C "-"-- ? i USE GflfUDliiE, I FOB COLDS, LA-GEIFFE and ALL ? HEADACHES. IT HEVEH F!LS. ! I SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Those who go on the excursion to Lynchburg and Natural Bridge, Sunday, July 6th, are assured a most delightful time. C. D. Kigs bee, manager. The Feed Store is still doing busi ness right along at the same old stand next to court house. Suit case at reduced price. John elon Furnishing Company g w ,&ttvtlttvxxuit. CIN-OHO. THE GREATEST NERVE STIMULANT AND ANTI MALARIAL TONIC KNOWN TO MEDICAL PROFESSIONS. The Drink That Made Itself Famous. 5C. AT ALL SODA FOUNTAINS. Delightful and Pure as the Morning Air. ap30-2tn Where are you going to spend tbe summer J I.' . . un.tMUt ITha hMHn there . No t Well go early and spend the entire summer. Nothing like It lu all "Ibe Land of the Sky" HOTEL MONTREAL Right In the wildwoods. Beautiful for situ atfon. New Hotel with all modern comforts; right in the heart of nature. Surrounded on all sides by loity mountain peaxs, waiKs anu drives of indescribable grandeur. Mineral Waters just developed. Llthia and Chalybeate of Iron Water. Hotel ready for business. Open all seasons. For illustrated booklet, aaaress W. D. PAXTON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreal, N. C. For Superior Court Clerk. To the Voters of Durham County: i hereby announce myself a candidate be fore the primaries to be held the 2flth of il ly next, for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court. I have no superior claims to urge for your support. Many have done as much, and not a iew more in an i. r our years 01 youtn anu early manhood I cheerfully Rave exclusively to the service of my country; whatever, as a public duty or privilege. 1 have done since, Las always been under the conviction that it was lor ine oesi interest or my people. The office Is yours and at your disposal. I need the place and earnestly, urgently so licit your votes. Very truly yours, juu30-2w K. Q. BUSSELL, For Township Constable. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-eiection to me omce 01 constaDie ror uur ham township, subject to the ac'ion of the Democratic primaries July SStn. and tne Dem ocratic countv convention Aunust 2nd. If re-elected 1 promise to discharge the duties oi tne omce as laltniully as in past. J 14 to July26 E. T. LEA, Announcement. I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of constable of Durham township. My candidacy will be subject to the action of me Democratic primaries or tne Democratic convention. If given the support of the Democrats of the county 1 oledge my entire time to tne auuesoi tne omce. J13-M J. P. MASSEY. Announcement. 1 announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Register of Deeds of Durham County, subject to tbe endorsement of the Democrat ic Convention. If nominated and elected, I promise to serve you to the best of my abil ity. Respectfully, mayao-tf M.G. MARKBAM. DR. S. RAPPORT Can be consulted In his office 115 West Main Street, except on each Tuesday and Wednesdays Modern methods used in the examination of the eye, Spectacle and Eyeglass frames skillfully ad justed. , may9-tf EXTRA ) m EXTRA ! Try the Boston Shoe Repairing, Company and you will be pleased. New man just from Boston. Lowest prices ever heard of in Dur ham. - H.ADLAR, jun'Hw Near City Stables. W. E- HOLT. -dealer in Choice Home Killed Meats. BEEF, PORK, VEAL and SPRING LAMB. Either 'Phone. Prompt Delivery. H- D. L.EIOH, J1S-lm Assistant. DR. J. J. THAXTON. DURHAM. N. 0. With fifty-five years of experience as a gen eral practitioner. His specialties, mucuous memoranes, glands and nerves Females In particular. Indigestion, bronchitis, scrofu Iar, constipation and headache. Secondary and hereditary diseases. -Turkish Vapor Baths given. Janl-tf. Good Printing. Prompt Service. ZEB-P. COUNCIL, JOB - - PRINTER, DURHAM. - NORTH CAROLINA. Keep thla In mind, to that when you need Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes. Bill Heads, statements. Receipt Blanks, Olrcu culars, Posters, or Pamphlets, yon will com municate with me, and your needs will be supplied. Yon will Bud toj way of doing business satisfactory.; '..., YOUR OIUER9 SOLICITED. . , I STRIVE TO PLEASE. Subscribe for the ScH. WO.'IAN WEDS WUM VN. X CuriOH Casa of Iota Sawyer tram Carajtn. Pres $3 dirpatctes were eeci out roa Baltimore WednesJay ni rbt itating that Herman U. oou, wco for six years hal lived at that place, was on June 17th married to Mrs. Kausch, of that city. She has since reported to the police that Wood is a woman and Wood is now in jail. A special from Elizabeth City-gives further particulars of this queer case, and says: Lota A. Sawyer, the young woman who in the dis guise of a man. mar-ied another wo- man in Baltimore, is the daughter of the late Edward Sawyer, who was a prominent and wealthy farmer in Camden county, about five miles north of this place. lie died in 1880, leaving