J S. A. L. . BKTWKKM DTK B AM AND HESMiRSOS, PORTS MOLTH, RICHMOND, WASHINGTON, BA.LTI MORE, PRlLAIlfcLFUIA AND NKW YORK, AND ALL POISTS NOKTH: AND BALKIGH, JIONHOR, ATHENS, ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS SOUTH AND wtsx. NORTH-BOUND. SOCTH-BOtTND, No. DAILY IX. SUNDAY. No. 4L, Rend down. , lO-K) A. M. Lv. Durham, Ar. 10 . M. 12 41) P. M. At. Hmleron. Lv. !.10P M. 2 27 247 " 3,3.5 " 8,10 " Kittreil, Fraaklintun, Louisburg, Wake, 12,23 11.00 A.M. 12, Ot P.M. 1 55 p m ur 2 20 p m ar 3 00 p m ar Warren Plaiua Weldon "' . ivllupw lv 13 40 pm IvllMam . Boykins Franklin Suffolk ; v ' Portsmouth 5 lv 10 58 am . lr 10 30 am i, lv9Mam ' lv 9 15 a m ,433pmar (iWpmar ' 5 43 p m ar 00 p m ar Norfolk lv9C0am 6Tk t m ar Petorsburir (A. U. Lj . lv 10 05 a m 8 10 p m ar Richmond " " lv 9.15am 1 1 10 p tn ar Washington (P B lv 4 30 a m 1348a mar Baltimore . H . Iv350am 3 45 a m ar Philadelphia V " v lv 12 03 night eMamar New York " lvSOOpm No. 13k 1100 am 3;-3pm 4 53 p m 9 00 pm 820pm Wfrtaiu ' 2 0a am 137pm, 3 00pm, Mo 1ST i New York, , Baltimore,' Washington, : Richmond, i'j Norfolk, , Henderson,";;,,'5 : Kaleigh, Monroe,. 4." i i v Athens, t i Atlanta, ' ' 905pm ; 454pm 3 40pm . 1145 am 12 05 noon , 739 am ', 6 30aia 200am 813pm ' 6 06 om Read op Nos. 127 and 134 Solid flLUmau Vestibule Trains between Washington and Atlanta. Trains 38 and 41 have through: sleepers be tween Weldon and New York. - No 88 makes close connection at Portsmouth with Bay Line for Baltimore; Old Dominion steamers for New York every day In the week except Friday. . With Merchant and Miners Line for Boston and Providence -every day in the week except Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Norfolk & Washington S. B, Company daily for Washington. No. 38 makes close connection at Durham with train from the west on R & D railroad. .. No. 41 makes clos connection at Durham . with train going west on R & D railroad. For further information in regard to connec tions, etc.. apply , to B. I. Cherftham, agent, Durham, N. 0. l" I 'r , i Jmo O. Winder, Vice Pres. an GenMon, t L. T. Myers. General Superintendent. T. J. ANDSK80M, General Passenger Agent. Richmond and Mio ! Kill Road Co. Samuel Sponoery XV W. Ilnidekoper : aud Reuben Foster, Receivers. K. & T. and N. C, Div's. CONDKNSED SCHEDULE. TN EFKMT DECKMBKR 24TH, 1R93. " DAILY. SOUTHBOUND, Nos. 111 Sand . No No.'37 t Lv HicUiuoiidi..., j. Burkevilla.., 1 12 40 M' 1 12 5) All Kevsvilie:..... ! 314 Ar Danville...... . 63i Lv Danville..;.., 550 Ar Greensboro. .j 725 Lv Goldsboro,.... I 5 pm .Ar Raleigh........ 835 . Lv Raleigh.....,.' HOOPM 'LV i)urhaul....... ' 8 05 , 100 2. Ar Greensboro,... 1 10 Lv Wln-Sa.em.,,. 6(5pm 509 5WIAM 8 54AM Lv Greensboro.... , 7 32 p; 8 00 ,Ar Salisbury....; , Af tales ville.., t Asheville...., 9 45 813 4 IW P14 5PM9f0AJ( 13AM 1 (W . 4(M , i XS EM 817 i-.i,tAri' sa - .J..... 6 50 "JWAM 7 25.. 78 5 M at .... AtlanU....'. US" v . Lv V harlot te 0 160pm 186 AM 8 80 1140 483 1M . v' 4 Aagnsta........ Charl'n, 8, 0... Bavannah, 8,B. 412 8 V, 410 I D AIL'S! . SOUTHBOUND. Nos. 36 And 10 No, 12 Vo. Lv AiiKusta. 6UUUIU 915 220 am 6 15 pm 2 50am laupm , . 600 680 0 50am loo 745pm 829 "a' IjV Columbia, vat jjnarioiie, IUt 315- zu aw 983 ' 949 At Salisbury, 449 Lv Hot SDrincs. ..w- 12 44 Lv Asheville,- , - ""-i. Lv Htatesville, ,. ' , Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, : 4 47 am Ar Greensbnro, ? 6 !i0 Ar Win'n-Salem, 8 35 Lv Greensboro, 7 40 At Durham, 9 47 t Ar Raleigh, 10 55 -hf Raleigh, 101) : Ar Goldsboro, 1 06 pm' 1 8 0O 1010 ' . &tft.m 1140 1109 T t885 885 1201 3 85 7 30 . 