TV v . ' , - i !( ft , r .JA1TS3 A. I02INS0N. owtcs ijro emtok. DUj Oni"aTtk, 36 cec ta. i One Yer, liCO WMkij- Ten, On DoUn. laMrtl ftt th. Dwhun PostoSc. u teconfl- elksftU m.nei, bat trtvclui riiig miner. D.mocrtlC la politic C0M.rr.iiT. la polio .sd tor home Interest first. lflT.rti.nt rt. o4e know, on .tBUctioa to offlc. U Duke Baliaini. weet itu n, IateraUM 'Phone . BeU 'Phone IT. -Chance of ndwrtleemenU nut be ha a la by 11 o'clock on fij of pubUcattoa to lanre Uaertioa. FRIDAY, MAY Wjell, it is all over. If you did not pay on your pate, there's no Toting for you in the fall elections. o Thi umpire has his troubles, but think of what a time that other auto crat, the Czar of Russia, is having. c When two men who, are rolling baby carriages, meet on the street, they feel as if they belong to the same lodge. - o The Custom House authorities levied duty on Santos-Dumont's air ship. Suppose the inventor bad come in by the air route. o When a man gets so selfish and grasping as to think he has a special right to monopolize any business, be is of no value to the community in which he lives, as a charitable citizen and town builder. o The prima donna, Mme. Calve, sailed for Europe this week, and will never visit America again. Too bad, too bad! Of course we still have plenty of calves in this country; most every person s has at least two. ' ' v We are almost worth our weight in gold after all, a chemist having figured out that there are four pounds of the 'element calcium in the human body. Calcium is worth 1300 an ounce, or about four times as much as gold. o To be lied on while living and then having put upon the tombstone another false inscription, looks much like running it into the ground. People usually walk upon thornB through life and then are buried "'neath a wilderness of roses." Senator Hanna is, the logical candidate of the Republican party. He is thoroughly in sympathy with its monopolistic idolatry. Of course he would be even more easily beaten at the polls that Mr. Roosevelt, but the Democrats do i.ot object to that. Senators Rawlins and Carmack have ably demonstrated the rotten ness of the republican policy in the Philippines. The people are now looking to Senator Bailey to out line the democratic policy along lines that may receive the support of every true American. o The selection of the Duchess of Marlborough, :e! Wderbilt, by the Queen of England, to be one of her attendents at the coronation ceremony has angered many of the English peeresses but it is intended, it is stated, as a delicate compliment to American womanhood. o The latest cablegrams from Ma nila tells of 1,590 cases of Asiatic cholera and 1,169 deaths therefrom. Evidently to the dangers of bullet and bolo, to which the ad minis tra tion is submitting American boys in uniform, in its unholy war of con quest, is to be added the scourge of the plague. Still another attempt will be made to get the Ship Subsidy bill passed by the House of Representa tives. The prospect that the next House will have a democratic ma jority is so strong that it is madden ing to Senators Frye and Hanna to ee this opportunity of "caring for their friends" missed. o ' Deax Swift, in " Gulliver's Tjav els," made the most remarkable fore-shadowing of a coming event that has ever been recorded. He poke of the discovery of the two moons of Mars, and gave the time of their revolutions almost exactly, 200! years before tbey were discov- ' ered by tbe big telescope at the Washington Navaf Observatory. Subscribe to the Son. their i : s : c ar.I where! dita are wanting 11 in with tticg which cay, or may cot, exist. A British geographical expedition in Singapore has found rlit plains in the Malay peninsula where moun tains are represented on all the ex isting maps of the region. Ox an average the right- arm is stronger than the left. Recent tests show that 51 per cent, of the men have a stronger right arm, 16 per cent have arms of equal strength and 33 per cent have the left stong er. Women are more apt to have the arms equal in strength because they use both more uniformly. ' o 'ApRoros of the conventions for the nomination of Congressmen, which will be held soon, it is worth remarking that lie states which send the same men to Congress for many successive terms are the states which not only secure the best repre sentation but which frequently con tribute the most to national