AT 1 r cr i w u. T rf'T T": T -'" 1 t PIT' WE H;VE the j J r i r i f J L i i wOiiO shampoo Toilet Soap A tonic aid treat. It mikes a clean bead and clear complexion. Excel lent for bouj. Removes th grtuj, timj tppearanct. COKE DANDRUFF CURE Stops nalr from falling out Cures Dandruff, Brittle Hair, Itching and aU. Scalp Troubles. Guaranteed to cura or money refunded. Awarded medals and special favors at Paris Exposition. Coke Dandruff Cure is good enough to have many imita tors. You be good enough to demand the genuine. Sold everywhere. A. R. BREMER CO., Chicago. Sold by W. M. Yearby, Durham. mar!7-ws.l OIN--CHO. THE GREATEST NERVE STIMULANT AND ANTI MALARIAL TONIC KNOWN TO MEDICAL PROFESSIONS. The Drink That Made Itself Famous. 5C AT mi SODA FOUNTAINS. Delightful and Pure as the Morning Air. . ap30-2m When are you going to spend the summer ? Keep your eye on Montreal, aver wen there f Not Well go early and spend the entire summer. Nothing like It In all "The Land of the MjV HOTEL, MONTREAL Right in the wild woods. Beautiful for situ ation. New Hotel with all modern comforts; right In the heart of nature. Surrounded on all sides by lofty mountain peaks, walks and drives of indescribable grandeur. Mineral Waters Just developed. Llthla and Chalybeate of Iron Water. Hotel ready for business. Open all seasons, tor illustrated booklet, address W. D. PAXTON, Proprietor, may l-3m . Montreal, N. C. for Superior Court Clerk. To the Voters of Durham County: X hereby announce myself a candidate be fore the primaries to be held the 2Utb of Ju ly next, for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court. 1 have no superior claims to urge for your support. Many have done as much, and not a few more than I. Four years of youth and earlv manhood I cheerfully nave exclusively to the service of my country; whatever, as a puoiicauiyor privilege, i nave aone since, has always been under the conviction that it was ior tne Dest interest of my people. The office is yours and at your disposal. I need the place and earnestly, urgently so licit your votes. Very truly yours, Jun20-2w R. G. RUSSELL, For Township Constable. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of constable for Dur ham township, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries J uly iWth. and the Dem ocratic countv convention August 2nd. If re-elected 1 promise to discharge the duties .oi tne omce as laitniuny as in past. ju to juiyae Je. t. lea Announcement. I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of constable of Durham township. My candidacy will be subject to the action of the Democratic primaries or the Democratic convention, it. given toe support or tne Democrat of the county I oledge my entire time to tne duties oi tne omce. J13-tf J. P. MASSEY, Announcement. 1 announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Register of Deeds of Durham County, subject to the endorsement of the Democrat ic Convention. If nominated and elected, I promise to serve you to the best of my abil ity. Respectfully, mayao-tf M.Q.MABEHAM. DR. S. RAPPORT Can be consulted in his office 116 West Main Street, except on each Tuesday and Wednesday, c Modern methods used In the examination of the eye, (Spectacle and Eyeglass frames skillfully ad justed. may9-tf EXTRA! EXTRA 1 Try the Boston Shoe Repairing Company and you will be pleased. New man just from boston. Lowest prices ever beard of in Dur ham. H. ADLAR Junl8-iw Near City Stables. FOR SAIE. 4 -room house if acres 3 acres woods Fairfax Co., Va., near the Southern Railroad, 18 miles from Washington, D. C. Eligible for gardening, poultry," huckstering. Apples, pears, peaches, plums In bearing. Church, school and post office near. I300 00 part cash. N.BUFORD, 1 Claiborne, Amherst Co., Va. Land adjoining for sale, ' juni8-iw W.EHOLT, ' dealer in Chotcb Home Killed Meats; BEEP, PORK. VEAL and BFKING LAMB. Either Thone. - Prompt Delivery. ' H- D. LEIGH, . Jl1! 1m Assistant, Suitcase at reduced price, (too Furnishing Company John- -rt:oo iiiformei tor AffenJi-ia.s-Corcnatiaa K)s!pooed, Loxiox, Jane 4 Kicg Edward I, who was" operated on for jeri- typbitis (the British name for ap pendicitis) at 2 o'clock tbia after noon, is now resting comloruDiy and there is strong hope for his re covery. However, it is realized that the kind's condition is extreme- y critical. The next 24 hours may tell. A high official of the govern ment sard there was undoubtedly grave cause for anxiety. His latest nformation from the palace was that the king bad fcucccss'ully passed the chloroforming etaejUut nobody could say definitely for the neit 24 hours how matters would turn. The king suffered a relapse earlv today and an operation was decided upon. Sir Joseph L'ster, Sir Thom as Smith, Sir Francis Henry Laking, Sir Thomas Barlow and Sir Freder ick Treves were the surgeons in at tendance, and it is said that Sir rederick Treves performed the ope ration. A large abscess was evacu ated. NEWS CAUSED COJJSTERKATIOX. London, June 24.