Tuesday, May 1928. THE CHOWANIAN, CHOWAN COLLEGE. MURFREESBORO, N. C. * NEWS OF INTEREST * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dixon, of Farmville, N. C., are boarding with Mrs. Ike Wiggins. Mr. Dixon is in charge of the highway work. Mrs. W. R. Burrell was in Richmond, Va., for a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lawrence, of Weldon, N. C., spent Sunday, April 22, with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawrence. Mrs. Russell Nicholson, of Ra leigh, N. C., accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Noble, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wynn, April 22. Miss Haywood, of the high school faculty, spent the week end at her home in Weldon, N. C. Mrs. C. M. Forehand recently visited her father, Mr. Ashley, near Edenton, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway and Mr. and Mrs. Ellington visited their parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Draper, on April 22. W. E. Burrell, of Richmond, Va., was a recent visitor in the home of his father. Dr. W. R. Burrell. Miss Frances White, a teacher in the Newsoms Graded School, spent the week-end here, April 21-22, with her sister, Mrs. E. N. Nicholson. taught. Mr. Holland is a handsome young business man of Franklin, and one of the most promising and dependable citizens of the town. Chowan, the Alma Mater, would say: “Bless you, my chil dren.” Billie: “Would you die for me?” Mac: “Er-r-no—my dear; mine is an undying love!” “If a thief stole in a cellar, would the coal shute?” “No! But the kindling wood.” GONE BUT NOT * FORGOTTEN * I|c Important Announcement Chowan College Alumnae As sociation will meet on Monday afternoon, May 28, at 3 o’clock. All graduates and former students are urged to be present at that session. Important discussions are to be held at that time which none can afford to miss. Class Day exercises will be at 4:30 o’clock the same afternoon. The Alumnae and former stu dents will be the guests at a sup per given by their Alma Mater. Come, let’s all be girls again I Eunice McDowell. For Example It was not in vain Miss Carrie McLean Went down to the legislature; She helped a house quorum Monkey laws to ignore ’em And she did it with utmost good nature. She was gentle and gracious, Not once ostentatious. And the boys all thought she was great; So we hope she goes back That the assembly won’t lack One member whose concern is the State. Mrs. E. G. Boone (Frances Benthall), ’17, is the president of the Northampton County W. M. U. Mrs. A. L. Gardner (Lelia Nor fleet), ’76, paid a short visit to the college recently. Miss Georgia Piland, ’13, who has been county demonstrator of Pender County, was recently transferred as an assistant in the Department of Education, Ra leigh, N. C., and has charge of landscape planting. Miss Gladys Lassiter, ’19, of Potecasi, attended the Wake For est College Glee Club here on Friday evening, April 20. Mrs. A. L. Lassiter (Josepie Parker), ’08, attended the Wake Forest College Glee Club here on Friday evenin, April 20. Miss Jessie Marie Parker, ’26, attended the Wake Forest College Glee Club here on Friday evening, April 20. Miss Marietta Bridger, ’26, visited Miss Imo Vinson Sunday afternoon, April 22. Holland-Winborne We are happy to publish the following announcement which will be of interest to many peo ple throughout the State: Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Winborne, of Como, N. C., announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Jones, to William Joseph Moore Holland, Jr., of FYanklin, Va. The wedding will take place in June. Miss Winborne’s father has long been a beloved trustee of Chowan College. Miss Winborne is a graduate of the college, hav ing received the diploma in piano in 1916, after which she studied two years in Peabody Conserva tory of Music. Two years ago she studied with Mrs. Crosby Adams, of Montreat, N. C. In 1919 Miss Winborne was secured to teach at Chowan. In the summer of 1922 she taught at E. C. T. C. and from 1922 to 1925 she was in structor of piano at Columbia College, Columbia, S. C. Since 1926 she has done splendid work as instructor in piano in Chowan College, and has a wide circle of friends in the college and com munity. Her beauty, her sincerity of manner, her accomplishments and her attractive personality win for her immediate and lasting friendships wherever she goes. She has left an enviable record wherever she has studied or DON’T —Brag about your rich relatives. —Chew gum or use toothpicks in public. —Depend upon your father’s repu tation to get you through school nor try to ride a high school medal through college—hard work is more effective. —Slam the door or talk loudly— your fellow student Is in the next room. —Repeat rumors—they are like ly false. —Study on Sunday. —Be a kicker. If you are too big for Chowan, there are busses