(iici?i srrcAT.) A. lOSINSCN, 0W3TI3 iKD EDITCB. EUj One nuantli, Scnta.i One Yew, $3.CC wklj One Yer, On DoIIm. latend at the Duihkm FotoBc u leconil ClMt axil mttr, bat finvclui reini nittu, Dtmocrtic in politics, conserrllT In policy and for home Interest! first. YflTtttiing rate made known on application to office In Duke Building, Weat Main it. Interstate 'Phone S7. Bell 'Phone 87. nychanse of adTertisemente must be hand r 4 In bj 11 o'clock on daj of publication to Injure Insertion, MONDAY, JANUARY 13. A Berlin cablegram states that the one. hundred and twenty-five Mormon missionaries now working in Germany have made .over two thousand converts. o The Rochester Theological Semi nary has iucceeded in raising the $100,000 which was made a condr tion of a donation of a similar amount by Mr. Rockefeller. o On January 6th, the President had to affix, with a pen on parch ment, his signature to some eighteen hundred army commissions. And some people deny that the President is overworked. o An Ohio reporter had the temer ity to ask Mr. Bryan bis opinion of Mr. Tom Johnson as a Democratic presidential possibility. Mr. Bryan replied that it was "too early to ex press an opinion." o Although the United States has taken no part officially in the Jbrit ish-Boer war, according to the Rev Mr. Broekbuysen, her citizens have contributed over 150,000 to the cause, the largest contribution the Boers have received from outside sources. o ' , "Sixty per cent, of the candi dates for enlistment in General Baden-Powell's police have been re iected on the ground of bad w w teeth," Bays a London cablegram. Evidently England has come to a - point where she must recruit among the lame and the aged. 1 o Right Rev. Charles II. Brent D. D. , the Episcopal bishop recently assigned to work in the Philippines has announced his intention of try ing to raise a fund of $100,000, the interest on which he would use for the support of himself and his as sistants in the islands. o the fans press is vigorously op posing the granting of a concession to the Rockefellers whereby they would be permitted to supply the city with gas. One newspaper pro nounces such a move "A mighty weapon for the reat&ation of Amer ican imperialism in Europe." ' .. .. , o ; The president may soothe the wounded feelings of General Miles by sending him to King Edward's coronation. But it cost the general $10,000 out of his private purse to represent the United States at the queen's last jubilee and it may be that he does not care to invest in a coronation frolic. . . o Mb. Carnegie was evidently in earnest when he offered that 10, 000,000 for a great national univer sity. He has met all the objections to the original form of the tender and is determined to force the money upon the government. As a per sistent and accommodating giver Mr. Carnegie is at the head of the list. o - The administration's position in regard to the retirement of Secre tary Long might be defined thus: If the public and the press will drop the subject for a sufficient time to permit the President to indulge in the sophistry that he is not being coerced by public opinion, he will call for Mr. Long's resignation "of bis own free will." Mayor Low's position is not a sinecure. If he attempts to close every saloon in New York on Sun day be will forfeit the support of thof e former adherents of Tammany who made his election possible and perhaps insure Tammany's return to power. If he permits the saloons to remain open in violation of the law he will forfeit the support Electa tis ccssinit OUR COUNTRY'S LEAD. The London Mill's Year Book for 1902, a copy of winch has jast been received at oar treasury bureau of itatisties contains a vast .amount of interesting information. This British authority in its com parative statement of the condition of the great nations places the United States at the head of the list. It shows that our country has far more wealth and far less debt than any other. The wealth of the leading nations is stated as follows . in terms of pound sterling:. United States, 16, 350,000,000; United Kingdom, 11, 800,000,000; France, 9,690,000,000; Germany, 8,052,000,000; Russia, 6,425,000,000. The percentage of debt to wealth is given as follows: United States, 1.4; United King dom, 6; Germany, 8 . 1; Russia, 11.1; France, 12.8. v . The amount of national indebted- ness is stated as follows ln pounds sterling: United States, 221,000,000; Ger- . i r i many, t51,uuu,ouo; united iving- dom,706,000,00O; Russia, 711,000,- 000; France, 1,339,000,000. The Daily Mail Year Book de clares that in the United States alone the year 1902 opened prosper ously and that Germany and the United Kingdom have suffered a very marked decline of values. It is shown that in the production of wheat last year this country went further ahead of all other nations than ever before, having produced more than thrice as much as Russia, which came next. The comparison pf pig iron production is still more Btrikingly in our favor. THE NEWS OUTLINED. The People's Bank at Painesville, Ohio, closed its doors. Engineer Winker arrested in connection with theN. Y. Central tunnel disaster, has been released on bail. Mrs. Ralph Webber outraged and her throat cut by an unknown negro at Lynchburg, Va. Census bureau reports a total capital of $11,847,- 495 invested in the manufacture ol spirits turpentine and rosin iu th United States.