JAUE3 A. ROBINSON 0W5E3 A5D ITiTOS. Ballj-Oiien:ciitfc.SSeenu. One Year, iOC Wsal'.y-On Tew, On Dcllw. aWrJ at the Durham Poetoffee u econa elasimail matter, but tMt-daM reag Democratic In politic, conservative la policy aad for home interest first. Aflverttog rates made known on application to office U Duke Building, West Main it. Interstate 'Phone S7. Bell 'Phone Tl.' tVOhange of advertisement matt be haaa- ajinbjll o'clock on d aj of publication to insure Insertion. MONDAY, JANUARYS. Alricin role. War, in mo? I in stance?, is a borriule, brutal cr:nie. Mr. KiIic;,' ouht to cousiJer the waste, ruin, raUcry; lie b 'j-t:-hopes. the deio'ate Lornep; tbs cr ease, blood and aony fcl'.cw.rj war's disaster. K seems to us that he would then sing a different song. A MELANGE OF ITEMS. All Are of Interest to the People of Tar- ham County. Free Trees: and cbil- from OUR FEDERAL EU1LDING. The X. e. Klnston ilrs. J. W. C:.3:n and three cra bav2 c:v:i t: Ki-on Durham County. Chatham Citizen: Work on tbe Durham & Charlotte railroad is pro ; g?-.i;:Gg slowly bat et surely. ur'ar-' Reoo. Jeo: ?re op- oy ni. - Ctian win v l.-j e i cs ) . on sens-.-.: punoin- Washington, J:in. 18. Sons'.cr J t ,-; r.w, but whet a buslscd Simmons kaa introduced & blll"c- berg 7 te, vr9 wou'.i ret 8' aod vidino-for tbe erection, of e pub! y , cn lue order of bis puu sumeat buildup tl Durhcm. Tlis crUt;v). abided he were tut coflfiuhed as Only five millionaires are reported in the State of Georgia Durham alone equals that, according to the N. Y. World Almanac. o Is it a fact that Secretary Long and Admiral Sampson are brothers- in-law? If so the cause of the milk in the cocoanut becomes an easy problem. o ! . Wireless telegraphy experiments continue to be made successfully. In a few years ocean cables and telegraph wires will be regarded as relics of a benighted age. o No man is perfect; no man lives vVn lias not made a mistake. Mis takes are the milestones and mark ers in a man's life. Mistakes are the things that give us experience. J uiemu 3 e' ?o-C i u for te" 2 licit?:' t:ca?-: Oxf-t tea, of There is considerable gush by prosperity howlers over our trade with China. Can anybody with common sense expect us to have much intercourse, commercial or otherwise, with an intelligent ueticn ' as the Chinese are, whose subjects j o we do not alio upon our soil ? ; r North Carolina delegetica v:.l ap pear before t-e comnii;.- e to 7 this bill at an ezAy dry. It i -vides. "That the Sec Tlrvy o" the T.e: u;y be, aud ke ke-ebv U.atbii& and directed to puvc ia:-, or scq. ;or t2 by comiemn&uon you .. --us, w, ve lor a buiiKitig id p ' and to 10 c e of Du ta.ui, iii ti-e ? . Cai ol i, suilaijlf use ana jtCComino-ti-iK'i; c. States courts, reveuue office and other govern nuiii oii'o in said city, with fireproof vaults extending to each story; the site and building thereon, when completed accoruiug to plans am i'iom to be previously ma-. -3 -j ' a by the Secretaij. ol -. ' , not to exceed oi.e bu 1 . : dollars; and the bur - a i ' li.ousHud dollars is : , ! 1 1 - aicd.oui cf any moi.b" -. i ui" i :t cilei wise a ! ..d. tbc r-u-j.-se o? bail'. .: a.iu ibfj ooni ij'.k'" of Bi"d bui'....'. P o';:j"'3 lor U- v whom ar.d how the enormity of is crime siiotild be adjudged and tunisued. , T'je Grteusbcro Record in speak ing ot ile tact that Congressman YVWKachic lilbave opposition tomiua'-'u in the next con . S3VH Ud tbs fallowing gen :sve b?tri rcmed as probable ..8 "for tbe nominAi'Dn: oward A. Foushee nd . .rsiii, of Durham; A. i ita-I B. S. Royster, rf ; E. -j. -ones and J. C. Bui- itiston-Salem, and S. M. Gatt's, cf Hillsboro. uve' by yuJiO i more c : of liresi tweriy vr Hjr!ia : :- ' be i . o :T;f.rte.'5 of t..'d ci.y oi'a'utj for k.,.t 'ov i.i '"3 date ",! L'-.l I krlilPIlt I 1.1" LUC ' c i-sponse 'tc Hi.',. 8l.-;l bs f..i , .'