OMu RHEUul CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART DOTTLES. jrrsi sles is teie. Skla, Eruptions area Warning or Sonielhla; More Srlo to Com Oulj Sale Way Is to Heed the Warning. JoLoion'a aaraaaarilla U the Moil Powerful Blood Purifier kuHB. Nature, in her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes hare come from careless liringv-or it may b from ancestors, shoots out pimples, blotches and other imperfections on the skin, as a warning that more serious troubles (per haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary-diseases) are certain to follow ii you neglect to heed the warning and correct the mistakes. Many a lingering, painful disease and many an early death has been aroided Bimply because these notes of warning have "been heeded and the blood kept pure by a right use of JOHNSTON S SARSAPARILLA. Miss Abbie J. Rande, of Marshall, Mich., writes: "I was cured of a bad humor after suffering with it for years. Tht doctors and my friends said it was salt rheum. It came out pn my head, nck and ears, and then on my whole body. I was perfectly raw with it. What I suffered during those five years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe me if I did." I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure it. I spent money enough to buy a house. I heard JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA highly praised. I tried a bottle of it. I began to improve right away, and when 1 had finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of it Bince. I never got any thing to do me the least good till I tried JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. I would heartily advise all who ar,e suffering from humors or skin disease of any kind to try it at once. I had also a good deal of stomach trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA made me all right." The blood is your life and if you keep It pure and strong you can positively re Bist disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA never Xails. It is- for sale by all druggists, in full quart bottles at only one dollar ead ECHZOAir DXVUGfc- COMPAITT, DHTHOIT, BXXGXa For Bile by -Sr. m. Yearby, A. B. Matthews, R. Blacknall & Son, Haywood & King. , Valuable Farm for Sale. By virtue of the power conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust executed on the 10th day of July, ls, by Messrs. W. P. M an trum and M. S. Mangum, and dnly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County, In Book 22, pages 243 and 244, 1 will, on Thursday, February 20th, 1902, at Court House door In the city of Durham, at 12 o'clock of the day, sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, the fol lowing tract of land, being the land describ ed In said deed of trust, situated In Mangum township, Durham County, lying on both sides of Deal's Creek, adjoining the lands of Mrs. W. B. Lnnsford, Captain Bowling, Claud Umstead and others, containing 305 acres, more or less, being the tract on which Messrs. W. P. Mangum and M.S. Mangum la'ely re sided, and being the land allotted to the said Messrs. W. P. Mangum and M. S. Mangum in the division of the lands of their father, Hon. W. P. Manum, for a more particular de scription reference U made to deed from Sal lie M. Leach and Mary 8. Mangum to W. P. Mangum, recorded in Boole 14, page 29. and deed from Sallie M. Leach and VV. P, Man gum to M, 8. Mangum. recorded In Book 14. page 231 la the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, excepting the lands sold by the said Messrs. W. P. and M. 8. Mangum prior to July 10th, 1894, the said tract being known as the Mangum Home Place. This Is a