T ' i c.'.a uro crrca. I il'j Oaa ttotA H ctsU.1 One Ten, 13.08 'W Mllj Cat Year, Ob Dollar. iUt& at tit Durham PoatoSca u cob4 claa mail matter, tut lrit-ciaja Kltter. "S Ecajcratie la politic, eonerriiT la pcllcj as! tar home Interest Ink Lflrwtisaf re mad knows oa aspltcatioa to oSca U 9ok Building, Wast Mala . InUritata 'Pbob ST. Bell 'Phone IT. tyChns ot adverttaemeata muit be hand- 3 U by 11 o'clock oa day of publlcatioa to tarare lnaertiom. D-:Li: will Ler nr. enUrti'a-aj en . wife as i c;-o !e ; 1 Sunday '-:-oi I.-?: Ji f Cbcrcl, !--i ' 4 A!I l?..c.:;e5 - t v ' 1 t ver"o - h . . . .1 lryiaai Srna.l's Colaffia ia Atlanta tica Ti I'j I c 1 a jj'U -' .owa ice .;' - a -W v V ; r - t .hi'" l l K IIol9 :. ir t ft MONDAY, JANUARY 2?. o ri x . elect i.e i u - If there is prodigalitj arooDg ii ii: : - it. 1T.'f.,l Uittm ii .-v- . , l , t . c ecris.: i-a It lODg IUC line ot j,eue'u:.. 0 ; arearaonTthebestVnowTi sr- ' of the maay car jerons , wlli plants and samba. K"ail JSj t-i fi .1 Hh;a of f.HQ To touch or bailee Ua c , - , , i i quickly produces swelung fi.cJ the u.u 'leu Uotl,iua dinaammauonwithia- Ka. tUcV "ng t,c eX2i'ti-vjle fa tioi- tense itching and burning if.- l je . liole fny -!! i of the skin. The eruption am CnnnAAf (Via e 11 f Ve oavrf g-en pic ai- of Pru.t-e erer bope3 foreVer; but II nrv v m 1 i n f , K -4 .t 1111- l : l'" t 8 - J C. ' t .. quit- The man who first conceived the idea of aerating beverages received 150,000 for his idea from an Eng lish brewing firm. cratic convention will arraDge platform all right enough. o An erperiment made d t-:nj !2 't Swss roil Ury m:f. r ji - S . oe !!' i: ' te r jil piaaurs off our uocko. the !.' . VS. V Misistkb Wc said the other dsy v:o- cd ite fact t ' that his country was to have a new zz 'e pe:ri', en :o ni-k. " - -Minister of Education, aad a-b c: rrrivi vre;e 'ess seu.v c .a ingly added that he fearer" & naonal tlgcs, a d Treshar n. like ti ' si tb: u "football coach" would sooa fo!'.ovr. Ice ic the ve of i?b:eco 0 , ic-'d. Thib i-M Work, is being pushed outheew h0i. 2 , ,r n-bo ord battle-ehip Maine in the hop: that :vacco fc au vauugti o i --e it may go into commiesion on Fsb t .m feU-oked aud wUl) . . ruary l&, isim, me lih: ujiv--. . d :J ;eel de.,,isv. t. sary of the destructica c. i in Havana harbor. . o There is an island in t'.e St.cia mento river which produces 'iosl c. the asparagus wbicn is cotsnnfi mj the linited States out of rf,, iJ::. sweet gang, to be sure! When Venezuela's donkey-engine catamaran meets a .Colombian tro :der scow, ioen co-! i'qp t; j -f A New Y t k m .r- h .s u-?J h i " t wi e, out t "me ive . I.' sne vtie r . -aoap bus-'anJ?. !'he dfcicv 'Tuh raioa 8-iator Wt'hrjfti d iu oow sp:i; is con sidered ven? btfooiniat t a corpse. iiool '!r oz: Bt - ou it r.'otslvw" lied it w ccme' eas? to av t by '.be :tme he 2' be. The only wo' id powe" ib t :: dc- j in any'.blng to help tue 'Jterd' is the jiw iKine of web I a. Y ied?y to.k & job hi of ".. P -. TLSS.'l ATITK Gl'lt' tl ; ut- .cea " liH in Coogress p'ovi.ii- .y I nt igiQt to nkr offiif s aa almost as soon as the little blisters and pustules appeared the poison had reached the blood, and will break out at regula intervals and each time in a more aggra vated form. Th is poison will loiter in the svstera for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before you can expect a perfect, permanent cure. Natcre's Antidote FOR Ptotcrc's Pclscss, is the only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxious plants, it is com posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now is the time to get the poison out of your system, as delay makes yonr condition worse. Don't experiment longer with salves, washes and soaps they never cure. Mr. S. M. Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta (Ga ) Gas Light Co., was poisoned with Poison Oak He took Sulphur, Arsenic and various other drugs, and applied externally nnnierous lotions and satves with no benefit. At times the swelling and inflammation was so severe he was almost blind. For eignt years tne poison tow break out every sea sou. His condition was much : .ftrtal.-inrnnr bottle t f S. S. S . and a few bottles cleared his blood of the poison, and all evidences of tbe disease disappeared. People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case fully to our pGysicians, and they will cheerfully give such information and ad vice as you require, without charge, and we will send at the same time an interest ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. 6A. T PAYS TO BE FAIiTIGULM. If yon sell your tcbacco on tbe Durban market 3-ou have tbe assurance tbat you Lave gotten tbe Highest Marhei Prices, Oa all grades, thit money, skill, years oi experience, active ware housemen, enthusiastic bidders and a wide-awake board of trade can give. Sell on the Durham market and take co cVanc:s. Farmers go away pleased, is the best evidence we can give you. - Drive right on to Durham and try a lo3d, if yon have not sold here before. W. C BRADSHER, Pres. Tob. Board of Trade. W T. CARRINGTON, V. Pres. J. H. MAHLER, Sec'ty. and Treas. ". tbe crc:t'ou of a Bupe nu jjm: .'.ee which shall be vi - ',L tee avesti'aiioii of tW LoUISVILLii, J.ii. id vfr W T. b l'tj of pensioning upeiHi,-",nH-l! ! k .. : " Tbe island produces n re w::. !'.h j -nloyecs of tne government ' lu. 411 guildf.il v. it Uie L;nie' h than any gold ine in Cal'.V ia- -0- It is a matter of record th' - i?c--eral Miles received at Ciiancer.i:: ville a wound from a minie-ball 0:; similar to that which kiPcu Pr:: dent McKinley, but the Ger.:V youth and vitality enabled bim 'x survive. ' 0 "No man in Vermont is iMowcd C33 !o7ccs now b;tvfc an 01 "amz acV'-Cg to this end, but 10 I f .cm tbe goveiiiment o-ily ti -' : r.s custodian and admioi?" ; of -s fund to be raist-d by the- uac 11 1 ota percentage fiom lb- m p. yt-'a taiary, Ktpenttd of His trolly Wi'v''.:t--u vlxt-bgn : r-...-Eom: ago ii.it G'iitvi (, ! bc head ot tue a'ity, upa livid 1. tne igd to tepti t nib i.nj. "cX g l.tj'. ;ei i, Jeffetsoii lvi so hi'iununiy woiic u pnsonfi "' ; ;h3 Mouroe. A man oUktu aWjr.ter in i is or-. iormeiv v i id I f 'O.si 'i. a.. 1 .vi.'ie iiv iii tbsr? c i oubu rs o! ;-,cflii: MoCi O: tM?UI .it '8 'aibvC -avi 1 ncp . feo . : ' r:o ak..t (.v '-it riMISt .f 'eiil,:M ;i ui "'S fleiii ; uo - ib? auic lb n.- dlt's uav oee;s t?d - out in . tf iiiot ou-x-M-i:t..s' !!,., co-iiivi f- 111 ingors p'mI ipes, v;ni f-ii-t V- .. The au f? 0 di'v:or-- 1 n t oi-e .-' ibo n :utof ;iHr.in, auuiM.toiuiM, i.f or Aiexanana, ma.,' "ana could ".7 dctti'Mie af, oaruiy gtt any Bleep. 1 naa Ton- enc 8t i.e'n us ana nid b"i cv.xity to tt e noble ?iu6 pure Soutb'.'O". The Wasbi. jiUilt ' Post 6 i-isjDoneiUe for thihi ''Gne.i.'.. Milc-s, lu bive j.;1"u ri'iit :";')la:it lb tbe oouuti by Kc V. v block I would cough frightfully end epit blood, but when all other medi cines tailed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds " S ib'cv incidt-ui. vvas niifetU'O It's absolutely guaranteed to cure ; ciitieuiau 'he other movuiii-j ' CoughB. Colds, La Grippe, Broncbiiie -1 :,V nil J T. m Ul c;r?e tO call Iti Olt liUU WU!i " nuu uuug unuuica ,;eE33!.a!.iTe Kiae , of Vi'tiimj, 3'" ver; mr.Bt retrnioei that i r:uz man nt tbat iiuic a ' .3 bo 'tati tiLi , a h.un- ma , T: 'So yju, Geniiul vuir, i- l ZV WaO ; Ul llaliUCUtIS U(,cm A S't..'0)l h ! 8i;iV S -i.L .:v.'p? '1m, ui. !.-, 0 tok V..