CAUGHT OH THE ILL' SOMS CS HIT. DOIXC3 IK euiuiam as go along. Just A String of Uttle Items we Find on t'.d Uarsia of our 'ote-Boolt. r.-lwit Fool is the pocc;s3or ef a Lea it:,t cr.ra8 c3 the test last Uon- cay, and brought out wila her a fresk in the chicken line. It has two or-Iaory le9 like any other chicken, but in the rear of thosa there are two more well developed les. thoura. they are rather too short for walking purposes at pre ent. It is alive and doing well. That chicken is well heeled, as the saying -goas.'Wttealt gets-tired of running cn the two front feet it can fall oacir. on the others. , ":: . " '7- During the BUins trial this Judre Ehuford looked over the erowded court' house and re marked: )4Hr. Sheriff, I see a num ' ber cf boyg in here, both white and " colored, whose morals . will not be improved in hearing this case,, Or dar thsm out and keep them out." There were a great many nods 'of as sent, and the boys had to go. The Jud'O ii receiving a great many compliments upon his action. J. 8. llesley, the Kerchant tailor has a beautiful line of the latest i Spring goods for gentlemen's ware ' He can suit any taste. ' Be sure to insDect bis stock. All fashionable styles. :'. . "'-.H . v The handsomest line,, of dress goods ever brought to this city is now on sale at D. T. Swindell's. Every thing in the very latest shades, either from bolt or in patterns. Lost somewhere between . the Beams Warehouse and the E. & D depot, a bunch of key?i The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same 1 at this office. ' , ,8-tf - The University ot North Caroli na base ball team and the Durham will play ;a match' game tomor- . row afternoon at Trinity Park There was much talk on our """.dent's ameSBVii&- i. -See W'iVt . a:.:..:d thz statu A Urlef Glance at "What Is Happening la our Borders. The numher of students at "Wake erest College .is now 200. Albert Campbell, . confined ia litchell jail, serving a sentence for manslaughter, has escaped. The Record says that at a conser vative estimate the baseball crowd left $3,000 in Greensboro last Friday The Revolution, populist paper, suspended at Charlotte and set up at Marion, has suspended there.' Sir. L. C. Porter, of Minneapolis, ! Minn., has purchased 14,000 acres of land in Columbus county. It vill be occupied by a colony of Swedes. V The trustees of the Chowan Bap tist Female Institute, will meet at Murfreesboro April 10th and elect a successor to President Brewer, who was recently chosen president of the Baptist Femal University, to be es tablished in Raleigh. ... . - The trustees of Wake. Forest Cfcl- lege will meet in Raleigh on Tuesday, ril 10th.- This will be an impor- tantmeetiog. A president of the board will be elected, the question of the enlargement of the faculty will be : considered, and arrangements made for the permanent establish ment of the Law School. :. I Another evangelist has t come to griefs "Rev;' John Marston, who claimed to be a Campbellite preach- er, of Chicago, after converting- sin ners at Waynesville, was locked up there Monday night on' the charge of OF AIISOm NATURE.! people Y7 no err out of doojis A'Nl? STIU AF.OTTND. k A Brlet Mention f Those Who Come and Go and Stay at Home. ' W. W. Full :r returned today from a business trip up the'road. . . : . R. E. Lyon left yesterday afternoon on a business trip to Danville. ' .. - v Mrs. John W. Jones returned to? day from a visit to friends in Win ston. . ' " - . ; ' , Miss Mary Johnston, -who has been visiting Mrs. J. T3U Patton, returned to her home at Chapel Hill last eve ning. '. 1 . Miss Annie Link returned to the State Normal, at Greensboro, last evening, after spending a week at home. - v " -.'. " Miss Janie Andrews . , and Miss Smith, of Raleigh,' passed through tb city today returning home from a short visit at Haw River, Ilirhest cfaU ia Leaverur. IV.ver. Latest U. S. Gcv't .tpcrt. "dhi&Vand down.'.' Ho proclaimed that he was able to whip the whole town. - ', i ''..'. SlasatUfled With Oklahoma. , Chatham Record : About the 1st of last January a colored man of this place, named Webb' McClenaban, went with bis wife to Oklahoma Ter ritory to seek lis fortune, having heard most : flattering accounts : of that section. He is an industrious ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. 