valuable tract of land situated In the northern part of the County of Durham, In a fine farming section. For further par ticulars apply to the undersigned or J. S. Manning, Durham, N. C. THOS. H. B4TTLK Trustee, Rocky Mount, M. 0. Manning & Foushee, Attorneys. This January 20th, 1902. ON JANUARY FIRST send us an order f r a ton of our Kanawha lump soft and Red Ash egg hard Coal and Wood and Inaugurate a new departure In your domestic economy. You w 11 1 save time, trouble and expense, which will certainly make you happy. Our Coal conies from the richest mines, and Is full of fire, clean and of uniform quality. J. D. CLARK & CO. dS-tf INTER-STATE PHONE 817. Administrators' Notice. Having qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Durham County as Ad ministrator of both of the estates of the late Misses Mary 8., and M. Pattie Mangum, this Is to notify all persons holding claims against either or both of said estates to present them , to the undersigned, or his attorney, on or be fore the 20th day of January, 19 3, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. Vf. P. MANGUM TURNER. Administrator of estates of Misses Mary 8. and Pattie Mangum. Boone. Bryant & Biggs, Attornoys. This 25th of Jaouary, 1902. DR.: J. J. THAXTON, DURHAM. N. 0. With fltty-flve years of experience as a gen eral practitioner. His specialties, mucuous memoranos, glands and nerves. Females in particular. Indigestion, bronchitis, serofu far. constipation and headache. Secondary and hereditary diseases. Turkish Vapor Baths given. Janl-tf. few SMITH'S RESTAURANTS 209 Parrish Street, Opposite Parrish's Stables. The very best meals to be foundja the city are awaiting you at my place. Come to see me. Oysters and game in season. Very truly, H. T. J3MITH, 209 Parrish StreW Cpposite Parrish Stables -DAILY THURSDAY, FEUItUAllY 6. Pre, jftit llx'evtlt s r tcrsvbick riiic reel!!: f itat a r.uiii.ier ci t! rre-leceor DESPERATE CONVICT SHOT. ha 1 tion. V a-aiocrton, wto Roosevelt as the best vies with Armed With a Knife lie Made a Fierce a'.tlete WLO has occupied thepresl- Fight for Liberty. dential chair, was a tine torseman, Bak.ersyu.le, N. C, Feb. 5. Lnj jefferson had also the Virginia M. C. Davis, a white convict, at the Lentlernan's fondness for the pdou. stockade, just belo Bakersville, The- Puritanic ancestry of Joan was enot ana lcsianuv Kmeu uy uue nainev Adams did not deter Lira of the State guards. Davis was cne from rUing and taking "an iDteret of the long term men, thirty years lQ torse racjne. Franklin Pierce being hia sentence for the killing of waa a 0(K horseman and always well Odell. I mounted. The first Harrison. Tav- Saturday morning, when Major ior Tvler an(1 iolk were at nome in J. II. Mclver, gave the command tQe gaddle. Andrew Jackson was for the guards to move out tneir re- not oniv one 0f the best horsemen spective squads for the day's work 0f is day, but was also a daring on the Uhio Kiver and narieston rjjer l0 hounds. The presidents of a 1 1 t a - r . j a. j - Kanroaa, uavia reiusea to go anu the last P-enerat on have not been .1 - 1 1 1 J 1 I O . swore mat ne wouiaaie nrst, wuere- eiven to athletic sports, Mr. Cleve upon me juajor 101a one 01 tue jam Mand leagt 0f an. convicts to bring Davis to the com- -:e t'z j"J J kJ a -'j,, -if "" 1 ll" Double DAiDf Ssv;ci TO ALL FOIN'TS K0STF, SOUTH AKD EUTHWFST. on tr.e t.Mi rr.arkets N rounc-i that ih was f Ot course tl.e flillacv 02 c.:'-e n vis .i for the t-raia. the fa.l wi5 soon 1 J Not Her IdeaL Eudvanl Kipling tells this ston against himself: l!o had loen piv Fcntcil to a young lauv, v.'uo :i!in!st immediately Itogan to whimper ami miiaary, where