V 1:1 .if 1 1 Ij tie en!f "grarasteed" or iHOCfy cure for Daa drui liair and Scalp Troubles. Oer one million bottles sold. If Coke Dan Cmit Cure fa'li to cure "your? hair and scalp ailments you will be the third to ask for your money back, and you'll get it, too. All barbers use il For salt everywhere, Coke Shampoo & Toilet Soap made expressly for shampoo tog the hair and beautifying the complexion, A. R. BREMER CO.. f Chlcaxo. Sold by W. M. Yearby, Durham. mar27-ws.l English Peas Frank Howard & 23-2t Co. fusTcflPUDINTi FOE COLDS, LA-GRIPPE and ALL HEADACHES. IT NEVER FAILS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. - Easter Dinner For a good meal Easter .visit H.T. Smith's .Restaurant, Parrish Street. Choice Ice Cream will also be served.-; 309 Parrish Street. Interstate Phone 391. Saving Sight. Self-imposed duties begin with the attention you owe your eyes. Of all the organs that constitute the human masterpiece, the eye is at once the most precious the most ncpfrfl oni at tVia cnmo .i most delicate. Forgetfulness is the cniei cau?e ot most eye failures. One is so apt to unthinkingly over tax the willingness of the ever ready eyes. My mission is to help you save your Eight. You may consult me at any time free. I am capable, both through theory and experience, to detect the least de ' - "" nuu tuc uuiv exuense win be the moderate cost of the classes. DR. SAM'L. RAPPORT, Eye Specialist. Office 115 W. Main St. For Sale. The Burton property, on the corner of Kaiaseur and Walker Btreets. Lot BO by 250 feet. Ten room house. Stable, Carriage House and Servant's House. , Apply to H. O. BURTON, marl9-4w T.G.OOZART. IF YOUR LIVER Is inactive, or your DIGESTION out or orrtor une raOKA I.IVEB TONIC, which is the pest preparation known tor nrortnnimr . healthful and eonUnuous secretion from the liver and other organs. It Is an absolute cure and preventive of torpid or Inactive liver, thus preventing costiveness, or curing this condition If it already exist. Of .course the consequent troubles of obstinate chstiveness. such as sick or nervous headache, restlessness, sour stomach, eollo, heartburn and kindred diseases are relieved by this most excellent remedy.. Blotches, pimples, or rough skin, caused by Indigestion or cosUveness, will be FOflllC, thus producing a beautiful complexion. It will cure JAUNDICE lu a few days. Price, 50 cents and $1.00. PREPARED ONIT RY . A. ORAIGHILI' DRUGQIftT . LYNCHBURQ, VIRGINIA. ' For sale by W. M, Ytarby. ' .. maris 3m ieci oi vision, to make and adjust from $20,000 to $190,000. glasses that should relieve and cor-1 The Riverside is the leading "so rect any eye ailment. Don't delay 'ciety" bank of the upper west side longerl Avail yourself of this op-! of the city. The money was taken portumty to do your eyes a good between February 12 and Mondav V "i. .aai'.ei" A-.i::x i ;;rs Who Are I ran r Iviir'i j ar... asais.iiox, ; lara ice Artay appropriation till which pis a ea tee lioa.e yete.diy contaics a provision whieh;wiil greatly latere: tne lour cunareJ and fclty retire oScera of the army. It authorizes the Secretary of War lo order the re-examination of any officer on the retired list of the armv who was re tired for disability, an J whom there is reason to believe is physically qualified for active service. It is said that the retired list of the army eontams quae a number of army officers who in addition to drawn retired omcers pay, are receiving large salaries lor civil work, and it is proposed to-cut duwn lbe large l4rupaauon zor me pay ox reurcu omceis oy returning to active ser vice any officer who unon re-ex amination by a board of army offi cers, is fctmd to be ibysically com pHent. The present appropriation bill ca-ries f 1,043,381 for the pay of rttired omcers. When before the House Committee on Military Af fairs, Secretary Hoot testifies on thin subject as follows: "1 know one c.entleraan who is receiving pay on the ground of total disability, ana ne is or was receiv iDgasalaryofilO.OOaayeir. Iknbw of another who wis retired on total disability who is practicing his pro