Cliriri E732ATJ IV..: tcr Vnj cs; the to propitiate lis rc.zr.t i.. the Kick: i a ceeticg cf cel. .me the 3 InJa- ilUU anl were icsiraetei Great Spirit in 2j-OamonU,J6cBtt. One Year, liar viuci mai. m.-i. ... w Cos Tr, One Dollar. "Bis Chief lasy." As thefcenator i i .i i: Enters althsDnrnam PosicEcs as seconJ-1 c" recoereu me iiieviieuie uiCu n. class mall matter, tut lrtt-clk rwai Moabtles3 claim all the credit bat, miner. DMCrttc U politic!, comtUt U pollcj ul for born lnteresta list. 43 vnrtlsnf rates made known on application to office la Duke Building, West slain It .. Interstatn "Phona S7. Bell "Phone IT. fryCnanrs of adTertlaemsnts nut be aanfl- 4 ts bj 11 o'clock oa flaj of pnillotca to Insure Insertion. being uncivilized medicine men, they will not send the Senator a bill. f a a aw ' " T Live four cil-en, TTi:i tie L-st &re I suf.'erci alniost unbearail piles from 12 to 14 hours, and Lai to be fhcei uada the influence cf dilorofonru I tfi tHre bottla of Mother's Friend before our last ciiU came, wLkh it a strong, tit ani healthy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf- lLV.ii: STATE 1 J SATURDAY, JANUARY 25. promised to daplicate every dona tion to Vasgar College to an amount oot eiceeding $200,000. mmt is the est remedy mi At." A gekat flourish will be made when Prince Henry, of Prussia, Eeredbutafewhari 0 hrntlipr nf Kaiser William, visits the I pains. This United States, and all flunkeydom is in a flarry of excitement. The Z T I government is making considerable Hoheoiollern when it arrives at New York. The various " Princes" of America are tumbling all over each i Mb Bbtin devotes nearly a col umn of his newspaper to drawing a of the heap UJUiai iiuui iuc u clean vi wii en j 1 , . . i i i I Belmont Well, Mr Bryan ought .n heart Qf Chicago thefe b to be an authority on defeats. Mn, ntain StrPPtPr turn are imparted to the child. It relaxet I .t 1 . . 1 .11 . J T Mothers Friend vwv I mam 4 other to see who can be at the head ... . . . , t,.. ifMUUfcttVtet tuvuiu ituw wtUM m iwwe w ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering, caught fire re done. IS on, will mpeot ,b. dig- who defie. .be law Dd Mrtt STJi: tity Which prompted Mrs. HarriBOn wk ne is in eiam uuiuB iu luc ft puts afl the organs concerned in perfect to reouest the withdrawal claims for a pension which had been bve the poce attempted to take labor is short and practically painless. Dan- presented to Congress in her behalf, the Captain but his effective nnA aF at A i n nh not am i 44 a haa ft I or atro I ' ' uoo vi a luwutorei uu uo w.i . . Tur .Vom Vnrlr and PnmniMli . J it. t. ..C-i ... " v" f preveniea. ne uas iorwneu ins Dniwirt. eell Mother". Friend for tiabettto. Steamship Company claims that with n0U8e and defends it with powder The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga, ItS new turbine Steamships It Will Un Kn whonovor Send for wr free Ulnetrated book be able to reduce the passage from o Amovo the rcRnmmentlationB of I WlaL VVUKUa. i,v" v.. .v u.,v.r. UJ .V-. two days. we rar commission appoiniea lor j .g b dQ Uule th well line Lusinci oi coiumoia is one pro- .han to An m-Mt th dm bad v. 1 he Commissioners of the Uis- viaing for the erection of an armory Earth has nothing more tender tnct ot Columbia recommend the wr.inh. in addition tn aMommodat. than a mous woman's heart. Lu adoption of the 30th of April as : ,k0 netinnai miard will Borvo tber. . . 5 mi eK I ' I Trne faith dnpa not StaSrffer ftt luaugurauuu u.jr. m vuuimin.wu-u for maugaratlOn balls and . : ;k;i;.:a T7 kM . rwr ... ... I IBCeiiJIUl' HU TOSBIUIHUCD. uvwio ers mow tneir v asnmgion climate other large a89eDjblages. The tbe voice of Q0d and goes forward. and their advice ShOUld be heeded, rpnnmmondatinn ia a onnt nnn. The rinn't let th hnnn nf Borrow cro . I " 0 I . o Parigraphs co ' 4 y Frt!e at a .Si-r G aoce. The first eta J of tte 8aoa ea'tt at Edectcn gold for f 1.50. A $40,000 furniture factory will be started eoon at Lexington. The Windsor nil Thnrs.lav. Tittln riama King Kelly has been engsgtd to