if .' , j -... rfr i-k-Vh--'V'b-fc fc-n-i--i Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta atnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute . for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing-' Syrups, and Castor Oil. . It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use bjf Millions of Mothers. ; Castoria Is the Children's Panacea "the Mother's Friend. .v . Castoria. JCaatorfakso veil adapted to children that ,1 recommend It m superior to any prescription known to me." " E. A. Abchib, M. D . . . 1H So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T, '. : ' " The use of ''Castoria Is go. unlveml and. : its merits so well known that it seems a work ;r- 'of .supererogation to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria ' within easy reach," 7. k ' i . GaVM Uabtyx, D. IX, V ' ".v !" L " Hew York City. - Tr CxtrrAon I WILL endeavor to give the people of Durham the best BARBER SHOP service they have ever bad. I will keep nothing but the very best workman at each chair, and the very beet supplies, such as Soaps, Bay Rimv Creams, Toilet -Waters, - Brillian kept - strictly clean. Ladies Shampooing and hair and bangs trimmed any day ; except Saturday,-, lam whore I have :beoa ; for thirteen years, 102 West , warn otrccu. x leuutiu us iwiurw yvur Blclimond and Danville Bail Road Co. Samuel Spencer, T. W. Huidekoper . aod Jtcubeu Foster, Becelrera. R. & D. and N. C, Div's. : ; CONDENSED PCHUD'tB. IN EFPrtT MY 18'PH, 1893. DAILY. SOUTHBOUND, Nos. I 9 and 85 1 No. No. 87 Lv Richmond,. ... Pi ll!S5UJl uurcevuie,.a. Keysville. Ar Danville 4 Iv Danville...... Ar Greensorii.. Lv Ooldsborq,..., Ar Raleigh....... Lv Raleigh.. ..... hv Durham Ar Oreensboro... hv Win-8a.em . . Lv Greensboro, ,, 180 an 683 685 728 2 01PM 405 4 10 PH 6 15 7 ) t6 ( PM 78apn 909 817 68i 7 00 , 85 640AX 64 AH 6 45 am 44 a8 ' 5 00 AM 90AM 6 64AM Ar Balisbury , J10!5 1106 AM ,4 00 PM '53PM 10 30 AM 18 00 , S 60 PM 4 10 10 SO t 818 Ar States vl lue. " Ashevllle. ., . Hot Springs..., 1 Lv Sallgbury, , 914 pm " Ar Charlotte 1040 u Spartanburg,.. . 12 67 AM - Greenville,.,.,, 153 Atlanta,... " 6i0 4Cbarlotte,.y... in 60 pm Ar Colnmbia, 1 15 am h Angnsta. 846 . Vs Charl'n, S, Cm. 1140 Savannah, B,B. 680 818 AM 925 1137 1328 pm 455 985 AM 100PM 419 , 846 410 DAILI. KOBTHBOUND. Nos. L ; I . . andlOl No. 12 I No. Hit , Lv Angosta. 70Upm lWJpm Uoiumbla. ww - , Lv Charlotte, . 700 am .Lv Atlanta, 900pm Ar Charlotte, 6 30 am ' Lv Charlotte, 401 t, Ar Salisbury, . 883 . , Lv Hot Springs, ;., Lv Ashevillft, iv - ; tkLv StatesviUe, 1 . ' i' 600 6 80i 100 829 889 9 49 950 am '7 46 pm 820 , 933 1944 , 280 7 11 - 80U 1010 1140 885 1201 885 7 80 - At Hallsnury, Lv Salisbury. 833 am 1005 9 49 pm Ar Greensboro. Ai Win'n.Salemii 9 00 8 35 Lv Greensboro, 10 10 Ar Durham, . 12 00 -ArBaleigh, "100 . v Raleigh, 'J Ar Goldabnro.. , 800 Dm auu pm i- iu 918 405 IS- 1Q liV Greene ooro, 1 7 w lq am lisopm 1109 pm 12 27 am Ar uaoviiie, 1 twam 4 4 4U5 51 1 TOO Ar BnrkevlUe. BOO Ar Blchmpnd, 4 6Q pm DnUr except Sunday.- liETWEBN WEST POINT AND RICHM'D West Point 7,50 a m. daily, and 8,60 a m dally esoept Sunday and Monday; arrive y esoept nunc lond 9,06 anc : Richmond 9,06 and 10,40 a m. - Returning - Ketumins litare Richmond 8,10 and 4,45 v m. daily except Sunday ; arrive West Point 5,00 and 6,05 p m, BETWEKJI RICHMOND AND RALEIGH,' Leave Richmond 12,40 p m, dally, leave wysville 8,40 p m! arrive Oxford 6,81 p m, uderion 6,40 a m, Durham 7,40 p m, Raleigh m. Returuing leave Raleigh 5,45 am, v, Durham 7.10, a m, Oxford 7,05 a m; ar Tteysvllle 11,10, a m, Riohmond 4,60 p m, Vm on" 6.