fI Career of a ii Knjt a .er. Li.,.: - a era join lib QUART J.,INiT0.Y3 SA RS APARiLLA as a Elood Food and Nerva Enertfzer. U til peatest rRLNQ AIEJMCLNC ever discoverel It come as a rich tlesslr.j from fA".1.08 " VOra 0Ut" the dora tha 0v;r'3rk and debilitated. That - tired fier-g," thas "sinking spV the languor and derroncency which arise from badly nour ished nerves, from thin, vitiated blood and an underfed body, vanish if y a magio spell. The weariness, lassitude ar.d nervous prostration which accompany the spring, time and the heat of summer, are conquered and banished at once. For every form of ; neurasthenia, and all ailments of tha brain and nerve, insomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally, it is almost a specific. ' It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve tissues. U feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, canning and equalising their action; II makes rich, re4 honest bleed Newness of life, new hope." new strength follow its faith Muse, ft make's the weak strong, and the old young again. ' - It was the antiquated (but now happily exploded) method In the good old times, to treat Salt Rheum, ScrofeJa, Cancer and ether troublesome disorders arising from ELOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such as mercury, arsenic and other mineral agents. It was expected by this treatment that the poison could be killed while 'the blood was left to-course through its channels holding in its circulation the speciftc germs of the disease.. But In this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased. Noth ing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. . It not only attacks viru lently the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed. It often seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again It will bring de cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. There Is only one scientific method for the cure of blood taint. That is, PURIFICATION! . Every particle of the blood must be removed through the execretory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, fiver and skin. " Fir' pure, then peaceable." The gret restorative, reconstructive and vitalizerof the Wood. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only.radically and ex haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries with the ruby.' glowing current of vitality. "The blood is the life." Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact is now established beyond question or caviL ; elood roisojf crura bi coh.vstoas sahsapahitjla. WtmW Brooks' CO.; Detrcft: " Byron. Mich.. October 3 1. U94. Gentlemen: In April last I began using JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA for Blood Poison, caused ty an amputation of one of my arms. I had SEVEN RUNNING SORES on my legs. I used two bottles and was entirely cured. 1 know it 1s what cure J ms. Yours truly, G. W. LUTHER. I MICHIOAJV DH.U& CJOMXL3BTr. BETHOrr, UZCB. For Sile by W. M. Yearby, A." B. Matthews, R. BTacknall & Son, Haywood & King. . . ' NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. By virtue of Rn order of the Superior Court niauoon the 5b day of March, iwi, In the special procedliti?, entitle! "J on a B. Wal ker, -Executor of Lkunis Tllley, deceased, vs. Ada T. Walker and others," 1 wtU, on Mon day, the 7Lh day of Aprll.wl'JOi at the Court House door to Dnrbanj,'sell, at public auc tion, the lot or parcel of land situated In sid County autl S ta;e on the West side of Alst' n Avenue, adjoining th ;indi of J. W. Hutch Ins. B L. Duke, J. A. Warren aud wife, and Alston Avenue, and bouuded aud described as follows: Beglnnlug at J. W Hutohins southeast corner at a stake on Alston Avenue, aud run ning, thence north TO decrees, west i2.;tt chains to a corner la a branch ; thence with said branch lu a southerly direction to a stake J. A. Warren's northwest corner; thence south 70 degrees, east 13.25 chains with Warren's Hue to I. A. Warren and wife's northeast cor ner ou Alston Avenue; thence with A'ston Avenue north 20 degrees, east 5 60 chains to the oeglnnlng, containing 6-l!6 100 acres, more or less. Terras of sale As much as S6"0 00 cash, and the balance la six ami niue months, the time paymems to bear 0 per csut Interest from date of sale. , J. B. Walker or.any member of the firm of Boone, Bryant & Biggs will take pleasure In giving information about the above descrlo- ed(rHguea?y" LUCIUS TILLEY. : This 5th day of March, 11)03, John H. Cox, J vs.