CTxra itd rrrrcs. Wiif urn Y4J. C5t DcZu. r iMTd kt ti Darfcim FoctciEe u coe4 C'.Ui B4il KttMT, bat lnvclui tlit BltMf. DmJCrsie la politic, eonerrslT U pcllej tor komi taveresta lrV UvtrttAf rttet mJe known on ppUcktiaa - to oflct U Duk Balliin. Wen MkU It. UMnUH 'Phoat 17. Ball 'Pho . VOb.m- of adTertiMiDtttt fr cfl ta by 11 f clock oa fij ol publlcUo H linii UMrtios. THURSDAY, JULY J. Tbi fact that 4,000 coffics bare been sent to the Philippines might give rise to the suspicion that theie U a coffin trust. Mb. Austin, the poet lureate of England, ie said to repeat his verses to his chickens. Now, if be would only let it go at that. o It is nip and tuck with Durham and Wilmington as to which shall stay at the bottom of the percentage column. Both have lost three, and both won 0. Notwithstanding their vaunted unity on the currency question, the republican senators and represena tives could not agree on a basis for the Philippines. o It has been hinted for quite while that some of the Senators take a nip occasionally, but it was left for Senator Bailey, Monday night, to take a Beveridge out of the ordinary way. o They are now raising the question whether or not pbysiogomy is science. If you could see certain people make faces when bills were presented to them, you would say that it certainly is. -o It is said that since the exposure of the payment of Cuban funds to promote "reciprocity sentiment" and to "pacify" Gomez, every time Secretary Root hears any oneway "Cuba" he instantly retorts, "It's not true." Latest news from, Chicago is that Mary MacLane, having written her book, is going to college. Some people think, after perusing her literary efforts, that she might bet ter have gone to college before writ ing her book. o It is a creditable fact that most of the great bridges of the world have been built by American engi neers. They have brought the art of bridge building to such perfec tion that they are in demand by the managers of all foreign railroads. o ' A London medical journal chroni cles the successful grafting of a new set of eyelids on a man who had been robbed of the originals by fire. The skin was taken from his thigb and the new lids are said to work with all the perfection of the natural lids. o ; According to a late census bulle tin, the annual cat of lumber in this country has increased, in the last ten years, from 24,041,563 to 25. 084,166 broad feet. This is another argument in favor of the establish ment of national, forest reserves on a liberal scale. It is being generally commented on that the publication of books for girls is diminishing rapidly. The question arises, is the class of books which of recent years has been ad vertised as "for girls" worthy of support or, are girls of the day read ing books which are written for their elders? Pebssuek is being brought to bear on the new Cuban government to permit the establishment of a na- ' tional lottery. The pressure will prove difficult to resist in view of : the "great necessity for revenue bat past experience should have taught the Cuban authorities the evils of gambling in any form. " 0 , THEtare gambling in July corn, on Wall Street, to inch an extent that it is said there will be a corner on this cereal, and tbe price will go up to ft dollar ft bushel. It always happens, you observe, that when 1- 5 g:re a:, i f re d acts up ccie ei.-'i ciler a.l get to where the firmer ecu! J est fool rricti for his rr dace, it is just at tie time whea ..h; farmer has'ct any on Land. He Las sold for a less price. Bat that if the game t: ;e speculators pi o It is announced that an engineer in the Canary Islands has discovered method of extracting electricity from the atmosphere without theuee of chemicals, dynamo or motive force. This is what Franklia did with his kite, but the question sri-es.jin the August election in 1900 by Is the newly discovered method commercially practicable? Recent statistics have been com piled which prove that homicidal crimes are far more prevalent in isolated districts than in what are generally referred. to as congested centers. It is a well known fact that cases of insanity, particularly among women, are most numerous in sparce ly settled districts. "It is not good for man to be alone" or woman either. It is asserted that the custom of measuring distance by a "loot, wnicn prevails in toe boutn, tsJ founded on the quotation, in which the Lord says to Abraham, "Lift up M ine eyes and look from tbe place where thou art, northward and southward and eastward and westward. For all the land which thou eecst to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever." 9 SENATOR SIHMONS exposes ft scheme which tbe republicans are hatching whereby they hope ta cap ture North Carolina in