m:g::o outlawed. Reward of 5150 forth Arrest oMan Fuller. IIillsboro, N. G, Jan, 9. (Spe cial to tbe Sex ) A proclamation of outlawry has been issued against Van Fuller, colored, by Justices John Kirkland and Joseph A. Harris, for the burning of the barn and etables of S. Paisley Kirk patrick, on the night of November -47th. lasU : - - Winnie Leak, colored, mother of Van Fuller, was eent to jail on the Slst of December, on a warrant charging her with setting fire to the barn and stable of James Adams, on the niffht of Dec. 29. She im plicated her eon in the burning of Kirkpatrick s and Adams cams. A reward of $150 is offered for tbe apprehension and delivery of Fuller to the sheriff of Orange county, at IIillsboro. The negro is about 40 years old; 5 feet 11 inches high; weight about 175 pounds; dark ginger cake color, thick lips, tbin mustache, upper . front teeth lp car on fore-finger caused by pistol hot, limps when walking. IN OLDEN TIMES. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it ia generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well informed ' people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy tbe genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. The Weekly Sun is only fi a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting local, state and general news each week. Sob scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. fjm <vvtlttmtux. Good printing. prompt Seryice. ZEB-P. COUNCIL, JOB - - PRINTER, DURHAM. - -. NORTH CAROLINA. Keep this In mind, so that when you need Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes. Bill Heads, Statements, Receipt Blanks. Clrcu cnlars, Posters, or Pamphlets,. you will com municate with me. and your needs will be supplied. You will find my way of doing business satisfactory. YOUR ORER3 feOLICITKD. I STRIVE TO PLEASE. DaneinG - SchooL 1 will open a first-class Dancing School on Monday night, January 13th. I will give three lessons per week, at the Price of $5.00 for Four Weeks. My Bchool nights will be Mon- days Wednesdays and Thursdays, In the afternoon I have a Children's Class and can assure you that all chil dren entrusted to my care will b look ed after, and no harm come to them. YOI KS TRULY, R. S. BORLAND. jr-tf. NOTHING Preserves vision more than the use of suitable Eyeglasses or spectacles, whilst nothing in jures sight more than wearing improper glasses. I know there is nothing too good for eyes and furnish the best only. Expert service and lowest charges guaranteed. DR. SAMX. RAPPORT, Eye Specialist. MERRICK'S Dandruff Cure. In order to place it in every home and to introduce it to those that suffer with Dandruff, Pimples and Falling Hair and all Scalp troubles may get relief and become familiar with its pure virtues and king qual ities the dollar bottle has been re duced to fifty cents for thirty days. For sale at JOHN MERRICK'S Barber - Shop norao-tf Durham. N. 0. The One Day Cold cure. Forcolds and sore throat, use Kernmtt'.; Choco lates htxatue Quinine, liasily taken m randv nd quickly cure, I The l ien ir ns is i s Bi o( her. It X:.iv l t lc - ;.. - -, h a th.-t It is c-v.ii.'.ei el a wi mk :;Vne for a Germaa si.IJ:ct, iw iiutuT what a.n.v be Lis' rank, to appear ia iuM!e except la uniform, erui though ho he ou fur lough. The army notations strictly enjoin that he must always wear Lis uniform. A certain Lieutenant Selimidt, who was engaged in some lively adventure or other, dressed up as a civilian and Tvas having altogether an enjoyable time until, on turning a corner, Le un expectedly met his colonel. The lieutenant did not, however.Jose his presence of mind, lie pretended that he had never seen his colonel be fore and In a changed voice asked: "Can you tell me, sir, where I.ieuteu ant Schmidt lives? I am his brother from the country and am paying him a little visit, but I happen justcow to have lost my way." The colonel quietly pave the-desired Information, and Lieutenant Schmidt, congratulating himself on his lucky es cape, hurried home and put on his uni form with all possible speed. lie thought, of course, that he had taken in his superior officer, but such an Idea was rudely dispelled when on the next day he met bis colonel, and the latter Baid: "Lieutenant Schmidt, if your brother from the country pays you another vis it I'll have him placed in close confine ment for 30 days." Gnardlng Her Teeth. It Is easy to misunderstand and easy to be