- Notice. Ella Oox. ) The defendant above nanieiJ will take no tice that an action eutltled as above has bo in commenced In the Superior Court of Durham County to dissolve t hi bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant upon the n round of abandonment urtor to January 1st, 1899, and upon the ground that the defendant-has committed adultery, and the said defendaut will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of Superior Court of Durham .County, to bo held on the luwi Monday after tuo nrst won Ha w in March. it beina the 12th day of May iim)2. at the Court llouse in Durhtun, North (iHpniina. and answer er demur to the com plaint of. the plaintiff or the relief therein demandedwmDeKranteu. Clerk of Superior Court. This 10th day of March. 1903. fiorlolk and Westera Bchednle In Effect JAN1, ' fc-uKUAM. DIVISION. D&ily Ex cept Sunday.' . P. IS.'. A. U.-. . F. M. A. M AM 7.00 Lv. Durham Ar. 9.15 9..3S 6 07 8 16 F.oxboro 7.48 8 16 6.7 8.45 Denniston 7.15 7.45 6.65 9.13 Ar Qozth Boston 6.65 7,25 11.45 r ',. yrnhbarg Lv 4 10 WE3TBOUND-3Jeve Lynchburg. - 30. :.). Tiia Wushiagtoa and OhntXfe.uO')- fa jilnilttd. for Ruartoke, Radford, Biueiield, Vwahoiita .l6.for iiocky Mount and ail Bta tloni on Winst'in-Satetn Division and al! roin') Math and. west Solid vestibule trai j Chattanooga and Meuiphln, Pullman slrtflliem to Mnnspblc ard New Orloer.s. , 2.u. ib.' The Chlcaaro Exwresa iw Roa noe Bluefleld. Poc rhimUs, Ktnina, Colnm biw and Ohwasro. Pulln an fautf steevar Koanoke to Ooiinfcbuu. alio r r K Milord, B-Ib-toi Knoiviile, ChatUnoogn, and intermediate p .ints. . Pniiu'u pleier BoMioi.e to Knox vUie. r'ultain Buffet Palace Cars Norfolk and Tin wnkn. B.'JO . m. Daily exoent Sunday for Rotvn- oke ana tnUiKneruaie ,auons, i'r?.!us arrive as Lynchburg dally frosa the wet at l;lu a. m. aud J.oo p. tn , BASTBOUiO Ieave LjTchhnrg. ;t'tr, n. in. r; vilv foi Farr:,lle. Rtchmoiri. Ptershiutc oir.a .-ofoils, errivos Petersburg; r'., u. live at i jvi.ubi at jij.o p m. "!! r i. - 'Arri- Petersbi'r r'5 ft. m.. ar r,-i hUih'wmd T a. iu,, arrive Ifcrfolk9.iC a. p. PuU'nan palace 6lei,ep. between 1 ym k'urg4kn.t f.tca8.0i,d.i ' " Tnincar vria b reatly at I?ynciibnrg at 9 p. m. for rcct-aon -i p9iugor8. P.M. A iL "P. M; a. :d. ' 4 5(,t 8.K) Vr. -'Winst-.a Ar. 9.60 .8 (08 9 tl ' TValniH f.'&ve 8,15. 1M til .W ' MailifMiu - 8J 7.18 (L4H 9Si "wayorhm . 8.r? 7.12 5') 10.' O V.trtliwvUi- ".! '.in r'. toi4iolt- L. .. SA'tTjiOl.rM) fj6ve Hurkevtlte4.Hlft.iu - MW'?;5l'ribUNl) L"v Burkeville .12.06 - m.anci 13.07 nn. All lun'ilriea as to routes, rate- 4cc, prompt ' ly an"Wr'l' v. B, Wv'ls.i'i Oenril i'ai-enprr Agent, X. S". 'tf.O, Trat. i Pasmenger gon t , U. tHAfUM Durham. N. O. The Weekly sun is only $i a ; year. From .20 to "23 cplnnins of . live,1 interesting- local, i state and general news 'each week. Sab scribe ana gt wide-awake Dat ham paper.' H KY. COTTLES. mm and flight from the flames. The danger from fire Is ever present-can't get away f rom tt. Need less to. say, therefore, that it's the Dart of wisdom to have your house and property in sured In a reliable company. We will fur nish you with a policy that Insures liberal a ad honorable methods. James Soutffgaie & Son's, Insurance Agency. Phone 46, Office over Moreihead Banking Co . sepl7 North Carolina. Sunorior Court. Durham tiouctv Before the UlecK. Maacie Coulev. Executrix ofl Jobu Dezern, deceasea, and i T IT .1 1 1 I 1 A I ti. u. vupicjr, iicr uunuuuu, VNotiCft. Wiley A, Dezern. Jamea Da zern.Kddle Uezern.itnd others The defendants, James C. IJezern and Ed die Dezern, Above mimed, will tae