the election this fall. It is their polioy to lay low and promote democratic dissen sion until an opportune moment for attacking the constitutional amend ment through the grandfather clause. The negro is to be kept in the back ground until a favorable decision is obtained from the Federal court. Democrats, "forewarned is fore armed." See that no aid is given tnis scneme oy dissension in our ranks, Over the choice of candidates after they are nominated. UNIQUE CASE. By What Proceeding Can the Murderer of 20 Yeara Ago be Executed Now The Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer presents the fol lowing legal dilima for the Gover nor and Attorney General: "Governor Aycock makes a re quisition on tbe Governor ofJSonth Carolina for Daniel Gould, alias Thomas Maddrey, colored, who 20 years ago was convicted of murder in Anson county. Pending an ap- Seal to the Supreme court he" fled, rot until a few dayssgo was he dis covered and returned. He is now in jail at Georgetown. His case pre sents points of interest. A man who gave information as to his identifi cation and arrest said very gravely that all was neoessary was to bring him back to Anson county and hang him. He added with equal gravity that he thought Gould might object to returning under these circumstan ces; that is without requisition. Now then, under what proceeding will Gould be banged? Will he have to be resentenced in Anson? Or will it be sufficient for the olerk of tbe Supreme Court to certify to the Governor the opinion of the court in Gould's case, the Governor there upon issuing a death warrant, as usual in appealed cases? Nice ques tions of the law, etc., which Gov ernor Ayoock and the Attorney Gen eral will pass upon. Congressman W. W. Kitchen will be warmly applauded in this State for securing the passage tnrougn tne iiouse of tbe bill to ereot monuments '..to Nash and Davidson, two North Carolina be roes. It is mighty hard these days for the lady of the house to be able to furnish references that are satisfac tory to the oook. "She shines in society, they say." "Yes. and she blazes at home, I'm informed." Chicago Post. The Same Old Story. J A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened it almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told by thousands of others. He 8iy: "Last summer I had an attack of dysen tery and purchased a battle ol Cham berlain's Oolic, Oholer and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I used accord ing to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The t-oubia was co at rolled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citiz.n of hendergon, N. C. For sale by W. M. Yearby. KEI-LTLICAN CO.NSriKACY. 5iBa:or Sins toons Eiposts a j.'heme th;j lia on loot. Washington, Jaly 2. Chairman Simmons cf the Democratic State Committee authorizes the following statement: For some time past . prominent North Carolina Republicans in Washington have been intimating that their party would control the ceit North Carolina legislature and that Senator Pritchard would be re turned to the Senate. Democrats have been UDable to understand the grounds of this hope in the face of tbe fact that the party lost the Mate about 6U.UOU maioruv, and since that time has lost, by the educational provision of the amendment, be tween seventy and eighty thousand of its former voters.- The persistency with which this claim was made aroused in my mind a suspicion that it was based upon some secret scheme and led to an in vestigation with the view of ascer taining what it all meant. As a re sult of this investigation, I have dis covered a shrewdly devised and well developed conspiracy. Jhe scheme, briefly stated, is to stir up and promote dissensions and independentism and, by raising the cry that the amendment bas elimi nated the negro and freed the white man , to bring about during the early stages of the campaign a hopeless division anions Democrats, and then on the eve of tbe election have tbe Federal court to set aside the amend me' t. In this enterprise and in or ganizing the opposition forces, the conspirators are to have unlimited money furnished them by the Na tional Republican Executive Com mittee upon the promise of two, if not three, Republican Congressmen from the State and the retention of tbe present Republican Senator. In order to divide the the Demo crats, every local dissatisfaction, every local quarrel, every fancied complaht and grievance against the party and state administration, ev ery disappointment growing out of tbe nomination or defeat of candi dates, is to be assiduously nursed and fanned. The Democratic party is to be charged with hostility to cer tain interests and with nominating men to omoe known to be prejudiced against these