- An enormous crowd of people attended the recep w id the city hall at Savannah Ga., in honor of Admiral Schley Kicnard Croker has retired from the leadership of Tammany Hall, and Lewis JNixon has been chosen as his successor. Steamer Junita, from Baltimore for Boston returned to her dock at Baltimore with cargo on fire. Mrs. Dennis, who was murderously assaulted in Washington, D. C, some weeks ago is recovering. Annie- Beaudry shot Jennie bagnon at Manchester N. 11. and then committed suicide Lewis Nixon, the new Tamma ny leader, was born in Leesburg Va., in" 1861. United States deputy-marshal killed and his son wounded by moonshiners near Mountainboro, Ala. Hon. Wm. J. Bryan spoke to 2,000 people at Cambridge, Mass. "Jim Mays, a negro, banged at Springfield, Ky.. Saturday, for assaulting a white girl. 1 he smallpox situation in London, Log., remains very serious. Mo signs of decrease. The Mo Kinley memorial meeting will be held in the hall of the House of Representatives, Washington, Feb ruary 27th. , - . Chapped hands, cracked lips and roughnesB of the skin cured quick!) y BA.NNJGB SaLVJS, tho most heal mg ointment in the world. A. B Matthews. Failed as an Angel. Wilmington Star: At a religious meeting in the town of Verona, On tario, a few nights ago, a man be came eo failed with religion that he concluded be could fly like an an gel. He plunged for a Boar, but overestimated his buoyancy,, and came down cachunk1 on a lighted lamp, knocked that over, set tire to a half a dozen men and women, caused a stampede, and came very near burning the meeting house. As a flier he proved a failure, but as a mover an eminent success. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and oroncnicis, wrucs Mrs. w. K. Hav Hand, of Armonk, N. Y , but when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Dis covery. Our niece, who had Con sumption in an advanced stage, also used1 this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well " Dm. perate throat and lung diseases viniH to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infalli ble for Coughs and Colds. 50c. nnrt $1.00 bottles guaranteed bv 1? Rnir. nail & Son. Trial bottles free. 6 cf tie letter elegit wtki NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. Pararajhs Pertaining to People and Flaoes in tfca State. Mount Airy News: Mormonism is cot djing out it is growing and spreading while the people sleep. We have Mormons in Surry lots of thera. 7 Rocky Mount Spokesman: Mr, Reddin Fox, an old Confederate veteran, died at hia home near Hil liardston last Tuesday, January 7th. lie had been an invalid for several years. Fayetteville Observer: W'e note that the Fayetteville Oil Mills are paying $25 a ton, equivalent to 24 cents a bushel, for seed today (Fri day ) This is said to be as high as seed has sold in some time. Newton Enterprise: Farmers are considerably alarmed about their wheat. They held off late in sow- ng this year to avoid the fly, and the cold weatber came on before it got a start. They fear that much of it has been frozen out, and some has not yet come up. Nashville Graphic: Corn is new selling at 14 50 per barrel and meal at $2 00 per sack. The farmer who ast year put all bis hopes in cotton and tobaccoand cut his feed crops feels like ordering a large supply of automatic kicking machines and get ting in close proximity to all of them. Scotland Neck Commonwealth: Monday Superintendent J. S- Mann and Messrs. x Nathan O'Berry, of Golbsdoro, G. Hackett, of Wilkes- boro, and J. A Brown, of Chad bourn, visited the Caledonia State farm near Tillery and viewed the devsatation wrought by the latr freshet to Rjanoke river. Mr. Mann thinks that the freshet took away $20,000 worth of dykes The forces had been working on thera five or six months and had just completed the tli. Gastonia .Gazette: A disease which some suppose to be cholera, but others take to be something else, has wrought havoc on many farms in the oapp section. The "chief losers we have heard of are Messrs Jacob Kiser and Moses Stroup, but the disease is no respecter of persons it seems to kill anybody's hog that catches it. lhe malady kills some times within two days, sometimes the afflicted animal will linger three weeks. In some cases the ears and under side of the body would turn red, and then a day or two before the hog died the ears would turn black. REMARKABLE CURB OF CROUP. A Little Boy's Llie Save i. I have a few words to say rega-d ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It paved my little bovs' life an J I feel that I cannot praiee it enough I bought a bottle of it from A E Steere of Goodwin, 8 D., and when 1 got home with it the poor babj could hardly breaihe.