he and Davis would talk over the affair in a more satis factory manner, and not drag the movement of the various squads, which were then ready to move. The negro, whom Maj. Mclver told to go inside the stockade building atd bring Davis, did as he was told. When be approached Davis be took bold of him, and as he did so Davis threw bis arms around the negro and, slipping a knife from up his sleeve, cut the negro so deep that his lung projected from the open wound. Then Davis ran out of the build ing into the stockade yard, cutting and slashing with his knife as he fled. Then he began to throw rocks. He hacked his way up to the big gate of the stockade, which he open ed with one hand, while he held the knife in the other to keep the men away. As be rushed through the gate Major Mclver commanded the guard to fare. The guard told Davis to halt. Davis stopped but for an instant. Then he ran up the river toward the armory and Major Mc lver s quarters, where he hoped to arm himself. Fire! said Major Mc lver, and a guard1 who had come from the farms with the convicts, wlio.e" eyes wc-ro ?o full of tears .that fired, Davis fell, his heart pietced ho felt compelled to ask if she were by buckshot, which passed entirely ill or it anything were tho matter through his body. . Looking at him between her sobs Davis was a young fetlow who the disappointed maiden broke out, could not bear to be "bossed," as "Oh, 1 thought you were so tall and fry 'Vim I -H-'.'-r'; eipluaea. orma.iV the food we est nour.-ues brain, nerves, muscle, bones, etc., each part of the liv phosphorous i- "5 coruinst to its '- f need. When the brain beg-ns to how weakness or the nerves I e couie sensitive it is a sign there is a of the nutrition contained ia the food eaten, and this loss is in due to disee-i of the stomach, and its allied organs. Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food, vhich is the source ot the strength of bo;: brain and body. " I was trouNed with very frrquent headaches. writes Mi's Belle Sunimerton, of San Diego, Duval o., Texas., "otteii accompanied by severe Tomiti! bowels were irregular and inv stom ach and liver seemed continually out of order. Often ' could er.t almost nothing. and sometimes absolutely nothing, for twenty-four hours at a time. I was entirely unfit for work, and niv whole system seemed so run-down that I feared severe sick spell and was verv much dis couraged. I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and did so with such satisfactory results that before finishing the third bottle I lclt penectly able to undertake duties attending public schiol life." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free, on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N." Y. oil, I iilOIHlHi' Yoi; VKlifi SO T-V'-Ii AXJ rtO HANDSOME ! he called it. It was this that led him to prison stripes, and finally to bia grave. It is said that last Fri day night he swore that he would kill ex Sheriff Z T. Phillips' son, who was the railroad boss over him, because young Phillips told him that unless he did not idle so much so handsome!" Kelvin's Appropriate Keynote. ihc jubilee 01 the submarine ca ble, says the London Express, re calls a little story of Lord Kelvin. At the time Professor ihonison, as he was then, was engaged on his HANKS -&- HUDSON, from which State Davis came to North Carolina. It is said as a cot The Leadinir Machinists. ton m,u operative had this Bible Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, he would be obliged to report him d discovered by a visitor 10 iub i,.jui iu. Huu.Buu.cuu. mem nsr with a Ions coil of wire. a . .1 il" - ll.l :n. I CJ u At llie pOBlOmce in OaKerVUie, vM,nf iVtW f.irV" inniiirr.,1 iho o.. i . .1.1 tMi.j n I . .1 oaiuruay uiizui wa-s iuuuu a uu v s r. nn n nnr tn in w m sent to Lavis trom Doutn Carolina, Makin. sounds " renlied i he nro- o r -r 1 ill ' CorfoewJ SchAdnle pi N-f - Air i li. B4ilayTrairs I ' 1 n iv Wiutmii, b. A. L. axHoiideiBcn. ax Pomnjoinh, " axBiidniore, Hay l ire a New orfc, O I) S s Cu. ax Philadelphia. ax rttr.bnr, S; A . 