L.C j T 1 1 c- i. i r rp 1 " 1 T i,V Wi-U ii L; i 1 :. i i .1 iti t 1.1 J iu ;j v J j n J j j 1 r f & rr .:' .:at tor ..f i! '... c r.r Pur-w-t w re iv'i. a cf itie - Ju'.v V.a. Mid ibe Dem- OCia'-O evumy ci'UTcLv..'a auu sua. ii re--.tN.-!sl 1 pr- ti e to Csts&rie ike aiities ul tse oioe us fi.iLiu.Uy as la f ast. JiltojuIjiS K. T. LEA. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as candidate for theofceeof constable of Durham township, to J candidacy wiil be subject to the action of tii Democratic primaries or the Democratic convention. If given the support of the Democrat of the county I oledge my eutlre time to the duties of the office. jU-tf J. P. MASSEY. Announcement. 1 announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Register of Deeds of Durham County, ublect to the endorsement of the Democrat' 1c Convention. If nominated and elected, I j promise to serve you to the best of my abil ity. Eespectfully, may90-U M.G.MARK BAM EXTRA 1 EXTRA ! Try the Boston Shoe Repairing Company ana yoa will be pleased. New man Just iroiu Boston. Lowest prices "ver heard of in Dur- nam. H.ADLAR Junl8-lw Hear City Btables. FOR SALE. 4-room house ti acres 3 acres woods Fairfax Co., Va., near the Southern Railroad, 18 miles from Washington, D. C. Eligible for eardening, poultry, huckstering. Apples, pears, peaches, plums in bearing. Church, school and post office near. $300 00 part cash. H.BUFORD, Claiborne, Amherst Ct, Va. Iand adjoining for sale. juni8-iw A FODRTH OF JOLT TREAT for Cncle Sam that will make him wish, like Tom Marshall of Kentucky , did, that his t.hmut, won aa Inns as the Potomac river that he might enjoy the elongated pleasure of feeling It all the way down, It a glass of cold, Hnarkllnff and amber Portner beer, more de licious to the palate of the thirsty than nec tar was to the gods of yore. Be sure and or der a case of Portner for your Fourth of Ju ly celebration, or a bottle of our Green Kiv nr Rvn whtukev. the whiskey without a head ache, or any thing else you may need iu the way or pure wines, liquors, oranaies, ocu. T. II. SCOGGINS. No. 124 CORNER MANGUM & PEABODY STS octl-tf W. E. HOLT. -dealer in Choicb Home Killed Meats: BEEP, PORK, VEAL add SPRING LAMB. Either. 'Phone. Prompt Delivery, H. D. LEIGH, J13 lm Assistant. The Tourist Season 1 OPENS WITH THE MONTH OP JUNE, AND THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY ANNOUNCES THE SALE Ot LOW RATE FROM fll Southern Points To the delightful Resorts located on and reached via Its line:.. These Tickets bear final limit October 31, 1902. That section of North Carolina known as, "THE LAND OF THE SKY " AND THE " SAPPHIRE COUNTRY " Is particularly attractive to those In search of mountain resorts, where the air is ever cool and Invigorating, and where accommo dations can be had either at the comfortable and well kept boarding houses or the, more expensive and up-to-date hotels. ADDITIONAL SLEEPING CARS Placed In service from various points to Principal Resorts, thus affording GREATLY IMPROVED FACILITIES For Reaching those Points. Particular attention is directed to the ele gant Dlnlng-Car Service on princi pal through trains. The Southern Railway has Just Issued Its handsome Resort Folder, descriptive of the many delightful reserts along the line of Its road. This folder also gives the names ot proprietors of hotels and boarding houses and number of guest they can accommodate. Copy can be had upon application to any Southern Railway Ticket Agent. W. A. TURK, 8. H. BARDWICK. . Pasa. Traffic Mg'r. Gen. Pass. Ag't ' Washington, D. O. June 10 2m The Weekly Son Is only $1 a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. , 1 &r.r.---'.m.- ! a u -. . :v ' lu:vX-ri.c L.-la.r. New B;rn Won Both on day. TLe victory ia both of Wevlues ,y afterLOua'b games went to Ne w- , 1.1 - liem. Uurtam set-mtu 10 cave ruu against a double dose ot nara iuck. It took ten innings to decide the first eame. the score at the end of the ninth standiner 3 to 3, e Bern made four in the tenth, causing the score to stand at the close of the game, 7 to 3 in their favor. 