VOLUME 20-2OJ1LDEI: 49 ft SPECIAL Cigar Sale AT ft!it!r J kJ, JJfCf L. Saturday, 19 th. We have some genuine bar gains. Smokers Take Notice. Delightful Millinery ! When you chcoss a Hat you want rrttty ores to choose fiom. lis a great advantage and we give it to you because w e have a large stock, and consists of the latest and best to be had. Our goods were purchased with a view to suit ing all styles of ladies. You will find no difficulty in find ing just what you want MRS.LPERKINSON apio-tf A SPRINKLING OFNKOKWEAU from this elegant liae will put your assort ment In the most satisfactory condition. There's a sparkling variety of all styles of neck fixings for this season spots, figures, vertical stripes and cross bars, as well as plain effects In boautlful colors. Collars of all shapes that are correct. Soft Shirts In many new weaves and combi nations. Johnston Furnishing Co. 'Phone 440, Durham, N. C. :?."i;ill'i:llllll!lltr The most complete Duplicator on tl e market. We are agents for it and would be glad to have you call and examine it if you do any Du plicate work. AIsq see the SUN and CHICAGO Typewriters that we will sell you cheap. Yours truly, S. C. ANDERSON CO. tUSU-tf I : V ff If . f VH .vr.i.iiiainmiil ' i 11 1 n r v - i UK VISITED TWO HOUSES ON TUESDAY NIGHT Fished Out Pants of Messrs. Man gum and Peace Got the For mer's and Latter's Pants. ingoing pole robbers are again at work in Durham. They sallied forth eometime during the silent watches ot luesday ni"bt and visited two residences. The same tactics were pursued at both places that of rais ing windows and fishing oat the pants of the heads of the two house holds. At the residence of W. Mangum. Jr., 00 Cleveland street, the robber 0. robbers secured Mr. Manerum's pants, a fine gold watch aud 25 cents in money, lie Pauls wera a . m i T found on the porch this mornin?. wnere t&ey baa been lelt. he other place visited was the home of S. II. Peace, on Liberty street. Mrs. Peace had been sick for several days, and Mr. Peace sat up with her for some two or three or more nights. Her condition was so much better 1 ueeday night that it was not necessary for him to do so. At 12 o clock, however, he was up ana at mat lime nis pants were undisturbed. This morning a win dow was found raised a few inches and the pants, which were about fifteen feet away, were gone. In order. to do this it was necessary for the robber or robbers to tie two or hree poles together In the end of the spliced pole was a nail, which was used to hook the pants. The pants were carried off, to gether with a three-cent piece, a key and a handkerchief. Mr. Peace says u the robbers will bring bis pants back, they can have the three cent?. U. S Owes turope Money. According to reports from the reaeury Bureau of Statistics the United States has no credit balance in Europe now. On the contrary, we are in .debt to Europe for borrowed credits or or money. Later on these debts wilt be paid in gold or with merchandise, but until this year's crops of wheat, corn and cotton be come available for export there will remain a firm foreign exchange market at all times close to the gold export point. The government estimates of Uncle Sam's present indebtedness to Europe is $2.,000,000 for loans, while another $'00,000 of American gold will be spent abroad this Sum-" mer by American tourists. To Move Back Here. ' It. D. Boone was in the city from Itoxboro today, and returned there on the 4:55 train this afternoon. He is making arrangements to move his family back to Durham, and will be here again tomorrow. Mr. Boone has very many friends here who will be glad to, see hi in back in our midst again. ' Of the 145 persons on board the ill fated City of Pittsburg more than half were either cremated or drown ed. The origin of the fire is un known. - Largest and finest assortment of Embroideries in Durham, on sale now at Durham Dry Goods Co. Rmge of prices, lc. to 50c. jer yard, If you iuusi ouy. clothing see A. Mix and get your suits at bottom p ices. At his prioes you can af ford to wear a new suit every month. 