1. ar Richmoud ' ar Waeh'n'Tton, W. n Ry; ar Bali imore P. It. K. ax Philadelphia, ar New Yort, " J a i U put - .im 8 4i piu 1 u 1 lb air i I ,JX - : m 8 15 pn t fv- ana - -- m 4 54 am " , jx 1 36 am 1 1 m 10 10 am 11 5 p:n 11 am 2 t ti .:n i ct pin 6 ?( m 4 U pm BOCTBBOUkU. Rnate. No. 21. t ilsun No. til. Ex t-an It New York, O D.S.. Oo. ?im 3 0 p 1 '.vPhlladelihla, " li px 10 16 aai Iv Bi.timore, Buy Lire 4'im v w asnington, .&V.!.B. li V,m v Port out S. A.L. 9 3 m 8Kfia Iv Richmond. lv retersbnrc, T Durham, S. A. L. I'll am 10 37 pro 1 11 i.m 11 "it) im ID pm 8 30am Tickets on sale to all points! Pulln an aid Biat reservatonsaiade on auDlicwiion. Spe cial Bchetiulea prepared and a y other irfor matinn cteerful y lurnished Convenient schedules and luwratt-sto all t rl. ciptl um- mer riesorts duriDR teaei n. 8. H. RKAJdS, Ap?nt, nnrhom. NC H. 8. LEA hD, Tra ellnif Pa e: ger Agen. Raleish. N. C. K. E U bUNCH.eereraPan enger Ajen J. M. BAKR. 1st Y P. & G M..Foits naonth.Va. SOUTHERN KA1LY. IS IFFICT NOV. 24TH, 1 101 Wall Papers. Prices Reduced from a fouith to one half. Trains leave Durham, N. C. 2:30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily, or Greensboro and points ruth and west. Connects at GreenBt.oro No. 8 north for Danville nd Ri h mond. and tou-h with Noe 39, 33, and 37, for ya' it-bury, Charlotte, Co lumbia,Savannab, Lharleft' n, Jack sonville, Atlanta acd New Orleart; at Salisbury for A&heville, Knozvill, (Jhattaror ga, Nanhviile tnd other points we&c. 3:33 a. m., Nc. 12, eaptboun , dailv. fcr Raleish. S lmri and Golds- Must Close OUt Present boro. Carries Puhn. .. Sleeper Greensboro to Kaleign. stock to make room for new stock. The best and fastest paper hangers in the tate will be furnished at cost to hang your paper. Call and see our stock and prices. BARGAINS OFFERED. S. F. TOWtHSOH. j2-im Borlolk and western Schedule In Street . JAN 1, 1901. DO REAM ' DIVISION. Daily Ex ccpt Sunday. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. 4.55 7.00 Lv. Durham Ar. 9.15 9.35 6.07 8 16 Roxboro 7.48 816 6.37 8.45 Denniston 7.15 7.45 6.55 9.12 Ar South Boston 6.55 7.25 11.45 Ar Lynchburg Lv 4 10 WESTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. 8:00 a. m. The Washington and Chattanoo ga Limited, lor Koanoke. Kadtord, mueneia, Pocahontas, also for Rocky Mount and all sta tlons on wmston-satem Lit vision anu an points south and west. Solid vestibule train tJ Chattanooga and Memphis, PullmaE BlpflnHrs to Mem nhls and New Orleans. 2:30 p. m. The Chicago Express for Roa noke, Bluefleld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Colum bus ana Ciuicago. .ruiinan tsuiiei steepei Roanoke to Columbus, also for Radford, B-ls-tol, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga and intermediate points. Pullman sleeper Roanoke to Knox vllle. Pullman BuCet Palace Cars Norfolk and Roanoke. 6.00 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Roan oke and Intermediate Btatlons. Trains arrive at Lynchburg dally from the west at 1:60 a. m . and 3:36 p. m. EASTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. 8:45 p. m. Daily for Farmville, Richmond Petersburg and Norfolk, arrives Petersburg at 7.56 p. m arriving at Richmond at 8.66 pa m., arrive at Norfolk at 10.10 p m. 8:10 a. m.