1 CV . To a'! ttjt-iu ir.tsc i ;-. L-.ay .v:c Hksui It appears to uy satisfaction, ty d";.y but fit1 tiiu'aica re-, c rd ul ite Lr-.veeu'.DfS for urn voiuutiiry a.sxji jiiuu u-erect ny u.e uaa;Ti' cuuscot of an me stockholders, d-p "sited ia u;y office th.it tew arreu L mi CouiMuy. Co, per itioa of u.is state, uod priuci,MU uiice Is sUuu-J at Nu.- - r-eu in U16 City ( J'utbaai. Couti'y of I' jraatii, aud etnteuf North C&roliUii. (J. II. Mioa beiuj tins aeot therem and la char-ie thereof, upon !tom may b svroi.) tis eouipuea iaa the requirements u lio n't e( tne U n-'ral Aemf.!y of Ntwia I jvroiiaa. !?eioa s,U entitled. "An actio revise tne t'orpuratioa la ot Nona t arolt nv" preliminary 10 the issuing ofthisi.er tiiicaie of I)i iiatiuD. Now. Theref-re, I. I. "Bryan Grfntes. Seo.re tary of St -J - of the !-tate of North 'aroitoa. did, ou (nt dUkh day of May, 14. tie In ilj otiic) a duly executed aud attested couseot id wrung to tue oissuiuuon 01 saiu tor pora t.oo Executed by ait the stockholders there of, which said consent and tbe record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said office a provided br law. In TKsrmour W hereof, I nave hereunto set my hand and affixed rov official seal, at Ualeigb. t. U JL'th day of May, A. 1)., One Thousand. -Nine Hundred ana iwo. I Omcia"", I J. BUYAN CHIMES, - Seal of secretary ( I s of State. f Secretary of State. Notice of Land Sale. ' Under and br virtue of the nown confer red upon me by an order of the Superior. court of Uarbam county, made in a special proceeding entitled. John J. Stewart, Admin istrator ot Amanda Mooson, . deceased, vs. (rederlclc (Jbanibera. 1 will on , SATURDAY, JULY 1 2th, roo2, at the court house door In Durham, sell to the highest bidder at public auction, that piece or parcel of land belonidng to the late Amaeda Mooson, and situated In Durham county. North Carolna, on the east side of Chatham street, and described by meets ana bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the east side of Chatham street at the sjuth west corner ot lot No. 47; tbnnce south decrees east feet to Matthews street; thence south 17 degrers west with Matthews street, SO feet to the cor ner (No. 53; thence north 70(4 degrees west thence north 27 degrees with Chatham street, SO feet to the beginning, containing one-fifth of an acre, more or less. The same being lot No. 48 on plat surveyed by J. N. Link, sur veyor., registered la book 23, page 3W ie reg isters offlceof Durham county. Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance In six months, the time payment to bear 8 per cent interest front date of sale, with privilege to the purchaser of paying all cash. ThU7thday pf June, 1U08. VIUTUK 8. BRYANT. .' - Commissioner. Executrix Notice. Having qualified before the Clerk of tbe Superior Court of Durham County as Execu trix of the estate of A. J. Carroll, deceas ed, this 18 to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before tbe lath day 6f Juae, JU03, or this notice will be plead ia bar of their recovery and all per sons indebted to the said estate Will please make immediate payment. , - . MAKY O. CARROLL. Executrix of the estate of A. J. Carroll, This the 13th day of June, 1903. The Tourist Season OPENS WITH TIIE MONTH OB" JUNE, " AND THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY ANNOUNCES THE SALE OF LOW RATE Sur Excursion ! itt ; FROM All Southern Points To the delightful Resorts located on and reached via Its lines. These Tickets bear final limit October 31, 100. That sestlon of North Carolina known as " THE LAND OF' THE SKY'' AND THE " SAPPHIRE COUNTRY " Is particularly attractive to those In search of mountain resorts, where the air Is ever cool and invigorating, and where, accommo dations can be bad either at the comfortable and