n v r w - la 4 , SATliirAY, 21AV 3 . .... v-sVf ' sea Don't plod along like your grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing ; bending and rubbing. (BGDLIS) WdUBT makes housework easy. It cleans everything and injures nothing. More economical than soap. MaSe only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago. New. Yotk. Boston. St Louis. Makers, of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. ITEMS OF (JENLKAL INTEREST I a lOVe- L...k: That Ttll Vou of B th Doro.'st'.c nj Forcig Matters. I Tbe Fairmont Coal IVmpar-y Iks eorrp'eud combinations lo control j t,"e c;lke r . 4L. the etal iiaiie of Oiiio aid iLe Greatly Sons 1'oreuQ Coamriei. ..: f.iured l.ii- J of u free every ra swain has Lis oa way ct, love and ti'-:r.i tie question, tut iu some foreign cuuatrks the peas antry tast peculiar and traditionary ways cf performing those pleasing functions. Among Hungarian gypsies rates are useu as love letters, lusiae is a coin, which is baked ia Mrs. Laura S. Webb, Vice-President of Women' Democratic dubs of Northern Ohio. Mr$. Laura S. Webb. IIERE ARE MANY sickly women be tween the ages of 45 and 55, but there aro very few invalids over 55 and 60 years of ago. The change of life coming to a woman near her forty fourth year, either makes her an invalid or gives her a new lease on life. Those who meet this change in ilL health sel dom live ten years afterward; while a woman who lays aside the active duties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to live on in happiness, years after she has passed 60. This is truly a critical time. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes the change of life as a dangerousperiod and she also has faith in Wine of Cardui. She writes: "As I had always been troubled more or less at the menstrual period, I dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching. While vis iting wiia a friend I noticed that she was taking your Wine of Cardui, and she was so enthusiastic about it that I decided to try a bottle. I ex perienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax. I do not dread it now, as I am sure that your Wine of Cardui will be of great benefit at this time." Wine of Cardui is the remedy to re-inforce a woman against the shock that comes with the change of life. It re-establishes healthy functions after years of suffering. In doing this it has saved thousands of suf ferers just in time. Do not wait until suffering is upon you. Thor ough preparations should be made in advance. Begin the Wine of Cardui treatment today. WINEofCAUMI A million suffering women have found, relief in Wine of Cardui. Ctgt Rntxzxi. Mortgage Sale. Under aud by virtue of the powers given to the underpinned by 1$. A hears, in a mort naze executed the jtlst day of November, 1901, ud duly registered iu Mortgage Hook of Durham County, No. 24, p. 472. default having been made in the paynieut of the now secur ed by said niortaage, the undersigned mort gagee, W. K Barbee, will ouYr tor sale at public' auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court. House door Iu Durham, N. C, ou Saturday, the aist day of May, ISiOv, lit 12 o'clock M . the laud iu said mortgage de scribed to-wit: Lying and being in Durham Township, Dur-h-im County, N. J.. in or near the vll Use of East l nrharn, 'adj lining the lands of W. U, Jiarbnfl, Geurge A. Leat hers aud others, con taining one-fourth of an acre, more or less, W. K. BAliBKE, Mortgagee. This April 30, 1003. North Carolina, CINCHO. The most Harmless and Beneficial Drink on the Market. When you are thirsty, When yu feel fatigued. When y.fou feel nervous, When your head aches, When your appetite is poor, When you feel bad. When you drink at all, Durham County, f f, Executrix of Superior Court. He l ore the (JlerK. Maggie Copley John Dezern. deceasea, and I J. U. Copley, her husband. 