I 1 J J. Dl EIIA1I, 2?. C, SATUEDAY, JULY 5, 1S02 YOLUitJS 2f VUIIRTH 1 ' A I tUllxllt n?Sm g' 'S Drug Store Will be Open Tomorrow. PRESCRIPTIONS A Specialty. YEARBY COMING YOUR WAYrng anJ AdaTuoker; Congressman thmnofi no.il a tina ocnrfmSn I things for summer wear Don't need to be a man of means to become possessed of stylish ar ticles from this stock of MEN'S FURNISHINGS. A bill of small denomination will go a long way around the store be fore getting, used tp. We are particularly strong on Shirts. -Never had a finer lot, and never before were able to sell at such prices. Johnston Furnishing Co. WHEN YOU WANT CALL ON US. We can supply you with Chickens, fresh Vegetables, Eggs and tht . best of FAMILY GROCERIES. Prompt service when you something nice. - want T. S. CHRISTIAN & SON, Church Street. mayH-lm . - KEEP KOOL BY K0M1NG -TO- MONTREAT. HOTEL MONTREAL "LAND OF THE BKY," WESTERN N. C. ThA mnat.p hurmlntf soot tn all the moun tain at which to spend the heated term Bleep nndaf blankets all summer New hotel with all modern comforts. Double dally mall, 1. AlAnUrtnA mtnaaul 1.U til Two miles from Black Mountain Station, Southern Hallway. W D. PAXTON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreal. N. O. W- E- HOLT. v , -DEALER IN- Choicb Home Ruled Meats. BEEF, POEK, VEAI and SPRING LAMB. Either "Phone. Prompt Delivery. H- D. LEIGH, 112 lm Assistant. 1 . W. L. WALL, WOOD AND COAX. Can supply wood Jn any quantities- Cut wood a specialty. "TEN TO NOTHING In favor of H.;T. SmiRestauranUr Where you can always find some thiner appetizing, delicious and re freshing, to eat and drink, at all hours, day and night. ICE CREAU EVERY SO AY, A SAD ACCIDENT. ! Little Bertha Barber Diss of Severe Burns. ' Ose of tie saddest accidents that baa taken place in Durham in quite awhile occurred on Friday night. Bertha, the eight-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L Barber. who live on Vickera street, was turned so severely that death re sulted about 9:30 o'clock. It seems that the child- either at tempted to start a. fire with oil or struck a match too near the can At any rate, there was an explosion. Mrs. Barber heard the screams of the daughter and ran to her assist ance, but she was already so badly burned that it was impossible to save her from injury. Dr. N. r. Boddie was summoned and did all in bis power to alleviate her sufferings, but she was beyond I all human aid. Deceased was a remarkably bright and intelligent child, and a special favorite with all who knew her. lie Likes Us, . Thad K. Manning, editor of the Henderson Gold Leaf, is pleased to say in b is paper: "Durham is a live little city and is progressing at a lively rate. The new street car system is a success every way and is working beauti fully. We were a guest at the Larrohna Hotel, one of the bestappomted and k a. I . Un . : I. U.. u. ueofc eui uuuacs iu iue oiave, v uci o ooui.oanuconveu.eucis.guouiare and courteous treatment are the por tion of every guest." m Party to Morchead. A party of Roxboro people pa through the city this morning going to Morebead City to spend awhile In the party were Mrs. J A. Long, Misses Alice Tucker, Maggie P ' V . JMICU10 UQ IT. C 0 Tucker. Mr. Kitchin came down- from Guilford Battle Ground and joined the other members of the party here. Io do to Chase tlty. Miss Bessie Wyatt, of Raleigh, will be a member of the faonlty.of Southside Academy, at Chase City. Va , during the next school. Miss Wvatt is a graduate of the Southern Conservatory of Music in Durham. I Governor Taft, read the proclama See will have charge of the vooal tion in the presence of a small gath- and instrumental music department, lbe talented musician has a large number of friends in Durham who wish for her all success. Roxboro Won the Game. Some of the members of the Rox boro baseball team were here early this .tnoroiog returning from Gra- 1 , t 1 1 Dam, wnere mey met toe oaseoau team of that town on Friday. The score waa 5 to 4 in ravor ot Hoxboro. Arthur Bradsher, of Durham, play ed with the Hoxboro team. We can truthfully say that the capital of rerson county has some very good baseball, talent. General Carr to Speak. A teunion of Company G, 11th North Carolina Regiment of Con federate Veterans, will be held at Kobson Station, Orange county, on Tuesday, July 15th. General Julian 3.. Carr, of Durham, is to deliver an address. It is expected that a good ly number will be present. Returning .From Milton. Rev. Dr. T. if. Ivey, editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, was in Durham this morning on bit way home from Milton, where ht had been attending the Durham District Conference. Dr. Ivey re ported that there was a pretty good attendance. 