ui;-.-t f . TAT.) rWt3 A.-TD IDITOE. tk, K cent. Oc Ytti, L(9 WHkIl-OB Ttu, Oat Dollar. atais.1 at tia Durham PostcflSce as aacoad- dajt mall Batter, toot lm-cltas radiai malMr. OtBOCnUC la politics, eonaerrati ve l pollcj amd tor. noma interest Int. ASvertisac rates majt kaowa on apulleatioa to office In Puke Building, Was Mala it. laterstate 'Phone 17. BeU 'Phone IT. aVGkaan of ndTertisementa mail be iand d la by 11 o'clock on day of sttllsnttca to bmn taemraoa. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30. - Marbting a man short in statue ia much leu dangerous than marry ing one short in pocket. o ' Russia is having a few Spring strike riots. In one at Moscow there were fifty casualties. ' o The jig is up with yoa on voting if yoa do not pay your poll tax with in the next twenty-four hours. . o Ohio puts in a new claim for greatness. Il is the greatest onion producing State in the Union. At any rate, the public won't be asked to buy stock in the Govern ment's system of wireless telegraphy o Senator Carmack wishes it un derstood that no Senator has i monopoly of sarcasm and vitupera tion. The death of Sol Smith Russel removes an actor who was not only an ornament but a prop to the Amer ican stage. o .i Ppiladelphia claims to have fighting muskrats. Is this another attempt to prove that the old town isn't so slow? o J. Pikepomt Morgan is too much accustomed to newspaper abuse at home to mind what European editors eay about him. o W are getting so accustomed to big things that the formation of a 150,000,000 copper-mine trust ex oited no particular notioe. If Brigadier Funston could have slipped his official gag he would doubtless nave yelled, "you're an other" at Senator Carmack. o- Gen. Jacob Smith's confession that be did order the killing of all Filipinos over ten years proved him unfit to be an officer in any army, o Captain Clabk, of the Oregon, appears to be about the only Spanish-American war hero who has man aged to keep his halo on straight. o The country hopes that Mr. Wil liam A. Day, who will have charge of the prosecution of the Beef Trust, will prove to be a bad Day for the price-kiters. ccz-t cf ue general ao of thj tyja writer. If the handarriticg cf some cea could be lot it would lo-tn profanity, especially hi printing offices. A Marylasp woman has applied for a divorce on the ground that she was compelled to marry at the point of a revolver. Ice revolver as a marriage-maker has usually been used on the groom. 0 The British government ought not to have any difficulty in under standing why the number of Irirh emigrants to America is so rapidly increasing. The increase is likely to continue so loug is Irish, editors are sent to prison for expresVin their opinions. e This seems to be a good year for female dentists. A Baltimore Den tal College having turned out one, the Atlanta Dental College sees this and goes the former one better. Atlanta turns out two. These two doctors are Miss Cara C. Collin, of Alabama, and Miss Lillian M Cormick, of Mississippi. H Rbckntlt two candidates for the ministry were refused licenses to preach because they thought the story about Adam and Eve to be a myth. Now the elders who have charge of the licensing of the candi dates have voted to let them preach If this thing keeps on, we will have to take a Drehensile irrin nn ilia a. O f v" Darwinian theory to keep from fall ing backward into chaca. o ' just Ti:r. cur lin Items of News that Can K Tnkin in at a Glance. Resolutions are introduced in con gress for information as to whether General Smith's famous order origi nated in the war department. Probably Commissioner of Pen sions Evans will be offered the col sul generalship at London to succeed Wm. McKinley Osborne. A tornado passed over Glenrose, Tex., Monday night, killing five persons, injuring forty more and demolishing much property. Two hundred head of horses were shipped Monday from Norfolk to New Orleans where they will be transported to South Africa for ser vice in the British army. Wm. Osborne, consul general of the United States, died at his resi dence at Will bled one Tuesday morn ing, after a lengthy illness. Death was due to Bright'a disease. An oyster combine, including all of the leading dealers of , Norfolk, Va., was formed there Monday. The organization ia capitalized at not lesa than $25,000, nor more than 1100,000. Minister Wu Ting Fang has de clined an invitation to deliver an ad dress at a achool commencement at Milledgeville, Ga., on