well kept boarding houses or the more expensive and up-to-date hotels. ADDITIONAL SLEEPING CARS Placed in service from various points to Principal Resorts, thus affording GREATLY IMPROVED FACILITIES For Reaching those Points. Particular attention Is directed to the ele gant Dinlng-Oar Service on princl- pal through trains. The Southern Railway has Just issued Its handsome Resort Folder, descriptive ot the many delightful resorts along tbe line ot Its road. This folder also gives the names of proprietors of hotels and boarding houses and number of guests they can accommodate. Copy can be had upon application, to any Southern Railway Ticket Agent. ' - W. A.TURK, ' S. H. HARDWICK. Pass. Traffic Mg'r. Geu. Pass. Ag't Washington, D. C. June 10 2ni A Drop Judiciously applied, may be the means of calling the attention of a good many people to the merits of a par ticular article or line of goods which you have to sell. , We have bad many year's experience In applying printing ink. Let us apply some for you on the pages of the..;....'... THB SUN. . Read the Sim daily 6r weekly and be happy. If you have any thing to sell or wish to buy adver tise ia its column. ' It pays. . i "7 ha most beautl. fut school site ia nit thm " A v Mountain climate. Cn J . .1 -". 1 e-jua.itd ht-aita record, : f rfr A. a endowed tnscitu ' j ; tiaa for UUits. Famous for tne exceLence of its results. Unsurpassed B 1 VU It a T, i it .11 .J . panments. siagninoent t'oiieee of Music A It'.oo priie piano to leet student. Early Address: PRESIDENT sivn. P.O.Box iiS Eoxi, G July-eoJ-!m Greensboro Female College, . Greensboro, N; G. Llterarv and Business Courses. Schools of Music, Art and Eio ltion. Literary Course ana all uving luxpeuses JAiO.au per i ear. Fall Session Begius September 10th ' 1902. Fof Catalogue apply to . LUCY D. ROBERTSON, janS7-2m-dw " President. TRINITY COLLEGE, DURHAM. N. C, Offers 125 graduate and undergraduate cour ses of study. New library facilities, labora tory equipments. and gymnasium. Number of students doubled In 8 years. Large num ber of scholarships awarded annually. Loans unade to worthy students. Expenses very moderate. For catalogue address, . D. W. HEYSOU, Jun2S-lra Registrar. MEDICAL SCHOOL U5IYERSITY OF HOKTH CAROLINA. FOUR YEARS COURSE. Seven Laboratories. 22 Instructors. Fall Term begins Septem ber 8,1902. For information address, LP. Hi. 1 9 ' Chapel Hill, N. C. jane28 tf Good Printing. Prompt Service. ZEB. P-COUNCIL, JOB - - PRINTER, DURHAM. - - NORTH CAROLINA. Keep this In mind, so that when you need Letter' Heads. Note Heads. Envelopes. Bill Heads. Statements. Recelnt Blanks. 01 reti culars, posters, or Pamphlets, you will com municate with me. and your needs will be supplied. You will And my way of doing ousiuess sausiactory., . YOUK ORER4 SOLICITED. - . t 8TRIVE TO PLEA9E. When You want Wood In quantities of from Ave. ten, bn hundred or two nunoreo coras, can on J. E. BOWLING, Next to Electric Light House, for prices. He will make them right. Phones interstate 141.elU08. Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds de ll vered promptly. mart-tt " Dandruff Cure. In order to place it in every home and to introduce it to those that suffer with Dandruff, Pimples and Falling Hair and all Scalp troubles may get relief and become familiar with its pure virtues and king qual ities the dollar bottle has been re duced to fifty cents for thirty days. For sale at JOHN MERRICK'S Barber - Shop nov30-tf Durham. N. 0. " DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. All a... 1 1 . 4 I 1. 117 3 M..11. 1111 K1UU I Ul bUV, B1JI1U RUU BIllU. II UUU UUbll oak or pine. In large or small quantities. I handle nothing but the best grades ot Coal. aenu your oraers now Dexore tne price ad vances. verytruiy, , , Ben Perry, Morgan Street. Interstate 'Phones, Office 31(1; Residence Near N. & W. Depot.