"gjfetsfr' - JJ--- BSTABI.t8miii.i63a. DcnTTA?.,. w n .tut ,,, . VOLT 'ME 26-NTJ1LBEE 50 I 11 1 1 GRADED SCHOOL ELECTION. TO Ladies 0?ly. Talcum Powder. 15 cents buys the reg ular size; 25 cents buys the 50 cents size Crosses of Honor to be Presented to Veterans Then. The 9ib of May will beanimnorr- ant day to the Confederate Veteran of Durham count? and the Julian S. Carr Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy. On that date about eiffht-five crosses of honor will be presented to the Veterans by the Julian S. Carr Chapter. Hon. Dan Uuzn McLean will d. liver the address on this occasion. I Mr. McLean is recognized as beioc f it . 11 . . One Of thn oK'ajt- nrin il:. fev mnnllla ink.,i. 1 LI.. State, and all may esteem themselves J frn our readers that work has be fori i . uviug vue uppor-151" vu 4iue. v genuemao in It II . L. L Z I A. . ... tuuiijr iu tear mm. Hacb member of.tbe R. F urn iff mm "w w i ii fca ... -ii VI iMtrtsi rrnm D..r w County Seat. ROXBOEO. X. C. Anril Oj A , - - - - a. 1 1 election has been ordered for llox boro School District Tn 1 t.-. k - 17 C held on Wednesday, My 28th, for iuo purpose 01 Voting a tar nnt - O mv V A v.,iS lulrijr cents on tne nuudred aoilars worth of property and ninot cents on the poll for graded school purposes. On Wednesday bv II XT : -ii . . . v-aviuess win deliver : n aujress in the Methodist chn h i uummemoration of the 83d anniver sary of Odd Fellowship Mra. J R ITl ... l . u.mo ua luai me line win undoubt- "'suing ner tjauobter THE PROPOSED CAR LINE TO CHAPEL HILL. ins Believed Would be a Paying Investment atid a Most Poru lar Route. mi i oe cnances for the extension of the electric car line to Chapel Hill are said to be very good, and in a None Better at any Price. AT Hf.. T II, I ..... . a -w.glu uirs. J Iff 1 njl 1 ,i . ..... IT ll S " "vu uiciuuer Ul IUB ft. r. Y Shh I CUI V UB UUIIL II tnA I hino I, -SUP I I hn i. L " ' . ... v.j,i., urn iicu' i -""" iciui ueu io uer Dome a UniD lUd the Jnhn Mtnninn D 8 thnv Iho r.rA.,o. . t i i. r tl ' r . . f'"6 "cueii cuuniy. Bt,e ', j . u ana tne occasion iuey are very anxious for the line ws accompanied by her erau.lson Will doubtless h nnp that tKo voto. I to pnnnsct tholv ;.u r...i I Mof. oi . t i. 6 ...... . .w-. .iMauiu(iui,t w UC 1 i . acs will remember as lore as thav lnd may or may not be called on tn A. P. Oilhort Q rrAn t f ab I. . XT civuic in. xi bu. iuev w 'eiern rnan t. h Will ho oolrA ,.. - J: , , " ""-P"""-! BASEBALL fiAMFS. amnnnt I tl .1U k r""' " l ln -wt-vB wuu luc a. ai j i 1 1 1 1 1 a .iiiiiii'inn auif. : . i o " mB up me Daiance necessary No fabric more used and certainly none more serviceable. See our exceptional values in guaranteed Black Taffetas. At 50 cents, our assortment of fine Corded Wash Silks offers a wide range of styles and colorings to select from. These are specially . adapted for Shirt Waists and Children's Dresses. Foulards in all colors and best designs. IMayed ta Various Places Throughout t0 construct and open the line. Th " "r."r..rr.7:. . !'"e uurbam baseball park K,-uiv ui uait ueiwppn inpinnri nmKuV.' . u i . i .. n.;nvr.i; t ... ... , . r""""J F looaiea runner uinoiu.iiuary lusiiinieana i rin. nnt hotmnn j n i n-.. ItvParlr Hih .,;.-" .. ...u vuapei nm, j ' uuuuui, which wxMiir U7 r, 1 1 1 , 1 ., . i. I . . r , . A,f . ,,. ; , i "v"iu iub tiue a most poou nnn l . rr LA 12 .... I i I . . "J l"o "rail uameu oy a score The Sr hi;n - ,V U0VI.1Ie m?Je 0,,r rua8 Durham to Chapel Hill would be a in me nrst ana three m th irth I lnmnrr nlula V Il:..U O. l i I fil nunc lun tlliZU OCUOOl A 1 I i- leiepuone line IS now in orPr. It u - ...