- .. f.n-1'w...: Tb. -cnal, - itb g'.t sua vuj , '.. , p.,,ie f iLjaiiia': o.! K, .-, n- .'t-HUDg avuniHt tbe j)U-!--nig i tbi'ir itwi; wiiii Ut'ti't' Tom i .1U111 itioiuies and uri!H.!t ibe .i'mini-iio' I hv clif-ap . libe' upon liic Nimlt. 1 1 t'0)l'. The in oh 1 eff'Mit've w y !.0 i'.' IS (o S. V '.wily I "fli llilr l.iy , S ibe M0;,lfi ' t thii, .'itvii did we-n t -ri app-: ' l, smt - ibv v i i Micbably Va ag .'m il any im.-i,, play n lure. now a:iu i.iv- a gM.u. '.'i n J di ''n il.' 1 i.fo I (till .! T"' Nohlest Success G'raebo's Kecord: Tbe -.'m saeew of s . basiiico ri -t. i-, :. 4 i". ha aicoval ol niyney '.rv-::-:xivzi ct ice cid, but in bn 00 r"ble rcr.bcds employed, anw lite sc'-dnsc:? c! Oe basloee duiirg . i -c: srra or etrugoi.V T .': m . 7 t-sreagh tbe au il;. ; . UuV .f;rl?"3 of the buite&h wcil." 0; o -y 71.'-. c'e.iD fcau'isMoed not f-f i srceA jf .e not be Pi- alK: ri' in:: ?c::-,i9 . Tbe biesseu 6CV ffo-dn. to vote until he has made 1.3,00 trading horses with MassachurjUs people,7' said Senator lloav ;r- a re cent speech in the Senate. "And we ail vote," immediaUh retorted Senstor Proctor. 0- At the auction of tbe old dtiku used in tbe House of Representa tives, the prize, number 99, went to Representative Jenkins of Wiscon sin. It is the desk wb'ch w - u&ed by Mr. McKinley when he was a member of the House. 0 A scientist of the Nitiontl Mi seum says that the five senses ate modifications of the senb of o.icb and oes on to Btate that H ;s poo. ble tbat io time other son-ies ncv possessed only by ifsuo s v.i . ') developed by the human roe 0 ; Twknty-one revenue cuue-s ':'.( steamships are being bu'l'. for :lo use of the civil govrneut of 'no Philippine Islands. The cml'tvi have been awarded to Orieot?i ' builders at Singapore, Hon 2 lie:.. '. Nagasaki, Shanghai andot'rt-t r :r,5 0 Gulielmo Marconi, lie .ve -tor of wirelesa telegrapby, 'ourj that he has learned bow to p'f tbe theft of message.t sei" oy L ts system. If this can be .ico,'i!'!)r:" it removes the grestes! objc 1011 to the system as a commercial von ur. O ; The proceedings of a case bcii'd by the Governor of New Ha fen Colony on May Day 1660 have re cently been brought to liht. Ot e Murline and Sarah TuUle b; d been . caught kissidg, and aftr a ipvere .:' lecture the Governor fiid ibem v 'cb ..' twenty shillings. 0 ' . Dobiko the last fiscal year f ie Navy Department puib '8ed32t, 108 tons of coal for the use of n v.-l vessels, at a cost of $2,273,1 1 . si. considering the number of cor 1 tie'ds in this country it would seem tbat it would pay tbe government to own its own mines. ,"i;;' 11 ' 0 Thjb agitation of the question of tiona and ii two d?va eh, wes well establiahiricr an American AcaJetnv aud ab'e D go tj school. I Lave aimilar to the French organization u.8ed b;8 rem d in my family or! , , a, , tne pas seven y srua and have never of that name is .worthy of serious known it t,o fy-','1 eiys James Preo consideration. ' There arft many dergast, merctaat, Annat) Eey, .rgaienuin it. WbN th. XUISiola It mat at preseni. vue jc-ngiu language proacDing aitstcK 01 pneumonm, 1 - smIM a'.t.i'-ked i'im b. ar- ani OtUi 'fa 1; One man was iniared fatally and three others were seriouly Lurt s.tm..tf in n a'ident at the Wa'niish raitroid tufr.