THE DAILY SUN, PRESS OPINIONS. IT'S RATELII TOO MUCr FOR YOU the or ry, bulky pill. Too i ' to take, and too muon disturb ance for your poor sys tern. The smallest, easiest to ' .e, and best are Dr. rk-r-Va Pleas ant Pellets. 1 hey leave out all the disturbance, but yet do you more good. Their help laata. Constipation, Indiges tion, Bilious Attacks, Siek or Bilious Head aches, and all derange ments of 'the liver. X-2 .,v -t stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and permanently cored. They're puaran , teed to give satisfaction, or your money it returned. , -, " If you're Buffering from -4 VttlAUlJ, U4U piUPltCMUB I ;. ot Doctor Sage's Catarrh , Remedy ask you to try '-. their medicine. Then, ft f you cant be cured, they'll : pay you 500 in cash. Is There Any Itch In Your JeigWorhood ? DB. DAYIP'S SANATIVE IWASH Will cure Scabies or Itch, Mange, Camp Iteh or Seven fear Itch in lees than half an hour with one application. Price 60 oents a bottle, enough to cure two persons. For sale by . v . i . . - W. M YEARBY, Apr7-8m ," , Durham, N. C. MMM3E& Eully, Quickly, Permanently Restored. . WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, , , and all the train of evils troni early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, development and tone given toavery organ and Sortlon of the, body, tmple, natural method a, Immediatelmprovement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. , ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. Latest Sews? What NAWS W. 9'WWW P W w w w Why tlic News thai C. C. TAYLOR Has a splendid assortment of FRANKLINS, GRATES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES, lamp Goods and Tinware, He does all kinds of tin and sheet Iron work, and solicits the patronage of Dur ham and surrounding country. Re member the place. C. C. TAYLOR, "MAIN STREET, - - - DURHAM, N. 0. Nov3-tf THE WASHINGTON LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. ot A. RRftWER. Jiu - - - - President. The new statement of the WASHINGTON for AN INCREASE IN ASSETS; 1 xt rvTz-roir a oir. IVMTT.W BTiarNESS : A,1 iovx.Jw. .. '.7 AND SUBSTANTIAL ADVANTAGES ALL ALONG THUililJMlii. issets, January 1 1893, $12,500,000. T. L. ALFRIEND, Manager Virginia and North Carolina, FebSS-tf - Richmond, . a Sale of Town Lot,. rpHE town of Durham will offer'for sale on J. Saturday, May if(w,ij at y wki v tuepremises, , v , - - . J V1K f uiuuuiy ' .. . - . i. nn TPtila int. la tttnatad aunensiuuB u uy m v o f on Main street, adjoining the lot of K. i. Terms made known on day of sale. ', "", By order of the Board of Town Commission ere. GEO. W. WOODWARD, April SB. 1893. Clerk, oaw tds PENNYROYAL WAFERS. a ipecWa monthly medietas tor ladles 1AJ nJHUlQ WU wuv " t producing (rM healthy and puinlom discharge. No aohea pr patiw on ap. Eroaon now uiwu uy w. or v,wv uu nueaaed villnsoairain. InTigwatei theM orerant. 'Boy of your drug(rit' only thote with onr algnatnr aoron famotlabaL Avoid lubslttutea. Sealed nartlcol mailed So 00 per doxT Addrao, SOBJtKA mhufSl (JUJUTAllXa vlaWUt ivn : 1101 lT ' '' '''' '' ' s .f W M. YEARBY, Druggist, ! , martt-ly v ; Durham, N 0 i mi, SATURDAY, MAY 20. PICKED UP At RANDOM. A tramp, while sleeping: in a Virginia barn, was attacked by an army of larga rats and nar rowly escaped. - Dr Talmagre kas announced that he will resigai as pastor of the Brooklyn , Tabernael next Sunday unless: the debt en the church property has been : paid, : or arranged for, x Near Natchez, Miss. two negroes encountered a strange object in the woods in the shape of a man ' whose wild actions suggested an escaped - lunatic. The man climbed a tree at their approach and frightened them off. ' "J- ' Mr, James JameSf of . Gravel- la. Ala., ninety years old, has neve been sick enough iakia Ufa to miss a meal of victuals, add has not taken a dose of med- icine in thirty years, v Oae day last week the old gentleman walked a distance of ' ten miles without any material inconven ience. The case of Mr. James is by no means art unusual one ftr Conecuh county; : : Says The New Yrk Adver tiser; "The efforts f men to lay out cities : generaly ' end in the cities laying out the men. All business enterprises in which k the - motite : f public spirit combines with ap,d con tuses tne motite 01 private profit mislead tie Judgment Alexander Hamilton's opera tions were premature, in ! layiag Out the city of Paterson." Gener al Lewis Cass was. ruined in projecting the city of St. Joseph, Mien. Astor succeeded in every other real estate venture save Astoria.