- The sudden announcement of the postponement of the coronation just on the eve of the ceremony, caused the utmost consternation everywhere. Tbe news spread like wild fire. London is Btaggered by tbe suddenness of it all, particularly as an absolute de nial that his majesty was seriously ill was issued Saturday by Sir Fran ois Knollys. Tbe streets, as the day wore on, came more and more congested, and the holiday crowd concentrated mto groups, reading and re-reading tbe "extras." Most of the people tell dazed and scarcely appreciated tbe full ynport of wbU they read. LITTLE Ht PR RFMA1NS. London, June 23. Dr. Laing left his majesty's bed room shortly before one o'clock this mornin? for supper. In response to inquiries be said tbe best must be hoped for, but tbe situation was very serious. At about midnight the kiuj took a lit tle nourishment and a byperdermi'c injection of nitro-glycerine was ad ministered, the heart's action being weak. His majesty rallied slightly and recognized several' those about his bed. He then relapsed into a comotose condition. Tbe queen has left tbe bedside but once since the operation. The feeling at tbe palace is that little hope remains. SYMPATHY FROM PRESIDENT. Washington, June 24 Just bo fore he left Washington for BoBton President Roosevelt sent this mess age: "To His Majesty, Edward VII, London: 'I ask your majesty to accept my sincere assurance of sympathy and wishes for speedy convalescence. (bigned) "Theodore Roosevelt." The Park Bill Passed. A special from Washington to tbe Raleigh News and Observer says tbe Senate Tuesday passed Abe Appalachian rarit mil . witnout a division. Senator Bate, of Tennes see, who oppoeed the bill when it was up last week, contented himself with offering an amendment, which wag accepted by tbe friends of tbe bill, lie then voted for the bill. Its passage in tbe House at this session is very doubtful, as it is un derstood that Speaker Henderson and Chairman of the Appropriatior Committee Cannon both oppose it, bnt its passage at tbe short session is reasonably certain. Those 'who go on the excursion to Lynchburg and Natural Bridge, Sunday, July 6th, are assured a most delightful time. 0. D. Rigs- bee, manager. . ast -1 n. Neckwear at reduced prices. John ston Furnishing Company. . Town of Madison, 111:, was visited by a terrible fire Monday that nearly wiped out the entire city. USE GflPUDlSETf 4 FOR COLDS, LA-GRIPPE and ALL f I HEADACHES. IT NEVER FAILS. -BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. i Ho for Lynchburg and Natural Bridge, Sunday , J uly 6th. Go with Clarence RigBbee and have a good time. The partly completed rifle ranges at Seagirt, N. J., cave in Monday and crushed three men to death, be tween tbe toppling walls. Call at W. M. Yearby's drug store and get a free sample of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They afe an elegant physic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regu late the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. I UiUliereJ from IlUhwajs, P.y. ways, Railways and Oihcrways. 11. II. II'Eton was confined at home today by sickness. He has rheumatism. Chase City Barnett Hotel is open for summer boarders. W. P. Faris, Proprietor. 24-4t Miss Vndine Barbara one of Durham's must popular trained nurses, who has been oat of town for some time, has returned, and is aeain reauy tor professional duty. 'Phone No. 442. The name of 'Rev. Dr. L. B. Turnbull, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church in Durham, has been mentioned as a possible successor to Rev. Dr. J. W. Stagg, of Charlotte, in tbe work of raising money fcr the twentieth century educational movement. MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. Dnrhamltea as Well as. Others Ara Con stantly on tha Mot a. Mrs. T. L. Peay left this morn ing for Pittsboro. J. G. Roney baa returned to Wil son after a trip here. Fred S. Dixon went down to Ral eigh this morning on a business trip. Mrs. L. A. Cuninggim, of Greens boro, arrived in the city this morn ing. J. C. Walker returned to Cary this morning after a trip to this city. .Miss Eula Williams is bere from Goldsboro on a visit to Miss Mamie Newman. CM. Hutchings, Jr., went