- I gave the medicine as directed every ten min utes until he ,lthrew up ' and then thought sure he was going to choka to death. We had to pu.l the phelgm out of hia mouth in great long strings? T 1a. ii. e i . ' i am positive mat it i naa not got that bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth todav Joel Dkmont, Inwond, Iowa. For sale by W. M. Yearby. , Left The Old Flirt. Chicago Record-Herald: About three months ago Henry McDonald, aged 93, and Mrs. Rosetta Daniels, aged 87, ol this citv, were married. The courtship was rather stormy and the honeymoon was no more placid. Mrs. McDonald became jeal ous and lrequent quarrels disturbed their otherwise serene atmosphere Yesterday Mrs. McDonald gathered up her belongings and left, remark ing as she departed that when a man arrives at the age f 93 it was time tor. him to stop flirting and settle down. IF BANNER SALVE doann't cure your piles, your money will ue returned, ic is the most healing medicine. A. B. Matthews A Test Clara "It's a thrilling story, isn't it?" Maud "One of the most thrilling I ever read. I couldn't ekip.more than half of it." Detroit Free Press A Cure for Lumbago. W. O. Williamson, of Amherst. Va , says: "For more than a vear I suffered from lumbago I finally tried Ch mberlain's tain Balm and it gave me entire relief, which all ot nor. remedies had failed to do." Sold by W. M. Ye rby. A woman has acted as a speaker in the House -of Representatives. said Kildruff. Mrs. Tiff acts con stantly as speaker of my house, added Mr. Tiff. , ' RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAT. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. t removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. m 75 cents Sold by Uackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. Eczem is ciusol by an acij hnorb the Wool coining iu contact wiili tlie skin ai:d producing great redness and in flaafniatiou ; little pustular ereptiocs form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales o.T ; sometimes the skin is hard, dry and fissured. Eczeraa ia any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are almost unbearable; the acid burning humor seer is to ooza out and set the skin, on Salves, -washes i:or other exter nal applications do any real good, for as long as the poison remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated. DAD FORM OF TETTER. "For three year I had Telter "on ray hands, which caused thera to swell to twice their natural size. l'a;l cf the time the disease was in tho form t f run ning sores, very pain ful, and causing me much discomfort Four doctors said the Tetter had progressed too far to be cured, and they could d) nothing for me. 1 1 tiU only three bottles of S. S. S. End wss completely cured. This was fifteen years aio. and I have never since seen any sign of mv old trouble." Mrs. I,. B Jackson, 1414 MeGee St., Kansas City, Ma S. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison, cools the blood and restores it to a healthy, -natural state, and the rough, unhealthy skm becomes soft, smootli and clear. cures Tetter, Ery sipelas, Fsoriasis, Salt Rheum and all skin diseases due to a pois oned condition of the blood. Send for our book and write us about your case. Our physicians have made these diseases a life study, and can help you by their advice ; we make no charge for this service. All correspondent is conducted in strictest confidence. , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, GA. Lazy Liver "I have been troubled a great deal with a torpid liver, which produces constipa tion. I found CASCARETS to be all you claim for them, and secured such relief the first trial, that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured. I shall only be too clad to rec ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity Is presented." J. A. Smith, 2920 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good, Do uooa, wevftr oicKen, eaten, or Gripe. 