Bi OsS Biaatk,a nss. On Yekf. iJ? Wtklf onl Ttvr, On Dolin. - . Sstsxsd it tit Dartuun Fostofflcs u teeoBil-C'-us msil mstMr, bat iitt-clsM wsfiis BklKl. md tor homs Interests im. ' I lawtum rte md kaowm o cpUc,tio I to offlc U Dttks BtOldlnt. Wwl Mla ft. ImtantAM 'Phone r. Btil 'Phone IT. VChsafS Of s4rrtiems.ts mnat IM kud d 1b by U o'clock oa dj of pnbliCnUoa to bum lasatiaa. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18. .NOT a Durnam canomaie ua jeiiine norm me ianaiicai eierarm ," bought an automobile to make his up-to-the-minute run. up It may dound rather peculiar, but of all the candidates for the various offices in Durham county, there is not a "single" man running. Tei man who is continually tell- ing you that life isn't worth living dangerous thing, but most also rec is the first one to send for the doo- ogaize the fact that the bringing of tor if he has an ache or a pain. " a respectable woman into court to There is more than a little truth in that definition of a "layman" as one who lays things upon his pastor which he himself ought to do. Anothke old landmark in Wash- I ington has disappeared a fence 6. . . . , raade from musket barrels. Senator Hanna is fixing up another fence. Connecticut has passed on her new constitution. .NOW ll tney would only settle that old dispute . I about wooden nutmegs we could breathe easier. - I A horse over in. Knoie island that was struck by lightning ha been cutting up queer electric capers recently. Probably imagines him- sen a norseiess carriage. Njiarly 700.000.000 oosul cards were delivered by the postoffices of th United Statu last vMr. Think of the pleasure afforded by their perusal au aiuug vuo ruuie; i - I .11 I .1 . Me. Carnegie wanted 15.000.000 fnP nnn manravina orrimo I4nana I . . I most of the newspapers will struggle! along with a few squibs from the! editor and some pick-ups by the office boy. A foreign scientist has figured it I out that the judgment day is more I than a billion years off. Good! That completely knocks out our iocai prophets, who have been figuring it too near at hand. Some of the papers are making much ado about the arrival of a six thousand dollar bull, apparently overlooking the fact that we have a wuuie urufc ui uiiiuuuaire uuiih ui our qwh, to say nothing of the billion dollar bears. o It makes all the difference in the world what kind of a burden a man carries as to how he complains of the load. Twenty pounds of baby , . . less than an hour, whereas 150 pounds or more of sweetheart used to sit on ineir lap nan tne nignt without a murmur from the owner of the lap. o No town can grow unless its ad- vantages and claims to public favor are exploited to outsiders. -When a town, as well as a merchant, with draws into its shell, and makes no effort to induce outside trade and permits its old business, to be drawn away without an effort to recover it, it is in a fair way for burial in a Potter's Field. But few persons are really aware of the fact that tbb mocking bird is found only in the south. The Mason and Dixon line is, as a rule, the north boundary line of its home. It is by far the sweetest singer of the feathered tribe. Switzerland may rejoice in the tuneful linnets; la belle France glory in her soft throated orioles; the Mediterranean . isles exult in their liquid-voiced songsters; but our dear southland excels them all in the possession of the heaven-voiced mocking-bird. An. Indiana man claims to have discovered a process for preserving ice! Now think of that, will you! Preserving ice, which is one of the greatest "preservers" on earth. But 4 . . " C Cwier t-icg, it is powerless to pre serve itself. Ct the Indiana man claims to have discovered a process by which ice may be preserved in definitely. He claims to have kept ice in solid blocks for three month, and exposed to the hot san, without melting! Bat, stranger things than i go we needa'n be surprised at tbe discovery of the Indiana man. o Thk race problem is again excit ing much interest. The character of the intent depends much on the locality and political influence. lu much exercised over the lynching of i a negro for the usual crime. These fanatics see only one side,, and that the negro side. They inveigh against lynching, but fail to say a . word of condemnation against the crime which provokes the lynching. We recogniie the fact that mob law is a give testimony in such a case is so repugnant to every refined sentiment that we are not so ready to condemn lynchings in cases where there is no question as to the guilt of the ac- ' . Kilt, it 1 a nrtt Iha onnhinrfa n t ha J fear of race riots that chiefly con cerns ns. We feel sure that in every Buch conflict the white man will suf- fer least. But the increasing f re jHueuujr ui iucbij asauii8exuut:airiu for the security and safety of our n AH A f . 