ii :.. :: state ite::s. r4-stbs Vou My Frue at a :n , v-- ' CAE ."'UNA. i lat. i-tiaiM .vt: V. I r..ri.i. J. s. CaJr I SA?a.b A'.ien ani Feari Ai:en. I 1 ne uefcndint s above mul tike not..e that aa action ecuucl as above to beta eim- u.eaoc4 la ta super Court of lartaai Cuoiy to fjf Lirtiiiu vr to liivwe t? fDeita a-4 bound a. a crri;u lit or trot of ini ituti m I'ur&m v ounty. orta Car- wtma, uescriocj ho lonows: Lying in woat is kaowa as "Eujenjont,1 wua tbe eastern corporate Uauw of ie city of Lmrhaui. la sa-d ouaty. Oi.'t-it the xHirham hosiery Jtiius. it b-iu tue eastern portion of Lm No. Jo of tee lautis of Js. K. Kedmomi, deceased, as platteU by 1. Si. Lint, tdjoiuiiig tij pcr.ioa of the same lot as utwueu to AUUison Merntt, aud to oe ascer tained by drawing a line from front to back, P&ssiDf ihrou.ft the tuiudie of ttie veil, iuen well ia lnieuded to be used for the benefit of boia iois. It being me same kit conveyed by deti from J. S. arr auj wife, dated the Ktn ay of :vay. i-r, to Junius W. Alien and eylvwter Alien, wuieh is rois tered la Book a 3D of teeds, pages 2. etc, la tb office of the Register of Deeds for Durham County. And the said defendants will farther take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the lerk of tne Superior ourt Of Durham County on the loih day of Jan uary, 103, at the Court llouje of ul County In Durham, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the Siaintlff will apyly to the Court for the relief emanded in said complaint. Dated this the 13th day of December. 190L 0. B. GREKN, dU-tjll Clrk Superior Court. Mortgagee's Sale -of Land. Ia the exercise of the authority given by a deed of mortgage recorded in tne orHee of Kegister of Deeds of Durham county in Book 17 of mortgages, beginning on page 547, 1 will ell at public outcry, to tjtie best bidder, lor ready money, at the court house door, of Durham county, In the town of Duruam, N. CM on Saturday, February lsr, 1003, j1 tne following real estate, te-wit: All of a ' Jot or parcel oi land lying and being In Dur ham township, sa d county and state, near .. the town of Durham, bounded on the north , by the lands ef Ww. Hamlin, on the east by Little Ellerby creek, on the south by lot No. 3 of the lands of Wm. opley, dee'd, the same allotted to John 11. Copley in the partition of said William Copiey's lands; on the west by lot No. 5 of said land allotted to James M. Copley and since conveyed by him to John H. Copley, and lot No. 6 of said land allotted to Thos. V. Oopley and since conveyed by him to Brodie L, Duke, containing 33 acres, more or less, It having been lot No. 4 in the fartitlon of the land of Wm. Copley and, sl otted to Mrs. Virginia E. Baroee. Said lot contained 34J acres, but a lot has been here tofore conveyed therefrom to Green Leathers 0 and also a lot to J as. Ferrel, the two contain ing one and a quarter acres, leaving thirty three acres conveyed by said mortgage, which I will sell at the time and place and upon the terms above mentioned. This sale will oe at 13 o'clock on the day specified. CHA9. G. MAYNAltD, . fcjDec. 83, 1901. ( ow Mortgagee. Valuable Farm for Sale. By virtue of the power conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust executed on the 10th day of July, lk4, by Messrs. W. P. Man rum and M 8. Mangum, and duly recorded ... In the office of the Kegister of Deeds of Dur ham County, In Book 23, pages 243 and 844, 1 will, on Thursday, February 20th, 1902, at ourt House door In the city of Durham, at 12 o'clock of the day. soil to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, the fol lowing tract of land, being the land describ ed In said deed of trust, situated In Mangum townsnlp, Durham County, lying on both sides of Deal's Creek, adjoining the lands of ( Mrs. W. B. Lunsford, Captain