-ocl-tf 50 YEARS . v V EXPERIENCE Trade Marks .iO - Designs ''Mtf COPYRIQHTS AC. Anyone sending a nketrb and denoiiptlnn roor quickly asoertHin onr opinion free whether an Invention la probably patentable. Communion; tlnnaatrletlyronfldentlnl. Handbook on Patent sent free, ddent npencv for aecaring patent. ': Patent token through Munn A Co. receive 'ipecial notiu, wit hout ohnree. In the . Scientific American. A handsomely lllnatrated weekly. Lartrest ctN cnlatlon of any afflentltlo Journal. Terma, i a ienr; four months, $1. Hold by all newsdealers.; i1UNN&Co.fJN2Wfork Brauub Otfloe, IB6 P Bt, Washington, D. C. Sabsciibe to the Sun. no DAILY FFJPAY. JULY 11. A STRANGE WLIL. Blows Out Air Tat Foretells th ConTl-g of a Stoi tn. . On the farm of Nicholas Mo'zen, Jobr.sou towDfhip, Plymouth cuuu- ty, tT:i , is a ti air wtil wbose bli(t nevt-r ;ii wp-ik. This (.j, ring Mu'zen bought a big bra-K bittle and ai'.iilud it to the well. Wheo its loud, screeching wail u heard by farmers within sevenT miles, teams are Qnhitched, cattle are driven to shed, and the farrus are prepared for a storm. By its use thousands of dollars worth of property in this one township has been saved this year alone, and the farmers have come to rely on its pre dictions implicity. Unly just before storms does the Mast of air become bo strong as to set the whistle going. So the mys rerious well does its predicting with out any assistance of the owner. It was only a few months ago that Mr. Wright decided to drill a new well on his farm. The drill was sent down a depth of 30 feet, when a formation resembling petrified wood was found. Then a mineral t rat am was passed, followed by a layer of white sand. At a depth of 148 feet air began coming up through the casing. The workman touched a light to the current, thinking it gas, bat it would not burn. Work was re sumed but tbe air pressure "became so strong that it blew the plug out of the head of the casing. Tbe well was abandoned, and Molzen sought to plug it up, only to find inevitably t was open later. So he left the iron pipe in the ground, hoping the air would become exhausted and water would follow. But thestrange-l current has continued unabated, and now Molzen considers it his richest property. Cares Cancer, Blood Poison, Eating Sores, Dicers, Costa Nothing to Try. Blood poison and deadly cancer are the worst and most deep seated blood disease? on earth, yet the easiest to cure when Botanic Blood talm is used. If you have blood poison, pro ducing ulcers, bone pains, pimples, mucous pitches, I lung rnir, itching kin scrofula, old rheumatism br of fensive form of catarrh, ecaba and seal- s, deadly cancer, eating, bleed ing, festering sores, swellings, lumps, persistent wart or sore, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. Bj It will cure even the worst case after everything e se fails. B. B B. drains the poison out of the system and the blood, then every sore heals, making the blood pure and nch, acd building up the broken down body Botanic Bbod Balm (B. B b ) thoroughly tested for 30 years. Drug stores, $1 per Jarge oottie. t lal trcatsient free by writ ing plood B ilm Co , Atlanta, Qa. Describe trouble and free medical ad vice given until cured . b b.b. does act contain mineral poisons or mer cury (aa so many advertised reme dies do), but is compoeed of Pure B tauic Ingredients. Over 3000 testi monials of cures by taking Botanic Blood Balm (b. b b.) For Immediate Relief: Are you ever troubled by feeling what seems to be a weight on your chest when you are asleep i Often. What do you do for it? I always wake up if 1 can. Washington star. Maud "Gaskell thinks he is a regular lady-killer. Esther- "I shouldn't wonder. I had a talk with him last evening, and I really thought I should die. Tit-Bits. , It Dazzles the World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excite ment that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. Jt is sold by K. Black nail & Son's, Druggists, who guaran tee satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 60c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. 