1 he second game requited as ioi- lows: New Bern, 5; Durham, 3, Gettig was taken out of toe box at the end of the fifth inning, and Symons substituted for the re&t of the game. Durham made her tnrt-e runs in the fifth inning. Daring the progress of the first same, and m tne eignin tuning, Umpire Dolan was struck by a hot iiner batted by Devlin, of New bern, and was knocked out for a few min utes. The ball struck Pitcher Morris' hand, which in a measure hrnkft the force of the blow, aud continuing ltsiourney, hit tne um mre in the foreheal. Mr. uoian dropped to tfce ground as if shot In a few minutes he recovered eum- ciently from the blow and was able to Droceed with this eame and also to nmpire the game which followed H in all rmht with the exception of swollen nlace where the ball bit r 1 him. FlBST GAME. Score. rue Newbern 001000110 4-7 10 0 Durham OQOJ5 000 I 0 0-3 . 8 4 Batteries: New Bern, Ba-s and Daum: Durham. Morris and Cos tello. Summary:" Earned runs, New Bern 4, Durham 3. Bases on balls, off Morris 3. Two base hits, Fill man . Stocksdale and Costello. Home run. Louffhlin. Double plays, Kan dolph to Devlin to Loughlin, Lough in to. Devlin, Carr to Mcuade to Stooksdale. Hit by pitched ball, by Bass 1, Struck out, by Bass 5, by Morris 1. Passed balls, Costello Left on bases, JNewtserna, uur bam 3. Stolen bases, Mew Bern 14, Durham 1. Time of game, 2:05. SECOND GAMS. Score. R h. k. Durham 00003000 0-3 12 5 Newbern 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 x-5 7 2 Batteries: Durham, Stocksdale and Curranj New Bern, Gettig, Sy mons and Daum. Summary: Earned runB, Durham j, iew ueru a. uassce uu uib, uu XT T Ck T V.U ffl Stocksdale 2, off Gettig 3, off Sy mons 1. Two base hit, Rockford Double play, Carr to McDade jto Rockford. Struck out, by Stocks dale 5, by Gettig 3. Passed balls, j Curran 1. Stolen bases, Durham 2, New Bern 7. Time of game, 1 :45. The game at Wilmington resulted as follows: Wilmington 4; (Jbar- lotte, 1. The game at Raleigh was won bv Greensboro by a score of 3 to 2. STANDING OF N. C. LEAGUE Won. Lost. Charlotte 32 0 Raleigh .22 17 New Bern 20 19 P. 0. .842 .504 .513 .462 Greensboro 18 21 Durham 17 ' 22 Wilmington 7 31 .436 .184 Only 12 days left us to close out our stock of Fine Wines and Liquors at cost. Cheek-Royster Co. 19-2t The J. O. U. A. M., excursion to Richmond, Saturday, June 21st, will be a pleasant trip. 50cts cheaper than any run before. 13-3t. The shareholders of the Eastern Insurance Company of this state, meet and elect directors and ofhoers. David Tayloe is president. Don't Let Them Suffer. Often, chi'dren are tortured with itching and burning eczema and other ekin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflammation, leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap; there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at R. Black nail & Son's Only 12 days left us to close out our stock of Fine Wines and Liquors at cost. Cheek-Royster Co. 19-2t Best.Mu8codova molasses, 35 cents per gallon, at A. Max's. Regular price 50 cts. ire rnnimmr A 4 FOR COLDS, LA-GRIPPE and ALL f f ' HEADACHES. ! IT ilEVER FJLILS. I BOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS. A. Max's prices on summer dress goods, ladies underwear, and milli nery are attractive enough to draw every sensible woman. The Daily Sun is $3 a year, 01 25 cents a month. Get the news every evening.:, v Subscribe to, the Wkbixy 8ufc. 4 Gatbjrci iroui Highway, iiy- ways, Railways and Cthcrways. Forecast cf the wealter: Fri day showers: fresh ouiheaat wicds, becomicg southerly. I have several hundred dollars for investment in something legiti mate. What have too? Address D.,thia cfice. 18-3U The furniture stores have now adopted the rule of closing during the summer months at 7 p. m ex- cept on Monday, and Saturday nights. General Julian S. Carr has been invited to speak at the rourth of July celebration of the Bill Johnson I Camp of Confederate V eteraus at I WelJou. W. A. Bivins. one of the erad- nstesatthe recent Trinity College commencement, has been elected principal of the Athgrton School, Charlotte. The tax listers for Durham township report that probably not more than one-third have so far listed. Only teh days more left in which to list. A good rain fell east of Dur ham last night. Parties who came in over the Norfolk and Western road today stated that anicerain . fell between Roxboro and Stagville this morning. A special meeting of Manataka Tribe of Ked Men will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock, in their wigwam in the Johnson building, over Lambe & Lyon's store. Busi ness of great importance to all the members will come up, and it strongly ureed that