Bowling, Claud 1 C instead and" others, containing 5Uo acres, more or less, being the tract on wuieh Messrs. i W. P. Mangum and M. H. Mangum lately re ! sided, and being the land allotted to the said ' (Messrs. W. P., lUannum and M. S.Maomim In V the division of the lands of their fatner, lion. W. P. Mangum, for a more particular de scription rererence is made to deed from sal lie M. Leach and Mary 6. Mangum to W. P. Mangum, recorded In Book 14, page 29. and deed from Sallle M. Leach and W. P, Man gum to M, 8. Mangum, recorded in Book 14. page 234 in the office of the Kegister of UmmIs oi Durham uounty, excepting the lands so d by thesaid Messrs, W. P. and H. Mangum prior to July 10th, 18W, the said tract being known as the Mangum Borne Place. This is a valuable tract of land situated in the northern part of the County of Durham, In a fine farming section. For further par ticulars apply to the undersigned or J. 8. Manning, Durham, N. 0. THUS. H. B TTLE. Trustee, Manning & Foushee, Attorneys. This January aitn, lwz. Administrators' Notice. Having Qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Durham "ounty as Ad ministrator ox ootn or tne estates or tne late Misses Mary S., and M. Pattle Mangum. this Is to notify all persons holding cUims against either or both of said estates to present them' to the unaetsigneo, or ms attorney, on or oe- V fore the HBth day of January, 19 3. or this no- ,tlce win be pieaa in oar or iiioirrecovery. mi t rtL.rl . n ..irl ...Ill nlA....A maKe lmmeuiaie pay meat W. P. MANGl'M TTTHNEB. Administrator of estates of Misses Mary S. and Pattle Mangum Boone. Bryant s Big??. Attorneys. This 25th of January, 1902. HANKS & The Leading Machines, Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, Are better prepared than ever to do your work in a first-class manner. We have an up-to-date line of ev erything to be found in a Machinist or Plumbing Shop, and can save you money on all w ork entrusted to our care. If you need our ser vices ring us up over Inter-State Phone 321, or call at our shop, 109 Pine Street. Estimates on work Fur- S ' 1 Jl ' - 1 ( X msnea on Application. HANK k HUDSON Phone 321. Shop 109 Pine St. S23-tf Notice of Administration. The undersigned having qualified as Ad mlnlHtrator of Judy Holluway, deceased, koMhi d vab notice to all nersons to Dresent hiii clAlms to him on or before the 8th of January, 1903, and to all persons Indebted to gald estate to make payment. This 7th Jan- uary, 1902. GREEN BARBEE, Administrator. 5 Bromptly procured, 0E MO FEE. Send modal, iketch 1 ri" fra r.norton DutentaWlitT. Book "How 5 to Obtain U.S. and Foreign ratentmndTrade-Marki," PREE k&Tom M)rm ovwr wntii v PATENT IAWTEP8 OP 8 YEARS PEACTICE. on nnn DflTCWTI DflfiraiRPll THHtlllRH THEM. S Alf tuiiuem oonDdontUl. Suand advice, futhfull ( : MnilArnt. flhirpM. ' I PATENT LAWYER8, n. II. 8. Patent Offlca. WASHINGTON. 0. ft tion 'dysp2p5ia biliousness and the hundred and one simi lar ills caused by impure blood or inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying and cleansing properties contained in tons areaparilla QUART BOTTLE. ' It cures permanently by acting naturally on all organs of the body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh builder, and health-restorer, it has no equal. Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at $i each. "THE M1CHIQAN DRUd COMPANY." Detroit, Mich. - 9 TaU Urcrcttes for Lim Ula. tjo. . f For sale by W. M. Yearby, A, B. Matthews, R. Blackhall & Son. Havwood & Kino; f jan6-iy IEST FOR THis WELS bowel tvery day, you'ro ill or will b. Kwp you i bowela open, and be well. Force, in the nhnueof vie I lent pliysie or pill uoison, ia daiiKroua. Thu emooth i est, easiest, most .ertecty u( keeuiug ue bowels ' ciear ana clean ia 10 uite CANDY CATHARTIO CA I t lYl LIKE CANDY Pleasant. PalatahlA. IVibnt. TaNtAflnnfl rtnnnnri Eer box Write for free aauipie, 'aull booklet on ealtii. Addreas fC3 STERLING RKHRDY COMPANY. CHICAGO or III YORK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN ON JANUARY FIRST send us an order for a ton of our Kanawha lump soft and Bed Ash egg hard Coal and Wood and Inaugurate a new departure in your domestic economy. Vou will save time, trouble and expense, which will certainly make you happy. 