5 ! i i KSTA BLISBED, 183V. DUCK All, 2T. C, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1H)2 I KUIUM SJM 50 Cents. COKE'S DfIlDH;lJFF CURE New Sizo. 50 cents Per Bottle. -Fresh supply just received at at W mys nJL 50 Cents. WON IN THE NINTH. Game Went to Durham by Score of 5 to i. Durham won from Kileigh io the game Thursday afternoon by the score of 5 to 4.' The home team succeeded in winning out in the ninth inning. Score by innings: . H. E. Raleigh 00000202 0-4 4 4 Durham 1 10200001-5 (J 4 Batteries: Raleigh, White and Rollins; Durham, Sfocksdale and Fisher. . Summary: Stolen bases, Raleigh 1, Durham 3. Two base hits, Pas tor, Kain. Three base bit, Crane. Double play, Soffelto Pastor lo Kain. Bases on balls, off Stocks dale 2, off White 5. Struck out, by Stocksdale 9, by White 5. Passed ball, Rollins. Time of game, 1:35. Umpire, Mr. Boucher. Scorer, Norton. At Wilmington. New Bern, 14; Wilmington, 0. Batteries: "New Bern, Symons and Thackera; Wil mington, Krause and Fisher. At Greensboro. Charlotte, 16; Greensboro, 7. Batteries: Char lotte, Person, Applegate and Leh man; Greensboro, Suggs, Kelly and MoTeer. STANDING OF N. C. LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P. C. New Bern.. .... 4 0 1.000 Greensboro... . 3 1 .750 Charlotte 3 1 .750 Raleigh 1 3 .250 Durham 1 3 .250 Wilmington 0 4 .000 II Of DOUBLE HEADER RAlEIGH WON BY THE SCORE OF 8 TO 6. The Two Teams Went to Raleigh This Afternoon to Flay Second Game, A larjje crowd attended the game at the George Lyon Park this morn ing, when the second game between Durban and Kaleish was olaved. t was a typical Fourth of July crowd, and at times the cheers and yells from the grand stand and the bleachers were almost deafeniner. .'he game was indeed a rotton one on both sides. Brucker was in th box for Dur ham until the sixth lnuiug, when Curtis took his place. The latter surprised most of the grand stand by the way he held down the oppos ing team. Score by innings: - R Raleigh 1 0 1 3 2 1 0 0 08 Durham 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 0-6 Batteries: Raleigh, Leonard and Rollins; Durham, Brucker, Curtis and Fisher. Amendment Now in Effect. How many of the Sun readers have thought of the fact that the Constitutional Amendment, which was overwhelmingly carried in thiw State last Year, went into effect on The only home run made in the the first dav of Jul ? One effect of game was by Costello. the Amendment is that it requires a The Raleigh and Durham teams two vears' citizpnshin in the State. eft here about two o'clock for tbe inatrl nf n rr im,1r tl. COMING YOUR WAY through us is a fine assortment of things for summer wear. Don't need to be a man of means to become possessed of stylish ar tides from this stock of MEN'S FURNISHINGS. , A bill of small denomination will go a long way around the store be fore getting used tp. We are particularly strong on Shirts. -Never had a finer lot, and never before were able to sell at such prices. Johnston FurnlsWns Co. WHEN YOU WANT Death of Mrs. Frazier. Mrs Frszier, wife of A. Frazier, Col. J. S. Carr's florist, died at the Watts Hospital yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from typhoid fever. She was taken sick just one week ago today, and was in the hospital only a few days. She leaves two children, aged six and four years, who are being cared for by kind friends. Mr. Frazier is also sick and in the hospital. It is a very sad case they being comparative stran gers to most of our people, but lov ing hearts and bands are administer ing to them in their affliction. lbe funeral took place this after. noon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr. Levburn, of the E'resbyterian church, and the remains were in terred in .the city cemetery. The pall-hearers were T. M.. Gorman, Fred Roll, Henry Plantz.C. 1 . Cop ley,' T. E, Carpenter and Lutie Nichols. Capital City, where the second game of the double header took place this afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon the last game between the two will be played here. Four Weeks Off. Four weeks from tomorrow the Democratic primaries will be held at thfl various votinvr nrwinets in Willardsville and Bahama Items, rwham , ti.o ,.,n,i;,i.t. have been actively at work for Rev- ham, including Messrs. D. Mangum, eral weeks already, and new ones J. B. Mason and others had a bar. are con8taDtiy heard of. So far not becue at Mangum's mill today (the very many have corae out 0ioially w-.. " a""" tnrouau the newspapers an CALL ON US. Colored Pleasures of the Fourth. The colored people of Durham, or at least a part of them, observed the Fourth of July as follows: 1:30 p. m. Parade of Athletic We can supply you with