f ! C ESTABLISHED, 863 DUEHA1T, N. 0., FUIDAY, MAECH 21, 10C2 VOLUME 28-NUmJEK 21 ! jJJ ;.iUM 5l6tlJ. - The Finest Tal-;ua Powder on the market. A sample is youis. mi The Baby makes constant drains on the mother's strength We have preparations that strengthen the mother and nourish the child. Come and learn about them. Mill ft CrrRlQHT The Care ? I1C TUC finer isaniTiinr C wi i iib into i uaurtiniisui .. ir you own property, whether it's a house or furniture or books-aoythlni; of value It g extremely lmtortant that It's covered by insurance. H may go uplnsmoketonluht. A policy gucta as we write will put you on your feet again, mayhap assist you to start bns.ueas to Rood shape If your store Is burn ed out. Isn't It to your Interest to call on us . or ask us to call on you? James Southgate & Son's, Insurance Agency. Phone 48, Office over Morehead Banking Co sep!7 SOUR NEW SPRING ARRIVALS Are just bursting to get out of the cases, but we have not got room for them yet. Want to move the balance of our winter, stock not very mach but we hae. made the prices lower in many cases than it cost to make them. Come in and get some thing for next winter and save a lot of money. 50 cent Shirts 30 cents, f 1 25 v g hitts 75 cents. ONLY FEW SIZES LEFT TO CLOSE. Johnston Furnishing Co. 'Phone 440, Durham, N. C. The most complete Duplicator on the market. We are agents for it and would be glad to have' you call and examine it if ytu do any Du plicate work; Also see (Be SUN and CHICAGO Typewriters that we will sell you cheap. Yours truly, S. C. ANDERSON CO. IK W. L. WALL,: 1 " . ' ' DIATKR IN' WOOD AND COAL. Catsupply wood in any quantities. .Cut wood a specialty. Intontate Fbons SIB. Jun-7tf STREET CARS Expected to bs Runufbg in Two or Three Weeks. it toe weatner permits, it 13 thought that the street cars will le running in Durham within two or three weeks. The Durham Traction Company has ordered twelve passenger cars, and these wiu be run on convenient schedules, so ' as to cive the public the very best service possible. If necessary, more cars will be ordertd oy tee company. The enormous engine weighing 2y,000 pcunda, which was mention ed in these columns as having been received here a few days ago, has b?en put in place. 1 he large gen erator is expected to arrive in a few days. Ourpeople will hail with delight ine running of the cars throughout the city. Mrs. Morris Quite Sick. All Durham friends of Mrs. J Frank Morrie, of Winton.-will re grei to Know mat sbe is quite ill at the home of her husband s parents u Goldsboro. Mr. Morris is bv 1 her oedside. Mrs. Morris is very pleasantly re membered by quite a number of riends in Durham, as she and her husbsnd resided hre for sometime. All wish for her a speed? restoration to health. Horner vs. Trinity. On Siturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Horner and Trinity base ball teams will play a came at Trin ity Park. The Iluraer team is said to be in good shape, and we know that the Trinity boys are. conse quently ah interesting and lively game may be expected. Admission, 5 cents. Every one who likes to witness a good game is cordially invited to come out. Died of Smallpox. A telegram from W. I,.. Walker. of New York, to W. C. Bradsher. of this city, states that the cause of the denn of (Jharles a. O'Briant was smallpox. The first message from which the Sun got its infor mation on Thursday, did not state what the cause was. ' The body will be. shipped from Cavalla on the 24th. A Doll Hunt. The Ladies Aid Society of St. Philips' church will have a doll hnnt, instead of an egaf hunt, on Easter Monday, March 31st, com mencing about 3 o'clock in the af ternoon, in the Mrs. Frances Green yard. Admission' 5 ots. Lemonade will be served. The public cor dially invited to attend, and see the children in the hunt for dolls. Operation for Appendicitis. II. W. Byrum, a brother-in-law of C. E. Jourdan. was carried to the Watts Hospital today. He has been sufienng with appendicitis, and 3 o'clock this afternoon was the time set for an operation to be erf?rmed. It is hoped that this will prove entirely successful-and that he will soon fully recover. Durham Ladies Officers. At the annual mseiing of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Union of Orange Presbvterv. held t. Winbton-Salern, Mrs. ft D. Black- nail, of Durham, was elected presi dent, and Mrs. E. U. Murray, of Durham, secretary and treasury. Nearing the End. It is thought very likely at this writing that the suit of Davis vs Summerfield, which has consumed the greater part of the time of the Superior Court this week, will reach the jury late this afternoon or to morrow morning. The attorneys b&ve been arguing the case today. Fine dipplay of Pattern hats will be on exhibition Saturday, at Mrs. L .Perkinson's. Buy your boys' Easter, suit at Durham Dry Goods Co. Range of prices 50o. to $5. IF YOU WANT A GARDEN GET YOUR OF A. B. MATTHEWS. GOOD SEEDS Ladies Parasols 25c. to $3 50 at Durham Dry Goods Co. ' Old Soldier's Experience. M M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester,, Ind , writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but wp g wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Fills, which worked wonders tor her health." They always do. Try them. Only 20 at R. Blacknall & Son's Drug Storo. . , . 