1. i . : . . . i wives and daughters. We know not when the offender may be at our doors, and no reasonable foresight or precaution can make us safe. It this phase of the question that is engaging the serious attention of our m08t thoughtful people, and thus far no adequate remedv has been sua. J -o .uue lor tne rav pg of the northern fanatics, or of luo ""rH "eg preacners, but we are anxioU9 for the Bafely of UUI UUUBCUU1UH I Rntlinn on tf!1..... . 1 . i xi u uiSLier uuw liir n n wnrhi nrtcj . - VTWAlVd bcd mi. r This is its brightest storv: For all its sorrows and its woes It's rolling on to glory! For every shadow that it throws, With bitter storms controlling, for au its triends and all its foes, 10 g,ory 81111 rolling! And still Love's gentle way it knows, . am needi Love's tenderest story, W'SU ? 7 T8" f W9 -Atlanta Constitution. NORTH CAROLINA, NEWS. Several . houses in Lumberton were burglarized Sunday night, There are twenty-five applicants for iicen8e to practice dentistry be i ing examined. Dr. J Knox Montgomery has ac cepted the pastorate of the First A, R. Presbyterian church of Charlotte Prof. Sam Smith, for thirty years a teacher in Greenboro, died there qajte nddenly. The funeral was ohuroh "omerresby Kev. J. L. Murphy succeeds ex Suoerlndent of Pnhlin.t.,j-n H. Mebane as the president of vbibwdb vouege. Upon the retirement of SuDerin tendent O'Brien, of the Southern Railway, at Greensboro the em Payees under him presented him w"n " u,amona "?g s testimo Charles Bonds, a white boy, seri ously cut a negro named Chris to pher Columbus Gray, in Kins ton, Saturday nignt. ibey got in a die pute about some marketing. Bond has been bound over to court. She What are you thinking about? He nothing. She Isn't that rather egotistical? Exchange . He Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan. of Hartford, Conn , scratched hia leg who a rusty wire, mnamation and Diooa poisoning set m. For two rears he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation. "but " he writes, lI used one bottle of jlectric Bitters and 1 boxes of KucElen's Arnica Balve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For irruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth, try them. R. Blacknull & Sin will guarantee satisfaction , or refund money. Only 50 cents. 4 The Weekly Son is only $ 1 a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting ' local, state and general news each week. Snb scribe and get a wide-awake - Dur ham paper. wl.le ice is a great prtsencr u A E I G ONE. Another .Mammoth M1U to ta Erected 'esr Greensboro. Greensboro Record: TLe man, who, a score of years ago, would have predicted that this locality woald have become a cotton manu facturing center would nave been put down as an idiot, though just now he coald appropriately be call ed a prophet. It has been known for perhaps over a year that Mr. SI. II. Cone, with his brother, Mr. Caesar Cone, has been laboring to establish an other large mill for the manufac ture of colored goods near Greens boro. He secured a number of op tions on lands for the purpose sever al monihs ago and recently closed wiih the narties - The mill will be located a mile and a quarter northeast of the pres- ent plant, on land purchased from David Wharton, J. K. McKmght, Caesar Cone, J. Turner Tate and others. Options are still held on other tracts which very likely will be taken np Boon. The mill will be the largest of its kind in the entire South and will have 60,000 spindles and 2,000 looms. i NEWS IN BRIEF. Severe wind, rain and electrical storms were experienced in several parts of Georgia Monday. One man was killed at Richland. Crops are greatly damaged. Miss Lollie M. Smith, of the state normal college, Georgia, was the rot woman to ever read an essay or peak in the chapel of the University of Georgia. Colonel Boykin and Dr. Shaw, prominent citizens of Carroll ton, Ga , had a difficulty Monday over law suit in which each beat the other severely with his walking qane. One of the participants in the re cent Sicilian vendetta in New Or- eans yesterday gave names of alleged participants that may aid the police in breaking up the work of killing, The indications are that the bill for the relief of Cuba is dead. The republican insurgents have whipped the fight againBt the president and the leaders of the party. The recent illness of Mrs. Roose velt was more serious than reported There will be a more interesting event at the white bouse. The statements made by Major Waller in his San