V rr . DAILV 0115 CURED Jam r ' v Til" GRIIA7 nroaoarilla TUESDAY, Ai'i'JL :i Food and Nerve Esergtisr. is ti it cjt.-s as a rich b!esslr.j from prina AEDICINE. I A aj a E -rn, ths ovf-Trrkii and debilitated. That " Crsi r. ; v :r ar.i .?p :n iency which arise from bad'y nour .i cni s.a u.-.dsrfid body, vanish as if fey a magio p:ctrati;n hich accompany the spring. KUht Sha'l lU tc. Short ia the ttiarcf-h of evil, . Long is the reign of right; The men who win by the aid of sin, The nation that roles by might, The party that lives by corruption, The trickster, the knave, the thief May thrive for & tinie on the fruits of crime, But their seeming success is brief. JOHNSTON'S SA'r-A?.', revest SPRING 21ID'.Ci.Z fceavta to the "worn ovt," t r fetiing," thosa "sT-iY.r Isfced nerves, from thin, viuteu spell. The vsatteezs. krsit-i 3. Cme and ths beat cl sur.i.cr. are csr.qcired sr.d bahishsd at once. For every form of neurasthenia, and all ailrr.jr-.'s c; ths brain and nerve, insomnia, hystsria and nervousness gCeer, if yen will, at houor; jenerally, It is almost a specific. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve j 3Jate V".' lue a theme for jest; tissues. It feeds brain, nerve rentirs and nerves, calming and equalizing their action; tt makes rich, red. honest bleed, twasss of life, new hope, new strength follow its faith ful use. It makes the vt. j ; ; and ths cid young again. It was the artiqvat-d h-.t re- hppiiy eyplodsi) maihoJ in the good old times, te treatalt Rheum, .cn.'d3, Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising from ELCOD TAINT with pcwsr'J aiicratives, su;h ss mercury, arssnic and other mineral agents. It was expected by iV- trc'auv.er.t thrt the pcis'on could be killed while the blood was left to course th.-cu-h i3 c'.-.n:v!s hcldiai; in its' circulation the specific gesms of the disease. But in this- v. ay. ever; part of the boJy tscame more or less diseased. Noth ing can be more ten lb'-.' th.-.j 4 horribly dss'rusuvo b'ocd taint. - It not only attacks viru lently the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed. It often s.'V-r.s out ths nerves end spinal cord, arid'again it will bring de cay and death to some v:;.-.i ergn, as the kidr.iys. liver or stomach. There is only one scientific method for (he cifetf blood tdnl. "hit is. PURIFICATION I Every particle of ths blood must be removed trough ths execretory channsls, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skin.- " First pure, then paceab!s." Ths great restorative, reconstructive and vitalizerof the blood, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex haustively removes the taint, tut.atsa removes tU mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins ar-,3 arteries with -the ruby, glowing current of vitality. "The blood is the life." Good health means pu-s blood. The old and reliable remeiy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is unlverrnlly regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact is now establishes! beyond question or caviL BLOOai'OISOX CIHEO OOJ.VSTCS'S SinSAVAUUH. Byron, Mich., October 31. 1894. Williams, Darts. Brocks & Co.? D-rr't : Gentlemen: In April b.st 1 bepun .TC-.TTON'S SARSAPARILLA for Blood Poison, caned by an imputation of oie of ir.y arms. 1 hi d"SE'tiN RUNNING SORES on my legs. 1 used two bottles and was entirely cured. I kt.w it is .h;.t cared me. - Yours truly, G.W.LUTHER. h K i iTtM i ' !. s i::tiihe3Ii:;g uzzis thozi oun NEIGHBORS. ' Xqveraests of Peop'.a and Thlsjs ia General, Reported DaUy By B. F. Absrnethy, . The following Eist Darbam uenn oa the f.i'.i i::itni i .