7- V ,1 ) TERSE TOWN TOPICS. IXIWHICH ABB 8ADJTE33, MIRTH, WISDOM AND FOLLY. A Elrd's-eye View of Varloua Things Jotted Down la the Hunt for . Passing Events. The children'! Day exercises, of Trinity Methodist church will be celebrated at the court house tomor- row afternoon at 4: SO o'clock. An in teresting program has been arranged I ) (or the occasion and it will be quite! a delightful affair. '-, Prof. Downie will lecture ml v. Stokes; Hall next Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Knights of rywuaa. uia lecture wui oe uius . trated with 100 views, covering over ; ow square xeet or screen, uo oui ana near mm. ' Some thirty or forty clergymen , and delegates, who had been attend - v ing the Episcopal convention held in Raleigh." were aboard the western " . bound train yesterday, afternoon on their return home." , . V , The . 8ch returns thanks to ' . ' Me8srs.:F. A. Brown and Winston . ' Rogers for an invitation to the Trini- , . ty College, commencement X ; The in vitations have ; just been sent out and are quite neat and attractive.' t , A large number of : ladies and - - gentlemen passed through the city last evening en route to Greensboro ; to attend the ' commencements next i week. - , 4 ,. . . '. . Prof. R. L. Wharton, of the .. Graded School, will conduct the gos pel services at the T. M. C. A., to- , morrow at 4 p. m. ' " v Rev.' W. H. Pegrain, . of Trinity Park, will preach in the court house tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. t Robert Follin receives the Trinity ' College scholarship offered to the i Winston Graded school. Two room house for rent. " See T. J. Lambe. r - ------ To the Pnbiio: v On Tuesday morning, May 30th,' the remains f 'the" late President-Xrf ISaVlB, Wit asg through Durham -en rpteto.RaleigTiat.l5 minutes to 10 o'clock and agam at 3 p. m.t en route . ; Because I feel that the public will pieasea to qo bo, i nereDy cau upon e and all in the community to as eemblo at the hours named at the Richmond & Danville depot to show the respect befitting the occasion and the distinguished dead. . I most respectfully request of all superintendenUi of schools to march ' in a body to the depot their respective schools, and I will goeatly appreciate it if every child, large or small, - will bring .with them flowers, that the ; , railroad track leading past the depo. - shall be entirely covered ' with flow ers. ' I most respectfully ask every cit izen to uncover his head while the coach containing the remains rests r at the depot. Ifmost respectfully ask that all places of business in the town be closed while the remains are in the corporate limits of the town. ' . I most respectfully ask every reli gious denomination in the town, who .owns a church bell, to have said bell tolled from 9: SO to 10: SO and from r 2:80 to.3:80 of the day named. : I most respectfully ask this same favor of every college, pubho school, : tobacco warehouse, manufacturing I , .imtitutloiM la the tovra th.t hTO a i.uu.ia ' . I ' i . i I vT I most resDectfullv invito-thnThir. .""O.-- ham Lighj; Infantry to mutch to the j 1 ( .-"depot Jind t ' m' i T i unng over i:.) cu i a.' . i remains "three rov, U." ' I most rcs'i T. V.y iui'j r'l t'.e citizens of. t! 3 comn nniy ti le present at the depot, l' , ".:: i of age, sex or color, tta a t , . ; ; , ; 1 of respect to tho dead chi. :: ;;n. . . .i Persons havin Unit - l State flags will pkr di j or iy at half mast. i -' With profound rrpect, -' - J. a. uv Ex Pres. Con. Vet. A' ;o. ( f C. Whcro can you get pure druu Cbomicalal r Oo to E. D. FLher's, c-r -r and JIangum strf cU. PERSONAL PRINTS. Tli Movements of Durham People Their Frlenda nd Straugers.. W. Duke returned last evening from Fayetteville. - Mrs. H. Sims returned today from a isit to relatives in Chapel Hill. I Miss Eettie Blair is spending a few rdays" with friends and relatives at - 1 Mebane. Misses