-l, near Pitts 1,11, u. P II If a soorj of men buried under a landside A ear b and all wfre exuicated wth d Uieulty. W. T,. Yancev. Paducah, Ey , writAs: I had a severe case of kid- te!rjev disease and three of the best nhvsifiiana in southern Kentucky tie; tdd me without success I was ndimfiJ to trv TTOLEYV. SIDNEY CURE The fifst bottle gave imme- diat relief and tbree bottles cured me Dermanently I el&dly recom- rr nd this wondeilul remedy " Take no 8-bsntute. A. B Mattnewa Sold upon the merit of its Analysis and upon the endorsements of the Medical Profession. " This Water retains its medicinal elements and is as good from the demijohn or bottle as at the Spring. IN ITS CARBONATED FORM it is unexcelled as a table water or in the sick room. It does the stom ach good after it has tickled the palate. . PRfCE Bulk at 30 cents per gallon. Case 12, i gallon bottles $4 00 (rebate of $1.00 for bottles). CARBONREED. o quarts $io oo. - . - - too quart $10.00. Ak Your Druggist lor HAKKib Liruia .waihk ana Acviif x NO SUUSTlTUTiS. Harris Littiia Springs Co., Harris Springs, S. C. P. C. SNEED & CO., Durham, N. C, Local Distributors. Mght Was Her Terror. "I wculd cough nearly all night ong," writes Mrs. Uhas. Applegate, jiimntinii an had t.Viah if T nall-orl n ' Ml-. A. Uo'U.r to CDH li 1'i.o.i.ih?" M '. X. Yk. i()c; : m I tiuish tbis Sunday : if" o ,X. Gooduess! T-ie 9 ma . r- tuaionow, a-;-! -. 1 e La Gripce coughs oiten conlmu for months and eom times lead to fatal results after the patieot u sup p03sd to have passed the dar ger point FOLEY S HONEY AND TAR affords positive protection and se- ic..ritv lrom these cougns. A. ii Matthews. Price 50c. and $1 CO Trial bottles tree at R. Blacknall & Sou's Drug Store. 2 i foolish eno'usb , f .It t(t I'lrvln r.f nil ri JJUCCPH that lii'K VH;' .0 Working 24 Hours a Day. n.s;n.A,..i r .1 .:..i. REMARKABLE CURE OF CROUP, A IJttle Boy's LUe Pave '. I have a few words to say rega d .ng Chamberlain's Cough Rame iy In f aved my iitt'e bo8' life and I tee that I cannot praise it enough. I bought a botlle of it trcm A E Scoaio of Goodwin, S D , aod when 1 g' h.'ma with it tire poor bi.by ccu d hs.dly brealha. I rave the me c'i3 as directed every ten mio uiea until he "threw up-' and thei ' thvu;t,c sure ha was going to cboke to dbdih. Wo h?d to pu I tbe p le gm . . little workes-Dr. KingV New Lite ?us 01 U13 mor.Q m W .,0?c 8tl!0S8 Pills Millions are always busv, cur ' ftm P0SI"ve elQa" u 1 nan not got ing Torpid Liver, Jund'lCe, Bilious- 'nat b0C,l,J f ucou8h modic ne, my new, Fver and Ague. They banuh ; oy wuld DOfc bTe 0Q efrf toiar.- Sick Headache, drive out Malaria ! Jo,EIb Dr' awrtod Iowa. For Never g ipe or woaken Small, tast - j 8ale by W' M' ?7- nice, wok woudefH. '"ry th-m. m n 7" 25c. at R. Bli.ckDa'1 & Eon's Dvug DePf;lueU of, Rt gtore, g , W"ismngtan has c inoludfd iieona- -- ' " '"'"' ' ' ii''. 1 with tbe P: (sylvan a R ' Tenor--Whf J iave mv firs : -.v.d Cmpaov for ine movtmeot bv .iO'iopi 1 i,,ur people baa to be car- j 8lJi-,,V' train of P nce Ht-nrv of ned faiiitintfon or the had tW..d ; , nd Bull- dating his visit to Oh. but einc ihm time you. vo'Ce . tb U.i".vd States. bas (ionxKierably unproved T ' Bi'- OF VALUABLE PROPERTY The City of Durham will offc for sale at public auction on Saturday, February 8th at 11 o'clock, A. M., on the prem i&es, the lot situated on corner o Church and Parrish Streets. A plat of the premises can be een at the office of the City Clerk The property will be offered first in lots as S'-iown by the plat, and then offered as a whole. The City resefves the right to J accept or reject any or all bids. Terms of sale cash By order of Board of Aldermen. GEO. W. WOODWARD, City Clerk. January 22, 1902. 'S.)j..e time 8go my daughter caug'-'t a Bevere cold. She complained o' pui as in her chest aud bad a bad couh I gave he Chamber ain's LOugn Kp.rnedy 6 carding ty d rec- 1F BANKER SALVE doesn't cure your piles, your money will bo re'.urnei. It is the most ue.diDg medicine. A. B. Matthews. Ask your dealer for Dixon's Black Poodle cigar. One of the best smokes on tbe market. is at the mercy of every irresponsible which in tbfa instance was undoubc- .