3 M Sill COMPROMISED THE PLAINTIFF PAID $60 BY THE DEFENDANT. Each Agreed to Settle With Their Own WitnessesMental An ' guish Suit at an End. The suit of DeWitt Bowers against the Western "Union Tele. graph Company, which was to have been tried in Durham Superior VOurt this week, has been com promised, ine terms of comnro. miee were that the defendant com pany agreed to pay the plaintiff 60 uu eauu pay lueir own witnesses. J l l iur. liowers brought suit for $1,999.99 for failnre of the tele graph company, to deliver an im portant message for sometime after it was sent. It was claimed that the plaintiff desired to get a mes sage through to Apex, but found the Western Union omce closed He went to the Southern depot and requested that the nerator there get the telegram through for him. The operator claims that he did so With tflA nnflnrafoniliniv ltn. fkn railroad company would ne$ be held responsible for any delay that might occur. The message was not de. 1 0 lvered until the following morning aiier 11 was sent. We know nothing of how strono- the evidenoe for the plaintiff was, out the above does look like rather small compensation for a "mental anguish" suit. NO VERDICT YET. udge Jones Charging the Jury this Afternoon. A telephone message from the Raleigh Times to the Sun Btates that a speoial from Elizabeth City, received in llaleigh. about 1 o'clock this afternoon, gives put the infor mation that Judge Jones completed his charge to the iury in the Wilcox case, about 10:40 this morning, and then proceeded to read the evidence in the case, which contains 200 type written pages. He charged the jury not to be influenced by sentiment or public opinion but weigh the evi dence well and render their verdict accordingly. The last information we have he is reading the evidence. and that the case will go to the jury oetore sundown. A Killing in Wake. A telephone message received rora the Raleigh Times this after noon states th&t this daybreak, Quinoy Adams, who was drinking at the time, went to the home of John Nipper and called him out. Nipper shot Adams and killed him. After the Bhooting, Nipper sent for a constable and gave himself up. The affair occurred at Veto-, Wake county. MILLIflERYOPEIIIHQ Saturday, March 22nd. We invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to attend our spring opening of fane millinery which has never been approaohed before. Our Pattern Hats are revelations of beauty in colors and desicna. and each hat hath its own charms. We always have a pleasant greet ing for you. Mrs. L Perkinson. mtm Stooks of new spring goods com ing in now on every - train at Dur ham Dry Gooda Co. J. II. King, editor of the Morn- ng Herald, returned on the 9:50 train this morning from a trip to uoidsboro. La firrippe couuha vield auicklv tn the wonderful curative qual-'tfes ol Foley's Honey and Tar. There ie nothing e"8e jus!; as good V A. B Matthews. All of our Snriner hats are new and fresh from the market. No old tsock. All new and stylish. John ston Furnishing Co. m!9 tf. Beautiful line dress Gingham just received, from So. to 25n. t Durham Dry Goods Co. Dr. J. C. Kilgo and Dr. J. 8. Bassett left this morning for Yountrs. ville to attend the Raleigh District lonierence. . - WHEN EVERYTHING KATT.ci TRY GOWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURE, A. B. MATTHEWS, AGT. Prettiest line of Spring Hats in the city. Johnston Furnishing Co, MR. SHAW HONORED. The Meeting at Charleston 3Iost Harmonious. W.W.Shaw, superintended of the Interstate Telephone Com nan v. who returned to the city Thursday auernoon, attended the meeting of independent telephone men, which was held in Charleston, S. C.t this week. The meeting was held for the nnr- pose of securing uniformity among me maependent telephone men of tne oouih m regard to the different systems. Heretofore hen a long uisiance nne was constructed it was put in according to the plans of the j : 1 - . person wno was superintending its construction. Now when connec tions are made from one loner di. tance line to another, there will be n a uniform standard. Five States