-c it .-.s --.n-rou::e ' tl:at t.?h was tvx-i fc-r the bri.a. Of course the :V.laoy cf the t i l wis so.-a esp-loCoi.- Nc-nually ihe food we tit noiir.i-ies tram, nerves, muscle, bones, etc., each part of the Nvly as si ci h a tmg pnospaorous f salts, lime, ac- Cf brain begins to show weakness For !' " bv At Y-..rby, B. H rod & Iv: tit mm Kit rr v w Siting " COPYRISHT "m TH vl TIRED ftmV In Syring'a balm flays. ttieo Is nothing tbut btirnuliiiBSiud touclidi the spot. 11 a P'i'O.'i Klas of foviner'i; betjr It is trfwei rrom the host malt auu bops and Is seJaUve, tui.io and luvlgoratintf. In the Spring lime tt, i., espei-.ially grateful to tiie palate a-id tbe ftenerai healtb. If jou try a eiwo! I -ner's "per you will never be witJj'int !t c aia i c.iirrv a comulolo iioe of leading bianas of flrst-fiiisfs whiskies un1 brand! s. Try a bottle of our Orppa Ktver whiskey. 'Ih Whiskey -wl'lifi n i-eada'-lie. Very respeetfal'y, x. it. scoggins; 9 No. 124 COKNE11MA.NG0M & TEABOD Y BTS ootl-t,i 1 V it ..:s 'i 8ch9dc'' la Meot t is i, vm. V ;,.'j.')'y lit' - ' .... .5 j'..'..vo b. t,f" ..b'ai'g. Reflect oa the man who strives as he can To seek and to do the best; Make coodcess a batt for slander, And offer exense f jr vioe; Procidm the old lie, the corruption- ist's CT. That every man has his price. Yet know that the truth 6ba!l triumph, That evii shall find its doom; That the cause of right, though s ib- dued by might, Shall break from the strongest . tomb; That wion?, though it seems to tri umph LiBta only for a day, While the cue cf truth has eternal yculh, And 6bal rule o'er the world for aye. J. A. Edgerton. A Mysterious Murder. Winsion-Salkm, C, April 7. James Tesb, a white man, died at the hospital here this morning from a fracture of the skull, made by an unknown party. He was found un- ..AMDAitia Unn4aiT vvinrnlnrv in A hum EGOS . FOR HATCHING adjoining . .barroom jut northeast 01 town, uyaii vrewH wan ancp".cu I food eaten, and this loss is ia teneral due to disease 01 xne stomach, arjd its allied organs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical 1 4V 1 . 1 1 TO ALL TOIXT3 KC2T3, SOUTH AI-'D SCuTI-VEGT. should have reached us ou Mjndav cordir. to. its until this mornin?: Kev. Livingston Jonnson, oecre-1 or the ntrvts le- tary of the Board of Mission?, filled I come sensitive it the pulpit of the Baptist church a .aP th , r , r . . there is a loss of Sunday morning and evening. In the nutritioa tha morning he chose as bis teit 2d contained ia the Corinthians 613, "Be ye also en larged. " In the evening be preach ed from Matthew 27-42, "He saved others; himself he cannot save " Mrs. Mary Steadman, of Lock- ville, who has been visiting at 'A. E Brown's, has gone to West Dur- Discovery cures h4m diseases of the stomach and other organs Remember that Mrs. Abernethy .S , n , ..J.I We peiIO.1 Ultcauuu urn and the Misses Brooks can attend to fowhich the source of the strength toe lurniture ana paper ousiness ai 0f both brain ana tody. stpI. Hit hprriPtb.V Mtu troubled with very frequent headaches, X Alael0J' . writes Miss Belle Suramerton, of San Diego, E. P. Maynard, a prominent la- DuvalCo., Texas., "often accompanied ky severe yer of Raleigh, was in tbe village SMRSSftffi Often I could est almost noining, ami suuiauu MiBS Anna Lasater, Of Chatham time. I was entfrelv uuCt for work, and ray . i wnole system secmcu nui-uu u iun 'vaivu COUnty, 18 VISltlUg her SISter, JlrS. wn.vere sick spell and was vry much dis- A E Brown couraged. I was advised to try Dr. .Pierces . " AJ1UWU. , .1 j... m.j rv,,f.r. .11 i irl vi nth such lilte a number Of VOUng people satisfactory results that before hmshing the met at the residence of T. J. Kerr dU,;.s attends Dnhiicschooiurc." Dr. Fierce's Coinnion beuse Jledical Saiiwi T.a' : e 1 ? It- ..... -. . ... ts Eei. 