ESTABLISHED, 1839 DUBIIA.1, N. C, THUKSDAY, FEBRUARY fi, 1D02 VOLUME 27 NUUBE R Ml S-tUaMs gtHrtxaw gstms. , (Ml MllS Here's the Man we want to talk to the man who loves a good prpe. We have them from penny cobs and clays to high-priced meerschaums. A splendid lot at a quarter for choice; other fine ones at 50 cents. Come in you pipe smokers. The largest and most complete line of Cigars in the city. THE LEVER AGAINST FATE is an Insurance policy. It removes from your fiath all care and worry for the future, and f ydur property. Is destroyed by tire you have the means to rebuild, otherwise you might be without a home In your old age by ail means Insure without delay with James Southgate .& Son's, Insurance Agency. Phone 48, Office over Morehead Banking Co . seplT v MONEY-:-:-SAVING STORE- That's just what the Edgemont Mercantile Company do for their customers. They handle the very best line of groceries to be found in any first-class mercantile store. We have lately added FRESH MEATS Of ail kinds to our store for the benefit of our customers. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS For anything you want, if we do not keep it we will Try to Get it for You. Yours truly, UALENTINES'I WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP OUR VALENTINES, SENTIMENTAL and COMIC. Call and select yours before some one else gets the one you want Yours truly, S. C. ANDERSON CO. aug U-tf YATES & YATES; Law and Commercial Stenog'aphers. TYPEWRITING In amounts equalling one dollar five cents per hundred words. MYOGRAPH LETTERS, win Kile -ONE CENT PER LETTER.-jan22-lw , 1 OFF TO WASHINGTON. Appear Before Public Buildings Committee Tomorrow. Julge K. V. Winston left over the Seaboard Air Line this morning for Washington, D. C-, where ou tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, in company with other members of the committee " recently appointed, he will appear before the committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, in regard to the proposed public build ing for Durham. The Durham gentlemen will do all in their power to convince the Congressional committee of the great needs and importance of a building here in which to conduct business. We hope that their ef forts will be crowned with success, and the committee will make a favorable report to Congress on the bill. A delegation of negroes visit the president and asks his aid in secur ing national help for disabled ex- slaves. Ileukle Brothers have four car loads of buggies and will sell at very low prices. f3 tf -OPERA HO USE.- One Night Only, Thursday, February 6. RICHARDS & TRINGLE'S FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS. 35 -PEOPLE.- 35 4 BIG COLOIANS 4 Kersands, Powell, Moore, Thomas, 13 Comedlaus,24 Solo Singers, 10 big Olio Acts, 10 uaucers. i A Magnificent Free Street Parade' takes place aany at vi o ciock. Prices 25 cents for Children; 5J and 75 cents for Adults. Twelve Rows Reserved. All Gallery for Colored People. OPERA-HOUSE. -ON SATURDAY NIGHT- REAPING the HARVEST I CoNtH Omaha Ik FOUR Acrs 1. TOM FITCH. A STORY FOR THE MULTI TUDE. THE SWEETEST EVER TOLD. Comedy, Sentiment and Pathos Weighed on the Scale of Purity. 'roduced with Special Scenery and Latest Mechanical Effects. Prices, 25, 5V75 9Twelve Rows Reserved. 0- -0 BISSELL I 0- O CARPET SWEEPERS LAST for years. Keep your carpets bright and clean Your furniture and draperies free from dust by using a modern Sweep er. This is wiser than sweeping with a corn broom which grinds the dirt down into the carpet and soon ruins it. -GET IT AT- J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. EI ESTABLISHED IbJ PIANOS RENOWNED FOR TONE & DURABILITY Testimonial lor the Fischer: Extract from letter of Mme. Su zanne Adams, prima donna of the Maurice Grau Opera Co.: "For beauty of tone and quality, it is the best that sne nas ever used." W. R. Murray, State Agent, DURHAM, jan3o-tf - - - N. C W. L. WALL, DEALER IN. WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood in any quantities Cut wood a specialty. Interstate Phone 116, Jun-7tf 10 WIS Illlfl Ml? WORK HOUSE SCANDAL COMES UP AGAIN. The Grand Jury Was Not Far Wrong in Their Recommenda r tions to the Commissioners. It seems that the grand jury of the December term of Durham Superior Court were not far wrong when tbey said in their report: "We also find that one of the prisoners, Valley Trice, is pregnant, and recommend the County Com missioners to investigate the matter at once." The Commissioners made an offi cial visit to the County