CAUGHT OMHE FLY. SOME OF TIIK DOIXGS IN DURHAM A3 WE GO ALONG. Just A String of Little Items w Find . .. . on the Margin of our 'ote-Book. No Mayor's Court this morning. Every body on their good behavior now. ' i . .-.... ' A large crowd of ladies and gen- . , tlemen came in on the noon train to- : day to attend Trinity commence' ment. ' - , ' . . 1 . -R, I. Sogers Bays he has the cheap est buggies in the world,' and as f . proof of this he asks, you , to' call on him, -.- i i " There will be , no meeting of the Masonic Lodge, tonight, oo account ' of the exercises of vTrinity College at the m.,.:..:..-L.:j.- Mr. M. V. Clements, living io '' i Northeast Durham who was stricken a with paralysis last week, died this - morning. ; He was about 69 years i. old. ' . . ''y? X''l-i ,J i"-:-vvc Officer Weatherspoon, at the re . quest of Dr. Crowell, has been da - tailed by chief Williams, to do police duty at Trinity Park during this -. week. . " ' 1 v Durham presents a busy scenei Decorations are seen on all sides, and visiters are coming to Trinity com mencement. The town has ft holi day appearance, . j , 'i , .. - Hushv-bve, baby--, no more 1 grunting; your , father's gone, navy blue hunting irs all gone, but hel - ' get netting blue, that will Ap off , flies and give air, too. v if-' ' Will Cross, aged 25 yeark died this morning at the residence pf his ' ' - mother, on Mangum street, af ter an - i illness of several months from la com plication of diseases. , He leaves a mother, a Bister and a brother. Kev. T. Masao, of Japan, who preached at Central Methodist church in Raleigh Sunday,. - passed through . ... tcityyestdayaftr.noi)nQmgj ' to Greensboro. He was educated at .1 ' Vanderbllt University and expects io jJ&r- leave iorL & boom in Japan ftbcitha t7-"".: first oT Jtiyrr- --j-rj "lL MnH.'A. Foushee recover! , telegram thiWtoraoon,- f pom llox boro, stating that a largo crowd from that place will be over tomorrow oji a special train to attend Trinity com . mencement. They will be J gladly welcomed. Durham will bet full of visitors tomorrow. SENATOR VANCE'S BOD. Bti Wife and Son at Odd a brer It Last Heating; Plaoe, An Asheville, N. C., special says: The widow of Senator Zebulon B ( Vance came to Aehevflle Wednesday And had the body of . the Senator moved from the Vance family plot in the cemetery, where it was origty . nally buried, to a plot jhe bad bought the day the . Senator was buricjj Charles N. Vance, son of tbe Senator And his Private Secretary durins life arrived 'in Asheville Baturdny an nau ma uou mpuu u.0.UW:. . l ,a0c8ful exhibitors. The premium weburted m the . famfly plot jYou.Jj,, Be out m week tg d rXTavutA Aat)aran that it WAfl hi f;itSJ 4 ... . dying request that hi boii hould be buried in this pHjwl "JV me oeaawr w ihwii w h: fled during his life, 64 Jjbajt b?s Jlrst wife's body young dance's m ther) "ehouki be placed beside hint . Mr . Vance says he is determined that his .AthflrXwiahes.aJ if, the law has to be evoked in .6td?ti io car ry them out. The plot of grolttkj io which Mrs. ; Vance had the Senator's body removed is tho hill top, the most beautiful and commanding e pot in the cemetery, ud her object in placing the Senator's ibady .there was the fitness of the site for e erection -of a great monument to the ftanatorV , memory by . the people oftiie Ctate. Mrs. Vance is a Catholic and when it was found that the Senator wu-1 dying a priest was about to perforn the last sacrament, V when Charles li Vance interfered. Senator jVa" was a Protestant, and, it is Bai l, ii requested that none of the f it i of the Catholic church be allowed rver fcim. Young Vance said ht uld permit his father's body to p ie movedto the plot secured b Mrs Vance provided his first wifoV jJy be placed beside the Senator-;', but this Mrs. Vance declined to agr to. It is not known what Bteps LIrs. Vance will take when she learn&ovhat has been done. " :. CII2TT7ED EY A LION. A Thrilling Scene at Coney Island - Monday Night.. : Cone Island, N. Y.j June .11. Mile. Beatrice, a lion, tamer, at the London zoo, which ia giving . a wild animal show on the old iron ' pier at West Brighton, had a narrow escape from being mangled -to death last night by--lion; It was just 10 o'clock and the enolosure on the pier where the animals are on exhibition was crowded, with people. sf The last performance of the day was being given and Beatrice appeared in ; the hall, climbed up the ladder -leading to the wild lion's cage, and entered There are two big Asiatic lions iu the cage, a male and female. ' Delia is the. female's name and . Brutus the maleV-i The latter is a great pet of the liou: tamer and she plays with him for fifteen minutes at every per formance. . -r V ;" V u ' i V; s ' Her act with the wild beaBt is clos ed by opening; bis mouth ahd kissing him. Sher always succeeded in kissing the brute -u