coach the A. & II. baseball team. J. A. Loog has decided to remsfn in Grahim and not move to Eliz. beth City. Charlotte is to have another cot ton mill to be erected by Philadel phia capitalists R W. Brook, one of the best known and influential citizens of Greensboro, died Friday morning. Sampson and Wayne counties are to have compulsory vaccination in the townships where smallpox has appeared. High Point is to have a furniture exposition. A company has been formed there for that purpose with a capital of 25,000. State Senator J. A . Brown has announced his intention to tuo against Congressman J. D. Bellamy in the sixth district. Raleigh has had a "rainbow party, without the rain, borne ot! the prettiest girls of the city were the reigning belles, however. Elizabeth City has had a sock social. The invitations were ac companied by a little silk sock, which were for pennies twice the number of the size worn. In response to the inquiry, lion C. B Watson, who is at Greensboro attending the Circuit Court, said that he would be a candidate for election to the United States Senate to succeed Pritchard. "sr7 S07 New, custom of holding balls in the pen- to waste. There is no Captain Henry Stewart editor of the Indianapolis and member of tbe National Com mittee, is the latest rumored candi date tor a cabinet position, tie is slated to succeed Secretary Hitch cock. o- Mb. Schaub, of Steel Trust fame, is said to be indignant at the noto riety given to his alleged heavy play at Monte Carlo. Mr. Schaub should have patronized home indus- come8 back all dough. tries. Wall Street would have been I All things come to those who wait spires us for holy and helpful uv glad to aooommodate him. 11 ney P waiter. ing Ltove is an ucning ot toe Dean, r sion building, where inflammable wuen lUBlo"s wFeuB "V "8 "caouic journal . . w more read u v. decorations and myriads oi ngnts To . t th ciaima of religion endanger the national records, should a (0 cut 0ff the source of the inspi- be stopped. ration which alone can make pro duction effective and joyous. Original .Observations. Use your gifts, faithfully, and Eternal indigestion is the price of they shall be enlarged; practice what pie. vou know and vou snail attain to a I You often nnd a five cent heart higher knowledge. 1 nomas Ar in a million dollar body. nold. A pretty girl is a poem in which We cannot do in cloisters what every line rhymes. God intended should be accom- Bread cast upon the waters often I pushed, by open effort in the held. Tbe closet is helpful only as it in Colonel Myron T. Herrick is which you are unable to scratch. authority for the statement that practically no men of wealth has contributed to the McEinley Memo rial fund. Probably in the stress of business they have overlooked it but it is not too late now. o Had Edwin Markham never writ ten anything else, he would have been entitled to respect for his state ment "A man becomes religious only when he comes into brotherly relations with his fellows not for getting his hairy and feathered kins man of the fields and sky." The Republicans on the Senate Committee on Commerce have de termined to report favorably the Hanna-Frye ship subsidy bill. They certainly are welcome to the bill and the onus pertaining thereto. It is a matter of satisfaction that the Democrats on the committee voted against it unanimously. , -" o An entire family at Bellville, N. Y. , owes its life to the sagacity of two dogs. The dogs were outside the bouse and, noticing smoke is suing from the kitchen, they barked nntil they raised the master of the house, and refused to be quiet at his command, barking until he had investigated and discovered the fire. 0 1 Thebe is ample ground for criti cism of the adm n'stration, but criti cism based upon the attention which will be shown to the representative of Germany is captious. Every thing that tends to extend the com mercial relations of the United States and operates to make the danger of war more remote deserves praise, not censure. 