' ! ! A IT, , W . Nj' Cf '.lii. ' Sip.", r - -""- ,, L'-uf.iUi cvii.:?. i r-c.Vc teC.:.'s. J.-ca i. aJa.trs.Wff i t-f An-Aii.; iij-soo, ueccia a Set:.", Vs. i Frederick Chambers. ) Tu Jetetiiai aoove named will take no tic tit sciil yroeei.Ej ec'.-iied & jjve na btHi commenced lu me Mip::r!or luurt u( iatuftjt ixiiiity, to seil to maKe ftsscla. ft lot OUQl.IUtig t'UJ BftU uf an ftore of land tore or irss. sUaawd in uurnaui County. North Caroaoa, uo the East siue of Chatham street, being tot No. 4n as iiOn oy me piot and survey rt-eorucd in , Book of Deeds p-e la the office of the j blister of Deeds Uuriutu County, sua f uily araortoed In tne ptiitiou fiied in tMs pro- i c3tiiUi?. ftiwi tbe Mid defendant wlil further t.e notice tiiftt tie is required to appear at ttie o:e ef toe Clerk of the Superior Court of said Oouutv on Saturday the Ttn day of J ane, lydX (it tii ) i ourt Houa of said - ounty of Durham, Xorth aroltn, and answer or demur to the complaint in said aetioo. or the iilaintia will ftDply to tne Court for toe Lef demanded ia ld complaint. C. B. UKEKX.C.S.C. This the 24 day of April. 13. Executrix Notice. . Havtng qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Durham County as Execu trix of the estate of A. J. Carroll, deceas ed, this ia to notify 11 persona holding claims against the said estate to present them to tne undersigned on or before the ' lath day of June, laOd, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery and H per sons iudebted to the said estate will please mase immediate pay ment.y CARKOLL. Executrix of the estate of A. J. . Carroll, deceased. . This the 13th day of June, 1903, Executors' Notice. n,iuBi Executor of the last iian -. -.-7- - p.il.. .Ifl. I ill ftud tesiameni oi n wv -- i ceased, all persons holding rClalms ftgainst her estate are hereby notified present the ts tna nn nr hufore Mav 24th. ItfUo, or I this notice will De pieaaea in or o covery. All persons wueowu w will Dlease make pay ment to me. p ABTH UU LYON, Executor. This May ttth, woa, Bute of North Carolina I Certificate of Department of State. I Dissolution. To all whom these presents may come niD?a Tt innAlH tomt Sfttlsf aCtlOU. hj duly ftuthentlcftted record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent oi au l,QD "u',uc,a; A,it in mv nffli'.e that the Warren Laud Company, a Corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. S,tv in t.h f!it of Durham, County of nty of . (J. B. t...v.7 ni sfntxrif North Carolina. Mason being the agent therein and lo charge thereof, upon whom process may be served,) has complied with the requirements of an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, Session 1M01, entitled. "An act to revise the Corporation law of North Caroli na." preliminary o the lssulug of this Cer tificate of Dissolution. Now. Therefore, 1, I. Bryan Grimes, Secre tary of Statu of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said Corporation did, on the 30th day of May, 1903, hie In my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said Oorpora m?iuH ho nil tlie stockholders there of, which said eonsent and the record of the proceedings aioresaiu rw uvw vu and AW,.a a nwivl.lAd hV lft.W. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto o. nonH and utHxed mv official seal, at Raleiirh. this 30th day of May, A. D., One Thousand, Nine Hundred and lwo. 1 Official I J. BKI AW Uttiaic-O, j Seal of secretary I 1 of State. Secretary of State. Notice of Land Sale. Under and by virtue of the powers confer red upon me by an order of the Superior court of Durham county, made In a special proceeding entitled, John J. Stowart, Admin istrator of Amanda Mooson. deceased, vs. Frederick Chambers. 