'ert,7. ax New 1 urk., O 1 fc b t o Pile. KjIs on SalnrHav nio-ht and had a verv jolly time. There were twenty six Advise-in paper . " 8 STANDARD liUKI) , White Leghorn and Bar red Plymouth' Rock. liv-ry e,"' ,t i-t--.nt? (! t ho strletly - fresh aud far lbs. 1-V'r 3le by. F. G BATTLE ' U.tri n. a. Large sto:'- of Poultry Fiefs on l and Tor iiile at roa jo iV.e yrtuos. and locked up on suspicion of being the eruiltv party, but the evidence against him is entirely circumstantial. The coroner's jury began iuvesti gation of the case this afternoon, but adjourned this evening without rendering a verdict. They will meet tomorrow and visit the place where Tesh was Vounded. b. k mm leal Prant:sniai aal B sr. "ViU givo est'matps rwi p.!l kindu of work I '.;ius ;4X s!)t;clUoii"i(i,i!i made on appllca- '..a V, )rk uuuo O'i t tort DOtlco. &HtlHfac t'ou gu-.rant-vJ. Com;.- pondence solicited. i.uck l.ox No. 5i'i, Uurham. N. C. The Beet Blood Purifier. The blood is cor.st.iitl v being pu rified by the lungs, liver and kid neys, h eep these organs in a heal thv condition and tLo bowels r gu lar acd you have no reed of a blood purifier. For th;s purp-ee thfreis lotbinE; fqwal to th uncertain 8 tcmaca and Liver Tablets, one do6e of them Trill dojrcu mora good than Job 'Work a Specialty.' a dolJar battle of the best blood pu - J ificr Pricj, 25 cents. Samples sn'1w'tf free at W. M. Yearby's drug et le. rtiot of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Address Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Good Printing. prompt 3eryice No Sll V S-ii 8 pu. J 13 x J j i 3 an f 1 1 -. n fiOaon S'Srai I10oi Hi ba it m .t ja arKiM.,..d. j -re P. K. K. arPL if- Villa, ar Sew Y rk, y :- a 64m r i-m 35 m o jj t ai 10 10 a 11 ta paUiStn 2 c 'o 1 ii pui SSUam 41-ipm oi"tdnriii. Route. No. 21. F.x.Saa' No.S.1. Ex son TewYork. ODS.iCi. 1 " N.Y.P.4S. PhUaeeltUta, Iv Biltiniore. ByUlre Iv washlBKlcn, v 1 rvrt onr . A . aniim 3f0pTti 8 5T (rui T ho m 11 :c n msiaa 8 : i.ru 8 "0 j m It Richmond, lv PeterebnrK, ar rmrt am, S. A. L.. 9 ,0 ain 10 ST pm l 'f 1 in HMnn 400 pin 8 am TvkB'sr.n dale to all Dolnts. Pullnanaud R-v Y-t.trviit:onandi" on auDlieatlon. Spe cial hedules rrepared and any other Itfor matlon citerf . ; y turaUhed. Conetlent schPdnlesaad lowrares to all iriccipal um- aerl-eeortsdunntf fcain. H. S. LKAhD. Traveling Paueifer Afcen. Raleish.N.C. . . K. E. L. BU ca. tieterai ra er gen , Portfmout.n. V, J. M BAKR, 1st V. P. & G. M,Postv mcnth.Va. oung ladies and sixteen young men present. Subscribers who fail to get their papers, win piease noiuy u. c. Abernethy or one of the ladiesin his store. Mr. and Mrs Charles King, of f Orange county, visited their nieces, Miss sopbronia llorton and Mrs. i V A 1 .V, C..l.i, e.AUBiuriu;UBuu.,. jp. ,TA1 ntrmi I attended the Episcopal bunday . K K. Y . V A ) I J i VJl Lf i School on Sunday and was d lighted OBIVTn with tbe music and the manner in J011 "Vu uniili .... . j . i DCKHAV. - NORTH CAROLINA. which the school is conducted gen u . so when JU need erallv. Mr. Ilerndon IS SUperin- Letter Heads, Note Heads, Knvelnptift. bill . ... 