1 ...Lawrence Davis of GranTille county has been arrested, suspected of being implicated in the murder of Mrs. White at Wake forest some time ago. Judce William Marvin dies in Now York. Onee lived in Florida and a prominent thre. The Same Old Story. J A. Kelly relates an ezperierca similar to taat which has happened it almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told by ihousands of others. He says: "List summer I ha1 an attack of dysen tery and purchased a b ,ttle of Cham '"erlain's Colic, Choler and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I used accord ing to directions and with entirely satisfactory results The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies."' Mr. Kelly is a well known cit'Z'in of IJeuderson, N. 0. For sale by W. M. Yoarby. l .... Col. Nathaniel McKiy, &,. enty-ont?, tie Wa-hlr'.on in: ire,d:ti at Athmio City, N. J , Thur?Jiy on his hoaeymuun. lie married a girl of 19 Lst Wednes day.. The municipal gi j..'iint at M vrioa AIiSi.,biew up yesterday, kilting one and injuring several. W bile riding yesterday with fcer father, nMiber, Archie and Iwtuit, at Osier hay, Liud lio ..ceveii's horse belied aud sue was thrown to one tide. The President leaped fron his horse and lifted his daugh ter safely. Mrs. Roosevelt's face was blanched as she watched the rescue, but as Ethel was unhurt tbe ride was resumed. According fo an estimate of the Red Cross report for the Boer forces, the total losses of the Boers during the war were 3,700 men killed or died of wounds and 32,000 .uade prisoners, seven hundred of whom died. The Boer forces in the field numbered seventy thousand. The Des Moines river early yes terday, after reaching the high water mark of ninety-two, broke i he levee on the nortu side of the town fljoding a large portion of tbe resident section. M i of the fami lies removed the night before. Lightning yesterday evening, at Winston-Salem, set fire to and burned 200 bales of cotton belong ing to F. & H. Fries. The home in which the.cotton was stored was also destroyed. Oae of the men, in his efforts to extinguish the names, was painfully injured, a bale of cot ton falling on him. Peter Mullen, inatttr tt arms. United States Navy, stationed ou the United States steamship Frank lin, at the Norfolk navy-yard, while sleeping on a chest near a hatchway early yesterday morning, rolled off and fell down the holde, crushing his skull. He w.as carried to the Marine Hospital and died there Mullen was 62 years old and hailed from New York city. Wire Glass. As illustrated in the construction of the new piers of the North Ger man Lloyd Steamship Company, in tloboken, M. J., wire glass hat- come to be considered by many as one of the necessities of fireproof buildings. No matter how fireproof the walls and tl jors of a structure may be, a great conflagration may eat its way into the building through windows. In the presence of great heat the names may crack but can not break the glass, which thus proves a barrier to their progress. In the construction of piers it is desirable to have plenty of daylight, for the presence of artificial light, with its electrio wires or gas pipes, is a constant danger. Wire glans is simply strongly woven wire net embedded in thick plate glass. Rate to Hot Springs. The Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs, N. C. , at rate of $6 40, for all train Saturdays and forenoons of Sundays, returning leaving destination not later than Monday following date of sale. All tickets limited to contin uous passage in each direction. All tickets to bear across the face the words, "special week end." G. DusENuiiRY, Agent. Her Way "Don't you think she's a model mother?" "Why, her chil dren are little terrors!" "Yes; but she writes such good papers for our mothers' meetings."