.'t 'o tbd one; 3U.: Chinese never assassinated J1" " v . of our presidents, but anarctisls - .n., ported here from other ecu.:!: i's to have, yet we exclude the quiet, 'v. dustrious Chinee, and ijvite ' ' lazy, worthleses anarchist. Tue . ::: ' -. Bon, we think, is because t.s an archist usually vote the Republican ' : ticket. Ic'" . o i 1 .'''ritt- 'oa Incorrect. r " " 'n, who wrote thi .. - " oinance-of a I'reiy - . c VVasbington, for makes a correo- r. -de as follows: : v"erav ion came from - vva,sbii!orton and in eev- :. . '"if? yas lucorrect. -4'ievt procured the license -r s .'ur?ooo cf i be n' -ht mir ) ;s a it was not obtained at cr 'Tiu r Mr. Albert did not throw tV.o ncger brother from the side v ' . out simply released the boy's c'. a:ound hh sister's waist. TV-; j ;ri-3..d f. as before mated i:sa N:;'i!a di. u go into the bar r r f r: i ! 1 1 i .! I ' ! :y V J M . 1 Vw' 1 'hJt . 1 i- N J i Catarrh Las become such a common disease that a person entirely free frota this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simple inGammalion of the nose and throat.' It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it very soon becomes so. The i.lood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they da not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. floes. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures tboroughl) and permanently the worst cases. - Mr. T. A. Williams a leading dry-good mt chant of SpartauburK, S. C, write : ' 1'oryeoa I had a severe case oi nasal Catarrh, with all .be disagreeable effeUS which belong to that disease, and which make life painful and unendurable. I used medicines prescribed by leading physicians and augeeted Vjr numbers of friends, but without getting any better. I then began to take S. S. S. It bad the desired effect, and cured me bottles. lu my opinion S. S. S. is the only medi cine now fn use that will effect a permaueut curt of Catarrh." A 0 is the only purely veg etable blood -purifier known, and the great est of all blood medi cines and tonics. If vou have Catarrh don't wait until it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be-p-in at once the use of.S. S. S., and send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physicians about your case. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA." T PAYS TO BE FMT16LILI1R. If yoa sell 3-our tcbacco 03 tbe Durham market you tive the assurance that you have gotten the Highest Market Prices, , On all grades, that money, skill, years oi experience, active ware housemen, enthusiastic bidders ana a wide-awake board of. trade can give. Sell on the Durham market and take no cVances. Farmers go away pleased, is tee best evidence we can give you. Drive light on to Durham and try a load, if you have not sold here before. Yv C BRADSHER, Pres. Tob. Board of Trade. W. T. CARR1NGT0N, V. Pres. J. H. MAHLER. Sec'ty. and Treas. 1 !'' W'tVl . ... ex- '." .'( ' y In : .,"iir?f ji , vi) xjy tue 01 tl lilt ui, pI'HS s".aU nVvj wt'o sha'.1. t'-c r.il.'J s't t;, ?i . . " :.binj pro;. Ci.iKiiad in rei, T ue Treasury : .1 i-'Lihe wiii.eii r ot '.:ie rtf . . ii ? i of bis 1 OD : t-'o on hb, be ao i nal picoH. Is at ar . 1 .-si 'or ; m,us tn. 13"? of Lhe Messrs. i the lidy to the .ice 'ere after- Planting pecan trees has become a p.razfi in (ip.nro-ia. A COirePbOD- oent 01 me ew ioik inuuue BBjb,- .,S() of lbe appropriation "Any S'-iAirifu :u the article tnectiug oft ' e CiT 'der of the young l. Oy are wi htirawn." 5 , . A Care for Lumbago. W. 0 Williamson, of Amherst, Va , syB: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago I finally ! tried Oh .mberlain's Pain Balm and ir notra ma or.firo rfliof whioh nil h-ui siAteii., otUer remediw had faiiei to do." 