ntil today r 'While she was making her bold attempt to smack the lips of Brutus today the man who feeds the lions- made his . . i . I . . . ...... .. . appearance near theouge with a box of taw beef . ' Brutus caught sight of the beef and in a moment he unfasten ed BeatricVB . hold upon him and sprang iiyo r Iipt. Both had a lively tusdle,' which finally resulted in " the lion tanier falling' to the floor and the lion grabbing the inf t side of her face m'"l ia "mOiith.1 Thfr woman f" and chilt ren in lht' audience screamed and the mab rushed. around the hall, looking for' clubs . and sticks with which to beat the lion away from the woniaiO "In a few moments Manager Korrar and Trainers Bronce and Ord wvay ru8hedin with pitchforks. '. Alter plunging -tne torks several times io tbe head and body ;, of the lion they managed to make him loosen his bold and got the girl out ,of the cage. She was unconscious and blood was pouring ffunP hwr - face v as ; she was carried into the office Dr. Hil vwa&v.'yfofA we?: TTZt tfuTto bffr""errth'e doctor arriv ed tRe VctaiaY' WtolirTorfan r'andT: fouriifh upon examiHAvnit ur. ai iouix that the lion lind succeeded in .tick- in three of his big teeth through tno woman's left jaw. Other- parts of ; her v face were also' chewed. It took some time for the surgeoo to letop the flow of blood. Dr, Hill said (it was tbe Wor-1 case of animal bite be ever sav. The woman is delirious kind Dr.?IIill says she is id a precari- IOU8 condition; . ; - . WD I Break the Southern Record, ' Riueigh Press: We learn from Sec retary Ayer, that the indications are, that thV'hext State Fair will break fche Southern record? A very, liberal oliCy is being pursued, and the prer jupia are larger than ever before. tliayj are classified so as to Insure the ayment of expenses of almost any worthy fcxhibit .'and richly reward ganee and completeness will ' pleas antly surprise ' the public. - Among tbe noticeable premiums are lioo'for .he of an 800 pian0 'or the best exhibit by a female tchool j (0 for tbe best exhibit by a idy $50, for the best exhibit in main fnlli ..The poultry, department is6s Poially'jsonipleCe, ; and "this exhibit ill 1 q the finest everlcno wn In the Applications . for premium . ip.i'.ip i i. mmmi 11. mr Nnrhlnff Atpano-A An iilligent people, who realize the krportant part the blood holds its 'eempg the body in a normal cond mber pf diseases Hood's Saraapa- pla is able to cure.' So many trou- fWeayejJl rpni . impure blood, the w.8t way . to treat tb;m fhrough he, blood. Hood1 Sarsapariila vi- uttm the blood. ' iiit , JlOOb'a PILLS are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent coheiipa'ion., . -' j" : f Is Johnson's Compound Cod liver Oil mak s rich blood, restores lost vitali ty, i ires dyepopsia, creates flesh and is pn atable and easily taken. W. M.,1 mrby. '.')'. 1 ' r ; or- rent two rooms, on Bine Btr? r. A desirable residence. Ap AyOoJdstejp, ?S-tf OF A PERSONAL NATURE.! PEOPLE WHO GET OUT OF nOOES AND STIR AROUIfD. A Brlet Mention of Those Who Come and Go and Stay- at Home. Miss Emma White, of Old Trinity, is visiting Mrs. Carr at Trinity Inn. Rev. N. M. Jurney, .of Mount Ol ive, arrived in the city last evening. Mrs. J, T. James left yesterday af ternoon for Salisbury to spend some time.: :;V; . -; - ? Mrs. W. M. Morgan and children eft this morning on a visit to Leaks- ville ' .V:C Professor Jerome Dowd has re turned from Charlotte to attend com mencement. - Professor JTrye, of Carthage, ar rived in the city , last evening to at tend commencement, c - r ' Misses Pattie Rosa, Ellen Seago and Anna Hearne, of Albemarle, are at tending Trinity commencement. ' J. T. Britt, of the Oxford Ledger, passed through Durham this morn ing on bis way to Morganton to at tend ' the"- Press Association which meets there tomorrow. Commencement at Wake Forest. iWae Forest, N. C, June 11.. The indications now point to the largest nd best commencement in the histofyof . the institution. The exercises were perhaps the most in teresting we have yet bad, Mr. J. IX Robertson, the orator: Mr. R. F. Beasley, the poet; Mr. R. W.. Hay wood, the historian; Mr. J; E, Yates, the prophet; all fully sustained their reputation whicn : they nave won among their class mates. Many of the trustees are here, and pretty girls in great abundance all the way from Georgia, Virginia and the Carolinas i - For Rent. ' .The dwelling bouse on Carr Btreet, recently occupied by M. Oppenhei mer. Apply to Wm. A. Guthrie. Cases of 40. years standing where operations- have failed have been cured by 'Japanese 'PiftrCurlf. M.Tearby. -.T " ' T ' " People get thin be 1 cause they are sick , they cannot digest the food that is ' necessary to make ' them fat They - may eat plenty,- but eating and di- , , i - , gesting are two different things. If they take :: " That is only one thing, Paskoja. doe; the