1 I ii.a,ii tiit.nmrit.s. Rfirrt"int Blanks. Clrcu- tendect, and Mrs. tSurcbam organ- c"ularJ Fosters, or PaniDhiets, you win com- iat Thfttpaphers are Mrs Jadee I mmlcate with iue. and your -needs will be lei , ineieaLueru are uxib. uuugc i ,.,..H Vnn tinli . wv ofdoinn Winston, Mrs. Burcham and Miss busioess'satistactory. rr., e . 1 11 I Slttl V D. J rinOI,. ine matinee oi me uerueiuj- Brooks combination was well at tended Saturday afternoon, and all express themselves as being well pleased with tbe performance. Mrs. Addie Wicks, ot v aae county, who has been' vtBiting her parents, mr. uu UirB. ,ua., Next Eleclrt(! Hfht House, for prices. He turned home Saturdav. accompanied wiu make them ri it. l'Loues-lnterstate , Out wood to order.' and co".lofall klnflsfle 11 tared proraot-lw. mar9-tf When Yon want Wood mautitlesof from n-.. ten, one hundred or two hundred cords, call on J. E. BOWURG, S It i'.2o is Tor i'.'ft llOVH l..,)iuilJ- Vu et, tit' y U" M ti f Pe'.' at. . . .".; ... .--n, . - .''fit',".: i ".-f "!( II i 'i ft,. if.Ml iV i'.'.-i - i. H. . rpr f-f O p. .jit. , 1 - f -.?to.k8 - - l.J,i.-e '- , J v'- fi. )'jl P jVv A. . rat' V,i JU-.i vi! ii-.tn 5 . i V. Si' Leaves All to Wife. New Yokk, April 1. Albert T Patrick is today gathering together nis papers preparatory to leaving to Sinsr Sins prison, where he will be placed in the death chamber. Patrick has made his will, leaving everything to Mrs. Patrick, former ly Mrs. Addie Francis, in order tuat she will be able to continue the fight for the Hice millions. Recorder Goff today sentenced Patrick to die during the week be ginning May 5. Jcb Couldn't Have Stocd It If he'd had Itchiup; Pile3. They're he flames. Tiie danger from fire is terribly annoying; but Bucklen's 52 !XmJ Arnica Salve will cure the worst case m to have your house and property In- of piles 0'1 earth. It has C'-red thou in a reliable company. We will fur- Ljn . ninr. Tn-inrioa P.iina nr Rnrtilv si mmi m flioist r-.'nm ever o eseut can t, eet s wbv less to say, therefore, that It's the part of wisdom to have your house and property In- tfiabmptr.?v!,? V, hands. - For Injuries, Pains or Bodily una honorable methods. . Eruptions it's the best ealve in the James Soulhgate & Son'sr SS. .t.SK:. , 0 insurance Agency. . . a . .1 . 1 Phone 48, Office over Morehead Banking Co Iredell county DoasiS tneoniy epr?- woman rural delivery clerk in Worth Carolina. She Is Miss Ida iNic&ol son who began carrying-tbe mails on route No. a from statesvuie tast Tuesday. The Mascot predict that she "will be one of the best jn the service anywhere. bv her little eigter, Mina Robert Kerr and Willie King have returned to Orange Grove J. S. Phillips and two little daughters, Lelia and Ailda, of Wake county, visitsd Mrs. B. F. Aber nethy Sunday. Tbe sneak thieves have around. Some one stole a ham from W. II. Young's back porch Saturday night. Sunday night Borne one was prowling around in J. L. Hall's back yark. Reymond shot at him and he left without .tclling his busi ness. Come again. The East Dur ham boys, are ready for you now. When our boys get through, witn a ellow, he generally has enoogn. Revenue of Cuba. Washington, April 7. The "di vision of insular affairs of the war department gave out for publication today a report snowing tne customs BEK PERRY, DEALER Hi WOOD AND COAL. All ktud i ot cut, split and sttak Wood, both nul n. nlnA In Istp 'H or Mmal 1 a IKllltit 6S. I been handle nothing but the tt grades of Coal. Buna your oraers now oeruro mo puuo u vanees. Very truly, Ben Perry, Mnraan Street. Interstate 'Phones, Offlce 31; Residence 411. Near N. & W, Depot. oel-tf . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. IK EFUZCT NOV. 21XH, 1901 Trains leave Durbtan, N. 0. 2 :30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily, fcr Greensboro and poxts tcuth and west. Connects at Greensboro w.th No. 8 north for Danville pnd Kirh mond, auil i :th with Ncs 59, 33, and 37, fora .rv, Chailotte, Co ambia. Savanna it, vnarci'Bfn, JtcK sonvdla, Atlanta at d New Orleart; at Salisbury fOi- At I. -vil'e, Kncxviik-, wkaiitifctga, NabCM.w red, other poluts WCBt. 3:35 a. m., No. 12, carbon v , daily, fcr Raleigh, S.-lmn and Golde- boro. Carries ruiitnan ssieeper Gre9nloro to Raleigh . 9:40 a. in., No. 8, e-..-tL'..i.'ncl, iaily, for Ealeigh, fe lma aua Go as 6c.ro; ctnneciB as cxnaia wim ai- l&ntic Coast Lrae norta lor w linon and Kocky liount, at Golusboro for I'arbcrc, ani JNoitws. At Beima for FayettoTlIlo ac t "A-t-nce. 9 a. rv, No. 3 w, d, daily tor Grr oro ana meaiate local pf'.ctf, couuacts etG" ensboro with r. - uau ic- Janviue, Lyneiiburg, vVfsbmglOi and ll oninta Nortii'anci Weet, as leo-with No. SO Jacktonvilie to New Y.rk via Ru-Ln-crd. Sov.ibern Railway Din irg Cars operated on trains Nos, 36 and Si). 9: f n p. m., No 16, northbound, daily Oxford, Hender'n, Jf If lie?, Kesviile and Richmond ro change of cai-ff Ijetween Durham and Rich mond, where close cocneotton is made to all points north. lose connection at Jt Ifi it s for Norf . 1 1 and Steamboat Lines to Wai-hiigtcri, Btiltimoie, New York and Bcsion . North Carolina, I ' Superior Court. Lnirnam Oounty. ) wetore tne uiern. tf vjfde Conley. Executrix of"! John' Dezern, deceased, and j J. 11. 4,'opley, her husband. iMntire against i lley A.Denern. James Da- j 'tn.ddle Dezern, and others J tec i ueienadms, james v. uezern ana ca- 2.e Dezern, . above named, will taite notice Dreadrul Attack of Whooping Cough :hatau action entitled aa above has been .,. ,. . , n . to DHionced In the Superior Court of Durham Mrs. Ellen HarllSOn, Cf 300 LJoTB County, N. V., before the Clerk of said Court, va TTfinaftfl Ditv Mo writes as the purpose of said action being to sell the ve KKnSaa tliy, I.IO , , wiiw.0 00 roa. estate or John Dezern, deceased, to allows: "OUT tWO Cll'Jnrea baa 8 ?H!fKJ.?ai"-JiS5?"ff?2: ?evera attack of wbooriap; cjUgb. will further take notice that thev are re- nnfl of them in tuO X) CXVdiu 01 .juired to appear before meat my office In the nnnt,hinl. wfinld often fail t a -Ml leJU uours House 111 uurnara. , u.,.on xne iotn 1 r Hi. We tviea : vV.. , rte.-;o.,iita,pt AgtsJt. T myelitis PH,st;et4,,-;t! Agetit -For Kent. , One three story , briok building wiib , elevatw on l'arrish St. , suit able lor wholi-hale or ri tail. Second and third dories in' brick building, on Parrish St. Outi si.ore room on Parrish St, r One Ktore room on Cleveland St. - ., , " Apply to ' j.30 tf , K. C Hackney". Tbe-.WEUKLV STJN Is only fi a year. Froi:i .'v' to 23 columns of 'live, '-interesting local, staLa'and " general news -each week. -SaV -.scribe' aiid' get a wido-awake Dtit--harapaner. "'' ..- j rvt .lot the conuilaint .ow on file in said cause, or ma,v.00j nt ithnnt o M ! . eiie! iliei-laiutlir win apply to the Uourt for the " 0 " - " . reiiet Uemauded In said complaint. I We then Called in Our fbitOi-.y ft u'C , - - At-?:;', Uhn nrpsnrihfid FoIov'h o-V :ia irrK ui ouimrior voi' . - 1 r , , , .. This 1st day of March. I002.