-- Ne wonder, th ref ore, that Lawyer Weeks overloaied when he tooic oh Superior City, the "West Super ior taml and -Biver-CompaHy andihe West Superior Iron and Steel Company. To manutac i- 1 i. 1 1 uure iron anu uiooi aiyuo avutoi the competition of the class of gCI Jprrf guiresj tfie exclusive atid -ahsorbedl industry f a ma bf tk highest genius. It must be no Dypiay ndipwition, and Stomach disorders, take " , BROWN'S IKON BITTEKS. ri dealers keep it, $1 per bottle. Genuine hai Cuue-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. , ) a . Stories, of Old People. Washington Dale, a negro. has just died in Kansas City at the age ef loy years. David McCoy of California, said to be 103 years of age, is the oldest war veteran m the country. Henderson Smith, a negro died a few days ago at Quincy, 111., and at the given age of 119 years. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fish of Bucyrus, Ohio, have just cele brated their diamond wedding. Mr. Fish is 93 years old and kis wife 96. . j George O. Sharp, the oldest postmaster in the United States is dead. He had been postmas ter at Kickapoo, Kan., for thir ty consecutive years. Mr. Wanamaker exchanged photo graphs with the old gentleman some time ago There lives a man in Webster county, W. Va., by the-name of Wherton, aged 89 years whose hair and beard are turn ingfrom white to black. He is said also to be cutting a new set of teeth. His appearance is said to indicate a man of about 40 year,s instead of one nearly 90. v Hood's Sarsaparilla positively cures even when all others fail, ty has a record ef successes un equalled by anyother medicine. Great Triumph. '; Instant, relief experienced and a permanent pure by the most speedy and greatest remedy in the world Otto's Cure for, Throat and Lung Diseases. ; Why vrill you continue to irritate your threat and lungs, when W. M. Yearby, Sol Agent, will fur nish you a free sample bottle of this great guaranteed remedy? Its suc cess is simply wonderful,' as your druggist will tell. you. Otto's Cure is now sold in every town and vil lage on this continent. Samples free. Large bottles &0o. ' - 8 k ,,, , .'' - i : r" JIf you want to reach the town people try an fad" in the Sun. ' The Chinese Government is no longer Dound Dy treaiy stipulations which this Govern ment has deliberately violated. No doubt it will proceed to drive American residents out of China basing its action upon the prec edent we have established. : We ceuld have no reason, to com plain if, having yielded to the cry of fanaticism in this coun try, the Cinese 6hould retort upon us eur own weakness, Philadelphia Eecord. , . v. , , A reneral financial "revulsion is not possible, in this -country; Such a disaster can come enly when the people are overloaded with debt and a sudden depress ion in values makes bankruptcy erupt in the legitimate channels ot industry and rtrade. That is not the condition ei this coun try. On the contrary, the peo ple of all sections of the Union were nevei?jBM?e generally "sol vent than s they are"? to-day. Phil. Times. : Churches tiusUlas: For Tenors. Th church i choir 'i directors who are filling their- quarters are having a great deal of diffi culty in finding tenors. The supply of tenors capable of acceptapie cnurcn wore nas ai- 1 li Ji.J Ik. ways oeen iimueu, uuv u me nraoont tim it. Mdtllll t.n VlA m ftr ft limited than ever.? It '1 U esti mated that there are 15 churches in thiacitv and Brooklyn whose directors or music committees or clergymen