1210 1150 pm 1109 pm 180 am. 12 27 am ''405 ,.w v.4 8& A , , 461 451 -700 7 00 LiV Ureon8Bor: 6 warn Ar DanOK ' W TW-rtBysV'IUe, v 1041 v Ar Burkeville, - 11 ' 125 pm Ar Klclimonu, tDaily except Sunday. BETWEEN WEST POINT AND RJCHM'D. ' : Leave West Point 7,50 a m, daily, and 8,50 a ' in daily except Sunday and Monday; arrive Kichmond 9,05 and 10,80 a m. Keturnlng leave Richmond 8,10 and 4,45 p m, daily except Sunday ; arrive Wett Point 6,00 and 6,00 p m. BETWEEN RICHMOND AND EALEIGH, - VIA, KEY8VILLE, , , Tieave Bichmond' 12,40 p ra, daily, leave Keysville 3,40 p. mj arrive Oxford B,3i pm, Henderson 5,40 a m, Durham 8,25 p m, Kaleigh T,30 a m. Returning leave Raloigh 1 00 a m, . daily, Durham 6,20, a m, Oxford 7,05 a m; ar rive Keysville 10,10 a m, Richmond 1,08 p m, d Trains on O. &H. R. B. leave Oxford 4,60 a - m, daily except Sunday, 11,40 m. daily, and arrive Henderson 6,40 a ra, and 12,30 e in Re turning leave Henderson 6,00 a m, d'tily ex cept Huuday, 5,00 p m, daily, and arrive Ox ford 6,55 a m, and 6,55 p to, dally. : . . Nos. 85, 86 and 88 connect at Richmond from aud to West Point and Baltimore daily except tianday. ' ; ' W. A, TURK, Gen. Pas. Ag't, Washington, D.C. R.J,J.THAXTON,'. : With f tv years of exnerience as a itenera " practitioner, tenders his services to the citi zens of Durham. His specialties, mucuoua membranes, glands and nerves. Females in partioulai". Indteostlon, bronchitis, scrofula, constipation and headache. Secondary and ' heroditary diseases. Home at C. M. Herdon's. 4)ffloe owiif Jones' Jewelry store ' OfQoe hours, V a. m tnWmvi inrt from S to i n, m. N : r'JCjg, - :,fff rrawMi; t ,l. ,,..,B,ilii;,)i,.iM.. "0 0 O O- O O O O 6 O if o -o -o, o o 1,000,000 lobsof Printing wanted. It will be to your interest to see us before placing your orders for Printing of any kiLd : . ; : - 1 7 WHITAKER PRINTING CO. O O O O .0 O 0 0 O O O O 0 O ,0 I and Whiskey Habits curea at come ytim out ialn;. Hook of par ol- a tliMiInrc Bpnt FRLE. , EF"Oonstant and persistent advftr tising ftlvaya pays. Try it. ' mmmw A SZDZXTALY OCCUPATION, plenty oi suunj dowa aad not much exercise, oujrht to have Dr. ricroe's Pleasant FelleU to fro with Mt, They absolutely and permanently 4 v i One tiny, sutrar- coated Pellet is a corrective, a regulator, a genua laxative. They're the smallest, the easiest to take, and tne most natural remedy no reac tion afterward, bick Headache, Bilious Ueadacne, indigestion, uiiious Attacks. and all stomach and bowel derangements are prevented, relieved .and cureq. , " A "COU5 OT THB HBAD is I quickly cured by Dr. Base's Ca- - wtarrh Remedy. So is Catarrhal -J J k lleadache, and every trouble r ill causea oy uaiarrn. so is ca I y I tarrh itself. Ths proprietors I i offer $300 tot any case which '"sy . tuey cannot cure. " jbKflSON'S ' rmcrjETic oili V Instant Killer ol Pain. ' : Internal and External. . cures itiLtuiUAllSM, EURAI 01A, Lame Buck, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Stia Joints, COLIO and I pus, (Jroup.Diptuerln, Han Throat F , jjHE ADACilE, as if by magio. THE HOUSE i BRAND , iSE!e2; the moat Poprful&nd PenetratjnjrlJnimentfor Man or Beaut in existence. large fliize Too, 600. size 4uc JOHNSON3 ORIENTALSOAP. Iledleated and Toilet The Great Skin Cur and Ebm D.ni..;fl., I r. .1 ml . i . delicate and highly perfumed Toilet 8oap on the market. It is absolutely pure. Hakes the skin soft and velvety and restores ths lost oom- filexion is a luxury for the Bath for Infants, t alayg ltohmK, oleanses the scalp and promote W. (VI. Vearby, Druggist, DURHAM,N,C. , UX! sjctUaiuemw Cavils. ' v ' . , - -J - - . Ofkcb or Thb Morehead Basking Co.i I - UnftHAM, N. C, March 1st, 1894. . f In accordance with the By-Laws, notice is hereby elven that the Annual Meetinir of the Btockhrdders of the Morehead Banking Com ' will be held at the office of the Company e city of Durham on Tuesday, the third jfAnril next, at two o'clock, P.M. . W. M. MOKCJAN, Castiier. mar9 td -GET YO0R- For the same yon would have to pay fork Custom Made Suit. I have the agency for the well known and reliable clothing house of, WANAMAKER & . BKOWN, of Philadelphia. ParrYon ca'n iaye money bfr buying yuur Hprlug Suit of clothing froB'&Mjr i nave tne newest and , latest nelgns, and at all prices. 