to stay. And I urge you, my friends, not to fall in love and dismember yourself like this. Miss Blount admitted the advantages and happiness that might result from a perfect love, but she said, the pain and disap pointment involved in the majority of cases over-weigh the balance in favor of the negative side of the query. Th.e speeches of Miss Mason and Dr. Macy were exceedingly in teresting and amusing. Dr. Macy spoke of the affection that love works on a person. It is the sun light of life, he said. In refuting this argument Miss Mason stated that we live in the daylight till love comes in our lives. Then when it leaves we i;re left forever Is it better to have loved and than never to have loved at all? This question of the sublime utter ance Tennyson made long ago was debated recently by members of the Lucalian Literary Society. The affirmative side of the query was upheld by Virginia Mar tin and Mary Lou Jones; and the negative side by Willie Blount. The second speaker on the nega tive side was absent. After the discussions of these young ladies had ended two of the faculty, op posing each other, added some points to these already brought out. Miss Newell Mason made strong assertions with proofs that it is not better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. The discussion was not diminished in ardor when Dr. Pierre Macy bore down on his convictions that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. The decision of the judges was in favor of the affirmative, but there were skeptics still among the crowd that failed of i;onviction that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. In arguing for the affirmative side Misses Martin and Jones spoke interestingly, giving the ad vantages of a life that has tasted the depths of love, even though it has lost, as the world would say. They gave examples of illustrious men and women who had produced everlasting works of art and liter ature from no other but the in spiration that love put in their souls. Grief is the portion of some, to be sure, who have known love and have it not, but their lives are infinitely sweetened and their hearts made more sym pathetic and understanding. No great piece of literature has ever been written by one who knows not love. Some precious treasures in literature are the works of some who have been disappointed in love. Love is the element that fires genius to action. Marie Cor- relli and George Elliott were two icovco wc ^ authors of high s'tan'dmjf wno were | in shaSoW. I'o C(TtViiriii ‘the portitff lerribly saddened at times in lives brought out, at the end of her GLEE CLUB MADE TWO TRIPS WITH FINE RECEPTIONS on account of lost love. Other artists of note were cited whose experiences in love bears testi mony to the truth of the state ment in question. The memories of a love, even though gone and past, serves as a rich source of en joyable meditation, dreaming, and inspiration. This was strikingly illustrated by Miss Jones in de scribing the lasting effects of an impression made by some beauti- speech. Miss Mason recited a song that she wrote once, which car ried declaration of the point she was defending. After all was said, the con sensus of opinion, as summed up by the judges, was in accord with Tennyson when he wrote while in deepest sorrow over the death of his dearest friend that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. MISS CHERRY BLOSSOM STARTS MUSIC WEEK Scheduled Thursday Night. Other Features Through Saturday Night The operetta “Miss Cherry Blos som,’’ composed by John and Mary Dodge,” will be presented at Chowan College on Thursday eve ning, May 6, as the ijiitial program of Music Week. Beginning with this feature, Music Week will con- Show' thou thy love, thy keeping tinue through Saturday night. May The operetta is being directed by Prof. Thcs. L. Tinsley, head of the music department of the col lege. Music Week is an annual event of the college, and this year it iji-r AT A HI ® series of exceptionally ^ Hli A1 CHIJWANjgood musical entertainments. The second night’s attraction care; Deny what thou wilt, but mothers give If ’tia thy will the state shall live! KARL JANSEN MAKES The entertainment given by Karl Jensen, in the college audi torium on Thursday afternoon, April 22, was enjoyed by everyone present. Karl Jensen was born in Sweden. He has entertained American audiences for the last 12 years most successfully. Mr. Jensen’s entertainment covers a broad field in the line of education and amusement. He is equally admirable in the delinea tion of Shakespeare’s dramatic scenes and in the impersonation of humorous characters in foreign and native dialects. In interpreting poems of child hood Mr. Jensen is especially ac complished. He pictured the ac tions of a child in the first grade very amusingly. Throughout the entertainment Mr. Jensen showed how different subjects and amuse ments could be best taught to lit tle children. He also showed how sword fenc- ng was done. As a teacher of ?word fencing and the Swedish system of physical culture he has few equals. The entertainment of the after- loon was closed by the presenta- ion of the scene in which Dun- ■an was murdered, taken from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” ANNUAL RECEPTION IS GIVEN BY JUNIOR CLASS Seniors Entertained At the Grandest Social of the Season will be the instrumental concert given by a 150-piece orchestral en semble, under the directorship of Senor Marcus Benyunes. On Saturday night the last of the series of programs will be a concert by the Chowan College Glee Club. Madame Elizabeth Yavorski is director of the Glee Club. She has enlisted a group of the most accomplished and talent ed girls in voice and piano of the college, and the appreciation of the program given by them where they have previously appeared this year speaks highly for the