Ocod enough for Anybody! AtL Havana Filler JT yAxJ "FLORO DORA" BANDS are of same value as tags from STAR WUMMOND Natural Leaf. VOOD LUCK' VlD PEACH &H0NEf "RAZOR'and ZRICE GREWltF Tobacco. laaiiBassi The most complete Duplicator on the market. We are agents for it and would be glad to have you call and examine it if you do any Du plicate work. Also see the SUN and CHICAGO Typewriters that we will stell you cheap. Yours truly, S. C. ANDERSON CO. nugM-tf ap7-lra Tint Whskly Sun, Si per year. o . c h E ..- -,5 - i fz Cor ri;ian Cunur.ins D;ai. Baltimore, May 2 Cer.ress can Araos J. Catnniicgs cf New York, died at I U : 1 5 o'clock tonight, at Christ's Church Home, ia this city. The caase of death was pneumonia, iceiJent to aa opera tion. The Congressman wife and eonsin, Chas. 11. Cumrnings, were at bis bedside when death came. Congressman Cummiogs came to Baltimore on April 11 to undergo treatment fgr kidney trouble. Four days later an operation was per formed by Dr. Hugh II. Young, and Mr. Cummings seemed to be on a fair way to recovery. A week later, however pleurisy developed, and on April 25 it waa announced that Air. Cummings waa Buffering from pneumonia in one lung. Last Tuesday it was announced that the malady had extended to both lungs, ince which time Mr. dimming had been hovering between life and death. Effected After Over 100 Years. Norfolk, May 2 The family of James W. Colbert, of Ports mouth, Va , were today notified, through Attorney J. S. B. Colliert, of this city, that their share of the e tate of the late Wm. Bradford, who came to this country on the Mayflower, in 1CC0, amounts to be tween $750,000 and $1,000,000. The settlement has been pending for more than 100 years. " - Cotton Mills Shut Down. Holyoke, May 2 The Lyman Cotton Mills, employing 1,400 hands, will close tomorrow for an indefinite period. The mule spin ners recently demanded a 10 per cent, advance in wages. This is believed to be the reason for the hut down. Low Kates via Southern. On account of the centennial cele bration of Salem Female Academy, Winston-Salem, N. 0., May 22-29, the Southern Hallway will sell round trip tickets from Durham to Winston-Salem at $3 30. Tickets on sale May 2 0 1 If at.d other trains ar riving at Winston Salem ou fore noon of May 22d, also May 23d and 24th, with final limit May 31st. Tickets to be limited to continuous passage in each direction. By de posit of ticket on or before May 21, withC. Buford, who willactas joint agent of terminal lines at Winston" Salem, and upon payment of 50 cents, an extension of limit to June 15th may be secured. Admiral Schley was cheered Thursday in Jackson, Miss., by 5,000 citizens, who just one year ago to the day received President McKinley as the guest of honor. i USE GfTOINE i k FOB COLDS, LA-GRIPPE and ALL HEADACHES. IT NEVER FAILS. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Arthur Price, a negro, was hang ed in Macon, Ga., yestftrday for the murder of Mrs. 11 J. Roland, a white woman, in December last. Price confessed to the crime. Wanted. One good, heavy, gentle draught horse. Address X. Y; Z , Sun of fice. ap30-lw Take a look at our - straw Johnston Furnishing Co. Hats, Greatest of Care Should lie Exercised With The Eyes. Many cases have come to my notlco where people have bflen duped by men here today and somewhere else tomorrow, which fact leads me to advise all persons needing atten tion given to their eyes to submit tholr cases to the resident Eye Specialist, who Is known to all and who Is here all the time to look after all his cases. ' Very Respectfully, DR. SAM'L RAPPORT. Office In Summerflold Building. aSS-tf W. L. WALL. DBALERilN. AND WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood in any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. Interstate Phone 115. Jun-7tf A CUT ON 31b. CHEEK'ROYSTER COMPANY. Gathered From Highways, By ways, Railways and Otherways. "Fair Sunday," is the weather man's prediction. Not a single ca?e was on the docket of the police court today. The County Commissioners meet Monday, and the Board of Aldermen Monday night. A. B. Matthews' drug store will be open all day tomorrow. Pre scriptions always a specialty. Remember that tfie orphans are to give a concert at the Durham