0 Undoubtedly Mr. Roosevelt de sires the nomination of his party at tbe next national convention. It is hardly to be supposed that be would care to "go down in history as what John Tyler's coachman called "a sort of second-band President." At the tame time tbe President is too honorable a map to do anything un worthy in order to secure it. - It is the man who can't raise tbe wind who does the most blowing. Tears of sympathy are the tele phone messages from a heart full of tenderness. Those Louisiana congressmen al ways "raise cane" when there is talk of free sugar from Cuba. Mrs. Carrie Nation has lost her toe, but the Constitutional Conven tion hasn't lost its tongue. A Kansas man has been fined $10 for smiling in church. Kansas is a prohibition State, you know. Or ange (Va.) Observe. Gen. Carr Will be Orator. Raleigh News and Observer: It has been announoed that General Julian S. Carr will be the orator of the day on the occasion of the open ing of the new dormitories at the Soldiers' Home on February 4th. The White Furniture Company, of Mebane, has contributed through the Julians. Carr Chapter of. the Daughters of the Confederacy, of Durham, a beautiful set of furniture for one Of the rooms Blown to Atoms. The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful,, drastic pur gative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel prisonous mailer, cleanse the system and abso lutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 25 cents at R. Blacknall & Son's Drug Store. 1 The republican caucus of the New Jery legislature nominates John F. Dryden, of Newark, as candidate to succeed the late Senator Sewell. Mayor Seth Low in a letter out. lines the attitude of his administra. tion toward the excise laws. "Some time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. Bho complained ot pains in her chest and had a bad cough I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according to direc tions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail," says James Pren dergast, merchant, . Annate Bay, Jamaica, West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an ap proaching attack of pneumonia, which in this instance was undoubt edly warded off Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any ten dency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by W. M. Yearby. ; Among the Little Folks. Grandad "What makes you look so unhappy, Willie? Willie " 'Cause nobody never calls me good unless I m doing something I don't want to do." Some time ago little Walter had occasion to differ with his aunt upon some trifling matter. "I tell you," said auntie, playful ly, "I know a few things." "And I know as few things as anybody, I guess," said Master Walter, indignantly. "Daddy," asked little Jack, "where does a snake begin when he wants to wag his tail?" Mamma (at the breakfast table) "You ought always to use your nap kin, Georgie." Georgie "I am UBin' it, mam ma; I've got the dog tied to the leg of the table with it." Motherhood. REMARKABLE CURE OF CROUP." A Little Boy's Lite Save'. I have a few words to say regard ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It eaved my little bovs' life and I feel that I cannot praiee it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A E Steero of Goodwin, 8. D , and when I got home with it the poor baby could Tiardly breathe. I gave tbe medicine as directed every ten min utes until he "threw up" and then thought sure he was going to choke to death. We had to pull the phelgm out of hia mouth in great long strings I am positive that if I had not gut that bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth todav. Joel Demont, Inwood, Iowa. For sale by W. M. Yearby. It is said in London that the Boers recently made overtures for peace, which were rejected, the Govern, ment claiming that the war would soon end. IF BANNER SALVE doesn't cure your piles, your money wiu oe returned, it is the most healing medicine. A. B. Matthews. Ask your dealer for Dixon's Black Poodle cigar. One of the best smokes on the market. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAT. 