misunderstood, and sometimes, happily, it is easy to glvtj and to accept an explanation. "I did think I would never come to ace you again " said a cousin of the prominent society woman who had come to the country to visit her awl was about to start homeward. "It's kind of you to ask me, of course, but 1 remember that when I was at your bouse in the city, two years ago, you did not seem glad to see me. You were kind and hospitable, of course, but I remember you did -not smile once dur ing the entire two weeks of my stay." . To her astonishment, her city cousin burst into a fit of laughter. "Maria," she said, "just before you came I had the misfortune to break the porcelain 'crown' from one of my new front teeth, and as my dentist was out of town ou his vacation I had to wail for his return.' I didn't dare to smile w hen any one was looking at me, for fear of showing the ghastly metallic 'back' to which the porcelain had been attached. It was a strain, Maria, but I. was equal to it, and 1 did not waut to bare to explain." And her smile, now without a me chanical flaw, re-enforceu the renewed invitation. Youth's Companion. Animal That Bloom. Anemones, sponges, the sea encum bers and certain other growths which bloom and apparently behave in all respects like plants are really animals. The petals of the anemone, resem bling those of a chrysanthemum, are really tentacles to catch food and put It Into the hollow tube which 'forms the stomach, where it is digested. The Eea cucumber has- a flattened body. It occasionally moves at a snap's pace over the mud or sand, digging its pet als, or arms. Into the sludge for food to obtain which it swallows tJ a f air proportion of mud. It lias power tc eting and so keeps away its enemies. The sea lily so exactly resembles the common lily that it is difficult to real lze that It Is an animal and belongs tc the starfish family. It has a stalk twe feet long, with a disk for a body. Tb tentacles close round the disk, whicl has a mouth, and completes the de ceptive likeness. They are the oldesl form of animal life on earth, and thoh fossils are called "stone lilies." These creatures were believed to be plants and many people- still refuse to believe otherwise. Guarded by Boer Women. Capetown, Jan. 8. Kimberly'e column captured a Boer laager near Mokwani, containing a large number of cattle, guarded wholly by womeD under tbe leadership of the wife of commandant DeBeera. N. Jackson, Danville, I I , writes: "My daughter, had a severe attack of grippe and a terrible cough set tied on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. Sie tried FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAB which cured her. She hae never been troubled with a cough since." A. B, Matthews. Lots of people will forgive their enemies, but won't stop lying about them. The Weekly Son is only $i a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. -CiO 1 LOCAL IlUliKYGIIAPIIS. Gathered from ILhwajs, By nays, Railways and Othenvays. "A Breezy Time" company left this morning for Danville, Va., where they till an engagement. The weather has turned off so warm that overcoats, are hardly needed except st night and in the early morning. The next term of Durham Su perior Court, which will be for civil cases, convenes January -JOth. Judge Jeal presides. It is stated that T. II. Soog gins, of Durham, has purchased the saloon business of V . h. Jackson, in IIillsboro, i Torn Cain was tried before the mayor this morning on tbe charge of assault and battery, and was oound over to tbe Superior Court under a bond of $25. There were four other small cases in the mayor's court. A german was given last night at the armory, by tbe young men of Durham, complimentary to Misses -Blanche Blake, of Kaleigb,and Vir ginia Mauney, of Salisbury. There were twelve couples, with a number of prominent cbaperones, and it was quite a societj event. mtm MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. Durharnltes as Well as Others Are Con stantly on the More. Mrs. M. B. Wyatt wept up to Graham this morning. C. L. Lindsey, of Chapel Hill, was in the city today. Rev. S. S. Bost .went down to Raleigh this . morniDg on a short top- Mrs. Maggie Hall, of Charlotte, is visiting the family of. Kev. T. L LJroy. Miss Carrie Claytor has returned to KiDston after a visit to relatives and friends here.' W. A. Gattis, Sr., who spent yesterday and last night in this city, returned to Kaleigb