lH U.iJ lit) iii.fUL liW.i.1t,,j JOiinston'5 QUART JL MOST WONDERFUL CUTIC A Grand Old Lady Gives Her Experience. .l!rs- Thankful OrUla ilurd lives in the beautiful Tiilags cf Br!Ma, Livingston Co., Mich. This Tenet-able and highly respected lady waa born la tie year the year of the great war, la Hebron. Washington Co, New xorlc She came to Michigan in ld, the year of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." All her faculties are excellently preserTedr and possessing a Tery re tentive memory, fcer mind is full of Inn-resting reminiscences of her early life, of the early days of the Siate of Michigan and the interesting and re markable people she has met. and the stirring events of which Bhe was a wit ness. But nothing in her varied and manifold recollections are more mar yelous and worthy of attention than are her experiences in the use ct JOHNSTON'S SARSAl'ADILLA. Mr3. Hurd inherited a tendency and pre disposition to scrofula, r.st terribly destructive blood taint which has cursed and is cursing the lives cr thousands and marking thousands more as t1c tims of the deatli angel. Transmitted from generation to generation, It 1 found in neary everyfaoiUyjn one form or another. It may make its ap pearance in dreadful running sores, In unsightly swellings in the neck or goitre, or in eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane. It may be known as catarrh in the head, or developing In the lungs It may be, and often la, the prime cause of consumption. .vSpe?klDg of her case ,TS-Ilurd says: MI was troubled for many years with a bad skin disease. My arms ana limbs would break out In a mass of ores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and "became Tery unsightly In appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions My eyes were also greatly Inflamed and weakened, and they pained me Tery much. My blood was in a very bad condition and my head ached severely at frequent Interrais, and I had no appetite. I had sores also In my ears. I was in a miserable condition, I had tried every remedy that had been recom mended,. aEd doctor after doctor had failed. One of the best physicians io the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as Internal abcesses were beginning to form. I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a bottle, more as an experiment than any thing else, as I had no faith In It, and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I Degan to grow better. You can be sure I kept on taking it I took a great many bottles. But I steadily improved until I became entirely well. All the ores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health, and I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady t ?vars 13 Dot a yunS woman, but I have had remarkably good healta since then, and 1 firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA Is th greatest blood purifier and the best medicine In the wide world, both for scrofula and as a spring medicine." This remarkably Interesting old lady did! not lok to be more than sixty, and 6he repeated several times. "I belie mjl ufe was eared byJOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA." toaxoAir dxi vav ooaiPAirr. xxraxt.oxp; For sale by W. IT. Yearby, "A. B. Haywood NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. By Tlrtue of an order of the Superior Court nmdoon the 5th day of March, 1D02, in the Bueclal proceeding, entitled John a. Wal- ker, Executor of De Jonnls Tiller, deceased, vs. Ada T. Walker and others," I will, on Mon day, the 7th oay of April, 1902, at the Court II .4 ..... I- 1 h.. 1. n ... uall n. .... n .. w . tion. the lot or parcel of land situated In said "-County and State on the W est side of Alston Avenue, ad joining th lauds of J. W. Hutuh lns, B. L. Duke, J, A. Warren and wife, and Alston Avenue, and bounded and described as follows Beginning at J. W. Hatching southeast corner at a stake on Alston Avenue, aud run nlug thence north 70 degrees, west .2.34 chains to a corner in