1 will on SATURDAY, JULY 12th, 1902, ,.ih.Am,rt, hniiaa door in Durham, sell to rrcria AmaArtaMnoaon. and situated in. Durham I county, North Carolna, on the east side of Chatham TtrSe mSinKWtoJiit side of Chatham J""!?"" 178 feet to the east side of Chatham street; 1, v. r rixnimvlth Chatham strnet 60 feet to the beginning, containing pn-Ufth nf nn nc.re. more or less. The same being lot No. 48 on plat surveyed by J. N: Wn. sur- veyor., regisierea ia uuuk w, ho-s i nM,rn iiiiihum eniintv. lot tiro uuicoui oi ww"" -a , 1 i ' Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance In six months, the time payment to beat 6 per cent interest from date of sale, with privilege ' lo the purchaser oi paying an ku,-. This 7th day of June, 1902. g BRyANT Commissioner. The Tourist Season OPENS WITH TIIE MONTH OF JUNE, ' ' AND THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY , ANNOUNCES THE SALE OF LOW RATE si Eirasi Titt FROM All soutnern Points To the delightful Eesorts located on and reached via Its lines. These Tickets bear final limit OooberSl, 1908. 9 .. That section of North Carolina known as "THIS L.AJNLI Ur liiJ wr-jl AND TflE ' SAPPHIRE COUNTRY " ia particularly attractive to those In search of mountain resorts, where the air is ever cool and invigorating, and wnere accommo- otinn.iin hehacLeltherattne comiorvauie "vlu"" . . . . ... .t u,..aa n t.tm mriFP anft-weii Kept ooaru.u expensive auu uji-m u. ADDITIONAL SLEEPING CARS Placed in service from various points to Principal Resorts, thus affording GREATLY IMPROVED FACILITIES For Reaching those Points. Particular attention is directed to the ele gant Dlning-uar service on pnuui pal through trains. ui,,. snnthern Bal'way has Just Issued Its handsome Besort Folder, descriptive ot the rtniiuhtful resorts along the line of Its road. This folder also gives the names of uronrletoM of hotels and boarding nouses anu hoi- of euests they can accommodate. Copy can be had upon application to any Southern Railway nonet. . I TITRK. : B. H. HARDWICK. ' tL. Traffic ftlu'r. Gen. Pass. Ag't a aaaf - washisoton, D. 0. June 10-2n Read the SuNdally or weekly find be happy. If you have any thine to sell or wish to buy adver- i x Gu snsboro, N. C. Literary and Buiae Course Sehoo's if rry tu;ire ana ftli Livi Expeue P ltu- Fall Sc.-fioa Be-in S i temUr 10th, ls02. For Catalogue app'y to LUCf D. ROHTSOH, juur-Sm-tlAw President. TRIHITV KM I Fftr l lllilll i UUI-LLJUI-, DURIIAM, N. C. Offers 1S5 graduate and undergraduate cour- sesof study. New library facilities, labor-1 tory equipments ftnd gymnasium. Nnmbtr I ! of students doubled In years. Large num ber of scholarships awarded annually. Loans made to worthy students. Expenses ery moderate. For catalogue address, D. 7. liEVSQU, juneSS-lra ' Kegstrar. MEDICAL SCHOOL DSIYERSITI OF EORTH CiEOLIIA. cfiTTP VPAB? mlTRSK. FOUR YEARS COURSE. W -kw I G .I,ni Elnni n, hi JHii , , gygn Laboratories. KZ1 . - I Instructors. Fall Term begins Septem Her 8,1902.. For infortnatiou address, f. P. MIL Chapel Hill, N. C jnne28 tf liT W rllINK iSn()l I PEABODY street. Farmers or others, having any kind of old junk, such as Iron, brass, lead, zinc, copper, beeswax, tallow and hides, bring It to Farm ers' Warehouse. Cash paid tor everything. SOUTHERN JUNK DEALERS. t lmo dfcw When You want Wood uan titles of from Ave. ten, one bund . or two hundred cords, call on j. &. wwm, Next to Electric Light House, for prices. He right. Phones li HI, Poll 108. Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds 11 vereu ummutiv. mari-tf CUTS. lUil Ivii Ull VUl place it in every home and to introduce it to those that snffer with Dandrutt, -"rimples and paiiir.rr WqiV anfi oil Sraln trnnh1pj become familiar its pure virtues and king qual- i pure virtues ana King qual ities the dollar bottle has been fe Juced to fifty cents for thirty days tor sale at JOHN MERRICK'S Barber - SJiop aovSn-M Durham. N O A Drop OF Ink TnrUclouslv aoolied. . , . , nay be the means oi calling the attention to we mmra oi a par- ticular article or line of goods which you have to sell. We have had many year's experience in ii ii. lit M apply some for nt you on the . the pages THE SUN. SPECIAL LOW RATE Exoarslons via Norfolk and Western Railway. ForturaMnn Womans Clubs. Los Aneeles. Oal.. May 1 to 8. Travelers protective Asso., I D.H.,.,H lro Tnn A til 7. M VBt.lfi HtlPlne. i annuo. United uan prn,ncisco, Ual., June lu to it. June 10 to I HfrtPT Workmen. Portland. Ore I in , .. nH international 8. 8. Asso.. Denver, Ool. aver. Ool.. cai. August ii to is b. P. o. Eiks, Salt i nit f7tk4-n Af Uirtli no Uo n H'U n 1 iWf Laie City, u tan, August ia to it, Write for Information as to rates and dates lor iniuriunw'ia m vj mwai uu uovot of sale of tickets. w. a. kh.v luti. M. E. UKAUU, . wen i rass. T. P. An't. mar2a-tillaugl6 kll4 BO YEARS' vV EXPERIENCE D Trade Marks Designs Copvriqht8 &e. Anvone enrllng 8 sketch and dmerrptinn my nulcklt ascertain onr opinion free wlietlier an .i.7..rirtinnHdMitfid. Handbook on PatenU gent free. Oldest apency for aeourln g patents. - . l'atenu Uken throunh Muiin 4 Co. rocolve special nonet, wu nout ennnm, Scientific Mrican. A handiomelr lllinrtrntod weeklv. It clr. milatinn of any folwitlno Journal. Terui, f i ?" 1 .' Ath. ti. Sold bvall nowDdealera. HUM & Coil'!NewJfork n vmssm 'i ri m julv i. NORTH CAROLINIANS SUICIDE. ! They Pi la Switzerland in the Cottage They Occupied as Bride and Groom. New York, June 30. A cable to the World from Paris says: Tle traaitf suicide of two Americans, Mr. and Mr Vaughn, formerly nf North KWuu, Ouuby, un Uke Geneva Ustek, is the talk of the Ameri can colony here. 1 Dirty years ago the couple were married in Switzerland, and rented tue ganie cottage in which they were found dead. The hodies were dU- covered in their former bridal cham ber. After their marriage they spent two years in Lurope, and later re turned home. Thoauh natives of North Carolina, they removed to Portland, Ore., and there Vaughn em barked in various business enter prises which prospered. After 25 years of married happi ness troubles came thick and fast Their eight children died withi tnree vears. l tie voungest son. alter 4 O ...uh.,,, cmv,v...s - brother, himself met death in a mill explosion. Finally, broken in health and spirit, the aged couple, left without a relative in the world, and with just euough money to keep them from starving, came to Europe. fhey sought rest in Switzerland, the scene of their romantic courtship. The modest ivy-clad cottage which they had occupied as bride and bride groom was by chance empty. They rented it, hoping to find there solace should show them in generous pro from their many griefs. Bat instead, fusion. They may be arranged as a Vaughn's letter said, the. memories AC . I. . ..... nn.nJna.lilA An3 I tnev