'Our Coal comes from the richest mines, and In full of lire, clean and of uniform quality. J. D CLARK & CO. dZ-tf IN TER-STA TK 'PFJONE 317. 1ST PERRY, DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. All kinds of out, split and stick" Wood, both oak or pine, in large or small quaa ides. I nana le nottilui? nut tne hestgrauesnf i;oal. Send your orders now before the price ad vances. Very truly, Ben Perry, Morgan Street. Interstate 'Phones, Office 310; Residence 111. Near N. & W. Depot. ocl-tf fiorfoik and Western Sohedn e In Effect n ' JAN 1, 100L KUxkM DIV SION. Daily Ex Cf pt Bunday. 'MAM P.M. A.M. 55 7.00 Lv. Durham Ar. 9.15 9 35 07 8 16 Roxboro 7 48 8 16 '7 8.45 Denoiaton 7.15 7 45 So 9.12ArSoiuh Boston 6.E5 7.25 U. 45 Ar Lynchburg Lv 4 10 WESTBOUND-I ive LTrwAbnjfc. ic The WashlriKton and CuatUnoo i. mited. for Roanoke. Eadford, Biuefield, 'ocahLatas also for Kockv Mount, and n.11 at Jon- ,m WinHton-Salem Division and all points soath and west Solid vestibnie train .1 iuamtuiooga ana MeinpniB, 1'ulln an leepers to Memphis and New Orleans. 2-30 b. m. The Chioacro Glnnwa tnr Pa. t tit j, B;uefleld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Colunx' bus and Chicago. Pulln an Buffet sleepe Hoauoke to Oolnmbus. ako for Radford B is- toi, luioxvi-'ie, unattanooga and intermediate iitiints. Pullman sleeper Roanoke toKnos viHe. Pullman Bullet Palace Cam Norfolk .nr Roanoke. 8.00 d. m. Daily except Sundft v for Ronn. oke and intermediate Stations. irunfl arrive at Livnchbura dallv from t.h 'est at 1:53 a. m. and p. in. K ASTBOU N D Leave Lynchburg.- '3:' p. m. Daily for FarnvIUe, Richmond Peternburg and Norfolk, arrives Petersburg t 7.r'6i. m arriving at R!c moud a. 8.B8 v u, arrive at Norfolk at 10,4 p n -- jt'.u . in. Art) FetrTabur" v ) a. m.. ar ivf. -.'(. jxnond 1 33 a. ai, arrive N- rfoi.k 9.il' ,. rr .i'u'J.ian paln.ee leyer bM-jeri iyacr.v'sr? an. rtlchv. o..d T1 (..- 1 1 be ri'iy r Lvacuburr ti-n of rpm--. -iAi-M. KITlfl-jN. DiiilT H. RY. " P. M i.. . 1 1 I'.. . . Vv fl . -St -.piii),-!i- " -r, 1 V ... , , . - v -tr. s 4 K , V -!!) lid -a p '. ai !S Iff':-' ans--W. Ii : V R . ,-. : ? -- 1. ..1 aud auickly cure. MONDAY, JANUARY 2T. A Litili B-jok of Great Iniport - auce. Do you ever wish for a book iqiI ci be relied rpoo to ' cor rtijiiy J.l the little qr;i,'oD8 &oa Luouy 'Oolei thit tre.e( t ifretn stltcs jiv i- oj, j bwok tb.t. i fukly JtCu'e-E.:i arutuenis on all Bujjcc.s? The IP03 World A!ti-! -;c and Knovi'lou ia ;'cb ,ir rtauy, I. exicilj .a-t 'iio or oo -t Mli:e L'tJ of !' 'Ui, wo'l t oi - and ti-'ort-e r tio a tiic dintiouai v , lu tb W0i;d vr iwr lor 25 wavt Sold for $3,14 Wv.'tl. - ' "jor iiO, hccoiuiug to the gullibility Th: Hiile vc'anie cuntai-u o f t of wU i'iint'-J ag.tte )')'e :oEt?Jairjj eoaie fao; tb?t -xm-r r latui w. n h k tvr; y u up. The World Almanac should occu py a prominent place in every pro-u-s.v -.e Amerioao honHebt;'d. Titc c -i.'i is more complete than any oi the irmei ones. It coBt:"ri I0.8 OU 'V,r,y gaject8 ibal hVC T- cenily ;Knn V-n -rn, to die i.o notice id iob everv n:(o -ia e i8on pt liae at lim l-njpr- Anor,' the i ei i Ai. l uaT a.e: 1 1)8 United -a 23 l'-8C VVU"! 1116 T:aUSC8 Ot I -.; . ' I .s 1st y -o'J AmeiiOPOB TIO P08-. . . . , , crri I ,'. jv. ,Ul i u 'iP3' Amr .n-a i trusts; fu 1 pi5r;ic,!.