notice that an action entitled ti above bas been co-nruenced in the Superior Court of Durham CouaAy, N. O., before tno clerk of said Court, the purpose of said action being to sell the rea. estate of John Dezern, deceased, to make assets to pay debts, aud the said de fendants, James C. Dezern and Eddie Dozern will further take notice that they are re quired to appear before me at my oiflce In the Uiurt House in Durham. N. C, on the 15th day of April, 190:', and answer or demur to the complaint now on tile in said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lie I demanded in said complaint.' C. B. GREEN, -Clerk of Superior Court. inis i&i aay or Marcn. iwjz. ew Administrators' Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Malinda Weaver, aeceased, I here by notify all persons having claims against her estate to present the same to me on or before the 2iich day of March, 1003, or this no tice will be pleaded In bai' of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will please imina luimeuiuie payment', Adro'r of Malinda Weaver. This March 29th, 1802. "R V. hMasical Draughtsman and Builder. Will Kive estimates on all kinda of -work Pians and specifications made on applica tion. Work done on short notice. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Correspondence solicited, iiocK mx no. 6i) i)urhamvN. C. Job Work a Specialty. sepl-tf SPECIAL LOW RATE Excursions via Norfolk aud Western Railway. Federation Womans Clubs. Los Angeles, Gal., May 1 to 8. Traveler Protective Asso., Foi tland. Ore., June 3 to 7; Mystic Shrine. San Francisco. Cal.. June 10 to 14. United Order Workmen, Portland, Ore., June 10 to M. International s. t. Aseo.. Denver, Uol , June 20. Kniuhts of.Pythlas. San Francisco. Cal , Aisust it to 15 B. P. O. Elks, bait Laue City. Utah, AuRUbt 2 to 14. Writ.o lor laformatlon as to rates and dates of sale of tickets. W. B. lifcViLL. M. E. BRAGG, Uen'l Pass. A(t't. T. P. Ag't. . . -jnar?2-tillaugl5 DR. J. J. THAXTON, - DURHAM. N. 0. With flttv-flve vears of experience as a sen era! practitioner. His specioliies. mucuons memoranes, glands aud nerves Females In oart'cuiar. lndlKesUon. bronchitis, scro tar. coustlpatlon and headache. Secondary arid hereditary diseases. Turkish Vpor Baths given. - )anl-tf. For Rent. . - " One three- story : brick building with elevator on rarrteh St., suit able for wholesale or retail. Secondhand third stories in brick building on Pairieii- St. One store room on Parrish St. One store room on Cleveland St. ' ' Apply to ... f . j30-tf. K.C. llACKNX-f. FRIDAY, A PHIL 4 HUGGED A tLKGL.AR. A Pretty Girl Saves Uer Dres&es in This Wsy. New Ycrk Journal: When Miss Mamie Dolan, a young and pretty teacher in tbe school attached to St. Patrick's Cathedral, relurced to her home at No. 6S3 Third avenue, yes-! teruay after school, sue fuaod a u;g man ersaged in rifling her room oH its valuables. He had already' collected a num ber cf auicles trid had them wrap ped up under his arm preparatory to leavioij. In the either hand be bad two dresses belonging: to Miss Do lan. That was more than tbe youug school teacher could stand. She screamed loudly to attract. iCe atten tion of her father and brother, who were in an adj ming i unf and then she sprang at 'he Cttrgii.r a- i tlrcw her arms about bira With an oath be ilrt w ler v:,-- lently from him jctst ms iliss Do Ian s. brother and father rn.Ded in. Tbcv giappled with the irtruder and managed to hold him until MbB r ohn cou'd summ jn tbe police. Miss Dolan when seen last night taic: (l never would nave done arch a thirjg in the world, but you see, I am to ' play in "Because She Loved Him So, an entertainment to be given by ; our church tonight, and when I first saw the horrid man he had both of the dresses I am go ing to wear all crumpled up under bis arm. Tnat was more than any girl could stand. I did'nt think about getting hurt. I just thought about those two dresses, and so I grabbed him. That's all there is to it." Tbis Will Interest Many. o quickly introduce B. B B. (Br tanc Uiood iialao), tne