determined to end everything, Transfer Points. Passengers from Mangum street to I East Durham, and from -Last Dur- ham to Mangum street and from West Durham to Mangum Btreei transfer at corner oi Main and man- gum streets. , Passengers from Uhapel llnl street to West Durham, from West Dur- aara to Chapel Hill street, and from East Durham to Chapel Hill Btreet transfer at Five Points. A transfer is erood only on first car leaving Transfer Point on date a. ... nd after time cancelled, to any uoint Dunched in direction iudicated. subiect to rules of oomrjanv. A transfer is good only at point of intersection PaBBengera will eee that transfer ia nmnpric nnnfihfid a nnmnanv will . r w , I hot be responsible for errors in punching. Durham Traction Co. . The losses of the people A-ho had made preparations for the London ooronation are estimated at $5 ,000,- 000. Heartburn. When the quantity o' food taken 13 too large or the q i Iity too ncn, U nthntin let libA n r rstlltnr Owii Ad pecially Boif the digeetion has baen weakened by crnstipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily tig eted food. Masticate the rood thoroughly. Let biz hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fulloees and weight in the region ot ne etomacn arter eating, maicuing tht rrtii hoira &quti tjr mimri rairo i ijixa v tvU ua v vuu ww -u wu miiv me of Chamberlain's . . . : .i Stomach and iver Tab'.es and the heartburn may be avoide j. For Bale by W. M. xearby. Jimci P! PAaraiin. it nrnminflnt M. ..d ,,, . ,.. deci.ri thM 0 be Was a ttllei. Th no Mnitnunr rr ati-airiH Mr.F H. Wells, the merchant at Deer Park Long Island, N. Y., says: I alwtys recommend Chamber lam s B u"! M f . !' 1'?'m0"'.t strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameneefl in -the side, result inc from a strain, arid was greatly pleased with 'be qu'etr. reliet and cure it effected" For sale by W. a Yearby Tom mon Irillnrl arA Hpvpral nth. ers iDiured in a railroad accident near St. Louis. Saves Two From Death. Onr lir.t.ln rlftiifrhfnr hArt an almoHt fatal attack of whooping coufrh and ..... 1 k. rUa OT IT Tlaxr I " iland, of Armonk, N. Y., but when liland, of Armonk, N. Y., but when all other remedies failed, we saved I ka. Iifa aitV Tw Unrxna Naur Ilia. . . , T . , T t-v covery. uur nitre, wuo uuu wiu- v, ' f used this wonderful medicine and todavsheia Dferfectlv well." Des- . . ...I rjerate throat and lung diseases yield ned and stoned, 11 procuraDie, some to Da. King's New Discovf ry as to .ttrawberriis, currants and raspber no other medicine on earth. Infalli- ries and run the colorless jelly into Die ior uougnB ana uoios. cue and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by R. B'ack nail oc Bon. Trial bottles free. 6 RHEUMATISM .CURED JS 4 DAT. i-Mysric Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to 3 days." Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and tnystenous. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Hackney Bros.. I Druggists, Durham. - ;3 F;r i hc.s;. P--:s II select anv the Turcoman r'5 w ::n iLeir dark, rich colorin j, heavv p..e and or a Hanadan (Persian) fctrtrv on the stair?, fastened with in- fisiole stair rods so as not to spoil the pattern, or the Brussels or Wil ton carpet made m rug shape, from designs of the lurkish rajs, may be used for btairs and hall floor at les3 cost The Drawing Room. For a dra-vr- insr room treated m the stvle or Louis XIV., Louis XV. or Louis XVI. the Aubusson or Savonnerie rug may be woven to