this morning. Harry Phleger left on the west bound Southern train this morning on a trip to Virginia. Mrs. A. S. deVlaming returned to Durham last evening, after a pleasant visit to her homefolks, at Brookneal, Va. Mrs. W. H. Branson and cbil dren,who hare been visiting rela tives in, Greensboro, Concord and Charlotte, returned home this morn ing. . N. M. Alston, who wag one of tbe ushers at tbe marriage of Mr. W.'M. Yearby and Miss Minnie Mangurn, on Wednesday afternoon, returned to Goldsboro today. ! Col. J. S. Carr, who attended tbe Poultry Show in Charlotte, returned borne this morning. His address there is pronounced to have been an admirable one. New Company Formed. The Sen La Wood Working Com pany, of Durham, was incorporated yesterday with 10,000 capital stock ana authorized to increase tbe stock to $10.0,000. The company pro poses to buy and manufacture lum ber, deal in stone, brick and all kinds of builders supplies. It pro poses also to establish one or more shops, factories, saw mills and other nice plants. 1 he incorporators are ft. A. Griswold, J. S. Carr, Jr., uid S. M. Wheeler. - Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W. H Eads, of fonesville, Va , "which caused hor ible leg sores for 30 years, but 3ucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured 'no after everything else failed." infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, lores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by Blacknall & Bon. 25c. 5 He is rich enough who has no iebts, and young enough who has health. The WBEKur Sun is onlv Ji a - ear. From 20 to 23 columns oi live, interesting local, state and general news each week. . Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. Subscribe for the Sun. A H U MM I N G it S SUrDrisinfir how mil" Aflnnprl crnnrla hoxrti Inmvlit' m 2 .'IaKIUAGE AT CHAPIL HILL. ' Ibatss Arranged nh ).her Uiui siiiiis Personal Menti u. Chapel Hill, Jin. 9. (Coras pondence of the Scs.) V enter.Uy afternoon at three o'clock Mr. J. M. Williams and Miss Leni Stone were united in marriage at the' home of the bride's mother. . There were present ac the marriage quite a large uuiuucr ut me relatives ana irienae of the bride and eroom. Dr. J William Jones, the. pastor of the Chapel Hill Baptist cuurch, was tie othciatiDg minister who performed tbe ceremony which made these two popular youna: people man and wife Immediately alter the ceremony, the oriaai couple accompanied by a few relatives left for the home of Mr. V llliams's iaiher, in - Chatham county. After spending a few daye in Chatham Mr. and Mrs. Williams will return to Cjhapel Hill, where they have engaged rooms at the residence of Mr. J. M. Cheek. The groom is one of the foremost mer chants of this place, and the bride 8 one of our most talented and accomplished young women. Tbey both have friends by the score, who unite in wishing them prosperity and happiness in their married life. The midwinter-spring term of the university began last Thursday Nearly all tbe students who were here last fall have returned, and ten or a dozen now 6tudents have regis tered. The inter-collegiate debates of tbe coming spring are being given considerable attention now by mem bers of tbe junior and senior classes Arrangements have been made for debates with tbe University of Geor gia, Vanderbilt University, and Johns Hopkins Uoiyersiiy. Tbe Georgia Carolina debate will be held here, tbe debate with Vanderbilt will be in Nashville, and tbe con test between Carolina and Johns Hopkins will take place iu Balti more. Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Gore will entertain a numbervof their friends at an "at home" Friday eveni'jg. Dr. and Mrs. Linscott areTnoving into their new residence near the Episcopal rectory. On the lot adja cent to Dr. Linsuott's new home an other handsome residence is nearing completion, which will be occupied by Dr. J. D. Bruner and family. Prof. Riper, of the chair of economies in the University, is hav ing printed a book which he has written on the colonial history of North Carolina. . L. ' Big Company Formed. . London, Jan. 1 The Daily Mail priqts an article in guarded terms suggesting that the Impeiial To bacco Company with a capital of 13,000,000, will preseutly issue shares to tbe public. Tbe value of the company's incorporated business being 10,000,000; it willhave 5, 000,000 for fightiug purposes, which is considered ample. The paper