Tuesday, May 14, 1929. A READING LIST THE CHOWANIAN, CHOWAN COLLEGE, MURFREESBORO. Novels J. Austen — EMMA, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park. J. M. Barrie—SENTIMENTAL TOMMY, THE LITTLE MINIS TER. A. Bennett—Clayhanger, THE OLD WIVES’ TALE. W. Besant—All Sort and Condi tions of Men. W. Black—A Princess of Thule. R. D. Blackmore — LORNA DOONE. C. Bronte—JANE EYRE, Shir ley, WUTHERING HEIGHTS. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton—LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, Rienzi, My Novel. J. Bunyan—Pilgrim’s Progress. F. Burney—Evelina. S. Butler—THE WAY OF ALL FLESH. W. Collins—The Moonstone, The Woman in White. J. Conrad—N O S T R 0 M 0 , LORD JUM, The Nigger of the Narcissus. D. M. Craik—JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN. S. R. Crockett—The Black Douglas, The Men of the Moss . Hags. Daniel Defoe — ROBINS'ON CRUSOE. W.de la Mere—Memoirs of aMid- get, The Return. W. DeMorgan—Joseph Vance, Alice-for-Short, Somehow Good. C. Dickens—DAVID COPPER- FIELD, Dombey and Son, Martin Chuzzlewit, Nicholas, Nickleby, Old Curosity Shop, Oliver Twist, Our Mutual Friend, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, THE PICKWICK PAPERS, Great Expectations. Disraeli—Vivian Gay, Conings- by. A. Conan Doyle—The White Company, Micah Clarke. M. Edgeiworth—^Castle Rack- rent. G. Eliot—ADAM BEDE, MID- RLEMARCH, ROMOLA, The Mill on the Floss, Daniel Deronda, Felix Holt. S. Faruol—The Broad Highway, The Amateur Gentleman. H. Fielding—Joseph Andrews, TOM JONES. J. Galsworthy—The Country House, The Man of Property, The Patrician, THE FORSYTE SAGA. E. C. Gaskell—Cranford. 0. Goldsmith—The Vicar of Wakefield. Thos. Hardy—THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE, THE MAYOR 0 F CASTERBRIDGE, THE WOODLANDERS, TESS OF THE D’URBERVILLES, UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE, Far From the IV^addins- Crowd. ar. Hewlett—THE FORE,ST LOVERS, The Life and Death of Richard Y ea-and-Nay, The Queen’s Quair. S. Johnson—Rasselas. C. Kingsley—WESTWARD HO! Hypatia. R. Kipling—^The Light That Failed, Kim. C. J. Lever—Charles O’Malley. Samuel Lover—Handy Andy. Lucas Malet—SIR RICHARD CALMADY. Thomas Malory—MORTE D’- ARTHUR. A. Marshall — The Squire’s Daughter, THE ELDEST SON, SIR HARRY, Richard Valdock, The Greatest of These. Geo. Meredith—THE ORDEAL OF RICHARD FEVEREL, The Egoist, Diana of the Crossways, Beauchamp’s Career. Geo, Moore—ESTHER WAT ERS. Neil Munro—John Splendid. G. Parker—The Seats of the Mighty, WHEN V A L M 0 N D CAME TO PONTIAC. Chas. Reade—THE CLOISTER AND THE HEARTH, Peg Wof- rington, Put Yourself in His Place, It Is Never Too Late To Mend, Very Hard Cash. S. Richardson—Pamela, Clarissa Harlowe. W. Scott — KENILWORTH, Guy Mannering, THE HEART OF MIDLOTHIAN, WAVERLEY, IVANHOE, QUENTIN DUR- WARD, Rob Roy, The Antiquary. M. Shelley—^Frankenstein. T. Smollett—^Humphrey Clink er. L. Sterne—A Sentimental Jour ney, TRISTRAM SHANDY. R. L. Stevenson—The Black Arrow, TREASURE ISLAND, DAVID BALFOUR, Kidnapped, The Master of Ballantrae, St, Ives. J. Swift—GULLIVER’S TRAV ELS. W. M. Thackeray—HENRY ESMOND, VANITY FAIR, PEN- DENNIS, The Newcomes, The Vir ginians. A. Trollope — BARCHESTEE TOWERS, Doctor Thome. H. Walpole—Fortitude. H. G. Wells—Mr. Britling Sees It Through, Tono-Bungay. Biography Boswell’s Johnson, James Bryce’s Studies in Contemporary Bio graphy, G. K. Chesterton’s Life of Dickens, Sidney Colvin’s Life of Keats, Buxton Froman’s Life of Trelawney, Forster’s Life of Walter Savage Landor, Edw. Gib bon’s Autobiography, J. G. Lock hart’s Life of Scott, E. V. Lucas’ Life of Charles Lamb, J. S. Mill’s Autobiography, John Morley’s Oliver Cromwell, John Morley’s Gladstone, Cardinal