COMING! To Chowan College WHAT? Look in the opposite Comer and see. \ The Chowanian C Alio LINA PLAYMAKERS Chowan College Auditorium Nov. 17 Vol. 4 Four Pages Murfreesboro, N. C., Friday, October 29, 1926 One Section — 'f No. 3 PRESIDENT TALKS AT WEST CHOWAN BAPTIST MEETING Pictures Rich Contribution Chowan Has Given To Denomination APPEAL FOR SUPPORT STIRRED DELEGATES Association Voted Unan imously to Support En dowment Campaign Following President Edward’s speech on Chowan College, which he delivered before the West Cho wan Association in session at Christian Harbor church October 27, Hon. J. H. Matthews’ appeal for supp«rt in raising the $50,000 endowment for the College was responded to by a unanimous vote of the house to back the College in raising the endowment fund. The main feature of Chowan’s day of the Association, which was in session for three days, was President Edward’s address. In presenting the status of the Col lege he touched the high spots in the past of the College first. He mentioned the fact that Chowan was founded in 1848 because of a felt need of a school of higher education and liberal culture for the women of this section. “What makes a Christian School?” the speaker asked. “If a school’s purpose and its practice are devoted to the development of that kind of life which perhaps is most completely outlined in the Sermon on the Mount, and per haps most vividly pictured in the parable on the Last Judgment, it is Christian. Again, loyalty to Christ makes a school Christian. The spirit ';'d atmosnhere of an institution determine whether or Tildwards said also that in or- ler for a school to be Chrijt tian (1) it must have t Christian objective; (2) it must have a Christian faculty; and (3) it must have a Christian spirit and atmosphere. Chowan College qualifies in these requisites. What Would We Have for Chowan Collesfe 1. Our courses of study and curriculum kept standard, accord ing to the requirements of our own State Department of Educa tion and the Southern Association of Colleges and Universities. 2. To lead in debates, teach ing, church work, and other forms of public appearance. 3. To exemplify the best in re ligion. This should be the only reason why the church school ex ists. 4. To teach Jesus Christ that our intellects may be satisfied, our sense of law and its divine opera tions left unstultified so chat Christ becomes our most poten tial friend. “We want Chowan to so wisely set Him forth that after four years of seeing Him on the cam pus, in the classroom, on the pages of literature, science, language, and history, her daughters will go forth from her walls worthy to represent Him who has become real and essential to them. “For seventy-eight years Cho wan College has been one of the greatest Baptist power houses in North Carolina for multiplying and transmitting spiritual energy. Among those who illustrate the rich contribution of Chowan to missionary endeavor are Miss Wright, Miss Fannie Knight, Miss Flag, Miss Sessoms, and two of recent years are: Mattie Macon Norman and Nell Lawrence. “Although Chowan College is known far and wide for its effi cient and God fearing graduates, it has had a great struggle for ex istence. It was the task of the founders to lay the foundation securely. Through its work it has proved its right for existence. “Today Chowan College, close ly allied with all the denomination al interests, is entering upon a new era and with fresh vigor faces unending opportunities for ser vice. The aim of the College is Christian character. Its atmos phere is not less academic than that of the state schools, but it is also distinctly Christian. We not only duplicate, we suoplement the state schools’ work—academic plus Christian training. “The roots of Chowan College are grounded deep in North Caro lina soil. It does not derive its support from the state, nor is it directed by the state. Many re- (Continued op Pajre 4) Third Woman To Go To Legislature Is One Of Graduates Of Chowan College Miss Carrie McLean, Charlotte Attorney, Elected to Re- Represent Mecklenburg County in General Assembly of 1927, Victor Over Opponent Who Sponsored Evolution Bill One of Chowan College’s gra duates, Miss Carrie McLean, Charlotte attorney, has just been elected to represent Mecklenburg county in the General Assembly of 1927. Miss McLean’s name is on Chowan’s graduate list of the year 1894- Her election is the third time that a woman has been elected to the Legislature in this State. Miss McLean’s