legisla tion. o The President has sent to the Senate the nomination of Patrick J. O'Brien, to be postmaster at Dur ham. Pat is a clever fellow, and he may have some growling at him for not getting the mails in their boxes as quick as they would like, he has made a good postmaster. He is an affable Republican, and as there was no chance to set in a Democrat for this term, we con gratulate him upon being his own successor. We hope he will be able to move into the new public build ing before he goes out of office. o The Richmond News says that a few months ago the President was being denounced by a Vermont man because he spoke well of General Lee and the Confederate navy. Now Bishop Eeiley assails him fiercely because he called Jefferson Davis "traitor." These are the penalties of free speaking of opin ions more or less hastily formed. The fact is that if the average man of middle age was called to account for all that he has said in his life he would have to put in most of his time explaining and modifying. o Four of the Democratic members of the House Judiciary committee united in a minority report against the bill for the amendment of the Bankruptcy law, which has been favorably reported by a majority of the committee. The minority report does not stop with opposing amend ment of the Bankruptcy law, but advocates its absolute repeal. It says: "We do not believe there is any neceBBity or any general publio demand for the longer retention of this law. It has tended to burden the Federal courts with litigation, which could be just as well con ducted by the courts of the States." Famous Triplets. In Goshen, Wilkes county, live triplets who are now becoming iamous. inese brotners named Gibbs are 69 years old todav. They are in perfect health. All weigh abont the same and are very much alike. They served through the Confederate array in Lee's army and though living in one of the strongest Republican counties in the State never fail to vote the Demo cratia ticket. Wife Implicated. Carter, the man who is in jail at Kenansville charged with the mur der of Mr. Pete Lawson, has made a confession implicating Mrs. Law son in the crime. He says that she offered him money to shoot her hus band. She will be arrested imme diately. The war department savs Gen. eral Order 100 issued during the civil war, authorizing suspension of civilized warfare and allowing re taliation is stiu in torce and applies to the war with the Filipinos. A Deep llystery. ' It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Bpells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure, such troubles. "I anf. fered for years with kidney trouble," wnwjB mrs. rneDe i;neriey, of Peter son, la., "and a lame back Dained me so I could not dress myself, but EiiouM-w uurors wnoiiy cured me, and, although 73 years old. I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Appetite, gives perfect health. Only 80c at R. Biacknall & Son's Drug . nido f roa c s r.iilU Hp r t. lja.'. v. Liw.i .i - all curca )r ! e A PECULIAR COINCIDENT. Confederal Veteran Neighbors Sodden- ly Prop Dead. Raleigh Post: A sad but pecu liar coincidence was related to a Post representative yesterday by Hon. II. A. London, of Pittsboro, who spent the day in the city. On Tuesday of this week Mr. Thomas J. Poe, of Chatham, resid ing near Moncure, conducted a fu neral service at Gum springs Bap tist church over the remains of one of bis neighbors, Mr. George A. Thomas, a worthy citizen who drop ped dead of heart disease the day previous. Yesterday morning Mr. Poe was in his yard, and without having complained of any illness suddenly dropped dead himself. Mr, Poe was about 70 years of age and a good man. He leaves a family. Both men were Confederate vet erans and stood well in their com munity. Their sudden taking off has cast a gloom of sorrow over that portion of Chatham, and will be a source of regret to their friends wherever they were known. i No Loss of Tim. I have sild Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rathr be out of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bcttlos of it yesterday to threehers that could go no farther, and they are at work again this morning. H R Paelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with thir work without losing a single day's time. You should keep a bot tle of ' this Remedy in your heme. For sale by W. M. Yearby. Western