'Mystic Cure' ' for Rheumatism and -Neuralgia radically cures in i to 3 aays. its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. u removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold' by Hacknev Bros., Druggists, Durham. It Dazzles the World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excite ment that has been caused by Dr King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption. rneumoma, Hemorrhage, rieurisy and bronchitis, thousands of whorr. it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, ABthma, Croup, Hay tever. Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by R. Black nail & Son's, Druggists, who guaran tee satisfaction cr refund money Large bottles 60c, and 11.00. Tria! bottles free. 1 Governor Aycock respites the two men convicted of tampering with the jury in the case of Long against tbe southern railroad. W. L. Yarcey, Paducah, Ey , writes: 4 1 bad a severe case of kid ney disease and three of the best physicians in southern Kentucky treated me without success. I was nduced to try FOLEYVS KIDNEY CURE The first bottle gave imme diate relief nd three bottles cured me permanently: I gladly recom mend this wonderful remedy." Takfe no substitute. A. B Matthews. The National Lumber Exporters' Association, in session in Cincinnati, elects officers and adjourns to meet in New Orleans next January. La Grippe coughs often continu for months and som -times lead tc fatal results after the patient is sup posed to have passed the danger point FOLEY S HONEY AND TAB affords positive protection and se curity from these coughs. A. B. Matthews. Special Notice. Owing to the demand for our pic tures, we have decided to remain 10 days longer. Still making photos 5 for 10 cents. Over J. F. White Co. jll-tf Acme Photo Co. Good printing, prompt Seryice. ZEB- P. COUNCIL, JOB - - PRINTER. DURHAM. - - NOBTH CAROLINA. Keep this In mind, so that when you need Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes. Bill culare. Posters, or Pamphlets, you will com municate with me, and your needs will be supplied. You will nnd my way of doing business satisfactory. .. . B YOUR ORERS SOLICITED. I STRIVE TO PLEASE. Notice of Administration. The undersigned hvW miaiini a mlnlstrator of Jnd HTinVr h. ""V hereby gives notice to all persons to present their Claims to him on or before the 8th oi January, 1903, and to all persons Indebted to said estate to make payment. This 7th Jan uary, 1903. GREEN BABBEE, . . 'Administrator. promptly procwxwl, OB MO FES. fend model, iketch.U . v. uuvw iur irv. EniNjrton pBTenUDUlty. JSooK 'HOWV tObtiU.8.ndFoMi((Ftt.iidTnde-Mrki1"5 ? Flrrt term, tret offend to nventor.(! muw or xt YEARS PRACTICE. I .,20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. 0 J ah Duunea. oonttdentiul. Koim.l Avit r.i.i.A.ifl ) errlo. Moderate ghkrgea. X PATENT LAWYERS. Opa.U.S.PstentOfflis, WASHINGTON, D. ft? , n n f w f A 1 1 CI The j-tt proportion of women vho suffer ftevtr itu Ik t a Krious effort to btnef.t thtm scivt. Th mott of tStmgo on psyirg no at Untion to thtir litils menstrual c.torccn, b Ctvirf they will eventually wear .1. They grow worsa and worse every day. At the period of menstruation a woman is peculiarly susceptible to cold and other external influences and it Is also the most favorable time for the development of hidden disease germs which may be lurking in the system. Any physician knows that disordered roensiruation, tailing of the womb and kucorrhoea arc blighting lives ia almost every home. No woman should neg lect herself a moment after she sees Indications . of female diseases. Almost butane relief cm be secured by the use of WINEwCMlBUl- It will relieve you right la your own home. Will vou accent the testimony el Mrs. BeJekr and thousands of other women and really setk,rtlicf today T AS druggists eH $L00 bottles of Wine of CarduL 100 Chicago Street, Fort Wrne, Ind-, March 17, 1900. Yonr 'Wine of Cardui has done a world of good for me. I have used At bottles of the Wins and one package of Thedford's Black-Draug-ht. And