a wife and four chil dren, three of whom were daugh ters. The family was highly re- pected and were among the first families in Camden county. In 1885 the widow with her four chil dren moved to Norfolk, Va., where they resided for three or four years. But they afterwards returned ana took up their home agaiu in Camden county. Mrs. Sawyer, soon after her return from Norfolk, married John C. Whitehurft, who died in 1892. The girl Lota was of a very wild temperament and made things gen erally warm around tbe household. When disgrace bad fallen upon ber she quietly left the house one night, when her child was only a week old and walked to Norfolk, where she donned a man's apparel." In this disguise she went to Baltimore, where she has since resided. She has visited Norfolk on sever al occasions, but always in the guise of a man. Her child is still living and in the care of her mother, Mrs. Whitehurst. The wayward girl has never visited her home since the night she took her leave, but the mother has received several letters from her during the years she has been away. It is understood that her letters were not of a very pleas ant character. Notwithstanding the grieved and heartbroken mother has made every effort to reclaim the lost child, no success has met her effort in this direction. GIRL AND COACHMAN. A Familiar Romance Repeated In Nw York. Schenectady, N. Y., June 26 Josephine Gardner, a white girl 19 years old, and James Cooper, a negro coachman of the same age, who had been in the employ of tbe girl's father, a wealthy contractor of Auburn, were arrested in this city today on complaint of the Gardner girl's mother, who told the police that ber daughter bad eloped with the negro coachman with whom she had become infatuated. The couple were arrested at 114 rerry street where they had procured board and iodine. The girl re turned home with her mother this morning and Cooper ,was detained until tonight, when he was released on his promise to quit the city at once. Miss Gardner's father is William Gardner, a prominent citizen of Auburn, bhe is not only handsome, but well educated and accomplished. When she left home Thursday her parents thought she was going to visit a friend in Glens Falls. In stead she met Cooper and fled with him to this city. Knowledge of tneir elopement came to the parents through a note sent to the girl by Cooper which was picked up by her father. When placed under arrest they did not deny that they had eloped, but told the detective that they intended to be married today. - i . A Shameful Act. Raleigh Times: Virginia has a sensation in which a minister, a judge and a cowhide fimirfls. Tf seems that Judge Campbell had some liquor cases betore biro and 1 M 1 WW - ney. . u. Crawford wrote an article criticising severely tbe .fad for his decision and really cast aspersions upon his character. The minister was then arrested on the oharge of contempt. This action, however, was finally diRmiHRPd hv the Judge, but the latter followed this up by cowhiding Dr. Crawford. Such conduct on the part of a judge is a scandal and a di State. When judges find the law inadequate 'o protect them, what is to be expected of other prople? Tt-' .1 i . . uh juuge wno swore to uphold tbe law has now been guilty of a crime that is punishable under the' laws of v irginia with a term in the peniten tiary. He ought to be prosecuted. Feed, Feed, all kinds, and anv quantity at the Feed Store. Call at W. M. Yearbv's dm store and get a free sample of Cham berlain's Stomach and Li'vm- Tah. lets. They are an elegant physic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and rejra- 1 L Ll It m . - iaie tne aver ana Dowels. They are easy to taice and pleasant in effect. Neckwear at reduoed prices. John ston Furnishing Company. LOCAL nURRYGIUPIIS. Gathered From Ulhwats. By ways, Railways and CHherways. The weather man predicts prob able showers Saturday. Chase City Barnett Hotel is open for summer boarders. W. P. Faris, Proprietor. 24-4t The Junior Order U. A. M. will meet tonight. Every member is urged to be present, as there will be election of officers.' T. S. Christian & Son have a change of ad today. They deal in the freshest of country produce and can serve you promptly. II. II. Hinton, who has been confined at home by sickness for two or three days, was reported as not being so well today. Durham was goose-egged at WiUnington, by the SeaGulls, on Thursday afternoon. The soore was 12 to 0. We hope for better luck this afternoon. A large number of orphans from the Oxford Asylum were here this morning going to various places in the State to spend the summer with relatives. A special meeting of Durham Lodge, No. 352, A. F. and A. M., will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. The newly elected officers will be installed at this meeting. Miss Myrtle Holder entertain ed a number of her friends last eve ning in a most delightful manner at her home on Mangum street. Ev ery one present had a very enjoy able time. A fence has been placed on the city lot. surrounding the -site of the auditorium and market. This will facilitate the work on the new build ing and lessen the danger of out siders getting hurt. R F. Webb Camp of Confed erate Veterans will meet in the court house tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Business of impor tance is to transacted. Every mem ber requested to be present. 