-0w . Far. ' With the VOry lir-si( ( 1 lie becan to improve and - L eiV Lt ,111illw;fr'fr4Te, Mr4-5rf ifchai saved their l'vrs ( Iuk mi.,,! a riminiofvntn. t.o I -lubstitutos. "Sold by A. H Mat- IliiVLIlK trf iiudu aa n.uiiiiiiio'invui Jk wit? i - -est ae of SlUlnda-Weaver, ooceased, I here-1 tbOWS. by notify all persons having claims against h.n ncf ,q Irk nrovotit i.hpi Kfinift ttmnnn nv before the stti day of March, HJ03. or this no- , Andrew Carnegie has ariven fatSO,' tice Will oe pieaueu in oar ui M.ir .ocuyyry. ;.-, ll.,n tn, o All persons owint! saia estate win piease uuu tu tue.uujr ui i"u make immediate payment public library on condition that the Adm'rof AliUinda Weaver ..iiv orive a lot for tbo bnildinor and This March 20th, im. . nn . r ;m. guatauieu qzq,jvv yeai iui n TO THE NORTHWEST. 8:7 j. m., No. 3J f-fctcound. danv fnr lii.lp.iirH. re'mi. Go!dsboro and -VERY LOW RATES- t.":. ''-.. Grcensb.ro f id all romts Connects at Greensboro for Winston-ba em, also with Ncs-. 35und29 for Sulis- MiirCll 1 tO April 30, 1902. lolvava?DSu-UBonvdle,Atlanto Una xew tjrieacp; at oubuury iur THE' isheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY sr&UuSiDnt revenues of Cuba for the two months win sen tickets to Montana, Idaho, c-reKon with No 12 for Richmond, Nos. 88, ending February 28, 1902, were 2,- JStSf0? altafiSS? n " $231.12 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes- 461,764 and for 1901, fa,83B,334. -tm-11111 t aa and OO harhilBs. hrv to what nolnt you New XOrt. luncipiu.., w .r- ---- rt vour nearest station to this .a V 71 n.,H.hhnnnd. - -n - . .. . . ,(. . I W.VW W 1 ' T "I tor uirora, and interme diate station-5. Pullmhan and Southern R ilway ,,,! .ud, exclude of Po,t JiiSo "A neighbor ran in with a bottl of Chamberlaiu'-j f k)ic, Cholera n Diarrhoea Remedy who i my son w s suffering with severe cramps and was givea up ay bey on i nope Dy my regular pbysiri an, vvuo stands high in hi? pr.feBsion. After administer ince three doses of it, my son regain ed consciousneeenoss and recoveied entirely within twenty-four hours.' ys Mrs M ry Ha-lar, rf !!t Cr-v-' ford, va. xhw item oy .a iur 1 1 )' W. M. Year by. The Senate passed tbe bill to pro vide a clerk for the Circuit and District courts at Wilmington, N. C. . . P Je'. 's ?iduey Curo rcaVes .id 'i h i-,nd blud.er right. DVi dfaj .U-r.g. Sold by A B. Mfttthjws. "TV "Vati Tlf- 7 piningCanopercted onr'1 (.hrough) 1JVJ JLUU AULIV Main Line trains No trouble to an swer questions ACtSt, If SO, and Want SOme- frak b. gannon. ad v. p. ana i fieneerai mansxir, thing good to eat, Jcallat H. T. Smith's Restaurant, 0. DU8ENBERY, Ticket Asent. Dnrhum N. C. I Parrish Street. 209 1'arrlsh Street. Interstate Vhone 24. For Sale. The Hiirton Drouorty. on the cornor of Uamscur and Walker streets Lot 0 by 230 I f)t Ten room house. Bf ible, Carriage House and Servant s tlouse. Appy to. maris 4.v In the district of Puojab, Indh, 70.000 deaths a month are reported rom from bubonic plague, and the Sft, . in the supcrior.Oourt, situation is growing worse. J ohnii ox,i , 1-- Iprovernents and the maintpnance of the library, which the city agrees to do. ) .i..iiil OR NO ?EK. Eana model, ikotoh.V I ... (r fro. rennet on rnntiiWlitr. Bonk ' HOW y 51 in Ai.t.-.in II s nnd luToiim I'lituutunndTrado-Marki, 1 t'PT-fi. Vjif-nt terms ever oflorol to iiiTentnrt.l T.AWYER3 OF TEARS PEACTIOE. 2;J,000 PATEN Is I'RUUUKtU IHHum-.n intm. v Mutlpmte Writ C.