- & H. R. B'. leave Oxford 6,00 a ly except Sunday, 11,40 m. daily, and Henderson o.ou a m, ana i,ou p iu xve ex Ox- I from lest Point and Baltimore daily except . W, A, TURK, Gen. Pas. A , . rvasuuiKwn, j istant and persiBtentadver j9 pays. Try 1V1-' I leave Henderson n,uu a m, aauy day,4,80 p m, daily, and arrive i &m. and S.20 nm.aailv. v i : 8A and 38 connect at Riohmond -t, IG 1 : Castoria. Castoria cores Colic, Constipation,' Sour Stomach, PlarrhoM, Eructation, ' -ESls 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes gestion, -, , s'" Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended ' your "Castoria,' and shall always continue to' do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." 1 EOWIX F. PiBDO, 1L D., ,: i,. ' :i , i Wta Street and Tth Are., New York CAy: ; Oomkast, TT Xu&say Strut, Kmw Yobs Ctts i-r.U uuiiiejiu BervHin,. j-j. LpOKJHERE! ' THE OLD RELIABLE . ffttr.i Fife Oie ', v HAS BEEN OPENED AGAIN BY ZfICK and ZEB. We most respectfully announce to the business people of Durham that 1 we are running the I uiiice And most earnestly ask that you give us a share of your patronage. We will do all in our power to plea&e you. Bend us your orders. . , Respectfully, ZACK WHITAKER, ZEB COUNCIL, - Durham, N. C. . Office with Durham Recorder. ; - A ....... .'..,.;.. ' i GET YOUR IE For -the same you weald have to 'wt tat a Custom Made Suit. I have the agency or the well known and reliable clothing house of - WANAMAKER & BE0WN, of Philadelphia, Pi. JgoH can save money by Duying your oprmg arm or cioimng irom us. I have 1 mi e newest and latest designs, and at all Drioes. I also have a nice Una of gents furnishing eoods. My line of samples can be seen Dy caning at my piace oc nusiness over 1 Green Bros. & Co. store. Main Street. If any one desires me to do so I will take my samples to their place of business and take your measure. FJta guaranteed. , ; P. S.I also Clean, Bind and Repair Clothing neatly. ALL WORK "GUARANTEED. Respectfully, 1''. ,' "aHiPEiiOE. feb9-tf . ,.-. xFOR SAI,B. VALUABLE RESIDENCE. A "! UWJfiLLlrtU HULSE with ten rooms. XX two room kitchen detached, and stable and barn, on a beautiful one-acre lot. front ing on Morris and runnlnir baok to Foster street, in uurnam. y. u. House almost as good as new. a good well of water, also city water, vvmra boiq cneap lor au casn or up. on easy lerms. Appiv io -: - , A. D. MARKHAM", -febai-tf - " W. B. FOSTER. - MAKE your business kno . columns of the DaiiT throouh the UN, Rates are reasonable and the results will surprise yon. taker Pnntin THE DAILY SUN. TUESDAY, JUNE 12. Comfort At Home. Put self out. Be prompt at every meal, -Take little annoyances out of the way. When good comes to any, rejoice. When any onesuffers, speak a word of sympathy. . Tell of neither your faults nor those : of others. Have a place for every thing and everything in its place. Hide your own troubles, but watch to help others out of theirs. Take hold of the knob and shut the door without slamming.;,1 If ' the door squeaks, apply the drop , of oil at once, ; Never interrupt any conver sation, but watch patiently for your turn to speak. Look for beauty in everything, and take a cheerful view of every event. . Carefully clean the mud from your feejt on entering, the house. Always speak politely and kindly to servants-- When incline to give aa agry answer,- press your lips together, and say the alphabet; When pained by an unkind word or deed, ask yourself, "Have It never done an ill and needforgiveness?',' : " ;SaleofB. &D. Lines. ; -S Salisbury Herald: Capt. Charles Price today received notice from the United States Circuit Court atRich mond, Va., of his. 5 appointment as special master to sell three railroads, constituting a part of the Richmond and Danville system. They are the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad running from Wilkesboro to " Greensboro; , - the : Oxford '.: and Clarksville Railroad, running from Durham to Keysville, Va. Hender son and Oxford , and the Clarksville and North i Carolina ' Railroad; in Virginia. The notices of the time and place of the sale of these roads will be announced later. These last appointments make six" roads that have been placed in the hands of Capt. Price for sale. For Milcria, Liver, Trou- blejOrlndigestionuse BROWN S IRON BITTERS ' . . An Unusual Case. :;: Winktoct Sentinel.'