1 The J. F. White Company ex pect to move about tbe 13th of next month, into the Wright building, West Main street, formerly occu pied by Lewith. They will occupy two-thirds of the lower floor and the basement. W. R. Murray, the musical in strument dealer, is outUoday in a nran new piano wagon that is a beauty. It is a fine piece of work, and another beauty about it is it was made in Durham by the Seeman Carriage Company. MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. Durhamltes as Well as Others Are Con stantly an the Move. Mrs. JulienA. Smith and children returned home today from Chapel Hill. Mrs. J. W. Page, of Hoffman, is here on a visit to her father, Dr. R. M. Patterson. Mrs. R. B. Proctor left this jnorn ing for Goldsboro to spend a few days with relatives. Miss Lizzie Terrell has returned to Raleigh after visit to her sister, Mrs. R. L. Lindsey. Mrs J. W. Page is here from Iloff. man on a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs) R. M, Patterson. R. C. Patterson returned vester- day from Wake Forest, where he bad been on a visit to his wife. J. R. Harris and D. H. Oakley, of Person county, were in the oitv to day on their way to the eastern part oi toe state. Julian C. Parrisb. transportation manager of the New Orleans Min strels, came up from Raleigh today on a vist to friends. Miss Eleanora Ormond passed through yesterday from Durham to Wilson, where see will spend the summer, says the Raleigh News and Observer. Apricots, peaches, plums, cher ries, etc., at Frank Howard & Co's. Send in orders at once. 27-2t. . For Rent. .. The store room now occumed "hv - Johnston Furnishing company. Also the back part of Lambe & Lyon's old store and the up stairs to that building. Apply to the Johnston r urnisning company. 12-tf. Baled Wheat Straw at the Exclu sive. Wait for C. D. Rigsbee's excur sion, Sunday jJuly 6th, to Lynch- Durg and -Natural midge. A splen did trip at a small cost. . - - You can get a car or ton of "hay, as you like, at the Feed Store. Ho for Lynchburg and Natural Bridge, Sunday, July 6tb. Go with Clarence Rigsbee and have a good time. , Gents underware from 45 cents per suit up to $3 at A. Max's, Great bargains in these suits. east durua:i INTEHESTING ITEII3 FHOH OUR NEIGHBORS. Kovementa of People and Tfclugs in General, Reported Dally By B. F. - Abernethy. There is sooq to be a new town about a mile below East Durham by ; the name of Jooesburg. Mr. Robt. j Jones, of Wake county, who is said j to be a bustler, is preparing to build a large stpre, saw mill, grist mill' and a cotton gin, at . a point near Mr. Markham s, on the Southern Railway. We are informed that the Southern is already preparing to put in a side track for him. Rev. s. S. bost, of Durham, will preach at the Episcopal chapel in East Durham Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Let as many of our citi zens, as can come out. Mr. Bost is an able speaker. Mrs. W. E. Clark, who baa been right sick, is able to be out again. The Durham Cotton Manufactur ing Co., is a big thing. The mill employs about 500 operatives. The office force is composed of as courte ous a set of, gentlemen as can be found. The population of East Durham is composed of cotton mill people a town of 2,000 inhabitants without a saloon, a policeman or a "lock-up." Where is there another such town on earth? 1 rot out your towns. Since the copious rains have fallen gardens are doing their best. Your correspondent is proud of his ama teur farm. His next door neighbor, T. J. Kerr, also has a fine garden We expect to be able to Bupply the town with roasting ears soon. Remember that the Sun comes out late in the afternoon. You get the news fresh when you go home to supper. Call at Abernethy' furni ture store and subscribe. Again we call attention to the railroad crossings, they are in such condition that it is both diffi cult and dangerous to cross them with a vehiole of any description. This state of affairs should not exist in as progressive a town as East Durham, nor anywhere else, as to that matter. Let the railroad men look after their crossings, or there may be an accident that will cost somebody something. Tomorrow is Saturday. Remem ber that rent, writers, printers and paper carriers must be paid. Aber nethy will he in his furnitnre store for the purpose of collecting for the Sun as well as for the Model furni ture House. Let all come io and oav what they owe. Thirty years experience in making photographs enables W. Shelburn to do