account of the recent criticisms of himself in the Senate. The Senate Committee on Military Affairs Tuesday authorized an ad verse report on the bill creaticar a national park at Appomattox, Va., where General Lee surrendered to General Grant. The annual report of the Meteo rological Bureau shows that Chicago continues to lead all other cities of the United States as a wind produ cer. That city blew 145.103 mile of wind in 1901. The submarine boat Fulton, with two convoys, and the vacht Min- dora, the storm kiner. were nut into Delaware breakwater, at Philadel- , phia, at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn- "5- ud i. unwii is iiiub.iu an ocean TZ . , ... iV - x MHT3T7 TT -I HER BEAUTY RESTORED. When my daurhter was three montha old Ecaema toroke out on her head and continued to apt-end until her head n entirely covered. She waa treated by aeTeral rood doctor, but crew worts, and the dread ful disease apread to her face. She waa taken to two celebrated health springs, but received no benefit. Hany patent medicines were taken, but Without reault, until we decided to try S. S. S., and by the time the first bottle waa finished, her head beg-an to heal. A doaen bottles cured ber completely and left her akin perfeotly smooth. She is now twenty years old, and has a mag-nificent growth of hair. Not a sig-n of the dreadful disease has ever returned. H.T. SHOBE. 8814 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The beef trust begins to talk about modification of prioes as in vestigation draws near. But such talk won't doj it has been caught with the goods. o The Kaiser has been making an other speech, declaring the army to be all-important. He ia dead right, too. Without his army he would toon have no empire. n President Palma has killed one looting scheme already by declaring that Cuba could not pay the $80,- 000,000 claimed by those who serv ed in the Cuban revolutionary army, o That Illinois amateur hypnotist who put a whole family to sleep and couldn't wake them might find it safer and more profitable to confine His power to the victims of insom nia. , The Durham public boildin? bill is jogging along. It has passed the house, we understand, with an m propriation of $70,000, fifteen per cent of which will be for a site will now an nv (n e . in5- iie ruiton is making anoi win now go over to the Senate t,nm xjm v.i. xt,.i, n mmji iiumiitu j via. iu murium e nassaore of thu Kill mm i... ;.. I ; k. v. . J I lDe town of "'en Rose, the sight, but we cannot cite vcu to a nonntv apat f snmwiii "... silo tnm ik k..: I 1: - l-v . . m 1 i . ' .v. tun uuuuiug m wurnam tor lexas, nas Deen nearly swept away fiu.ouu. Uongress must remember a lornaao A8 a result of the that real estate in Durham' is worth win? 8t0m 'xx are known to be something and is up in gilt frame,. iareJ ' 7 Miss Marv Graham had both arms cut off Mondav eveninsr. at Roan. John D. Rockefeller. Jr . dnmn'i ki Va., while attemDtiner to cross think riches ."a bar in h on von ' the railroad tracks in front i nat depends verv much on th nap senger tram, bhe was accomnanied maae ot mem. Wilmington Star. P.v 8 young man to whom she was The great trouble about thPBp en8a8e(1' marriages bv lone distance t.plpnhnn is the danger of cettino- tho i "... . o . crosaea. Atlanta Journal. Just think of the luck Mr Rrron had in buying that blooded heifer oeiore me ueet Trust started prices up. Winston Journal. If that new invention of nintin i . . . unuu uy luaoninery works, the cot- wu isrmers can make good money if the trust does not control the new picking machine. Raleigh News and Observer. The prospect for Demonratin via. a X- . lory in rennsylvania must be im proveng. Conerressman Sihlnv ha ucuuuuutiu me violent policy pur sueu in me rniliDDineH with M time Democratic vigor. Raleigh Post. fa You read often of school tPunWa sent rrom me United States toteaoh the Philippine people. But how . cost one-third X. more to man- H i l ufacture f I 11 $2, than other yHa 1 S cent A IB Ury benefit? You have the most convincing eidence of this fact every day. Otherwise beautiful faces marred with Mack heads, blotches and pimples, muddy or sallow com plexions, and red. roueh. or oilv ski Tin flrf cnnip nf the most common and conspicuous symptoms of bad blood. . You can hide these ugly and humiliating blemishes by glazing them over with face powders and rouge, and the rough and discolored skin is made white and smooth by a lavish use of cosmetics, but