r 1 V Notice of Sale. North Carolina, . Luruam Lcuciy. f I'niier and by virtue cf an ord-.-rof the 5i perur Lourt of t'uriitm c uity in me ry.-;ii iruoeeJiuis ectnied, Levi i'i- ru bv J. cl Copley next frirud aiinst EUd;e Iitzern, inaue ueoeuioer 2. at, l.'.i, we wui uq Saturday, January S3tb, 1902, at .2 o clock !., at the court houe uj r. In Ilurharr.N C.. ofter for sa'e trie oajing ir;voi lanu, towa: A tractor una contain ing about two acres. s.tuiied in Durham Township, about i miles west of the city of T)urhaai, adjoining the laBds of the Sate John .'ezern. near the hills oro road, it bcia tue f me land devisd by Item 3 of tli will of ine late John Dj-ru to Levi ana Eddie De rn. said will beta recorded In Will Book A at page auoi the omoe ot cle rfc of the supe rior Court of Durham county, including the uuujts Qu improvements on saia two acres, the same being where tin said late John De- zera uvea at the t.ae of makuiit said will. Terms of sale, one-third caii, one-third sii months, and one-third uiue months with in terest on deferred payments, payments from ui saie. uui im option to tue last ana nignest bidder to pay ail casn at time of sale iltle reserved until linvn.prt in full and subject to confirmation bj the Superior Court of Durham county. alhls Decembtr 21st, 1PC1. V.S. BRYANT, - P.O. GRAHAM, Commissioners. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 In the Superior Court lURHAM COUNT Y. i. S. Carr 1 t vs -NOTICE. Sarah Allen and Peart Allen ) The defendants above will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Durham county to sen tor partition or to u ride bv metes and bounds, a certain lot or tract of land situated in Durham t ounty, North Car olina, described as follows: Lying in what Is known as "Edgemont," within the eastern corporate limits of tb city of Durham, in said ountv. opposite th. Durham t. osier Aillla. It being the eastern grtion of Lot No. 15 of the lands of Jas. K. edmond. deceased, as platted by 1. N. Link, adjoining the portion of the same lot as deeded to Addison Merritt, and to be ascer tained by drawing a line from front to back. . passing through the middle of the well, which well is intended to be used for the benefit of both iota. It being the same lot conveyed by deed from J. S. arr and wife, dated the 17th day of .May. 18W, to Junius W. Allen and riylvester Allen, which Is regis tered in Book No. 20 of t eeds, pages 443. etc., in tue office of the Register of Deed for Durham County. And the said defendants will further take notice that they arw required to appear at the office of the lerk of the superior ourt of Durham Count on the 20th day of Jan uary, 190S. at the Court House of said Couuty In Durham, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the SiaiutlH will aprly to toe ourt lor toe relief emanded in said complaint. , Dated this the 12th day of December, 1901. 0. B.GREKN. dl!-t21 Clerk Superior Court. Mortgagee's Sale of Land. In the exercise of the authority given by a deed of mortgage recorded in the office ot Register of Deeds ot Durham county In Book 17 of mortgages, beginning on page 547, 1 will S sell at public utcry, to the best bidder, for ready money, at the court house door, of Durham county, in the town ot Durham, N. 0., on Saturday, February 1st, 1002, the following real estate, to-wit: All or a lot or parcel ot land lying and being In Dur ham township, said county and state, near the town of Durham, bounded on the north by the lands of Wm. Hamlin, on the east by Little Eilerby creek, on the south by lot No. 3 Of the lands of Wm. ' opley, dec d, the same allotted to John H. Copley in the partition of said Will am Copiey'g lands; on the west by lot No. 5 of s 'Id land allotted to James M. Copley and since conveyed by him to John H. CoDley, and lot No 6 of said land allotted to Thos. V. opley and stuce conveyed by