J ! i ESTABLISHED, lbSJ. DUEIIAil, 2?. C, WEDNESDAY. JULY 2, IS 02 VOLUME IG-NTJHBEII I'D - A f. - 1 ft: iV ' If &rl!M S-ajrt svj.. 50 Cents. COKE'S flfiPfllFF CUKE Hew Siie. 50 cents Per Bottle. Fresh supply just received at 50 Cents. COMING YOUR WAY through us, is a fine assortment of thiogs lor summer wear. Don't need to be a man of means to become possessed of stylish ar ticles from this stock of MEN'S FURNISHINGS. A bill of small denomination will go a lotg way around the store be fore getting used'ep. We are particularly strong on Shirts. Never had a:finer lot, and never before were able to sell at such prices. Johnston FurnlsMhg- Co. WHEN YOU WANT CALL ON US. We can supply you with Chickens, fresh Vegetables, Eggs and the best of FAMILY GROCERIES. Prompt service when you want , something nice. T. S. CHRISTIAN & SON Church Street. mayH-lm Where are you going to spend tho summer ? - Keep your eye on Montreal. Ever been there ? No I Well go early and spend the entire summer. Nutulng like it In all "the Land of the Sky" HOTEL MONTREAL Right In the wlldwoods. Beautiful for situ ation. New Hotel with all modern comforts; right In the heart of nature. Surrounded ou all sides by lofty mountain peaks, walks and , drives of Indescribable grandeur. Mineral Waters just developed. -Llthla and C halybeate of Iron Water. . Hotel ready for business. Open all seasons. For Illustrated booklet, address W: D. PAXTON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreat, N. 0. EXTRA 1 EXTRA! Try the Boston Shoe Repairing Company and you will be pleased. New man just from Boston, lowest prices ever neara 01 in uur ham. H.ADLAR' Junl8-lw - Near Olty Stables. W- H. HOLT. --DEALER IN- CwnTCB Home Killed Meats. BEEF, POKK.'VEAL and SPRING LAMB. Either 'Phone'. Prompt Delivery H- D. LEIGH. 113 lm Assistant, W. L. WALL, . DCALEH IN- WOOD AND COAL. Can supply.wood Jnny quantities Cut wood a specialty. Tnterxtatn Phone 111. Sotlce of Dissolution of Partnership. By mutual consent the partnership of iuuiin Jb. Fallon. noiuixwed of the uuderslsn- rt individuals. Is dissolved. The affairs of the business will be wound up by T. H. Mar tin. This Juueaa, - ' T.H.MARTIN, jan.:S-6ff W. M. FALLON. DIRECTORS' MEETING. General Manager Butler's Work Satisfactory. At a meeUDg of the directors of the Durham Traction Company, held Tuesday, the following were present: R. II. Wright, J. S. Man ning, II. A. Foushee, J. S. Carr, of Durham; Samuel Register, of Rieh "mond. The work of W. W. S. Butler, general manager, was found entirely satisfactory by the directors. Two additional turn-outs were ordered to be placed between Main Street church and the car barn. It is ex pected that the summer cars will be on in a short time. The street car track in West Dur. bam will be extended to the South ern railway "depot. inia wui be done as soon as the company completes the work now in hand. Rapid progress is being made in getting the new parte ready. It will be known as "The Lakeside Park." The merry go round and restaurant building have been completed. The dancing pavelion is nearing oorople tiou. An artifiicial lake will cover five acres of ground. Gondolas will be placed on it. A Lalu Louse will soon be erected. RED MEN'S BARBECUE. To re Given at New City Pa'k Thursday Night. Manataka Trile, No. 21, Im proved Order of Red Mn, will have a barbecue on Thursday night at the new city park. It was first intended to have the barbt cue on the eight of July 2o'.h, but owing to the fact that this con flicted with other things in eucb a manner that several of the members could not have been present, it was decided to postpone for a few days. The members of the tribe will rreei in their wigwam over Lam be & Lyon's store, and leave on tho street cars for the park at 8 o'clock. Supper will be served at 8:30. George E. Lougee, Sr , will pre pare the barbecued shoat, Iamb, chickeus and other toothsome viands. It is expected that a large crowd will be present. The , Durham Traction Company, in a very gener ous manner, has offered the use of the park for this occasion. A Worthy Man. R G. Russell, who is.a candidate for the Domination for Clerk of the Superior Court, is in the city today, shakiog hands with his friends, and wishing them success and all the blessings of life. Mr. Russell is a staunch Democrat and a gentleman worthy of the office, should they see tit to vote for him. He has twice represented this county in the legislature, and is faithful to all the trusts imposed upon him and he is now seeking the suffrage of his people for a county office that he is pjrfec ly capable to nil. lhe Durvana Cigar. The Durvana cigars are now bo ng put on the .market. For 5 cents it is a fine smoke, mild, of choice flavor and superior quality. The fine importel Vuelta Abajo filler of the Durvana is the same as used in ten and fifteen cent brands and will please