brancisco inter view have maddened the president and the chances are that the major will face another courtmartial. The race trouble at El Dorado, Ills., continues. The homes of ne groes are stoned and warnings sent to occupants to leave. The bodies of seven American soldiers, recently captured in the Philippines, have been found hewn limb fiom limb. The bodies were so mutilated as to be unrecogniza Die. Many women were killed when the forces of President Castro re cently bombarded the city of La uuayra. The health of King Edward is so precarious as to cause grave anxiety. There has been an ' advance in the premium on the chance of "his being crowned. Some Georgia Nuggets. The saying is: "Take life as you find it." But where is the man who has ever been able to take it 1 other way? There's work enough in the world to keep us all busy scheming how 10 get out 01 doing that work. mi . . . 1 nere s no use in grieving over toe mn you spill, if there's still green pasture where the cows can graze. . Never fail to remember it's the hot summer that makes the cool rich harvest. Atlanta Constitution. In Mississippi a mother kills her nve children and then burned the house over them. She escapes.' m 0 m Read It In Hia. Newspaper George Schaub, a well known uerman citizen of New Lebanon. Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Volszeitung. He knows that his paper; aims to advertise oniy tne best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein lor lame back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wile, who for eight weeks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He says: "Af ter using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, 'I feel as though born anew, and beforensing the entire contents of the bottle the unbearable pains had entirely van- lsnea and she could again take up her household duties.": He is very thankful and hopes that all suffer ing likewise will hear of - her won derful recovery. This valuable lin iment is for sale by W, M. Yearby. One two story six room house for rent. City water. AddIv to W. H. MuBe. . - TO V, ta C j L.r ths s' amir. sr. Lawyers to Pi. Sierra to Alto, Gi. Dikars to Cakes, Pa. Jewelers to Gem, Iud. Babies to Brest, Mich. Smokers to Weed, Cal. Printers to Agate, Col. The sleepy to Gap, Ba. The idle to Rast, JJinn. Cranks to Peculiar, Mo. Poets to Parnassus, Pa. Deadheads to Gratis, O. Thieves to Sac City, Ii. Medicants to Begg, Li. Perfumers to Arunu, III Small men to Bigger, Lid. Paupers to Chanty1 Kin. Actors to Star City, Ark. Plumbers to Faucette, Mo. Old maids to Antiquity, O. Bankers to Deposit, N. Y. Apiarists to Beeville, Tex. Brokers to Stockville, Nev. Hunters to Deer Trail, Col. Hucksters to Yellville, Ark. Prize 'fighters to Box, Kan. Lovers to Spoonville, Mich. Carpenters to Sawtooth, Id. Politicians to Buncombe, Ya. Sewing girls to Scissors, Cal. Dry gods men to Calico, Cal. Republicans to Dennis, Mass. The "boys" to Midway, S. C. "Crooks" to Dodge City, Kan. Tbeosophists to Mystic, Ct. Swimmers to Neversink, N. Y. Poulterers to Uatohville, Ga. Puzzle fiends to Riddleville,Ga. Physicians to Doctortown, Ga. Whist players to Cavendish, Id. Topers to Brandy Station, Va. Society climbers to Tip Tip, Va. School teachers to Lamed, Km. Prohibitionists to Dry town, Cal. Drummers to Modest Town, Ya The hairless to Bald Kaob, Ark. Entomologists to Bug Hill, N. C. Peregrinators to Footville, Wis. Pork men to Ham's Prairie, Mo. Druggists to Balsam Lake, Wis. Baseball players to Ballground, Ga. Reigning beauties to Belleoenter, Political orators to Stumptown, Pa. i Ne'er-do-wells to Hard Scrabble, Ky. Justices of the peace to Squire, Minn. .'.- Three-card monte men to Trickum, Ky. - Newly married couples to Bliss, Mich. In West Virginia the strikers prevent men from working and they parade with Winchester rifles. Com names are calling on sheriffs for protection. My little son bad an attack o whooping cough and was threaten ed with pneumonia; but for Cham berlain's cough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It also saved him from several severe attacks of cronp. H. T. Strict laden, editor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by W M. Yearby. For Rent. One three story briok building with elevator on ParruhSt., buu able lor wholesale or retail. Second and third stories in brick building on Parrish St. One store room on Parrish St. One store room on Cleveland St. Apply to j30-tf. E. C. Hackney. GET ON' THE RIGHT TRACK It's the only safe one, and the one which ieaas to gaiety in tne end. insure your prop ertT in the asencv at Bonthrata Jk Hnn only field where you can pull up the long green from ashes and cinders the lever that win iorce a new Dnuaing to rise like fhoenU 1 rum turn aBnee. ne us insure you. Japs sontngate & soi's, Insurance Agency. Phone 46, Office over Morehead Banking Oo - i sepl7 SPECIAL LOW RATE Bioufalons via Norfolk and Western Railway. ' Oal., Majr 1 1 to 8. Traveler Protective Asso. Portland. rttn.. Inni 9 tn i m ... o.Tr.1 San Francisco, Oal., June 10 to M. United Order Workmen, Portland, Ore., June 10 to a), international 8. 