-8 103 icatfing induBtrial o'.cfjeat'.oss. Organized labor; ei ia ipco iuv'8'v: of lb3 strength of labor nnioi8 a;iu the iuesjt.t condition of the kur movement. The KicEragua 'J?". i and ibe J.ay'Pauncef:te trsitir? wuh Great Untain. uig4nuu iu ivi. oum- ; y l.llllO I fnllH Staiaa Panano A rsr. oliist statistics of the Uti'vi Strtcs. SJisbary San: Mr. Alex. Lyer and Eur pe, etc, etc . to t e extent 1 1-: coaon house at Cleveland, with of over 1, jo topics. ' 182 iv.ics of cotton sto.ed in it, wa The 1902 World Aloianao aud 1 lu. n',d u the ground Thursday eve Encyclopedia is on sale by aU newu- joiog and ibe warehouse and all the dealers throughout ttie couuu y "or j cotton was a total loss. 2i cents When ordered bv mi! 10c. esitia for postage uiusi b( en closed to The World', New York. This Will Interest Many. ro quickly introduce B. B. B. (Bo taa c Blood Balm), the . f mous Southern blood cure, into ne homes, we will send, absolutely fiee. 10 000 trial treatments. Botanic B ood Balm (B. B. B ) quickly cures old ylce s, aero ula, eczemi, itching -k in und blood humors, Cvncer eat ing, festering - sores, boils, carbun cles, pimples or offer, si ve eruptions, pains in bones or joints, rheumatism, catarrh, or any blood or skin troub e Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) heels eVery sore or pimple, makes the blood pure and rich and stps all aches and pains. Botanic Eloori Ba m (B. B B.) thoroughly tested t.r 80 years in hopitl and private practice aud has cured thousands of cases given up as hopeless Sold at j drug stores, $1 per large bottle ug Btoree, $1 per large bottle. For ' e treatment write to Blood Balm ., Atlanta, Ga. Medicine sent a. bs Drermid. Descrihe troubla .ind . free Co nnr! nrprmM nQriha f.rnnhla unci freo medicai advice given Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) gives life. vigor and strength to the blood. The finest Blood Puritl r made. Botanic BIojci BIrn (B. W. B.) give.i a heal thy Blood supply co the skin and en tire ST6tem. 0 Gov. Aycock has received many requests for commutation in the case 0' i) e fou; men sentenced to hapr B'ebi uary 0th at Asheville for bar-:..ry. Some of the letters are foi ;h-. 7'oi th. Thus far he has not s v i 3 to cy of them A Care for Lumbago. W. O. Williamson, of Amherst, Va , says: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago I finally tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave me entire relief, which a' I otner remedies had failed to do " Sold by W , M. Ye rby. A GiTted Girl: Mae's a git ted giv!, inn't she?" 'Very, Why, she eigb een Christmas presents and oio on Now Year's." Philadelphia Even:r.g Lulletia. You should know that FOLEY'S HONEY AND AR is absolutely the best for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Dealers are authorized to guarantee it to gue satisfaction A. fi. Matthews. The ee.a?e man loses a lot of money 00 t the hole in the top of his pocket. Frank Tread well Bencett Ia s troubled wnh Sidney disease lor iwo)eara tl' writes: 'I had ta -i ver.l kindn of kidney rvmertus, b i' w th I ttle bH frtt Pinalj J tried FOLEY'd KID EY UKE;.r. h our d.i.lii" buale curd mi- ' B Mit-th If you woald remaio a favorite never auk a favor. A.'h.pp 1 hau r. cmctteu' np-i mi i.nu r in ' hkut cured quic 1 H.v i LVE, ;.( ni' M, hrt-1 H ' . iu tb oi-id B pk,. k u..b p. ...i 1.. . o.ui 1 1. ..ig- .,. .. ,. .. . u.BlciaM uiCKie smote can tor 11. G a nee. W r rr ! cn i io lave a poaluy i uve mx'i scow teo. 4th tr ..y F-ehet.i-fti ar"iu Wilmicgtoa are Ci'i'iH'g i few ebaJ. The boie d's-.