t mous Southern blood cure, into tew homes, we will eend, absolute y f-ee, iu uuu inai ireainieuwj. coibuic Bood Balm (B. B B) quickly cures .iiauMWH.wruu'u.eta-ui.t, nuuiug I J T ! , I in foflrino- finroa h,la o r .nn- cleB, pimples or offe sive erupMons, piins in bones or j nuts, rheumitiBir), catarrh, or any blood or ekin troub e. Botanic Blood Balm B. B.B) heals every tore or piLipie, mates tne blood pure and rich and st ps all icheis and pa ns. Botanic Blojd tia;m (h. u u) tn rvUgniy testcu w..ium uuF.,W uiwwd nuu um uuica tuuuattuuej ui cases given up as hopeless Sold at drug Btores, l per large bottle. For free treatment write to B ood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Medicine Kent at once, prepaid. Describe trouble and tree umuicui auviuo givou, uuhuh; Blood Balm (B. B. B.). gives life, vls...r auu Birtutu tuo iuC finest Blood Punfi r made. Botanic Bloxl Bilm (B. B. B ) eivei a heal- thx, Rlrl minnlir r.n tha alrin flnrl An. tirasvstem. - Wby He Is Popular: Mabel la be an entertaining conversational - lst? Beth Very, lie lets you do all the talking." Philadelphia ulletin The Best Blood Pur)flr. Tha blood is coastintlv beiae du- rifled by the lungs, liver and kid- npvH. Kpn thfitfl orcuna n a teal- thy condition and the bowels recti- Ifir ar d vou havn no need of a blood purifier. For th's purp;se there is nothiner f a lal ta C hamberlain's nomao a and Liver Tablets, one dose of them will do ycu more Rood than a aouar oottie oi tne Dest diooq pu ider. Price, 25 cents. Samples fraa at. VJ TW Yanrhr'a Hrllor ot. i"A I "w " - - e t m Some think a man dyeing his hair fools fewer of the. people less of tbe time than almost anybody else. Puck. aieppemnio Livecoais. -When a child I burned my foot t ' 1 . TXT TT Tn . J irignuuiiy, writes vv. tx. iuiuc. Jonesville, va , "wnicn causaa nor nose leg sores ior do years, out BUCKien s Arnica oaive wnouy curea me after everything else faUed." iniauipie ior uurns, Hcaias, uura, aorea, uruises ana rues, ooia oy K. Ulacknall & bon. 5C. 5 l wo memoers or one oi tne iarg. esicouon nouses in uew uneanti are charged with making false re- turns to a planter for whom they sold cotton. Foley's Kidney (Jure maes Ria cvs and bladder risrht. Don't delav taking. Sold by A B. Mitth9ws. v. W ' On account of the break in the Tennessee river canal, caused by the seoent floods, navigation will be ruspended tor several months. RHEUMATISM CORED IH A DAY. "Mystic Cure" forRhettmatl and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious, It removes at once 7 the cause and the disease immediately disaDoears. i ne nrsi aose greatly benefits. 75 r. . . cents Sold by Hackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. Krrtnoll s Ct'ixnlat!: La iK'h-t Oii'nlnn. . a to take aud quick to cure x!U to uead sod sot. Doan ia tta san Ij Liils of Mont gomery county, Georgia, jast before day Sunday Ja!y 22, 1S52, a bibj boy carae into this world, and they named tin: John. He still bears that name ind tbe reputation of a regu'ar "cracker " Jchn was a lively kid. His erly childbr-od w?s spent in cuchiDjf ''. c .-abblirg "g-ober," ..uu f.c feivi.a" a'tendacce at the public ictK'oi wi.en no better fun wm to be had, ar.d there was a chance to get up a chicken fight or a gam maroies witn some ot trie larger CO J 3 F om 1S70 to 1372 he clerked in a country store. Tbis life was too a'.ow for the youngster and in 1373 be weiit cn a material train, of a narrow gusge lumber road, of which be soon became conductor. lie then had a position on the W. & A road, between At'acta and Chaiia cacgi Fi cm ibis job he came to Ofor'.ii Oio itiii and ran a train daring 1870 'iota WiiHtoa Siieui to Diavtiie. Vs.. In 1S7S tbe Georgia cracker was insisting in the construction of ibe Richmond & Mecklenburg road, now known us the (X & C? branch of the Southern, running from Dur ham to Eeysville. He drove the first spike in tbis road and when this road was completed to Fort Mitchell in 1881 he ran the first train carrying passenge s. For twenty one years he has been