11-4 White Counterpane, 69o. up at Durham Dry Goods Co. One two story six room house for rent. City water. Apply to W. II. Muse. - al7-tf It is liking picking money up in the road those bargains in straw hats at A. Max's. You can get one at any price you desire. Working 24 Hours a Day. There is no rest for those tireless little workers Dr King's New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, cur ing Torpid Liver, Jaund ce, Bilious ness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders, try them. 25c. at It. Blacknall & Son's Drug Store. ' - 2. For Rent. Two four-room houses near the furniture faolory. Apply to J. D. Clark. al5-lwk Two Se vets Are Held Dally by Kev. Mr. Norman. A a good M-ed cou'-et'ation at tent'ed ibe set vices at Tiinity church Tcunday nljht, and tie closest attention was paid from the b.ein- ring to the close. liev. Y. C. Gorman preached from the 14th verse of the 116th Pealm "I will pay my vow unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people." The sermon was an earnest plea for the Binner to for sake his tiis and come out and con fe68 the Lord Jtsrs Christ before men. After the sermon one person found peace by truniDg in Christ. A good interest was manifest throughout ine congregation. . w 1 wo services are held daily prayer meetmg at 10 a. m. , and preacning ai a p. m. All w bo are interested in the salvation of their own souls or those of their friends, loved ones or neighbors, are cordially invuea out to each of the services. TRINITY WINS AGAIN. Shuts Out Wake Forest the Sec ond lime Other Games Tuesday. The Trinity College baseball team routed the Wake Forest team, at Raleigh, Tuesday afternoon, by a score of 8 to 0. This makes twice that Trinity has shut out Wake Forest in the series for the State championship. Batteries: Trinity, Bradsher and Chadwick: Wake Forest, Hobgood andCaddt.il. Summary: Earned runs, Trinity Stolen bases, Trinity 4. Three base hit, Giles for Trinity. Double play, Edwards. Struck out, by Bradsher 13, by Hobgood 4. Hit by pitched ball, by Hobgood 2 Bases on balls, off "Hobgood 2, off Bradsher 1. YVild pitch. Iloberood Umpire, Robert Winston, of b'ranklinton. Time of game, I bour and 50 minutes. GAliES ELSEWHERE. At Chapel Hill Richmond Col- ege, o; uarolina, 4. At Oxford Horner, 3: Danville Military Institute, 2. The previous day the game stood 8 to 7 in Dan ville's favor. At ColamVa, S. C South Car olina College, 9; Thurman Univer sity, 0. At Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg, 4: Cincinnati, 3. At Phi.'adelphia, Pa. Philadel phia, 4; Brooklyn, I. At ISew York Boston, 7; New York, 3. Among Our Advertisers. In another column will be found an advertisement of the baseball games between the Durham and Trinity teams on Thursday and Fri day of this week. "The Apparel Oft Proclaims the Man." Let the W. A. Slater Com pany fit you out, and you cannot help but be pleased. Pridgen & Jones talk to the pub lic of "Shoes for Summer Gowns." Read their ad closely, and then call on them and look over their stock. Lambc & Lyon, the one price cash clothiers, invite the people of Dur ham to drop in any time and set. what a great saving they can get at their store. See ad of "The Rivals," which will be given by the A. & M. Col lege Dramatic Club, on the night of April 28th. Mrs. Ada Smith changes her mil linery ad. today. She has a new line of ready-io-wear hats open for inspection. "A Pair of Lunatics." This is the title of one of the plays to be given at the Conservatory of Music, by the elocution department, on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. . The whole program will be an' in teresting one, and "Living Photos" will be easily recognizable in the home-made picture frame. There ought to be a good at tendance, as the admission is only zo cents. 1 5,000 yards yard-wide Peroals,5r. per yard this week at Durham Dry Goods Co. Everything you want in the way of Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains, from the cheapest to the finest, at' Durham Dry Goods Co. Spring slippers at A. Max's from 25 -cents up. You get something good for your money, and it does not take much cash to supply yon. Peas wholesale and retail. C. E Jourdan, al2 2w. mm m over THE CHARGE AGAINST HIM RATHER GRAVE. A Hearing of the Case Ceme Up Before Mayor McCown 'Ibis Morning. Joseph Seagraves was arraigneJ in the police court this morning on rather a grave charge, that of at tempted assault upon Mrs. Ktiie Ray, wife of Dock Kiy, who live in tb western part of the ciiv. Mrs. Ray went on the witness stand and gave her testimony in re gard to the matter. It beems that Seagraves went to her home and into the kitchen where Mrs. 11 iy was cooking dinner on Tuesday. He made an insulting remark, and she spoke to him abodt it. Thereupon be made a grab at her, and her dress was torn. She eluded him and ran across the street to