-r . i nvii ueiween i'rranoit 11 11 r- auu wcrdonton. scored one in the the fifth. fourth and two in Tax-Listing in June. OTHER GAMES IN THE STATE. At Wake Forest Wakn Fnrat o; Richmond College, (J. At New Bern A. & M. College, 8; New Bern, 7. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Appears Here Saturdav Ninht Th'eo, the Little Oueen nftha Air . win oe seen at the Durham O II...... u . i . . . r nuuse, oaiurdav niht. Ann n,h TKJ '..r . mis wuuueriui air-waiitnr ia nm.. touring this country for the fir. time. In addition. th.!re will, several other interesting features and specialties. The prices are with- LATESTSILK SHOWING ELLIS, STONE & CO. .Til no is t h miml, t I : .. : . uivuiu iuf neiiug lazes, I . 1 x ut pi iuea are witc The tax-listers for the various town- 10 the reaon of all 10 and 20oeuts. buius in eacn county of the State " uauuowu"e souvenir will be .11 I - . I -1 A win do ready to serve the tioi Beu' every ladv. throuorhont. iho ' a . ..v im iuuuiu, i . - . Th. . n.i. . . .. iunrriea weunesdav Ninhi n n . . r' I Ksv. lip W HP . I V.. ' v jreei pastor ot K. C. Cox. G. W. T. Maneum r Deligatful Millinery ! 11 be at Eist uuuron, otticiated Pearl Mills, Jf a marge at the residence of R. Durham, June U ' 0n. g9 Avenue, Wed c days during Tt8day m about 7:45 o'clock. troit, 2. At Washington Washington, 7; When you choose a Hat yon want rretty ones to choose from. lis a great advantage Boston, 3 and we give it to you because At St. Louis St we have a large stock, and Cleveland, 2. " consists of the latest and best f to be had. Our goods were purchased with a view to suit ing all styles of ladies. You will find no difficulty in find irg just what you want u iji.-.i ii i At VhAoir.huuiuA. V- l- Mangum, will be at Eist " . "ur0n, omciated 8: Brooklyn. 4. ' uurnam, June 16ib; At I'lttyhnrn. T:..1 ,. .. lliu.tuu - avmnuui f a illrii II U. . ... w of i i i xi h aiitk. i j i Uincinnati. 3 i u uiuci ween uavs auriuff Tk A . . '- At New York-New York. 5: , " l". l"eyi"lu .De toana at tbe , c.rtTirTZIY- HoMtnn i. UUUI uuuse m luis city. , 7 wwe u. neese. l0n' 4" r ' 0l marriage record in th Rw. ih, ...... MBicr oi eeas' omoe the hom f - . i m. uiilc s in ri in va t I m i . v Baltimore-Philadelphia, 8; There w.r. fr Ai.A -r 06 8room waA given Mecklen- in tbe nolice Mnrt thi; JZS.Z'l C0Uly' V,rg,n,a. anil of th j-- i ui iud hm ii rnnm The weather is right and oar clothing an ! prices are low. oar low prices are telling and the people are fast finding it best to pay cash and save from ten to fifteen p2r cent. Then you save the worr) of collec tors. We invite comparison ia qua ity, price and fit. Oar s is the cheapest every time See our selection of Negligee Shirts, Straw Hats, ia fact even tliine to make up a first class stock. 1 5ac AMERICAN LEAGUE At Baltimore, 1. At rhi "'k: tn r I " " r..v uuuit, mis muru Dg At Xh.cago-Cbicago, 12; De- Hamilton Yancey and Herman Co m 7 . J 1 1 . f . auuer, ooargea wiin attray with LAMBE and LYON, 0e Price Clothiers and Furnishers. L'juis, 5; - j i a ueauiy weapons, were oouud over to court under bonds of $50 each 1 WO defendants were nn nn thn Examination of ADnllMnta An examination of annlinnta f- tui ueruuoaie to teach in the Dur- nam uraded Schools will h hi MRS. L FERKINSON. aplO-tf it A SPRINKLING OP NECKWEAR from this elegant line will put your assort ment ln the most satisfactory condition. There's a sparkling variety of all styles of neck fixings for this season spots, figures, vertical stripes and cross bars, as well as ' plain effects ln beautiful colors. : Collars of all shapes that are correct. Soft Shirts in many new weaves and combi nations. ' ; Johnston Furnishing Co. 