a brunch; thence with said branch In a southerly directiou to a stake J. A. Warren's northwest corner; thence south 70 degrees, east 13.25 chains with Warren's line to J. A. VVarreu and wife's northeast cor ner on Alston Avenue; thence wlthA'ston Avenue north 20 degrees, east 5 00 chains to the beginning, containing 6-86 100 acres, more or less. Terms of sale As much as $rt"0 00 cash, and the balance in six and nine mouth, the time Saymenis to bear 6 per ceu.t interest from ate of sile. J; B. Walker or any member of the firm of Boone, Bryant & Biggs will take pleasure In giving Information about the above descrlb- Tills 5th day of March, Warn County. In the Sueli' Court John 11. Cox, I vs. : -V Notice. Ella Cox. t The defendant a,bovo named will tal;e no tice that au action entitled as above has bean commenced lu the Superior Court of Durham County to dissolve ths bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant upon the ground of abandonment prior to January 1st, 18U9, and upon the ground that the do- fondant has committed adultery, and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the next term of 8uperior Court of Durham County, to be held on the 10th Monday after the first Mon day in March, it being the 13th day of May, 1002, at the Court House tn Durham, North plaint of the plaintiff or the relief therein aemanueuwmuOKrauWU. Clerk of Superior Court, This 10th day of March. l'JOJ. Borfolk and western Schedule In Effect JAN 1, 1901. DURHAM DIViSION. Daily Ex- ccpt Sunday. P..H. A. M. P. M. A. M. 4.557.00 Lv, Durham Ar. 9.15, 9.35 6.07 8 16 Roxboro 7.48 8 16 6.37 8.45 Denniston 7.15 7.45 6.55 9.12 Ar South Boston 6.55 7.25 11.45 Ar Lynchburg Lv 4 10 t WE8TBOUND-Leive Lynchburg. 3:00 a. m. The Washington and Chattanoo ga Limited, for Rnanoke, Radford, Bluefleld, Pocahoutas also for Rocky Mount and all sta tionty on VVmatin-Saleui Division aud all rolnt.s Bonth and west Solid vestibule train j Chattanooga and Memphis, Pullman sleepers to Memphis and New Orleans. 2:3u p. m The Chicago Express for , Roa noke. Bluefleld. Pocahontus, Kenova, Colum bus and Chicago. Pullu an Buffet sleeper Boanoke to Coin -rbus al.-to for Radford, B-ls-tol; Knoxville, Chattnoofm and Intermediate l oints. Pulluian sleeper Roauoke toKnoi vl'ie . Pullman Buffet Palace Cars Norfolk and Rovioke. . 8.00 p. n. Daily exoeptsunday for Roan- . nVu m.nt IntArfTlHillfltA Htatjonft. Trains arrive at Lynchbu.g dally froao the west at Lou a. tu . and oo p. m, w,. BASTBOUND Leave Lynchbttrsr. a-M n m .Daily for Farm vllle. Richmond. Petersburg and Jv'orfolk, arrives Petereourg at 7.o6 p. m arriving at Rlctimond at 8,oo d m., arrive at Norfolk at 10.40 p ml a in m. m. Arrl'ft Peteraburtr S 25 a. m.. ar- rive Richmond 7.U5 a. m,, arrive Norfolk 9.10 a. m. Pullman palace .steeper oetween 1 ynohbnrg and Richmond. This car wil be ready at Lynchburg at 9 p, m. for reception of pasengert. WINSTON-SALEM DIVISION.-D&lly Ex cept Sunday. . P.M. A M. P.M. A.M. 4 36 8.1)0 Lv. Winston Ar. 9.50 8.40 6.08 8.43 Walnut Cove 9.1 7.66 K.48 9.18 Madison 8.28 7.18 R.48 9.23 Mayodan 8.22 7-12 6.66 10.J0 MartlnsvUle 7.15- 6.C6 .... 1.10 Ar, Roanoke Lv. 4.35 .... E ASTBOUN D Leave Burkeviile 4.81 a. m nWESTBOUND-Leave Burkeviile 12.06 a, m. and 12.07 noon. 4 ' . ' All inquiries as to routes, rates &c, prompt ly answered. W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, HBffnBRAGP, Traveling Passenger Agent, uoanoKSi va. E, M. GRAHAM. Asrent. Durham, N. O. The Weekly Sun is only $1 a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting local, state and general news . each week. Sub scribe and-get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. . Sarsaparilla BOTTLES. Matthews, R. Blacknall & Son, & King. FOR QUICK RELIEF In case of sudden indisposition a little of the right stuff may prevent serious sickness but be sure it is right If you get it at the Paiace Saloon It is sure to be Dure and whole some. Our line of brandies, cordials Ac, can not be surpassed, witii best