-!t-; iroibr to that on the cc-t, has apta'td in Lenoir O'-'Uutv aad a Dumber of hursts have died. A I'tiii! Uce d uaimer Las been "''ng S-i'sourv, Cba loae ani oiber lowus I ;tid she sold ibe ouly real iMQi pi .o. an article : hcD cou i ut- ba in ibe local it tbe ciisiouieiv ihe Sun tbn k- ibe woman got about 41 00 in Salis bury. - i .5 VVii-ston S-rUt'oel eys Capt. K. A. Jeukina is advised that hie eiBter, Mrs. Cicero W. Harrin, of Washington, D. C , sailed from New Yo.k a few days ago for Europe. She expects to spend a year in ihn country in the interest of lb? St. Louis ExportilioQ: A roan preiending u be a dia ivnaor of great-har. tins in dress "o vs ;s d 'D2 pd t-'bailulle. The ' Ne"- loj-j the dr88 go .ds exhibited urn our merchants would Abink of ask'iig for the same quality of oroof' S ii, ' U?en CJt their way out of iJaotury jail with a pen knife. i'.i-Judge Spencer D Adams is reo-'veriDg from bis recent illness. Four burol iris were committed ll-'Jeigb F'iday night, making a 'f-al seven in two nights. A BiG COTTON FIRE. Lclv, of Cleveland, Loses 182 Bales. During the afternoon a small ne io boy sva.8 jdaying on the premises nd lighted a email brush heap near bv the flames had been extin-;t'---uut once the warehouse and c-..tuis could have been Baved Nj 11 c jald be secured, however, ur.'u i 3 tire was beyond control !W every bale of cotton was burn, ed. Mi'. Lyeily had no insurance and Lis loss will be about $8,000. - Mr. Lyeily has been extremely ainoituu3ie in the past three years, ha vijjg suffered several fires and the bu-.g''ar of his eioie at Cleveland. No Le 'irement for IJobson. . VYAsaiGTO!T, Jan. 24 A naval 'cii. ing' taa 'J ii?.s declined to re comai8r.u i'je leluernent of Captain It cl a osd 1'. Ilobsiin. He has com p!:.ijcd of b'a eves, which suffered 1 ,-oru beat and glare while he was working on the Spanish vessels at ,-,.;, aj :rtLA : ,u j ad afterwards in the dry - oa-K.ag, where two ves- je8 of the bpan.-ife fleet sunk by Dewc? weve rep?ii ed. Sinjo bs rtain to the United Slates fiorr, ue East, Captain Hob sor lus been on (Htached duty, first at Buffalo, in ci-nneciion with the Hale exposition there, and now at Charleston, S. C, in charge of ade partmeot of the naval exhibit. Coostructpr Hobson himself ap- plied io be retired, but the board of physicians which examined him, found that his eyes were not per manently injured and refused to ecommend his retirement. lie has been ordered to return to duty in connection with the Charleston Ex position. Peanut Vender Say, pard, I head a good joke a few minutes ago. tilind Jerry Well, don't tel! me about it. I couVn't see the point until alter business hcirc. Chicago News Hearings before the house Riv3r and Harbor Committee came to a close yesterday. Beginning next week, the committee will get to work to frame the River and Harbor bill Tnevbouse committee orders a f a voi a ble report on an oleomargarinu oill whicb is more ngid than the ote now io force. Yju may slight the warning of cifUhtMefce, but you cannot escape us ivwui-d of remorse. -! Envy never fails to be grieved at a a no net h nappiness ana nappy et nis A Fireman's Close Call. 'I Htuck t' my entiLe, although every joint ached aud every nerve ivfla racked with pain, writes C W, Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa, "I was weak and p' le, without any appetite and all. run down As 1 wan bout to give up, ot a bottl of Electric, Bitters at.d, titer takuic it, L felt as well hs lever did in my life " Weak, sickly, run down peop'v Iways gain new life -trngth n d vtgor from their U8e Try them ctiefaciion ' therri cfttisfacuon I R. Bine dU & Son's euranteed by Price 60 cents j id r em f " the young mother is allowed to get up for her first meal, even though she takes it alone, it seems good to her to take this one step nearer the family circle, and she counts the days un til her strength will be fully restored. But very often strength does f-v '-.:-'''Vi not come a expected, Ujjtf i"1' and she lingers in lan guor and weakness. At such a time there is need of an