1 olxo have, a nice line of gents ruTtitfthmi? dss!jSilyi;Jluftj(JfauJpleB can 1 wen by calling at my plsce of"busfnPis over Ureen hrosr Cto.tn,:!Hain Streen, r If anv one desires me to dono 1 v.ill take nt j Bainples'to-their place of business And take wejueauire,J'itol;Buaranteed. P. S.I also Clean, IBind and ' Repair Clothing, neatly. all Work guaranteed. " Respectfully, . S.H; PEACE. feb9-tt THE ART AMATEUR. Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine, ; "SUe Only Art Periodical Awarded a Medal at the World's Fair. InvalnabWrio all artists, art students and others who wish to. make their home sur roundings beautiful. ., A specimen copy, with superb color plates (suitable lor framing or copy ing) and supplements of fall-size working designs sent on mentioning f 1 1 i i, ........ n t ( n aA .nnWthn IOC. regular price 35c.; 4 00 a year). " For S5o an nstructlve manual. "Paintinn for Beeinners." sent in addition to the above. Our 18M4 illus trated catalogue of about 800 color studies and matures sent forz-cent stamn. .. , . ViyfllAUIJU IO.A.MJ1.9, 1 v 88, Union Square New York. 'marl3-tf , . CATJtt ON.Il' u Oet! ,OEerg y. i , Douglas blioes at a red uced prlue, orsns lie has them without name stamped oix, bottom, put him do wo as a fraud. Udifs ,75 aW L. Ooucili 33 GHOE thVSorTd. :a W.X..DOCGT.AS Shoes r stylwh, easy fit, " tiripr and give better satufaction at the prices ail 'venistd tliart any other make. 1 ry one pair unl - be convinced. The stamping of W. 1 Dougl!., i ntrne and price on the bottom, which guflrniitces their value, Eaves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the ; sale of W. lit Douglas Shoes gain customers, which, ni of pooi . ana tour Vf.Tj.Dyt'GLAS, UrochtoQ,Ma. bcldil.-r , THE DURtfAM SUPPLY CO. anl-5m. , , ' 37 An advertisement in tna Sen ill bring you in good returna. Try it and see. i,. . i A Kil t - " t elps to increase tne suies on tneir lull tins i. Thry ran afford to sell M less proht. I wo ncltevo ym ran save money dv Duynifi su lontwtnr ot the denier advertised tifhnv, . dailVsun THE rniDAY, :.rA.r.cn sa. : . " Southern Kew Notes, John w. Woods, the" leader of the Alleghany 'county, North Caro' Una, lynchers,' for whom Governor Carr has offered a reward, ' has a wife and nine children. - It is said he is hiding in the ' mountains of Tennessee. , . The proposed extension of the northwest end of the' Texas . Mid land road is to be' soon begun, and it is expected to ihare it. running between Roberts and Paris before summer. . On the Lone $."" ranch, in 'the vicinity of Big Springs, Tex., there was recently roped cad killed two unusually large panthers. Manager R. I. Slaughter brought the paws to town and from their., size it is judged that the' beasts .'were the largest ever seen in that country. At Russell, Ky., 'a Miss Van Pelt was to have been " married to a young gentleman from ". , Maryland. The prospective groom failed to arrive at the appointed time, and in the evening a few hours before ' the ceremony wss to have been had, came a . telegram announcing his death, as the result of being thrown from a horse the day before. , ' Heywood's Celebrities met with a cordial reception at the Academy of Music last night j and a well-de served one, for in pleasin? and artistic excellence, ; the members of the - company' compare favorably with any similar organization , -seen here m years. Roanoke (Va.; Daily Times' tf mm pack aches. you are all worn trjt, really good for notn- lng. It Is general debility. Try , , ."nKoirjvj jo,v ihttkhs.' j H IU cure you. cleanse your live and glT" a. good Miwttte. ?