1 i,. against f notice. Wiley A.Dezern. Jauies"" Da-1 eern.Eddle Dezern, and others J The defendants, James C. Dezern and Ed die Dezern, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Durham County, N. C, before the Clerk of said Court, the nuruose of said action being to sell the rea. estate of John Dt zern, deceased, to make assets to pay debts, and the said der fendants, Jamev C. Dezern and Eddie Dezern will further take notice that thev are re quired to appear before me at my oince in the Court House in Durham, N. C, on the I5tb davof Anril. I'MJ. and answer or demur to the complalut now ou tile in said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. C. B. CKKKJN, Clerk of Superior Court, This 1st day of March. 1902.-w Administrators' Notice. Having qualified before the Clerk of the , Superior Court of Durham ounty as Admin istrator of the estate of tha late Mrs. Mollle S. Lyon, this is to notify all persons holding claims agaiuit the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or b fore the Jih day of April, IMS. or this notice will be .. .. plead in bar or their, recovery and all per bous iodebted to the said estate will please make. Immediate pymeuc. WM. n. HOPKINS. N Administrator of the estate of Mrs Mollie 8. Lyon. This the 11th day of April 1902. Nrt Durham t'ounty. Superior Court. Ade'ine Barbee aud A. It. I. Bar bee, her husimnd, ( Notice of Exccu vs I tlon Sale. George V. I'ettlerew. t By virtue of an execution directed in the undersigned from the Superior t ourtof Dur ham County iu the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 12 h day of May, liWi), at 12 o'clock M., at the ourt House door of said County, sell to the highest bidder, for cash a.. ...I...- ....1,1 .1... r. I 1 .! , .. scribed real estate of said defendant George W. Pettlgrew, to-wit: ( That lot in Durham TownshiD. Durham County, on Wbitted Avenue, adjoining lands of Warren Land Company. Louis uooaiow Wm Markham and Giles itfccoy lot, contain In one-fourth I'A.) of an afire, belnir lot con vMvnri to said Ceorire W. l'ettlurew by deed recorded in Book 17, page 141, of Deeds of Durham County. F. P. MARKHAM, ShoritI ot Durham County, This April 8th, HUB. - En Lilts and ar'.i.isiilv from ia onth to month. . . AlnicFt iv ij week brings forth a new claimant for the record of the 'loosest Mtaigbt nlrt-i h of railway track The I'r.e from Nyngan to Bourke, New South Walts, ruca 126 miles without a curve. I Psoft'seor Gmnct of the United j States Geologu-al Survey says that there is no truth in the common be lief that forests influence rainfall and that deforestation tends toit crease floods. A j int n solution has been intro duced in Congress railing for an amerdment to li e Constitution to prohibit any leuito'y outside Jhe continental limits of N-rth America from. bt-or mil'"; a i3te of the union. Fergds county, Momma, is at tracting attention on account oi its sapphire mines where the gems oc cur in veins i tie tea. 1 of small pock et? as is ufually the case. About 8,000 carats of these stones were taken out during the last month. There is a new iudumry ia the production of corn oil, nearly 5, 000,000 gallons being exported last ear. It is used in making paint, soap, leatbc r dressing, artificial rub ber, etc., and the oil cake, or resi- ue, is valuable as a cattle food. The Agricultural Department re commends tbal tbe fi i it flies which appear during the summer be sum marily dea't with, as tly generations follow each other at ten day inter vals, with 120-fold increase. There fore one original progenitor killed at the beginning' of fly time is equal to eeveral million later on. Trade between the United States and Porto Illuo i8 growing remark ably. We now lake over half the exports of tbe island and Bupply our fifths of all the imports. Ibis year the Porto Ricaus will buy $10,- 000,000 wortn of goods from us, or live times as much as wben they were under Spanish rule. The Rhode Island Society of the Cincinnati has offered a gold medal to the person who composes the most appropriate air to which the words of "America" may be Bung. The society believes Americarhould Lave a national anthem of her own in stead of using the same air as "Hod Save the