interests, and con Bervative voters are to be appealed to to prevent this alleged assault and to cast their votes against these objectionable candidates. It is ei pected that the opposition to Judge Clark's tomination will start the bolt, and that, on account of the un usual number of Democratic candi dates this year, defeated candidates all over tbe State will be found who will be ready to hazard their chances by allowing the use of their name Raleigh Post. HERE AND THERE. There is a great rejoicing on the Isthmus of Panama over the passage of the canal bill by congress. The torrid heat which has been prevailing in England has been, by torrential rains, which have caused great damage. The president Tuesday nominated Spencer B. Adams of this state to be chief justice of the Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship court. The condition of the king -continues encouraging. He takes nourishment with great relish and is allowed to smoke occasionally. A storm in Prince Edward county, Virginia, kills a negro woman, and does considerable damage to houses, fence and trees. The harm to crops is great. - A fire at Portsmouth completely destroys the cotton bands factory, oausinga loss of several thousand dollars and throwing 150 people out of employment. , The house committee have exoner all the members of congress from the charges of bribery made in con nection with the purchase of the Danish West India Islands. The Norfolk and Western railroad company have purchased X wo rail roads, one the Iaeger and Southern and the other is the Hillsboro road, one in West Virginia and the other in Ohio, Major Gardener has been notified by the war department that be will be held to strict aooount because of his unproved charges concerning the conduct of officers in tbe Philip pines. ... White Man Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty, of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turnini? yellow.. His skin elowlv changed oolor, also his eves, and ha suffered terribly. His joaalady was xetlow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit; Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: Af ter taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomacn, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Only 60c. Sold by R. Blacknall & Son, Druggists. . 6 Subscribe to the Sun. J I i ( 'v I - : ' r " '.-'' HERE'S A BABY Its Mother is WelL The babv is healthy because during th period of gestation its mother used tli popular and purely vegetable liniment, Mother's Friend Mother's Friend is a soothing, softening, J relaxing liniment, a muscle uiajter, invig. orator and freshener. It puts new powet into the back and hips of a coming mother. It is applied externally only, there ia tin drain? and swallowinsrof nasty druzs, no inward treatment at all. The state of the mother dnnng gestation may influence the disposition and future of the child: that is one reason why moth ers should watch their condition and avoid pain. Her health, that of the child and their lives, depend on Keeping irec from pain, worry and melancholy. Be o! good cheer, strong of heart and peaceful mind. Mother's Friend can and will make you so. Bearing down pains, morn ine sickness, sore breast and insomnia art all relieved by tins wonuerrui remeuy. Of druggists at f i .co per Dome. Send for our book "flotherhood" free, XHE BBADFIEtD REGULATOR CO.. ATUKJA?6A Transfer Points. Pa8sengrers from Mansum street to East Durham, and from'East Dur ham to Mangum street and from West Durham to Mangum street transfer at corner of Main and Man gum streets. Passengers from Chapel Hill street to West Durham, from West Dur haVn to Chapel Hill street, and from EaBt Durham to Chapel Hill street transfer at Five Points. A transfer is good only on first car leaving Transfer Point on -date and after time cancelled, to any point punched in direction indicated, subiect to rules of company. A transfer is good only at point of intersection. Passengers will see that transfer is properly punched as company wil not be- responsible - tor errors in punching, Dcbuam Tbaction Co ' m m ' Tbe Beat Liniment for Stratus. Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at Deer Park Long Island, N Y , says "I alw vys recommend Cbamberla n P&inBilm as the beet lioimont foi strains. I used it last winter for o severe lameness in the side, result ing frcm a sfc-ain, a d was greatly pleased with he qu'ck relief enc cure it tffected " For sale by W M. Yearby. DR. J. J. THAXTON DURHAM, N. 0. With flftv-fllTA TAilffl nf ATnArtanrf) oa a ann eral practitioner. Ills specialties, mucuous memoranes, glands and nerves Females Id ar, constipation and headache. Secondary buu Lioreuiiary uisenses. .lurKlsn vpor bihus given. j. jautrlt. B. R. HOUSTOM, Mechanical .Draughtsman anil Milder, Will give estimates on all kinds of work won. Work done oa short notice. BatTsfac- wua guHranroect. uorresponaence solicited juyu. jduji nu. quo, uurnaai. jw. u. Job Work a Specialty sepW-tt' BENPERRY, DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. All kind j of cut. split and stick Wood, both iuuo, iu mrgo ur smaii quantities. J handle nothing but the best grades of Coal juur urucra now oeiore tne price aa vances. Very truly. Ben Perry, Interstate 'Phones, Office 316; Residence Near N. & W, Depot. oci-tf - Good Printing. Prompt Service. ZEB-P-COUNCIL, JOB - - PRINTER, DURHAM, - - NORTH CAROLINA Keep this tn mind, so that when you need Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes. Bill Heads, Statements, Receipt Blanks. Circu- Riiln.ro. PnstAMi nv Pttmi.Kloa m - . , wyu,wuo, JVU WJH CUD)' mUn1f?Lt.A With mA. Ann Onn ..n 111 . puijuucu, iuu win duu my way of dolno hllutniMa aaflofantnw - . r YOUR OREKS SULICITEO. I 8TRIVK TO PUS ASK LIPPINCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library , Tha Best Jri Current Literature v 12 tpiirLeTK Novel Yearly : MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year;' 25 cts. a copy : NO CONTINUED .STORIES EVERY NUMBER COPiPLCTE IN ITSELF The Daii,y Sun Is St a year, or 25 cents a month. Get the news every evening. iaOEHEjlD BfmrjiiG COuffliiY. DURHAM. N. C. CAPITAL ANDOFTtFS! 55,000 00 Q. E. RAYLS, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. K C. MURRAY, Castiier. Ve elicit the seconds ot Merchants, Manatictcitrs, . Fiitrs and Indi viduals, a. d ill bniie3 ea'ns?ed to ns will iceh e prompt at d accn ate atierti n, rnd tvtry facility ar.d accQmniodtitj in ktetirjg with 'he accouut will be ext.ndtd W c rna ly invite a personal interview jans-6m or corresoondence. " N B. N. DUKE, President. , j5nN F. WILY, Cashier THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM. N. C. Capital $100,000.00. .....Surplus $,100000.00 Deposits S -Thia branch of our businoas hwi rudu xlly grown until we beve issued 1,SS5 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encotrage tbri'i acd e'Tonomy amcng our people we receive from tl.CO up and ailow irterepttfcerv)z-. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. . ' inia uaaa is autnomea by its cnarter to act uuarduui, Faecutor, Ad mmistrntor. Trustee, As-ect. etc. , . janSS-Sm THE NORTH State Normal and Literary Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial Pedagogical Musical AGRICULTURAL fiHDUECHSH!ML ODLLEQE. ! - INDUSTRIAL. EDUCATION : t A combiuation of theory and practice, of book study and man nil work in Eogineering, Chemistry, Electricity, Me chanic Arts and Cotton Manufacturimr. Fall courses (4 years). Special Courses (3 tncs ) Tuition and room, $10 a term; board, $8 a month. 30 teachers, 396 students, new buildings tor 500. Write for booklet "A Day at the A, & M. -College." President GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C. j jaxicZi-Zm " T DHL V JiJ THIS WAY ! The Durham Tobacco Unsurpassed Facilities lor Come on Four large warehouses, with every accommodation for the convenience and comfort of planters. Drive into Durham. All of our Warehouses are well lighted, furnished with good quarters for the planter, and good stalls for his stock. Head your wagon towards Durham. Market Better Equipped Than in Years Past. Our. large number of buyers are active and liberal bid ders; representing millions of. dollars, and readily take every pound of leaf coming to our market. All leading manufacturers represented. Come right on to Durham and enjoy tneir activity This is the hich Durham is accessible- It uy wagons, ana gives tnem gooa roads as they come this way, and exceptional fine facilities on four ; railroads, for shipping. Take advantage of ' . ' it and come to Durham. J - The 'capital iff here waiting utw vuijr w uuu jfyui ; ' - get PRICES BEST 137 A little adlet in the Sun Villo lo,y orcr towa aad the aountrjf. SOp, 000.00.: CAROLINA Industrial -College. Session opens September 18th. Expenses tlOO to $U0; tor non rexldentsol the 8tate $ieo. Kacultj of Uilny tLree member, Practice and Ubservatlon School connected with the Col lege. . ' torrespondAnce Is Invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. - - -To secure board In the dormitories, air ftee-tnltlon applica tions should be made before July 15th. For catalogue and other Information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D LHVER, J13-2m GEKENSBORP, N C. Handling Farmer's Tobacco, to Durham. ana liberality. KRapket in to Sell. is in- easy reach of farmers 1 for your tobacco, and you iwu.'uu lu jjurnam to it. IN. THE STATE . . 1 t

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