fession of medicine regularly, just ae any omer doctor ao, and wno was retired on total disability as lieuten ant ot artillery, and wHo turned op in the Spanish war as a captain of volunteers." EVANS TO STEP OUT. II Places His Resignation in the UanJs of the President. Washington, March 28. Com missioner of Pensions Evans has placed his resignation in the hands of the President. It will not take effect until some important position in the diplomatic service is found for him. The Pension Committee appointed at the last annual encamp menf of the G. A. K. to investigate - o the affairs of the Pension Bureau has made its report to the President. It has not vet been decided as to when the report will be made public, if at an. It is stated that the nolicv of Commissioner Evans will be cou- tinued by his successor. Soon after General Torrence left the White House. Commissioner Evans called at the request of Presi dent Roosevelt and remained with him for some time. He declined to discuss the question of his retire ment from the offiuft of Cam er of Pensions. Skipped With the Funds. New Yobk, March 28 Presi dent Copeland of the Riverside Bank, announced today that H. G. Bel), the receiving teller, had dis- B.nMarfi1 nrith o anm Datim.toJ ot j- - . .wm oiaiu IiD.iiuhHVJ HI iasc. Bell was engaged to a prominent Bociety belle on whom it is reported he spent the money. Lady Gets Whole Town. The Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer says: The Su preme Court deoidea the interesting case or jsars. scott . vs Ingram, in volving the title to the whole town of Star, in Montsromerv ennntv. Mrs. Scott, a married woman, living in ouiu Carolina, sold the land on which the town -. now stands, for a trine, it seems. The town was built, and it is said the land is now worth $70,000 or thereabouts. The Supreme Court decides in favor of mrs. Dcoti ana so the property own ers lose it. Lettuce Frank Howard & Co. , ' Foley's Hooey and Tar Cures coughs and colds. Cures bronchitis and asthma. Cures croup and whooping aug "v Cures hoarseness and bronchial trou b'es. . Cures pneumonii and la grippe. ... a.. B. Matthews. ,i.g;r,, . " . . , . , . . , For Sale. , . t A cood saddle horse chean. -An- ply to R. C. Patterson. m24 tf . Tomatoes Frank Howard & Co. YOUR loll fc" 3 Should always be fresh, as well as all the Foods to be consumed at Baster or any other time. You can always secure the choicest in our ever changing stock. For your picnic lunch we have everything you can thinh of. . filr uSuthj er. tee weather man's predictiors. Peach trees are blooaic. If late cold en3ps do not interfere this will doubtless be a good fruit year Yearbv's 'Drusr Store will be open all day tomotrow. If you have prescriptions t be nueJ, car.y tnem mere. Another . Situr'Jay has been added to the list of continuous ones on which rain fell. It is to be hoped that Easter will be bright and fair. Attention is called to the new advertisement of W. R. Murrav, oa Prices Tel'." He is a bustler for sewing machines and musical instru ments. J. M. Pollard, snoeriptendent ot puMic roads in Uurhm count? upon whom an opeiition was per- lornied last i ursday, has aoout re covered. Rev. T. L. Trov had the mis fortune today, while handlinsra box. to have it fall on the little finjrer of his right . hand, and mashed lhat member very severely. movements' or people. Dorhamttea es Well as Otevs Are Cob a'rntlT oi tbe Move J. G. Honey, of Wilson, is in tbe Mrs. Arthur Lvon has erone to Archdale to visit relatives. Major W. A. Guthrie went down to uaiein this raorninsr. Miss Eliza brown is here from Raleigh on a visit to relatives. Elder P. D. Gold, of Wilson, ar rived in the city this morning; C. W. Johnson, of Orange conn a ty, was in the city: today on -busi ness. W. L. Parrish. of Rou?emont. , - o f was a Durham visitor yesterday and today. - - , J. L. Foushee. of Roxboro. brother of II. A. Foushee, was here today. Mrs. R. L. Lindsev went down to ivaieigu this morning to spend Eas ........ . . ter with relatives. Geo. II. Yarboro. a tobacco buyer on theMullins.S. C. market. was in tne city today. Dr. and Mrs. Josenh Graham after spending a while in Durham have returned to Hillsboro.' Earl Boone has erone over to Rox boro to spend Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Boone. Dr. W. II, Moore passed throueh the city vesterdav afternoon on hit ww 0 way lo Pelham, on the Yanceyville circuit, to noid ouarterlv mcetinc . . ... today ana tomorrow. Mrs. J. B. Matthews has returned to her home at Greensboro, after a visit to the family of B. W. Mat. thews. She was accompanied by Mrs. 4. is. uorman, ot Kichmond. Dr. J. J. Thaxton and Mrs. (!' M. Ilerndon left on the early train this morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. C. J. Yarborouch. which took place this afternoon at Locust w w a a ii in, Caswell county. Miss Annie Pecrram. a member nf the faculty of Greensboro Female Vouepe, arrived in the city this morning to spend Eistet with her parents, Prof, aud' Mrs. W. II l egram, at Trinity Park. . They Will Take Her Back. A very Drettv vounD- cirl hna httn brought out of the depths of a bouse of ill fame in this community, by the efforts of Rev. T. L. Troy. She was from a good family in Pennsyl vania and expressed a desire to re form. She was found in Durham having come here from a neighbor ing town. Her people expressed a willingness, to take her back r and yesterday she left on the afternoon train, in company with a lady, for her; Pennsylvania home. Thin i another gratifying evidenoe of the good work that city missionary Trnv ris doing in our community. For pretty cut classware and hand. some designs, call on Jones, the jew eler. New stock iust in. 29-2t . A fittiner finish to a finn nnlfit- One of the new Pama Alnina Johnston Furnishing Company. ways, Krt;:v, EASTI i 4 i i TLQ1I OUr. IJEIGIILOnS. Soveent3 cf Pe:;:a a-1 TLl-s in General, Eeportl Daily Ey B. F. Abernetiy. - The exercises at the GraJcd School become more interesting as the weeks go by. The debate yesterday was the beg t yet had. Tbe query was, Resolved, That the Indians have suffered greater wrongs from the Anferiean government than the negroes ' The speakers forthe af firmative were Arthur Barcham, Murphy Boyd and Josie Turner Those on the negative side were Miss Mary Cheek, Fred Hamlin and Willie Clark. The judges decided in favor of the negative. Jose Turner won tbe prize on the affirmative, and Willie Claik the prize on the negative. The prizes were presented by A. W. Ellison. - More of our people should attend these debates. They are well worth hearing and it encourages tbe youthful debaters to have a number cf visitors present. When we send some of these young men to Congress, Durham would not have to wait much longer for a public building. Miss Mary Turner recited ' an Easter piece very nicely. She is a talented girl, and will be a fine elo cutionist some day if she pursues her studies. The exercises closed with a song, "Christ Arose." - Mrs. May J. Bennett, of Chat ham, has moved to East Durham. Robert Stallipgs paid a short visit to bis aunt, Mrs. M. F. Perry, yes terday. - Misses Mary Hall. Cora Kerr and several others went to the Union Meeting at Olive Branch yesterday. There were so many pretty faces in our store last night I could not write. That accounts for there be ing no more East Durham news in tne bun today. . uome again, ladie. I would rather look at vou than to write for any paper. A one lot of seed potatoes and other garden seeds at T. J. Kerr's. 2t miss Alma rvniarht left today for Efland. . - ' Miss Sarah Round v. 