Home and investigated the rumors that had been afloat, and tried to get tht. strait of how the grand jury arrived at their conclusions in regard to the matter. Chairman Allen said at that time the Board would not say whether the Trice woman was in the condi tion as stated in the grand jury' report or not. Tbey could not say definitely as to that. In their report, the Commissioners said in part: "We fear the grand ury was not careful enough 10 mati ng such charges. They will please give us the information that enabled them to arrive at their conclusions. Several weeks ago the report about Valley 1 rice was whispered around We requested the county health officer, Dr. N. M. Johnson, to go out to the home and find out how much of the report was true Uf was unable to decide. She is very fleshy, fat as a pig, and has been or years, r lease give us, Mr. Latta, the evidence upon which you based your recommendations. The Trice woman is the mother of a new arrival at the county work house. Who was right the grand ury or the Commissioners? It seems that the former either knew what tbey were talking about or else were the best guessers. The matter has culminated just as a majority of the people thought it would.. There may be further action taken in regard to the matter, and there hould be for the good name of the county. Why not have an investi gation that will investigate, and turn on all the light? We shall see what we shall see. Jurors for March Term. The following are the jurors drawn for the civil term Of Durham Superior Court, which convenes March 17tb, and will be held two weeks: First week W. J. Norris, R. E. Wood, Otho Lunsford, Will 0' Neal, Willis A. Barbee, Q. E. Rawls, H. L. Urastead, E G. Gray, J. T. Kerr, F. M. Glenn, J. M. Watts, John B. Walker, S. G. Bar- bee, K. D. Nichols, John A. Chris tian, E. II. Ilusketh, A. L. Tilley, W. A. Hall. Second week A. W. Umstead, Calvin Nichols, J. R. Ashley, John A. Proctor, W. W. Hamlin, J. T. Colclongh, W. A. Wilkerson, F. J. Houston, J. G. Rigsbee, L. Gar rard, W. J. Phillips, E. Ii. Russell, ll.-B. Lewter, h. B. Markham, o. E. Whitted,Alex Craig, J. W. M. Barbee, A. J. Hall. . Looking After the Mills. F. C.. Gifford, of Griscom & Mc Feely, mill builders, Philadelphia, is in Durham. He came here to look after the Durham Roller Mills. In a short time these mills will be second to none in this country. The excellence of its products already establishes its reputation. Pythians Meet Tonight. A regular meeting of Durham Lodge, No. 31, Knights of Pythias, ill be held in tbeir castle nan to night at the usual hour. Work in first and third degrees. Every mem ber of the lodge requested to be present, and visiting brethren cor- lially invited. Jonn i,. vjurmana, J. C. F. W. Woodward, K of R. and S. Admiral Bowles, of the naval construction bureau, recommends the building of warships at the government shipyards. Kidney complaint kills more peo ple than any ether disease. Thia is duo to tne disease Doing so ms.aious that it gets a good ho d on the sys tem before it isree-gnized Fo'ey'e irirlnmr Pure will prevent the devel opment of fatal disease if t ken in F .ill . , - time.- A. u. xnaunews. A FINE WORK. Mangum's Compendium and Coun- ty Gazeteer. The "Historical Compendium and County Gazeteer of North Carolina," a dictionary of facts and figures in the State's history, condensed and arranged for ready reference by D C. Mangum. of Durham, is one of the most bandy and helpful things that have been issued ,in sometime. This is printed in large, clear type, on best map paper, 36 by 4S inches in size, with up-to-date col ored map of North Carolina, 19 b) 23 inches, in the center of the scroll. The chart cm be seen in the Pub lic Library, and does not fail to at tract attention. The contents of the work arc very interesting and embraces the time from the early discovery of the State to the year 1900. We can safely fay that there is much information in this chart that a majority of tLe people have never known before. Eminent professional men have re viewed the work, and unqualifiedly endorse it s the very beat of its kind. WEUUED IN KALEIGll. Mr. Sadler and Mies Blake ths Contra tag Parties. Mr; M. N. Sidler, of Durham, and Miss Marie Beulah Blake, of llabigh, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the capitol city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. F. Smith, at his residence on Edenton street. The groom's best mm was Mr. J. S. Mcsley, of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Sadler