the fastidious taste. Durham and Havana are made famous by tobacco and the combina tion will make fame for Tbe Dur vana brand of cigars. See adver tisement in this paper. I-ost. A Smith & Wesson revolver, 32 calibre, between Limbe & Lyon's store and corner Mangum and Pea- body streets. Finder will please return to J. r, Massey. best or order will prevail on Christian & Weathers excursion to Richmond, July 7th. Round' trip, $2 25. One dollar shirts for 59 cents at A. Max's. Here is your chance. Beinslyle. The Durham Press ing Club will take the kinks out o your clothes and make them look fresh and new. j30-3t Over one hundred millions of dividends was paid in New lork Tuesday. Tbe lion's share will go to the Rockefellers and Yanderbilta What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, jaundiced look, moth places and blotches on tho pkin, all si.ns of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pilla pi Clear Sxin, Koey Oheeka. Rich Complexion Onlv cnts at U. Blttoknn 1 SC Son'a Drug 8tore. , V !PfO IP 1 Of IP III UUifi AN ATTEMPT TO END HER EXISTENCE. A Young Hero Named Anderson Rescued Her Safely-Thought Out of Danger. On Tuesday night abo it 10 o'clock, Miss Beulah Lamond, aged about 20 years, jumped into a well at her home on South street. This well is gaid to be about 63 feet deep. Miss Lamond was rescued by a young man named Harry Anderson, who threw off bis coat and shoes and went to her assistance. A small rope' was tied under his arms, and he de scended a larger rope, which had been procured, in safety. The young lady, when she struck the water, sank and came up. As sbe did so she caught hold, of a pipe and thus held herself up. There js 15 feet of water in the well, and this evidently broke the force of the fall. - Mr. Anderson, who supported the young lady, was drawn to the top with his burden. Modest young man as he was, Anderson slipped out of tbe crowd and was gone. Not a soul, so far as we know, knew him until he told his name. He was indeed a brave hero, and worthy of commen dation for his act ready and willing, if necessary, to sacrifice his own life tn order to save that of another. As soon as Miss Lamond was taken ont of the well, she was carried into the bouse and given all necessary medical attention. Several physi- cianb were on - tne scene ready to render aid. An hour or more after the occurrence, the young lady was considered out of danger. Mrs. Alice Link, sister of the young lady, went off into hysteries. She gave way -while in the yard, and after being fanned and looked after there, was moved into tbe house. The cause of tbe young lady's act was despondency, owing to tbe abuse and treatment she received from her sister. For some time past it has been Raid that things were not as pleasant as should be, and that tbe voune lady has been baraefully treated on several oc casions, lormented until lite be came a burden, she preferred death and its consequences instead of a hell upon earth. A Delightful Ride. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGary gave several of the little folks a most delightful ride on the street cars luesday evening. It was about the jolliest crowd we have seen for some time. Among those we noticed were little Misses Re becca Michie, Placide Kramer, Mary Louise Manning, Mary Bryant Qriswold, Mary Mercer McGary, Annie Belle McGary, Masters Will Griswold, Bryant Griswold, Leo I. artt, Stuart McGary. Marriage in Went Durham. A marriage license was issued this afternoon to Mr. Cal Burgess, of Wake county and Miss Emma Ja cobs, of West Durham. Tbe ceremony was performed this afternoon about 2:30 o'clock, at the residence of J. II. Tilley, by 'Squire W. ii. Lassiter. The happy pair have many friends who wish for them all joy and hap piness. Base Ball Gossip. The Durham team is to have two new players in a day or so pitcher Hess, of York, la, and inhelder Scbultz, of Wilmington, Del. Raleigh last evening heard that Stocksdale had left the Durham team and they telepnoned mm an offer of 8200 a month to come to them. He will remain with the Durham team. ' """" " Lost. "' ' Yesterday, morning on Chapel Hill street between Lea street and cemetery a bundle containing a pink lawn waist. Any information con cern'ngsame will be gladly received at this office. j2 tf. Excursion to Richmond. Wil leave here Monday of next week and will return Tuesday night. Those who go are promised a pleasant time. Christian & Weathers. Goods at your own Max's. price at A. The average historical novel can make history look like 30 cents. Have your oleaning and pressing done by the Durham 1 reusing Club. Nice work at reasonable prices, 3t ill TRIED THIS MORNING. Jones Was lp ou a Peace War rant. L. B Jones was tried btfore 'Squire D. C. Gunter this morning on a peace warrant. It seems that j Jones came here and about two miles southwest of the city