Opera House on Tuesday night. Go out to the Southern Conser vatory of Music Tuesday night and hear A. W. Hawks' lecture on "Sun shine and Shadow." The opening game of ball at Charlotte Monday between the Dur ham and Charlotte teams will be watched with the keenest interest. People who have a propensity for beating people and things should get one ot iaylor & rhipps biscuit beaters and thus beat their bread to fine point. Steel burned and strawberries frozen in the same dish next Wed nesday night at the Opera House by Liquid Air. This is the only one of the many wonderful things that will be done. Better attend. There will be three services at the Gospel Tabernacle tomorrow. At 11 a. in, there will be preach ing, after which new members will be received into the church, and the Lord's Supper will be administered. Preaching at 3:30 and 8 p. ra. The public cordially invited to all of the services. MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. DurhamUes as Well as Others Are Con stantly on the Move. Hon. II. A- Foushee went down to Raleigh this afternoon. Prof. J. A. Holt, of Oak Ridge Institute, was in the city today. Miss Minnie Christian is visiting her Bister, Mrs. A. A. Butler, ij Raleigh. , Rev. Dr. L. B. Turnbull left over the O. & C. road this morning for Richmond, Va. Rev. J. V. Wellons has gone to Asheboro to attend the Southern Christian Conference. Miss Etta Steed, of Brunswick county, Virginia, who has been visit ing the family of B. C. Howell, left this morning for home. Miss Iphigenia Bowen, one of the recent graduates of the Watts Hos pital training school, returned to the city this morning from Greensboro. E. J. Foster, of Lynchburg, Va, is expected in the city this after noon from Southern Pines, to spend awhile with his fricid, Arthur Kirk land. Col. G. E. Webb, of Winston, one of the editors of the Southern Tobacco Journal, who vas a Dur ham visitor yesterday and today, left for home this afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Horner, of Oxford, and her mother, Mrs. Kent, of ion du Lac, Wis., is on a visit to Mrs. R. W. Winston, at Eldon Hall, cor ner East Main and Dillard streets. Capt. N. A. Ramsey, who attend- ea ine uonteaerate veteran s re union at Dallas, Texas, and since then has been on a trip through Texas and Mexico, returned home this afternoon. Tomatoes going cheap today, at rank Howard & Lo. It was announced Thursday that the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company will erect at once a ferti lizer factory in Montgomery. Old Soldier's Experience. M M. Austin, a civil' war veteran, of Winchester, Ind , writes: "My wife was sick a lorjg time in spite of good doctors treatment, out was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them Only 2Kc at B. Blacknall & Son's Drug Store. - - 3 One two story six room house for rent. City water. Apply to W. II. Muse. al7 tf 1 lb. Can of Monogram Coffee, " INTERESTING ITEUS FEOII OUR NEIGHBORS. MDvemaals of People and Thiers in General, Eeportei Dally By B. F. Abernethy, Three of W. E. Clark's children are right sick with fever. Shelburn's pictures are as true as life, yet are without the fault of na ture. J. L and J. M. Hall returned yesterday from Granville county, where tbey had been visiting rela tives. They caught a bushel or two of fish and a large turtle, and killed the largest snake that had ever been seen in that sectiou. They say that Mrs. T. D. Aiken, of that section. Bet a ben on 17 egs and 18 chicken! were batched out, and 6 eggs were left unhatched. Abernethy desires all subscribers to the Sun to call at his store to night and inform him if they want the piper continued. " Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young re turned yesterday from Wake county. Take the Constitution and get a chance at a prize. Abernethy, East Durham. Mrs. C. A. Ferguson left today for Clayton to visit her son. J. II. Godfrey, of Graham, came in today. o. M. Daniel went to Raleigh to day on business. J. , B. Williams returned today from Raleigh. Ice cream and cold drinks all the time. Ice cream suppers every Sat urday afternoon and night at D. F. West's gallery, East Durham. 