.'r-Saturday'bne of ' WhiSton 's surgeons removed two cancerous growth j.ithat Js jieldom met-witH, ThVpati. Tasaboy tS years old whose breast had been enlarging for tibjpst yearrrM-Jof ate pain had begun in . thetn ' trad some ulceration. The doctor con sidered the immediate removal of tne tumors necessary and according- y periormed 1 the operation. The patient is doing well and - as the cancers were entirely eradicated the boy will be all right for the future, except however he will cany two scars six inches long. on his - chest, while he lives. " ' - . v . This is the second case only, that the doctor has seen in over 25 years surgical practice. . , . The great ,Y. M. ; C. A. Jubilee has ended and Geo. Williams is now Sir Geo. Williams, an honor bestowed by Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Few men have seen their Christian efforts so prosper. i A Good Appetite Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indi cation 01 something wrong. Tne loss of a rational desire for food is Boon followed by, lack, of strength, for when the supply of fuel is cut off the fire burns low. The system gets into a low state, and is liable to Bevere at tacks of digea89.. The universal tes timony given- by those who have sed HOod'8 Sarsaparula,, as to its reat merits in restoring and shar pening tne appetite, in promoting nealthy action or tne digestive or gans, and as a purifier of the blood, constitutes tne strongest recommen dation that can be urged lor any medicine, Those who have never used Hood's Sarsaparilla should do so this season. , v Candidate for the Legislature. fi To tbe Citizens of Durham County This is to intorm you that 1 am candidate, Bubject to convention, for lower house of tbe next Legislature There is nothing like being on the ground first, and hence , I announce my candidacy, - If elected, ' which hope to be, I promise you this--I will serve you to tbe best of my ability may za-it , " .a. m. khew, t W P. Draper, Druggist, Spring field. Mass., writes; Japanese Pile Cure has cured lady 7 years afflicted could not walk half a mile in the last thre'e years; now walks any distance v, m. i ear ay. fr. l; . Don't Hide It.' . v ;j Do not oide your light tmdor a busheU" If you have anything to tell, tell the people about it in the columnfl of the Daily 8m. ' zzzr A PATTERN IN LACE. -' "" - --. Sitting, knitting ' - ' ' ! : Winding backward, winding fuimjd Bound the needles white and shiaini. Whiter fingers intertwining Fro and to the mazy thread. , Knitting, sitting, laxy flitting " . Sunbeams darting in and oyer. . . Outside breath of bees and clover. Fingers white and shining thread. Not more shining, not more twining, . ' . Lightly left where hreeiea blow it. Streaks of yellow sunlight through it. The fair hair and fair bent head, "Burnished weaves of gold," one said. Knitting, sitting- ' ; "T;"f ' Winding forward, winding backward, Round those fingers, swift and glancing, Naught was ever more entrancing, Something more than maiy thread. Bitting, knitting, all nn witting, . Something warm and strong and plead .. lng. . - . Full return demanding, needing, -' In the meshes of the thread. All unwitting, simply knitting. ' . Kecking not of needles glancing, -Nor of fingers, white, entrancing. ' . Ahl but lift that fair bent head, '- . "All unwittine." hare I said? . f -Vlrginla Hayward Cornell In New York Sua. -. A Hone In Day., ' "Beady made houses tJto beooming the fashion," said a builder. ."If you want a iwelling of your sown. tiowa days, y04 do not need to wait half a year to get it put up. ' four can have it built in a day. Tou write (a a firm en gaged in the business for iW advertising book, whioh oontahu pictures of houses that the firm is prepared to (construct at prices all the way from $J50 to $5,000, together with plans and speoulcations. Pick out your residence, and an order addressed to the firm will fetch at short notice all