him to Brodte L, Duke, containing 33 acre-t, more or less, it having beeu lot no. 4 in the nartitlon of th'lano ot wm uooiev ana al lotted to Mrs. Virginia E Karbee. Said lot contained acres, but a lot has been here- toiore conveeu niereirom loureenijeamers and also a lot to Jas. Ferrel, the two contain- inu one and aauarter acres, lea vine thlrtv- tbree acres conveyed by said mortgage, which I will sell at the time and place and upon the terms above mentioned. This sale will be at 12 o'clock on the day specmeu. cm as. u. am 1 jMtuk uDec. 23, 1901. ow Mortgagee. Valuable Farm for Sale. By virtue of the power conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust executed on the 10th day of July, 1H94, by Messrs. W. P. Man sum and M. S. Manx um. and dnlv recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham county, in book as, pages ana sm, 1 will, on Thursday, February 20th, 1902, .t ' ourt House door in the city of Durham. at 12 o'clock of the day, sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, the fol lowing tract of land, being the land describ ed in said deed of trust, situated in Mangum township, Durham County, lying on both sides of Deal's Creek, ad joining the lands of Mrs. W. B. Luusford, Capta n Bowling, Claud L instead and others containing 565 acres, more or less, beimr the tract on which Messrs. W. P. Maugum and M. S. Mangum lately re sided, and being the land allotted to the said Messrs. W. P. uangum and M. S. Mangum in the division of the lands of their father, lion. W. P. Manuum. for a more Dar lcular de scription n-ference U made to deed from Bai lie M. Leach and Mary 0. Mangum to W. P. Mangum, recorded In Boon 14, page 29. and deed from Bailie M. Leach and W. P, Man stum to M. 8. Mangum, recorded in Book 14. pave 233 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham oounty, excepting the lands so'd bv the said Messrs. W. P. ana '.8. Mangum . prior to July 10th, 1894, the said tract being . known as the Mangum Home Place. This Is a valuable trct of land situated In the northern part of the County of Durham, In a fine farming section. For further par ticulars apply to the undersigned or J. S. -Manning, Durham, in. v. THOS. H. BTTLE. Trustee. Eocky Mount, N. 0. Manning & Foushee, Attorneys. This January 20th, 1802, Christmas Time " ?e TT,V,0n mn nn roontc comot Viino- Aa tu.u .,.aj e eood to eat. I can supply the inner man with the very best meal to be had in this city for the small nnns rf c lumfo rnma onH mt f"" v vv.u. wwv. me Serve yOU. Oysters in every style. Remember the place H- T. SMITH, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE Interstate Phone 294. Wto Yob want Wood In quantities of from Bve. ten, one hundred or two nunarea coras. can on 11. BOWLING, Next to Electric Light Bouse, for prices. Be will make them rltrht. PhonesInterstate 141, Bell 108 Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds de H T.-d oromortv , - mart-tf . BENPfRY, DEALER IN WOOO AND COAL. All kindjnf cut. split and stick Wood, both oak or pine, in lar.ee or small qutn IHos. I hunrllH not hlnir hut. the best, (trades nf Coal. Sendy'"'r orders nw before the price ad vances, veryirun. Ben Perry, Morgan Street. Interstate 'Phones jfflce 810: Residence 411. Near N. & ff, Depot.-ocl-tf indigestion dyspepsia biliousness and the hundred and one simi lar ills caused bv impure blood or inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying? and cleansing properties contained ia Sareaparllla QUART BOTTLE. It cures permanently by acting naturally on all organs of the body. Asa blood-cleanser, nesn builder, and health-restorer, it has.no equal. Put us in yuan Bottles, and sold at $i each. "THE MICHIGAN DRUG COMPANY," Detroit, Mich. i ! 