1 ' Joint Meeting. Durham Hose Companies, Nos. 1 and 2, will hold a joint meeting on Monday night in the hall 'of fire house No. I. Important matters per taining to the approaching tourna ment will come up. All firemen who oan possibly do so are urgently re quested to be on hand. -1 1 Refreshment car on Christian: & Weathers' excursion to Richmond, IJuly 7th. Round trip, $2.25. Mattresses. Buy' vour, mattresses from the m rw tVfl a tfnaa ITnjii Mitt at a mt A For Kent. 14 room house, on South Street, city water. Convenient to business. Apply to-A. D. Markham. - One dollar shirts for 59 cents at THERE ARE TWO SIDES. The Other SUo Asks a Hearing lit for Jujfineat is Pronounced. Miss Beulah luiont, the young lady who escaped death from drown ing in a well Tuesday night, brought about by a temporary derangement of ber ruiod, has fully recovered, and the Suit is asked to make a statement in regard to the matter, which it does without bias or preju dice to tht parties concerned' There was a family fuss between the sis ters, over the washing of jars for preserves. Loud words and excite ment aroused neighbors, and from this afterwards Miss Lamont grew JenporfJent, and she hertelf, ac knowledges, that the idea grew upon ber that she would be arrested, and looking upon this as a disgrace, ehein a moment of wild frenzy de cided to end ber life. The, Sun is told by Mrs. Alice Link, corrobora ted by her grand-mother, that she had not beat ber sister, Miss La mont, and a great many things had been told on her that were not to. Mrs. Link has letters from relatives, where her sister has lived previous ly, stating that she bad a consider able amount of temper and was bard to control, and being the older, with no father or mother living to exer cise parental authority, she (Mrs. Link) bad always done what she thought was best to curb the angry disposition of her younger sister. To all of this Miss Lamont gives accent and says it is true. Peace . ,1 household, and theg0I(-Uag8ured u their etermination to live amicably. God rant that this may be sp, for fam- feuds are a. source of distress, d may the smiles and benedictions of a kind Heavenly Father, and a grand mother, eighty years old, rest in sweet peace and contentment over this family circle, and forever ban ish the hot passions that if allowed to rule the human heart, will ruin all of the pleasures of life. THE PROCLAMATION READ. Six Hundred Prisoners Released Wlthoot Ceremony Agulnaldo to Take a Trip. Manila, July 4. The President's proclamation was read at noon to day in English and Spanish, from a flag-decked stand on the Luneta, at- Ler a parade of 6,000 Americans and Filipinos. Arthur Furaruson. secretary of ering, the heat having dispersed the crowd when tbe parade ended. J be prisoners freed by the proclamation, estimated to number 000, were re leased without ceremony. Many military prisoners had previously been freed. Aguinaldo remained in his captivity. He is expected to visit his friends briefly and then depart on a trip. His destination is not announced. The exiles on tbe island of Guam are expected to return here on a xpeoial steamer. The ' celebration was typically American, even to the fire crackers. Acting Gov. Wright and General Captain Urosshela ae livered an oration. He defended the American policy in tbe Philip pines, predicted the- ultimate com plete acceptance of American insti tutions bv the Filipinos and de nounced the critics of the Philip pine policy. The military has surrendered con irol of the Batangas province to the civil authorities and with La una province organized and Gen. Gailes appointed governor, every province in Luzon is now under civil government Get ready to go on the excursion to Richmond. JuW 7th. Fare for round trip, $2 25. , , . ' Miss Siddie Hood is visiting rela tivei in Raleigh. $1 Reward. The finder of a pug dog, with black breast, answers to name of Mark. Don't like children. Return to Herndon'a stable and get reward Best of eare and attention on Christian & Weathers' excursion to Richmond. July 7th. Be sure to Igo.