threat. enedto kill his wife, Mrs. Anna Jones. She was at the home of her brother, A. G. Elliott, who had brought her here from South Bos ton, Va. The court decided that if Jones would pay tbe costs amounting to 5.25 and leave the city on the af ternoon train, that he would be al lowed to do co. This the defendant agreed to. If, however, he fails, a writ will be served on him at once. Where Delightful Brety.is B'ow Life in Durham has its pbasures and recreations now, that borders on sea breezes, fanning of fair brows, and refreshment to weaned brains. It is a ride ou the street cars, in the sultry evenings, to Em and West Durham. It cools you off immensely. The Sun gave Mrs. Sun a trolley excursion around the enure line of the Durham system last evi ning and it was a delightful outing Mrs. Sun has ridden on the trolley lines from HuDtington, W. Va , and they have splendid systems out there to points in Kentucky and Ohio some twenty and tweoty-tive miles distant, and it is her candid opinion that the Durham line is superior to them, and if any thing more delight ful. This opinion is worth a great deal to the Traction Company, com ing from Bucb an eminent source, but we do not charge for it as we are capable of giving out just such information on short notice. But ride on the street cars and enjoy the delightful southern breezes that fan our fair city. Carried to Creed more. Tbe remains of Mrs Susan Wilson, aged about 60 years, who died in Raleigh 1 uesday, were brought up on the 9:50 Son them train this morn ing. Tbe remains were transfered to tbe Seaboard Air Line train and carried to Creedmore, where the in terment took place this afternoon. For Rent. 5 roomcottageon Markham street, near Cleveland. Apply to M. B. Wyatt. j2 3t. .. Crash suits for gents at A. Max's for $1 i3. Very thing for this weather. See that nice line of Hardwood Mantels, Tiles and Grates, that O, F. & R. E. Wilkerson have in stock opposite Court House. 'Phone 500 - m AH straw goods at reduced prices at Johnston FurnishingCo. Ladies skirts from 25 cents up to any price you desire at A. Max's. HAMMOCKS. HAMMOCKS. GET YOU A SEE THEM AT J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. -'Phone 412. PIAtlOS RENOWNED FOR TONE & DURABILITY Over 117.000 Now iu Use. FRANKLIN PIANOS. HARVARD PIANOS. Sold for cash or easy payments. W. R.Murray, Main Street, Durham, N. C. 1 "- Us. DUR ANY Guaranteed Clear HAVANA FILLKR Mrie of the imported VUELTA ABAJO LF.AF. Smokes Free, Mild am! Fragrant RIGHT UP TO THfi MINUTE. Only 5c! TRY THEM 1 Only 5c Durham, N. C. 5c ALBERT KRAMER, Owner arid Manager. Hou) is Mr 0pf)0itttt)ity GOOD CLOTHES FOE A LITTLE MOINES Y. For the next thirty days I will sell my Spring and Sum mer Suits at cost, FOR THE CASH. Kemember this is only for THIRTY J. S. MESLEY, Merchant Tailor, juue30 FECIAL XJIT ALE TO THE CLOTHING BUYERS OF DURBAN: In order to close our stock of Flannel suits, we offer your choice of about 75 suits $5 00 per suit. Look at samples in our window. The former price was $7 50, cheap even at that price. Our regular reduced sale still continues 15 per cent on all suits and extra pants, shirts, 25 to 33j off. Straw hats l-'s off. Call and see for yourself, and be convinced. Oars is the cheapest. One price for cash. LAMBE m LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. WARM WEATHER SHOES. Just the thing for the hot days that are coming. It doesn't cost any more to be in fashion. -' Our Men's Oxfords have all the good points of style and workmanship These three price hints. At $3 co Men's Ve lour Calf, Blucher Oxford, Goodyetr welt, sewed, value $3 50. At 4.00 Men's Patent Kid and Patent Colt Skin Oxfords, two styles toe shapes, reduced from $4 50. At $5 00 Men's Patent Ideal Kid Oxfords, will not crack nor peel. Correct and shapely styles. Burch-Gorinan Company. ziTHE BEATEN BISCUIT" originated in the old Southern families, in ante-bellnm days, when hos pitality and good cheer were the signs of good breeding. But the mak ing of thi4 favorite bread formerly late years was in danger of becoming a lost art. .THE ACME BISCUIT BEATER however, makes this p'rocess an easy ers who try it pronounce it to be one of the most usetul inventions of the day. For sale by TAYLOR & PfllPFS. BLACK If you need Black or Blue light-colored trousers, we can accommodate you. We also can fit you in the trousers. Then our- entire suits are at your disposal. Come in ana De nttea. . In underwear we have the new as well as the-. old va riety. Everything: Neckties, Collars, Shirts, Hats, Etc. "SOLE AGENTS FOR KNOX nATS." W. A. SLATER COMPANY, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. A CIGAR. 5c finest 5C DfYSm Durham, N. C. - tw XJIT ' i ; involved both time and labor and ot and quick one and all hocse-keep- BLUE. AND Coats and Vests to go with Civ,:;

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