'no luto mi posionfrelai to the said pro detfay i be expenHs of advei cism; ber city editor of the Morning Post, for proposals, actual traveling ex- jeusea of said agent ud otner ex penses iucident to tne selection r-f the, site and tor necessary survey thereof, shall be immediately available. "No money appreciated by this act shall be available, except as here inbefore provided, unul a vali'J Utle to the site for said build in a; shall be vested in the United States,' no.' un til the State of North Carolina shall have ceded to the United States ex- vlaivs javisvT.olica over tbe same, tae United Stf.tes :-'z tlie owner th r. -zzm except the Lie criminal laws cf said State and '', 3 service of civil process therei' . " lhe buildup to be erected shall be unexposed to danger from five by an open space of at least fo ly feet on each side, including streets and alleys." Special to Raleigh Post. ei'fcin made as may be necessary to Sold by W. M. Ye rby. duiing 1L3 ilrr sLtll.ls ovvii-i-of, for di rji " micisiration : at the rate at which planting is now progressing there will be within the decade more pecan trees than peach trees in that State. This nut can also be raised successfully in this climate and around Durham. : 0 : Wk notice that the Governor of Nebraska has pardoned a "gentle man" who was sentenced to serve 20 years for robbing the Slate of 1550,000, after serving only four years. It is a fact that gentlemen who succeeded in the business so well seldom are convicted, but if onvicted never stay long in the pen -o Senator Simmons has introduced the Durham Federal building bill in the Senate. It has already been introduced in the House by M Kitcbin. We are told that the en tire North Carolina delegation will appear before the committee and urge its passage. It is to be hoped that they will not let it slip this ses sion. The facts and figures already before the committee are sufficient to give us a building, if any .place is entitled to a building on its bust ness and revenue receipts. 0 Durham extends a cordial wel come to Governor Aycock, and Auditor Dixon, who are now within . , our gates. Tbe latter delivered most interesting address before the Daughters of the Confederacy and citizens at the Lee memorial exer cises in the Public Library thu afternoon. Governor Aycock ad dresses the Junior Order and citi- zens in tbe Opera House tonight. It is a pleasure to have these gentlemen here in the most progressive town in t SI. . ... ids Dime ana listen 10 ineir earnest and eloquent words upon their re- : epective subjects. Kipling s latest martial blast does very.well to sound along with oa hopelees victims of Consumption, .i, .-u Pneumonia, Hemorrhage. Pleurisv ' 1. 1 1 . 1 and Bronchitis, .thousands of whom of rues; but it is far from poetry to it haa restored to perfect health. For the man who loves the music of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay .:r ,.. T-k- u....: , Fever, Hoarseness and Whoooinz --WHO buu nuo ,ius nuuic UUB1- rt...U ;t 1 tu ..;i k " ' ... ' , Uough lt is the quickest, surest cure . new oi war is naraiy eicusaoie at m the world. It is sold bv R. Black . bsst; and while we could not look " nail & Son's, Druggistp, who guaran- .a- vi.ni. Afnat ,itU pBMtiiacuon or reiuna money, on England defeat with compla- Largebottle8 ttnd $1 00. Trial ency we cannot endorse her Sonthtottles free. ------ . i Mr. Pence Leaves, Rileigh T m'-s: Mr. Thomas J. Pence, who ws until last Septem- . Western Kansas editors have a unique way of prodding up dehn quent subscribers as this wil.l in dicate. savs the Kansas City Jour oal: "If you have lrequent neaa- aches, dizziness, fainting spells, ac companied by chills, cramps, con, bunions, chilblains, epilepsy an" jaundice, it is sign you are not wll, but are liable to die any minute. Pay your subscription a year in ad vance, and thus make yoursell solid for a good obituary notice." "Some time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. 