Man -"We had a terri ble conflagration in Dugout City last week. Only seventeen houses left standing." Eastern Man "My goodness! How many were there before the fire?" Western Man "Nineteen." New York Weekly. The excitement at Clemson col lege continues. The junior and freshman classes decided to leave also, but were pursuaded to post pone this action until after a meet ing of the trustees in June. The revolution in San Domingo is spreading and the position of the government is critical. The gover. nor of Puerto Plata prevented the Clyde Line steamer Cherokee leav ing that port. Sciatic Rheumatism Cared After Fourteen Years of Suffering. "I have been afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for fourteen yeaw," says Josh Egar, of Qermantown, Cfd. "I was able to be around but constantly suff red. I tried every thing I could hear of and at last was told to try Cnamberlain's Pain Balm, which I dii and was immediately relevedand in a short time cured, and I am happy to say it has not since returned." Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by W. M. Yearby. t May. "Yes. I am poinar to mar Jack White." Maud. "My! from what you've always said I thono-ht he'd be the last man you'd ever mar ry." May "And 1 hope he is." Philadelphia Press. . President Roosevelt has ran. pointed Deveaux collector of cua- toms at Savannah. President Wil liams, of the Savannah ootton ex change, charges that Roosevelt was moved by political considerations. Aunt Sarah U spinster Now. dear, if you would only watch me closely you might learn how to cro chet. Little Bessie Oh, I'm going to get married when I crow mil Pu'ck. . Wtaooplns Conga, A woman who has had expenence with this disease tclla vent any dangerous- consequences Cubancla cljai s are A1 f Fix 13 not r true of any other 5 cent cigar t.uu. luooijo, vur luretj chil dren took whooping cough last sum mer, our baby boy being only three moots old, and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plumpness and came out in much better heilth than other . children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops.-Jessie Pink ey Hall, Springville, Ala. This Rem edy is for sale by W. M. Yearby. Subscribe to the Whbily Sun. Ut4y Loss cf 6nat Pro Jrty Is the 1! Jrt cf the City. Nosfoi. k , Va , May 1 Tfcb city suffered another heavy lc? by Ere today, the third in foar months, and v&kiable property io the heart of the city wai destroyed. The fire raged for nearly three hjursinthe business section, and the loss is es timated at about $200,000. The fire is supposed to have start ed in tbe Virginia Candy Compa ny's factory, owned by' Lmtn Jc Lobruan, situated on Commercial place. An eltturio spark, due to defective insulation, U onppwd to have been the cause. The dimes soon reduced the building to a mass of smoking ruins nd theu spread to other building." Tbe Norfolk Dis patch, an afternoon newspapei; L W. Davis, tobaccu raaouf luturer; M. Hofheimer & Co., tobacco manu facturers, and R YV. MaeDonald, restaurant keeper, were the princi pal sufferers, tbe building being ruined by fire. A riU-nber of other buildings were more or less damaged by fire and water. Among other persons who suffer ed property loss were L. P. Rob erts, Mrs. K. H. Jones and C. Ko che, owners of valuable business property. Two vacant stores and a wholesale grocery establishment were destroyed. Insurance on the burned property will amount to about 1175,000. W. II. Nedlson, a fireman, was seriously injured by falling bricks. Portsmouth and Berkeley, neighbor ing towns, sent their fire apparatus, else the loss would have been much greater. Two Killed at Dance. A row occurred at a negro dance at Rice's Store in Caswell county, and two were killed and two injur ed. Stallings Graves, mad with jealousy, fired at Tom Clark, but the ball struck John Paschall, the banjo picker, and killed him. A second shot killed Clark. Mat Law son then shot Graves. Graves is still in a serious condition, but is kept in custody for murder. Examination of Applicants. An examination of applicants for for certificate to teach in the Dur ham Graded Schools will be held on Saturday, May 17th, at More head School. By order of School Board. 