10c, 2oc,60c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Bt.rllnj Remedy Company, ClilCHgo, Montreal, New York. 320 HIl.Tn.RflR Sola anrt mmranteed by all drag HU" I U-bAU gists to 11 KE Tobacco Habit. "There's Mrs. Merrygirl's hus band over there. Somehow he doeerr't look like a very bright chap to me. Does he know anything?" "Know anything, niy dear! He doesn't eveD suspect anything." Tit Bits. W. L. Yancey, Paducah, Ky., writes: ' I had a severe casa of kid ney disease and threa of the beet physicians iu southern Kentucky trented me witho it success I was nducsd to try FOLEY'h KIDNEY CURE The first boitle gave imme diate relief and thrpf) bottles cured me permanently I gladly recom mend thn won ierful nwdy " Take no substitute A B Matthews Senator Quay, 'of Pennsylvania, who has just returned from Florida, called upon the President. He de nied that he contemplated immediate retirement from the Senate. "I shall 8erveout my term," said he. Miss Church But I think it is dreadful for a minister to be a here tic. Mr. Flypp Oh, no At the wort heresy is a' clerical error. Frank Tread well Bennett, la., was troubled wiih kidney disease lor two years writes: 'I had taker several kinds of. kidney remediep, but with little banHfit Fioa ly I tried FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE atd a one dollar bottle cured me." A. B. Matthews. DancinQ - School 1 will open a first-class Dancing School on Monday night, January 13th, I will give three lessons per ; week( at the Price of 15.00 for Pour Weeks. My School nights will be Mon days Wednesdays and Thursdays, Tn the afternoon I have a Children's . Class and can assure you that all chil dren entrusted to my care will b look ed after, and no harm come to them. YOURS TRULY, R. S, BORLAND. 37-tf. Qobd printing. prompt eryice. ZE8- P. COUNCIL, JOB - '- PRINTER, DURHAM. - - NORTH CAROLINA. .Keen this in mind, so that when von nnwl Letter Heads. Note Heads. finvaloriH. ittn Heads, Statements. RecelDt Blanks. Cln-n. culars, Posters, or Parnuhtets, you will com municate with me. and your needs will be supplied. You will llnd my way of doing business satisfactory, YOUR URKRS SOLICITED STRIVE TO PLE48E. The Weekly Sun is only i a year, trom 20 to 23 columns of ive, interesting local, state and general news each wefik. Sub scribe and get-a wide-awake Dur nam paper. 7firY CANDY II CATHARTIC TAO MARK MOIiTCRIO, IT PAYS TO BE PARTICULAR. If you sell your t"hacco on the Durham market you have the assurance that you have gotten the Highest Market Prices, On all grades, that ruoiey, skill, Qocstmen, enthusiastic bidders ana a wide-awake board of trade cm ive. "S.tll oa the Durham market aud tike no cVacc s. Farmers go iway pleased, is the bt-st ev'd-nce we cna give you. Drive riit ou to Durham aud try :i load, if yo'i have not sold here before v. C. ER.DSHER, Pres. Tub. Board of Trade. W. T.'CARRIXGTON. V. Pres. If you aie thinking of buying you to see. LOOK! C. W. KING, Durham. N. C , . State Agent for the MILWAUKEE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, makers of Steam Machinbfur all purposes. These machines ire up - to - date and guaranteed n every respect They can Jb e s en and csed by applying to Mr Ki-g, who is permanently located in Durham Wattr indicator on tank, cut off at steam ctest; 3 inch pneu matic tire, 3 inch thick twice as thick as any other make; handsome, leather dash; acetylene lamps; electric light for water gauge, for use at night; brake holding both forward an-i, b?ckwaid. Catalogue, ghing lull paiticu'ars of the machine, on application. PRICES FROM $750 TO $1,800. Harris Litlia Water. Sold upon the merit of its Analysis and upon the endorsements of the Medical Profession This Water retains its medicinal elements and is . as good from the demijohn' or bottle as at the Spring. IN ITS:ARBONATED FORM it is unexcelled as a table water or in the sick room. It does the stom ach good after ijfc has tickled the palate. PRICE Bulk at 30 cents per gallon. Case 12, i gallon bottles $4.00 (rebate of Sl.OOfor bottles). CARBONREED. 50 quarts f io oo. - - - 100 quarts $10.00. Ask Your Druggist' for HARRIS LITHIA WATER and ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Harris Litnta Springs Co., Harris Springs, S. C. P. C. SNEED & CO., Durham, N. C , Local Distributors. b. N. DUKE, President. JOHJN D. wiLi, gamier THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM. N, C. Canital $100,000.00. ...... ..Surplus $6O,0iiO.0r Deposits $650,000.00. SAYINGS DEPAR T M H IS? T tu : u 4 m i ... .... lu wrauuu oi our ousinP88 nas jsrudually grown unn; h' 1,675 SAVINGS BOpKS In order to encourage thr; ft and wonon p.r a . .. . .. from 11.00 up and allow interest theveov. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. This Bank is authorized by its charter u GET YOUf? PROM' A. E, LLOYD & CO.. THE DURHAM HARDWARE FIRM. MOflEHEflf) BffUKWG COMPANY, DURHAM. N. C. 4 i- CAPITAL 'AND PROFITS $200 000 00 Q.E. RAWLS, President. C, C. TAYLOR, yice-Prewklent. E. C..MUHHA Y, Ccshier PROiflPTHESS ACCURACY -COTESY, - LIBERALITY. We solicit accounts from Firms, Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi viduals, with Jhe assurance that all business entrusted to os will receivf careful and prompt attention. jan5-6m 1 1 " yea-s ot experience, active ware- T. II. MAHLER. 8ecrtv. and Trs. LOOK,! LOOK! an AUTOMOBILE, it will pay There are some things ou tha Milwaukee trat should be on tv erv good tteam engine seam less s-team boil ers, air anil gas- line tanks, pat ent pil t lights, holding fire in definitely. . . . S4 poultry mm

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