Queen" with a slight change of tempo. The Southern Pacific Railway is going to build a' bridge 40 miles one over a portion ot ureat bait Lake, shortening their line 41 miles n a distance of 145. Tbe Paciho railroads were oiiginally laid with a view to cheap initial construction rather than economy of running. Ience they are very faulty in a modern sense. The cake is fiunsr to the favored It v iil fix i rL-es absolutely Idgert cf one's affections. The reten- For sale at the City Drug Stores Manufactured by the Cincho Co , Goldsboro, N. C. ap30-2m Ice Cream Every Sunday A Specialty at H. T. Smith's Restaurant 209 Parrlsb Street. Interstate Phone 204. EGGS FOR HATCHING. STANDARD BRED White Leghorn and Bar red Plymouth Rock. Every egg guaranteed to be strictly fresh and fertile. For sate by F. G. BATTLE, Durham. N. 0. Large stock of Poultry Foods on hand for sale at reasonable prices. marH-d&w i The DAII.Y Son is $3 a year, 01 25 cents a month. Get thev newsj every evening. Administrators' Notice TlaYing qualified as. Administrator of the estate of Mallnda Weaver, deceased. I here by notify all persons having claims against her estate to present the same to me on or before tbe 2l)th day of March. ItWi or this no tice win De pieaaea ia oar oi tneir recovery. All persons-owlug said estate will please make immediate payment. T. J. MITOBENEU, Adm'rof Mallnda Weaver. This March 29th, W02. tlon cf the cake sonifies acceptance, 1 ut if it is flung back with force it sig nifies rejection. The Japanese lover wishing to make known the state of his feelings throws a Lunch of pale plum flower buds into his iovhI one's litter as she enters it to po to a friend's weddin?. If she tosses the blossoms lightly out. the suitor knows that he is rejected, but If she fastens them to her girdle it is "Oh, happiness!" with him. In some parts of Spain the young peasant looks unutterable things, but never tries to speak until he has-been accepted. The girl neither looks nor speaks, but she sees. Late in the cool cf the evening the youth knocks at her father's doer and asks for a gourd of water. It is of course given to him. Then comes the crisis. If he is invited to take a chair within the porch or a seat in the garden, he is nn nceeptd suitor, but if this civility is not ex tended to him he goes away knowing that he is rejected!. If he is accepted. there is a general celebration by the family of the bride to be iu honor of her betrothal. When the Eskimo goes a-wooing, he walks to the house of his loved one's parents aud, seizing the object of his affections by her long, strong hair or her furs, carries her away to his hut of snow or tent of skins. No matter how much the girl may reciprocate her suitor's affections, she always makes a show of resistance and tries to run away from him, this for the sake of preserving the conventionalities of Es kimo society. AN ANECDOTE OF WHITMAN. The Daily Sun is $3 a year, or 25 cents a month. Get the news every evening. Over a Thousand Lost. San Francisco, May 2. News by cable was received here today that over a thousand lives were lost April 18 in the earthquake at Guata- mela. Over thirty thousand people were rendered homeless, a majority of whom lived in the town ol Que;etenango. Aq appeal for aid has been made and merchants here have organized to contribute sup plies. The merchants want- assur ance that the supplies will be ad mitted to the country Iree of duty. The Guatamelan consul baa cabled the president, and tbe merchants are noV jiraiting his answer bel ore tak ing steps for donations. Following the shock came fire and a storm. fhe populace is panic stricken. For Kent. One three story brick building with elevator on Parnsh St., suit able for wholesale or retail. Second and third stories in brick building on Parrish St. One store room on Parrish St. One store room on Cleveland St. Apply to j.30-tf. . E 0. Hackney; 1 The sheriff repoits 405 white and 503 negro voters in Orange as nav ing failed to pay their poll tax. Last words of a ereai man: "So few done; so