-Detroit Free Press. Heartbn.ru. When the quantity o' food taken is too large or the q l dity too rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and es pecially so if the digestion has ben weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily lighted food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six "hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in thd region of the stomach after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by W. M. Yearby. Secretary Hay's efforts to have lien J sin evacuated have been suc cessful. The foreign governments have proven favorable to the United States' contention and the . city will soon be turned over to Chinese au thorities. RHEUMATISM CUBED 1H A DAT. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Ne iralgia radically cures In I to 3 days. Its action npon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. . 75 cents. Sold by Hackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. :; Tat Wbkkl.y Sun. is only, $t a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting local, state and general news each week. . Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. id headache in the side." '-ter ot J.'rs. will tind disease. that s, also Lea Uterine disc-dc cause of beadj.. ache, si.leache,-rrervw and other womanly iliS. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures cter- S lne disease, and, there fxe, cures the headache, side- ache, etc., which result from a dis eased condition of the womanly or ganism. "Favor ite Prescription is the best medicine for women. It establishes regularity, dries weaken ing drains, heals inflam mation and ulceration and cures female weak ness. Sick women are in vited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, free. All correspondence held in strict privacy and sa cred secrecy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. "I took two bottles of your ' Favorite Prescription anl two of the 'Golden Mfilical Discovery," and am tit ling well." writes Mrs. Dan Mc Ktnzie. of I,orwav Mines, Cape Breton Co.. Nova Scotia. "I had uterine trouble, also heatl-iphe an. I t-i n ;.. t. - side. After taking your medicine I mt well You may publish this or use it in anv wav vou think best as 1 cannot speak too highly of Ur Pierce aud his medicines." PT- Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper -covers, containing kjoS large pages, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps, to pay expense of mail ing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y. A CT1VE AGENTS WANTED FOR "TIIE A V( I Win IIM flRI"! K. M .,.. 11 1 . , - - .. w, uj mui.v flambeau. Burning mountains In American Indies ex plode destroying cities full unpeople. Start- a J ' ' -Kl"" JllV IWL1II LI 1, iiiiTat- rininl? r,h irlnhn. tfVl )Aer lHr.itRu..,.i only $1.30. Ulghest endorsements. Binnest profits guaranteed. Agents clearing from J t.O $25 (lull V. Unt tit. frr Vni.li.uc ...,..... . j - .Li. . . ..... t . 11 1. 