4 Rafua noaae CnU hta Throat and ' . Tben Walks About. x Raleigh Visitor, of 29th: A white man named Rufua House, who is an employee at the Caraleigh cotton mills and whose home is in the south ern part of the city, on what is known as Casweli's lane,' cut - his throat last night and may die. Last night he was lying a pallet on the floor and while there took a knue ana cut his throat, Jpserting the blade in the left 6ide under the ear, making a gash five inches long.,; Just after he bad thus ut . himself he - iron and walked about the house, looking for a razor. .His walking awakened his wife and when' she asked what was the matter he replied toothache. He sat down in a chair and Jbi9 wife hearing ' the blood "pour from bis throat and fall on the floor ran to him. , She gavefhe alarm and a phy sician waaSimtf HEor..TJ?9lterriWal ftawas sewed up: - The loss of v . Asleep Several daya, A letter froia Walnut Cove to the Winston Sentinel says thaMWBsn Angel, a young man -whor came tp that place several months ago from Virginia, Is attracting great interest among the citizens of tb Cove and surrounding countryT v V1 The young man has been working at a saw mill near the Cove. On the morning of March 27th, he wa9 found in his room apparently sound asleep. Physicians were called in but up, to last evening all physical science had failed to arouse Mr. , Angel from ' his slumbers. He was breathing appar antly easy, therefore his case is a strange one. Mr. Angel is esteemed by all who know him, - ". Will TTot TJnito. - , 1 : ' Raleigh, N. C., .Marplr 23. Mr. (j, Charley Price, one of the repuolican leaders, says that if .there is coalition between the republicans and the popu- lists he will canvass the state in op position to it. He declares that no A. 1 t." . 1 i J1 J1. . true repuDncan era anuiaie wnn ine populists as they, have 'nothing in common. Ho will V insist on , a . straight republican ticket if they ex-"' pect his support. - .., The strength of the Farmers' Ah nance ia reported by its state secre tary, Barnes, to be 50,000 equally divided - between the two sexes. There are v 1,650 ; sub-alliances. He says these are rapidly reorganizing. mao and saveot up about llOOW-tokyT waa grVaET" Mf;rHouse- said with trnn, ana now au ot Wiat,J is thfa morning while ' tha " wound was spent and he is without emplowiuent. being attended td that . he imagined ioTltlrSr Honeyton," the his peoplejiad come to kjiyi him and that . . Will Use Blood-boands. - Chatham Record:. The frequent barn burnings in the western part of this county have caused a number of the citizens in that1 section to raise enough money , to '; buy two " blood hounds, which arrived from Pennsyl vania a few days ago, and will be used in detecting the incendiaries when they burn another barn.' " Sale of Accounts. .We will on Monday the 16 day of April 1894 sell . to the highest bidder for cash at the -.court house door in the town of Durham all the unsecured accounts , due . flv"1 firm of Jones and LvQttt'uiess , set- tW. vt tecurecL'Oii or tefore that date. JONES cz JtRIDGEN, Trustees of T. W. Tones & Co. mar 16-2W - . yT! n i- iir t 1 1 i 1 : '' Dividend, wv'.j iv;. : On Tuesday next, the 3rd day . of April, -we- will pegr -to thacrflditors of Admiriistrators Notice. HAVTNO qnaliQed as Administrator of the . estate of Thomas D. Jones, deceased, this Is to notify all persona having claims against said estate to present the same to me oaor beroroApm'Ja, or tnu notice win hn nlsart In Imr of their reo vtwV A.n j ftil persons owibk the etlate are notified and re-. quested to settle the1 same with me at once. This March SOtlklS'Ji. . mT, .J. H. 80UTHGATE, mSO-Sw ' , : . 1 Administrator, dto.. -.--r-ff r---r-VttTOTuATBrmOT destitute. . His ethers who may be disposed to . seek their fortunes in in distant places about which they know nothing. - v I j Ji. .:.-rch31t.t. . -r-We have 7,000 to lend on very 1 good real c.tate security. The amount caanot be divided ' v ' Fcixer & Fuller. A delightful entertainment is in itore for our citizens at the Opera House, Saturday, March Slat. There was a slight fall of snow in Grecntiboro yesterday - afternoon says the Ilocord. a For rent two room or a tour room liouua ou Pine street. Apply to A. GcM- tan. , 1 It is renounced that another cr.l 1 wave i 1 rrtsrirj. " . 11. j l at Civl II:r.ry, t:-t.. r ' : t: : Ci I. Lli 1 "IT ' r.-j r -11 . .... . Mi: 1, y. lure ceit Tiu ; 'ay e'ven'rg, j Kail, by Mr. Walter IS. cn woman, will be a rare C, "'iicg ."'cf his lecture in : i ! :t Tuesday night, on j t ' j -:t, a correspondent of ' " 1 L'ews-Observer-Chron 'y dil he touch upon wo cl'y r3 a bread winner " ' 1 crpalilities, but "r"Ia"Ijer hLxi . i ci j '-I'r ;tl;-f 1 ti. j ; 1 ' t r f ( .! r-3 C.3- 1 1 J ! t rul ' " ) vci a , ll'j . . ft' C-ii- 11 ft 1 .1 t wliw.o cf Iho t e:i- ltoly a :Z?v -Remember tho Racket Grocery takes care of its customers six days in the week. . ; Wilfred Clarke Last MgUU V Not an overly large audience greet ed Wilfred Clarke last evening, in Stokes Dall, and it was regaled with a most humorous entertainment in the play of Little Butterfly." It was full of amusing scenes and situ ations throughout and showed the ludicroursess of a flfty-year-ol J son of ft twecty-eiht-year-cld e ? t.'