many to do." Chi cago Tribune. Biliousness is a condition charac terized by a disturbance of the di gestive organs The Btomach-is de bilitated, the liver tiapid, the bow els constipated. There h a loathing of food, pains in tbe bowel, dizti ness, coated tongue and vomiting, first of the undigested or partly di gested food and then of bile. Cham berlain's Btomno'i and Liver Tablets allay the disturbances of the atom echand create a healthy appetite They also tone up the liver to a heal thy action and regu'ate the bowels Try thorn and yt u - are certaia to be mt-c1! pleased with theresut. For sale by W. M. earby. How the Poet W Trying to Cheer Ip a Friendless Doy. One day I was stoppeel on Washing ton street, says J. T. Trowbridge in The Atlantic, by a friend who made this startling announcement: "Walt Whitman Is In town. I have just seen him!" When I asked where, lie replienl "At the stereotype foundry, just around the corner. Come along. I'll take you to him." The author of "Leaves of Grass" had loomed so large In my Imagination as. to seem almost super human, anil I was filled wuh some such feeling of wonde'r and astonish luent as if I had been invited to meet Socrates or King Solomon. We found a large, gray haireel and gray bearded, plainly dressed man reading proof sheets at a desk in a lit tie dingy office, with a lank, unwhole some looking lad at his elbow listlessly watching him. The man was Whit man, and the proofs were those of his new edition. There was n scarcity o chairs, and Whitman,1 rising to receive us, offered mo his, but we all remained standing except tite sicniy looiung lau who kept his seat until Whitman turn ed to him and said: "You'd better go now. I'll see you this evening." After he had gone out Whitman explained: He is a friendless boy I found at my boarding place. I am trying to cheer him up and strengthen him with my magnetism," n practical 'but curiously prosaic illustration of these powerful lines in the early poems: To any one dying thither I speed and twist the knob of the door. . seize the descending man; I raise him with resistless will. Every room of the house do I fill with an armed force, lovers or one, burners of graves. You can ri.-.;;y tack iV.s .---c. tiut it Ls k-ey K-y 1 Tv J 1 -. i.-'.in 1: ri.cre s a 1 u' .e.' an U ii li UuwvJ is sc.t:,(.iL;nj w;.:v;h it is itic'etous to neglect. "The 1 e;t medicine f.-rd:.-:aw ot ir.e kidneys l loroi ljUUUj I Uroi UIC kl"!'Js 1 ..II mi;.-i r ;All Havana Fillef 1 Medical Inseovcrv . ' The rise of this nir : ioine ha rcsuiieU in some it-iiui ..a' .e cures.. It increases the activity of the , blood-making j glands, purities the I blood and relieves ! the kidneys from clogging iinpuri- : ties. "I feel it my duty to let you know that I i have recently advised a young gentleman who whs sulicriug Lad- ; ly with kidney aud I bladder disease to try I vour "Colden Medir;."t ' Piscovtry.' " writes Frank Startz, M. 1., of ' Flatoma. Favett Co.. Texas. "He braieht four bottles from our drui;?ist here, and alter he had 1 used the first bottle he bean to improve. Some times he was unable to walk ten -tens; now t.e can ride any horse without any rain in his 1 aik ana ne looks as well anu sounii as a voting 1m.. y. His aire is only 2S. He has fullered tor ntatlv three years, and several other doctors calicd the ; case incurable, hut I had confidence in4)r. K. V. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I hnv - been i offered one hundred dollars several times al- ! ready for my kind advice, but 1 uouM not accent 11 Decause 1 want every txxly to kuuw wtiat l)T Pierce's famous medicine can do. "This testimony is absolutely- true, and the ' reason I haven't mentioned the youni; f.".-utle- j man's name is because he dou't'waut to have ; his name published.1 ' Accept no substitute for " Golden ! Medical Discovery." The sole motive j for substitution is to enable the dealer to I make the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious preparations. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets stimulate the action of the sluggish liver. They honld always be used with " Discovery wnen mere is neeu oi a laxative. AAA .'si kfe'v;'7 ' - 1 ' Sv.'-'-'''"--'-"-.-4--;"v ,:-. 5 wWW i "Giving Him Taffy" won't suit htm half as well as ofTerlne h,im a glass of Port tier's beer when he calls upou you. There Isu't a man lu the city whose eyes won't sparkle wl'li delight when his nost or Hostess qneuenes uih mirsi. w i:i a. foumini' class of rich and ualatable Portner beer. Don t be arra'.d or a king htm to have one: ts.ee lemouuae ana c.iKe isn i in u wun him. Try a bottle of ourOreeu Ulver whls kev. It Is uure and Dalatable. We a'so cur ry everything usually found In a tlrst-cluss saloon. T. II. SCOGGINS. No. 124 COKNEB MANUDM & PFABOUVSTS octl-tf Tot Causes Night Alarm. 'One n'ght my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky ., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep1 it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whoop ing Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other rem sdy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial hot e3 free at R. Blacknall & Son's. 3 To the Highest Bidder. For sale the refreshment privi-ep-es at the Durham Athletic Park. Apply at Yearby's drug store. 24-tf Mr. Havemeyer, of the 'srgar trust, appeared betore the senate committee and denied tbet the trust had options on tbe Cuban output of sugar. May Day was ushered in by strikes in various cities of tbe United States. Twelve thonsind men were ordered out at Pittsburg alone. When Yon want Wood In quantities of from five. ten. one hundi or two hundred cords, call on J. L BOWLING, Next to Electrlr! Light Douse, for prices. He will make them right. Phones Interstate 141, Pell 1U8. Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds de ll vered promptly. mar9-tf "FL0R0DORA "BANDS are cfsame value as tags from STAR. DRUMMOW Natural Leaf. I 'C00D LUCK" "OLD PEACH & tiONEf "RAZOR and "LRiCE GREENVILLE" Tobacco. IF YOUR LIVER is inactive, or your DIGESTION ontof order, use .If U.V.I I.I V Kit tOXIC, which is the best preparation known for producing a healthful and continuous secretion from the liver and other oreans. It Is an absolute cure and preventive of torpid or Inactive liter, thus preventing costlveness, or curing this condition If It already exists. Of course the consequent troubles of obstinate costlvt tiers, such as sick or nervous headache, restlessness, sour stomach, colic, heartburn and klud.n i' diseases are relieved oy tnls most excellent remedy. Blotches, pimples, or rough td;:n, caused by indigestion or costlveness, win ie relieved in a few days by the use of MUX LIVKK TO. VIC. thus producing a beautiiul complexion. It will cure JAUNDICE In a lew aays. Price, 50 cents and $1.1)0. PKEHAREU ONLY BY E. A. GRA1GHILL, DRUGGIST, LYNCHBURQ, VIRGINIA. V V For sale by W. M. Yearby. ' marl3-3m : B. R. HOUSTON, Uecbaoicak CrangMsmai ail Builder. Will give estimates on all kinds of work Plans and speeilieattons mad,..qp applica tion. Work done ou short nott'se. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Uorrespom e ice solicited. tOfk Box No. 508, Durham. N. C. Job Work a Specialty. sepi'i-tt : BEN PERRY, DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. All kind! of cut, split and stick Wood, both oak or pine, lu large or small quantities. . 1 handle nothing but the best grades of Coal. Send your order now before the price ad vances. Very truly. Ben Perry, Morgan Street. Interstate 'Phones, Office 3lti; Kesideuce 411. Near N. & W. Depot.-ocl-tf Du-.ian. H. A. 1.. ix Heii iersim, " ar P-Ti-n ottth, " ar Btltlnmre, Bay blue ar Nmv Vork, U 1) S H Co ir ' xv.V.K&N tr Philadelphia r vaniiiiigt,n. n s w !s H Qood printing. prompt Scryicc. ZEB-P-COUNCIL, President Roosevelt has ordered a courtmartial in the case of Maji r Glenn, accused of the water cure" on Filipinos. RHEUMATISM CORED Iii k DAY, "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears The first dose greatly benetits. 