opponent in the election. Miss Julia Alexander, ran on the Fundamentalist plat form. In her campaign Miss Mc Lean favored the freedom of the States educational system from sectarian control. Nell Battle Lewis, writer for the Raleigh “News and Observer”, says of her that “in a very spirit ed primary fight she comes to Ra leigh as a champion of liberalism in State education. The contest between Miss McLean and Miss Alexander in Mecklenberg, hot bed of Fundamentalism, centered in the anti-evolution controversy which in other parts of the State is something of a last year’s bird nest, as indications are that it will be in the next General Assam- bly. Miss McLean’s victory in the Fundamentalist stronghold is one of several signs of the decline of anti-evolution sentiment in North Carolina, suggesting that the next Legislature will probably be free from a fight which was the most spectacular feature of the last. “Miss McLean is well qualified for discharge of legislative duties by natural ability, training and experience. From all reports, her election is very acceptable to the women. She is a native of Li- .^jlnton and a graduate of and supreme courts. That year she was elected president of the Mecklenberg Bar Association, the only woman in the State ever to hold such a position. Recently she was appointed public admin istrator of Mecklenberg County. She has been director of the local Y. W. C. A. and first vice-presi dent from North Carolina in the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs. In 1919 she studied law, econ omics, and the science of govern ment at Columbia University. She traveled around the world in 1923, and in 1924 attended the meeting of the American Bar As sociation in London, going thence to Scotland, Ireland, Prance and Scandinavia. She is a member of the North Carolina Bar Associa tion”. Other Chowan students who aspire to a professional career of public duty may take encourage ment from Miss Lewis’ statement that there seems to be pretty gen eral agreement among the women that there should be a larger re presentation of their sex in the Legislature of the State approx imately half of whose citizens are women. It is being considered that six or eight women of ability would naturally have more weight and make more impression in the Legislature than one, however able. Quoting from Miss Lewis’ article: “They might serve to modify somewhat the current idea of the woman legislator which is that of a more or less interest ing anomaly, a harmless curios ity, a sport, in the biological sense. They might demonstrate that the woman legislator is a natural and useful by-product of - . srv ” ' — - ^ ~ — jp •* •— i' ‘5 the candidates taking the Su-, proper place and function in the oreme Court law examination. 1 political life of a democratic She has urged before the superior | State”. THEBROWNIADY’S SPIRIT COMES TO CHOWAN VISIBLY She Takes The Freshmen Out For A Long Noc turnal Reanble OTHER SPIRITS HELP IN THE CERr.MONIAL Secures Signatures of Girls to Pledge of F.oyalty to Chowan lUCAUANS INTRODUCE AMATEUR NIGHT BRINGS NEW SOCIETY PROGRAM A RECORD ATTENDANCE First of the Third Saturday Varied Program Thoroughly Night Addresses by Miss Agnes Cobb In the meeting of the Lucalian Society Saturday night, October 23, a new step was made in the in troduction of a Third Saturday Night Address. Preceding the ad dress a short business session was held. A committee was appointed to see about plans for making im provements in the appearance of the society hall. Miss Pauline Willis was elected to represent the society in the readers’ contest on Society Day, which will be held February 6. The address by Miss Agnes Cobb was preceded by a reading, “Aw, Shoot Ma”, given by Julia Grady, and an instrumental solo by Lyndal Denny. In her address Miss Cobb gave the early history of the Lucalian Society, the name itself which means light, and she impressed upon each girl the real meaning of the society. She said that not until we have left school will we fully realize what our society really means to us. In it we get train ing in appearing before the pub lic. When we leave college and find ourselves looked to as leaders, we will appreciate the training re ceived in our society. She said that in the days to come the mem ories of our society days should be of love, loyalty and of how we were really glad that we were Lucalians. In prov ing our loyalty. Miss Cobb, went on to say, we must always make the Society appear in its