3 Tiki Llrcrcttes fox Liver UU. 150, g For sale by W. M. Yearby, A, B. Matthews, R. Blackhall & Son. Haywood & King. jan6-iy CHAS. McMILLEN, Architect. OFFICE OVER 5 AND 10 CENT 8TOitE. d3-lm West Mala Street. ON JANUARY FIRST send us an order for a ton of our Kanawha lump soft and Red Ash egg hard Coal and Wood and Inaugurate a new departure In your domestic economy. You will save time, trouble and expense, which will certainly make you happy. Our Coal comes from the richest mines, and is full of fire, clean and of uniform quality. J. D CLARK & CO. d3-tf INTER-3TA.TK PHONE 317 HANKS & HUDSON, TlioT anriinrr Mo nhi nicf c L lie LiCaUlH iuaCllllllJjla, -. riumoers ana ripe Fitters, Are better prepared than ever to do your work in a first-class manner. We have an up-to-date line of ev erything to be found in a Machinist or Plumbing Shop 11 , and can save you money on all wont entrusted to our care. If you need our ser vices ring us np over Inter-State Phone 321, or call at our shop, 109 Pine Street, Estimates on work Fur nished oil Application. HANKS k HUDSON. Phone 321. Shop 109 Pine St. S23-tf Horfolk and westerr Schedule In Effect JAN 1, 1901. RHaM DIV'SION. DaUy Ex ctpt Bunday. M A M. P. M. A. M. 4.55 7.0a Lv. Durham Arr 9 15 8 86 8 07 8 16 Roxboro 7.48 8 16 6.87 8 45 Denniston 7.15 7.45 6 55 9.12 Ar South Boston 6.55 7.25 11 45 Ar Lynchburg Lv 4 10 WESTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. 3:00 a. m. The Washington and Chattanoo . I aUUJIWU, 1U1 IVUdUU&D, 1WH11U1U, DlUOUOIUt ga Limited, for Roanoke, Radford, Bluefield, Pocahontas also for Rocky Mount and all sta .ocahontas also for 'Rocky Mount and all st uon on winston-aiem Division and all pointa south and west. SoUd vestibule train 1 1 Chattanoocra and Memphis, Pullman Ueepers to Memphle and New Orleans. is d. m. The Chicago ExDress for Koa- p. m. The Chicago Jfixi ' ok i. Biuefleld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Oolum' l bus and Chlcaeo. Pnlln an Buffet Rleeoar I Roanoke to Columbus alo for Radford RMr- tol Knoxvllle, Chattanooga and Intermediate Sue." ruuman Jiunet raiace tan jNorroik Ronnoke. 6.00 p. m. Dally except Sunday for Roan' oke ana intermediate Stations . Trains arrive at Lynchburg daily from th (reel at i:ou a. m. ana : p. m. KASTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. 8:41 p.' m. Dally for Farmville, Richmond Petersburg and Norfolk, arrives Petersburg at 7. 6 p. m arriving at Hiciimonu at B.&o p- m., arvive at orioiK aciu.wp u 2:10a m. Arrive fetershurg t, m.. ar rive Richmond 7.35 a. in, arrive N rfolk 9.U v. m Pullman palace sleeper between fivnr'hhnrflr an. ; ltlchruoiid. This car will be ready at LyncuDurg atp. m. ror reception or nasnenarerg. TNSTON-CALEM DIVISION.-Dally Ex' cept sunaay. P.M, A M. , 8.00 LT. P. M. A. M. Winston Ar. 9.60 8.40 WamJi i:ove 76 26 i.08 i.43 9.1f 9.23 10.30 Mitdlson 9.88 l.U ,.48 5f, '!c.yodan 8.32 T.lS WartlnsvlUc 7 15 8 U' 1.10 r, RrtTBOlTVO Roanoke Lv 4.35 Tjeave Burkevllle4.3 a. m .nd ( p in , V TST POT TN D I ve Brtrkevllle 18.05 ni' 12 07 noon. f .11 nqnlrlH as to routes, rate &c, prorap' n-wpred r- HKVlLt. (4eneral "aspenger Agen' w ke. Va, BR i, ' raveling Passenger Agent "'.tnoke, Va M rtHAHAM Asrent. Durham, N O The una Day Cold Cure. .old in head and sore throat cured Jy Ker .ujtt s Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As easy tc talc as candy. u Children cry for their " t8ISB COPY ft IOM?Ti25'7 RY. " r t THURSDAY, JAN UARY 2: Gsrre cf Step. In the pracie of step the p-ounl is marked o:I by two parallel line?, a wiJe distance apart. One player, who is "it," stands on one of these lines, rirh Lis Lack to the other players, who start at the other line. The one who is '"it" counts ten rap idly, during which time the other players approach his line. As lie says ''Ten!'' they stand still in whatever attitude they may be at the moment. lie turns las head quickly and calls the name of any player or players whom he sees mov ing. Av.y thus caught moving have