passenger con ductor and has never had a collisiou or .wreck in which any one was hurt. He is a man who knows everybody from Durham to Eeysville, and one the travelling public 'of the two States know. Eighteen years ago he was mar ned to Mies Ida Bishop, of Key? ville, Va. , where he has a pleasant country home, though at present r siaing in uurnam. bather Time has dealt gently with his appearance, and his fifty years of lfe would easilv rasa for thirtv ve . . ' 1, :a imftfi. aDoea tn an ku uauJ- Alt WUW ever uau IUB uieas ure of travelling with him will recogoize Conductor John A. Gal- braith, Of the O. & C. IL Hatciiktt. . Special Rates via Southern Rail way to Charleston, S. C. Account of North Carolina Week, m . 7.u inula8ive the SoatD i , , l'-Ti-t. j it 4t ij. 'u? Exposition, Charleston C, round "P ucKeis wui oe boiu irora wur ham April 6th, 7th and 8th, limited ten days from date of Bale, at $6.30 jor loe rouna inn. i icKeis ior mui- tary companies in uniform travelling in a bod twenty-nve or more on ,;i,f' ;u L i a a.:i 'k.i. .. 5 i.t f.L f- . ulu uu lu wtlu uu' li,u',' kou days from date of Bale, at the rate r - , - : . I i r . i : oi per capita. ' ror luriuer iu- formation, Pullman car reeervatiqns, 1 eto. , call on or address Gowan Dusen- bery, Agent, Durham, y. Good for Rheumatism, Lret fall I was taken witn a very severe auacK or muscuiar rneuma- tiem which cau ed me great pain and anoyance. Alter trying several prescrfpuons anu rneumauu cure, i decided to use Cnamberl in'e Pain aim, wnicn i naa seen aavemsea in the South Jerseyman After two PP icawona oi i-ms nemeav i was much better, and a'ter using one bottle, was completely cured 9al- i" '" , j , w. m. xeamy. p.. it u: ui:v. I 11. UUIVU1UDUU) U UlUgtlBU ca.- pett on leprosy, expresses the opio ion that it is caused by eating ira properly cured salt nsn. An Am erican eipert some time ago express ed tbe opinion that it was caused by eating too much fresh-fash. That'i how exuerts differ. Wilmington I 4 uiiwtar. Dreadfn Attaok or whooping congh Mrfl Kllen Hariiaorit 0f 800 Park k Kansas City, Mo, writes as f, ..,.. .0 twn children had a HftverA attack of whoooine coueh. nnn tuMtt in trift narovvam of A nftxkn faint, and hlf-Aii ot tha - Wt, flVervthini? we hear(j 0f without eettine relief vVe then called in our family doctor who prescribed Foley s tioney and Tar. With the very first dose they began to improve and we feel tnat it nas savea uneir nves. ueiuyo substitutes. Sold by A. B Mat- thews. The Power of the Press: Did vou get your lost dog back when yon advertised f ino, out i got mree better ones. inaianapons rtews. A Raging, Roaring Flood repair. "Standing waist deep in icy - water." he writes, ,lgave me a terri ble cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctor i in Oakland, Neb, aioux wty and , j t l .1 rt . : .j umana eaia f nu v,uuuuipuuu suu e could not live men 1 ucgau using Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six ootties." rosi- tively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat ana uung irouoies ry R. Rlacknall & Son. Price 50c. S '-rjQ22QE2 i ... :: : Who is discouraged by a condition of ill health which iails to yitld to the treat ment of local physicians will be glad to know she can consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. In a little more than thirty years,. Dr. Perce, chief consulting phy sician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo, N. Y., assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured hundreds of thou sands of weak and sick women. All correspondence is hets strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "After beinif subjected for some time to, an annoying female trouble," says Mrs. Minnie Tillot'WHi. of 1 otomac. Vermillion Co., III., Box 150, "I wrote to Dr. R. V. Pierce, who at once understood ray suffering, and advised me to take his ' Favorite Prescription '. and 'Golden, Medical Discovery,' and use also his 'Lotion Tabl-rts' and 'Suppositories.' After using his medicines eight or nine months I was com