Chickens, Association to Baseball Park. fresh Vegetables, Errs and the best of FAMILY GROCERIES. Prompt Ral-H.gb service when you something nice. want 2:30. Musical Concert 3:30. Ball game between eigh Nationals and Whitted School, of Durham. Tonight an entertainment will be given at tbe park, under electric lights. The Geer Orchestra is io T. S. CHRISTIAN & S0NJfrDi8hmusic for theo(iia8iou Church Street. mayl4-lm KEEP K00L BY KOMING -TO- MONTREAT. HOTEL MONTREAL "LAND OF THE SKY," WESTERN N.C, The most charming spot In all the moun tain at which to spend the heated term Sleep under blankets all summer New hotel with all modern comforts. Double dally mall, telegraph and telephone, mineral water Two miles from Black Mountain Station, Southern Itallway. VV. D. PAXJON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreat, N. C. EXTRA ! EXTRA ! On Ills Way Home. Col. John S. Cuningham, of Cun ingham, Person county, was in the oitv this morning returning borne from a trip to ttaleigh. .lbe Colo nel is just as genial and pleasant as mm . a i . I ever, lie minus mat Derorea great while the short branch line from Virgilina to the Blue Wing Copper Mines will be extended through to Roxboro. This would then cause them to connect with the Norfolk & Western road. Tr the B-oston d you will be pleased. Red Men's Barbeeue. The first annual barbecue of Man tika Tribe, No. 21, Improved Or der Red Men, was held Thursday night. An immense crowd of peo pie were present at Lakeside Park an Boston. It took several cars to carry the junl8-lw ham. H.ADLAR, Near City Stables. crowd out to tbe park. W. H. -dealer in- Choice Home Killed Meats. BEEF. PORK, VEAL and SPRING LAMB. Either Thone. Prompt Delivery. H- D. LEIGH, 112 Ira Assistant. W. U WALL, DIAL1B IN. WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood In any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. i .UMt,tt Phnn Inn-' Kotice of Dissolution of Partnership. By mutual consent the partnership of Martin & Fallon, composed of the undersign ed 1 the tin Mattresses, your mattresses Buy your mattresses from tb Durham Mattress Frctory, at manu facturers' prices. 3-tf For Kent. 14 room house, on South Street city water. Convenient to nusiuesa Apply to A. D. Marknam. Mondav. July 7th, Christian & Weathers' excursion to Richmond 2 25 rouud trip. One dollar shirts for 59 cents A. Max's. Here is your chance. AMNESTY FOR FILIPINOS. trcidat Declares Restoration of Peac la tbe Philippine. Washington, July 3. The Presi dent has formally declared the resto ration of peace in the Philippine archipelago, has placed the islands under complete civil control, and has extended general amnesty to the Filipinos who have been in rebel lion. Tbeie three things marking one of the most important chapters in Philippine history, were accom panied through the issues of them separate orders and the proclama tions, one by the President over his own signature, extending amnesty; one through Secretary Root, by the President's order, relieving General Chaffee from bis duties as military governor, and the tbe - third which lakes the place of a general orders addressed to the entire army of the United States, in which Secretary Root takes occasion to express the President's high appreciation of the work it has accomplished, both in Cuba and Pbilippinos. old law. were invited. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Umstead died June 29th, and was buried af Mt. Bethel last Mon- ay. Miss Kate Umstead is visiting her uncle, Mr. W. D. Turrentine, near West Durham, this week. Emma Parrish, a respectable col ored woman, who lived near Baha ma, died of consumption last week. Miss Emma Harris has returned from a pleasant visit to her uncle. C. F. Harris, of Nash county. Airs. V . b. Gray has been very sick the past week but is better at this writing. D. S. Ball is the proud father f a fine girl. Both mother and child are doing well. - Corn crops are looking better than for years in this section. Tobac co has also been greatly improved by the recent rains. 1 he writer has a valuable oat which ib serviceable in more ways newspapers nounced their candidacy. an Going to Guilford. Congressman W. W. Kitchin was here a few minutes this morning on bis way to Guilford Battle Ground, where be addressed the people if he arrived there in time to do so. A number of Mr. Kitchin's friends were pleased to meet him at the de pot. Mattresses. All grades, any siza niattres at tbe Durham Mattress Factory. For Kent. 5 room oottaue on Markbam street. near Cleveland Wyatt. See that nice Apply to M. B. . ine of Hardwood Mantels, Tiles and Grates, that (), Hew JfoevtUttiuat. HAMMOCKS. HAMMOCKS. GET YOU A F. & R. E. Wilkerson have in stock. opposite Court House. 