to go Lack to the starting line and begin over, while the counter re peats tl;e count of ten and the play ers again move forward. The ob ject of the game is to cross the counter s line without being seen in : motion by him. The last one over changes places with the counter. Trifles. "Today," said pretty Dolly, She opened her bright eyes, "I'm going to give my dear mamma A beautiful surprise. I hardly know yet what 'twill be. But I'll soon find a way To do- some unexpected thing To please mamma today. "I'm tired of doing little things. Why, any one can sweep And dust or wipe the dishes Or sing Evelyn to sleep. "Tis some big thing I want to do. If I could write a book Or save the bouse from burning now, How pleased mamma would look." So, after breakfast Dolly went And sat beside the fire. While mother cleared the table off And mended baby's tear. Bhe wiped the dishes, made the beds And braided ileasy's hair. While Dolly sat and pondered long Wit bin her asy chair. And so Miss Dolly dreamed and planned That busy morning through; (he could not think of anything Quite large enough to do, And as she went to bed that night She really wondered why, When mother kissed her lovingly, The kiss win half a tighl Youth's Companion, A Cause For Rejoicing. Nemesis has caught up with its victim. " A Pittsburg bagsragt smasher slammed a valise on the floor of a baggage car the other day. The valise was from Texas and, as a matter of course, it carried a re volver, which it promptly fired at its abuser, shooting him through the leg. All papers published at baggage transfer centers please lopy. Boston Herald. , Sold. Mrs. Bargen-IIunt I think that druggist is just -too mean for any thing. . Mrs. Mainchantz Why? Mrs. Bargen-IIunt He adver tised that he would sell thirteen stamps for twenty-five cents. I spent five cents car fare to take ad vantage of . his offer, and he gave me twelve twos and a one. Phila delphia Press. You should know that FOLEY'S HONEY AND AR is absolutely the hest for all diseases of the throat md lungs Dealers are authorized to guarantee it to give satisfaction. . B. Matthews. Several southern business men ap peared before the senate immigration I committee to be beard on the Chi nese exclusion bill A plea was made for fair play for China. Frank Tread well. Eennett, Ia., as troubled with kidney disease for two years He writes: "1 had taken several kinds of kidney remedies, but with little benefit. Finally I ried FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE and one dollar bottle cured me." A. B Matthews. At Ham ble ton, vv. Va., seven men were ournea to aeaia wnue asleep in a lumber camp. Thirty seven others narrowly escaped being cremated. . Chapped hands, cracked lips and roughness ot the skin cured quicRiy tty BANNER BaLVE, the most heal im ointment in the world. A. B. Matthews. The Black Poodle is still barking' and when vou want a first-class nickl smoke oall for it. A Drop Of Ink Judiciously applied, may be the means of calling the attention of a good many people to the merits ol a par ticular article or line of goods which you have to sell . We have had many year's experience in applying printing Ink Let us apply some for you on the pages the THE SUN. DAILY : THE T." EAE'J." x..." rocir.: r.-; c: v...; Ai.: to t..-i Cri.:u-t sCviretarvship of the treasury pleased hosts of friends, end, to those familiar with Lis ability in fiscal administration, ih.3 salary attached to the ctT.ce, $4,500 per annum, seems far from large, but to a certain old lady ia Ohio the fact that the Lby she used to know is now drawinj that sum yearly will have all the force of a sensation. 