pletely cured. I am grateful to Dr. Pierce for his advice and the kind and encouraging letfrs he wrote to me. I would advise any woman suffering with female disease to consult hira. Prompt and respectful atteution will be given and good advice received by so doing." The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to Ky expense of mailing only. Addresf . R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. PICTURE FRAMING. Spring is omiog. Are you going to have that parlor site repaired and upholstered ? Those pictures, have them framed Where ? Why t the only exclusive place in the city wh' re you can get anything in hape of picture Iramts and fine up holstering done by thoroughly ex perienced and competent workmen. Old furniture repaired and made like new. HOS. B. EDWABDS & CO., 224 W. Muln Bt -oc28-tf- Phone No. 468. AqqJ Prinfina V "" P, n . and ttocsy mouni, at uoiuBDoro ior TOmpt Serviec''Tarboro, and Norfolk. At Selma ZEB-P COUNCIL. JOB - PRINTER, DURHAM, - - NORTH CAROLINA. Keep this In mtud, so that when you need Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, bill Heads, Statements, Receipt Blanks. Circu cnlars, Posters, or Famuhlets, you will com municate with me. and your needs will be supplied. You will find my way of doing business satisfactory. YOUR OR BKS SOLICITED. I STRIVE TO PLEASE. When Yon want Wood In quantities of from Ave. ten. one hundred or two hundred cords, call on J. E. BOWLING, Next to Electric Light House, for nrlces. He will make them right. Phones Interstate HI, If ell 108. Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds de ll verea promptly. mart-tf BEN PERRY, DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. All kind, of cut, split and stick Wood, both oak or pine, in large or small quantities. I handle nothing but the best grades of Coal. Send your ordors now before the price ad vances, very truly. Ben Perry, Morgan Street. Interstate 'Phones. Office 310; Residence 411. ' Near N, & W, Depot.-ocl-tr -VERY LOW RATES- -TO THE- NOETHWEST. March 1 to April 30,1902. THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY Will sell tickets to Montana, Idaho. Oregon Washington and Coast points at exceeding low rates from all stations. It is possible rates to tne west win never oe so cneap Hsatn. Choice of three routes. Write for rates ana scnenuies, say 10 wnat point you are going and your nearest station to this line see any Agent 0. a w. nauway. or W. B. BEVILL. M. P. B&AGG, Oen. Fas. Ag't. Trar. Pas. Ag't Koanoice, va. tmayl Do You Eat ? If so, and want some' thing good to eat, jcallat H. T. Smith's Restaurant Parrish Street. 209 Parrish Street. Interstate Phone 294. For Sale. The Burton property, on the corner of Kauiseuranu wmxer etrttets Lot 90 by feet, 'Pen room house. Htiblo, Carriage House and Servant s House, Apply to - tt. 0. BURTON, or marl9-4w T. G. COZAKT. The One Day Cold Cure. - Cold in head ami sore throat cured by Krr mott's Chocolate Laxative Quinine. As easy tf wk as candy. "Children cry for their " i L.:m ft I i k) V Double Daily S TO ALL PO i. w rCI SOUTH Ah'D EOUIrVEST. .-vhe'Jtlie ri. .-.-aoc.- 1 , . c. A. L. rK:.-'trson. " 9 5 msi t (A p.n li - a n 8 V pa. f ra 1 15 ur f i't i ;n 8 'Uara 8 '5 ptn S 10 sa i 46 pin t. .": an irFir'Tionh. ar B!iln cr, HyLln u- 6w .,-., u i) s & 10 iT ' iSA-.P.&iJ rPhtI..tMtlil, ar iVti-bu.g, fc. A. I. i S54m I i-ja 1 35 a a t ;wm 10 lOin 11'irJ UPan i It km 1 36 pm tSDain (Upm ar ni Mi pti ax W!-t nktoa, W P. Ry. arB ii. rre P. R. K. ar Ph ladslpLla, ar Kew Yr.r. HJDTHBOCWD. Rente. Ko. 8i. ti Sun '. New York. ODS.'.C". 3rira 8f0p v " SY.P.4N. 8 55pm 7 66am v Phra.'elihla, " 11 IB p . 13 1 au; ivbititcore BeyT,lre 8 9! pm iv "A'ashintrton, N W.8.B. 0 1 m - rr.-f rut S T. 9i' m 8 5Cp" lv Klchnond, iv Petersburg, t Durt am. S. A. Lt, 10 am 10 37 pm inn am 1120pm 4 00 pm 8 30 am Ticket on sale to all points. Pulluanand But reservations a?de on application. Spe cial a hecules prepared, and any other lnfoi oiathm c;e-fcliy fnrniehed. Convenient schedules K3d low rates to all i rircipal Sum mer I eeoite dnrine eeastnr 8. H. REAMS. Afrent, Durhnm. N. P. H. S. LFAKD, lYaveling Pastetger Agent. Ra'eiRh, N. C ti. E L BUyCH,Qrerl Paseecger Afent, Portfmon'a. v, J. M BAKR. 1st V. P. & G. M.,PoiU rronth.Va. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. IB ITFECT KOV . 24TH, 1901 Trains leave Durham, N. O.. . 2 :30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily for Greensboro and FO-Dt t'Outh anci west. Connects at Greeir.brro with No 8 north for Danville "od Rich mond, and iO'h with Nos 39, 33, and 37, forSu ihury, Charlotte, Co lurrbia,Savannab, Charletcn, Jack sonville, Atlanta d New Orleans; Salisbury for Asbeville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville and other points west. 3:35 a. m., No. 12, eastbounc, daily, for Raleigh, Selma and Golda boro. Carries Pullman Sleeper Greensboro to Kaleigb.j 9:40 a. m., No. 8, eaatbound, daily, for Raleigh, Selma and Golds boro; connects at Belma with At lantic Coast Line north for Wilson 9 -.50 a. m., No. 35, westbound, daily for Greensboro and intermediate local points; connects at Greensboro with U. 6. F&st Mail for Danville, Lynchburg, Washington and ell points North and We6t, as also with No. 30 Jacksonville to New Kork via Richmond. Southern Railway Din irg Cars operated ou trains Nos, 36 and 30. 9:55 a. m., No 16, northbound, daily for Oxford, Henderson, Jeffries, Kesville and Richmond. No change of cars between Durham and Rich mond, where close connection is made . to all points north. iJose connection at J ff . ies for Norfd t and Steamboat .ines to .Washington,. Baltimore, New York and Boston . 2:47 r m., No. 35 eoEt bound, daily or Raleigh, Selma, Goldsboroand intermediate ttations. 4:43 p. m., westbound, daily, for and all points Connects at Greensboro for Wineton-Sa'em, also with Nos. . 35 and 29 for Salis bury, Charlotte, Columbia, Charles ton, avannab, Jdcksonville, Atlanta and Ndw Orleans; at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Connects riorthbound with No 12 for Richmond, Nos. 38, 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes ville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 6:C0 p. m., No. 74, northbound. cai!y except Sunday, for Oxford, Keysville, Richmond and interme diate etations. Pullmhan and Southern Railway Dining Cars opercted on ail (through) Main Line trains. No trouble to an swer questions- 8. a. UABUVYiUK, uen. i-aafengcr FftAJSK S. GANNON, 8d V. P. and weneerai manaKer. G. DUS-ENBERY, Ticket Affent. Dnrbam N. C. Sale of Land. a nnmmliialnnnra of the Court In the case ot Williams against Roberts and others, and under ana by virtue or an oruer 01 me supe rior "ourt of Durham County, the under signed offers for sale at the Court House door . . . . ,, . . , 1 V. M ,1 ... i. n'nlnnlr in tne vity m vurusuii v., v ".'w,. M on Monday, the 7th aay of April, 190a, to the highest bidder, upon tne terms of one-thii-H I'UKh and the balance in two egual in stallments, due in three and six months, the oil owing lands lying in llayil In the Olty and oouniy 01 uuruuui, in. uuuuuuiuh one-fourth of an acre, adjoining the lands of Uud Webb, deceased, Oeo. Koberts and oth ers, being lots NO. one ana two 01 tne 1. 1. Link survey, uiaae n seutenioer, ipwi, aim being those two lots purchased by ancle Williams of W. 11. Hopkins and J. II. Free land and wife by deeds registered In Deed Hook 19 page auu in tne same book oi Deeds page 267, of Durham County, N. O. v K. W. WINSTON, P.O. GRAHAM, Commissioners. This March 3rd, 1908. to write for our confidential loiter btbrp- plying for patent; H may be wortfr M)ey. We promptly obtain U. B. aud Foreign , PATEfaTS i and TRADE MARKS fr return EN TIRE attorney1 lee. Bend rmxiul, sketi 1 . . - 1 . m mm r r I .TV or pnoto ana we Kiiir u mmtuniB FREE report on patentability. We give the best legal service and advice, aud our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patent lawyers, 0pp. U.S. Potent Office.Washington, D.C A I' I r; - m h w "'i:i - A 1

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