May Day-Alumni Meeting Scheduled May 2nd ^ a, .* , * t ALUMNI PRESIDENT C. BAILEY JONES AT THE GATE OF HIS CHURCH Sketch Jones His Church A Message from Your Alumni President . . . The Reverend C. Bailey Jones, now serving his second year as president of Chowan College Alum ni Association, is pastor of the West End Baptist Church, Suffolk, Virginia. President Jones graduated from Chowan College in 1939 as a bus iness administration major. He received his B. A. degree from the University of Virginia,. A. B. S. from Croza Theological Sem- nary, Chester, Pennsylvania. He did graduate work at Temple Uni versity, Phildadelphia, and South ern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a Rotarian, Master Maso,n and the President of the Suffolk- Nansemond Ministerial Associa tion. He has served on the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board, two years as vice-president. President Jones has recived many honors including appointment as a Kentucky Colonel. His activ ities in religious and civic affairs are too numerous to mention. The West End Baptist Church has a membership of 650. The church itself is a beautiful colonial sanctuary, with a wall around the church yard and brick walls through the beautifully landscaped lawn. The church spire points 137 feet into the sky. Why not visit The Rev. Mr. Jones; and if you do he will proud ly show you through and around hi smagnificent church. For anyone who may desire to write the Alumni President his address is: 1020 Pennsylvania Av enue, Suffolk, Virginia. Happy New Year fellow alumni of Chowan College. During these dawning days of this new year, 1964, it gives me, a great deal of pleasure to greet you as your alumni president. Historic Chowan College is grow ing rapidly and progress and growth always call for change. How grateful and pleased we are, as sons and daughters of the Cho wan College Alumni Fellowship, to see our beloved Alma Mater increasing in service and prestige. The many visible changes, such as the new dormitories, classroom building, new driveway, and other improvements, add new beauty, dignity, and strength of character and purpose to the fine traditon of Chowan. Obviously, these chan ges will enhance the service of this beloved institution. How grateful we are to Presi dent Bruce E, Whitaker and his able faculty and administrative staff for their able and dedicated leadership! But they need our support and we must give it to them. I believe that we want to make Chowan College one of the finest junior colleges in our nation. In order to accomplish this high goal, the loyal support EVERY son and daughter of this institution must be mustered. As we become chal lenged we must respond. How long has it been since you visited the campus? Time moves so rapid ly and changes comes so quickly that we are prone to forget what the campus is like. You owe it to yourself to return at the ear liest possible dale. In this connec tion, I an please to tell you that we have an active Alumni organi zation. We are cooperating with Dr. Whitaker and his staff for an even better Chowan. Now, we need you! Plan now to attend your an nual Alumni Day, Saturday, May 2nd. We will meet in the college cafeteria for lunch and a brief program. Then, in the afternoon, we will assemble on the beautiful Campus for the May Day Pro gram. Mark this date on your calendar now I am confident that you will enjoy this occasion and, certainly, you will be proud of Chowan. And now another important thing. Get out your check book and send the college a worthy donation. More of our alumni are needed in order to give Chowan the necessary financial support. Send in your check for the Alumni Loyalty Fund today. H possible, send another contribution to the Chowan Development Fund. If you are a recent graduate of Chowan, we especially want to see you. Your ties are closer to the college than many others for you are not too far removed from the activity here. I believe tha you will enjoy sharing your suc cess with your Alma Mater. I am looking forward to seeing many of ,you at the college on Saturday, May 2 for the annual Alumni Meeting and May Day P’rogram. Also, please render your suggestions for our alumni work and for the development of a stronger alumni association. Please know of my personal interest in you, your family and your work during this year, 19B4. —C. Bailey Jones The 1964 May Day celebration at Chowan College is scheduled for Saturday, May 2. Mrs. Jill Barr, of the Department of Physical Education, will direct the program. Plans are now underway for the annual meeting of the Annual Alumni Association Meeting and the May Day program. Both of these May 2 meetings will take on a new look this year. The May Day program, which is always held in the center of the Chowan campus, will have a more beauti ful setting as a result of the new driveway and parking areas, as well as additional landscping which compliments the beauty of the campus. Perhaps not this year, but in a very short while, 186 dogwoods now planted will begin to show their beauty around the entire drive. Mr. Jack Hassell, superinten dent of buildings and grounds, has initiated a program of continuous improvement on the campus. The first step has been the preparation of the lawn for grass. A good coat of winter grass blankets the entire front of the campus now, and by the time of the May Day season, the campus will be in full beauty. * * Tentative Program For The Annual Meeting Of The Chowan College Alumni Association And May Day Program On Saturday, May 2, 1964 Registration and informal coffee hour - 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Annual Alumni luncheon and business session - 12:00 noon. Invocation - 12:00 noon. Lunch - 12:45. Welcome from Alumni Presi dent and President of the college. Special entertainment. Guest speaker or special pro gram Alumni Association busi ness meeting (including the election of officers). Adjourn - 2:00 p.m. Immediately following the luncheon and alumni meeting, everyone will have the opportunity to look over the campus then, at 3:00 p.m.. the college will pre sent its annual May Day Pro- grrm. The Program will be under the direction of Mrs. Jill Barr, Instructor in the Department of Physical Educaion for women at Chowan. ! Explanation This issue of THE CHO- WANi.\N carries re-runs of, features and stories from earlier editions for the bene.'it of some 2500 alumni who do not receive THE CHOWANIAN regularly. To the alumni who would like to subscribe, send $1 to THE CHOWANIAN, P. 0. Box 277, Murfreesboro. MRS. JILL BARR , , , May Day Chairman Night Class Registration January 29 Registration for Chowan Col lege’s on-campus evening classes will be held on Wednesday, Jan uary 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the Science Building. W. C. Morrisette, Dean of the College, has announced that classes will be held Monday through Thurs day evenings. On Monday and Wed nesday evenings. English Litera ture 202, Elementary French 102. and World Geography 151 will be offered. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Biology (Zoology) 102, Shorthand 112, and Typewriting 99 and 102 will be offered. Regular students at Chowan will register for these classes at the regular re gistration period on Tuesday, Jan uary 28. Other persons who wish to take the evening courses on a commuting basis will register on January 29 at 7:00 p.m. The tuition will be $15.00 per semester hour for credit and $10.00 per semester hour for audit (for persons who desire to sit in on the course without receiving credit and without taking required tests.) Creative Writing will also be offered during the spring semester. This class, which will be taught by Dr. Bernice Kelly Har ris of Seaboard, will be offered on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Science Building Room 9. The regustration for this course will be held at its first meeting on February 4 at 7:00 p.m. Dean Morrisette has announced that additional courses will be of fered during the evening sessions upon sufficient demand. Con versely classes may also be re moved from the curriculum if a sufficent number is not enrolled to validate the teaching of the course. New Women s Dorm Building Expected Soon Chowan College officials are expected to receive bids for two construction projects on January 30, 1964. Plans for a new dormitory for women and an addition to the cafeteria are virtually complete. The dormitory for women will have 200 beds and an area of approximately 40,000 square feet. The facility will be located adjacent to the existing dormitory for wo men, between J. Henry Jones Drive and Union Drive. The three-floor structure will be fully air-conditioned and be similar in appearance to the recently completed dor mitory for men. The addition to the college cafeteria will approximate ly double the cafeteria space. A student store and related facilities will be located underneath the new addition. W. D. Boone, Jr. of Charlotte, North Carolina is the architect. It is anticipated that both structures will be ready for use in Sepember of this year. rOR JANUARY, 1964