E'. ! .IK. v. DISTR ,rT r rTi p t r ,v LJ.N'irr AD TAB ia thr?e very v., j, everr case." Bewaae of ilea. A B. il&tthews. beginning; of t CAPUDINE fcs cEHicas as feverish cd::ditio:is. not Affect the Heart. Sold by All D ugglsts. i A Banquet Also to be bsrveJ nliht. -The district meeting ci tee Kni -hta of Pvthiaa will be held in the Pythian tall tonigh t 8 o clock. A larsre numoer visiting Knights are expected on this occasion, including officers of the Grand Lodge. Every Pythian is urged to be present. After the meeting a banquet win ha aprvp.1 It 10:30 0 ClOCK. All strangers in the city who are mem bers of the order are. cordially in vited. Th fw.'aston toniffht will be of D. 1 liiittA iiiitiijl ILL Lillt SUiT NOW ON FOR SIO,OC0 DAMAGES. Plaintiff .Claims He Was Injured by Running Against a Pile of .Brick in the .Street. The time of the Superior Court as been mostly taken up today with '"""" "'.:. o Z.7 "I the trial of the suit of L. YY . rinmx D . T,. v t u Rogers, Susie Cox, Julia otoue, vs. Cay of Durham. nP , ' , n.t 0 r. Pinnix sues the city for 110,- , i. r c m, v.uL . . '. KirVar Min LnnmH Smith. lSfIIM Oi the City Schools For Month Lndin Jin. 17th. The following are the honor rolls for the white schools of Durham for the month ending January 1 7 lb : MOSEHEAD SCHOOL. J-la Beves, Eva Branch, Ethel Carr, Nannie Goodson, Sadie Whit more, Charles Markham, Martin Turnbull, Eleanor Whitaker, Lela Young, Ilolland Uolton, Portlock Wilson. Myrtle Albright, ilerbert A Good'W alker.-eaS fU6T10fi 5fLE AT DUHHi!J, IIOHTH C1R0L1MI, Saturday, Jan. 25, 1902. One car load Horses and Mules, (25 head,") consisting of nice Driv ing, Saddle and Farm Horses and good . Farm Mules. This will be the best car of Horses and Moles we have ever sold at anction. Don't fail to attend this sale. HENKEL BROS. Valuable Farm for Sale. B Tirtueofttae power conferred upon me in .Vort&ln deed 'of trust executed on the 10th day of July. taH, by Messrs. W. F. Man gum and H. S. Mangum, and dnly recorded Itt fcuwmuo v " ' . ... j an r ham Countyln Book 23, pages Hi and 2M, I win. on ll imoccssiuu uuuigu i rt i , . . . ; j isarser, Mary ij0omi9 omiin the greatest interest and pleasure to uug, r i..ju .c.c., - Noma Brink. m I . . i..J I Kit ninninff intn ft. ml ft Af nrtilr (in I all who attend ana it is expecteu , 6 - ,7 " ley, James Black well, iv Li k: 1 .iHin n rpHi. iiiih 1 1 1 1 1 l i. u- - .1 I " O vember, 1900, . while goinj the street on his bicycle beirg a good wa'.ker. A comfortable Sho2 will give the wearer a grace ful carriage. We have a handsome new line ot Street Shoes for winter wear new shapes, new toes, some extension soles, with colored edges, the best of leather. Many new and swell ideas in Ladies' Street Baots. v Good dressers will appreciate these Shoes for they've all the sturdiness, all the extra weight that walkiag boots require, yet as light on the foot and as comforting as yon could wish it's in the making. $2 50, $3 00 and $3.50 is the range in prices a mw pair for every pair that fails. that a tremendous crowa win oe present. Those who have the mat- will uo meir uiuiubi to make this occasion a great success in pvhv wav. and know no b word as fail. along It is Buch could 'D8 A-nn'e Woods, Clyde Christnas, Nsreus Lassater, Pearl Lassater, Thursday, February 20tb, 1902, .t 19 ftvinrk of the daT. sell to the highest " "J " r -V , .7 Clara Petty, James Carden, Katie Lindsey, Pan- Die Petty, Rachel Beall, Bessie tt J r.: . TTT : 1 1 Jit-.. A claimed that no light was placed on - A ... T n;a the obstruction to warn travellers of ,. ir T... irtK ika Hanmir I ha nmht WD nurlC I O ..... and cloudy and Mr. Pinnix . .u. i To Preserve Cut Flowers. I ' u" .a . t I William Wrenn, Elise Lloyd, An A bouquet sprayed uitli watei . " "T nie Smith, Philip Hutchings, Early and placed unto a ben glass ,m ..-.- -..