or all three are on a wild hunt for v tnors.V The Grace church people ; are per- lecny Trilling io j p ; kwwu tenor $1,000 a 'vear. which is equal to $20 a Sunday, or per haps they may ao even Deuer. An for St. ' Bartholomew's church, it is not believed they would reiuse $a,uuu u tney couio aoiiM a. nntiaf aflorv sinrfir. This is believed to be the salary f Franz Remmertz, the bass there-tf ew , Prf ,.E 9Tia,- 'U -, Glad Tidings. Thb grand specific for the prevail- Liver Complaint, RheumaftsmrCoef- trmriaa nnArl nhilit,T. tO.. . is HI wyofrt?JI V ir - - , tonio stimulates tne qigeswye organi, rflPnlAtes the Liver and restores the system to vigorous, health and tener- Siaepi3au rm :xwgejftOK. ags 0o. . Sold - 6i2jf by W. M. Yearby. ' - , 3 i , 'Vhen Baby was sick,, we grvo her Ooetorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. itfhen she had Children, she gave them Castorla. R. 0. Taylor, Murfreesboro, Tenn., writes: ''I have used the Japanese Pile Cure with great satisfaction and success." Sold by W. M. Yearby. HjTAn advertisement in the Sun will bring you in good returns. Try it and see. Notice of Incorporation. NOTICE is hereby given that I have this day issued to Pleasant H. Massey, Rufus Maseey and W. P. HaUey, letters of Incor poration declaring them and their present and future associates, successors and assigns to be a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of "Durham Farmers' Alli ance Merchandise Company,'.' with a capital stock of Five Thousand Dollars, divided into one thousand shares of Five Dollars each, with power to commence business when one fourth of said capital is paid In; and with power and authority to Increase said capital stock at any time or from time to time to any amount not exceeding in the aggregate Fifty Thousand Dollars. The business proposed is the buying, selling, handling and In any way aallnv In crnndflL ware and merchandise of every description. No Individual liability upon stockholders, Stock when fully paid up, non-assessaoie. Tne pnnoipai piace ui business is Durham. N. 0. The duraUon of the corporation is to be for eight years, . , . This April Wth, 1898, y - , ' " . J 1 C. B. GREEN, - v-y Clerk Superior Court. DRESS-MAKING. -00 Dress-making and - sew ing of every, description done in the latest and most approved styles. MRS. J. A, McMANNEN, McMANNEN STREET, Has had several year's ex perience as a dress-maker, and solicits the patronage of the ladies of Durham. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; ---VA.:'-. VJhat is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants : and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor . . " other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute - for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ' It is Pleasant. ' Its' guarantee is thirty years', use by :V Millions of Mothers. Castorla iJ the Children's Panacea 1 the Mother's Friend. r ' Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that recommend it as superior to any presaripUoa ; known to me.1' H. A. Ancna, M, h., f 114 So, Oxford St, Brooklya, N. T, " Ths use of 'Castoria' la ao universal and 1U merits so well known that It seems a work ! , of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the ' intelligent families who do not keep Castoria . within easy reach." x ' Caaua Uiamt, D. D., - - NewTorkaty. Tn CniTAoa THE LATEST FASHION PLATE FOR HAIR CUHING AND . . " .v DRESSING FOR 1893, , . -; ifit JA my NEW YORK. p. -JtL .CINCINNATI. XtL'jf' ' BOSTON, rHIWDELPHIft ' WASHINGTON . ilSSHB" Remember you are always-aet-at -John Menick's Hait-tutting and Shaving.Parlorr 'v . V Tn"fK i,finAT will haA nntliinlTuuVribirhmusnv'WM at each chair, and polite, attentive porters in my Bath Rooms, which are kept strictly flfst-ciase. At present I am suiortad by Charley Ilines, Bea Warren, Botit. Marun, KODtuaws.insjameB waaweua. wiuowTo umwu, 1 wui cauai resiaenct raj ur;, wiwyu oauuiuaj,.iu v-.. rlren Shampooning and cutting Bangs, or any other work in the Tonsorial