also says that Mr. Duke, of the American Tobacco Company, the competition of which the Imperial Company was formed to meet, is renewing his negotia tions with the French Government for the entire busines of the French tobacco regie. Are Well Fed. Parties who have visited the con vict camp in the eastern part of the county ana have seen the rations served to the prisoners; state that tbey are well fed. The fare consists 1 01 oreaa, meat, cabbage, peas, po. tatoes, molasses, etc. Some of these articles of fare are deviated some times and other things substituted. Lfurham county feeds all of its prisoners, in iiil, at the convict camp and in the work bouse, very well indeed. The inmates of tbe county home likewise fare well: Of course tbe county cannot afford lux- uries, but gives plenty of good, wholesome, substantial food. If troulled with a weak die nMrm. bolching, sour stomach, or if you feel dull after ratine, trv fihamhnr Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. frice, 25 cents. Samples free at w. jh.. xearoy 's drug store. When you want to eet most of the best for 5 cents, call for the Black Poodle ciear. See that vour dealer has it. , Ask your dealer for Dixon's Black Poodle cigar. One of the best eniokes on the market. Jiff Pridgen -JTHE-SHOfLr. 107 W. MAIN STREET MOREHEflD .BfflHJIIG COiTOY, ' DURHAM. N. C. . CAPITAL ANDPROFITS $200,00000. Q. E. RAWLS, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. E. C. MURRAY, Casnier. PR3a?TH.SS-&CCl)aflCY COURTESY, - LIBERALITY, We solicit accounts from Firms, Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi viduals, with the assurance that all business entrusted to us will receive careful and prompt attention. - ' jans-6m UTILITY, BEdUTY, QUALITY ' POPULflE: PRICES. . Those who have bought shoes here must know best that they can have implicit confidence in the true worth of every pair that they are just as we represent them to be that faction that our shoes are invariably better lor the money than can be found elsewhere. - WOMEN'S SHOES At $1.50 Women's Dongola kid shoes, lace only, heavy extension soles, solid leather throughout, sizes 3 to 8, good value at $1.75. At $1 00 Women's Dongola kid shoes, white kid lining, heavy ex tension soles, just the shoe for wo men who walk and wade, reduced from $2 50 I s BURCH- Children Schoo Sloes IT PAYS TO BE PARTICULAR. If you sell your tobacco oa the Durham market you have ( the assurance that you have gotten the Highest Market Prices, On all grades, that money, skill, years of experience, active ware housemen, enthusiastic bidders and a wide-awake board of trade can give. Sell on the Durham market and take no cl'ancts Farmers go away pleased, is the best evidence we can give you. Drive right on to Durham and try a load, if you have not sold here before. W. C. BRADSHER, Pres. Tob. Board of Trade. , W. T. CARRINGTON, V. Pres. J. H. MAHLER, Sec'ty. and Treas. Durham PUSH 8 Support Home Industries. Patronize its Schools. Help its Library and Hospital. 2 AND READ THE DAILY little adlet in the ver town and the country if . f ji'i f' f. '"3i"W 'WW:! TTF TT LUN TkLC-vn Low r.:arv fl W icct we've h.d, b,t if ILjL JL th?- 'd ut! get together and held a t ea veu t ion we don't believe there would be a sing'e kick coming. If, lor acy raion, yir.r feet are unhappy fcithei: p. cttct quar ters, bring them in acd try a pairot our Shoes. You take no risk here, fcr we say, a newpair I'cr tvtry pir that fails. COME, see the valets we are cffiri'rg. Shoes for $ 1 00, or bhoes for 6 00 , or any pi ice between 8c Jones, DURHAM, N.C- we adjust any reasonable dissatis "Warm" prices on cold weather shoes, will be the attraction hers tomorrow in children's shoes. Misses' , Kangaroo and Dongola shoes, button and lace, sizes 8 to 11 at 85 cents. Miss-s Chrome Box Calf and Dongola shoes, sizes 11 to 2, values up to $t 75, special tomor row, Saturday, $1.25. Misses' Plump Dongola Shoes, lace and button, "foot form" lasts, heavy extension soles, at $1.75. GORMAN CO. mm is Moving. IT ALONG.StSt Go to its Churches. AND WEEKLY SUN. & Sun will 20 a ioih a '. i i r K 'I; It keeps us busy as bees to fill the orders from the people 3 that have tried 'em, and the other folks they're told about 3 S em. We have 'em in tins and glass -best in the market. 5 See the Royal Scarlet Line. 3 - - liilUlilUiUUUUUUltUUtUtUUaUlUUUlltUlUUliUUlUlUllUiUlUillluM C I; A R p N G ED C H ED E 'ic, COPYRIGHT