8. Asso., Denver, Ool , June 26. ' Knights of Pvthtas. San Kranclsco wi uftuou ( fcu jo a. r, u.'Kika Malt Lake Olty. Utah. August 18 to U-' 1 ' WrlM fnp lnfnrmat.frtn aa n .... j j . of sale of tickets. W. B. BEVILL. . M SKA(fQ' - Oen'l Ag't T.P. Ag't. maraa-tlllauglS The Wski,y Sun is only $1 a year. From ao to 23 columns ol live, interesting local, state and general news each ' week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper..;, f rmm f Cj Lm w7 LZm aU m m the sore with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that are multi plying in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop ing keep cp the irritation and discharge, and at last sharp shooting pains announce the approach of the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous, destructive work aesirucuve wor. i'u un-i-. out some predisposing internal cause . . . . . 1 t t.t 1 1 . . . inai cas pojsoneu me oioou, anu uic op.n discharging or the fester- ing sore oa the hp, cheek or other part of the body will continue to spread and eat deeper into the fiesnnniess tne Diooa is punucu uu Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation. S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter. It has great antidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons and restore tbe blood to its natural condition. And when pure blood is cal advice will cost you nothing. Books on Cancer and other diseases of the blood will be sent free, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. She Befo' dey wux married dey wui de swellest couple on de av'nou. ie Wal, two kaia't dress as cheap as one.' rack. "Let tha GOLD DUST Don't plod along like your grandmother did before: , you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and nibbing, makes housework easy It cleans everything and r injures nothing. More economical than soap. - Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chleaio. Nsw.York. Boston. St Louis. Mksr of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. Peerless IceCreaii) Freezers MAKES CREAM IN THREE AND A HALF MINUTES. - Dash Churns, Cylinder Churns, Washing Machines, Clothes Wringers, High Grade Brooms, Garden Tools, Garden Hoes, Poultry Wire, Paint in Cans, and in bulk for all purposes at Lloyd 's Hardware Store, Durham, N. C. B. N. DUKE, President. ' JOHN F, WILY, Cashier, THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM, N;C. Canital $100,000.00. . , .... ..Surplus $85,000.00 Deposits $700,000.00. SAVINGS DEBARXMENT. This Jranch of our business has gradually grown until wo have issued 1,675 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encourage thrift and economy among ow people we receive from $1.00 up and allow interest thereon. zrV" A'cjnran xwzea ior rent. . : This Bank is authorised by its charter to act as Guardian,. Executor, Ad ministrator, Trustee, Agent, etc. . , . jan25-8m - ' BTOIIIG COllPffljY, DURHAM. N. C. ' CAPITAL AND PROFITS $155,000.00 O. ED. RAWI.S, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. - E. C. MURRAY, Cashier. We solicit the accounts of Merchants. Mannfflrtnrers. VI vlduals, and all business entrusted to us m il receive prompt t d a cn tate attention, and every facility- and accommodation in ktenlng ith the account will be extended.- We cordla ly invite a-personal inteivi'ew , jan5om r ; ; or correspondence. . . - ' . I27"A little adlet in tht. oer town atrd the 9utry. Are is cary respects like ether ulcers cr sores, and this resemblance often proves fUl. Vi'n-.V.1 tim ta l.iet in fm:fV? effort tj Le.'.l In February, 1SS9, 1 noticed a small Th doctor Ma. terised it but anotxier came ana cron out into an open sore. I began to take a o a . T V n BAVmm Virit . s. - llTil ,llica. w. P. Brown, Hollnd, & C. . . carried to the ulcer or . sore the neaiing process begins, the discharge ceases and the place heals over and new skin forms. S. S. S. is a strictly vege table blood purifier containing no mercury or fltiv kind, write us about it. medi- What the world needs just now , is a physical training course that will recognise the dishpan and . the wood box Life. ' twins do your works" Stm wilroj lontj ways- a l ,

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