invigo rating tonic, and the very best tonic which a nursinsf mother can use is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It con tains no alcohol nor narcotics. It gives real strength. "Favorite Prescription " is a reliable woman's medicine. It establishes regu larity, dries weakening drains, heals in flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "I cannot rraise Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription too highly as a tonic for lirf !, worn-out women especially "those who are aSictcd with female weakness writes Mrs. Ira V. Holmes of Cedar Rapids. Iowa. " It hau helped me very mush aud a skilful physician xa'd tome in an swer to mv question as 11 itsefficacy. ' I know 01 cases wnere a nas reaiiy worked wonders.' ' The Common Sense Medical Adviser. 1008 large pages in paper covers, is seat free on receipt of 2 1 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Butialo, N. Y. Wall Papers. Prices Reduced from a fourthnto one half. Must Close out Present stock to make room for new stock. The best and fastest paper hangers in the State will be furnished at cost to hang your paper. Call and see our stock and prices. BARGAINS OFFERED. S.F. TOraSOU. j2-im For Your Iew Year's Callers you should serve the best, and if you buy your iiquur ai mu raiace saloon you will be certain to have the boat the market af fords. All (roods we tell are exactly as represented, and you can't (tot any better at any price. Have your Juxs tilled at the Palace Saloon . T. II. SCOGGINS. No. 124 COBNEU MANG UM & l'EABODY STS octl-tt Here At Last! Xrnas Is (tone, but I am htlll with you, aud this Is wishing you many happy returns of the season. With rrauy thanks for the liberal patromiRO of the past, I solicit your further orders for any kind of PICTURE FRAMES from the cheapest to the finest Gold Frame Fine Gold Frames for oil paintings, portraits, and enlarged work a specialty. We are better pre- fiared than ever to do line Upholster ng. With everything new and up-to-date, Mr. Neems can make your par- lor suite as good as new. Furniture thoroughly overhauled and repaired. THOS. B. EDWARDS & CO., 221 West Main Street. Opposite Lewlth'a, oc26-tf DR. J. J. THAXTON, DURHAM. N. O. With fl'ty-flve years of experience as a gen eral practitioner. UIh special les, mucuoug meraoranes, glands and nerves. Females in fiart cular. Indigestion, bronchitis, scrofu ar, constipation and headache. Hecondarv and hereditary diseases. Turkish Vapor natns given. jani-tr, B. R. HOUSTON, Kectiailcal Drangttsman and Builder. Will gfve estimates on all kinds of work Plans and specifications made on annllca- tlon. Work done on short notice. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. Lock Box No. 308, Durham. N. O. Job Work a Specialty. seplO-tf GHAS. McMILLEN, Architect. : OFF1 ;E OVER 5 AND IO CENT 8TG3E. d3-lm Vest Jlaln Street V Thb WanKtv Sun, $i per year. Do'jele Daily Sekvici TO ALL rOINTS KCPTH, SOUTH AND SOUTEV.'EST. "rr3Ct-l befceu! ef Sef.hourd Air Ilae RAilway Tr'' f T- ' t -9T1 No 2 -5. No. fcl c. L. "h m i uo put : i am 8ipn 6 15 pin 7 ii ur 6 '5 Km w HcrcnrB"r. r Hi-r.u ou' U w cajiirroi e, it New 0!k. R.iy T Ire UUSSt'o. pm f.Y K&X. S'Oam 815nm arPhilf dflnl.tm. arrriiifc.lplila. - 5 10 am . t Ut pm "rtKrtturg, S. A. L r Ri au . i u i JVari; Uii.oa, W. - ity. r Ka, ,!. , P K h. r PhiaotlMa, ' r Vw Y'.rit. M 2 -S pm S 54 am ' t pm 1 36 am ti 1 i m 10 10 am 1 1125 pm llaiji 2 M am 1 at pm 6 St am 4 U pm HjliiUaOUBD. Route. No. 41. No.SU. Ex bun Ex fun tT New York, O I) S. Co. 3 (XI pm 3 . 