J r. J 1 1 DUUHAM, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE G, VOLUME 2G NUMBi:TJ 7 ltMr a.fca Sisi. , Waterman's Fountain Pen Makes it's Mark around the world. DISCOVERED COAL. W31. LIPSCOMBE DEAD. lie Ezplied at Johns Hopkins Uospltal Ihnrsdsy Afternoon. Durham called upon to monrn the loss of another ona of her early nitl7ana Afp William T inammKa discovery was made about a month . - 1Sa0ciatea wane plowing una 10 piauv struck a loot Mr. Cole Finds It on Ilia Land In Orange County. C. J. Cole has discovered coal on his land in Oransre county. The ojrn, and a vein was struck a or so beneath the surface of the ! ground. Mr. Cole, who was io the city Thursday night, showed the Sun reporter a lump of the coal that was plowed up. It is anthracite coal, among by the familiar name of "Tip," died at Johns Hopkins Hospital where he had been, for several months for treatment Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The immediate cause of his death was tuberculosis of the bowels. Mr. Lipscombe was a man every Get Them at Delicious Soda Wafer. ftrft.'i" DON'T LEAVE THE SHIRT OUT of consideration, d It 1s one of the most im portant Items of th summer man's attire. No, sir! We haven't forgotten the shirts. You won't think so hen you see the hun dreds of docens here, " The variety of the styles and the good quality is just as remarkable as the quanti ty. - Whether you buy a shirt because you must wear one or buy one because you like to dress well the right shirt Is here. Johnston . Furnisning -Co. r Jl u O, 1 . 1 1 ana appears io oe oi g". H""- body liked. He was genial in his 1'arties who have examined manneri, and possessed a bright and simple prononnoe io oe an cheery disposition. For many years lent grade, if they are capable of he WM idtified with the b'uine88 jadgjcg . interests of Durham, but in later do Duoy Das air. uoie Deen ,wun hU farmnu' operations that he has not bad time, to follow op and open the vein. He expects to have ex perts there to look over the pros- mt i j: j , ... v pecis. e newiy u.scoverea m.ne intimate frien(j8i A kindly lino fiiiiian I m I Ina Ivrtm Ka VA1llhn I u""'ut,u has departed from us, and The Sun hopes that Mr. Cole's find will prove to be of great impor tance, and that he may realize large returns from it. i Salmon. Brown. Mr. W. A. Salmon and Miss Ninnie Brown were united in mar riage Wednesday night about 9 o'clock, at the home of the bride on Wilkerson Avenue. Rev. C. J. D. Parker, pastor of the Second Baptist church, pro nounced the words that made them man and wife. It was a quiet home marriage, and the ceremony was witnessed by rel atives and friends of the "happy pair. Mr. and Mrs. Salmon have very many friends who join the Sun in wi-hing for them a long and happy life. , Uurbam, but in years gave up publio affairs on ac count of declining health. He has a large circle of friends who will regret to hear of his death, and his memory will be cherished by his Bpirit may uis rest be sweet and peaceful. Mr. Lipscombe was 60 years old last December. His immediate family, left to mourn his loss, con sists of one ion, John; one sister, MrB. J. W. Dowd; one brother, Thomas; and one brother-in-law, R. 6. Russell, of South Lowell. Mr. Lipscombe was twice married. His first wife was a sister of Mayor Mose McCown and Mrs'. J. R. Day. His second was Miss Lizzie Wither spoon, of Hillsboro, who also pro ceeded him to the great beyond some years ago. Up to the time of going to press no arrangements had been made in regard to the funeral, aa it is not known exaotly upon which train- the remains will arrive, ine iuneraJ will take place some time tomorrow, however. Returns From Elon. Rev. J. W. Wellons came in this morning from Elon College, where he attended commencement. He re ports the exercises to have been most enjoyable and the crowds in atten dance very large. Mr. Wellons -went to Elon from Fuqpay Springs. His stay at the springs was beneficial to him. County Convention Tomorrow. The Democracy will be here from all over the county in large numbers tomorrow to attend the county con vention. The convention will be called to order at noon by P. C. Graham , chairman of the Democratic County Executive committee. Dele gates are to be elected to the State, Coneresfional, Judicial and Sena torial conventions. DrunwNrn roa TONE & DURABILITY Over 117,000 Use. Now in FRANKLIN PIANOS. HARVARD HANOS. Sold for cash or easy payments. W. R. Murray, Main Street, Durham , N. C. Closed Out Old Stand. Mr. Strouse, of Baltimore, has bought the entire stock of goods in the old store of Lambe & Lyon, on the corner of Main and Mangum Btreets. Packing 'and shipping th goods is going ahead rapidly. In closing out at this stand, Lambe fc Lyon will devote all their timo and energies in the future to their new store in the Johnaon building on Main street. " Doing a Big Business. The street cars have been doing a rushing business ever since they commenced running. Especially during the late afternoons and in the evenings are the crowds very ;e. The ladies are enthusiastic patrons as well as the men. Several trolly