-Arrive Petersburg 6.26 a. m ar rive Richmond 7.36 a. m,, arrive Norfolk 9. U a. m. Pullman palace sleeper between . Lynchburg and Richmond. This car will be ready at Lynchburg at 9 p. m. for reception of passengers. WINSTON-SALEM DIVISION.-Dally Ex cept Sunday. P.M. AM. P.M. A.M. 4.25 8.00 Lv. Winston Ar. 9.60 8. 6.08 8.43 Walnut Cove ,9.06 1JM K.iX 9.18 Madison 8.28' 7.1 KM 0.23 Mavodan 8.23 7.1? 6.66 10.30 Martinsville 7.16 6.U6 1.10 Ar, Roanoke Lv. 4.36 ... E ASTBOUNO Leave Burkevllle 4.31 a. m and 6.06 p. m. WESTBOUND Leave BurkevUle 13.06 a m. and 12.07 noon. All inquiries as to routes, rates fcc, prompt lv answered. W. B. BKVILL, General Passenger Agent, M. F. BRAGO, Traveling Passenger Agent, Koanoke, va. E, M. GRAHAM. Aeent. Durham. N. C. Are better prepared than ever to do your work in a first-class manner. . . I. ,1 Ttn..ii. n n e .In ti A.vlmii who knows bat what tne result might have been different. Special to News and Observer. fessor. "Ah," said the guest jocularly, "what kind of note docs it trivo off '(" "The'dcfp C, of course," came tlie answer like a shot, 'acompanicd by the well known twinkle "in the pro- lessor s eye. Partisan Arithmetic. An arithmetic published in Ricli- "I have used Chamberlain's Cough We have an up-to-date line of ev- Remedy for a number of years and erything to be found iu a Machinist have no hesitancy ii saying that it mond during the civil war contain or Plumbing Shop, and can save is the beet remedy for coughs, colds cd the following example: "If one you money on all work entrusted ana croup 1 nav ever U8tuiuui tnnnrn. if .nn nr cor. family. I have not words to exore;s lj vua a J I r j 2 1 t-J vices ring us up over Inter-State "7 Z Z BPh ox. . u tu-,nJMr8; J. A.i Moore, North Star, Mich. For solo by W. M. learby. Phone 321, or call at our shop, 169 Pine Street. l.onlederate soldier can whin seven Yankees, how many Confederate sol diers will it take tojvhipiortyi-nine. lankees? Estimates oil work Fur nished on Application. HANK8TTuJDS'0N Phone 321. Shop 109 Pine St. S23-tf "There was quite a railroad ac UlUCUti at tue Hianuu luio uiuiuiut;. "Horrible. Anyone killed?" "No; inn l DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. When you want a physic that is All kind) of cut, split and stick Wood, both oak or pine, in large or small quantities. I nana e notmng dui ine Dest gruuus 01 iaku. . ... j" --ii- fA ti,0 ,,j Hnrf vmir orders now before the urlce ud- mild and gOnt.6, easy tO take &HQ vances. Very truly, nleasant in effect use Chamberlain's atomach and uver xaoieis. rrice, Mnn MMot. Z! Cents. oaulultH uro. U'C'J Interstate 'Phones, Office 316: Residence cuarantGGd. 1 or sale by W . M W. M. Yeirby. the druggist, will refund you your money if you are nit satisfied after U9ine Chamber - you see it was a case of a train ar- ham's Stomach and Liver Tablets, riviner on time." Boston Courier. Thoy cure disorders of the stomich, binousness, constipation ana neaa- ' - mm Foley's Honey and Tar cures the ache. Price 25 cents. Samples tree. AM,.lt AtiaAfl Kw rxf 1ft crrinno I 1 ' . . . n.. ... I UAMnnl lAma nrhrt HloH t fl (forfait Tf haala fho lnnora A . K MAtthnwR. I U4iuuei dulct iruu u,u .u i e."