these artificial complexions and false skins only last for a day, when the eruptions and sots stand out as bare and brazen as ever. The natural beauty and smoothness of the skin cannot be permanently restored by the use of external applications, for the reason that these skin diseases are due to some poison or humor in the blood that must be antidoted and eliminated before the skin can or will return to a healthy state. Under the purifvine and tonic effects of fi S. S all impurities are expelled from the blood; the general health is invigorated, and all disfiguring and annoying eruptions promptly and perma nently disappear from the skin, and it becomes as soft and smooth as ever. Bad blood tells in many other ways. Itch ing and burning eruptions, rashes and sores, boils and carbuncles show the presence of some irrita ting poison or unhealthy matter in the blood, and these aggravating troubles will continue until the weak and slow circulation has been quickened and the deteriorated blood made rich and srirmo- again. Some are born with bad blood, and it begins to tell in infancy; scrofulous affections sore eyes, scalp diseases, nasal catarrh, stunted growth, brittle bones and soft, flabby muscles are some of the early manifestations of bad blood by inheritance. These symptoms if neglected, may develop into some deep-seated and serious blood trouble later on in life, but the timely use of S. S. S. will check the disease in its incipiency, remove all taint from the circulation, and the little sufferers grow into healthy manhood and womanhood. jucu me uioou is neaiiny ana pure it tells a different story, a smooth and flawless skin glowing with health, a sound body and active brain, well nourished ' systenij good appetite and digestion, and restful and - refreshing sleep. S. S. S., combining both purifying and tonic properties, contains all that you need in the way of a blood builder and skin beautifier. . S. S. S. is Nature's Remedy. It contains no Arsenic, Potash, or other mineral, but is strictly a vegetable blood purifier and tonic that can be taken without fear of any hurtful effects, and with perfect assurance of a speedy and lasting pure. Our illustrated book on the Skin and its Diseases contains much plain and practical information about eruptive diseases, their cause and cure, how to take care of the skin stc, that will be of inestimable value to all sufferers. We will mail you a copy f-ee ' . Write us about your case and our physicians will gladly furnish any information or advice desired without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. IM,l",M'',"aaa"M"aaaaMiaMaiMiiMiMMMM,.M. B. N. DUKE, President. JOHN F. WILY, Cwsiiw THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM, N. C. Canital $100,000.00 4 Surplus $85,000.00 Deposits $700,000.00. Father Can you cive me anv assurance that yem are able to sup. port mv daughter? Suitor Cer- Itainly, here are seventeen ; medals I got for rescuing persons from drown ing last summer The flhnlnPA Gazette. The officers and crew of the cruiser Chicago arrested in Venice for disorderly conduct have been seniencea to imprisonment for terms vt inrce ana tour months. much good can be accomplished in NotIce to Delinquent Tax Payers this way is at least nrnhlAmaiin.i oI the Town of Durham. I ho lOBOAna an.lt. I a . I T flm Sttt a1 1 As) 4- ' !.. it v 'voovus touguij tuutj iar nave vvuiaicu w ciue wim me been severe, specially worse for the Flnance Committee the first of tcumwi. f, uiuiu2iiUD nmr. . i -"j xxvaoc tail at mv nmro ar - l-, once and settle your taxes and The Best Blood PnriH.il I COSt. Nn further The blood IB rtnafantlu- hnin I h oritroM Tf u nfleaby the luncrs. livfir nnH fcM vnntuU xl . 3 purifier. For thla J. R. PATTOfc. nothing equal to Chimberlain's a ' .pty Tax Collector. Stomach and Liver TaMai nna April 12-till mav 1 rT thnm m11 A ' ... I . . v. vuouj wui uu villi mnFA rrr -KnM i m a dollar bottle of the best blood pu , Bl8hop Kelley's attack on Presi nfler. Price, -25 cents. Samples .dent Rosevelt, made in aii address ree at w. M. Yearby'a drug stjie. ln avnnah on last Saturday, ere ates great interest among Catholio .nti..;:. : ro-.L; . . "A neighbor ran in with a hntt.la . . .... . www v 1 unamDenain's Uolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy when my son was ouuenng wu n severe cramps and waa given up as beyonl hope by my regular Dbv&inian. who etnnrfa hio-h in his profeeeion. After administer- ing three 6 mes of it, my son regain ed COnaClOUSnOHennHB Anil rAcnvnrArl entirely within twentv-fmir I . i, . ... ' jf M9ryu.ftiier, 01 ut. Uraw- lyru, va. mis liemedv is for sale lv TTT ar r-r " uy vv. i. xearny. . "Were you ever at a military authorities in Washino-t.nn camp?" "Not exactly; but I went .,, on a two-weeks fishing trip with a An experiment is to be made in church choir once "Chicago Tri- Mississippi of picking cotton by nulla 1 niink!i. rpu. j. J? . f .