to Washington, D. his uncle. C, today to visit Miss Lilian Farrington left yester day afternoon for Morehead city to visit friends. John R. Hamlin and George R. James, of Person county were in the city this morning. Rudolph Kueffner, who has been at Portsmouth, Va. , for the past three weeks, bas returned to Dur ham. Miss Harriet Wilkie is visiting Mrs. G. W. Bryant, at the Con servatory of Music, at Durham, says the Raleigh News and Observer. . Mrs. W. II. Harrison has returned from Durham, where she visited her brother, 7. A. Yearby, says the lialeigh Mews and Observer. Mrs. E. B. Barbee and daughter, Miss Mary, who stopped over in imrnam a snort wnue on their re turn from Cbase City, Va., have gone to their home in Raleigh, m m To Go to Greenville, S. C. A. A. Norwood leaves tomorrow for Greenville, S. C, where be will be permanently located in the future, lie will have charge of the telephone exchange at that place. Mr. Nor wood thoroughly understands the business, and all of his friends wish tor mm mucn euocesB in ins new position, Negro Driven From Home. CoOLHEMEE, N. C. , Jttl.6 24. Stokes Cowan, a negro, and his farn - ily, have been driven from their borne here. - Cowan is a relative of the negro boys lynched at Salisbury, and was suspected of complicity in tbe murder of Miss Benson. Friday night a well armed party went to t owan's house and fired on it with various firearms. Stokes, with a heavily loaded shotgun, an old muz zle loader, attempted several times to return tbe hie, bat his gun failed. His wife received a wound in the rt.a arm oerore . escaping. re turned the next day to dispose of his crop now in process of cultivation. He says he will remain away. L Cheapest In the Trade. " 1 A ? t ' ate lime tooKing tnrougn our line of clothing, for the longer you iook tne Digger bargains you'll see. He wbo hesitates is not always lost, especially when the buying of cloth ing is concerned.! For our part we don't ask you to listen to our stories, but to Bimply compare our prices with those of other retailers, the comparison will prove that you can save quite a respectable little sum by purchasing your clothing at the A Max store, and every little helps you know. Of course we could charge you as much for clothing as other merchants do, and get it too, but then we would forfeit our title of being the cheapest house in the trade and this we won't do. - A. Max. Wanted Subscribers for Thrift. Fifty cents a year. 20-6t. Wait for C. D. Rigsbee's excur sion, Sunday, July 6th, to Lynch burg and Natural Bridge. A splen did trip at a small cost. Gents underware from 45 cents per suit np to $3 at A. Max's. Great bargains in these suits. Subscribe for the Sun. kill INTERESTING ITE FEOH OUE NEIGHBORS. Movements cf People and Tfcisss in General, Reported Dally By B. F. Afcarnethy, May Tyson, of Hope Mills, came in yesterday afternoon for a short visit to frinds. Mrs C. L. Rogers and J. D. R. Allen, of Wake county, sinter aud brother-in law of W. A. Yearby, came up yesterday morning and re turned in the afternoon. Little Beulah Peed is better to day. Two charming young ladies from Durham called in my office the oth er day. Hope they will come again. I like for tbe ladies to come around. All ladies and gentlemen who with to spend a while reading are invited to call. I have books, maps, maga zines and papers jf alljunds. The Sun shines for all. Our George Washington says he can throw a rope 40 feet in tbe air and climb it to the end and descend before the rope strikes tbe ground. He ought to belong to tbe Durham fire department. Tbe Suk is the paper for people who do not have time to read till night. Mrs. O. C. Horton and dangbter, Annie, left this morning for tbe eastern part of the. state to spend the summer. Mrs. Etta Bridges and daughter, Viola, are both right sick with measles. Abernetby's furniture store is the place to subscribe and pay for the Sdn. It is impossible for him to t;o around to collect. So please cal1 in and pay. The ladies will wait t at on ycu wnen Aoernemy is not in. Some people don't know when you are doinj them a favor. I beard that a lot of chickens would be kill ed if they were not pat up.' I thought to do the owners a favor by mentioning it in tbe paper, so they oould save their fowls. Most of thorn thank me for so doing, but two or three are road as wet hens because I gave them tbe informa tion. D. C; Ligon says be went to a house lapt night' where people were sitting- by a big fire stringing snaps. There was considerable cotton on the East Durham market today. I. M. Watts, Samuel E. Davis, C. P. Driver