the most artistic work for the least money. Call at his gallery, next to W. T. Wilkinson's, East Durham, and be convinced. Mrs. Bridges is still very low. Miss Wood, a professional nurse, is with her. Ed Avent, formerly of this place, but who now lives in Danville, came in this morning on the early train, and will spend a few days visiting relatives, lie came just in time to save his interest in a certain establishment. . W. H. Guriey is on the sick list. It was decided not to take Mr. W. A. Yearby to the hospital till today, after I had already sent my letter to the Sun. His condition was not quite so good this morning, and he was taken to Watts Hospital. James Lynn, the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lynn, died yesterday morning , about 1 o'clock, of dropsy. The remains were laid to rest in the family bury ing ground late yesterday afternoon. For California apricots, cherries, plums and peaches, call on Frank Howard & Co. 27-2t. Cheapest In the Trade. Take time lookincr through our line of clothing, for the longer you look tbe bigger bargains you'll see. He who hesitates is not alwavs lost. especially when the buying of cloth ing is conoerned. For our part we don't ask you to listen to oar stories, but to simply compare our prices with those of other retailers, the comparison will prove that you can .'". . ii i . . save quite a respectable little sum by purchasing your clothing at the A. Max store, and every little helps von know. Of course we annA charge you as much for clothing as otner merchants do, and get it too, but then we would forfeit our tiiln o$ being the cheapest house in the traae and tnis we won't do. A. Max. Piano for Sale. Second hand. A preat baro-ain. Apply to J. D. Pridgen. j24 tf. r A Poop Millionaire " Lately starved in Lnndon Vkwauba he could not digeet his food Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pills would hava RAVnd hm Thnv strengthen the stomach, aid diges tion, promote assimilation, improve appetite. Price 25c. Money back if not satisfied. Sold bv R. Black nail & Son, druggists. ' 5' WE HAVE THE IN LADIES' SLIPPERS, SHOES, - SANDALS AND OXFOEDS There is a treat ia store for the lady who has not yet seen oar Slip pers and Sandals for summer weir. The shapes are new and have style suap aud art ia them Toe COLONIAL Slipper is a new-comer, and has hosts of admirers. Tne feet wearing our Slippers, Sandals or Colon ials this season will b the prettiest feet in town. The price range is from 1 1 to $3 50. Thafiaest leather -all widths and sizes. Come, feast your eyes at any rate. - - . PBIDG-EISr THE SHOE MEN. - THE' CLOTHING STORE! 0-4- a fc sfcsitt O-iB IO to 1 You want a Homespun, Flannel or Crash Coat and Pants, Negligee Shirt, Straw Hat, Belt and Fancy Sox for Sunday. Don't buy until you see our MfRKBD-DOWN Prices on the above list. Boy's Clothing, Pants and Shirts marked especially low. Call in and see how much you save by getting your fixings here. SIEEDHflHpiyi-PESOIi CO. -ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS MARKHAM'S CORNER. :-M0SQUT0 NETS-: . Are good for keeping off flies as well as mos quitoes. We have the kind that fasten oh Wood, Brass and Iron Beds, as well as the old ceiling style Let us put you up one. x BERNSTEIN IRON BEDS. " Iron Beds are much cooler and cleaner for summer use than the old style closed up head and foot wood beds. Price from $10.00 up, with spring complete. An elegant line of couches, $10.00 up. Big reduction in Mattings and Refrigerators. The Royall & Borden o. mar27-tf THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Literary Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial Pedagogical Musical J12 "Lest You Forget, We Say it Yet," That no one can serve you in the Wall Paper business as we can. We .have a large stock on hand. ' E. J. LONG. l'HONK m. " ' . PflEHEP BTOIIG: GOiPY, DURHAM, N. C. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $155,000.00. Q. ID. RAWL8, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. E. C. MURRAY, Cashier. We solicit the accounts of Merchants,. Manufacturers, Firms and Indi viduals, acd all business entrusted to us will receive prompt d accu rate attention, snd every facility and accommodation in keeping with the account will be extended. We cordia'ly invite a personal interview . Jn5-6m or correspondence. Tlie Barljam One Dollar a Year. -SMART THU.GS & JONES, NEW: Session opens September 18th. Expenses 1100 to 1140; for non residents of the State f 160. Faculty of thirty-three members, Practice and Observation School connected with tbe Col lege. Correspondence ts Invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board In tne dormitories, all free-tultlon applica tions should be made before July 15th. Vot catalogue and other Information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. Ll'IVER, - 8m GEEENSBORO, tf. C. O o Weekly Sao,

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