wishes to all, 1 am truly yonrs, T. II. SCOGGINS. No.i2icoKNEiiMANGU'&PEABODYSTS octl-tf North Carolina, I Superior Court. Durham County, f Before the Cleric- Mangle Copley, Kxecutrlx of John Dezern, deceasea, and I r 1 1 , 1 I i , against j Notice, Wiley A. Dezern, James Da- I zern.KUdie Dezern.and others I 'CI... .1 . f .. ;i u.au i lla.A.n die Dezern, above named, win tatie notice iMtfl!!fflR,rdP prescribed for me, yet 1 County, N. C, before the Clerk of said Court, the purpose of said action being to sell the rea. estata of John Dezern. deceased, to I make assets to pay debts, and the said de- fendants, James C. Dezern and Eddie Dezern I ouired to anuear before me at m v office in the Court House In Durham, N. C, on the 15th day of April, 1003, and answer or demur to the complaint now on file ia said cause, or . 1 1 , . 1 . . . ( . ...Ml . . . . . . I . , I, n . 4 1. uuc yiAiuuiu Hill ''Y W LllTS UUUlb 1UI U1I? relief demanded in said complaint. C.B.GREEN, Clerk of Superior Court, This 1st day of March, l03.-flw B.R.HOUSTON, lieclianical Draughtsman and Builder. Will give estimates onfall kinds of work Plans And specifications made on applica tion. Work done on short notice. Batlsf ac tion guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. IiOck tsox no. ous, Durnam, . v. Job Work a Specialty. sepl9-tf SPECIAL LOW BATE Excursions via Norfolk and Western Railway. Federation Womans Clubs. Los Angeles. Uai., may l to s. Traveler Protective Asso. Portland. Ore.. June 3 to 7. Mvstlc shrine. Han Francisco. Ual.. June 10 to 14. United Order Workmen, Portland, Ore., June 10 to 20. international 8. 8. Asso.. Uenver. Col . June -aa. 20. Knights of Pythias, San H'rancisco, (Jul August U to 15 B. P. O. Elks, Salt as Write for Information as to rates and dates of sale of tickets. W. B. BEVILL. M. K. BUAUO, T. P. Ag't. Gen'l Pass. Aii't. mar22-tillaugl5 DR. J. J, THAXTON, DURHAM. N. 0. With filty-flve years of experience as a gen eral practitioner. His specialties, mucuous meinoraues, glands and nerves. Females In Darticular. Indigestion, bronchitis, scrofu- lar. constipation and headache. Secondary and hereditary diseases. Turkish Vapor Baths given. janl-tf. ; .Notice. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Morehcad Banking Co.. will be held in their Bauklne Uouse la Durham. N. C.ou Tuesday. April 1st, 100?, at 12 o.clock, M., for the' election of Directors and such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. E.C. MUBBAY, feS8-lm Cashier. ror neni. tu.ee ov. j r u...u5 with elevator on Parrieh St., suit able for wholesale or retail. Second and third stories in briok building on Parrish St. One store room on rarnsh Ft, One store room on Cleveland St. Apply to j30 tf. K 0. Hackney. The One Day Cold Cure. Cold in head ntid aore throat cured by Ker mott's Chocolates I,axtive omiiine. An eay tc -Sjlu) as caudy t uuidren cry tor tneir " D A I L TUESDAY, MARCH 5. 200 REPORTED KILLED. ! Au Avalanche Comes Down Ipon Pctro leum Works. Tacamza, Much 24. The steam ship Duke of Fife, arrived here, bi loo tbe cews ol a terrible and on- precei en.fd disaster in me cnio petroleum woika big refinery et-ta -lisbment t Lbanosawa, near ilil gatU, on tbe west coast of Japan, which involved the loss of possibly 200 lives. Tiie works ave under the brow of asleep hill, la a hevv .nil ol snow aa avala, cue suddenly tbua dered down f ooi a heib of 600 feet crus'uiojj the tanks, rese voire, offices tnd workmen's dwei.''og4. An outbreak of "ti e reached the oil and rapidly spread to tue buiiuiogs, burning those who were not buried. - Up to toe time tbe latest tele grams had been received at Yoka- homa 80 bodies had been recovered. lie Was Sot Dead. While about to be carried away to a Chicago morgue on Wednesday upon the stretcher of tbe Harrison street police station patrol Cbas. Henderson, a railroad Switchman, sat upright upon the rubber con veyance and remonstrated with two policemen who were carrying him. A few minutes before he was being