- See that nice line of Hardwood Mantels, Tiles and Grates, that O F. & R. . Wilkerson have in stock I . Phone 500 All straw goods at reduced prices at Johnston burnishing Co. Ladies skirts from 25 cents op to any price you desire at A. Max s. Neckwear at reduoed prices. John J DEATH OF MISS DUNN. .Passed Away Friday Mht About It :30 O'clock. Miss Rebecca Dunn passed away Friday night about 1 1 :30 o'clock,' at the home of ber nephew, Brice II. Dunn, on South street, of cancer. Deceased was about 73 years of age. She was a native of Orange tounty, bat for something like 20 years made ber home in Durham. At this writing it is supposed that the funeral services will take place late this afternoon or tomorrow morning. The bereaved ones Lave the sin cere sympathy of all their fri. ud in their stfl ction. A Great Meeting. The tent meeting in Enst Durham has been one of unuxual power. There have been'np to date 250 pro fessions, and a general awakeuiug along religious lines. There will be two services at the tent tomorrov . One at 4:30 p. m. , and one at 8 p. m. The usual morning service will beheld at the Tabernacle at 11 a. m. , and Sunday School at 3 p. m. The public invited to all of these services. At Trinity Church. . Rev. W. C. Norman, pastor of Trinity church, will return tonight from the Durham District Confer ence, in session at Milton, lie win occupy bis pulpit at botb ot tne services Sunday, morning and night. Sunday School at 9:30 a in. Pub lic cordially invited at all of tbe services. No History Unfair to Schley Cau be Used in Louisiana. New Oblkans, July 4 Tbe bill of Representative Smith penalizing the use of any history which does not do full and fair justice to Ad miral Sohley today passed the Sen. ate and was immediately signed by the Governor as it has already been passed by the House. The bill pro vides that before any history of the Spanish war shall be used in any of the public schools, it shall have been examined and the fact ascertained that the part played by Admiral Schley, of Santiago, ts treated justly and that he was given the credit for the victory over Cervera. 1 he use of a history partisan to Sampson is prohibited under severe penalties. Monday, July 7th. Christian & Richmond. Weathers' excursion to $2 25 round trip. Mattresses. All grades, any size mattress at tbe Durham Mattress Factory. -mtm For Rent. 5 rootnoottakeon Markbam street, near Cleveland. Apply to M. B. Wyatt. . : 2-3t. A. Max can satisfy you in goods and prices, if you will only call at his store. HAMMOCKS. HAMMOCKS. GET YOU A SEE THEM AT HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412. urNnwurn ron TONE & DURABILITY Over 117.000 Now in Use. . - FRANKLIN PIANOS HARVARD flANOS Sold for cash or easy payments W. R. Murray, I TABLSHE08714A DURVANA CIGAR. Guaranteed Clear HAVANA FILLI R. M.d- of th finest imported VUELTA A HA JO LEAF. Smokes Tree, Mild and Fi arrant. RIGHT UP TO Ti MINUTE. Only 5c TRY TIIE1I Only 5c Durham, N. C. he ALBERT KRAMER. Owner and Manager. Horn is Your -TO GET- GOOD CLOTHES FOR A LITTLE MONEY. For the next thirty days I will sell my Spring and Sum mer Suits at cost, FOR THE CASH. Remember this THIRTY J. S. MESLEY, Merchant Tailor, JaueHO FECIAL XJIT TO THE CLOTHING BDYERS OlP DURHAM: In order to close our stock of Flannel suits, we offtr your choice of about 75 suits $5 00 per suit. Look at samples iu our window. The former price was $7. .10, cheap even at that price. Our regular reduced sale still continues 15 per cent on all suits and extra pants, shirts, 25 to 333 off. Call and see for yourselt, aad bi One price for cash. LAMBE aZO LYON, (fiie Price Clothiers and Furnishers. WARM WEATHER SHOES. ust the thing for the hot days more to be in fashion. Our Men 3 style and workmanship. These three price hints. At $3 00 Men s Ve- our Calf, Bluchef Oxford, Goodyear welt, sewed, value $3 50. At $4 00 Men's Patent Kid and Patent shapes, reduced from $4 50. At $5 will not crack nor peel. Correct and shapely styles. Burch-Gorman Company. THE BEATEN BISCUIT" originated in the old Southern families, in ante-bellum days, when hos- o . . . r it j; T a. a.1 pitality and good Cheer were me signs 01 gooa ureeaiog. om iuc man ine of thi3 favorite bread formerly Involved both time and labor and of late years was in aanger 01 Decoming a iosi an. ......THE ACME BISCUIT BEATER however, makes this process an easy and quick one and all honse-keep ers who try it pronounce it to be of the day. TfY LOR Unsurpassed Variety - REDUCTION. For warm weather occasions we have an unsurpassed variety of CORRECT CLOTHING. SUITS that will satisfyplendidly made. SMART and PRIMP. The stock contains everything that the correctly dressed man desires The reduction is big. Those' of you unsuited, come and be suited. The line of Gents' Furnishings still full. "SOLE AGENTS W. A. SLATER COMPANY; COTUIERS AND FURNISHERS. 5c 5c opportunity 1- is only for DfYSJ Durham, N. C. lw - Straw hats i off. convinced. Oars is the cheapest. that are coming. It doesn't cost any Oxfords have all the good points ot Colt Skin Oxfords, two styles toe 00 Men s Patent Ideal Kid Oxfords, one ot the most usemi inventions FoTsaleby 6c -PHIPFS. AT - FOR KNOX HATS.1 it SPECIAL Suit x A. Max's. , Here is your chance, ston1 Fur Dishing Company. Main Street, Durham, N. C. " ft v -