-A.BNOW& CO. "PATENT LAWYERS, 0p?.U.8.Pahnt0rfiM, WASHINGTON, D. t . RHEUMTISH CURED 1H 4 DM. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In i to 3 days. -Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at ouce the cause and the disease immediately disappears The first dose greatly benelits. 75 cents.- Sold by Hackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. U. O. BtJRTON, or T. G. COZART. min no'x. Thn dnfendant above named will take no- t.irn that an action entitled as above has boan commenced in the Superior Uourt of Durham IF YOUR LIVER is Iniwtlve, or your TMOKSTION nutof order, use DIO.VA MVKH TONIC, which s the best preparation known for producing : a healthful and continuous sec-rtuon iroiii uio liver and other organs, it is an uwuiuwcmo nrownl v nf tomld or liitteiive liver. ti.u nmvuntlnir i-oHtivenesH. or eurlnK this condition if it already exlta. Of course the consequent troubles of obstinate costlvenesg, such as sli-K or nervous neauui-iio, rraiiOToiirno, gour touiat;h, colle, heartburn and kindreo diseases are relieved by this most excellent remedy. Blouiues, piinpies, nr nuigu biiui, eauseu Dy inuinesuou or cwuitoim, win relieved In a few day by the use of MOSJ A MvKR TONIC, thus Droducine a beaulitul complexion. It will cure JAUNDICE In a few vrice, 50 r.nts ana i.uu. FMCPAKED ONLY 11Y E. A. ORAIQHILW DRUGGIST, LYNCH BURQ, VIRQ1NIA. White Man Turned Yellow, rireat consternation was fs by tho friftnda of M. A. Kof trtv, of County to dissolve tin bonds f matrlmo'iy tne inenas Oi iu. tx. u ' " between the plaintiff and the defendantupon Lexington Ky., When Uh sav nn theirrouudof abandouiuent prior to January - i nii nnr I u c. or - I in' v I ir. iMini. Hnti uuim Lilt? Kruuiiu iuau rio uc- WIluiUH.8iw.- ;J , - -. ...Tmmitted adultery, and the changed color, aiFO n;3 er: r;. t Lit, Hlti(1 ,ifc,1(iant will further take notice that V For sale by W. M. Yearby. v maria 3m SPECIAL LOW RATE anflVirf'd torribrv. Ilia niniitdy was she Is required to appear at tbe next terra of Exonrstons via Norfolk and Western i t nmB, ,, Superior Court ot Durham County, to be Rallwav. Yo' ow Jaundice. He was ire . ... by he d ,,,, till0 i0,,h Monday after th nt Mon- m, it al,wf' . tVin hf doctors. ba(; without t5 '.erlt Then he was advised to try Klyctric Bitters, the wonderful Storm k.': an-i Liver remedy, and bewrijteR: 'Af ter tftking-two boWls I woe wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all fifcoraocl), Liver and Kidney Troub'os. Only 50c So'.d by R. Blackna 1 & Son, Druggists. 6 .i ... i.. vi.. .i. if ka n,. Hihiii.nf m,. I Forlorn! Inn womana t'luos. iios Anireies, iima .it. t.h ('ourt Uouso In Durham. North Gal., May lto8. TravelersProteetlve Asso.. Carolina, and answer or demuf to the com- I'ortland. Ore., Jrtne to 7. Mystic rme. 41. n u nt r n, ill! H AT t. ia.R II XUn II riLTllTIHUU. ilUII" W W IX. . v demauded will be Krauted O. n. OUF.RN. Clerk of Superior Court. This luth aay oi marcn. ihu j. Curo OoiU in nunu, Krrmntt'a Choeirtiites Laxpuve Qul'iimv a' to take and quick to cure cold m beta ktul :)hut. . riin Order workmen, l'ortlaua, ure.. juneiuio 20. International 8- H. Asfo.. lenver. Col., June SO. hnhililsor rvtmas. can rruuui. Cal , AUKllst 1 1 IO li r. i . a r.mo,Di Lake Clt-y. Utah, Aouun 3 to 11 Wrl'e for i"iiriiia.nii as ran- ua of sale of tlekel M. K. mtAiiu, X.P. Ag't. W 11. BKVILL. tlen'l fuss. Au't. mar a-tl lauglS ,, i-' I - - - - j ... . .. .; ; . I . I , "-fH,s.;;,,. vr