the house of a relative. The prisoner denies that be is guiltv of anv unlawful act. He was a little under the itflaence of liquor at the time. After hearing the testimony in the case, the mayor bound Seagraves over to the May term of Durham Superior Court under a bond of $100 Was Out Today. R. B. Proctor, who was painfully hurt in a runaway Tuesday morning, was able t be at his place of but.i- nesB today. He is still quite sore from the effects of the fall he re ceived, and is thankful that he was not hurt worse than he was. How he escaped being badly hurt by the overturned buggy is almost a mys tery. Jurors From Durham County. The following have been drawn as jurors from Durham county, to serve in the Federal Court, which meets at Raleigh on the 27th of May, with Judge T. R. Purnell presiding: R. H. Rigsbee, Durham; J. G. Andrews, Durham; J. E. Suitt, East Durham. Ladies' and men's Hose, 10c. to 60o. per pair, at Durham Dry Goods Co. Pay Your Water Rent. Water rents are now past due. Please call and pay the same and save trouble of having to cut off the water. . Durham Watkr Cp. -a22-4t Eating and seed peas at C. E al2 2w. Jourdan. Stw &tftxttcnuat. APPETIZING Nothing more so than a nice Din ner or Tea Set in China or Import ed English Porcelain. We have In stock the French, German, Japa nese, English and American goods to select from. Also have a spe cial lot of English Plate3, Cups and Saccers, and bowls, we are selling at io cents each. Nice handled Cups and Saucers at all times, at 40 cents per set, at Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412. El ESTABLISHED renown rn ran TONE & DURABILITY Over 117,000 Use. Now in FRANKLIN PIANOS. HARVARD PIANOS. Sold for cash or easy payments. W. R. Murray, Main Street, Durham, N. C. W. L. WALL, DIALER lit. WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood In any quantities. ' Cut jvood a specialty. Interstate Fhons tit. ua-7U J. HENRY SMITH'S SUBSTANTIAL No fabric more used and certainly none more serviceable. See our exceptional value's in guaranteed Black Taffetas. At 50 cents, our assortment of fine Corded Wash Silks offers a wide range of styles and colorings to select from. These are specially adapted for Shirt Waists and Children's Dresses. Foulards in all colors and best designs. LATEST SILK SHOWING ELLIS, STONE & CO. mm " The weather is right and our clothing an ! prices are ' low. 0Qr low prices are telling and the people are fast finding it best to pay cash and save from ten to fifteen per cent. Then you save the worrj of collec tors. We invite comparison in quality, price and fit. Our's is the cheapest eveiy time See our selection of Negligee Shirts, Straw Hats, in fict everything to make up a first-class stock. LAMBE and LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. TREAT FOR THE FEET. The kind of shoes you want ask for them they are here. The kind of leather you want the style of lasts you want, anything in foot wear, so its fashioaable, so its good and affords ease and attractive ap pearances. These two hints: At $3 00, Men's Vici lace Shoes, Goodyear welt, made on the newest style lasts, none better for the price.. many not so good. G At $3.50, Men's Velour and Vici Shoes and Oxfords, eiht swell spring styles, including the popular Burch-Gopman Company. e Masury's Liquid Paints Are made ready for the brush; their ease of working, freedom from running off the w.jrk, great covering nee nave maae mem tne popular -THEY - IM -'GENUINE - And we guarantee satisfaction in their use. Household Paints in small cans, Maamels, uold and Aluminum Brushes TAYLOE "THE OTPL OFT m PaOCLTOSTEE W To be well dressed is a DrODer desire for both man and woman. We know that proper Apparel. We make special effort to please, and have everything in Ready-To-Wear Clothing, Under wear, Shirts, Straw Hats, Neckwear, &c, necessary to make men properly clothed for Spring. Come in and let us make you look new. It is useless for us to comment on the fact that our customers are always pleased. If you are not one, come and join the procession. We will do you good. "Sale Agents For Knox Hats." W. A. SLATER COMPANY, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. I ARTISTIC SIGNS) GOLD ANT) GOLOES. AT HALF PRICE. CP. mar 19 tf Howerton SILKS. CLOTHIP ! Blucher cut, price $3 50. power and DURABLE QUALI- liquid paints ot the present age. LINSEED - OIL - PAINTS- Bronze. Window Screen Paint and of all styles. & PHIPPS. our store men can get the & Son. f