'This dear old friend," says Mr. Ailes, "knew me when I was a bare foot urchin, and it is well nigh im possiLle for her to associate me with puLlic office. Her world has been a small one, the .boundaries of the county have marked her most ad- : venturous traveling, and when I go 1 home and call on her my accounts of life in Washington, which I have to make exceedingly tame lest her wavering faith in my truthfulness be utterly destroyed, fill her with vast perplexity and apprehension for her country's future." Mr. Ailes paid this aged mentor a visit while he was private secretary to Secretary Gage. "Milton," said she, "tell me hon estly how much you get in your po sition?" "Two thousand a year," he re plied. The good old soul gasped and all but fainted. Recovering, she ex claimed: "Two thousand dollars! No wonder the United States isn't able to pay its national debt I"1 Saturday Evening5 Post. A West Point Critic. Major Charles E. Woodruff of the medical department of the army, on duty at Fort Riley, Kan sas, says that it ought to be. rea sonable to expect that a large pro portion of West Pointers would be come famous, or that at least some of them would became noted, or successful in life. "The fact i3 the very reverse occurs," he says," "for it 6eems as though the best way to extinguish a man is to send him to West Point." - . In the course of a paper which he has written on the subject he makes some interesting and original observations, among others that ab solute discipline kills aggressive in itiative; that scholarship is too oft en mistaken for ability; that the most successful military leaders have been noted for their ignorance of general topics and hatred of books, and that these same great military leaders are, as a rule, un disciplined and insubordinate in the lower grades. He says his object in presenting these facts is to show that the young man wno-graciuar.es from West Point is a nervous wreck, and that he goes to his duties as a commissioned second lieutenant in 6tate of collapse, worn out by hard work, ceaseless drills and pes ered by the exactions of his mili ary instructors, too often stunted into a uniformed mimic bearing a military title. Leslie's Weekly. Elections In Latin Countries. "The elections in Havana and fimong the Spanish-American peo ple of . cities of Central and bouth America differ in a marked degree from those of the Anglo-Saxon na- ions, England and the United States." This statement was made recently by Colonel Ilickey, former ly of the EtaH of Major beneral Wood. "In Havana, for instance," con tinued the colonel, "in a municipal election a half dozen candidates are placed before the people. Each is supported by a personal, not a po litical, following. The citizens do not split into two opposing factions, as is the case in this country. It is not a question of parties so much as individuals with the Latin race. "This is one of the chief reasons that the republics of the Romance language are so unstable. For ex ample, after a president has been inaugurated another man may rise and draw to himself, because of hi3 strong personality, such a formi dable following that an insurrection follows, with the result that the government is overthrown." New York Tribune. Strikes a Rich Find. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indr 'ion and nervous debility." write . . J. Green, of Lan caeter, N. H. "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric bit ters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them Only 50 cents. Satisfaction guaran teed by R Blacknall & Son's, Drug gists. 1 The Weekly Sun is only $i year. From 20 to 23 .columns of live, interestinir local, state and ceneral news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper Subscribe to the Sun. n;3 lea m c.en cr.'