0 p ti " N.Y.r".4N. 8 55 pm T55ara t PhlladelphU, 11 lt pm 10 16 am It Baliircore, Bsy Lire ipm lv Washington, N.aW.S.B. 6 Oiia w Pofa-ont s 1 2m 8 51nm lv Richmond, iv Petersburg, r Durham, S. A. L. 8 10 am 1037 pm It 11 am 1120 pm 4 0Jpm 8 3Uam Tickets on sale to 11 points. Puilaanand Boat rwstrvst ens xde on applk'a.in. Spe cial sfhtxl ales prepared and any other infor mation ciiterful y lurnished. CocTenient ichedalesnd low rate u all irittipii nm- LLer r esor u a u rin g eeawm. H. RiAiuH, Asrert, Durham. N. O. H. LEAKD. TiannL' PattteLirer Atent. Raleigh, N. C n. K. L. BL NLU.Oeceral Fenger Aent, Portsraonru. v, J. M. BAF.R. 1st V. P. & G. M..Po:ts mouth. Va. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. IN EFFECT NOV. 24TH, 1901. Trains leave Durham, N. C. 2:30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily, for Greensboro and points couth and weet. Ccnrects at Greensboro with No. 8 north for Danville and Ri -h-mond. and touth with Noa 39. 33. and 37, for Salisbury, Charlotte, Co lumbia,8avannah, Charleston, Jack sonville, Atlanta and New Orleans; at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashvula and other points west. 3:35 a. m., Ino. 13, eaetbounc', daily, for Raleigh, S lraa and Golds boro. Carrica Pullman Sleeper Greensboro Raleigh. 9:40 a. m., Xo. 6, eaatbound, laily, for Raleigh, Belma and Gold 9 boro; connecta at Selma with At lantic Coast Line north for Wilson and Rocky Mount, at Goldeboro for Farboro, and Norfolk. At Selma Eor Fayettevilio and Florence 9:59a. m., NOv 35, weatbound, dai'y for Greensboro and intermediate local points; connects at Greensboro with U. S. Fast Mail for Danville, Lynchburg, Washington and ell points North and West, as also with No. 30 Jacksonville to New Yt rk via Richmond. Southern Railway Din ing Cars operated on trains Nos, 36 and 30. 9:65 a. m., No 16, northbound, daily for Oxford, Henderson, Jeffriej, Keysville and Richmond. No change of cars between Durham and Rich mond, where close connection is made to all points north, lose connection at Jc if ties for Norfil t and Steamboat Lines to Washington, Baltimore, New York and Boston . 2:47 p m., No. 3 J eastbound, dailv for Raleigh, Belma, Goldsboroand intermediate stations; 4:43 p. m., westbound, daily, for Greensb.ro and all points Connects at Greensboro for Winston-Sa em, also with Nos. 35 and 29 for Salis bury, Charlotte. Columbia Charles ton, avannab, Jacksonville, Atlanta and New Orleans; at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga. Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati and St. Louis, Connects northbound with No 12 for Richmond, Nos 38. 31 and 40 for Lynchburg, -Charlottesville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 5:00 p. m., No. 7t, northbound. daily except Sunday, for Oxford, Keysville, Richmo:d and interme diate stations. Pullmhan and Southern R ilway Dining Cars open ted on all (through) Main Line trains. No trouble to an-. awer questions. J. ii. uakdwick, Gen. Passenger Anient. -PRANK 8. GANNON, 3d V. P. and Genecral Manager. G. DUSENBERY, Ticket Agent. Durham, N. C. -VERY LOW RATES- TO TOE- NORTHWEST. March 1 to April 30, 1902. THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY Will sell tickets to Montana, Idaho, Oregon Washington and Coast points at exceeding low rates from all stations. It is possible rates to the West will never be so cheap again. Choice of three routes. Write for rates and schedules, say to what point you are going aud your nearest station to this line Bee any Agent N. & W. Railway, or W. B. BEVlLi:, M. V. B&AGO, Gen. Pas. Ag't. Trav. i'as. Ag't. Roanoke, Va. tmayl to write for our confidential letter before ap plying for patent; it may be worth money. We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign PATENTS RADE MARKS pr return EN- and TIR or photo and we send an IMMEDIATE FREE rap0 on patentability, we give the bust legal service and advice, and our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT (k CO., Patent Lawyers, 0pp. U.S. Patent Offlce.Washington, D.C