accord with the damask coverings of the furni ture, or there may be a light toned rug from India that will suit this room. The Dininsr Eoom. The Fera- ghan (rersian) rug in its large size and with its characteristic chmtz figure repeated all over is the ideal choice in a dining room. Its cheap er substitutes are-the three piece Axmmster and the Wilton rusrs of American make, the English Brus sels-like rug or a rug made from a good Brussels carpeting. The bath room has wool rugs and cork mats manufactured for its exclusive use. Fern Luncheons. A fern luncheon is one of the prettiest manifestations of special functions for the summer and one, too, since ferns abound everywhere, that is easiest arranged. Ferns should decorate the halls, the par lors and the piazzas, and the table centerpiece in any way that fancv . 1 1 n i n n A it rYnAfte n.A ,,ril rt. candles they .should be white and should be decorated with ferns. The ice course may simulate growing ferns. Uet at the florists tiny un used pots of the sort in which cut- tings are slipped. Wash them thor ouglily ana nil. with vanilla ice cream, sprinkling a little grated cnocolate on tne top. As tnese are sent to the table stick a fern branch in each and stand on a plate with fern3 laid about. Harper 3 Bazar, Bedroom Suggestions. bhould your bedroom lack a clos It i . j i ii et, construct a triangular sneu across the corner about six feet from the floor and cover with cloth that no dust may sift through. To tne ironi iasien smau curiam uracis- ets and pole and suspend therefrom a curtain of denim or cretonne. Withm tlie three cornered space in closed iasten cleats witn as many ruwn 01 huum us me uecuw, j.uc ton of the shelf may be used for bric-a-brac. Should you at any time lack sufficient bed covering 'a novel expedient is to pin newspapers to gether and place between the cov erings. The added warmth is said to be surprising. Never leave a ker osene lamp turned low. 1 hereby v3& cmxuucy tu wuaumv n.c carbonic acid gas, and a deadly poi- son will escape into tne room. The Popular Draperies. rme consT)icuous poles "and rinsrs t,orQ,r0 nt ?.raTea n 1 1 1 i x. j;,.,. ,j ' , " " , vanra a rrn nnvo h i iii i. 11 ish i iiih: h i . They are now considered highly in artistic, and m. country house bed rooms it ia the fashion to use cot tage draperies. With enameled fur- ? r n- j ,7. . I ' " " i lle8 luwii uui yji. uiui;c. xno uuiiiuoi Iroppaaprl nnd Trnillinnpfl wir recessed and mullioned windows of tue aiuDuv; ucmvuui ouyuiu nuv ed with a frilled top and straight hanging side draperies oi nowerea dimity to matcn tne iriiiea maniet lambrequin and bed valance. Up holstery dimities copied from the old jngnsn aimmes are 1110 appro priate hedroom draperies. They -are very flowery and launder well. Rainbow Jelly. Euh off the essence from the rind two lemons wnn lumps oi augm, ua " w,m" 01A c0 crush the shells; Bimmer over tne fire an ounce and a half of the best ere fttin. dissolved in a tunt oi wa i... . ... , - i ter, " adding the sugar, eggs and .1 J 4 lr, T DUUUIVU J A.AKd wnv tie jeuy continue to Bimmer tiie ijy contmUe to Bimmer for f minutes, allow it to stand I ... - ' .. .. . awhile and then pass twice through . , t X Aii .v. a lelly b&s. Put in a mold rough 11U11P Ul "'" "onw.j blackberry jellies, a tew grapes sKm -t 1 . 