best light by the attitude we hold toward it and the remarks we make about the Society. After hearing this speech every Lucalian felt a new desire to be loyal to the ideals and principles of the so ciety. Enjoyed; Three Prizes Awarded ATTEND W. M. U. MEETING Mi.sses Helen Winborne, Bertha Carroll and Lois Essex attended the Hertford county W. M. U. meeting at Buckhom Church Tuesday, November 2. Miss Car roll made a splendid talk on “The Christ Whom We serve”, and Miss Essex gave a very impressive reading, “She Hath Not Done What She Could”. Amateur Night, which occurred Friday, October 29, brought out the largest attendance this year that this annual event has ever had. The program was thorough ly enjoyed. Amateur Night is given under the auspices of the Dramatic De partment. The purpose is to give an opportunity for original work so that talent may be discovered early in the school year and those possessing it ur'ged to develop themselves thruout their years of college study. Three prizes were given for the best number of each of the three divisions of the program. Ida Matthews from part 1 was pro nounced winner for an original play entitled “A Pair of Quilts”r The freshman Automobile Stunt won the prize from the second di vision, and Maidie Wade was awarded the prize from the third part for an original piano com position which she played. The program was presented in the following order: Part I “Parliamentary Law”, play tak en from “A Weaver of Dreams” by Myrtle Reed Inez Parker. “A Service of Love”, play tak en from one of 0. Henry’s Short Stories Julia Grady “A Pair of Quilts”, original play __ Ida Matthews. Part II A One-Word Tragedy—Jean Craddock. “It Pays to Advertise”, Stunt— Senior Class. “The Human Auto”, Stunt— Freshman class. Stunt __The Barnyard Quartet Alabama Coon Jiggers—Maude Buchanan, and Duffie Herring. Part III “Aw Shoot Ma!” Reading— Julia Grady. “Will You Remember?” Vocal solo—Gladys Coley. “Home” (Edgar A. Guest) Reading —Myra Parker. Original Instrumental Solo— Maidie Wade. The freshmen are to be com mended for their composure and resourcefulness in an unexpected accident while performing their (Continued on Page 4) Followed by a reticue of ghost ly attendants, the Krown Lady slipped down to earth on Wed nesday night, October 27, paid her annual visitation to Chowan College, secured pledges of loy alty to Chowan fioin all new students, and silently stole away. It was about half way be tween mid-night ami the twilight hour when it was first learned that the spirits w .-e hovering about. Shortly after nine o’clock the freshmen, began S) receive in structions to put or coats and come \ downstairs immediately. The request was negotiated by means of student puthorities, so that the girls knew that they must obey orders. The freshmen are convinced by this lict of diplo macy in executing i, orders that the Brown Lady ha:, been to col lege herself and is thoroughly familiar with the ways around Chowan. Two at a time, the girls were conducted to the t p of the hill that slopes to the ravine and there committed to '.he care of clammy fingered S) ectral figures wearing long whit, robes. The ghosts silently to k them in charp'- 4^ turned ahi-ir step= in a westv.aid' direct j n avtn?' the l^raii? - “ I*- The night was stiThe air was cold and racy.j The dark canopy of the sky 'Vas studded with a few stars th it twinkled thru the tree tops heie and there. The dry leaves and dead sticks crackling underfoot were the on ly sounds that disturbed the quiet of the nocturnal stillness as on they strode till the City of Tombs was reached. The Brown Lady stood amid a host of phantoms in white robes. The cold stare from her face of deathly pallor sent a nameless horror over everyone as they en tered the gate that leads to the City of Tombs. Two by two the girls were brought into the dread City of the Dead, They were silently directed to take their stands, one over there by that post, or that tree, or beside that tombstone. The Brown Lady wore a long dress of brown that stood out around the skirt and rustled as "he moved around among the ghosts and tombs. Her face was pasty white, and over her head she wore a brown hood that fell over her shoulders in the manner of a shawl. She kept silent watch until some of the Freshmen, be coming frantic while waiting for all to arrive, began to stir fren- ziedly and to make sounds with their voices. Some shook with sobs, and some seemed to laugh as if trying to bloster up courage