the requisite materials, de posited on your lot , Vithhi 24 ' bours the dwelling is up and complete. You may have a cellar if you life though most o the houses built in this way are wif at oellars. . All of the parts are ready made and so matohed and num bered that they can be. put together in an enormously short Bpace of tune. This kind of building has become quite in vogue at summer resorts of ' late years. Nearly the whole of "-Cottage City, on the island of Martha's. yineyard, is con structed in that way. If you want a cheap place to live in summer, buy a little patohof cheap land near the beach in some secluded locality and put up a ready made house on it The whole cost ought not to be over $200. "-Washington Star. . ' ' 1 " M i J ; i, From the Uollnsk Via the Monkey. It is permissible for a Catholio to lieve that neither Noah nor Adam was the father of all mankind, and - it fmv ther follows that aCathcdo maybelieva that man dame from' the mollusk via1 the monkey,. -Being' a.Catholic, I am at once conservative and liberal. The truth lies between. As a conservative I cling. w-sny)jpeMa--AdaTiinr4r -StrenAr-n uDert i -ocBKiseic tojpe:ev taw some-or tne numan-raoe came oy-,evoiu4 tion from the mollusk through the monA key to the stature and form, though not to the color or smell of the descendants of Adam. In other words, I am inclined to bei lieve that the white man is a descendant of Adam, a special miraoulouB creation, ' and the colored races, black, , yellow and red, are the product of evolution and may. boast of a more anoielit ancestry- than can you or L J. Audley MaxweU 4rt lvnaltiA'a VarvonfttA - . Ida asked, 'What is the feeling of love?" Answer? Love is a very com plex and complicated , combiriation ofl sensations. There "are more frost and fever, more bliss and agony, more smiles; and tears and more exhilaration and dew peration to the square inch in lova than U Wa Uiy UUtUi AJJUI. ACAAVWO VJ UUU Val man family. Philosophera, and sages' have tried in, vain, ever since the world began, to find out juqt exactly What it is. It is altogether likely that Ida could answer the question quite as well as the! prophets of old New York Liedger, JolleU , ' ' flU.M mama ,4 Tnl j rt . I, a r XtnA kiA manw pronunciations and has been, the oause of so many puns that the Hon. H. V., Marsh of that city has written. a poem in which .the tells the school children how to pronounce it-? The school board; of . Joliet has considered this) poem of enough importanoe-: to have it printed, and distributed, in the publio school&U The acceptea pronunciation xa "jo-iii et," accent on the first 6yUabel'-unis cago Inter Ocean. . ' , ,, '' Working Pays. The average number of working day! iH a year is as follows:' In Bussila, 29? in Ensland. 278: in Spain, 290: an ai tria.-295: in Italy, 298; in Bavaxia ani Belgium, 800; in Saxony and. France 802; in Denmark, Norway anot(Bvnraer land. 808r in Prussia,' 805 in, Holland and North America, 808, imd in Hun gary, 812. London Engineering, -j A nrisoner in the . Manchester' Jail amused himself by writing verse in miorosoonio characters on ismall pUoes of paper, which he pasted on the batiks of the roaches that lures tea nis oau. The poetry eventually killed all the tn- seots that carried it, sot tiecause it wt vb bad,; but because the paste, fermented. deeding a tonic, or children who want bullo, v ; lng up, should t ake . ' !' BROWN'S IRON E UTTBlW, It Is pleasant; cures Mali trla, Indigestion, Bilionmeas, Liver Complalnl and Neuralgic : Call for the Horue Brand o: John son's Matmetio Oil. It? bas equalJ for the diseases of honjes an cattle. 