24-td You May Snap Your Fingers at fate If you're Insured against loss and want la such reliable fire companies as we represent. Give you a policy that is at once concise and plain, as well as liberal In its terms. A contract that furnishes protection at minimum of cost. Prompt settlement as sured, also. No better investment. Come and see us, or write. James Southgate & Son's, Insurance Agency. Phone 16, Office over Morehead Banking Co sepl7 Where are you going to spend the summer ? Keep your eye on Montreat. Ever been there? No! Well go early and spend -the entire summer. Nothing like it in all 'The Land of the Bky" HOTEL. MONTREAL Right In the wild woods. Beautiful for situ ation. New Hotel with all modern comforts; plffht. lnfh.hao.tAf nmtn.a L:...n.,l 1 all sides by lofty mountain peaks, walks and unvea ui iiiuBEHjriuauiB griuiuuur. v Mineral Waters Just developed. Lithlaand Hotel ready for business. Open all seasons. L""- 111.. ,1 i 1.1 - jT j j W. D. PAXTON, Proprietor,! mayl-3m Montreal, N. C. EGGS FOR HATCHING. STANDARD BRED White Leghorn and Bar red Plymouth Rock, Every egg guaranteed to be strictly fresh and fertile. For sale by F. G. BATTLE, Durham, N. 0. . - ii Large stock of Poultry Foods on hand for sale at reasonable prices. marH-d&w or photo for free report on jwtentahility. Book "HoV so wan u.u. mna foreign rtenti and Tnde-Hnki."V .nr. r ; A ... " F '" 1.A w x KB OF a YBABB PRACTICE. ( 9(1 Win DATFHTO. DBnnnncn Tunnneu Turn ' i.iini, k-t mi errr onereo w lnrentortA AU buainem eonlidentiul. Sound ndvioa. faithfull urn-vie jnoaerato cn&rges. i W C. A. SNOY & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. & The liniment bottle and fiannt-l strip are familiar objects ia nearly even- household. They are the weapons that have been used for generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are about as effective in the battle with thi o-int- disease as the blunderbuss of our would be in modem warfare. Rheumatism is raused bv an condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irrittins matter that settles in the joints, muscles and nen-es, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who .write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism and its treatment THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, fia. DRIVE THIS WAY ! The Durham Tobacco Market. Unsurpassed Facilities lor Come on Four large warehouses, with every accommodation for the convenience and comfort of planters. . Drive into Durham. All of our Warehouses are well lighted, furnished with good quarters for the planter, and good stalls for his stock. Head your wagon- towards Durham. Market Better Equipped Than in Years Past. Our large number of buyers are active and liberal bid ders; representing millions of dollars, and readily take every pound of leaf coming to our market. All leading manufacturers represented. Come right on to Durham and enjoy their activity and liberality. This is the flftapket in Kflhich to Sell. B. N. DUKE, President. JOHN F. WILY, Cashier? THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM, N. C. Canital $100,000.00.. ......Surplus $85,000.00 - Deposits $700,000.00. SiL VI NGS DEPARTMENT. This branch of our business has gradually grown until we have issued 1,675 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encourage thrift and economy among our people we receive from f 1.00 up and allow interest thereon. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. This Bank is authorized by its charter to act as Guardian, Executor, Ad ministrator, Trustee, Agent,, etc. jan25-3m f OflEfflp BpipG COWfW, DURHAM, N. C CAPITAL AND PROFITS $155,000.00. Q. E. RAWLS, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. . C. MURRAY, Cashier. We solicit the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Firms and Indi vldualsratid all business en'rested to us will recehe prompt f d accu rate attention, end every facility and accommodatkn in keeping with the account will be extended. We cordially Invite a personal inteiview jan5-6m or correspondence. - Peerless Ice Creaii) Freezers MAKES CREAM IN THREE AND A H AlF MINUTES, r Dash Churns, Cylinder Churns, Washing Machines, Clothes Wringers, High' Grade Brooms, Garden Tools, Garden Hoes, Poultry Wire, Paint in Cans, and in bulk for all purposes at , - Lloyd's V J forefathers f acid, sour J vi inu, siuuiij uiuuu iu mc aueciea pans, wnicn. dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect veeetable blood rmrifier Handling Farmer's Tobacco. to Durham,- Hardasarc Store. i Durham, N, C. Thb Weekly Son, f i per year.