and counteract other emotions by giggling, which gave an effect of hysterical laughter. The air was soon restored to solemity, how ever, when the Brown Lady inton ed a deep moaning chant; “He who dares to speak or laugh will nay a penalty”. This put a ces sation to all stirring till all were assembled. The ministering spirits then gathered from their stations scattered around among the trees. The freshmen say their hearts missed a beat when the Brown Lady began to speak to them in a tone of other-worldiness, but that it was a relief in a way to have their attention drawn from the pain of their feet, pinching with cold. Despite the awesome fear that was spread over the atmosphere as they listened to the tale of a spirit returned to earth, some of them remembered a goodly part of the Brown Lady’s story which they have re peated to the “Chowanian” re porter. “I am she who came to school here in the early fifties”, she be gan. Reminiscently, she said that she was once a happy school girl, with cheeks of rosy bloom, and a heart light and gay until troubles came into her life. She (Continued on Page 4) m Plans Are Made And Campaign Launched For Securing Endowment For Chowan Central Committee Meets at College November 2, Elects President Edwards Director, and Appoints Organization Covering Two Associations * in East . , yfans" 'ah(t^'^ organTzatibh lor launching the campaign for $1, 000,000 endowment for Chowan College were made at a meeting held at the College November 2, attended by the pastors of this Association and the trustees. With President Edwards as gen eral director, committees and di rectors were elected from each county to complete the organiza tion in their section. The county directors are; Rev. Oscar Creech, Hertford; W. D. Barbee, North ampton; J. H. Matthews, Bertie; Rev. K. C. Horner, Gates; W. J. Berryman, Chowan ; I. W. Norman, Perquimans; Phil Sawyer, Pas quotank; Rev. G. P. Harrell, Cam den. The $50,000 to be raised among the counties of the West Chowan Association was divided as fol lows: Hertford, $20,000; North ampton, $15,000; Bertie, $15,000. Subscriptions to this fund may be paid in five equal semi-annual in stallments. Mr. J. Roy Parker was elected as publicity director of the cam paign. He will be assisted by Mr. Chas. Jenkins and President Edwards. me question ’ employiiig a field man to canvass and solicit subscriptions was considered, and it was referred to the general di rector. President Edwards and the pastors for their approval of such plans and recommendation of a suitable man for this purpose. Any one making a gift as large as $5,000 toward the endowment may have a section of the library endowed in their honor, or in hon or of any person whom they may designate. A gift as large as $20,000 entitles one to a Chair in the College endowed in their hon or or in honor of any person whom they may name. A Sub scriber of $2,000 to the endow ment fund will be permitted to name an endowed scholarship in memory of such person as the do nor may choose, which scholar ship will be used by the College in memory of the person for whom subscription was donated in helping that girl who is not able to pay her own tuition. Such a scholarship will be permanently listed in the catalog of this Insti tution. Publicity for the campaign will be started at once. COLLEGE ORCHESTRA HAS BEEN ORGANIZED The college orchestra has been organized, and under the director ship of Senor M. J. Benyunes, rehearsals are being held weekly. The orchestra will be a great aid to the Glee Club. A varied program composed of numbers ap pealing to many types of musical minded admirers is being pre pared by the orchestra as a unit. In additon to these numbers, the individuality of several members of the organization will be ex pressed in solos, duets, quartets, etc. The organization of the orches tra is as follows; Director __ Senor M. J. Benyunes Asst. Director and Accompanist-_ Elizabeth Jones President Mary Whitley Vice Pres. __ Margaret Lawrence Secy, and Tres., Margaret Jeffreys SPANISH CLUB GIVES GOOD CHAPEL PROGR’M PSI PHI GAMMAS GIVE BIRTHDAY PARTY The Psi Phi Gammas entertain ed at a birth day party in honor of Misses Ella Mae Parker, Pene lope Browne, and Elizabeth Webb Friday evening, November 6, in the Club House. The dinner served consisted of beef steak and gravey, French fried potatoes, green peas, chick en salad, celery, pickles, variety of pies, and coffee. Those present were: Misses The Spanish Club gave the first of a