every one be present who can possibly doso. The newest, nobbiest and most conveniently shaped Lunch and Picnio Baskets at Chek-Royster Co's. j 19-21 MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. Uurhamttes a Well Others Are Con tantly on the Move, Miss Mary Renn has gone to Sal isbury to visit Miss Josephine Mau ney. Cant. J. B. Hunter, editor of Thrift, has returned from a trip to Raleigh. , Mrs. Maco-ia Griffin, nf New A. i?er who has b een visiti nc friends - . . in j)rham, haa gome to Raleieh. E. R. Moore, supervisor of pub lie roads of rersou county, was in the city today. Miss Beulah Howerton has been visiting Miss Delma Noell in Rox boro, this week. Hon. D. II. McLean passed through the city this morning on his way to .Burlington. Weslev Boddie haH retnrned from Nashville, N. C, and is back in xt i -j v 1. : Blacknall's drug store. Mrs. W. T. Mabry returned this morning 10 ner norae in naieign, . 1. 1 n 1 1 atter a visit 10 ner son, w. A, Ma bry. Mrs. A. C. Moorman, of Green ville. who has heen visitincr the fam. lly f E,, J. Shaw: returned home today. II. oauerneia, one 0 last years lrinity yo lege students, came over irom rcoxporo this morn- .u5 auu ieik iuf reeusooro. Mr. T. J. Horton and bride, nee Miss Alice Giddens, returned this morning from their bridal trip to the western part of the State, Claud Chamberlain, after a visit to relatives m Durham, has return ed to Kinston and accepted a posi tion there with 11. Dunn, druggist. Miss Fannie Carr, who stopped over in Raleigh with Miss Mamie Jenkins, on her . return from the Teachers' Assembly at Morehead City, has returned home. Miss Georgia Duncan, who has been spending some eight or ten weeks with the family of YV. A. Hinton, left this morning for her home in Granville oounty. A plot that is alleged to have been disooveted to assassinate King ha ward, though it cannot be om- oially affirmed. Only 12 days left us to.close out our stpek of Fine Wines and Liquors at cost.' Cheek-Royster Co. 19-21 Supreme Court in Raleige deoides that State Treasurer Lacy must pay an annual - appropriation of $2,500 to Greensboro A. and M. college. Call at W. M. Yearby's drug store ana get a iree sample 01 cnam- berlaln's Stomach, and Liver Tab- lets, a ney are an eiegani pnysic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regu- late the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. A. Max is giving a surpassing show at surprising prices. Don't dubs getting your share. i:'TEnr3Ti:;o itehs mon OUR NEIGHBORS. Movements of People anl Tilings tn General, Reported Daily By B. F. ASercethy. C. E. Bradshaw, of Richmond, was in ine village yesieraay . Larle Lvnn came home nht Bick . yesterday , Lee rerry, of North Durham, has moved to our village. Mr. Elkanah Lyoi., of Creed- moor, who has been visiting n s niece, Mrs. John A. , Lea, has re- mrned home Mrs. Kate Lewis is very sick at the home of Mrs. Josie Yates. N. J. Lynn, mother of Julian Earle Lynn, is very sick. yu Aiiora, one ot omuu U0. 8 cieras, IB SICK. At the meeting bf the E. of P's Tuesday night the following officers were elected: Prof. J. W. Cameron, C. C. J. R. Ashley, V. C. Jno. N. Cheek, K. of R. and S. C. A. Holder, M. of A. Jno. W. Holder, Prelate. E. 6. Ward, O. G. E. H. Emory, I. Gr Mrs. P. W. Hinson is very low. J. H. Stone and family have moved to Lynchburg. A. W. Kins has srone to Wake oounty to visit his father. . r. K. Mims returned yesterday from Holly Springs. Miss Lovie Brown is right sick. Leave news items, subscriptions and ads at the stores of Abernetby, Stroud and Kerr. We are glad to note that Mrs. A. M. Ellison is able to be out again after a severe attack of rheumatism. A. Winestine and wife are both on the sick list. The street oars run right by the door. I mean Shelburn's door, where the finest photographs in town are made. Mrs. C. W. Boone has. gone to Chatham oounty to visit her mother, Mrs. Susan I nomas, who is very sick. Mrs. L. A. Suggs, who has been visiting her brother, R. J. Brown, returned to New Hill today. Going to Attend the Meeting. Mrs. Lucy A. Cuninggim, of Greensboro, passed through the city this morning going to Raleigh to attend the annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety of the North Carolina Confer enoe. This convenes at Edenton Street church tonight at 8 o'clock Mrs. Cuninggim is president. Received Degree of A. B. Miss Isabel Elias, of