A V 1 E3TATII,lsricD, l8S3 ' DPSHAIT, 17. 0., TUESDAY. 3IABCH 18, 1902 YOLTJME M-TTimrnn. , -SiSiHlSSSSSSffiu T HANDLE THE CIRCUS. jn nr tia i;ri'f llunniHITCI I wiversitt won in six. I , . I E 1 1 1 III If II I II AM MA I &aiWTa ISUlrT.. The Finest Talcum TowJer on the nnrket. A sample is yours J?: The Care of The Baby makes constant drains on the ' mother's strength We have preparations that strengthen the mother and nourish the child. Come and learn about them. Committee Appointed for Wednes day March 26th. The following members of Dur ham Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, have been appointed to arrange for and handle the production f the Elks' Burlesque Circus, to be piven at the' Opera House, Wednesday, aiarcn 2stn: Executive Committee W. A. Slater. Press Committee B. F. John- son. Lithograph Committee J. W. Burroughs. Program 'Committee Paul O. Sneed, W. J. Griswold. Cast Committee W. G. Bram. ham, Arthur Lyon, II. E. Seeman Jiusie Uomraittce T. E Cheek. itr n rx ' vvmuowd. Parade Committee J. G. Patter. son, John F. Seeman, Robert Duke. I icket Committee W. A. Ma. bry. TRACTION COMPANY ON CHAPEL HILL STREET A.nm vf; r l.-iy:tr. : . l sriii "41 OF THE FIRST MflSSITUDE. If V011 nWtl RMIUla ... 1. n 1 I.I. i or furniture or books-anythlng of value- j s cAKiiui-iy lmtiortaut that it's covered by- may go up in smoke tonight. it 8 extremely lnftumncn It. . , . - - " ... J & I' Ul 1U3U1UKQ iiuiiuy sucu as we writa win nnt. vn, nn your feet again, mayhap assist you to start business in pood sbape if your store Is bu-n- edoilt. lin't It. n mm lnta.n..t .... n " - "jvui lui vtmv vu uail UU US us wuau on your Laid an Egg A colored eirl was notined nn Monday afternoon carrying a goose. When she turned the corner at Blacknall's druar store, this fowl was fluttering and straggling consider ably. After the cirl had W, - O ' vvvi,vv4 alng Corcoran street a short dis tance, the goose laid an eo-o Sv- eral gentlemen who wera standino- nearby saw the occurrence. We have seen the ess ourselves. Th above is no joke, but can be attested to by several reliable persons. m Recent Licenses Issued. Recent marriase lieenspa have . . . 'r oeen issued jn Durham county to the following partiee: Alfred Carson and Sonrann Lnnw Eusrene Pickard and Etta Wond. i w, . Andrew Kicn and Callio Evans, all white couples: James Stewart and Artelia Harris, colored. Baseball Tomorrow. A game of ball wiil be nlaved at Trinity Park Wednesday afternoon between the Trinity and High School teama All who go out to witness it may expect an interesting frame. Admission, 15 cents. The game wilt oe caned at 3:30 o'clock. James Soutbgate & Son's Insurance Agency. Phone 46, Office over Morehead Banking Co 8BD17 lOUR NEW; SPRING ARRIVALS Are just bursting to get ,. out of the cases, but we have not got room for them yet. Want to move -the balance of our winter stock not very mich but we ha-e made the prices lower in many cases than it cost to make them. Come in and get some thing for next winter and save a lot of money. 50 cent Shirts 30 cents, $1 25 Shuts 75 cents. Meeting of Masons. A regular raeetino- of Durham Royal Arch Chrpter will be held to night at 8 o'clock, sharp. Work in Master's Degree. A members will please be prompt at the hour named. Visiting companions invited to at tend. J. Southeate. Secretary. a . - 4A DEKOCRA1" WRITES. I tie la Anxious to See Something Done witb the Matter. ONLY A FEW SIZES LEFT TO CLOSE. Johnston Furnishing Co. 'Phone 440, Durham, N. C. Editor Sun: At the risk of be ing considered out of date, Trise to remark that one half of the month of March has elapsed, and "nothing aoing- witn regard to the Durham publio building. Mr. Peabodv. dininor onnn with Mr. John Hopkins, in Baltimorp. rematked: "Success is .a test of merit." The bill for the Dublio building has thrice passed the -Senate. My countrymen, tne "bitch" is in the House. Either blot out the remark that Mr.Peabody, the great friend to the South, made to Mr John Hopkins, or change matters in the TT mi . . . liouse. 