-'' ;-; HISTORY REPEATED. WEST' Point mi Ulnrv academy waB ; lira oldest German university TathV of Heidelberg", founded in 1380. ' Thk hydraulic process bf ruininff was employed im Placer county. Cel.,' in Tsxr. first 6avmn.t'lir WhittfrA U built in 1831 at? the Falls of . St. An- into Europe ftjEn jMalaga in 1S32. Tha annual1 consumption, ihokV amounts to our million pounds.' ' Thb little island of Malta Jias a lan guage of its - own, derived from the Carthaginian; and, Arabian tongues. The nobility of the island- speak Ital ian. V Roger Williams cafne in the Ship Lyon to Nantasket,' ' Boston, February IS, 16S1, Ilia sentence' of banishment was passed by tbtt general court Oc tober 19t 1635. He' died in April, 1083. j , ; ' !" ; SMILES. ) ' ' Z . , "M't dear woman, don't give up. Cast your brfcad upon the waters, and it will return to you." "That's lust why. I don't dard:t..itV;f Teacheb-"Nc, ?' Johnny, yon may close your geography and toll ulr-whai a bluff is.!' Johnny "Oh, It's what to try when you doi' have no luck." . "Dodgkbs' tailoV seems to be fond of romances."; i Hew do you know?"; "Well, Dodgers is always, making up some new story to tell him when he presents.hls bifi.:,: t-tif:'''. ff'; "I bkab How has what may be de scribed as a" magnetic ; voice' "Oh, yes; all the people within hearing are attracted in the opposite . direction when he begins to sing:" ' ' "On, I do believe that Charlie is tak ing banjo or mandolin lessons to (Sur prise me."j JwxywWhy; does he play?" . "Well, I heard hhn tell papa that he'd playedj out of luck last night." Inter Ocean, jj ' , t ' - 1 f 11 - -l Jl - Tennyson oa Spring.', ;'.'., We have thf word of Alfred Ten nyson for it tlat in the Bpring the young man's anciest lightly turn to thoughts of love. It is singular that the great laureate omitted to mention the fact that it is in the spring that a considerable twrtion of the Human race turn to - taking Hood's Sarsapa- ruia. frobabw: nothing but the dim pulty of finding a good rhyme, for that invaluable remedy deterred mm. Certain it is that . the old-time do mestic remedies : are generally dis carded in favor of the standard blood purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla, which baa attained the greatest popularity all over the country I. as the favorite Spring Medicine. It" purifies the blood and gives nerve, mental, bod ily and digestive strength. ' ' Sr-4,rrt X .... .. :;-,:-. - Pimples, blackheads, moles, freck les, tan anjd ; sunburn removed by Johnson's Oriental Soap. Medicinal. Sold by W. M. Yearby. . Cp"If yo'i want to reach the town , people try an "ad" in the 8mr. Garhant nxxA CVixtV iCitsioria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher'a prescription for Infaata . . -rj ; .nd Children. Jt contains neither Opium, ZXorpMnejior - ? other Narcotic Bubstanbe. It Is a llaImfesssubstItut'"!, i. . for Parefforic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.'. -:-v It Is Pleasant, Its sruaranteo is thirty years' use tiy . Millions of Mothers, Castorla is the Children's Panacea t!io Mother's Friend.. " ' '; ' Castoria. ' , "Castoria Is so -well adapted to children that i recommend it as superior to any prescription knows to nse.w, H. A.Abchxb, H. D,, J .".'' 