passing daily. —Lambast your teacher if you “flunk.” He wants you to pass. Adapted from Wingate Triangle. FRESHMEN CLASS OFFICERS ELECTED FOR COMING YEAR The Freshman Class met a few days ago and elected the follow ing officers for 1928-29: President, Elizabeth Cullipher; vice president, Mary Frances Mit chell; secretary and treasurer, Agnes Lassiter; student council representative. Myrtle Jenkins; Chowanian reporter, Julia Hobbs. The Freshmen have had quite a successful year, but they are look ing forward to a better one, next year, when they have become Sophomores. UNDER THE GREEN- WOOD TREE EAT AND GROW FAT, LAUGH AND GROW THIN; IF YOU DON’T LIKE OUR JOKES—HAND SOME IN. Billie T: “Mac do you love me?” Mac: “Why certainly, dear.” Miss Poe: “Your answer is as clear as mud.” Hilton J: “Well, that cover.s the ground doesn’t it?” “You would be a good dancer but for two reasons.” “What are they?” “Your feet.” Advice to Girls 1. Keep away from track men; they are usually fast. 2. Never make dates with biology students; they enjoy cut- FRANKLIN THEATRE Franklin, Va. ALWAYS A PLEASING PROGRAM Change Daily Phone 323 ting up. 3. The football man is all right; he will tackle anything. 4. You can trust a tank man; he will dive in and do his best. 5. The tennis man is harm less; but he enjoys a racket. 6. Watch out for the base ball man; he hits and runs. 7. Be careful of the member of the dramatic club; he usually has several good lines. 8. Don’t play cards with a civil engineer; he’s a bridge spe cialist. 9. Always let the member of a band talk about himself; he en joys blowing his own horn. COLLEGE DIRECTORY The College W. B. Edwards ^ President Minnie W. Caldwell Dean of Faculty Eunice McDowell Lady Principal Student Officers Ann Downey President Student Government Agnes Harrell President Lucalian Societyl Jean Craddock President Alathenian Society Jean Craddock President Dramatic Club Mary Lou Jones President Senior Class Eva Hoggard President Junior Class Elizabeth Cullipher President Sophomore Class Louise McDaniel Gen. Sec’y. Religious Organizations Ruby Daniel Director Gen. B. Y. P. U. Organization Helen Walker Pres. Volunteer and Life Service Band BIG ANNUAL CLEARING SALE NOW ON AT E. N. EVANS’ STORE DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY Murfreesboro North Carolina STONEWALL HOTEL Franklin, Va. Good eats every day in the week. Sunday—spe cial chicken dinner.— Hearty welcome to Cho wan College students and faculty. Subscription Blank for The Chowanian Would you like to receive other copies of this paper? If so, please fill in the blank below and mail to us with $1.00, and we will place your name on our subscription list. I am enclosing $1.00, for which please send the CHOWANIAN to the address below for the year. Address envelope to Ruby Darnel, Circulation Manager The Peoples Bank Murfreesboro, N. C. Chowan College Faculty and Students We desire to extend to you a hearty welcome to our town, and to assure you that it will be a pleasure to extend to you every courtesy and accommoda tion consistent in sound bank ing. 1 if GO TO U. VAUGHAN’S FOR DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. Murfreesboro, N. C. ACME GROCERY COMPANY Heavy and Fancy Groceries Cold Storage Meat Market Weldon, N. C. We Buy Country Produce at Highest Market Prices If you’re sick, we’ve got it If you’re well, we’ve got it. Everything in Drugs, Toilet Articles, and Stationery All the latest Magazines. Up-to-date Soda Fountain. E. N. NICHOLSON’S DRUG STORE Murfreesboro, N. C. Camp Manufacturing Company Lumber Manufacturers FRANKUN, - - VIRGINIA DICKEN’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ Bobs A Specialty Weldon, N. C. DRUGS AND JEWELRY Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing —at— WHITEHEAD’S Scotland Neck, N. C. 120 Main Street P. D. SEWELL Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE Pay Me A Call While In Town Murfreesboro, N. C. R. D. Santo & Co. Cleaners — Pressers — Dyeing — Tailoring 111 E. Washington St. Phone 230 Suffolk, Va. PIERCE-WHITEHEAD HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and Mill Supplies Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Portland Cement and Wall Plaster Weldon, N. C. Cooper Riddick Company, Inc. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HAY, GRAIN, SALT, PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT, ETC. No. 147 Washington St. Phone 32 Suffolk, Va. HARRELL & HOLLOMAN Drugs, Toilet Aj tides, Patent Medicines Cigars, Cigarettes— —Fountain Drinks AT - - - YOUR - - - SERVICE SHOP WITH Wjmn Bros. “Murfreesboro s Greatest Store” The Home of Exclusive Styles in Women’s Apparel HARRISON’S DRUG STORE L. S. Harrison, Mgr. Toilet Articles, Stationery, Kodaks and Films Page & Shaw and Hollingsworth Candies Prescriptions Carefully Compounded You Are Always Welcome Weldon, N. C. The NYAL Store