- o--" r- Lea last manv da vs longer than if sim- region aoove toe leu nip ana . iw iiin viw or bowl while D'-N. M. Johnson attended him filler school. U a Duuonnoie or a tyiaj i .. - - - . J: . ,... . ,ti,iB, T?. Vanni fiUd. i .li. I.. . .k . Jim il. r. nUCU B Ul UCCU UUUY1UU uu. viiuius ui iaui - nair is reqiureu to ioomiv.su uu utti . -,T . i ..... ,. vy i:u ,ioK f conl. since. Un one occasion ur. v. a. isieiu, juyrue iewtou, nu.uCJ uraoam was cauea in. ivjmuuu, nmj u&uoc, " Mr. Pinnir was the first witness Douglas Hill, Pannie Lassater who testified. He was followed by Ethel Mangum. Lizzie Proctor, Mr. Phifef, of Statesville, a Trinity George Carrington, Dabney Linthi College student, one of the gentle- cum, William Peel, Sallie Crews mn who ussistpd Mr. Pinnix after Ruth Poteat. Blanche Whitmore the accident. When court adjourned Ruby Elliott, Lillian Fuller, for dinner, Dr. Boddie was upon edgemost scnooL. the stand. He testified that an Eva Lee, LidaVaughan, Gertrude examination Ol unue buuwcu uiwu Shaw. Mam oStr nkland. Kav Bona MvrtU T.PO. Olin Allfitl. AlvaO left kidney. The ureter was also whittinot.n. probably injured. korth .. fiCH001 ing wax at the end of the stalks will keep the flowers fresh for many hours. Violets, primroses and many oth er simple flowers, if placed in a bed of sand and kept moist, will keep fresh for some weeks, while such flowers as foxgloves, campanula, etc., u placed in water, with tnc leaves on the stalks kept Krt4tYw mo v no nil under water, will last thrice as long corpuscles, indicating injury of the Myrtle Lee 0Ue as if the leaves were stripped oil the ctalL-o i a t a n IVinnrAn r ti 11 1 I Or BPfl Birnrnpvi . .M ... mm D I V?Aha ATaid I latfitTT KArTOffl I .111! Wlft &.1 la O ClOCIf OI IDO UbJ WH mo uigui.a i . - - , I f Ua nlainiiff nrhllo MannintT iV 1-CWO AlCW. Aairy a.wiiv.oi bidder. at public auction, for cash, the foi- always have some oi the ironas ieu w 6 . Edwards Ella Matthews Matilda lowing tract of land, being the land describ- J . . , Droved Fouhee and Jones Fuller represent fi,la Matinews, mstuu edinSaiddeedof trust, situated in Mangum I in the water, as it nas oeen prmeu r Michaels. Harrv Whitmore, Julia ..ikin nn.h.m CViluntV. I V 1 QII on OUVU I A ;n thnf rn Tinill. I Lilc 1:11V. I "".jb -r '. uver aim uitrr tinaiu inuw uj u'jui- sidea of pal'a oreek, adjoining the lanas oi Mrs. W. u. tiunsiora, uapimu ouwuhk. Umstead and others, containing ow acres, more or less, being the tract on wntch Messrs. W. P. Mangom and M.S. Mangum la ely re ciHoH .nd hoinir th land allotted to the said Messrs. W. V. Mangum and M. 8. Mangum in th HiiHcinn nf th lands of their father, Bon. W. P. Mancum. for a more par lcular de scription reference i made to deed from Hal He M. Leach and Mary 8. Mangum to W. P. Maneam. deed from gum to ishment can be taken through the stem alone. LOCAL MUKKYGRAPHS. Beves. Fred Buroh, Irene Perry. ... Total enrollment in all the schools A Way to Warm Up Cold Mutton. Take one teaspoonful of chopped onion, put into a stewpan with one , recorded in Boon u, page 29. and I 0nce of butter, place it over a slow De thoroughly satisfied today and m BaXuierded in Book ?4. fire and keep the onions stirred till .horouahlv wet if he staid out in it. SSK?Kft iTgThanS rather brown but not burned, am by the saia Messrs. w. r. ana . o. mauum i gome nour, wmtu iuii eii in, uu fry for five minutes; then pour in one-half pint ot gravy seasoneu with cayenne and Bait, let boil to thicken and add browning. Add one teaspoonful of sugar, one of MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. r.jr o-ir toxioit oes is noticed fcr THE - SHOE - MEN, 107 W. MAIN STREET - DURHAM, N.O 1J lUC 3 iu wcwin ..... ' - T""J prior to July luin, ibsh, we siu irncurems known as the Mangum Home Place. Thia la a valuable tract of land situated in the northern part of the County of Durham, In a line I&rniinff section, rur lurvuor or tlr.ulars aDDlv to the undersigned or J. M.nnlnir. hill-ham. N.O. thos. H. BATTLE. Trustee. Rocky Mount, N. 0. Manning ft Fousbee, Attorneys. This January 30th, 1903. dr. 6. j. fuming VETERINARY SURGEON, Offers his professional services to 6erve the