'Phone 500. All straw rrnndti at reduced nricPH iuau uuo. ouo is uui wuiv a uiuusci a, nkn.i,ln k'nmialiin.. f V I WW VVUUQIVU B. Mi U lOUlllli NV but a mole catcher. ... The Durham Circuit Sunday Ladies skirts from 25 cents up to School Conference will be held at any price you desire at A. Max's Mt. Sylvan church on Saturday be- ore the 4th Sunday in July. i Wi Romantic Marriage at Oxford. Winston-Salkm, July 3. Quite a romantic marriage occurred in Ox ford yesterday morning, tbe con racting parties being Miss Lottie Miller and Mr. Will O'Brien, both of whom are well known in this city. The marriage was quite a sur prise to the many friends of this popular couple, only their most in timate acquaintances baving an cognizance of the affair. Miss Mil ler bad been visions ior several days at tbe home of her sister in O ford. Mr. O'Brien arrived there yesterday morning and the marriage was promptly celebrated at the resi dencc of Mrs. Jackson. Tbe popu lar couple arrived in tbe city on the 8:50 train last evening. Charlotte Observer. 1 Lady Killed. Richmond. July 3. A from Warrenton says: "Today while Miss Kate audMiss Pilcner,tbe lat ter a daughter of Delegate Pilcher, were out driving near Midland, their vehicle was struck by a double-head er train of the Chesapeake & Ohio road. Miss Kate was instantly kill ed and Miss Pilcher fatally injured. 5c DURVANA CKiAR. y- 5c Guaranteed Clear HAVANA FILI.tR. M-..!e of the finest imported VUKLTA A HA JO I.I-AF. . Smokes Free, Mild a id Fragrant. 1 RIGHT UP TO Ti il ?. MINUTE. Onlysc! TRY T11E31 Only 5c WWW CIGP COipflljY, Durham, N. C. f 5c ALBERT KRAMER, Owner and Manager. 5c Kou) is Your Opportauity TO GET- GOOD CLOTHES FOR A- LITTLE MONEY. For the next thirty days I will sell my Spring and Sum mer Suits at cost, FOR THE CASH. Remember this is only for THIRTY DfYS J. S; MESLEY, Merchant Tailor, Durliam, N. C. JuutM-lw FECIAL UIT PECIAL XJIT A Xnr Jtr TO THE CLOTUING BUYERS OF DURHAM: In order to close our stock of Flannel suit?, we offer your choice of about 75 suits $5 00 per suit. Look at samples in our window. The former price was $7.50, cheap even at that price. Uur regular reduced sale stiu continues 15 ptr ceiu on aa snus ana xtra pants, shirts, 25 to 33 off.' Straw hats j off. Call and see for yourself, and be coavinced. Oars I the cheapest. One price for cash. LAMBE and LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. ust the thing for' the hot days that are coming. It doesn't cost any more to be in fashion. Our Men s Oxfords have all tbe good points of style and workmanship. These three price hints. At $ 3 00 Men a Ve- our Calf, Blucher Oxford, Goodyear welt, sewed, value $3 50. At 4 00 Men's Patent Kid aud Patent Colt Skin Oxfords, two styles toe shapes, reduced from ft 50. At $5 00 Meus Patent Ideal Kid Oxfords, will not crack nor peel. Correct and shapely styles. Burcli-Gormaii Company. SEE THEM AT J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412. wm 1. a u r- at The cabinet met lueeday to pre individuals, is dis8oivd. Tbe affairs of pare plans to carry out tbe terms of ,nw8Tuoi1Krd UPbyT'H,M" the isthmian canal bill. Names of Ij ?; 4?TIS?; the six new warshius were adopted. Lost. Yesterday morning on Chapel Hill street -between Lea street and oeruetery a bundle containing a pink lawn waist. Any information con cerningsame will be gladly received at this c-rhce. 2-tf. A. Max can satisfy you in goods and prices, if you will only call at bis store. Neckwear at reduced prices. John- Htou Furnishing Company. eSTABLISHEQlaion PIAUQS HENQWNrn ron TONE & DURABILITY Now Over 117,000 Use. in FRANKLIN PlftNOS. HARVARD PIANOS Sold for cash or easy payments W. R. Murray, Main Street, Durham, -N. C. WARM WEATHER SHOES. ziTHE BEATEN BISCUIT" originated in the old Southern families, in ante-bellum days, when hos pitality and good cheer were the signs 01 good breeding, uui me mas ing of thii favorite bread formerly Involved both time and labor and of late years was in danger ot becoming a lost art. .THE ACME BISCUIT BEATER...... however, makes this process au easy and quick one and all honse-keep- ers who try it pronounce it to be one 01 tne most useiui inventions of the day. For sale by TfYLOR 6c PHIPPS. Unsurpassed Variety AT-- REDUCTION. . For warm weather occasions we have an unsurpassed variety of CORRECT CLOTHING. SUITS that will satisfy splendidly made. -SMART and PRIMP. The sto k contains everything that the correctly dressed man desires The reduction is big. Those of you unsnited, come and be suited. The line of Gents' Furnishings still full. "SOLE AGENTS FOR KNOX HATS.' W. A. SLATER COMPANY CLOTMEUS AND FURNISHERS.