8bo complained of trains in her chest and bad a bad coueh I gave her Chamberlain'? Cough Roinedy acc irding to direc tiona and in two d tys she was wel and able to go t echool. I 1 ave used this remedy ia my family for the past seven yeas and have never Snown it to fail," says James P-en- dereast. merchant, Annato bay Jamaica. West India Islands The pai as in the chest indicated an ap Droachine attack of pneumonia which in thi9 infitance was undoubt edly warded off Cnamerlain's Cough Remedy It counteracia any ten dency of a cold toward pneumonia 8old by W. M. Yearby. when he took a similar position with the News p.ni! Observer, has resigned his latter place and will go to Wash- A Washington dispatch says ington City ?.id represent the Post oablegram was received at the State at tne nat;c :?,. : ,Ual. Mr. reoue in recogniz' 2.3 iiis bes roaud reporter and news g;.Lc: ::' ia Kal eigh newspapeulcm aud .erjcyii a wide acquaiutauce and .cpuls iij throughout the State. His friends regret to see him leave Raleigh but . bey'are glad to know that he will still be in touch with North Caro lina affairs. Department from Consul McWade at Canton, stating tbat atrenc missioDRry has been murdered by the natives at Nan-Huing, Kwang Tung, 250 miles northwest of Can ton. Chapped hand, cracked lips and r juhness of the skin cured quickly vBawER9 LVE, the most heal ing ointment in the world. A.. B Mat hews. Durham Ahead on This. Raleigh Tim as: Four more rural libraries have been added in Dur ham county through the assistance of Gen. J. S. Carr. This makes a total of thirty libraries in that county and leaves only four white schools without these free libraries. Poor Wake county has not a single one yet and only six are arranged for. ATter th3 surgical operation; liarber " WLr.t r l you have ou your face, wltjhbszel or bry rum?" I ration "Neither one nor the other. S Just put on plain coutrpiaster " Judge. -' Frank Tread well Beniett la., was troubled with kidney disease for two years. He writes: "I had taken several kinds of kidney remedies, but with little benefit Finally I tried FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE and a one dollar bottle cured me." A. B. Matthews. IF BANNER SALVE doosn't cure your piles, your money win do returned, it ia tne moot healing madicine. A. B. Matthews Mrs. Carrie Nation, at Topeka, Kans., while flourishing a large natcnet wnicu she received as a present from an Eastern manufacture ingfirm, dropped it and the keen edge of of the instrument served the large toe of her right foot. It Dazzles the World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excite ment that has been caused b y Dr King s rsew Discovery for CoriBump tion. It's severest testa have bwu Mr. Stutson They tell me Neigh bor Harris' cat is dead. Mrs. Slut son Ob. I'm so sorry 1 It used to take up Fido's time so pleasantly barking at ber. runch. W. L Yavicey, Paducah, TXv . writes : 4 1 had a severe case of kid ney dmease and three of the best physicians in southern Kentucky treated me without success. I was induced to try FOLEY'.- KIDNEY CURE The first bottle gave imme diate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recom mend this wonderful remedy." Take no substitute. A. is Matthews. Twrj farmers at Dyea, Alaska, rjised 25,000 bushels of potatoes thla year, and will receive for them 2 a bushel. RHEUMATISM CORED IN 1 DAT. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In to 3 days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears ine nrst aose greatly benefits. 75 cents Sold by Hackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. -r.- . . . Minister Wu called upon Secretary Hay Saturday in connection with tbe value of the Bilver bullion, amount ing to $376,000, which was captured by the American marines at Tien Tsin. This money will be paid to Minister Wu. Blown to Atoms. The old idea tht tne bo iy w imes needs i powerful, drastic p'ir native pill Pis O'teu expod-c; ior Dr King's New Life Pills, wnicu are perfectly harmless, gently st muhte liver and bowels to expel p isonou matter, cleanse the -yetem and aba iutely cure 'oflstipation a ad Si Headache Only 25 cents at F -tlacknall & Son's Drug Store. 