75 cents. Sold by Hackney Bros , Druggists, Durham. PRINTER, NORTH CAROLINA. JO!3 - DURHAM, - Keen this in mind, so that wheu you need Letter Heads, Note Heads. Envelopes. Bill HpkiIm. State me its. Receipt Blanks. Clrcu- eulars, Posters, or iuuiuhlets, you will com munlca'e with me. and your needs will be supplied. Vou will Und Uiy way of doing busl ness satisiac tory . VOUR ORER3 SOLICITKD. I bTKIVlC TO I'LEASE. DR. J. J. THAXTON. DURHAM. N. O. With flttv-flve vears of experience as a gen eral practitioner. His specialties, tnucuous memoraues, gianos anu imrvB rtiumi m )art'cular. inatgesuou. oroucninH. sc.roru ar. constipation and headache. Secondary and hereditary diseases. Turkish Vupor Baths given. jani-ir. SPECIAL LOW RATE Excursions vlf Norfolk 'and Western Railway. Federation Womaus Clubs. Los Aneeles. Cal., May 1 to 8. Travelers Protective Asso., Portland, ure., June & to I. niysncsnrme, Hun Kranclsco. Oal.. June 10 U) 14. United Order Workmen, Portland, Ore., June 10 to 20. International 8. 8. Asso.. t'enver, Col , June 20. Knights of Pythias, San Francisco. Cal . August U to IB. d. r. u. Uiks, Sal l.alrn v.Um. Utah. Ausukt 2 to 14. Write for information as t i rates ana dates of sale of tickets. M. K. HUAUU, T. V. Ag't. W. B. BEVILL. Oen'l Pass. Ag't, mar23-tillauil5 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY.: TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. Corrected Schedule of Seaboard Air' Line RaJlway.Tralns Deo. 1st, 'W'l Houte No Ex NU" No. tl Ex 8iin 10 36 am tuil pm 112 am 8 40 pm 6 25 pm 7 U an 8 5 am f: m p:n 8 ' (l am 8 15 pm 6 Hi a.n 5 10 pai i. 5"i ati ir r'etfrpburg, 8. A. L. ir Kllimoi.d. ' Wash Ins i on, W H Ry. ir ita'ilmore I K It r I'h lndeh.Lla, ir Isew VorK 2.epm 5 54 am 5 -6 pin 6 85 a it 6 V, i m 10 10 am II 25p'u tl 2ft am Se am 130 pm Q0 am 4 13 pm Route. No. 2. Ex Bun No. 221. Ez Sun New York, ODS..Cv 3 00 pm 3i'0pjn v JN.v.r.iSiN. pm J&oam Phila 'eh LU, " II 16 pm 1 1 Id am vH.ti-rore ny litre o ji pm v Washington, N AW. fS.fi. 6 0m vFortM out . w A. Ij. Mai m 5) pm v RVhi mid v I'etersl-urg, r Dur am, . A. L. 9 0 am 10 57 pm M l am II 30 pm 4 0Jpm 8 30 am TlrkntHnn sale to nl 1 points. Pulln an and B iKt reservations made on application. Spt- ial si hedules prepared anil any otner loror- mttion cheerful y iurnlnhed. Convenient -cuedules n:id low rates to all principal turn- r.er results during teosim. fc; H. REA-ViS. Agent, Durham, N. O. North Carolina, I Superior Court, Durham t ounty. l Before the Clerk. John J. Stewart, admlstrator of Amanda Moosou, deoeas'd 1 Notice. vs. ,' t Frederick Chambers. J Thu defendant above named will take no tice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced iu the Superior Court of Durham county, to sell to make assets, a lot coutululng oue fifth of an acra of laud more or less, situated in Durham County. North Carolina, on the East side if Cha'ha u street, being LiOt no. is, as showu by the plot aud survey recorded in Book of Deeds ii, pane SV n tbe office of the Kcelsterof Deeds Durha lounty, and fully described lu the petition uled in this pro ceeding, aud the said defondant will further take notice that ho Is required to appear at the olllce ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Countv ou Saturday thu 7th dav of J une, 1M03, at the ourt House ot said County of Durham, North Carolina, aud answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court lor tbe re let aeuianueu in saia compiatnt. O. B. CREEN.C.e. 0. This the 24 day of April. lWA &itwi)iiwaisi to write for our confidential letter before ap plying for patent ; it may be worth money. We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign, PATENTS nd TRADE MARKS pr return E N" TIRE attorney's fee. Send model, skett-h orpnotoana we senu an mnilua ie UbiUty. we gi tDEC the best legal service and advice, and our report on patentability, charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO;, Patent lawyers. Opp. U.S. Patent Office.Washington, D.C t -.v 1 ' . .- -... ft

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