were renrespntpd t the meeting Virginia. North Cum. Una, South Carolina, Georgia and rroriua. une hundred telephone men were present either in Derson or t . . . . oy proxy. About three hundred more signified their intention to join the movement. Mr. Shaw was honored bv bninor .1 1 . . .. b eieciea second vice-president. While in Charleston Mr. Shaw attended the Exposition, and wan most favorably impressed with it. ue says it is well worth seeing, and more of our people should visit it. Good board can be obtained there at very reasonable rates. The buyer for the Durham Drv Goods Co., G. M. Moffitt, has just returned from New York, where' he purchased the largest as well as the finest line of Spring Goods he ever bought, and at prices that their competitors can't touch. It will be to your interest to examine their new spring goods before buying. Be sure to see the new sDrinff Ta..am IT.. 3 T).l 1 .1 "ciu uavits auu uaoy vaps mat will be displayed at Mrs. L. Perkin- son's tomorrow. UphoUtering done at the Durham Mattress Factory, near Fuller Graded Bohool. Interstate 'nhone 288.. mUlf. ANYTHING IN GARDEN OR IELD SEEDS CAN BE HAD ATA B. MATTHEWS DRUG STORE, NEAR P. 0. m6-tf. -NOW IS THE TIME - To arrange your taeeds for the dining room and kitch en as well as the parlor. We . have some lovely things to suit all those. Dinner .Sets .at $12. Just in, and you must see them to judge. At J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. -'Phone 412. NEW SPRING GOODS CONSISTS OF Imported Black and B'ue Granit, Black and Blue Serges, Black and Blue Cheviots, Black and Blue Un- finished Worstedvery fine novel- ty Stripe Suiting, Black Vk una Also a nice line oi Domestic Goods In Stock. Dress Suits and Duxedos a Specialty. None but the best' workmen em ployed. Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done. J S. Mesley, Merchant Tailor Durham, N. C. mar6-ira FOR SORENESS AND COLDS IN THE CHEST AND T.TWP.q GOWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURE is uwnyiiAUiD. a B MAT THEWS, AGT. NEW WASH GOODS. roR BOYS WAISTS fND GIRLS DR&SS. Now is the time to make up the boys' shirt waists nd girls' dresses. Fast Color Corded Madras-sa At 12ic we are showing a handsome collec tion of very neat effects in Checks and Stripes Colors are Pinks, Blues, Reds and two tone combinations. The Strongest and most durable fast color madras for Children's wear. This New Collection Now on Sale -Ellis, Stone fnmmmnmimnimmmm --m; iMiiiiiiiimiiiininiiiMi iiirrrit I-EASTER FOOTWEAR-i amiiiiiiiiiiiutiiuiuiitiuiiti-uiuiiuuiiuiiiuiuiuiitituiu Lesi than one week to choose the mc uew opuag ogjery. nenty nere, but early choice advised HERE YOU'LL FIND New Sbo;s for Men from New Shoes for Women from New Shoes for Boys from New Shoes for Girls from New Shoes tor Children from And every pair rightly constructed, correctly styled, economically pneea. Burch-Gorman Company. BIG CLOTHING SALE. We start the Spring Season with about one thousand Men's, Boy's and Children's Suits at fifty cents on the dollar at our old corner store. These prices are to close out. At our new up town store we are showing the greatest line of Fine Spring Clothing to be found in Durham. A pleasure to show you through. LAMBEiil.TOISr, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. Masury's Liquid Paints Are made ready for the. brush; their ease of working, freedom from running off the work, great covering power and DURABLE QUALI TIES have made them the popular liquid paints of the present age. -THEY - AHE - GENUINE - LINSEED - OIL - PAINTS- And we guarantee satisfaction in their use. Household Paints in small cans, Enamels, Gold and Aluminum Bronze, Window Screen Paint and Brushes of all styles. TAYLOE & PHIPPS. -FASHIONABLE GARMENTTfoFmeIT- Easter will soon be here, and it is time you were fixing for a new suit. No better stacks to be found than ours. Prices are reasonable and it is Dart of please you. We have the best from gest that you make an early choice. We can't tell you about all the beau iful effects but will show them to you when you call. As to HATS, we, are in position to show all the new shades and colors. Spring Shapes in Derbys and Fedoras at a $3 00 price. Superior quality and finish are the attributes of this line. We are ready for you in Underwear, Shirts and fixings, gen erally. The men ought to know that the place is W. A. SLATES CO., CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. i ARTISTIC SIGNS!) GOLD AND COLOBS.' AT HALF PRICE. C. P. Howerton & Son. mari9-tf & Cott)pai)y.H - mmmmmmmnimmmiiii new Shoes for the frst appearance in $1 50 to $5 00. $1.25 to f3 50. $1.00 to $3 50. 75c to $2 00. 50c. to $1.50. reliable makers, and therefore stur- , ,