-'i-er, 'at' -3 the'1 mixed cor. it : them into. The play was w 11 r. d red. ; , ; . , ' ' Mr.' Clarke, who is a pplendid co median, issuoii jJ by a good com pany,' and r his plays are worthy of full housos-. ' Railroad llota. The etict bound train was out of g?ar r .in today over two hours late. Hi) delay was caused by wait ing at Gresnsboro. 1 It U said tl.o schedule makers of tho & Danville railrcad cro tt work on a new time t v, V.;h will Eopa be ready for tb ; Ws. TL.ra will only be s'.bt cL.".-3cn tka North Carolina roal It i lr '.low. " -. Tho co! 1 v r 1 - i poop lo i doors, and j a d.. ;cr on ,t!.. fprics r ' but ti a t:;J.-.S' ror.tinr t.) run r I v; crs.tlaua to t i iwr ' '. i f r 1 t " f -. ; "' 3 s t'. ... ; ' ". be lief that J'i9-.mindais;-ftffecte(d. .He has a wife and 1 40 daughters and is a faithful worLuL- Not long ago a man who lived in the same house tried to kill his family and himself, but was arrested . by -the police ana was pronounced iasane. -. ;. , The Annual Debate. .v ' The' judges of the annual debate between the literary societies of Trin ity College are, Professor A. H. Mer ritt, Junius ParLer, Esq.t Major W.' A. Guthrie, Tr f.sor W. 'LCran ford, President J ohn F. Crowed The debate will bo L .11 in S'tokpaTIall on the night of ArrUlSth. ; 0 1j Racket "Grocery y goods cheap, for he week NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. Kotlce Is hereby given that the registration books of the Town of lHirham will be opened ; on Wednesday, March 88th, IciH, for the pur-' pose of registering all parties who are eutit Is d to vote in the town election to be held Putylay, May 7th, 1881. ttistrar lor .Nortn unrnam trccinci Paul' Wnnpfl. nn MhIii Street. KegiJtrar for Bonth Durham l'recinct- H. M. KovMuind. nn Muiirnm Htieet. Regist-fcikra Books will be closed on April th. . . . ' : THOS. L. tEAV, ( mar2S-tdv Mayor.. ...J NOTTOF ELECTION; : : dividend, sn ;Trr3S6htaUo6 - .of -their claims at our office. ' V. Ballard & J. F. Wilt, ( m 28-1 w Trustees of B. L.; Duke. " BV order of the xoard' of CommIaMnr of North JDuiham in 4UeV meetme of MaroU- . The boks are now -open at nvr-Iwmeseaf ; Stray horn's spring, 'mis' Sivtu day of Marco, mar37-30d fnir. CHARLES STKAYHOUN. : ' : , f . - .Registrar. BEUSH OIF o- -ooooooo , TL.3 I.. g-vnC":. 1 I'M- -t-r. I'..-or 1 Sunly C luui'l -omi t wo want to 'tj , up t'hi mn h l t1... l ct ton i t 1) cc. vsned. i juse, No. 400, Man fu reopened under cf Mrs. VC. Roys-elicited. Yr. jra the Durham stock', several toilet sets. M These if as.'theytakrf i, and we will offer ,t. less than whole j. T. Swindell. r: j . V t lY (1 r lc . .Vie Dr jThey'r In nil tr i c n ft:. l f .ly. culir.r to i' tl. t'.e United t ' :c: i cf ctin-s r t i Iraculoua is not oa acci .j ripe fruit cf industry It pos.k Ji3 merit: "pe- IIOOD'S PILLS cure Nausea, Sick Headache, , Indi?stion, BiUwsneiw: Sold by all druists. i ; ' La G:rc:c:a c:mo. w a i ncu t i j t tt D. T. l V...1 ix a. "Yt'-.nH'U ACMii t IU9 WiUoil Elll. Phoviltnte, Uirch23. A delega tion of tbo hand30me young women in tho mills of,. Rhode llsland have started for Washington to appear be fore the Finance Committee , of the Senate to protest against the passage of the Wilson bill. . " . ' Rev.O. S. Stringfleld, of Wakefield N C, says:, "Five boxes of Japa neisa Pile Cnre cured me. after 12 years' sufT ing. Sold by W. II. Yearly. I ' Pierce's "re a com- l 'and concentrated .' These tiny, su the smallest and o--absolutely and Constipation, In- id Bilious Ilead i ions Attacks, and oi? -the liver, stom r'tly, because they j don't shock and a, like the hugeold And they're more ctivo. One little pellet for a cor rective or laxativethree for a ca thartic. They're the cheapest pills you can buy, for they'ro guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your- money - is re turned. -You pay only for the ' good' you get.- , " i .,....y. i t'.e sfe puid. Japanese Liver l':L t9 cure bilious nesR, sour stomach rind all kidney and liver troubles. Small and mild. Sold by W. UVYearlj A LARGE LINE OF FEATHERDUSTERS JUST RECEIVED AT- Successor to Mrs. Bettio Lee & Co., I have just returned from the North whore I selected an elegant line of n(ITSi BOHUETS P WW GOODS. I solicit a share of the patronage of the pcoplo of Durham and surrounding counties. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Call and examine my stock - and prices. MRS. W. C. LYON. marSS-lm1 -

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