Nannie Glass and Willa Ellison, of Richmond, are the guests Mrs. J. R. Gattis. Dr. Stephen B. Weeks, of Trinity Park, wenttoChapel Hill last evening I to spend a few days. i , and Mrs. J. A. Willard. of Bal timore, arrived today on a visit to their son wm willard Miss Maude Darnall, of Cumbe r land, Md.t is visiting her sisters, Mrs. A G. Thomas and Miss Lucy Dar nail. Mmi E. S. Thomson and children left ' today fr ; Raleigh and l Wake Forest to spend several'; weeks with friends, A'Oivi; ::&:W:'tfy Miss Josie Batchelor, who travels for the paper published at the Thomp son Orphanage at Charlotte, is in the city today. ' , . . , ' Miss Lida Harris, ' who has bn visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. A. Guth rie, left last evening for her home in. ChapelHill.' Rev. Junius Horner and wife, of Oxford, were in the city last evening en route home from the Episcopal Convention. ' ' Mrs. W. S, Witherspoon, who has been visiting relatives in Hillsboro, passed through the city - today re turning to her home in Goldsboro. Thing Worth Remembering. When you feel a kind of goneness about the stomach it is a sign , that your food does not sit well and that you are about to have a fit of indi gestion. . 1 When you begin to feel nervous I and are unable to sit still comf orta- mt. when vour clothes suddenly seem itar become top tigbtjii ut:jrv- . - - -:c .si.)a-w ZZ? T5TJl w nen tnis m or indigestion is re solves itself into dyspepsia. . " re- Kemember that three to ten of Brandreth's Pills will cure the "worst case of indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and that a regular course of them, say two - every mght for week or ten aays, will act as a pre ventive of either complaint. - Another Winston Fire. WnisTOir, N. C ,'.May 19. R. D, Johnston's block, corner of Liberty and Third streets, was destroyed by are At 3 o'clock this morning. The loss is $9,000: insurance $8,000. The fire is believed to have been inctndi ary, and E. D. Hagler, John Johnson and another man, till colored, . have been arrested. 8ensational develop ments are expected. Look at the ordinary pill. - Think of all the trouble and disturbance that it causes you. Wouldn't you welcome something , easier, to , take, and easier in its ways, if at the same time it did you more good? That is the case with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellete. They're the smallest in size. the mildest in action, but the ' most thorough and far reaching in results They follow nature's methods, and they give help that lasts. Constiba tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Headaches, and all derangements Of the . liver, stomach and bowels, are : promptly' relieved ana permanently curea "If we can't cure your Catarrh, no matter bow bad your case er of how ,onS standing, we'll pay you $500 in Remady. Doeent it. prove, better I.IW1I1 HI1V WlirUH IU)Ulll. LllUb LUIti IB Hi remedy that cures? Costs, only 50 c11 . V "Ti-rvme, tue great restor .use you to Bleef - like a Cli.ld. Yearly. it. Sold - by W. M. Williams & King's FamongToothaoke .. iin 1 Nenralgla Remiy Call on jour druggist and ak for a bottlrt. It will cost you only ten cents.' It cures the. most obstinate case of Toothache or Neuralgia in two minutes. A trial will surely convince j-ou of its wonderful merits. Every body should have it in thoir homes. I member the price, ten cents per b'.U.K For salo by all druggists. We you to try it. . " . l e Yaeolnated. ' ', 1 have just received a fresh sup fly of vaxui virus, Ivy points. MU i'l r t i:i almost at - our door. (Jon-i . .1 Le vaccinated. ., , Dr. Eattlo. SENSATION AT HENDERSON. Dr. C. S. Hoy SkoU at Gor(te P Hart Yesterday. : , Hesdkrson, N. C ; May 19. pe cial to Raleigh News-Observer.) A short while before 9 1 o'clock ' this morning the bang of a pistol shot re sound 3d on the still air from Crow & Marston's shop, in the rear, of