Newman— Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Lytton Strachey’s Queen Victoria, Lytton Strachey’s Eminent Victorians, R. Southey’s Life of Nelson, H. Ten nyson’s Memoir of Alfred Tenny son, G. 0. Trevelyan’s Life of Macaulay, G. 0. Trevelyn’s Early Life of Charles James Fox. Plays G. Baker—Waste, The Voysey Inheritance. J. M. Barrie—The Admirable Crichton, Quality Street, What Every Woman Knows, etc., etc. Beaumont and Fletcher—Phil- aster, The Maid’s Tragedy, The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Robert Browning—A Blot In the ’Scutcheon, Pippa Passes, Co lombo’s Birthday. (George Gordan, Lord Byron Manfred, Falliero). T. Dekker—The Shoemaker’s Holiday. John Dryden—All for Love. Lord Dunsany — Five Plays, Plays of Gods and Men, If. J. E. Flecher—Hassan. John Galsworthy — Justice, Strife, The Silver Box, A Bit 0’ Love. Oliver Goldsmith—She Stoops to Conquer. Henry Arthur Jones—^Saints and Sinners, Mrs. Dane’s Defense, Michael and His Lost Angel. C. Marlowe—Doctor Faustus, The Jew of Malta, Tamburlaine the Great. John Masefield—The Faithful, The Tragedy of Nan. P. Massinger—A New Way to Pay Old Debets. Stephen Phillips—Paolo and Francesca. Arthur W. Pinero—The Thun derbolt, The Second Mrs. Tan- queray, Mid-Channel, Iris. G. B. Shaw—Arms and the Man, Caesar and Cleopatra, The Man of Destiny, Man and Superman, The Devil’s Disciple, Candida, You Never Can Tell. William Shakespeare—^Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Henry IV (both parts), The Tem pest, The Winter’s Tale, Cymbe- line. R. B. Sheridan—The Rivals, The School for Scandal, The Critic. Percy B. Shelley—The Cenci. J. M. Synge—Deirdre of the Sorrows, Riders to the Sea, Play boy of the Western World. John Webster—The Duchess of Malfi. W. B. Yeats—Desire, The Land of Heart’s Desire, The Hour-Glass, The Pot of Broth. NOTE: The titles capitalized throughout are those of the best selections. The list was furnished the Chowanian by Mrs. Jones, as sistant professor of English. Everything' Depends On Mother By Albert T. Reid --OUR. GHEATnESS IS DUE TO MOTKER.S FUTURE GHEATMESS Harrell & Holloman Drugs, Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, Cigars, Cigarretts Fountain Drinks YOUR SERVICE YOUNG’S CHAIN STORES 12 Busy Stores Visit Us When In Scotland Neck or Ahoskie! “Sure, Mrs. Murphy, and I’m having a grand time of it between me husband and furnace. If I keep one eye on one—the other is shure to go out.”—Buffalo Bison. * * * “What is the lowest form of humor?” College humor!” (Go ahead, sue us!)—Judge. * * * Out last Scotch importation tells of how Sandy MacPhersan decided to leave school because he had to pay attention.—Ex. UNDER THE GREEN- * WOOD TREE * ♦ * S|! * ♦ !(! With apologies to Keats: “A thing of beauty is annoyed for ever.” * * * “It’s funny I do not remember limping when I left home,” said the professor, as he walked down the street with one foot on the curb and the other in the gutter. » * » Jimmie: I wish I could be Tommy Timble. Mother: Why? You are strong er than he is, you have a bet ter home, more toys and more spending money. Jimmie: I know, but Tommy can wiggle his ears. # * * A professor was deep in his work when his w'ife called. “Harry, baby has swallowed the ink! Whatever shall I do? “Write with a pencil,” was the dreamy reply. aN >l 4: Miss McDowell: The first date in history was about 4000 B. C. Alice Cooke; Who had it? * ♦ >(> William Futrell (at banquet) : Now, sugar— Willia Parker (excitedly) : Yes, yes. William; with coffee. Certainly goes good “My father is a veteran, and has a hickory leg.” “That’s nothing. My sister has a cedar chest.” * ♦ * Johnny’s Ma: Johnny, there were three pieces of cake in the pantry and now there is only one. How did that happen? Johnny: Well, it was so