.v a sv;f---. m o dvsrersi.i there is a k-ss cf nu:r.::oa a as wt.i as to: cortll as the body loses vigor. Doctor Pierce's GoMea Medical Discovery cures dyspepsia and oth er diseases of the stomach and asso ciated organs of di gestion and nutri tion. It enables the proper nutri tion of the body and restores men tal cheerfulness as well., as physical strength. " For atwut two years I suffered from a very obstinate case of dys pepsia," writes R. E. Sccord, Esq., of 13 Eastern Ave .Toronto, Ontario. "I tried a great number of reme dies without success. I fiui.lly lost faith in them all. I was so far gone that I could not bear any solid food on my stomach for a long time; felt tntlancholy and depressed. Could nut sleep nor follow mv occupation. Some foiir months ago a friend recommended your "Golden Medical Discovery.' After a week's treatment I bad derived so m'ich benefit that I contin ued the medicine. I have taken three bot tles and am convinced it has in mv case ac complished a permanent cure. I can conscien tiously recommend it to tlie tnousanas 01 ays peptics throughout the land." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood, and lungs. -Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets stimulate the liver." Wall PnrERs. Prices Reduced from a fourth to oife half. Must Close out Present stock to make room for new stock. The best and fastest paper hangers in the State will be furnished at cost to hang your paper Call and see our stock and prices BARGAINS OFFERED. s. f. Toiymnson. j2-im For Your New Year's Callers you should serve the best, and If you buy your Lluuors at the Palace.Saloon yo,u will he certain to nave ine ueso ine mnrtei ai fords. All goods we sell are exactly as represented, and you can't get any butter at any price. Have your Jugs filled at the Palace Saloon. T. II. SCOGGINS. No. 124 CORNER MANGUM .St PEABODY STS octl-tf Here At Last! Xmas Is gone, but I am still with you, and this is wishing you many happy returns of the season. With many thanks for the liberal patronage of the past, I solicit your further orders for any kind of PICTURE FRAMES from the cheapest to the finest Oold Frame. Fine Gold Frames for oil paintings, portraits, and enlarged work a specialty. We are better pre- fiared than ever to do fine Upholster ng. With everything new and up-to-date, Mr. Neetns can make your par lor suite as good as new. Furniture thoroughly overhauled ' and repaired. THOS. B. EDWAEDS & CO., 224 West Main Street. Opposite Lewltu's. -oc36-tf- DR. J. J. THAXTON, DURHAM. N. 0. With filty-flve years of experience as a (ten- eral practitioner, (lis specialties, mucuous memoranes, glands and nerves. Females in mrticular. Indigestion, bronchitis, scroiu ar. ROhstinatlon and headache. Hecondarv and hereditary diseases. Turkish Vapor Baths given. Janl-tr. B. R. HOUSTON, HecMcal Draughtsman ail Builder. Will Klve estimates on all kinds of work Plans and specifications made on applica tion. Work done on short notice. Satlsfac- n guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. Lock Box No. 608, Durham. N. O. Job Work a Specialty. seplfl-tf The Wbeki,y Sun is only f i a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Par ham paoer , Thk Wskslt Sou, i per ye r. i HWm Double Daily SEaVics TO ALL POINTS iTH, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. ho: Correct-"! tkienle of Serjiid lr Mi Riiiwy TrJr TW t 1 Ef-uir .N . 2 8 No 1 g "TV ET 3, ,, c. O0p.il 8pu. 1 15 air i Henderson. 1.2 aa b 5 pai t to am SUIpjl 8 10 am u Kiniaomli. r Baltimore, lUv Lire J New out, O D s S Co. r ' . A.Y.f.tfX. r PtttadflphiA. r Waeiiii gton. N AW S R. 8 15 pm 6t pm 4 10 am 30 II ar x'etrnl uri; S A. L 3 :tt 'm S 54 n v 8 35 am 0 i) im 10 10 ara 11 28 pa lies ait 8f u 1 3d pm 6 30 m 4 Li pm trninnwl ai vs ou0 v. - ar Etvi iu.ore P t: ar Pti iadeiUia, ar New York, ' . it. Konte. No. 211 No.SU x Sua x daa It New York, O D S. . Co. It " N.Y.f.