parties have already been given. So far the service and business of the Durham Traction Company has fully met, if not exoeeded, the ex pectations of the publio. A Big Fair. J. E. King, representing the State Fair, was in the city yesterday in the interest of the coming exposi tion. He was scouring matter for the premium list, which will be the most attractive one ever issued. The Fair this year promises to be a big affair, and one all the people should visit, for it will be the moet attrac tive one yet held. The gentlemen at the head of it give assurance of this fact. Situation Wanted. Anyone wishing a -good steno grapher, a graduate of Buie's Creek, well equipped. I would be glad to serve yon. Keterences given. Ad dress E C. Batchelor, Yates. Wake County, N. C. 6-1 w. All straw goods at reduced prfces at Johnston Furnishing Co. Last Day of Rush. The rush of travel incident to college and school, commencements is about over. The returning of University and Elon College stu dents and visitors today about winds it up in this respect. The east bound Southern train was crowded this morning, and many changed oars here for other points. The S. A. L. train carried out quite a num ber of Elon students. There were many confliots be tween the strikers and police at Chicago Wednesday. Strayed or Stolen. Two small-size Jersey cows one a roan and the other a dark brown. Both have horns. Any information or their return to B L. Duke's resi dence will be appreciated. 0-lv. IN JAIL AGAIN. Jjhu UtUy Up for Carrying Con cealed Weapon. John Utley, a young white boy, was tried this morning in the police court on the. charge of carrying a concealed weapon. He was bound of f 25. tailing to give the required security he was locked up in jail. Ltley was before Judge Aeal at the last Superior court, on the charge of forgery. Ue forged a check on Dr. A. Cheatham, lie was also charged with the larceny of a pair of cuff buttons from Dr. W. A. Graham. Judge Neal gave him some good advice and let him off on his future good behavior. 1 his boy is not over fourteen or fifteen years o-d and small fur his age. He is already a tough charac ter, and unless there ie a change for the better, a term in the penitentiary will be his portion. Durhamite Gets a Certificate. The commencement at Bingham School, Mebane,this year, is said to be the best in the history of the school. Mr. S. Taylor Anderson, of Dur ham, received a beautiful certificate in shorthand and typewriting which testifies to his being a practical and efficient stenographer. Mr. Ander son, took a course at Bingham last session and was oblige to go home before the final examinations. He went to work with the Durham Ho siery Mills, where be has since con tinned with great satisfaction to his employers. Successful North Carolinian llere. Prof. 6. M. Smithdeal, president of the well known Smithdeal Busi ness college, Richmond, Va., is in the city for a day or two and would be glad to see any young people of either sex who are interested in a business education. Mr. Smitbdeal has strong inducements to offer bright young people. Mr. Smith deal also has an inviting offer to make a bright boy or girl to do some local work. Call at the Hopkins house early or late, or from 1 to 2 o'clock. If you are in a hurry and haven't time to go to yournboardmg place for meals, drop inut Frank Howard & Co's. , and get a lunch or a plate of ice cream. jG-2t No mention is made of (he Kansas City platform or of Mr. Bryan m the resolutions adopted by the In diana democrats, though a bard tight was made to refer -to Mu Bryan. -iHousekeepers Supplies:- SPECIAL BARGAINS. Sheets ready for use. Pillotf rases ready for use. These in plain hems and hentitched. Special values in huck and damask towels. Turkish bath towels. Extra heavy turkish bath rugs. Table Linens and napkins in snow-white scotch da mask. White spreads ready hemed for use. See our special extra size white spreads at 98 cents, real value $1.25. Bargains in House- keeping Supplies. ELLIS, STONE & GO. SOLD OUT Oar old stock sold out. Our up-town store will be pushed with renewed energy. Everything new. Go there for bargains we are the cheapest every time. Ours is ONE PRICE for CASH. LAMBE and LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. SPECIAL BARGAIN SNAP HI U1SSES' SLIPPERS. TOMORROW, (Friday), we will place on our bargain table 58 pairs CHILDREN and MISSES' Patent Leather Vamp, one strap san dals, solid leather through and through, sizes 5 to 2, at.... rw ' 85c a Pair. Burch-Gorman Company. See A. Max. to tell you. He has something Hew &fojcvttf ttunt. Improved White Mountain Freezer with Crank. 