- i . , , , , , i county. iviaryianu, last weeu, hioou Wife Pve done nothing but prac- very high in his county. He Btid ticed economy ever since we were M leet u mcnes, wnnoui Bireuuiog, auu leu a wiuuw wuu uicubuicb u feet 6 inches and a daughter C feet 4 inches. married 1 Husband And I've had to pay for it! Detroit Free Press. Ben Perry, 411. Near N. tc W, Depot. ocl-tf A Drop Of Ink. Mr. Wheeler Got Rid ot Ilia Rhonma tlsm. "During the winter of 1898 I was so lame ia my joints, in fact all cer 1. . t i T 1 J LAJ1 I U my Douy, mat i couiu n"-uiy hou- b'e around, when I b?u ht a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. From thfi nhil'a'n rfittinf its the first application I bogan to get . i. , ,t :.o int.. - ;. - we'l, and was cured nni have wart Bin. "IB III F,lJ u,",v i,l 11 ft,Q r- Whor. Yearby. teeth ! itfii idSw3tl S5itt I" TFE POPULAR HOST Is one who lail ways careful in the choice or his table wines and wtll not risk hisstaudlng by not. r -.'ovidluK wine as Kood as his dinner. No mlh '.kecan be made If you use wines and clifiirs from the Palace Saloon, where only the purest and linest vintars are sold. T. II. SCOGGINS. No. 124 CORNER, MANGUM & PEABODY STS OCtl-tf x Here At Last! Xmas is none, but I am still with you. and this is wishing you many bappy returns of the season. With many the past, 1 solicit your further orders for any kind of PICTURE FRAMES from the cheapest to the finest Oold Frame. Fine Gold Frames for oil paintings, portraits, and enlarged work a specialty. We are better pre pared than ever to do fine Upholster- InK. With everything new and up-to-date Mr. Neemscan make your par ior suite as good as uew. Furniture thoroughly overhauled . and repaired. THOS. B. EDWAEDS & CO., 221 West Main Street. Opposite Lewlth's, -oc26-tf- )! ML NO FEB. Bond model, aketoh, J . i.nt tnr fro mnorton ntntbiHtT. Book "How ) to Obtain C.8. nd Foreipi Patent. nd Trede-Matki, ' JFEEB. Faireat term, erer onerea ki iii.bu. 20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. J )AU buiinew eonndentlal. Sound advice. Faithful Snerrlce. Moderate eharge.. V Writers k GNnw Ft S PATENT LAWYERS, Odd. U. 8. Patent Off le, WASHINGTON, 0. u ( doesn't get Us teeth hrst and its ( NorlhJw0Od, N. Y. For Bile by voice aiterwaru; i uua. w. M. Yearbv. , ... nmthlnir That Will do lou Good. . , t i: T 1 . ... liirtre luiue ut ijuuueuicu air Judiciously applied, w know of no way in wh ch we .'... may be the means of can ba of more service to our read- wor"'K .i calfing the attention era than to tell them of sometbiog - lent i A g Company of aeoodmanypeople that will be ot real gooa io mom. ;6' vi gwumu,; ..t I k,,.niui t n rDciuor the liml l on of nine. tn fhtk ntAt-Htt of o nor. H'or tniS rea80n we wauv I litquuiu. w .w.v. - ii-. them with what we consider o: e of teen firemen in the debris. t . io 1. tne very Dest remeuit-u uu mo uinin. I 7 et r c&s colda and tha alarm- ivbu., j Aml nt KMlln W A rPTAP r,n We nave had many nhnmhprinin'a nnu'i?h Remedv. We year's experience in have used it with 6uch good reeuts applying printing Int. I in our family bi long that it has bv Let us aonlv some fof come a household necessity. By its you on the pages of prompt use we haven't any doubt DUtmati. n'AB unw uiiuogmup.o- vented croup. The te timooy is giv en upon our own experience, and we suggest that our readers, especially those wno nave Etna i cnnareu, al ways keep it in their homes as a safegua'd against croup. Camdon, (3. C. ) Messenger, i'or sale ny w the THB SUN. The One Day Cold Cure. Cold In hend and sore tliront cured bv Ker inott's Chocolates Laxative Qmnine- As easy tf 1 Vt Vftfirbv t.k aa camW. - Children crv for their . 1 " ' ut' " ' When You want Wood quantities of from Are. ten, one hundred or two buudred cords, call on J. E. BOWLING, Next to Electric Light Uouse, for prices Ml, L'ell r prices, ne HitmenInterstate 108. W. R. BEVILI will make them right. 