'Phone 440, Durham, N. C. 1v IS --'M vvt' ..m The most complete Duplicator on tf e market. We are agents for ft and would.be glad to have you call and examine it if you do ony Du plicate work. Also see the SUN and CHICAGO Typewriters that we will sell you cheap! , Yours truly, morning goes to acoeut 8. , ur". . ue,eD"anc. with the Carv Lumher cnar?ca.wun ?wtarbmg the peace, Goes to Dunn W. A. Carver left this for Dunn, where he a position Company. Mr. Carver is a thor oughly experienced saw mill and lumber man, having been in the business for a number of years. He moved here a few months ago from Roxboro, and has many friends who wish for him much success in his new position. '.i , - kuuuuis win oe neid charge of drunkenness. One was on Saturday, May 17th, at More- let off on payment of 12.30 cost and j 1 . ... . ana juagment was Held ud in re- gard to the other. A defendant. bead School. Board. Ry order of Schoo a24 td was discharged. To Appear in Roxboro. A Clever Ruse. A I. ' . . tt.ii unsnown gentleman came in this morning on the west bound Southern tram. In his hand he oarned a valise in which a number of holes were cut. After getting on iuu uepot piauorm be unetrapped the top of the valise and out jumped j-Tiino uciuc xjiair, uue tj tne a iHiie nrown ancr. it waa nno o teachers in the Darham Grader, the cutest trinlcR in nr,I - - wwavv vai j a vulnt Klc a iauiug in ifcox-iuug iree inai we nave seen lately. ujiuuii tiiuay Higui. fiiias iiiair is a splendid elocutionist, and never Attention. Sir Knf-.l.ti . ...- 1 ' laus to deligbt all who hear her. A regular meeting of Duiham me portrayal oc different charao Lodize.No. 31. Kmrhta nf Pthi,., tcrs is most excellent. She should, will be held tonight at ft nlnok in and doubtless will, have a lartm the Pvthian natl h.ll w.i, : audience out to bear her. the second decree. All member. The Farmers are KBv B uc Vu ' auu.V18 "?8 ti, - T r J , rvnignis are cordially invited. J. L . u iniuieis are uusuv encacpa at 1 ni i. ft 1 1 .. ... mum, vyuauueiur commander. -v.n,Uu.4Ug lu.a ureilV Weatner, I K. W. Wnnrlwarrl Ifnanur if R r , w , --111.'. M II UUUWi and consequently not manv HwntL.j.. .1 u..i. , r-iuiusauu uettia. nuuoc lv uavc urgent ousiness can be seen on our streets. The spring has been so backward that it will take a vast amount of work to catch up with farming operations. Mr, Morris Sick. John R. Morris, the well known philosopher and travelling man, is confined in the Johns Hopkins Hoe pitai, at iialtimore, where be is undergoing treatment. Mr. Morris has been a frequent visitor to Dur ham in the past and has quite a number of friends here who regret to near ot bis illness. Fay Your Water Rent. Water rents are now past due Please call and pay the same and save trouble of having to cut off the water. Ucrhau Water Co. a22-4t Si C nlMf ANDERSON CO. A woman wants to see evervihin going on; that is why she stands in tront or a mirror, and if she wants to really se something to admire, she should don one of .those beauti- ful epriuc d rentes at A Ma' They are going so cheap you can get several ior tne price ol one formerly. To the Highest Bidder. For sale the refreshment nrivi. Irgi's at the Durham Alhletio Pmk. a 1 . - r Apply at learby's drug store. 