3 :THE BEATEN BISCUIT" originated in the old Southern families, in ante-bellum days, when hos pitality and good cheer were the signs of good breeding. Bnt the mak ing of toil favorite bread formerly involved both time and labor and of late years was in danger of becoming a lost art. .THE ACME BISCUIT BEATER...... however, makes this process an easy and quick one and all horse-keep ers who try it pronounce it to be one of the most useful inventions of the day. ' For sale by TAYLOR- & PH1PPS. b It is esti ma- It's queer that people who alwave railing at the world are are ted that over one hundred men were I nevertheless willing to pay the doo injared. tors a fortune to keep them from leaviner it in a hurry. Atlanta Lon- TT r. 3 1 - iioney-sucaie noney in d Pounu I stitution. cans. (jneeK-ftoysier uo. o-ai. . Car fare Daid from East or West Ice cream and lunches served it Durham and return if vou purchase all hours at Frank Howard & Co's., an am0uot to $2 or more. Prices Thla hAnntlful Mantel In Polished Guar tered Oak tor only 124.80. Or complete with nickeled, brassed or coppered Orate and Tile - in. mil v KU.oo We carrr a (all lino of sam ples of Tiles. Mantels, Orats and Tiles all ao in our lull ot .business, therefore we give our customers the advantage of the lowest possible prices. O. F. &R. E. WILKERSOH. . O fflce opposite Court House. ma87-U 'Phone 500. undtr First National Bank. 6-2t Suit case at reduced price. John. ston Furnishing Compmy. - A telegram from Kichmond wo men who went to New York to con fer with Mrs. Jtfferson Davis, states she has-withdrawn ter objection to the arch. A model will be selected today. FUQUftY SPRINGS ! The Rarham Bouse at Fuquay Springs Is en hundred yards from the Springs. Can mod ate 26. Bates moderate. Address R. 8. BARBAM, Propiletor, majH-am Fuquay Springs, N. C flttbecrlbe to the W8kly Bxsv,' same to all. Cheek-Roy ster Co. 6-2 See A. Max. He wants to sell you groceries so cheap that you can laugh at the beef trust. Two tragedies occurred recently in Alabama; one in WiJmer, where an aged man was killed by a negro who asked for clothes; another at Wheelerville, a man being killed for winning at craps. Fruits of all kinds at Frank How ard & Co's. . j0-2t Says' He Was Tortured. I suffered seen pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Rob inson. Hillaborouzh, Ills. 'Hut Buck len's Arnica oaivo, compieieijr curea ACRES of good unimposed lnd,in West Durham, half or,r, ' hLiSr mile from Er win mills, part of origi diabases and pilrs Cure guaranteed nl Blacknall land, for sale on rea Kir Tl . RlAP.trnnll A: Son's. Price 25 sooable terms by W. O. BLACK- cent. 3 IN ALL. 1-lW Tnls is universal! v the favorite family Ice cream -freezers, because It combines more excellences than all the other family free zers made, it is easy to operate, oecause tue parts St perfectly, and therefore run smooth ly- . , t, ... . . , w it is remamaoiy quicn ireeziiiB, uvuiuk It has the trlule motion, and will produce a delicious, smooth, and even-grain cream in four minutes or less. ft, la Rxcentlonallv durable. Trie tuos are huilt verv stronir. and will not warp, leak, or crack, and the cuns are made of the Uuest Quality bright charcoal tin plate. Its neaters anu laronur luwuaumiu arc plated with block tin, and the exterior metal parts re cast Iron, finely galvaolied to nrnvent. runttnir. It is the only freezer made with a duplex malleable iron dasher and double uelf-ud-limttnir (.i-rauers. which keeD every particle of cream In constant motion, causing It to freeze faster and more evenly than can possibly be accomplished by any other free zors. We would call attention to a new and hn portant change In the style and adjustment of the gear frame of all White Mountain Freezers from two quarts to tu quarts In elusive. . , Thn nnw frame Is made straight with I wedge end on the crank side of freezers that fits and clamps into a new U-shaped ear. This holds the frame rlrmly, and at the same time makes an easv and uulck adjustment it is a decided improvement, and adds to the appearance of the freezer. J. HENRY SMITHS, Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412. Read the Sun daily or weekly and be happy. If you have any hlng to sell or wish to buy adver tlse in Its columns. 11 pays. O BOYS' WgSHPLE PPTS. O The mothers of Durham will do a good part for their boys when they- have fitted them out in our Washable Pants. We have them in variety and good quality at a low price. Fine line of Neckties, 25 and50cents. These articles are all new, and the young and old men can get what they need. Our stocks of Men's Clothing, Hats, Underwear, Shirts, &c, is still complete. "SOLE AGENTS FOR KNOX HATS." W. A. SLATER COMPANY, CLOT11IERS AND FURNISHERS. EVERYBODY EAT? MEW 0R06ERIES ! I have just opened up a line of new, fancy and heavy GrocerUs, in new Hopkins building on Churcn street, that I am offering to the trade ot Durnam and community at a small margin. All orders entrusted to me will have my personal supervision, with - thanks lor same. All goods delivered free. Inter state 'Phone 490. SIM. F. BULLOCK; mavis lw. DR. S. RAPPORT Can be consulted tn his office 115 West Main Street, except ' on each Tuesday and Wednesday. Modern methods used In the examination of the eye. Spectacle and Eyeglass frames skillfully ad justed. ma9-tf ' W. L. WALL, DUMB IM. WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood In any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. Interstate Phone 111. Jun-Ttf The DAiiv Sun Is $3 a year, or 25 cents a month. Get the news every evening.