'of GoIJraJ boro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. R. Day. . Charlie Howard, of Rockingham. w s is a visitor to our village. Miss SopbroniaLanp-ston has yone to -West Durham to spend Plaster with her parents. Little Misses Rosalind and Carrie a Young and Carrie Morris, of Angier Avenue, went to JMornsville today to visit at tbe home of Dr. A. T. Cotton. Mrs. Lizzie Stephens baB cone - to Chatham to visit her brother. Thos. Johnson, who is very sick. i Durham Leads the State. Raleigh News and Observer: There are thirty-three publio schools ior woite cnudren in Durham conn ty. A public library has been es taolished in every district excent two, and Superintendent Massey win soon send orders tor libraries for the remaining two, so that within thirty days there will be publio library in every white publio school in Durham county. The State provides the money for not exceeding six in each county. The omer twenty-seven libraries are .. ..... made possible by tbe crenerositv of uenerai Julian a. C'arr, of Durham, whose intellieent and zealous devn o 7 tion to the cause of publio education nas oeen marked during his whole career. . .. The value of these rural libraries is much greater than can be ap preciated now. They will grow into educational institutions that will bring cheer and education - to a young and old alike into every com munity in which they are located. Get your jewelry and cut elass. ware from Jones', the jeweler. 21 New and up-to-date neckwear rom the greatest makers of neck wear in-this country, just received at the new store. Sneed-Markham-Pearson Co. rul2.tf. Four desirable offices for rent over C. E. Jourdan's store, on West Main street. Desirable location. and right in the business portion of the oity. Apply C. E. Jourdan. 1 m29 Iwk. . 1 1 1 Ii i v And pretty Shoes are loon ccnpia ions. The hi wba caV.cl lt beau tiful Foot vcar ia cur virions "dreatas," was not far wrczg-, It is tbe dream of every woman to tare a pretty and attractive foot. Many the beautual bona we showing can not be found elsewh in Durham. Ideal Kid, Vid Kid, Patent Leather. High, low and medium heels. All widths and sizes are here to please The Well Dressed. Woman. PRIDGEN 6Y JONES. WEWVE WKEN "Odorless" If your old Refrigerator gave you trouble last season i .- . .-..'- . , used too much ice, and made everything you put in ii taste bad, try our "ODORLESS." All' sizss, ZincK Nickel and Tile lined. Every one guaranteed. Will take great pleasure in showing and pricing this Refrig erator or will send a catalogue to your home on applica tion that will tell you all about them; J The fioyall max37-tf Tlje Keos Glotljio Store. As a firm we are new; but individually we have been known td the people of Durham and vicinity for many years; and it is our intention, by integrity of purpose, and careful, intelligent . buying to make this a business of which Durham may be proud. Our Spring Lines are Ready, Including Men's and Boys' Clothing, Haberdashery and Hats, . : , selected with the" greatest discrimination after months of care- iul preparation and comparison; and we now present them to . your favor with the positive knowledge that you can not find f the si me high values, superb siyles and perfectly fitting quali , ties for any thing like the same low prices elsewhere. YOUR M0N&Y BrM Will always' be your, safeguard when buying here. You are cordially invited to visit our New Store, and inepect our Su- -perb Stock at your earlest convenience. SlfEED-iyilpHHPEsqij CO. VNM fHLUE CLOTHIERS. MARKHAM'S CORNER. Beautiful Wall Paper. Formerly the Wall. Paper bnsibess has been badly handled in Durham. N- It shall not be in the future if the good peo plefcwill only appreciate the fact enough to call and see for ' themselves. I will put prices so low you can not afford to ' Order BIse where. J. LONG, PAINTER AND DECORATOK, upposite Lewith's Big v.mar22-lw Maud You looked really charm- at last night's dinner. Helen .Oh, ou are" flattering. Maud No, no; honest, I did not know vou'at first. Life " ' - Fo'ev's Kidnev Cure makes the kiduevs aad bladder rierht n-n- tains nothing injurious A. B. Mat thews. - Celery. Frank Howard & Co. EGGS cf are re AGEHCV FOR THE . Refrigerator. & Borden Co. FOR THE ASKING, Store. ', 'Phone 408;; i . ; '7 oooooooocooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooocoooot ooooooooooooooo 00 rnrptB co oo . - . 0Q ; v our honses on Lea street. oo oo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0O000O000OO0OOO60O00O00OCOO00O Eafiter ties for all latest! : John. ston Furnisbin Co. ' ' CHEEK-ROYSTER. COmPANY.

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