- .iii'ins; .V? It looks as though the ownership of the raw sugar in Cuba; which a Senate committee is trying to ascer tain, might be the determining fac tor in tbe question of Cuban recip Now, that the dusky ex-Queen has been invited to be the guest of the Charleston Exposition on Hawaiian day, it seems in order to ask, if the Exposition is to have a Booker Washington day? - 0 ' An exchange fears that handwrit ing will become a lost art on so- In General Smith's court-mart ii witnesses testify that the famous oraer was the only th no- tW Mn.k. '.!. 1"" 1 " lUBuricviiua in oamar. A Deep Mystery. maohinery. The device was in vented by a Pittsburg man. A VALUABLE MEDICINE For Coughs and Colds In Children. "I have not the s'.iehtaat cy in recommending Chamberlain's 111 FRIGHT AND FLIfiHT irom tne names. The danger from fira la frtH9 entnPM getaway from it? N?ed i8 s.ayt thtore, that lf tbe part of ,5?it0 htt7??,our house and wroperty ln- . i"ntjr hubs inaores 11 Dora and honorable methods, urai James Sout&gate & Son's, Insurance Agency. Phone 46, Office over Morehead Banking Co , sepW Tbia branch of our business has gradually grown until we have issued' 1,675 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encotrage thrift and economy among our people we receive from $1.00 up and allow interest thereon. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. " This Bank iaauthoriaed by its charter toactae Guardian, Executor, Ad ministrator, Trustee, Agent, etc. jan2B-Sm DURHAM. K C CAPITAL AND PROFITS $155,000.00. Q. E. HAWLS, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. E. C. MURRAY, Cashier. We solicit the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Films and Indi viduals, and all business entrusted to us will receive prompt ard accu rate attention, and every facility and accommodation in keeping with the account will be extended. We cordiaUy invite a personal interview jouj-uiu or correspondence. Peerless IceCreaii) Freezers MAKES CREAM IN THREE AND A IIAIF MINUTES. It is a myetery why women endure Remedy 611 wbo are suffer Backache. BWam,; w!..r.e MP8 from coughs or colda." . ' -VUV alvl TvUHIlnNN. 1 nU 1aT . r "J KMtSf oSJrL? EGGS FOR HATCHING" hayenrovdthfttmof-tJ7.r"-r.? "It has been some two vpam MW 1 Vl1 1 " 1 .vl llllU. quickly cure saoh t,KiM .,t w.i the City Dispensary first CAllfld mv fered for years with kidney trouble " a t'L00 to hia valuable medicine writes Mrs. Phebe Oheriey! of Peter J, haV6 U8ed son, Ia.. "and a lam has always been beneficial. IthM " m 1 ixjuiu not areea mvanlf hnf I ? co as. Electric Bitters - wholly Si me U If for children and. AifcriMia-h- 79 1 yi , me' and seldom takes mora thAn am able to do all'm houVwork SJ0 h5m of hoareenI xt overcomes Constipation, improves tk :S. m&nl 10 tr? this AnnnHfi u-.J.. 1 ""vw Valuable medlCino. nnA fhntr... .ii rr., 6.oo ruiinb utWltll ...I Inly I a . ' 'D UII 0c at B Blacknall & Son's Pru JfTn? ..pl8od f8 861' ovr the Store. results." For Bile by W. M. Year- w I IIW. 4 B IAN D ARD BEED White Leghorn and Bar red Plymouth Rock. Every egg guaranteed to be strictly fresh buu icruio, ror sate by F. G. BATTLR ' Durham, N.O. Vv Large stock of Poultry Foods on hand to sale at reasonable prices'. ) m&rM-d&w . . n. Dasfl Hrinrnfl firlin Washing Machines, ' Clothes Wringers, xugn uraae urooms, Garden Tools, . Garden Hoes Poultry Wire, Paint in Cans, and in bulk for ' 1 1 V an purposes at i's Durham, N. C. Ll0Y Harduiare Store, Examination of Applicants. An examination of aDDlioanta for for certificate to teach in the Dnr- ham Graded Schools will be held on Saturday, May 17th, at More head School. By order of School Board. . a24 td 6nbscrlbe to the Wksilt 8m Administrators' Notice. estate1 of J?&M Administrator Of the estate oi Mallnda Weaver, deceased. 1 horn- per estate to present the same to menn n tlce will be pleaded In bar of their recovery! All persons owing said estate will please make Immediate pay ment, u'oase This March 8tLr0f Mllnda WeMer' Tbx WxxmQvv, $ i per year.