1 ...11. the mold when cool, but still liquid, Kettles Within Kettles. Double and triple kettles are the things for the gas stove. One of the double ones, each with a handle standing out in different directions, cost3 comparatively ; little, and two different vegetables can be cooked in one place on the stove. There are also seta of three kettles which fit into each other like pieces of pie. each having its separate covd. The Cf i r:!!;!:, : v :. ;: fu! w '!"?:;, arvi t; is t r'- ... - lcvcs Iq ivA-k uvoc. tue j.1 all I'x artisls tvho Live ever j.ttn::,-i the g'.orv and bcautv of j'.iiA..hx.l, are only copies and um:3.tu.-r.s f this r ture. Never artist ''7 v. -; ' --r- n.i.-:ri a color z- " ' " ' '" -Z j on his pt:e Hthat can vie - If v.::h the if v?lr! which tint .1 healthful w v.;i aa's c '.: ;; k. Why should tc:s caarru be sacrificed to sickness? It nacd cot be save in rare cases. The iren- t eral health of woman is so linked with the i local womanly 5:; health that lOACiriljjSSS.; 1 u.-aitvl c h c p W and sunken eve are in general but evidences of womanly diseases. Cure the diseases and the phy sical health is restored. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the ills of women. It establishes regu larity, dries weakening drains heals In flammation and ulceration, aud cures fe male weakness. Mrs. Mary E. Lewis, of Tanner. GiV.aer Co.. V.. Va., writes : " I shall always recommtn.l Dr Pierce's Favorite Pn-scrvitinn, 'Muen M. lical Discovery ' and 1 Pleasant iellct ' for they i ti. r'l me when doctors and ' tlur luedicincs fu For fifteen years I suJTerttl untolil ni rv. When I commenced takins; Dr. Pierce's -.r.t.li-cines, I had eivLn up all Vmpe of ever tttin" well. I could not lie down to sleep, and every thing I ate would altnost cramp me to dentu. Was very nervous an 1 cuu'.d hardly walk aci.jss the room. I only weighed ni!tely pounds when I commenced tkkiu the tn dicines six years ngo ; now I we-h one Uund -ed and forty pounds and am haviK better heaHh than e-r lefore. My friends all say t'ley r in V.arii'.y I elieve tliat 1 am the same pers'ui : after beintc sick so Jon? I have changed to He r.iust and rusy cuteked n Dr. Pierct's Pleasant Pellets iuvigorati stomach, liver and bowels. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED FoK "THE WORLD UN FIRE" by Murat Halstead. Buruinii mount ains lu Anierlcau Indies ex plode destroying cities full of people Start ling history of appalling phenomena threat ening the game, inn) big illustrated pages onlv 21.50. HiKhrst endorsements. Bliftest prorlts guaranteed. Agenis.clea:irjg from $a to $25 dally. Outfit frte. Enclose ten cents for postage. THE DOMINION CO., mayM 3d JJept. L., Chicago, v t A FOURTH OF JULY TREAT for Uncle Sam that will make him wish, like l'om Mnnihu.lt of Kentucky did, Mint, his liroat was as lonir us tne 1'otniuac river that he might enjoy the elongated pleasure of oeimg it ail tne way uowu. it a glass oi com, narklltiK and amber Fortner ht'pr, more du- llcious to the palate of the thirsty than nec tar was to tne (roior yore. Me sure ana or der a case of I'ortuer for your Fourth of Ju ly celebration, or a bottle of ourOreeu Ulv- r Uye whiskey, the whiskey without a head me, or any liiliiw e se you may neon in mo ay of pure wines, liquors, hnindios. .tc. T. II. SCOGGINS. Ho. 134 CORNER MANGUM & I'EABODY ST3 octl-tf Borfolk and WasterD Schfdnle In Effect JUNES, 1903 DURHAM DIVISION. Daily Ex cept Sunday. . M. A M. P. M. A. M. 1.55 7 00 1 v. Durham Ar. 9 15 9.35 5 07 8 16 . Roxboro 7 48 8 16 V87 8.45 Denniston 7.15 7 46 5B 912 Arouth Boat ou 8.r5 7.35 07. 