enter tainment that may be expected from them during Music Week. The operetta “Miss Cherry Blossom,” directed by Professor Tinsley, contains elements of en tertainment to appeal to a wide range of tastes. It is romantic, colorful and sparkling with lilting song and music. The stage will take on the effect of a Japanese garden, indeed an alluring set ting for this wealth of song and melody. The plot that runs thread-like throughout the operetta is excit ing and amusing. Miss Cherry Blossom, an American girl, bom Rich Square and Severn Were Delighted At Programs OPENING CHORUS WAS ONE OF THE BIG HITS Much Praise Given Madame Yavorski, Glee Club Director On Friday night, April 23, the grandest social affair of the col lege year took place when the Juniors entertained the Seniors at the annual Junior-Senior recep tion. The reception was held in the college parlors, and the spacious Colonial porch, which was beauti fully decorated in cut flowers, evergreens and dogwood blossoms. The porch was lighted in a Japanese effect. On account of the cruel heart of Pluvius, who de creed with threatening clouds hanging over the afternoon, the campus did not assume its would- have-been Japanese beauty, and neither did it agree with the wishes of the god of love, Eros. Music was furnished for the oc casion by the college orchestra, with special violin selections by Mr. Benyunes. Miss Evelyn White and Mr. Pierre Macy rendered vocal solos. Misses Jean Craddock and Alice Cook stood at the punch bowl. Misses Elizabeth Carleton, Viola Raynor, Gladys Coley, Louise Marks, Edith Livesay and Janie Vick, little sisters of the Junior Class, served the guests. The invited guests included the following of the faculty: Misses McDowell, Terry, Liddell, Cald well, Ruggles, Bryant, Knott, Mat thews, Madame Yavorski, Dr. W. R. Burrell, Dr. Macy, Mr. Ed wards, Mr. TTnsley, Mr. Benyunes; the Senior Class composed of Misses Flora Mae Hood, Estelle Carleton, Thelma Draper, Madge Cooper, Hazel Griffin, Marietta Bridger, Elizabeth Watson, Meryl Britton, Nancy Parker, Jessie M. Parker, Beryl Souter, Moella Askew, Jewell Askew, and Mrs. Clara McLean. Other guests present were Mrs. Ted Burrell, The Glee Club began a .success ful season with a concert at Rich Square, April 15. The towns visited thus far are Rich Square and Severn. At both places the ensemble was received admirably. The applause and warm approval was evidence of the appreciation elicited, although there was not a multitude of peo ple present. The opening chorus “Carmena,” sung by the entire company, with Elizabeth Jones at the piano, was one of the strongest and best num bers on the program. Miss Gladys Coley was one of the individual star performers, and her number “Were Thou the Moon,” was ex cellent. Again assembled as a chorus the Glee Club rendered two selections, “I Would That My Love,” which although well re ceived, had to give way to the de lightful song “0 Lovely Night,” from the Tales of Hoffman. Mis: Beatrice Burrell, with Miss Jone: accompanist, rendered very beautifully “The Valley of Lights.” The Dutch folk dance, by Misse. Bernice Benthall, Janet Benthall, Thelma Draper and Margaret Lawrence, was perhaps the best received feature of the program. The young ladies were dressed in Dutch costumes, which in them selves caused amusement, how ever, when the ladies danced the audience went into convulsions of ni I *ir. . - - .. Miss Beryl Souter rendered two vocal solos that were received with 1 great deal of enthusiasm. ‘Sparkling Sunlight,” sung by the entire company, which was prob ably the weakest number on the program, ended the first part of the program. The medleys of the South arc always beautiful. The second part of the program opened with a de- lig*htful “Southern Medley,” by Deems Taylor, sung by the entire club. No other number on the program was so well received and left its deep-dyed impression as this one simple song, beautiful in its simplicity. Miss Julia Grady’s talent as a reader was very clearly shown, and also her apetitude at dramatic sketches was very much enjoyed when she gave a reading “The Gypsy Flower Girl.” Miss Nancy Parker sang a solo Will You Remember?” so well that she was called back to render another as an encore. If Miff Parker had chosen to accept a very genial applause she might have ap peared again and again. The closing group of choru ^selections “Sewing Song,” “Ma Little Banjo” and Gypsy Daisies” met with instant approval. ‘A Japanese Love Song,” sung by Miss Evelyn White, takes it'' place among the outstanding num bers of the entire performance At the close of her song, she, with Miss Beatrice Burrell, Lois Essex. Jessie Draper, Thelma Draper and Kate Saunders, gave a lovely Japanese dance. Except for the opening num bers of the first act, the closinp- numbers on the program, whic' were college yells and songs, wer'' ithe most popular feature. Thes ' college songs and yells were given not with the intention of boastin'! ly “tooting their own horn,” bu the echoes that resounded fror the audiences where the concert- were given hears tidings whic m.ake the members of the Glee- Club believe that stamp has been impressed and will live pleasantly for the life of the college. • No little praise for the fine showing of the young ladies of thf- Glee Club should go to Madame Elizabeth Yavorski, director of the club, also instructor of voice a Chowan College. Messrs. George Campbell, Jack Holloman, John Wynn, David Day, Herman Babb, Tootsie Lawrence, Rawlinson Myers, Doyle Early, Bernice West, D. D. Lewis, Lowell Powell, Ray Beale, John Gatling, G. C. Britton, Stanley Brett, Dan Storey, Hugh White, Jack Jones, Ronald Chappell, Jimmie Riynor, in Japan and whose parents die Mrs. W. B. Edwards, Misses Lucile •' s-' Tlich- (Continued on Page 4) i-. i ■

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