dark in there I didn’t see the other piece. ♦ ♦ ♦ Two Irish women were discours- ing one day in the following man ner: “Good morning, Mrs. Finnegan; and how is iverything?” I heard your son was an under taker. I thought you said he was a physician. Not at all. I just said he fol lowed the medical profession. —Ex. * ♦ * “Hand that bill to yer boss, an’ tell him ex-Corporal Brown, com monly called ‘Fightin’ Joe,’ wants to know why it ain’t been paid.” —Judge. ilc * A man has less courage than a woman. Try to imagine one with twelve cents in his pockets trying on seven suits of clothes.—Detroit Free Press. ♦ * * , Window cleaners are not the only men whose occupation is hazardous. We recently read of a magazine editor who dropped 11 stories into a waste basket. * * * Biddy: “Did ye bring home that pane of glass for the kitchen windy, Pat?” Pat; “Oi did not, Biddy. Oi was after a twilve bye fourteen an’ the only sixe they had was fourteen by twilve.” Biddy: “Why didn’t ye git it? Ye could have put it in sideways, couldn’t ye?” * « * It was little Flossie’s first day at school. Her name had been regtistered and the teacher asked, “Have you any brothers or sis ters?” “Yes, ma’am,” answered Flos sie. “Are you the oldest one of the family?” “Oh, no, ma’am,” returned Flos sie; “fathen and mother’s both older’n me.”—Ex. * * • These are aiwkward times. The teashop waitress approached a cus tomer from behind and said, brightly: “Anything more, sir— I mean, madam—I beg your par don, sir.”—Ex. * * * Bob: “I don’t see how you can afford to take so many girls to those high-priced eating places.” Jack; “That’s easy; I always ask each girl hasn’t she been tak ing on weight just before we go in.”—Life. * * “What is this, waiter?” “Chicken broth, sir.” “Chicken broth? You are wast- DIXIE THEATER Scotland Neck, N. C. The home of high class pictures and leading road attractions. Open every night. R. J. Maddry, Owner-Mgr. PIERCE-WHITEHEAD HARDWARE CO. Hardware and Mill Supplies Building Materials, Oils, Paints and Wall Plaster. Weldon, N. C. WE Have a Complete Line of Toilet Articles and Cosmetics. Let Us Supply Your Needs. THE VIRGINIAN Franklin, Virginia Soda, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Candies, Etc. “In Business for Your Health!” ing your time serving in this restaurant?” “How so, sir?” ‘A man with an imagination like yours should be an author.”—Pass ing Show. ROANOKE RADIO CO. Ahokie, N. C. MAJESTIC AND PHILCO RADIOS Ask for Free Demonstration Eastern Cotton Oil Company Weldon, North Carolina Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products Dealers In Eastern’s Fertilizers Use Eastern’s Hog and Poultry Feed CENTRAL FILLING STATION Ahoskie, N. C. IF YOU’RE SICK, WE’VE GOT IT IF YOU’RE WELL, WE’VE GOT IT Drugs—Magazines—Soda Fountain E. N. NichoIson^s DRUG STORE Murfreesboro, North Carolina Camp Manufacturing Co. LUMBER MANUFACTURERS Franklin, Virginia BARNES-SAWYER GROCERY CO., Inc. AHOSKIE, N. C. We Sell To Dealers Only! Nine Years of Service in Our Beloved Roanoke-Chowan Section. We Will Thank You to Continue to Give Us Orders HARRISON’S DRUG STORE L. S. Harrison, Manager Toilet Articles, Stationery, Kodaks and Films Norris and Hollingsworth Candies—Prescriptions Carefully Compounded! YOUR ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Weldon, North Carolina “THE NYAL STORE” /r GO TO U. VAUGHAN’S For Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Etc. Murfreesboro, N. C. MISS NAOMI T. WIGGINS SPECIALIZING IN LADIES HATS, HOSE AND UNDERWEAR Murfreesboro, N. C. UNDERWOOD BROTHERS Authorized Sales Service FORD LINCOLN FORDSON Murfreesboro, N. C. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association Northampton, Hertford and Bertie Branch Rich Square^ N. C.