Profession. Your Obedient Take your Job Printing To Thompson, (formerly Whitaker Printing House.) GroodWork At Lowest Prices And on short notice. ' ,1., i1 Notice. BY VIRTUE of an order of the Superior ' Court of Durham county, I will Bell to the hie beet Didder, at mm uoure uouse uoor in Dnrnam oounty, on . , SATURDAY, JUNE 10th, 1893, f the following real estate in the town of Dur ham, bounded as follow, to-wit i By "David Lunsf ord on the south I Beniamln Gattla on the north : W. G. Person on the east the old Fayettevllle road on the west. Contains H of an acre more or less. . . . . .. ., Terms: M cash. balanoe In 8 and U months at 8 per cent Interest on de 'erred payments. Sale subject to widow'! right LoMower. : ; , May 10th, 1803. R. K. FERRKLIi, , , Commissioner, Castoria.,. Castoria cures Oolio, Oonsttpatloa, Sour Stomach, Diarrhosa, Eructation, , , Eilla Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dV . gestlon, k , Without Injurious medication. . ' . "For several yean X have recommended your 'Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial resulta," & , ; 16th Btrert and 7th Jlv, New York City. OowAirr, Tf Xckbat STaswr, Kiw Toas Crrr 8T.L0UIS. "Tu'likl JtiMiiiiil 1 Servant. . r Jolin Merricb:- T SEABOARD AIR LINE, BETWmN DURHAM AND HbNDBIWOK; PORtS MOUTH, RICHMOND, WASHINGTON,1 BAWI MOllH, PHILADELPHIA AND NBW YORK, AND ALL POINTS NORTH', AND HALHtOH, MONRO R, ATHKN8, ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS SOUTH AND WKBT. ' NORTH-BOUND. aOIITH. BOTJND. No. 1IM. DAILY. ; Np.117. iiKnmiv Atlanta rCentral time) arTDOam 5 it p m lv Atlanta (Kastern time) ar 8 80 a m 7 88 p m IV Jug Tavern iTvn.ui . s on p m iv B 00 p m lv lOOOpmjv l()8')pmbr 11 OTpmiv 13 18 p in lv 1 46 a m ar 1 65 a m lv 841amlv 815amlv 8 25 a m ar 8 85 a m lv 4Jamlv 5 06arulv 8 15 a m ar eaoamlv 5 55 a m lv 7 87mlv 8 00 a m ar OiSQamlv Anions , Elbertim Abbeville, Greenwood J Clinton - Chester Monroe ' Monroe Wadusboro Rookiugbatn W am let Hamlet Southern Pines Haul ord Raleiuh Ralehih Durham Weldon Norfolk lv18am lvSWam v 4 81 a m v 8 57 a m lv814am lv i (10 a m lv U 60 a m !r IS 40am v 11 MS p m v 11 80 p m lv 11 10pm aril 00 pm lvl018pm lv!K)pm ' lv 8 60 p m ar 8 16 p m ar 8 46 p m lv 7 07 p m lv 560pm . ar 5 41 p m 11 o a m ar ivnwp m 10 155 am lv Petersburg (Wash. St.) h 408 p m 11 1)8 a m iv f etewourg (unipu oia ; iv two m 114Samar' Richmond lv 826pm Di 04 p m lv Richmond ar 8 05 p m laBpwlv , Ashland lvU7pm 185umlv Mllford lvl48pm 8 01 p m lv Fredericksburg lv 1 W p m a 47 n m lv Aiexanana W'aBbltittton Baltimore Philadelphia lv 11 18am lv 10 67am lvBtiam lvTSOam 4 07 p m ar 5 87 p m ar 7 40 o m ar 10 86 p mar Mew yorit lvl815am Tti JW Mall from New York at 4 a m con- nects with No. 117 at Weithinirton. - No. 134 has Pullman Vestibule Sleepers from Atlanta to Washington. Parlor Car from Washington to New York. No. i 17 ha Pellman'' Vestlbul Stespera 'from New York to Washington, and Pullman Vestibule Bultet Sleepers from Washington to Atlanta. Parlor Car between Portsmouth and Wel don. Sleeper Charlotte to Raleigh, Hamlet to t Wilmington. . ' , , - ' Clot e connection at Atlanta with fast trains over the W. ft A., for Chattanooga, Nashville, 8t..Louls and Chioago, also with A. A W. P., for Mobile, Montgomery, and other points , South and West. Tor further information in regard to conneo. tions, etc.. apply to IS. 1. CheHtham, agent, Durham. N.d 0. V. Smith, TratttoM'gr. Jno C. Windbr, General Manager. Ii, T. M vbrs. General Superintendent. J. Amdbrson, Passenger Agent. , , J-jR.J.J.THAXTON: , With ffty yeaiwof experlenoa at a general practitioner, tenders his services totheoitl sens of Durham. His speclalUes, mucuous membranes, glands and nerves. Females, in particular. Didlgestion, bronchitis, scrofula, constipation and headache, Secondary and hereditary diseases. Home at O. M. Uerdon's. Office over Jones' Jewelry store. Offloe hours, 8 a, m.. to U nu. md from 8 to 4 p. m. .. Pure white sage honey at Henry, O'Brien & Co's "City Grocery ,7 r 1