mourned by many who knew him at the workman's home. He ordered the police to carry him back to his bed on the second floor of the build ing, whence they had removed him, while those who bad been bowed with grief at the loss of a friend" formed a circle about the stretcher and rejoiced. C. P. Williamson, manager of tbe home, had gone to Anderson's room early in tfae mom ing. The man had been suffering from tuberculosis and had shown little vitality in the night. Wil liamson intended administering medicine and serving Henderson with a light breakfast. He could not awaken the patient and his body wvs. cold. Williamson immediately telephoned the police, asking them to send an ambulance, that the body might be removed. Ab the police men were jogging along toward-the morgue they were ttmfied to ob serve the "eorpse" rise and protest in a loud and angry voice What are you fellows up tor" he demanded. Lie down!. You are dead," they responded. "Not in a thousand years, said the "corpBe." "Take me back to my bunk right away, and the o fil cers gladly complied. A Severe Cold for Throe Months. The following letter froaa A. J Nusbaum, of Bateavi'le, lid., telle its own story. "I sufferel for three montb.3 with a severe cold. A drug- Trist prepared meeoma medicioe, and did UOt improve I then tried Fo- ov'a Hnnntr nnd TVr Arid nifhfc rfnsps S nOney ouu Itir, atlQ 6lgQu Quaes (Hired me " KOIUSQ fcUOSt.tUtes. A g Matthews At Kosciusko, Miss. , Sunday . , . ' , J Ulgbt five county OOUVlCtS made an V attempt to burn their way out of prison, burning the etockade bouse in which they we"fe confined down over their heads, cremating tbem selves. They were all negroes and were all charged with minor of- fenses The average man never fully realizes the truth of the adage about a fool and his money until after he has bumped up against some other man's game. Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of Door sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costlvand not always sure. Don't I bo an exile wnen Lr. King s pew n;awair fnr Hnnanmntinn will p.urA "aw'VJ .7. ., "7 - :,7-I.: vuu at home. It's the most infallible medicine tor uougns, uoias, ar.a an Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astound ins cures result from persistent use Trial bottles tree at it. BiacKnau x Son's. Price 80c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. 4 m I- The Senate yesterday passed bills appropriating $J, 000 to enclose and beautiiv the monuine.it on me Moore's Creek battlefield, N. C j and aDDVopriaune 100,000 or, a public building at Georgetown, S C. Fine Lots for Sale. Five very desirable residence lots belonging to Mrs. A. B.Turner . . m-t-rn nar nr tv, ruv TOsii hp gold at bUc auotion on Saturday March 20. , Sale will take place on the premises at noon. Any one wishing nice - residence property could not do better than .to attend this sale. The lots are located in the western part of the city, in con venicnt distance to the factories and' the business district of the town. Keep the sale in mind and for further information see , tnari8-tf W. C. BradsKR. I ..! of Cairo. Cr.f cf t'-e i..?t I :cfr-.?:u? I s !a Le v. . . : 1 Is m.J..j-u..'ivi:r tLe 1 . -y i:y t.f Cairo, anJ cot tLe least of its Jttr:U'U"r.s ere tlie varicsl and often OiUslcal street cries whicb assail tlio ears on all suits. Not only the street tausiciaus who tap their tambourines to the adruirins "Ai'.aLs" of the crowd, bat the merchants and peddlers, con tribute to the chorus.. A fruit seller, basket on head, with graphs and hS, will saunter by sin"'ig in a i;uaint minor: '"Oh, grains, oh, bweet gr ipes, that are larger than uovts ggs and sweeter than new cream: Oh, angtis food, delicious figs, bursting with houey, restorers of LoaltUr Another street cry which may be heard iu the main street of Abbassieh, a suburb, contains the following entic ing announcement: "Tomorrow, O peo phv I d going A& kill cameLThe doctor says it is. young and healthy. On, it3 Cesh will be tender as