people of Durham and surrounding country. OFFICE AT HENKLE BROS STABLES. vinegar, one of Worcester sauce, some chopped gherkins and capers and a few button mushrooms; put in the mutton, which you have pre viously cut into thin slices, perfect ly free from fat, let it" remain a few minutes and simmer, not boil; then Gathered From Highways, By ways. Railways and Otherways. The man who wanted rain must Durhatnltes as Well as Others Are Con stantly on the Move. ughly wet if he staid out in it. y, H. Lanham is here from South 'The crowds in the Superior Boston, Va , on a visit. , Court room this week have so far Miss Ethel Ilerndon is on a visit not been large. So it is with most to Mrs. Frank Page, at Biscoe, civil terms. Montgomery county. - The entertainment at the Gospel Miss Georgia Lindsey, of Salis- Tabernacle tonight at 7:30 o'clock bury, has returned home after a visit Tte Original Steam Carriage 1 1 Interstate 'Phone 415. Bell 'Phone 96. janl5-tf Here At Last! and this is wishing you many happy Xmai is gone, but I am still with you. returns of the season. With many thanks for the liberal patronage of the past, I solicit your further orders for any Kina oi nuiunu rtva.or, from the cheapest to the finest Gold Frame Fine Gold Frames for oil paintings, portraits, and enlarged work a specialty. We are better pre- fiaredthanevertodo fine Upholster ag. With everything new and up-to-date, Mr. Neems can make your par lor suite as good as new. Furniture thoroughly overhauled and repaired. THOS. B. EDWABDS & CO., 224 West Main Street. Opposite Lewlth's, -oc26-tf- A Drop Of Ink Judiciously applied, may be the means of calling the attention of a good many people to the merits of a par tlcular article or line of goods which you have to sell. We have had many year's experience in applying printing ink Let us apply some for you on the pages o: the...... THE SUN. The Matchbox. Matchboxes have a peculiar knack of vanishing from their proper places. Very often the housemaid's pocket can deliver up three or lour such boxes. The maid takes them will be free and the publio cordially to Mrs. H. P, invited. Rev. J. T. Betts will give bis interesting stereopticon lecture, " Picturesque Palestine." The remains of Mrs. Ellis R. Nichols, who passed away Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Wilson, in this city, were carried over to Little River church this morning for interment Hackney. Dr. J. S. Bassett, of Trinity Col lege, returned yesterday afternoon from a trip to Richmond. Mrs. Sam Berwanaer has a9 her truest Miss Minnie Kronheimer. of Durham, says the Raleigh Post. G. W. Christopher, who has-been residing at Greensboro since about I . n . n T . .v 1 . J It was forcibly demonstrated He nrsi or govern oer, nas returueu. last night that Durham needs an Mies Emma Perry, who has been auditorium to accommodate her citi- visiting the family of T. J. Win zens. Scores and scores ot people gton. has returned to her home at Made by The "neomobile wmpaujf 01 America, he largest and best equiped Automobile factory in the word The capacity of the tanks of the jCbcomobiU is as ollows: Gasoline tank,5 gallons, sufficient to run from 40 to 50 miles. Water tank 26 gallons, enough to run from 22i to 30 miles, according to the condition of the roads. uTHe jCocomobile absolutely sale in every respect." I will take pleasure, in demonstrating he Symplicity, Practibility and Superiority of the oCOTllobih 0ver makes. Prices from $750.00 to $2400.00. Catalogue on application. GEORGE L. LYON, Agent, DURHAM, - - NORTH CAKUL1INA, from the mantelpiece or wherever could not get in the Opera House to Franklinton. thev mav be to light a fire or the ga3 perhaps and forgets to replace them. For thi3 reason it is a good plan to attach matchboxes to gas fixtures, so that a match is always to be found when it is wanted. Pass a string of sarsanet ribbon through the case of the matchbox and sus pend to the gas bracket or over the chimneypiece. The matchbox can thus be slid in and out of the case without disturbing the suspender. hear Gov. Aycock. was packed. The interior It Girdles the Globe. The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, ex tends round the earth. It's the one perfect hnaler of Cuts, Corns, Burns Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pile Cure. 25 cents a box at R Blacknall & Son's Drug Store. 