other. It is al ready digested. It digests other food too. . For sale at :VAUGHAN'S : 'Mi - Store. PASK0LA Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report . V V S. j r , N. -- J j Dead by the Roadside. y Dr. John P. Irwin was found dead by the track of the Lenoir & Chester narrow gauge railroad, about one mile west of Lincolnton at an early hour Saturday morning. In his right hand he held a pistol, with his finger still pressed on the trigger, and there was a bullet hole in his head. The bullet entered just oyer the -left eye and came out behind the right ear. He had a roll of money amounting to $560 ihhis pockeV Dr. ft win was in nis sain year. - us naa pracucea medicine in Rowan county for sever al years past, but recently he gave up the practice on account of his fail big health. ', 1 , Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin.. The reports of correspondents of the Weekly Weather Crop' Bulletin, issued by the North Carolina State Weather Service, for the week end ing Monday June 11th, 1894, show but slight improvement in crops The first and last days of the week were warm and favorable, but follow ing tbe ram of tne 6th occurred one very cool day.' The rain on Wednes day was general, but. quite insuffi cient in amount, averaging less than half an inch. The weather is now very dry and rain is much needed The conditions were very good for farm work and harvesting. The next week is likely to be very warm, with showers during the latter parti Notloe to Tax Payers. ' : i " Notice is hereby ..iven in , pursu ance with an order made by. the uoara or Town commissioners at a delinquent taxes for i,he year 1893, must bo paid, on "o; before tne of June, -1894, otherwise I'am di rected to advertise- the property of the delinquent tax payers for sale, and collect (axes due by restraint. ( v W. A. Williams, ju 6tf , Tax Collector, Shelburn's Photograph Gallery. The time on club iickets, which were ducjune ist, has been extend ed to July ist. " ' iuokj;t:-i;ackkt. The buyer of the new firm, Leading Backet Store, has just returned from' the Northern Markets where be bought a dandy line of goods at prices low er than ever-before. .They are coming in daily. Will sell you good Calico at 8o. per yd., Bleaching, the best, worth l2Jc., my price 7$c., Table ClothBjWorth 25c, my price 15c, Spool Cotton, best machine, only 24c. a spool, Women's Shoes, worth $1:25 per pair, now only 78c. Women's Don gola Shoes, worth $2.25 per pair, now $1.60, Women's Dongola Shoes-,, worth $3.00, now $1.90, Women's Slippers, worth 73c; now B0e.,,Women'a SliDDers. worth $1.25, now $1 00, Cereal cnirt, now eac, real nice reari a large stock ot joys' and Men's Jtiats, at prices to suit tne nard times. ' ; ' Yours for business, - V THE LEADING RACKET STORE. , - . . " " At Mrs. Bi Davis' Old Stand, Durham, N. O. E. A. MOFFITT, Proprietor. lothin-:--Glol:hing At reduced prices for the balance of the season.: We , ' have a big line of 4 ''' , CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND FUKNISHINGS, And have decided to cut the prices on all light goods to make room for our mid summer stuff,. ' Strati) Hats at We have a nice selected line in every department an will hft fflarl in havft vnn rail and rpp thp KnrrYaind - - . fZ, onerea you, " IJepgee Sljirts . for Everybody. : T. J. 0 ) J H Grand Lotlae, Benevolent and Protec- ' . tlve Order of Elks, Jamestown, . - ,f . . w York. For the above occasion the Sea-' board Air Line will cell round trip tickets to , Jamestown, New York, and return, at rate of $24.65. Tick ets on sale June 15th,- 16th and 17th,' final limit June 27th, 1894. . ... ... . R, I. Cheatham, Agent S. A. L. , ' H. G. Bessent, Veterinary Sur geon. Umce at Harden s wvery Stable. . Residence mtbCapt. L,. L. Pamplin, North ; Durham. Of fers his professional services W the , citizens of" Durham and the sur-' rounding country. When traveling always tako a cake of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you; diseases are often caught from using hotel soap. , W, M, Yearbyi v ' gsttafclc gnxlma 2tro. is very uncomiortauie wnen you nave to wear a thick heavy garment. If ' you want something neat and du- : , i raoie in mm gooas can at The t Economy; Store. . We have just received a new line of : Javanaise Cloth, in various col- ' ore, which is the newest goods .; i out, 36 inches wide, also Ja- ; ? conet Duchess, a washable 1 ; ' ' i goods,S6 inches wide. Don't Forget le Eaie a Large Im of Also a new line of Ladies' Umbrellas. ( -- : wooa nanaies,..verjryiear, iiUUlbd WliyyulJ : OiiU 11000, 'dk. ' ;Low Figures. Call and be Convinced; ECOIJOMISTOflft ap9-lm a $2.00 .Croquet Set, now 90c, a tl.OO uuttons, wortn auo. a doz., now 5c.k Yoaf Oaty Pf ice!- wwm-m WWW VMW UAJULVJ LAMBE. TV t f The Glothier and Gent's Furnis1 i

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