11.00 size 50 eta.: 60 cli. siz 25 cts. , W. M. Yearby. Mas. Hxsax lAjpiof rdda, JS'eb writes : ior about two year I whs a con stant suilorer from dis eswe peculiar to my sex. I had to-be carried from my bed, had horrible Creams, Unking sonsa- tiona. was rerv nerroua and had little or no ap !ute. In short, my whole body was racked Witai pain. I had fre quent attacks of hrste ria, and was complvtvly discouraged for I found " no medicine did me any good. At last I deter, mined to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I had taken but two hrtfctlAfl KifnM T toH Mas. Tatpax. much better I I took eleven bottles. To day, I am well.. 1 have never felt the least traoe of my old oomplaint in the fent six years. We use the 'Golden Uedtcal DIkoov. fry' whenever we need a blood-puritler. With its use, eruptions of all kinds ranish and -the skin Is rendered eloar and an ft. aliruxt as an infanta." Sold everywhere. - 3 Ml Eully, Oulcltr, rVmsnsntl; SHtortd. WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of erris from early errors or later . wvvn, m. mums oj. overwork, sickuess, worrv.ew. rullntreogth, : deTelopmeut and tone ! glvrnlu every organ and n-vtlon of tho body. ' Blmplisnatnralinethoda ImmedUtAlmproTemeul awn. FnUurcimposfiible. S.IIU roforenw. Book, upwDiwa ana proois toulled (sealed) freo. ERIE MEDICAL CO. UFFALO. N. V. ' JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killsrol Pain. Internal and ExternaL Cures RHEUMATISM. NEURAL- .1 wa. "une uftoi, HprwiiB.Urulfw. Bwellinmi. BUfl Jolnto, OOL10 onj CRAMPS lnstnntly. Cholera Mor. JSSAMa.ShW, KE HORSE BRAND. the most jPoworful andPenetratlnifLinlnientfor Man or Beast in existence. Large 1 ante Tfto fiUo. else iUo, JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated and TnilnL ThAfJpot abi n..u ... Paee Beautlfler. Ladles will find it tln nu-t delicate and highly perfumed Toilet Snap ou the market. It is absolutely pure. Mokes the. kin soft and velvety and restores the loat eom piexioni u i a luxury ror wienatnior inrnnts. the growth of hair, trioe asc For sale by W. Yea'rby, Sole Agent, Durham, N. 0., and mailed onrecelpt of pries . UprUU-lyl ...I-; , v , -riwisii KNDBK(IWr D MOUTH. RICHMOND, WABlUNGTliN HAI.T1 sons, Philadelphia An .mm, mu m H' iLL POIST8 HOBTH! AND HAL(6f1f "SIDSllOg &THKNS, ATLANTA AND AIT. POINTN MUWH A Nil DORTH-nocNn. ';i 5 N ! aj ot!TW-noyD,: KO.B8. DAILY XX. SUNDAY, tvo. l. dead down. rj. - -:'f 1 1 I0.4U A. M. LiV. uuruam, r, .io . i. IS 40 P. M. Ar. Henderson, l.v. 8.UI P M. -rr- tlttreil. liJ.ii! Franklinton, Loutsburg, -Wake. Warren Plaius 1S,1 " 11.00 A.M. 1S.M P.M 8,85 8,10 I55pmar lvl 10 p III lv 13Wpm lv 11 Utw "1710 88 am lv 10 IK) a m . lv 9 M a hi lvl) in a in lv ll 00 am "iv 1006am i xo d m ar . Littleton 4 00 p m ar Weldon Hoyklus Mnmar tSUpmar Franklin Suffolk Portsmouth ; Vorfolk j.'eiersburg (A. (J. 1) 5 Hi p m ar 1 00 p m ar ibttpmar J 10 p m ar Richmond lvl) loam . Washington (PRR) tv4 80ain WSSOam ll M) p m ar U) a m ar Baltimore . Philadelphia New York jtSamar lv ID 03 night lvBOOpin No.137 DOftptn 4 M p m 11 40 pm 11 46 a m M 05 noon Trtflam 080am 800am r 818pm M a m ar 00am , New York, . ! Baltimore, Washington, ; Biohmond, Norfolk, Henderson, Raleigh, Monroe, Athens, Atlanta, 8 p m 4IBpin 800pm 820pm 18 fit am SOSam 187pm 800pm (I06nm ' Read up oB. i fralnsl and 1114 Holid Pullman MUDUUt etweenWashlngtdn and Atlanta. v i 88 and 41 have through sleepers os i rr-alna 1 XITA miA Vm VavIt. - Ho B maKes oiose conDoeiKiu i i with Rav Line for Baltimore; Old Dominion steamers for Nsw York every day In the week except Tiaay. witn jnerouauv wu TTTT7L - T) -.... DMHM.nn. MIMf (luV lift ' tune ior Dutuuu ui iitirsday and ; orfo1kk&Xngton8B. Oompanytlailir tor Washington. No. 88 makes close connections Inrhnrn .leTcl ttons, etc.. apply to R, I. Cheatham, agent. uurnam, v. Ht .r. J J. ANDKRHONl Gen. Pass. Ag't. CHARLES E. TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DURHAM, N. C nlienWy'oa and careful attention. ; Offlos with MfJ:- rinthrlK. . r . janiiHim COPYRIGHTS. m. l OTWA1K 'AT?SXJ JE75 sral notiMlnthe Hclentlfle AmeYlrnu, and CnedVeekinit fl 'l nstfatedThasbyarthe el' world,. W3 Butldlni enpiei a. 7k 08I1T.I. Jvorj Wii"- SSTtii oolors. and photOKranhs of ! new tliui AddreM a uian m vvm ' " " . v T WW v ri vv I . '.' ''