1 nat is, provided Durham reauy wants a public building. "A Democrat." Committee Appointed to Confer I With One From Masonic Order in Regard to the Temple. The Board of City Aldermen met on Monday night and transacted th following business: The Water Committee rom mended that a hydrant be located at a point about eight hundred feet be yond the location of the nearest hy drant in Hayti. The committee mriuer recommended tnata hydrant oe located at the intersection of Trinity Avenue with Roxboro street, in front of the residence of J. S Murray, On motion, it was ordered that the report of the Water Committee be received and adopted. ice street Committee rpnnrted that the Durham Traction Company is now engaged at work on Chapel Hill street and patting down their track according to the established .... graue 01 said street. A communication from the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ma sons of North Carolina was read. stating that at the last Annual Com munication of the Grand Lodge of a. jj. and a. a committee was appointed to build a Masonic temple in which to hold its annual commu nications and from which all its business will be transacted. The commqnication states that the build ing will be erected at Raleigh, Dur ham, Greensboro or Charlotte. On motion, it was ordered that a committee be appointed from the uoaro 01 Aldermen, consisting of Messrs. OBiien, Mason and Taylor, to confer with a committee from the Masonic order and solicit subscrip tions for the above purpose. Smart Amateur Detective. A careless young woman in start- ing to leave a car dropped her purse. A young man, who left at ine same time, saw it drop, picked it np, and put it in his pocket. Bat nis action had not been unnoticed. Just as he stepped from the car an elderly man gripped him by the i arm ana wnispered: "if you don't give mai purse to the young lady this instant Pll expose you." "Yes, cenainiyr gasped the astonished young man. With a grin: "Eliza beth, you dropped your purse." v, manic you, Jim," she replied as sue iook it. "i hope you are satis fied," said Jim. tarninsr to the elder ly man. "The lady is my sister." Last Was the Debate With Johns Uop aios uther Sen r Interest. Ciiapkl Hill. March IS (Car respondence of the Sus M 0. P. Stern and R. R.- Williams are spending a few davi with rela lives and friends in -Scotland Nppk. on their return from Baltimore. 1 . wnere they represented the Univer sity in the debate with Johns Hop t;. Ti. 3 ... f uo luunuajr evening 01 last week. The contest mentioned makes the eighth intercollegiate debate that - vuwusuj ass taxen part in duing the last six years. Five of tL . . . inese were with the University of Georgia, iwo with VauderbiH and one with Johns Hooklna. The TTni versity won in three of the debates with Georgia, in both the debates with Vanderbilt. and also in the d bates with Johns Hopkins, making iu an six victories out nftho 0 rht uuuieeiB. iuessrs. otern and il liams are members of the Seuior Class in the University. Four of Prof. Collier Cobb's eta dents in Geology stood the civil spr vice examination and received an pointments on the United States Geological Survey last week. .Ap pointments like these bring salaries r.ugiog irom iorty to one hundred dollars a month. Durinir the two years about a dozen students in r-v me department of Geology here uave secured positions on the Sur vey. Arrangements have been made to have Mr. Hamilton W. Mabie, of ew 1 or, lecture at the Univer sity sometime within thenext three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenno Afnft nt New York, left for Cambridge, u.oBa;uuBeus, u rid gy evenng, where Mr. Mott goes to resume hi Biumes in Harvard University. They "pem turee weeKs nere hunting in the country around Phonal irni Mr. Mott is the son of one of New York's wealthy iron mannf antiirara He expressed himself as highly pieaseu wun jnapel mil, and made arrangements to spend a part of the ueat uunung season here. L NEW WASH GOODS. FOR BOYS WfUSTSftND ' GIRLS DR&SS. Now is the time to make up the boys' shirt waists and girls' dresses. Fast Color Corded Manras At 12k we are showing a handsome collec tion of very neat effects in Checks and Stripes -Colors are Pinks, Blues, Reds and two tone combinations. The Strongest and most durable fast color madras for Children's wear. This New Collection Now on Sale 'ElliyStQiie & Conipaijy.H MiliineiyperTH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19. Mrs. Ada M. Smith. The Ladies are cordially invited to see the new styles. UphoUtering done at the Durham Mattress Factorv. near TAilln Graded school. Interstate 'phone ml4-tf. Fresh Florida Tomatoes, the fin est seen in'Lurham, at Frank How- ft aro cs tjo s. ptw &avtxttstmtttt. NOW IS THE TIME - To arrange your needs for the dining room and kitch en as well as the parlor. We have some lovely things to suit all thoe. Meeting at the Armory. Pursuant to a call made by Col. J. S. Carr, president, a meeting will be he d tonight in the city armory, rx,nnD c CiC in oroer to ratify the action of the UIIIIIO OUUd db tD Z. monument to be erected to the mem ory of the soldiers of Company I, wno aiea ounng the Spanish-American War. The members of the two militarv oompanies and all citizens who are interested in the matter are requested to be present. Our citizens