24 tf Our troops have recently had two When it comes to clothini?. hats eneafff'ments with' the Filininns. nf shoes, A. Max can fit vou out the island of Mindanao. at a small cost, and you will smile for several dats over the laree r 1 . t I . . " worKiny 2 rtours a Day. amount, you get ior a little moaiey. There ia no rest for those tireless His stock is new, bright and beats little workers Dr. King's New Life the trade on prices. Pills. Millions are always busy, cur- ing Torpid Liver, Jaund ce, Bilious- See our line of Negligee Shirts S iTLt S2L T7 8tylishg agnd prett,: .v,-, uukuvuv, uiitovui jumurin. JnhnHtnn Fiirniahinr Pn ,r. V " Mwvf VUMVV nice, work wonders. Try them. 25c. at R. Blacknall & Son's Dmo. Store. - 2. If you need fruits and nrodnnn. . ... . r 1 see Uurbara brokerage & Coramis lion Co. a24. One two story six room house for rent. City water. Apply to W. H. Muse. a!7 tf Peas wholesale and retail. C. E Jourdan. a!2 2 sr. iet our Drices on Moai Hay and Krain. Durh am irnlr.-rarri vumiuission uo., 107 Church street. , a24. Eating and Jourdan. seed peas at C. E al2 2w. flPrfiTIZlNG Nothing more so than a nice Din ner or Tea Set in China or Import ed English Porcelain. We have in stock the French. German. Tapa- nese, English and American goods to select from. Also have a spe cial lot ol English Plates, Cups and Saccsrs, and bowls, we are selling at 10 cents . each. Nice handled Cups and Saucers at all times, at 40 cents per set, at I HHffif SMITH'S Next door to Postoffice. " 'Phone 412. &k PUUIOS TONE & DURABILITY Over 117,000 Now in Use. FRANKLIN PIANOS. HARVARD PIANOS. Sold for cash or easy payments. W. R. Murray, Main Street, Durham, N. C. w. l. wall; DIALER IK- WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood In any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. Interstate Phona IIS, Jua-Ttf TREAT FOR THE FEET. The kind of shoes vou want ask for them they are here. Thekind of leither you want the style of lasts you waur, anything in foot wear, so its fashioaable, so its good and affords ease and attractive ap-, pearances. These two hints: At f 3 00, Men's Vici lace Shoes, Goodyear welt, made on the newest style lasts, none better for the price, many not so good. At $3 .50, Men's Velour and Vifl Rhnac an ClrA.. SUi 11 . . . .. w"wv.j auv. v&iviua, ciifUL swell spring s-tyles, including the popular Blucher cut, price $3 50. ourch--Gorrnan Company. "Masury's Liquid Paints Are made 'ready for the brash; their ease of working, freedom from rtlnninor ri tha himI, L . . TTS, covering power and DURABLE QUALI- , ... avav. iwm mc pupuiaruquia paints ol tbe present age. TTHY - Ml - GEM1HE - LINSEED - OIL - punts- And we guarantee s3tisfaction in their use. Household Paints in small ,ua, uauic.s, ooiu anu Aluminum Bronze, Window Scteen Paint and urusnes ol all styles. TAYLOR' & PHIPPS. "THE PPPPHEL OFT POCLflliyiS THE TO." To be well rlrfisserl Air T iivivi uvons iui Will man ana wonian. We know that bur store men can get the proper Apparel. We make special effort to please, and have everything in Ready-To-Wear Clothing, Under- Wear, bhirta. StmW rTafa K anhrrranv Xm .iinnn i. make men properly clothed for Spring. Come in and let US make VOU mot riAW Tf id noalaaa fnnna 4-n on the fact that our customers are always pleased. If you are not one, come and join the procession. We will do you good. "Sale Agents For Knox Hats." . W. A. SLATER COMPANY, ARTISTIC SIGlNISf) GOLD AND GOLOES, AT HALF PRICE. C. P. Hower on & Son. mar 19 tf