30 4t At Trinity Church. The revival services still continue at Trinity Methodist church. Preachmg at 11 a. m , and 8 p. m. , tomorrow, by the pastor, Rev. W. C. Norman. The publio cor dially invited to attend. The meetings have already re sulted in great gpod. tjuite a num ber have found Jeeus precious to their souls and a good deal of inter est has been manifested. The Orphan's Concert. , The concert to be given by the Oxford Orphan Asylum Choir, on Tuesday night of next week, will be a rich treat. The Opera House will doubtless be crowded on that occasion, for the cause is one of the worthiest. Secure -your tiokts for the concert at once, before all the best seats are sold. Turned Out of Jail. Venice, May 2. The pardon grated by King Victor Emmanuel to the officers and marines of the United States cruiser Chicago, who are imprisoned here, arrived this morning, and the prisoners were re leased. In an interview with a representa tive of the Associated Press, the American offiicers warmly repudiated the reports from Rome that they were under the influence of wine at the time of the trouble and said that on the contrary they were absolutely sober. A. B. Matthews' drug store will be open all day Sunday. Prescrip tions a specialty. Notice!! I have this day associated with me, in my practice, my Bon, Dr. Geo. A. Carr, a graduate of .the Baltimore College of Dental Sur gery. Office over Kronheirner's store in Summerfield building. Isaac N. Carr. May 2, 1902. tf. Carry your prescriptions tot Mat thews' drug store tomorrow to be filled. She Didn't Wear a Mask. But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Erup -tions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use Infallible for Cuts, Coma, Burns. Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 25c at R Blacknall & Son's. 3 Our straw Hats are 25 per cent, less than elsewhere. Johnston Fur nishing Co. Subscribe for the Son. COFFEE 1 75c. Oxford season is now on and ve hive the IxUsl and best Ox rords of the best makers. There are styles of every soit light, diiaty, for dressy cos'.urners, acd strong, staunch, for street and general wear.' Blacks in Patent Leather Kid, Tit ent Kid, Vici Kid, etc. - - A FASCINATING VARIETY Made of the lattst and handsomest leathers, in most fashion able shapes Every lady ia town will need Oxfords thii season and we know you willlike ours. OXFORDS at -Sl.OO ioS4.00 PRIDGEN & TONES, THE SHOE MEN. "LECTURE AND AN EFJ3YIBLE ESTERT1IKMEIT OF I0YELTI AKD IH3TRDCTI0I. H. B. Thearl and H. M. HxyAFORD, Chicago, Exclusive Managers. tW Air boiling oft t block f ICS ' St Durham Opera House. Wednesday Might, May - POPULAR PRICES, 50c , 75c. Selection of Seats, Subscribers Only, opens at 9 a. m , Monday. Sale of Seate, Non Subscribers, be gins at 9 a. m., Tuesday. We will sell you good Furniture for a small cash payment and a small weekly installment, - OUR TERMS ARE TIIE SAME TO ALL.:- '$10. Purchase $1.00 Cash 50c per week. " $20. " $2,00 $30. 44 $3.00 $100. ' 44 $10.00 We will sell you on time for less than you can buy same goods at for cash elsewhere. The Royall 6c Borden Go. mar27-tf Ttje Ifea) Clottfig Store. As a firm we afe new; but individually we have been known to the people ot Durham and vicinity for many yearsand it is our intention, by integrity tf purpose, and careful, intelligent buying to make this a business oi which Durham may be proud. Our Spring Lines are Ready, Including Men's and Boys' Clothing, Haberdashery and Hats, selected with the greatest discrimination after months of care ful preparation and comparison; and we now present them to your favor with the positive knowledge that you can not find the same high values, superb sjvles and perfectly fitting quali ties for any thing like the same low prices elsewhere. YOUR MONEY DIM FOR THE ASKING, Will always be your safeguard when buying here. You are cordially invited to visit our New Store and inepect our Su perb Stock at your earlest convenience. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. MARKHAM'S CORNER. 28c. AIR 1 AIR AS A LIQUID 312 BELOW ZERO Freezes Alcohol, but Burns Steel; Makes Iron, Tin and Rubb;r brittle; Renders Mercury Hard as Iror; Runs a Steam Engine, and does DOZENS OF WONDERFUL FEATS ! 1 0 44 $1.00 44 $1.50 44 $2.50 11 11 tl u 11 IfN KNMfei CV W-n CSMiJ EVK-J EVWf-U X C YT rOTi rCf7A Alh a