the Herald office, v That being, the gun smith shop of the town the sound created no sensation till the form of Mr, George P. Hart was seen in rapid flight up the alley leading from it. Oa reaching Cemetery ' street he turned down that and across to Mont gomery street, where he approached Chief of Police Southerland and sur rendered himself and pistol.; '.Then it was known that Dr. C, S. Boyd had shot at him twice near Crow & Marston's shop. ' Dr. Boyd came out deliberately on Mam ; street i and walked down towards themayor's office till he met the police, to whom he surrendered himself and his pistol Warrants were . sworn : out and the parties were at once taken before Mayor W. W. Rowland for trial oaJ ki ik j' ; . I i wo couuu iui uus&y uuu carrying concealed weapons. The, testimony showed that Dr. Boyd had fired t if ice t Hart; that the latter had' a pistoLl m ma nanu wneu ue run up sae auey, that he continued his flight Mont gomery street, but had not used his pistol. The mayor acquitted him on the charge of an affray. ' Both parties pled guilty to the charge of carrying concealed weapons, f and . both were bound over to the Superior Court in the Bum of two hundred dollars.. ' Thecftuse of the affrayis not known. but Dr. Boyd's standing in the com munity and his friendly and peaceful disposition is evidence to the ' people who know him that his action was provoked by very bad treatment. Hart is the attorney who drew up the papers for the gold mine syndi cate, who recently took .an option off mine - property - 'of Boyd's, about wftich papers, rumor has it, there areBome irregularities objectioaable to Dr. Boyd.. This, however, is iot substantiated.. r j Mr. liaftr-vas wtter,j w xocay jaounc, wnere ms connections are among the best people ia ' that : sec tion. He has , been here several months, during which time he has earned afvery unentiaMe reputation Quite a number of our citizens are sufferers from having cashed checks and - drafts for him, which came back protested, and left them minus cash, aggregating some two hundred dollars. . m m 1 ' - V''' " Positive and Negative, '; The Race Question is unsettled But it is settled that Hood's Sarsa parilla leads all remedies Disease marches through all lands But good health blesses all who take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Dyspepsia is a great foe of the human race. But Hood's Sarsapa mia puts it to night. Scrofula is one of the most terri ble of diseases. ' But Hood's Sarsa parilla expels it from the system ' The neoDle of this day. like . Job. suffer from boils. But Hood's. Sar saparilla is a sovereign remedy for them. Catarrh is one of the most disa greeable disorders., But Hood's Sar saparilla is sure to relieve and cure it, Rheumatism racks the system like a thumb-screw.; But it retreats 'Abe- fore the power of Hood's Sarsaparilla. boss 01 appetite loads to meian cholia. ' But -Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the plainest repast tickle the palate. Life is short and time is fleeting, but Hood's Sarsaparilla will bless humanity as the ages roll on. Henry, O'Brien & Co., invites the adies of Durham to call and examine the goods and prices at : their 'City Ladies, if you want n pure delicate soap lor the complc, ion, ' W, M xearby Druggist, will . always re commend Johnson's Oriental Medi cinal Toilet Soap, w " i ' Best Glove Fitting Corsets. . Eu.p, C, Extra Long OSE & CO. Waist When you get your mail stop at Henry, O'Brien & Co 'j "City Gro eery" and try ona of tl.-ir fine cigars. W. M. Yearby, Pn -"ist, recom mends Johnson's 1 tio Oil. the great family pain 1 "a r, internal and external. . Special drivo in i' . mVss Matting, GLAD TO HEAR IT. ' The Administration to be Be moo rat io la Fact as Well aa Name. ' Washington, D. ; C., : May 19 (Special ) Men and brethren, hear ye all: This administration is going to be Democratic, in fact ns well as in name. The overwhelming verdict of tbe people is to be obeyed, and no I repuoacan is to be left in a place of responsibility.