9.26 Houston 6.40 7 00 11 45 Arynchbutg Lv 4 10 WESTBOUND - Leuve Lyucbburg 8:00 a. m. Th V 'arihlcgton ami Cbattunoo- a Limited, for Roauolm, RaiUord, BlueileiU, ocaUontAB. als. - ft.r Kcky Mount anu in B!i t.lnna on V.rtnRt.nn-,Sf. ie.i' Ulvla'on awl all nointu south and west o!ld vestibule trala .3; CfiattanooK and jlon.yfl;8 Pullmaa ileei'ers to Memphl? and Nw O rltai.s. i). m. Tlif i tucRKO Vj ress mr noa- luke, BlneHbld. Pocahoutas, Kf i.ova, Colnm raa and Cbloakto. Pull an . Bullet slneper toanoke tot'oluolms also for Had foul. B-1b-ol. Knoxvide, OhatUnoopa and lutern i-dlate lntii. Pulluian sleeper HjauoKa to cnox- vlile. ' ' Pnllman BntTet Palane Cars Norton aia RnolrA. U a. tt.. for f. aroKe. K u 'ru. nriBtoi, -11 efleid. Norl n, Poc .bontis, Welcti. 00 n. m. Dutiy for KoanoUe ana inter mu1tfl.lj3i Rt.At.lnnR. ' I'm nn hit -h ft .vrr-ifiurit a.iy troa 'nt vwt at 1:60 a. ra.. B.H) a m. 3:3p. ii., and in. 16 EA8TBOUND Leave Lynohbrirz. aur-n. m. IMU.v for Farmvillo. illci n:ond 0etereburK .sunt Xorfoih, arrives I'efi ntiir vt 7.S6 p. ui an lviuK t ineuioini at, k.ix) u n., arrive at NcrroiK rvt m.w p in. 'Hsu. m. Arrive riprfinir.' n.'yi n. m,. (r loo Rlnlimond 7 '.15 a. in., arrive Norfo'.l 9.K . m. Kuilnian uaitw-e :.irer uiwumi 'jynchburK ra rtlcnu onu. This car vvfli bo mady al Irrchbnrtt at 9 p i. fnr nvjinunn or nasiioniierri. 8:55 a. m.-for Farniville. Peler-biUK, Nor folk and Hirn-t o i.i. WIN8TON-SAI.FJM DIVISION Dally Ex. Pun. P.M. A.M. Ex. Sun. e. m. Ar. t? 50 9.01 0.25 .i0 7-1 8 Dally A. M Ill) B.IIO LiT. Wlaiton Wlnu(. ( Vve Mart I win May--xlavi MirtlnfYl'Ie SOT- im 8.13 1.21 13 4H 13.44 4 18 .23 11 41 VV) 1.0) Ar, Rnannko Lv. 4.35 KAHTBODNO Leave Burkwlile 4.31 a. in 11 84 a.m. nrMV jip.ro. WE.STrAMiJNU Jjeavp i-inrnevnie u.o n,1 12.(8 noon nnU 8.4' u. m. All inquiries as to romea, rainn cn, iinnnyi. V. B, BKVITjU General Pawenirer Annt, vL V. RUA44, Travellw? PanaenKer Aeut ftnanrike, Va. It, M. URAHAM. Aaont. Dnrhaui. N. ti The WEKKtY Sun Is only $i la I - , ft ?3 w UY. " year. From 20 to 23 cotumns of live, Interesting local, state- and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake1 Dur ham paper. SEABOARD AIP, LIXE ElILVrAY. TO ALL POINTS F T? r ' "Til 1 V CtriKtcI p.i.oua!e oi fa v Ourt-itii. ' . u. tS it) i.!u ? "I VJi arHouuTs. p. ar Pert-coat a, ar tiajttnior9. H:v U. 6 .o ai b i' j n ." a ar New Vori, O i .- r ' ar " .Y.P. :5 p a a fl j.- a arPbiid!ph!a, ar Waoiiit.kion. N. &W S. B. ar Pet.jrabo.ru, ar P.ii hmobd ar W ntfhunion, ar BaliliO're. ar PUnndeli lda, ar New Yo-rK, 8. A. L. 5 5 pm tt 'i ti .15 ( m 10 lil a,u 11 -5 pm 11 am :' 6 am 1 'j6 p ui b ,j0 am 4 13 pin W. P Hy. t. Roate. No. 341. Ex uu No. SI. ti ban t New York, O D.y. Co. iv " N.Y.P.&N. Iv Philadelphia, " Iv Butiirore. B.iy Lire lv Wabhington, N.V.S.B. Sflipm 3iopu 8 V) pm 7 56 am 11 - pm 10 14 am 3"pm 6 Oira 2i D 8 RO urn lv Rlchrxond. lv Petersburg, hr UurLaiu, A. L. .0 am 10S"V-J lo til am 11 M pta 4 (XI put HJua'u Tickets on sale to all points. Pullm an and B Mat reservations made on application. fcp.v c!a'. s.hedules prepared and any other Infor mation cheerful y furnished. Convenient schedules ad low rates to all principal hum. iuer r.em.i In during beason. . U. KEAMh, Agent, unraam, i. . SOUTHERN RAILWAlt. 15 1FFSOT NOV. 24TU, 1801. Trains leave Durham, N. C. 2:30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily, for Greensboro and points south and vveet. Oonaccis at Greensboro With No 8 north for Danville and !'i h mor.d, and south with Nos 39, 23, md 37, for Salisbury, Charlotte, Co lunibia,Savannah, Cnarlcati n, JkcIc sonville, Atlanta ar d New Orli-ai . ; atBaliebury for A&heville, Knoxvi'k , Uhatliu i-iipa, NiiShville fud uther pOlDtB Urti. 3.35 h. 21 . NO. 12, 01:U-:-i daily, for lialeii h, Solma ami Gol ii -boro. Carried i'ultus.:. Siejpr QreeriPboro to Raleigh. 