-i. .,5 s- ;f.if edly warded of! Cuamte;'ain'sCougli lexicographer is sufficient to itself Rcmed- n counteract, nnv t.m. to warrant the establishment of such dancy of a cold toward pneumonia. a institution, . Sold by W. M. Yearby. RHEU1H&TISM CURED IN A DAY "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to 3 days. ' Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The fir.-it dose greatly benefits.. 75 cents. Sold by Hackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. Harris Lithia Water. B. N. DUKE, Pre ideat. JOHN F. WILY, Cashier THE FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM, N. C. Canital $100,000.00... Surplus $85,000.00 Deposits $700,000,00. sikimsras depahtmekt. This branch of our business has gradually grown until we baveiasutd 1,675 SAVINGS BOOKS. In orcerto u.cv,ri thriit aad economy among our people we r?c?r ttita $1.C0 up arid M-.or incerest shereon- Safely Deposit Bcxes for rent, .'hia Back L aatiicrie by its r barter tn ot ae Guardian, Executor, uoinisivator. "Y -f- ian25-bxi DURHAM, N. C. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $200,00000, O, E. KAWLS, President. O. C. TAYLOR, Vice-President. E. C. MURRAY, Cashier. PROMPTNESS, - AGGURSGY -COURTESY, LIBERALITY. We solicit accounts from Firms, Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi viduals, with the assurance thai- all business entrusted to us will receive careful and prompt attention 1anv6m Durham is Moving. ill 5 DR. G. J. FLEMING VETERINARY SURGED!!, Offers his professional services to the people of Durham and surrounding country. ' OFFICE AT IIENKLE BROS. STABLES. PUSH IT ALONG. Support Home Industries. ' Patronize its Schools. Help its Library and Hospital. (jo to its Churches. 2 AND READ THE DAILY AND WEEKLY SUH. S Interstate 'Phone 445. Bell 'Phone 96. janl5-tf Good printing. promptSeryicc. ZEB-P. COUNCIL, JOB - - PRINTER, DURHAM. - NORTH CAROLINA. Keep this In mind, so that when you Deed Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelope. Bill Heads, Statements. Receipt Blanks. Oircu cnlars, Posters, or Pamphlets, you wilt com municate with me. and your needs w U be supplied, You will find my way of doing business satisfactory. YOUR OUERS OOLICITET STRIVE TO TLB SK. When You want Wood In quantities of from Ave. ten, one hundred or two hundred cords, call on J. E. BOWLING, Next to Electric Light House, for prices. He will make them right. Phones Interstate 141, Bell 108. Cut wood to order, and coal of all kinds de ll rered promptly. marV-tf He Barton) Weekly Sail, One Dollar a Year. Twenty-eight columns; neatly printed, full ol choice reading matter; a local mirror; issued ev rv Friday. Don't fall to tret it MERRICK'S Dandruff Cure. In order to place it in every home and to introduce it to thes." ht suffer with Dandruff, Pimples and Falling Hair and all Scalp troubles may get relief and become familiar with its pure virtues and King qual ities the dollar bottle has been re duced to fifty cents for thirty days. Forsale at j JOHN MERRICK'S Barber - Shop k44y B0 YEARS' 1 TRADE MARKS 'ltf1, Copyrights Ac. Anyone lendlnn a nkntrh .nil AdarnHntinn m qulnkly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is proiini,y patentable. Comnumlcn. tlona strlotlr rtitlilaiitlal. Handbook on Patents cntfree. OltlMt luenoy for eeeurlng patenta. Patents taken throuh Munn & Co. receive pfdal notice, without ohnrRe, In tbe Scientific JMrican. A hnndsomelr lllnntmtei wenklr. IrfHwert dr. enlatlon of any eolentlQo Journal. Terma, 3 a renr; four months, fl. Bold by all newideaters, MUNN &Coje!6,Brod New York Brnnoh Office, 625 F BU Washington, D, C. BOT30-tr Durhim, N, 0. i Is i I

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