1 Ask your dealer for Dixon's Black Poodle cigar. One of the best smokes on the market. Good printing. Prompt Scry ice ZEB- P-C0UNC1L JOB - - PRINTER, DURHAM. - - NORTH CAROLINA Keep this In mind, so that when you need Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes. Bill lieaas, statements, ueceipt uianxs. uireu culars. Posters, or PatrjDblets, you will com. munlcate with me, and your needs will be supplied. You will find my way ot doing business satisfactory. YOUR ORKR9 SOLICITED. I STRIVE TO PLEASE. LOOfl L00I1! LOOK! f you aie thinking of buying an AUTOMOBILE, it will pay you to see.-. C. W. RING, Durham, I C, State Agent for the MILWAUKEE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, maters ot steam Macnines ior an purposes. These machines are up to date and guaranteed n every respect They can be seen and used by applying to Mr. Ki-g, who is permanently ocated m Dur- nam. . . ... There are some things on the Milwaukee that should be on ev ery good steam engine r seam less steam boil ers, air and gas oline tanks, pat ent pilot lights, holding fire in definitely. . . . Water indicator on tank, cut off at steam chest; 3 inch pneu matic tire, inch thick twice as thick as any other make; handsome leather dash; acetylene lamps; electric light for water gauge, for use a night; brake holding both forward and backward. Catalogue, giving full particulars of the machine, on application. PRICES FROM $750 TO $1,800. Harris Litliia Water. Sold upon the merit of its Analysis and upon the endorsements of the Medical Profession. This Water retains its medicinal elements and is as good from the demijohn or bottle as at the Spring. IN ITS CARBONATED FORM it is unexcelled as a table water or in the sick room. It does the stom ach good after it has tickled the palate. -FRIGS- Bulk at 30 cents per gallon. Case 12, h gallon CARBONREED. 50 quarts $io oo. - - . "- too quarts $10.00. Ak Your Druggist for HARRIS LITHIA WATER and ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Harris Litliia Springs Co., Harris Springs, S. C. P. C. SNEED & CO., Durham, N. C, Local Distributors. b, to DUKE, President JOHN F. WIL, Cashier THB FIDELITY BANK DURHAM, N. C. Canital $100,000.00........ Surplus $60,000.00 Deposits $650,000.00.. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. . This branch of our business has gradually grown until we have issued 1,675 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encowage thrift and economy aicorjg our people we receive from tl.00 up and allow interest thereon. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. - This B&nk in authorized by its charter to act as Guardian, Executor, Ad minifitrator. Trustee. Aeent. etc. , . ' ian25-Sm DURHAM, N. C. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $200,000.00. v t O. B. RAWLS, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. e. c. Murray, Cashier. PROISPTKESS-ASCURiCY -COURTESY, -UBEBUJW, We solicit accounts from Firms, Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi viduals, with the assurance that all business entrusted to us will receive careful and prompt attention jan5-6m i -uir j. nir mt A444- 50 YEARS' ' . (frmm lM Durham O. DESIGNS ' .- IS PUSII IT ALONG. ' f f f 1 Copyrights &c Anyone gendtng a sketch and description ma, qnlokly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly contldentlal. Handbook on Patent! ' sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn Co. receive $per,ial notice, without chnrne, lnthe Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.sreest dr culation of any sclentltlo Journal. Terms, fit a year : four months, U Bold by all newsdealers. f;iUKIUCo.86,Bro' New York . Mraoot) Offio, m V SU Waihlugtop, 1). t, - Support Home Industries. Patronize its Schools. .Help its Library and Hospital. . Go to its Churches. 3 AH3 HEAD THE DAILY AHD WEEKLY SUH. AWl WllTrA tYFh eCTf i!T T7, ATTy. Kuy Hiy hup wiv? wiyy xaiv

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