Franklin Macon county, who graduated from iUJ t"e years gu, na t::. nn .u - 1 received the degree of A. B. from Columbia University. This is roost deserved honor, and all the friends of this Brilliant young lady I ... -r are reioiced at her success. . $500,000 Union Depot. JNobfolk, June 18 the seven railroads entering Norfolk have completed arrangements for a half I j mi. . million aoiiar udioq uepo. inc atof i An mill Ka . nn tlnn Half I inn hich ifJ bv the Norfolk & We9ternt Southern, Seaboard Air t: --j x.k .a t buiU of ad wi., vfl rfiached by three different ear lines. Bishop Whittle Dead. Richmond, June 18. Rt. Rev Francis M. Whittle, bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Virginia, died at bis home here this afternoon aged 78. The newest, nobbiest and most conveniently shaped Lunch and Picnic Baskets at Cheek-Koyster Co's. . r 19 2t Wednesday. June 25th, is the date of Christian & , Weathers' ex cursion to Norfolk. Rev. J. r. maouume. principa of' Change Grove Academy, was in the city today. Special saie on Bananas now on at Frank Howard & Co's. 18 2t Wednesday, June 25tb, Christian a Weathers' excursion to Norfolk D. C. Parks, of Hillsboro, was a Durham visitor today. Come to where you will find something to suit you and the prices, the lowest. A. Max's is the place, The demderats of Main nomiate s. W. : Gould for governor. Con gressman Champ Clark makes them an address. fresh lot Palmatina in 3,5,1 and 20 lb. tins. Cheek-Royster Co . jl9-2t. Get a trunk. A. Max hag a big supply, from 25 cents up. Don miss these offerings. v IX LADIES' SLIPPERS, SHOES, SANDALS AND OXFORDS There is a treat in store for the lady who has not yet seen our Slip pers and Sandals for summer wear. The shapes are new and have style, d rt : them ... n - 3 uosls 01 admirers. iae icci wearing onr ouppers, oanuais or iion- t . r . j : . r - lals this season wiu ba tne prettiest from $1 to $3 50. The finest leather your eyes at any rate. PEIDG-EJSr THE SHOE MEN. THE CLOTHING- STORE I IO iou want a Momespun: -w-w rants, jn egngee onirt, otraw o. J rv iii iur ouiiuay. v)ii t uuy uum j uu bcc uui MfRKBDDOWN Prices on the above list. Shirts marked especially much you save by gettmg your nxmgs heje. -v. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. MARKHAM'S CORNER :-MOS0UlTO NETS-i Are good for keeping off flies, as well as mos quitoes. We have the kind that fasten on Wood, Brass and Iron Beds, as well as the, old ceiling style. Let us put you-up one. BERNSTEIN Iron Beds are much cooler and cleaner for summer use than the old style closed up head and foot wood beds. Price from $10.00 up, An elegant line6f couches, $10.00 up. Big reduction in Mattings and The Koyall mar27-t( THE NORTH CAROLINA State formal and Literary Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial Pedagogical Musical Session opens . , V. - . "Lest You Forget, We Say it Yet," That no one can serve you in the Wall Paper business as we can. We have a large stock. on hand., E. J. LONG. ' ... PHONE 468. - DURHAM. N. C. CAPITAL AMD PROFITS $155,000.00. i O. C RAWX8, Freident. ' 15 O. O, TAYLOR, Vice-President. :, B. C MURRAY, Cashier. We solicit the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Firms and Indi viduals, and all business entrusted to u will receive prompt ard accu- rate attention, and every facility the account wul be extended, we an5-6m i - or correspondence - The Mrljam Weekly Sai), One Dollar a YeaPt Tne COLONIAL Slipper is a new-comer, and 01: ' . . 7 i . r i tcet in town, ihe price range is air widths and sizes. Come, feas & JONES, NEW: to 1 ' - w - w y i?lannei or Urasn uoat an nat, ceit ana r ancy dox . . Boy's Clothing, Pants and j low. Call in and see how - C07 IRON BEDSA with spring complete. Refrigerators. & Borden Go. Industrial Cc8e' September 18th. Expenses 1100 to 1140; for non residents or tne State sioo. Faculty or tnlrty-tnree members. Practice and Observation School connected with the Col-"vr leice. Correspondence is Invited from those, desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board In the dormitories, all free-tuition applica tions should be made before July 15th. For catalogue and otbe Information address . ... PRESIDENT CHARLES D. I.VIVER, J13-8m G BEEN 9 BO BO. M. C. o o and accommodation in keeping with cornia iy invite a personal interview V

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