&N. t Philadelphia, " lv Biiti i ore. BiyHre lv Washington, N AW.8.B. ! Ports outn. t. A. L. 3 00 (.m 3 0 p 8 55 pm 7 K6 am lliepm m.aa 8 3'pm 6 0tm 8 8) -m 8 51 pm It. Richmond. It Petersburg, r bar am. S. A. L. 910 am 10 37 pm 1 1 01 am 11 20 i m 4 0Jpm 8 30 am Tickers on sale to all points. Pull a an and Boat reservations :nd6 on application pe cial 8' hedules prepared ana ai.y other lrfor mntion cheerful y furnished. Convenient schedules nd low rates to all trU.cip .1 Hum- mer rieeorts during rea n. . a. KltAJus, Agnt, Uurhara N. (J. LEA h D. Trat eling Paeteceer AsenU Raleigh, N C R. E L, BUNCH. General Paaeeneer Aren. Portsmontn. V J. M. BAKR. 1st V. P. A Q. H..Fo:ta- mouth. Va. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. is Ernor nov. 24th, 1901 Trains leave Durham, N. C. 2:30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily. for Qreensbor and points south and west. Connects at Greensboro w.th No. 8 north for Danville and Ki h mond, and fcouth with Nos 39, 33, and 37, for Salisbury, Charlotte, Co Iumbia,8avannab, Charleston, Jack sonville, Atlanta at d New Orleaci : at Salisbury for Asheville, Knozville, Chattanooga, Nashville and 'other points weBl. 3:35 a. m., No. 12, eastbouo', daily for Raleigh, Selma and Golds- boro. Carries rullman Sleeper ireensboro to Raleigh 9:10 a. m., Mo. 8, eastbound, laily, for Raleigh, Selma and Golds -boro; connects at Selma with At lantic Coast Line north for Wilson -tnd Rocky Mount, at Goldgboro for Tarboro, and Norfolk. At Selma for Fayetteville and Florence 9 :50 a. m., No. 35, westbound, daily for Greensboro and intermedia' e local points; connects at Greensboro with U. 8. Fast Mail for DanvilK Lynchburg, Washington and ell points North and West, as also with No. 30 Jacksonville to New Yc.rk via Richmond Southern Railway Din ing Cars operated on trains Nos, 36 and 30. 9:55a. m., No 16, northbn'ini, iail for Oxford, Henderson, Jeffrie, Kej sville nd Richmond. x o change of cars between Durh m and Rich mond, where close conne tionismade to all points north, lose connection at J( ft'ries for Norft 1 v and Steamboat Lines to .vv aehington, Baltimore, New York and Boston . 2:47 p. m., No. 3 j eastbound, daily for Raleigh, Eelma, Goldsbc ro and intermediate stations. 4:43 p. m., wet-tbouid, daily, for Greensb.ro and all poir ts Connects at Greensboro for Winston- Sa em, also with Nos. 35 and 29 for Salis bury, Charlotte, Columbia, Charles ton, avannab, Jacksonville, Atlanta and New Orleans; at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati and St. Louis. 1 Connects northbound. with No 12 for Richmond, Nos. 38, 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes ville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 5:00 p. m., No. 74, northbound, daily except Sunday, for Oxford, Keysville, Rich mo ad and interme diate stations. Pulla.han and Southern R ilway Dining Cars opercted on all (througb) Main Line trains. No trouble to an-, swor questions 9. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Passenger Ascent. FRANK 8. GANNON, 8d V. P. and Geneeral Manager. G. DUSENBERY, Ticket Agent. Durham, N. C. -VERY LOW RATES- TO THE NORTHWEST. Marcb 1 to April 30, 1902. THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY Will sell tickets to Montana, Idaho, Oregon Washington and Coast poluts at exceeding low rates from all stations It Is possible rates to the West will never be so cheap again. Choice of three routes. Write for rates and schedules, say to what point y u are going and your nearest station to this line See any Agent N. & W. Railway, or W, B. BEV1LL, M. F. BKAGO. Gen. Pas. Ag't. Trav. Pas. Ag't. Roanoke, Va. tmayl I to write for our confidential letter before ap plying for patent; it may oe wortn money. We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS pr return EN TIRE attorney1 fee. Send model, sketch nrnhntoand we send an IMMEDIATE ?rREE report on patentability., we give he best legal service and dvtoe, and, OBI charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO.s ' Patent Lawyers, 0pp. U.S. Patent Ofllce.Washlngton, D.C