1 Dr. W.T. Ilerndon, of Elon Col lege, passed through the city yester day afternoon returning home from Henderson. Revenue Collector S. P. Salter field, of-Roxboro, was in the city this morning and from here went over to Oxford. Miss Rosalie Patterson has re laxatives, which act for a time, but turned f fom Greensboro where she finally injure the system. Buy the na(j been on a visit to her sister genuine, made by the California Fig Mrs. D. T. Chason. Svrnn f!n. - r . T1 1 ' . T-1 L 1 3 ' A, ijugni, oi ivaieigu,'wuo serveu Satifaotinn ftHBiired in what the the Junior Order banquet at the 20th Centnrv Pressing Club does Pythian hall Monday night, return when they do your work. Nothing ed home this morning, but the very best work at the lowest prices. See them on Church street, IX OLDEN TIMES. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with trarsient action; but now that it is generally knowi that Syrup ot Figs will permanent y overcome habitual constipation., well informed people will not buy other N. Jackson, Danville, II, writes or nhone them over Interstate 'ohone "My daughter had a severe attack 443. 20 3t. LIME. Builders Favorite. Man- If you buy the Black Poodle Ufactured especially for R. Hibberd cigar you're Bafe for a good smoke. & Son. Each barrel contains our own. trade mark and is the best Vir- The Weekly Sun is only $i a gbia Lime. Price $1 per barrel. j8 tf year, rrom 20 to 23 columns 01 The Daily Sun Is $3 a year, 01 25 cents a month. Get the news every evening. of grippe and a terrible cough set tied n her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. 8he trisd FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured her She has never been troubled with a cough since." A. B. Matthews. live, Interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. The Daily Sun Is $1 a year, ot year. From 20 to 23 columns oi 25 cents a month. Get the news live, interesting local, state and every evening. . . general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur- Thb Weekly Sun. Si per year. 'ham paper. The Weekly Sun is only $1 year. From 20 to 23 columns live, interesting local, state and general , news each week. Sub The Weekly Sun is only $1 a scribe and get a wide-awake Dur Ham paper. The One Day Cold Cure. Cold in head and sore throat cured by Ker mott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As easy tr nice as canav " enuaren crv tor toer 1 Now and February 1st, 1902, Some very interesting values can be found in Shoes and Trunks. The active holiday trade has left many broken lines ami odd pairs in Men's, Women's and Children's footwear that we are selling at sacrifice to close out, as we take inventory on above date. NOTE THESE OFFERINGS: MEN'S SHOES. At $ 1 50, Men's satin calf lace Shoes, plain and cap toes, nearly all sizes, formerly sold at $2 00. At $2 50, Men's wax calf Shoes, lace and congres, plain and cap toes, and not all sizes, were $3. 00. At $1 00, Men's box calf lace Shoes, sjzes from $3 50. 9 to io, reduced WOMEN'S SHOES. At 95c , Women's India kid Shoes, button and lace, all sizes, value $1.25 At $1 25, Women's bright don gola Shoes, lace and button, solid throughout, size 3 to 7, formerly $150 and $175. At $189, Women's plump don gola Shoes, button and lace, nearly all sizes, Were $2 50 Burch-Gorman Co. . tWA little adlet in the Sun will go a loni, "town and the otrntrr. W M V jms. THIS "'Mr IS THE FL That won the Gold Medal at the three last World's Pairs for its PURITY, SWBBTNtfSS and BAKING QUALITIES. Has given my trade better satisfaction than any FLOUR they ever used. Present Prices 5.50 Per Barrel. ; CLARENCE CHiK, I, A -1 i! V .0 II ?