1. II LO for postage. TUE DOMINION C'i).. niayai id Dept. L., Chicago. AN ANCHOR TO WINDWARD has saved many a good shlo from disaster. So has many a man been saved by anchoring his future to a solid Insurance company. Fire. Hood and famine, loss of home and friends may wreck, your fortune, but the right kind of an Insurance policy will always be a haven of refuge, Get it at'ouce of James Soutngate & Son's, Insurance Agency. Phone 48. Office over Morehead Banking Co sepl? ilorfoli and western Schednle In Effect JUNES, 1W3 JLltHAM DIVISION. Daily Ex cept Sunday. P. M. A M. P. M. A. M 4-55 7.00 Lv. Durham Ar. 9.15 9.35 8 07 8 16 Roxboro 7 48 8 16 5.37 8.45 Denniston 7.15 7 45 .KR 9.12 ArBouth Boston 6.55 7.2 7.07 9.26 -Houston 6 40 7.00 11.45 A ri.ynchburg Lv 4.10 WESTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. 8:00 a.m. The Washington and Chattanoo ra Limited, for Roauoke, Radford, BluefJeld Pocahontas, also for Rocky Mouut and all sta tlons on Winston-Salem Division aud al' r Dints south and west Solid vestibule trail: Chattanooga and Memphis, Pullinai deeperg to Memphis and New Orleans. 2:30 p. m. The Chicago Exprees for Roa lcke, Blaetleld. Pocit,bohtas,'Kenova, Colum lus and Chicago. Pullu an ButTet sleepei Roanoke to Columbus, also for Radford, B-ls ol Knoivllle, Chattanooga and lnteruiedlaU joints. Pullman sleeper Roanoke to Knoi vide. Pullman Buffet Palace Can Norfolk and Roanoke. 7 0 a rn. for Rtanoke R-df rd. Bristol, Bl etield. Nortjn, Poc ihontas, Welch. 6 0) p. m. Dally tor tvoanoke and Inter mediate Stations. Trains arrive at Lvnchbnrg dally from tb wmt at 1:50 a. m., 8.50 a m. 3:36 p. m and 10.16 p m. EASTBOUND Leave Lynchbunt. 3:45 p. m. Dally for Farmvllle, Richmond, Petersburg and Norfolk, arrives Petersburg t 7,66 p. in,, arriving at Richmond at 8.51 d u., arrive at Norfolk at 10.40 p m. . 85 a. m. Arrive Petersburg 8.88 a. rrt ar rive Richmond 1M a. m., arrive Norfolk 0.10 . In. Pullman palace sleeper between Lynchburg and Richmond. This car will be ready at Lvnchbnrg at 8 p m. for reception of passengers. 8:5) a. m.-for Firmvllle, Petersburg, Nor folk and Rich io id. W1N8T0N-RALEM DIVISION. Dally Et. Ran. Ki. Sun. Dallv P. M. a. Al. P. M. A. M. i00 8.00 Ly. Winston Ar. 9.60 .00 ij : 8.48 Walnut Cove 9.01 Ul 1.(9 9.18 Madison 8.25 12.48 413 9.23 Mayodan 8.30 12.44 10.24 Martinsville 7.(9 1148 7 41 1.0) Ar, Roanoke Lv. 4.85 9.1t RATUOUNrTeave Burkevllle 4.31 a. in. 11 24 n. m. nd 8.31 p. m. W ESTBOUND Leave Bnrkevllle 12.28 a. tn. and U.C8 noon and 3-4' p. ni. All inquiries as to route, rates Sec, prompt (t answered. W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, Roanoke, Va, V. V. BKAGH. Traveling Passenger Agent, Roanoke, Va. E. M. OKAHAM. Agent. Durham. N. O. The Wrbkly Son is only $t a vear. rrora 20 to 21 columns of s v live, interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur The Daily Sun is $3 a year, 01 25 cents a month. Get the uews every evening; , 1 x HI Tf- 1 A I 'n Hi, I p J Jhif 1A SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. TO ALL, FOINTS CF?b. -r-UTH AND SOUTr?." '--J eu.euti.r 1 tUi -wnv Tr,i:. So. i-l Spa. r 11 1, a XT ilwLliDurt-, h,.-. ! u r r Vori., O u s ar j..V.r.N ml Ptllwilphla. r-- W.M U s .5 p;a p.n am r Ki 1 ni,.. a t Waj-h.D. : IT.. W. s. ar ha f.; p 1; 1 ar ft r ' V rn aul a -1 a a p.n p.n r C i. 1. .." t pm . ai ptli am Hi 1-J lib 1.4 4 l.i tKJUTdBOUND. Route. o. -'11 No. 2 . Ex .sun fcx sun lv New York, 'O D.S.s.('n. 3 form 3 'On Tti...". , , N-Y.r-.&N. S.Vipm 7 16 am vPh WelrLlv " lHiipo! Ulrta a lv H tin more By Lire 6 Ji im lv Wehington, N.&W.S.B. B u m - -.. o... s , t vm ... SWr-m . rticn i uiau. lv Peters! urg, ur imriani. b. A. L.. 9 iiiam 1US7 p. a 1 i l m liaipm 4 0upm a:a Tickets on sale to all points lllnanarid K.'iat rAierv&Miins hhiIm mi ui.tir-iim, wn tittl si heuulea prepared Hud at j ; other Infor- """t tueenuiy luruisnea. Louvenient -chediiles r-ui low rates to all irlLcipal cum uer heoi tt during eacn. S. H. RKAJas. Agsnt, Durham. N. tl. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. in KFrsoT Nov. 24 ru, laoi Trairif leave lyuiuom, N. 0.. 