arrived in Durham on the 4:43 train yesterday afternoon. The bride is a diughter of Mr. Albert Blake, and numbers her friends and acquaintances by scores. The groom is likewise popular among all who know him. Every one of their friends wish for them a long and happy wedded life. Funeral of Mr. Rogers. The funeral of B. C. Rogers, for merly of Durham, took place from the First Baptist church, in Ril eigh, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. D. Hubbard. Mr. Rogers passed away on Tues day. He was 34. years of age and leaves a wife and one child. Deceased was a drug clerk when be resided here, and was well known among our people. Miss Whitaker to Marry. Miss Fannie Whitaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Whitaker, of Oak Ridge, will be united in marriage to Mr. James Robert Blackwell, of Reidsville, on Wed nesday, February 12th, at 2 p. m. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride's parents. The intended bride has many friends in Durham who will extend hearty congratulations and best wishes. Report on Small Pox. The Bulletin of the State Board of Health for January states that smallpox exists in 21 counties of the State. The counties, having more than ten cases are Buncombe, 14; Cabarrus, 38; Forsyth, 30; Mecklen burg, 35; Wayne, "a great many"; Wilson, 19 reported by the Superin tendent of Health who has denied that the disease was smallpox, while other physicians outside ot Wilson town report sixty cases. There is no case in this county. Foley's Honey and Tar is bot for croup and whooping cough, contain 10 opiates, and cures quickly. Care f ul mothers ke p it in the house. A B. Matthews. Senator Elkins introduces a bill for the amendment of the inter-Btate commerce law in an important par ticular. Wanted. A good, reliable white boy. Ap ply to Fred Roll, the florist, ft) 2t. In nine cases out of a possible ten it is one's own f.uilt when the unexpected happens. For Keut. A two story house on Hunt street Apply to W. H. Muse. Thirty miners have been rescued alive and eighty-five bodies taken from the Hindo mine near Pass in Texas. , Eagle The Black Poodle cigar 5 cents will please the most fastidious taste. NEW WASH GOODS. BOYS WfISTSfND GIRLS DR&SS. Now is the time to make up the boys' shirt waists and girls' dresses. Fast Color Corded Madrass. At 121c we are showing a handsome collec tion of very neat effects in Checks and Stripes , Colors are Pinks, Blues, Reds and two tone r ombinations. The Strongest and most durable fast color madras -for Children's wear. This New Collection Now on Sale "Ellis, Stoiie & Coflipaiiy." - 'flU'RICE If sT CL0TH1&' We are the only One Price Cash Our system has beep" a success lroru the start. Cash and One P; ice needs no argument. Cash means no loss. Cash means no books. No books means no bills. No bills means no collector. No collector means low prices. We dress you better, for less money. We can af ford it. See our latest in Stetson Spring Style Hats. Big shipment solid comfort in Shoes just in. LAMBE aid LYON". One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. The Enterprise Food Chopper Does the Work. ; It Has Four Knives- No 1 Cutter for Sausage, Miuce Meat, Hamburg Steak, Croquet- ter, Suet, Ccoiaut, Horse Radish, Stale Bread and Crackers for crumbs, etc. ' No 2 Cutter for Scrapple, Codfish, Corn for Fritters, Scrap Meat for Poultry, etc. No. 3 Cutter for Hash, Hog Head Cheese, Tripe, Chicken aid Lobster, for No. 4 Cutter for making Peanut Butter. v or Sale by Taylor & Fhipps. Slater's XFMHT Sale Of Winter Clothing is becoming one of the greatest sales in the history of our business, and the reason is that the prices are just right. See our display of Clothing and Gent's Furnishings in our show windows. Get our prices before you make purchases and let us save you a FEW DOLLARS. Yours to serve the public, Durham agents for W Knox and Stetson Hats. ! GEHTS UMO'BflTE FUISHIUGS Are something every man and boy needs in order to look neat, when he goes out to see his "steady." We have just what you want in that line, and can save you lrom 10 to 50 pet cent, on all purchases. Drop in to see us. You ALWAYS WELCOME.St? Very truly, Johnston Furnishing Go. PHONE 440 GET Y0U5 I E. LLOYD & CO.; THIS DURHAM IIAPDWARE FIRM, FOR Clothiers and Furnishers in Durham. Ours is best as well as the cheapest. Salads and Vegetables of all kinds. A ATkl? flU PANY " UKniLtU V Villi Hill. DURHAM, N. C. poultry mm FROM

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