should turn out in large numbers. Just in, and you must see them to judge. ' At- J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412. - 1 1 i iiMtiiiiiuilliiiiiiU- maiiiw"1-1 Mrs. Ada Smith will h ave her spring millinery opening tomorrow. It will be a feast for th ladiaa See her beautiful new fashions. The most complete Duplicator on the market. We are agents for it and' would be glad to have you call andexamine.it if yon do any Du plicate work. Also see the SUN and CHICAGO Typewriters that we will sell you cheap. Yours truly, Si C, ANDERSON CO. ua 14-tf W. L. WALL, - dkAlir in. - . XVOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood in any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. Interstate Fbone IIS. , Jun-7tf The iceman's profits are in cold O'.sn. . Florida Tomatoes, the finest and freshest, just received at Frank Howard & Co's. , ' . ' For the latest new spring styles in ladies ha's and bonnets attend Mrs. Ada Smith's millinery opening tomorrow. s . m Grandma Sakes alive child f Don't tell me you are chewing guml Willie JNO. 1 aiU't. Urandma That's a good boy. I'm proud of your w line it's tobacco. FOR SORENIiSfi AND mr no IN THE CHEST AND TJTwTiQ GOWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURE IS UNEOUALED. A B MAT THEWS, AGT. The ladies will find munh tn In. terest them at Mrs. Ada Smith's mihnery opening tomorrow. Brick lor Sale. The Eureka Brick and Tile Wnrk offers for sale one and onedialf tnU. lion of brick. See A. Max. mll-tf The High School Won. ' The first game of baseball of the season was played at Trinity Pavk, Monday afternoon, between Bing ham School and Trinity Park High School. The score was 13 to 4 in favor of the home team. Batteries: Bingham, Wynne and Simpson; Trinity Park High School, Boone and Roper. NEW SPRING GOODS CONSISTS OF Imported Black and B!ue Granits, Black and Bine Serges, Black and Blue Cheviots, Black and Blue Un- 1 i finished Worsted vjry fine novel- ty-Stripe Suiting, Black Vicuna EASTER FOOTWEAR. ' The Easter Gown and the "Rao-pr Wot Aon,nA -c pl... . . never know how solendidlv ':::Za T .7m11 2Se5-Jf .T8? g0t- The swellest ses i" Women Misses and Children, built by some of the best makers in America and plenty ol them. Women's Fine Dongola Oxfords. Women s Fine Vici Oxfords, at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Misses uongola Slippers, 25 cents up to $2.00. BMclj-GofiW Company. BIG CLOTHING SALE. We start the Spring Season with about one thousand Mens, Boy's and Children's Suits at fiftr nf a dollar at our old corner store. These uric. va uoa out. At our new up town store we are showing the tiicaieaume or j?me spring Clothing to be found in iurnam. A pleasure to show you through. LAMBE He LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. Also a nice line oi How to Care the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as di- tirrrs Domestic Goods In Stock. pneumonia, which ia rn&lltr th nnlw serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have uied it for the grip, not one case has ever been re ported that did not recover. For sa e py w. m. rearDy. Masury's Liquid Paints Are made readv for. the hrticV th;.- r i . - TIES have made them the popnlar Ifonid mint. nf ,h. 4 -THEY - AVE - GEKUIIIE - LINSEED - OIL - PXIHTS- Anil . v..nvnn4. -il. ... "IHIW Bwauuc aausiaciion in tneir use. Household Palnto i cans, Enamels, Gold and Aluminum Bronze, . Wfa liKSS Brtxshes of all styles. TALQE & PHIPPS. Dress Suits and Duxedos a Specialty. -FASHIONABLE GARMENTS FOR MEN Ladies, in seUotioer their Easter uiito, buuuiu see tuts ueauiiim ne signs at Mrs. ' Ada Smith's. Mill! nery opening tomorrow. Mrs. Gubbins (apologetically) ino. sir. i reaiiy couldn't flome. The church is so cold. The Curate (reassuringly) Never mind, Mrs. Uubbins. You will find it varm enough hereafter, Moonshine. ' WHEN EVERVTHTNfl T? A TT o TRY GOWAN'S PNEUMONIA None but, the best workmen era- - ployed. Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done. J. S. Mcsley, Merchant Tailor Durham, N. C. y mar6-im IF YOU WANT A rnrkn GARDEN GET YOUR SEEDS Eas'ter will soon be here, and it is time you were 6xiojr for anew suit. No better stocks to be found thouS Prices are reasonable and ir U L , oura' please you. We have the best f , rtZl DU?in.SS V gest that vou make an earlv choW (vT'I "'1 ana 5lore 8flg. beautifuleffects but will show hem to you Sr HATS roe ore In JZ.JrT Wtiea 70Xl Call "As to , - " iu buuw an tne new Rhiideo oMt colors. Spring Shapes in D.erbys aii; price. Suoer or anM V. 7. " W 00 this line. We are readv for HTu "L V of crally. The mentght W. A. SLATTP nn CLOTHIERS AiVb FUUNISUERS. ' CURE, A. B. MATTHEvyS, AGT.