2:30 a. m. No. 11 vrestbouna daily, for Greensbor ai d po nta outh and west. Connects at Greensloro w.lh No. 8 north for Danville nnd mond, and south with Nos 33, 33, imd 37, for Salisbury, Charlotte Co lumbia,Savannah, Charleston, Jt ok- sonville, Atlanta a d New Urlrat s; atsansDury tor abMi-viiie, Knoxviiu , Chattai-pa, Nauhvillo citu other points went. 3:35 a. Ui.. No. 12, tftetbouut , daily, for litiii. b, Selrntt and Gold-i-boro. Carnift Puliuuo. Sleerxir Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:4'J a. tu., 6, e&ritbound. laily, for Raleigh, Belma and Golds- boro; connects at Selma with At lantic Coast ljiu uortb for VViIboq tad liocky Mount at (i- l abcro for farLoro, aril o'frik. At elma for FiiyetteviM" and Flor 9:50a.m., No. 3", wtit.tU.1, i-l, 'ir.ily for (jrreeiitfhoro nvii iitU-rmcdia'e .cal pjtiiti, couuoi'tt at Gretinuboi o vith U. 8. KttBt Mail frr IwnvilU, l.ynchburp, VVaahiEgt... n nod nil rontT NVrth and Wst, as him with No 30 J i keouviHo to N.-w V rk vi.i Uichmoud Souiberu Kailwav Din- Lg Curs op raicd on trniUH os, 36 ind 30. 9:65a. rn., No 16, ui..r-.ir-'unt, iaily forOxfoid. Httlfi-son Jpflrie lCe,j evii!o nd iiichmond. o cbungo .( .... M. 1 Ulmn.n b.i.k .w. I 11 . 1 ji iiiio ii;ivct:u iUlll.-.lU aua moud, where cloeo connection is ruado 50 all points north, ' .lose connection it Jt li'i if.-s for Noi fol i and Steamboat Lints to A rbington, Baltimore, Ntw York and Boston . 2:47 p: m., No 3(5 etwtbourjd, daily for Raleigh, t'ehna, Goldsboro and intermediate ttauonp. 4:43 p. m., wotitbound, daily, for Greensboro and all points Connects it Greensboro for Wini-ton Sa em, -ilso with Nob. 35 and 29 for Salis bury, Charlotte, Columbia, Charien cou, avannab, Jocksonv.lle, Atlanta ind N-w Orleans; ut Salisbury for AHheville, Knoxvillo, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Connects northbound with No. 12 for Richmond, Nos. 38. 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes ville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 6:00 p. m., No. 7, northbound, daily except Suuday, for Oxford, ieysville, Richmoad and interme diate stations. Pullmhan and Southern R ilway Dining Cars operoted on all (through) Main Line trains. No trouble to an swer questions 1. u. uakuwick, Geu. Passenger Airenl. "RANK 8. GANNON, 8d V. P. and tleueerul Xa:uiKer. U. OUSENBERY, Ticket Agent. Uurtiam N. C. c.&o. ROUTE. SUMMER RESORTS And Summer Homes in the Virginias. The most delightful section of the country In which to pass the hot summer days, Is lu the mountain region of the Virginias, ou the line of Tbe Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Besides such well known resorts as the Ureeubrler White Sulpnur, Virginia Hot Springs, Kockhrldge Alum, Old Sweet, Sweet Uhalybeale. Warm, Healing, lied Sulphur, Salt Sulphur, Hotel Intermont, Ulady'slun, Alleghany, &c , Ac. There are hundreds of country homes tn the mountain regions which make tbe care of summer boaroers a specmi uusiiiess aim wnere uoara can ue OD lalned on most reasona'ite terms. .. The Chesapeake Ohio Is by many hours the quickest line from Carolina polutg to the West. For descriptive pamphlets of the large re sorts, Illustrated folders containing , lists of Hummer Homes, Inns, An., address ' JNO. il. POTTS, A. O. P. A., Richmond. Va. r-inirt-frtrir-Ki--T-,r im-ii n Mini promptly pr:i-. OR II 0 F&K. 8eni model. Uetch, or photo for Itm rnportoa pnfnUbilujr. Bwk -'Hok"-'.' to Ohula U.S. and I'oreurn l'aUnUand TmU-Mark . "f ' JFBSB. Firw Uirmi Tr olt-iml to io.entor.) iPATEirr itwnm op is tfars1 praouck.u) ) .,,20,000 PATFNT8 PFOCURFD THROUGH THEM. l 1AU biuiucw o-.iin.lentil. twuM s-lfion. luthrqluU )rntin. Hodersts clir. (V) TC, A. SNOW & COM ( 0:p. U. S. Pllont ttfilM, W.ISHINGTON, D. t 5-v .' V feuljscribe tot the Son. (1 .1.'

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