9:40 a. m., Ino. 8, oufriu i.; t daily, fur Raleigh, Sc-luia arid Ooa;r boro; connects at Boliua with At lautic Coast Line north for Wi'vii and Rocky Mount, at Golisboro for. Larboro, and Worrell:. At oeim 'or Ff-.yetteviile and Florence 9 :50 a. m., No. 35, weHCbound, daily or Greenfiboro and ir.Urmedn;e oca! points; eoriru'cUi at Greenslxno with U. 8. Fast Mail for Danville, ijynchburff, Watiington and Ml oointp North nnd West, as also wiih No. 80 Jacksonville to New Ycrk via Richmond S"uvh-rn RaiiwH. tui mg . Cars opr-rated on trainn Nos, 36 and 30. 9:65 a. m., No 16, northb-iMui:, daily for Oxford, Henderson, Jelf rite Kej eviile i-nd Richmond, o chanio of cars Ictwoen Duihuru and Rich mond, w here olepe connection iw made to all points north. Clone connection at Jt tfrH'8 for Norfolk and Steamboat Lines to V'ahinpton, Baltimore, New York and Boston . 2:47 p. m., No. 36 eafltbound. djwly for Raleigh, Pelrr.a, Goldsboro and intermediate stetionB. 4:43 p. m., westbound, daily, for Greenfbi.ro and all points Counecta at Greennboro for Winston- Sa em, also with Nos. 35 and 9 for Salis bury, Charlotte, Columbia, Charles ton, r avannah, Jecknouville, Atlunt.t and New Orleans; at Salisbury -for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville, Cincior.ati and St. Louis. Connects northbound with No. 12 for Richmond, Noa. 38, 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Chariotttis- ville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 5:00 p. m., No. 74, uortiibounc, daily except Sunday, for Oxford, Keysvule, Richmond and interme diate stations. Pullmhan and Southern R il way Dining Cars opercted on all (through) MainjLine trains. No trouble to au- wer questions ; H. HAKUW1UK, oen. rasweannr Aareut. FRANK 8. GANNON, 3d V. P. aud Greueeral Mauairer. O. DUSENIiERY, Ticket A rat. Durham N C. o.&o. SUMMER RESORTS ROUTE. And Summer Homes in the Virginias. Thfi mnstdnllL'litful section of the country In which to uass tliu hot surmuor day.s. Is lu t he mountain region of the Virginias, ou the line of The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Besides such well known resorts as Croenlrl"r White Sulpliur.. Virginia Hot iprliitfs, KockbrlilKe Alum. (Jia bweet. Sweet i :l...l u Im.ulu. Wi.i.111. Hii4.llntr. KhiI Kuliihiir. Salt sulpnur. Hotel luterniont, uiany a hid. Alloithauy, &c , Slc. There are hundreds ot Country homes In the mountain regions wliicn maKeine cure or surauier ooaruers a -8; clal business and where board cau-btMtb-. till nea on most reusoaume leruis. The Ohesaueuke v Ohio Is bv manv hours the quickest line from Carolina points to the West. I'or itesorlnuve natnDhiets or the larse re- . sorts, III usUated folders contatulug lists of Summer Uonies, Inns, Sic.., address liNq. IJ. rOTTS. A. U. r. A., HIchiPODd. Va. ' .lf 1 promptly procured, OU MO TIZ. Ho nil mnlcl, ikotoh or photo for Troo Kt on pabinubihly. Biwk Ho j' JtiiObUlul'.B. and i'ri:;n P itunmndTmilt Mrk ' v" 1 fRKE. i'lrt terms lvt oftsrwl to lorentori. I1 Jpateut l&wtcrb or teabs- practice 0 5 20,000 PATENTS PROCURFO THROUGH THEM, ft 1 All buMiitm oouildmunl. Bound minus. t,tlilul, iSm-m.'O. MtHlcrate eharfiw. R . 0pp. U.S.P;;lntOtf' Subscribe to the Suk. the mrw i . t ti e ia lt9 columns. jjr. X