1H Bo. Oxford St,, Brooklyn,KT; V .. ""Tlioussof 'Castoria' Is to univsrsal and ita merits so well known that it twins a ior!t - of superorogation to endorse it. Few are ths ''totattlnt families who do not keep Castoria ' witiln eaJ7 reach," -..; - ' - KewTorltaty, Ths CsMTAtm . -spEHsrq-.r:"-; Millinery New Stock 'Id, Witft all the Latest styles and Colors. MRS: ADA M. SxMlTfJ. BUlillMNI, - - X. 0., My Stock 19 one tfaa$',wilt charm the Ladies, Mt embraces a t lull line of fashion. If youTattVdu- DOES IT TO , ADVERTISE lh THE ooo t 00 f000 BECAUSE on the lines of our four railroads, and -it daily invites -its readers to patroDize its advertisers. ' ; . ' j ( Notice of Incorporation. Tills is to give notice' that letters ot incorpo ration pursuant to the provisions ot the law as contained in Chapter 16, of ths Code ot North Carolina, 'and ths Acts ot the General Assembly of North Carolina. tMD)nflatorr thereof, tiavo-been iwetl tn H. i,.Bri(lsers, T. i. Whitsker, 1J. W. Whltakor nndB.B. 3oono, of North Cfrrol Inn, under th nsins and style et Umbrella Orlur'Comnany, for the pur posotif bnytnir, selli2gftnd ntarSAfaotorluK Umbrella Drip a.ttooliments,' tngsther with in rigm 10 improve sa iu Httocnment ana oi) tain patents thereon; to sell territory to per sons wishiotr to ptirehn, and sell said Drip , Aitaonmems; ana 10 aeai iu paienw ana im' provetnents on said .Attachments; and to buy, sell and deal in Novelties in this or any other State in the United HI at. Thev aio nmiviw. ered to purclisw) and bold such real estate as may be nrceMsry to build factories, to borrow a lonn money, and to carry on the business set forth in articles of atfreemnnt, recorded in myoffloe. The business is t be carried on In the town of Durham, with offices in any other pla:e Inoroutof the Bute- 'i'he capital stock of said Company is ten thonsand dollars; dl Vided into two hundred shares of the par valne of $60 each, with liberty to Increase tho capita) stock to tM.OUV Tho shares ot stock are non-asaesable, and the stockholders are not liable for the debts, contracts, pecuniary obligations or torts ot tho orporation. The corooTate existence is tooontlDuethlrtr Tears. Dated atofUce 1n Durham, N. C.thlfl 23rd day of tfebrusty, im. J). B. GREEN, , i cierr superior uoun, 1 fb2Ww , , " - 1 Durham County. ID D Castoria. Castoria euros Colio, Constipation, Bour Btomach, Dlarrhcaa, Eraotatlon, . Kills Worms, gives sleep, and proumtr. - . gestion, . . . j, . . i without injurious tnedlcation, Tor several years I havo ro:u;.v fV.it! your 'Castoria,' and shall slwsys eo.U. o do so as it hat invariably produced if v.-i,. k. results, " . , Kownt F. Paboss, JI. D ; . . ' ,, 05th StrcH and ftlt Am., Kw irV ( M v CovrAirr, 77 iltnuut Stsskt, Kior Yoiit Cp-r PAY Yes! It has a large local clrcula but the neijzhborinc: towns , , FOR SALE. VALUABLE ' RESIDENCE. A DWicu iNU HOU8K vcitb ten rooms, XI two room kitchen detached, and stable and barn, on a beautiful onoore lot, front ing on Morris , and running baok to Foster j xi reel, in uurnam. y. uouse almost Rood as nw, a good well Ot water, also oln water. Will be sold chean for all cash or urr oaeasy ternw. Apply to v , A.D.MARKHAM, f-5y6i'it, ', 'feb21.tf - -r-.. Cavrats,andTro(te-M3rciobtnlcel,sndall l'at-2 N ont buslnesscontluctjjil lor Mooehat pete. . Oun OrriccioOff-osnr O.B. rTsriTOmesJ uiid w can socuru puioin Iu leut uiuo lliau thane i remote irom VY.Kiiinijioi). . t J heuJ metle), diswl jjj or photo., vlth dcrlp- Jtlon, .' We sdvtw, it paiciiUUlvl or not, tree oi J VbUKIKU, . WUI IWV ,Hi, ,111 ,H,UII, l nl Ml VU, J A PMt-Ki KT, "How ti Obtain Psteaia,'1 with Jcnst of kuina lit tho V. A, i- tinaijiiivauntxlci unt lice. AdJtott, , C.A.6N0W&G0. . . , . v , . ": ' f ". : . . . ool O , m ' . 00 , , m r ssssaat sr- -jjBiiaa,wr 4 V'tf-i" - wvm. mwm . ... r W ssiwi i' ,