and family, and oth ers, went to Norfolk on tbe excur sion tody. RAIN INTERFERRED. ' The Only Game Played Out Was at Charlotte. The Durham and New Bern teams were unable to play on tbe grounds of tbe latter Tuesday afternoon on account of rain. By reason of this a doable header was scheduled for today. Tbe Greensboro-Raleigh game, at Greensboro, was broken up at tbe beginning of the eighth inning on account 01 ram. ine score wss then 4 to 4. Two games were ar ranged for today. At Charlotte the Iiornets badly J 8tung the Sea Gull9 winning ame by a Boore of n t0 2. Bat- teries: Charlotte, Person and Arm strong; Wilmington, Karns and Fisher. STANDING OF N. C. LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Charlotte. 36 7 Raleigh. 24 19 New Bern...... 22 21 Durham.. .. .. .. 20 23 Greensboro..... 20 23 Wilmington.. .. 7 36 P.O. .837 .558 .512 .465 .465 .163 The Fidelity Bank. Durham, N. C. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held June 6th, 1902, the surplus of this Bank as increased to $100,000, and sTsemi-annual divi dend of six per ent was declared, payable on July 1st to stockholders of record at the. cloBe of business June;30th 1902., j24-3t. John F. Wily, Cashier. For Rent. The store room now occupied by Johnston Furnishing company. Also tne back part of L.ambe & Lyon's old store and tbe np stairs to that building. Appty to the Johnston Furnishing company. 12-tf. , V Piano for Sale. Seoond hand. A great bargain . Apply to J. D. Pridgen. jS4 tf. Asaresuitof a collision on the Cleveland and Pittsburg road, two men were killed and several others injured. Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W. H. Bads, of Jonesville, Va , "which causpd hor- rible leg sores for 80 years, but Bucklen'e Arnica 8alve wholly cured me after everything else failed " Infallible for Burns, Scalds. Cuts. Sores. Bruises and Piles. Sold bv R. Blacknall & Bon. 25o. 5 IX LADIES' SLIPPERS, SHOES, SANDALS AND OXFORDS There is a treat ia store for the lady who has not yet seen oar Slip- pers and Sandals for sacmer wear. snap and art in them, hj-s hosts of admirers, ials this season will b; from ft to $3 50 Th your ejes at any rate. PKIDG-EN THE SHOE MEN. :THE CLOTHING STORE, ! IO to 1 You want a Homespun, Fir nnel or Crash Coat and Pants, Negligee Shirt d -aw HaVBelt and Fancy Sox for Sunday. Lv n'c buy until you see our 8 MfRKBD-DOWN Prices on the above list. Boy's Clothing, Pants and Shirts marked especially low. Call in and see how much you save by getting your fixings here. EE0nhVhW?nFEsO " CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS MARKHAM'S CORNER. :-M0SQU!T0 NETS-: Are good for keeping off -flies as well as mos quitoes. We have the kind that fasten on Wood, Brass and Iron Beds, as wellasthe old ceiling style. Let us put you up one. BERNSTEIN IRON BEDS. Iron Beds are much cooler r.d cleaner for summer use than the old style closed up J3?.d and foot wood beds. Price from $10.00 up, with spring complete. An elegant line of couche3, $10.00 up. Big reduction in Mattings and Refrigerators. The Royall & Borden Go. mar27-tf ' THE NORTH CAROLINA ; State NOT,mcl and Jnduptrial CHege Literary 4 Classical Scientiilc Commercial Indus. rial Sfsss'ca oie rei!ce.'irtci - crodce aad O .'orresw.ffisre ' ''o secure' i. r (J : j ti'.-m stio.i'a be or cs jiiloroe Pcd gogical t Musical "Lest You Forget, We Say it Yet," That no one can serve you in the Wall Paper business as we can. We have a large stock ' on hand. E. J. LONG; . PHONE 463. DURHAM, N.C. - CAPITAL AND PROFITS $155,000.00. Q. B, RAWLS, Preefdent. ' G. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. E.'C. MURRAY, Cashier. We solicit the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Firms and Indi viduals, ard all business entrusted to us will receive uromot a; d accu rate attention, nd every facility the account will be extended. We jans-om r or correspondence. - - - Tljc Darjiam Weekly San, One Dollar a Year, The shapes are new and have style T e COLONIAL Slipper is a new-corner, and T e ftet weari igour Slippers, Sandals or Coloa the pretiiesi feet ia town. The price range is fiaest leather all widths and bizes. Come, feast & JOKES, NEW: 6e-v em'e "th. Exoenses S100 to 1140: for non- es. Ft Acuity of thirty-three members, 'iiuol connected with the Ool :om those desiring competent 9 c o -n'torles, all free-tuition appllca- njje eioe July 15th, vl& oi' er .nformation address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. M'lVER, J.2-3m GEEENSBOBO, N. C o o and. accommodation In keening with cordia'ly invite a personal interview 4 .