- The pace towards this goal baa not beenprecipitate, but it has been and will be steady ana sure until it is reached.' Secre rary uresnam took the lead, and there isn't more than one or two re publicans left in important positions in the Stat Department. Secretary Carlisle is a good second, and it will not be long before all of the chiefs o divisions of the Treasury Depart mentwill be. democrats. Secretary Smith has begun to call for the resig nations of ,, the republican chiefs of divisions m the Interior . Department and he proposes to keep it up until they are all out. Secretary Morton has not been behind in proportion to the size of his department. Post master General Bisseu has had to de vote so tc uch time to the selection of postmasters that ' he hasn't made very many changes , in his depart ment, put ne wul as will Attornev General Olnflv and Rprflf.nnVa Ta raont and Uef bert. Best quality round thread full wid th Bleached Sheeting, 25o. . , Ellis, Stone & Co. - W.' M.'Yearby. Drueerist menus j apanese Liver Pellets f er con supation and sick headache. ' Small uuiu, biibj io lase. : ou puis 25 cents Fast Black Seamless Ribbed Hoso" xuv. JLLOS. jSTOHk fr. f W Special barffains in Embroidflrina ana iaces. - kllis. Stone A: Co. Patapsco Family Flour at th "Hitr Grocery 'phone 46. , v New White Goods' in Dlain. nkid stripes, etc. Ellis, Stone & Co. . gw &&vzxtitmznt. TUESDAY, MAY 23. . " ' -60 v..' PROF. D0M1D DOWMEi B C L, INHIS ' v Grand Illnstrated Lecture With bis Magnlflcent.Stereoptloan Views. UlnmenL ' 8UBJECT! . ? , iJ.;.i1i. it XIapoleoji." A hundred splendid Colored Pictures, 80 feet square, will carry the ftndieDoe with Mr. Downie's eloquent lecture. . .. ' - 00 Subject for Tuesday evening: "NAPOLEON." Seats on sale at Blacknairs. -.' - . ., . . '. . cents. . Prices, 60 and 86 PRESGEIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. VAUGHAN'S JOHCaG S-TOH6I. ' 1lMftCTUREItS Main Street, (Five, Points,) Durham, N. C. ! , ' We manufacture every variety and erade of Vehicles. Hiich aa OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, SURRIES. TRAPS. ADIES PHOTONS, DELIVERY AND SPRING WAGONS. . REPAIRING IN WOOD, IRON Sendior descriptive circular of our Hen-Can -Ton Get Pun Dnis cd Icals? -AT- E .'D.FISHER'S - Corner Main and Mangom Sts, ' DURHAM, N. C. ' . - . v t OO , ... ..-.f v. v HK KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF ,; - untmiunLO, 7 Fainto, Oilo, Varniolieb, Tflfttll PmpTlAD ' Hula V. ' . Soaps," Ferfumes," Handierclilef Extracts,'' Met Waters, f ' AND ' Kancy Articles, ; la fact everything kept in a first-class modern 1 narmacr. . v. He will be gUA to see you and give you his care and attention. He will fill your okdim PBOupixvand deliv er, to any part or tne ety, U desired. He tests all of his Chemicals himself, and if . uiejr axe w up to me standard ne will NOT USEJ THEM. Being a Cbuobt he can do this very easily. He is a warm trlmA nf ffc TtnntnM arflt - be glad to see them at any time in his place of business. If he can serve them in any way it win auura mm pleasure. Mr. PAUL Shicd la wlt.li Mm anH If. will o4m him pleasure to serve his friends, in his UMual kind aud polite manner. . Prescriptions a Specialty, and allow no Prescription to leave his store that has bot passed under bis personal exam ination and been checked by him. . He will publish his method later on wTlh hi advertisement. BTGO TO SEE HIM . , . . . - And you will be pleased , jHb.tAewaytreatjou. . W. (i. tltHU'l'OlilLiU, Watchmaker and Jeweler ' DEALEA in Watched, Clocks, Spectacles, Ac. MANOUM STREET, Opbostte First National Bank, -DURHAM, N. 0. May 18-2w V - AND PAINT A SPECIALTY. -Patent Side-bar Wood-SDrinff PATENT III 1V1L11JIU Buggy. . , " Apr20-3m . , ElIuM, U'::a:&Co.,