the quail and Juicy as lamb. Its price is but la piasters ("V2 cents) the pound. Do you love the sweet flesh of a camel? Then come early and be satisfied!" Not the least picturesque figures in the streets are the city police in their neat white and red uniforms in sum mer and blue serge in winter. Detroit Free fress. Tbe Bask Mesienger. "Hello, W'illier' exclaimed the mes senger boy as he met his old time friend in Nassau street the other day. "Who yer workln' fer now, Willie?" "Workln for a bank," replied Wil lie. "Got a good job." "Watcher got in the satchel?" asked the messenger boy, scrutinizing a little handbag that Willie carried. "Hist! Don't say a word! I'm scared to death." "Wtiat is it-Jynamite?" asked the messenger boy in alarm. "Naw; it's money." "Oce! Money! How much?" "Two thoii. I'm carryin' it down to another bank, and I'm scared." "Say, how does a feller feel when ho has so much money?" ' "Scared," .whispered the bank mes senger, and ue continued on his way. New York Tribune. Special Rate9 via Southern Rail way to Charleston, S. C. Account of North Carolina Week, April 7-14, inclusive, tbe South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S. C, round trip tickets will be sold from Dur ham April 6th, 7th and 8th, limited ten days from date of sale, at IG.30 for the round. trip. Tickets for mili tary companies in uniform travelling in a body, twenty-hve or more on one ticket, will be sold April 5tb, 6th and 7th, with final limit ten days from date of sale, at tbe rate of $5.75 percapita. For further in formation, Pullman car reservations, etc. , call on or address Go wan Dusen bery, Agent, Durham, N. C. Pneumonia Follows a Cold . But never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cougb. hills aad strengthens the lungs and affords perfect security from an at tack cf pneumoni . Refuse substi tutes A.B.Matthews. Representative Blackburn, of North Carolina, has introduced a bill in the House reducing the tax on spirituous liquors from $1.10 to 70 cents per gallon. German newspapers compare the iberal speech of Prince Henry at the press banquet in New York with the emperor s treatment of editors. nov?;to Care the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as di rected and a quick recovery is sure 63 follow . That remedy counteracts ny tendency of the grip to result in pneumonia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of housanda who have u;ed it for the rip, not one case Das ever Deen re ported that did not recover. For ja'e by W. M. Yearby. - It is reported that April 9 has been officially named as president' day at Charleston and that president Koosevelt will attend and present Major Jenkins a $5000 sword at that time. Danger of Coldn and La Grippe. The eraatest dmger from colds and la grippe is their resulting m Dueumooia. If reasonable caro if used, howsver, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, aU danger will be avoided. Among tne tens 01 thousands who have used this reme dy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case haviDg re sulted in pneutronia, which tho ;onclusively that it is a certain pre ventiveof that dangerous malady it will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other reatment. It is p easant and sate to take. For sale by W . M. Yearby The entire city ot JNortolk is on the watch in anticipation of further trouble from the street railway strikers. All cars are being watched by guards. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAT "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In to days. Its action upon the sys tern b remarkable and mysterious It removes at once the cause an the disease immediately disappears The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Hackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. Is cflea orJy a ?yi:-.-'.cn of !vs; In dyspcpsii tLere is a lo.3 cf "ni V3 which is teit by brain as well as bod tke niiad grows morbid as the body l'-ses vigor. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dyspepsia and oth er diseases of the stomach and asso ciated organs of di gestion and nutri- V tion. It enables the proper nutri tion of the bodv J and restores men tal cheerfulness as well as strength. physical " For about two yeart I suffered from a very obstinate case of dys pepsia," writes B K. Secord. Esq., of 13 Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ontario. "I tried a jrreat number of reme dies without success. I finally lost faith in them all. I was so fur gone that I could not bear any solid food on my stomach for a Ions; time; felt melanchoh and depressed. Could not sLep nor follow my occupation. Some four months ago a friend recommended your 'Golden Medical Discovery. After a week'9 treatment I . had derived so mnch benefit that I contin ued the medicine. I have taken three bot tles and am convinced it has in my case ac complished H permanent cure. I can conscien tiously recommend it to the thousands of dys peptics throughout the land." Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood, and lungs. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate the liver." PICTURE FRAMING. Spring is coming. Ars you going to have that parlor site repaired and upholstered ? Those pictures, have then framed. Where ? Why at the only exclusive place in the city where you can get anything in shape of picture frames and fine up holstering done by thoroughly ex perienced and competent workmen. Old furniture repaired and made like new. TH0S.B. EDWARDS & CO,, 824 W. Mala St. -oc33-tf- l'lione No. 468. Qood Printing. pts Tom cryicc. ZEB-P. COUNCIL, JOB - DURHAM. - PRINTER, NORTH CAROLINA. Keep this in mind, so tlint when vou need Letter Heads, Note 1 loads. Envelopes. Bill Heads. Statements. Receipt Blanks. Clrcu- culars, Posters, or Pamphlets, you will com municate with me. aud your needs will be supplied. Yon will liud my way of doing business satisfactory. YOUR OHERS SOLICITK'). t STRIVE TO PLEASE. When Yon want Wood luantlttes of from Ave. ten. one hundr or two hundred cords, call on J. E. BOWLING, tt to Electric Light Uouse, for prices. He will make them right. Phones Interstate HI, Bell 108. Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds de ll vered promptly. mar9-tf BEIsT PERRY, DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. All kind of cut, split and stick Wood, both oakorutnC, lu large or small quantities. 1 handle nothing but the brat grades of Coal. Send your ordors now before the price ad vances. Very truly, Ben Perfy, Morgan Street. Interstate Thones, Office 3 Hi; Residence 111. Near N. & W. Depot.-ocl-tf -VERY LOW RATES- TO THE ' NORTHWEST. March 1 to April 30, 1902. THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY Will sell tickets to Montana, Idaho, Oregon Washington and roast points at exceeding low rates from all stations. It Is possible rates to the West will never be so cheap again. Choice of three routes. Write for rates ana scneuiues, say to wuat point you are going and your nearest station to this line. Wee any Agent N. & W. Kallway. or W. B. BEVILL,- M. V. Bit AGO, Gen. Pas. Ag't. Trav. 1'as. Ag't Koanoke, va. tmayl MERRICK'S Dandruff Cure. In order to place it in every home and to introduce it to those that suffer with Dandruff, Pimples and Falling Hair and all Scalp troubles may get relief and become familiar with its pure virtues and king qual ities the dollar bottle has been re duced to fifty cents for thirty days For sale at JOHN MERRICK'S Barber - Shop nov30-tf Durham. N. 0. The Wrkkly Sun is only $i year, rrom 20 to 23 columns 0 live, interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. 1 w . i i r ,;3IF n"V Cf'""f TO ALL POINTS SCFT. SOUTH AND SOUTFTST. rrct"i .-e.lTue of No 3 1 irhr. i on li r Baiiin . T e ir r PhiiuU i- w.. i - -i i j i -5 iir 8 0 am 8 5 pin 5 In sa4 5 if 31 i'.v Tie O l c S t o . V r.JiN a 5 5i ati .p Ki t i X.H ' I P i;. T p Ph Ui:i.Ll&. x New V- rJt u i-j j- ai a 11 25 p . U 2S m 2 .r6 v . 1 06 pm 6 CO m 4 Ij pal WOIDSOCXD. Route. No. 2iL Ex tuc No. 2.