141. L'ell Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds de- Gen. l'as. Ag't. n verua Drouiynj. i marS-tf Unity t 9:40 a. m., Ko. 8, t-cistbound, iaily, for Raleigh, Belma aud Golds boro; connects at Selrnu with At lantic Coast Line north for Wilson nd Rocky Mount, at Gel 'eboro for rarboro, and Norfolk. At Belma 'or Fayetteville and Florence. 9:50a.m., No. 35, wettbouod, daily for Qreeneboro and iu'crmedia'e !ocal points ; connects at Groensboio with U. 8. Fast Mail for Danvillr, Lynchburg, Washingtoi and til ooints North trnd West, as also with No. 30 Jai keonville to N .-w Y rk via r i j .1 T ! . t r tticnrnona. oouinern niway inn ing 'Cars operated on ti iins Nos, 36 and 30. 9:65 a. m., No 1 G, rthbound, laily for Oxford, Hender Jfffrie3, Keysville and Richmond "o change of cars between Durham and Rich mond, w here close conne 5 on is made to all points north. loeo c: nnection at Jeffries for Norfc 1 m steamboat Lines to Viaphington. Biltimoic, New York and Boston . 2:47 p. m., No. 35 eastbund, daily for Raieigb, folma, Go!usboro and intermediate stations. 4:43 p. m., weetbo nd, ((aily, frr Orftflnshr.M And all noint.s (onnrcta at Gre8neboro for Winston-Sa em. also with Nos. 35 and i 9 for Salis bury, Charlotte. Columbia, Charles ton, r avannab, Jacksonville, Atlanta and New Orleans r- at Saiiebury for -Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville Cincinnati and St. Louis. Connects northbound with No. 12 for Richmond, Nos. 38, 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes ville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 5:00 p. m., No. 74, northbound, daily except Sunday, for Oxford, Keysville, Rich mo ;d and interme diate stations. Pullmhan and Southern R ilway Dining Cars open ted oualf (through) Main Linn trains. No trouble to an swer queptions. 3. F. rJARDWICK, Gen. raeengor AKflQt. FRANK 8. GANNON, 8d V. P. nd Oeneersl Manager, G. BUSENBERY, Ticket Aarent. Durham, N. C. --VERY LOW RATES- TO THE NORTHWEST. March 1 to April 30, 1902. THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY Will sell tickets to Montana, Idaho, Oregon Washington and Coast points at exceeding low rates from all stations. It is possible rates to the West will neyer be so cheap attain." Choice of three routes. Write for rates and schedules, sav to what point you are going and your uearest station to this line. See anv Agent N. it W. Hallway, or L, M. V . HKAUU, Roanoke, Va. Trav. l'as. Ag't. Tot Causes Night Alarm. One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J C Snider, of Crittenden, Ky , "itseoraed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so wo gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and W hoop ing Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other rem edy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung B. R. HOUSTON, Mechanical DraoMsmu and Builder. Will give estimates on all kinds of work flans and specifications made on applica tion. Work done on short notice. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Uorrew pond once soiicitea. Liock uox no. dob, uuruani. . j. Job Work a Specialty. gop19-tf Read the Son daily or weekly and be happy. If you have any troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot- mlng to sen or wisn 10 Duy aaver ties free at R. Blacknall & Sou's. 3 jtifle In ltd columns. It pays. to write for our confidential letter before ap plying for patent; it may be wortn money. Wo promptly obtuiu U. S. and Foreign PATENTS sml TRADE MARKS'" retnrn EN" TIRE tlrney end imiiei, sketch or photo and we send an IMMEDIATE the best legal service and at vice, and our charges are moaeraie. Try u. SWIFT a CO., Patent lawyers. 0pp. U.S. Patent Offlce.Washington, 0.C

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