series of programs that it proposes to present during the year on Friday morning, October 29 at chapel. Mex ico was the country they took Up this time. The succeeding programs will deal with other Spanish speaking countries. The devotional service was conducted by Senorita Lucile Freeman, after which the follow ing program was given: Introductory Talk —Senorita Penelope Browne. Mexican National Hymn—Club. A brief History of Mexico— Senorita Edith Oakley. Some Characteristics of can Music— Senorita Martin . Song, “La Paloma”—Senoritas Raynor, Benthall and Browne. Some Customs of Mexico—Sen orita Alice Cooke. Mexi- Virginia Adaptation to Enviroment: Chesterfield (to girl he has just picked up in his Marmon road ster) ; Beautiful ladies don’t have necks; they have throats. Fatima (who can cope with any ■situation) : Please throat me. Ella Mae Parker, Penelope Browne Elizabeth Webb, Janet and Ber nice Benthall, Willie Blount, Jean Craddock, and Miss Meda Byrd of the faculty. PLAYMAKERS TO COME TO CHOWAN NOVEMBER 17TH Popular University C o m- P2my Will Come to College Again DELIGHTED A LARGE NUMBER LAST YEAR Goldsmith’s “She Stoops To Conquer” To Be Pre sented Here Chowan College has been for tunate enough to secure an en gagement with the Carolina Play- makers to present Goldsmith’s “She Stoops to Conquer”, in the auditorium, Wednesday evening, November 17. This presentation is under the auspices of the Dramatic Depart ment. The popularity of this group of entertainers that has al ready spread in this part of the country makes it easy to have a packed house to witness the pro duction. The Dramatic Depart ment has all hands busy advertis ing and selling tickets. While one of their objectives is to win the prize offered for the largest audience their action is also mo tivated by a desire that everyone w’ho possibly can, enjoy this rare dramatic treat. Chowan College holds it as one of its purposes to offer the community and sur rounding section the best enter tainment in drama, music, and other forms of stage produc tions. Chowan had the largest au dience last year that the Playmak- ers appeared before on their east ern tour, and all were highly pleas ed with the presentations. The play to be given thi' tin",-' is a de parture from ^the tj i'«'>i>.rm£r’.y ils6a. Vfie classic c&Tjieuj', 'cnij Stoops to Conquer” is one that has come down to us from the English stage as a play of unusual success. In order to win a husband the beautiful young girl stoops to be come a bar-maid for a single night. Among the characters, others are a dashing young man of dual personality, a fat old woman of fifty who aspires to lead the fashions, a big-hearted county squire who lives in an old man sion “for all the world like an inn”. Lost jewels, thieves, confu sion, love, and elopement, and a happy marriage to the deserving girl—all of these exciting people and things Goldsmith has combin ed in his fine old comedy, “She Stoops to Conquer”. Girl Writes Of Good Time At Masquerade Holloween Hello Billie: You don’t know what you miss ed Hallowe’en Saturday by living so far away from Chowan. I hope to tell you we had the best party that has ever been pulled at Chowan since I’ve been here. All the ghosts, witches, owls, black cats, and goblins met in the Bat’s Cave from eight-thirty to eleven. They were all masked too. We had the most fun guessing and trying to find out who was who. It was a sure enough masquerade party, Billie, with all kinds of cos tumes. Yes, there were cos tumes of all descriptions, some beautiful and some otherwise. I can’t say who wore which, because they were all masked, but I can give you a general idea of them. Well, there were regular witches, with old peaked top hats and broom sticks, and there were ghosts look ing ever so spooky. There were numbers of people from the old colonial days (they were so pret ty, but I am glad I was not living then). The seasons were out too, all dressed in leaves of pretty au tumn colors. We had a Japanese lady too, and a ballet dancer, sev eral clowns, etc. We were well fixed. Better come over next year and help us have another good time. Oh, I haven’t said a thing about the program yet, but here goes. Let me tell you the peo ple at the head of this affair knew their mushrooms when it comes to carrying out a party. Every thing was kept moving. Not a dull moment. You just couldn’t help having a good time. System, there was system in the thing. Miss Meda Byrd, the science pro- (Continued on Page 4)