since) I hare started to du it I will not be without it In the house, it helped my siitar in Toledo, who did not menstrual as she ought. She was sixteen years of age and nothing else helped her. I was in a very bad state myself before I used your medicines, but I found relief in three days. And now I feel like a new woman and do all my housework and washing, which I eonld not do before I took Wine of CarduL I would be very glad to write any poor woman and tell her how I suffered before I used Wine of CarduL Mrs. C. P. BIEGLWt Sot adTtee and litersrnrs, address, glTtof symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory fartmeotV th Chattanooga Medicine Company. Ctotanooga I sun. at cum gtutatjit gtrm IT PftYS TO BE PARTICULAR. If you sell your tobacco oa the Durham market you have the assurance that you have gotten the Highest Market Prices, On all grades, that money, skill, years ot experience, active ware housemen, enthusiastic bidders and a wide-awake board of trade can give. Sell on the Durham market and take no chances. Farmers go away pleased, is the best evidence we can give you. Drive right on to Durham and try a load, if you have not sold here before. W. C. BRADSHER, Pres. Tob. Board of Trade. W. T. CARRINGTON, V. Pres. J. H. MAHLER, Sec'ty. and Treas. Harris Lithia Water. Oasii Sold upon the merit of its Analysis and upon the endorsements of the Medical Profession. This Water retains its medicinal elements and is as good from the demijohn or bottle as at the Spring. IN ITS CARBONATED FORM it is unexcelled as a table water or in the sick room. It does the stom- ach good after it has tickled the palate. PRICE- Bulk at 30 cents per gallon. Case 12, gallon bottles $4 00 (rebate of $1.00 for bottles). CARBONREED. 50 quarts $10 00. - - - 100 quarts $10.00. Ask Your Druggist for HARRIS LITHIA WATER and ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Harris Lltbia Springs Co., Harris Springs, S, C. P. C. SNEED & CO., Durham, N. C, Local Distributors. B. N. DUKE, President. JOHN P. WILY, Cashier THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM. N. C. Canital $100,000.00.. ..Surplus $85,000.00 Deposits $700,000.00. This branch of our business has gradually grown until we have issued 1,675 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to enco&iage thrift and economy among our people we receive irom 11.00 up and allow interest thereon. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. This Bank is authorized by its charter to act as Guardian, Executor, Ad lmwtrator. TniBtflfl. Agent, etc . jan25-8m MOftfHEflD BtOTG C01OTY, DURHAM, N. Co CAPITAL AND PROFITS $200,00000. 0. E. RAWLS, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-Preeident. E. C. MURRAY, Cashier. PnOalPTHESSa-ACCUn&CY lioijitESY- LIBERALITY, r A ai1jf4 ammammI-m iAM Uf 1.111a Sava1.am4-a lfMuf..L. . a V. If " v m;i,uuuk3 nun a.-ai 111 a, iuuvuuiu, AtittiiuliiUluIcrS 3X1(1 indi viduals, with the assurance that all business entrusted to us will receive careful and oromot attention. 1 innc-Am MERRICK'S Dandruff Cure; In order to place it in every home and to introduce it to these that suffer with Dandruff, Pimples and Falling Hair and all Scalp troubles may get relief and become familiar with its pure virtues and king qual ities the dollar, bottle has been re duced, to fifty cents for thirty days. For sale at JOHN MERRICK'S Barber - Shop 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE M. 1 A . A. 'I 4 Trtanr Mirks DE8IQN8 Anyone tending n sketch and description msv anickly asoerlnln our opinion free whether an i!1?."..1. 8 E!'li",bly patentable. Communion Hons strictly ooiiUdentfiil. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest apenoy for securing patents. Patents taken throutrti Munn Co. receive special not i, without charge, In the Scientific Htncricatt. A handsomely lllnstrsted weekly. Largest dr. i.Y.a!rJPtbML 8oWIali neFsdeaieri I! ,,U! & Co.NtBro.dwn. New York Branoh Office, 626 St, Washington, . 0. BOVSO-tf Durham, N, O,

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