-;. EX 5QD r New York, ODS.-.Co. gniim 3 Opy v " H.Y.f.AV. ittpm TS6am - Ph'Jaeelrht. " llltip Dloaji vbttlTore Byl.lre pm v 'asalDgton. N AW.8.P. til m Iv tiicnttonu. It PetBrafcnrfj, r 1 url am, L. 1U airi 10 oT pm 1(1 am 11 20 pm 4 0Upm 8o0aiu TIckr'BOQ a&le to all points. Pullaananrt Biat iervt oiii3iKle on application. Sie cial a beuules. prepared aca ai y other U'for nation c eerfuhy inrnihed. Convenient -chedules and low rates tu ah j rl: ripal suiu uertfeeoits daring eeaat n. ' 8. H. RKAJi Atrent, rnrhm N. C. H. 8. LFAKD, Traxeliiig Pae;eoger Asen. Raleigh. N. C R. E u BUNCH, Geieral PaateDger Agent. Portamont a. v , J. M BAKR. 1st V. P. 4 G MPcits mouth.Ya. - SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 15 EFFECT NOV. 24TH, 1901 Trains leave Durham, N. 0.. 8:30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily, for Greensboro aad po nts tcuth and west. Connects at Greensboro w.th No 8 north for Danville nd Ri h- " mond, and io h with Nos 39,33, and 37, for 8a it bury, Charlotte, Co lumbia,Savannah, Lharleeton, J.ck jonville, Atlanta a d New Orleare; at Salisbury for A6heville, Knoxviile, Chattanooga, Nashviib and other points west. 3:35 a. m., No. 12, eusiboun', daily, for Ralegh, SAm& and Golda- boro. Carries Pullman Sleeper ireansboro to Raleigh. ' 9:40 a. m., Mo. 8, eatHbound, iaily, for Raleigh, Selma and Golds- boro; connects at Selma with Atl antic Coast Line north for Wilenn tnd Rocky Mount, at GolJsboro for Tarboro, and Norfolk. At Selma for Fayotteville and Floreuoa 8:50 a. m., No. 35, westbound, daily ?or Greensboro aud intermediate local points; connocts at Greensboro with U. S. Fast Mail for Danville, Lynchburg, Washington and ell points North nnd West, as also with No. 30 Jacksonville to Now Ycrk via Richmond. Southern Railway Din ing Cars operated on trains Nos, 36 and 30. 9:65 a. m., No 16, northbound, iaily for Oxford, Henderson, Jeffries, Keysville and Richmond. r'o change of cars between Durham and Rich mond, where close connection is made Co all points north. Close connection it Ji fir it 8 for NoruUand Steamboat Lines to Washington, Bultimoie,. New York and Boston . 2:7 p. m., No. 3i eastbouni. daily or uaieign, eeima, uoiasDoroana intermediate stations. 4:43 p. m., westbound, daily, for Greoneb.ro and all points Connects tf Greeneboro for Winston- Sa em, ilso with Nos. 35 and 29 for Salis- mry, Charlotte. Columbia, Charlee- iOu, " avannab, Jocsonv.lle, Atlanta ind Nr)W Orleans; at Salisbury for A.sheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati ana jt. lyiuis. Connects nortnbound with No 12 for Richmond, Nos. 38, 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes- ville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 5:00 p. m., No. 74, northbound, iaily except Sunday, for Oxford, Keytv.!lr, Richmo.d and interme diate stations. Falloihan and Southern Railway Dining Cars operated on all (through) Main Line trains. No trouble to an swer questions. i. II. UAKCWICK, Gen. Fasee&ser Acnc. FRA.NK 8. GANNON, 3d V. P. and tteneerm Manager, G. lUsNBERY, Ticket Aarent. Durham N. C. MOVED ! BDT STILL IN BUSINESS. I am now located on Parrish street, where I am better prepared than ever beiore to serve my customers with the best viands the market affords. When you want a good meal cheap, call on EC. T SMITH, 209 l'arrlsh PtMjot. Interstate fbonefttt. Op. Farrlsh Stables to write for our coiittdential letter before ap plying for patent; it may bo worth money. We promptly obtain U.t and Foreign PATENTS and TRADE MARKS fr return EN TIRE attorney1 fee. ttend model, sketch or photo aud we send an IMMEDIATE FREE report on patentability. Ye give the Deal legal service and advice, ana our charges are moderate. Try us. . , SWIFT a CO., Patent lawyers. 0pp. U.S. Patont Office, Washington, D.C. euro Coid In Head, Kermolt'9 Chocolates m.'P OtL''.l'i". mst to taltt su J uict to cuic culU ut hvau uh u throat,' ' ' Do

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