criujal sti e Las tc arrived yet. Jimmie "I wish I went to cohool in Uai." Johnny "Why?" Jim mie "It takes til day to call the roll." Drooklyn Life. J HEADACHES JY&Oli HEAT OKEXEUTION CVEED -BY- 4 ! G APUDINE. I Ko Bad Effects on Heart or Eend. J SOLD BY ALL DKl'G SrOKES. gm X&txvtlttmrai. .. ..Ey calling 'phone No. 38c,. you can always find just. what you want and need.. Staple and Fancy Groceries .of every description, both. . . . foreign and domestic . . Fresh Country Produce Every Day. . We solicit your trade and . . . guarantee satisfaction . . . GfUL TO SEE US. K. B. FI LLER. Presideut. . J.S CAKK. Jk. V.Prea. 8. A. MAYNAKD, Sec. & Treas. july-tf For County Commissioner. I hereby announce mygalf a caudldate for I'ouuty UomnjlsHlouer. subject to iue action of the Democratic urlmarles and county con vention. If elected, 1 promise to st'rve the people to tne best or my ability. 1s-d5wl "A. N. BLALOCK, Wlllardvllle. N.O. For Superior Court Clerk. To the Voters of Durham County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate 1 fore the primaries to be held the &ilh of J u It next, for the office of Clerk of the Superior I have no superior claims to urge for your support. Many have done as much, and not a few more than 1. four years of youth ana early manhood 1 cheerfully save exclusively to the service of my country ; whatever, as a nubile duty or privilege. 1 have done since. Las always been under the conviction that it was for the best interest of my people. The office Is yours and at your disposal. 1 need the place aud earnestly, urgently so licit your votes. Very truly yours, jun80-2w K.G.KUSSELL, For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for uounty commissioner or Durham county sublect to the action of the Democratic url- in&rles and to the endorsement of the Demo cratic county convention. If Riven the sup port oi tne uemoTats or tne county, i prom' lse to serve you to the best oi my ability, liespectfally, J3-8W 0. K. f EOCTOR. For Township Constable. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of constable for Dur ham township, subject to the acMon of the Democratic primaries J uly 86th. and the Dem ocratic county convention August 2nd. If re-elected 1 promise to discharge the duties oi tne omce as laitmuuy as in past. JUto JulyW E. T. LEA. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as candidate for tne omce or constable or uurnam township. My candidacy will be subject to the action of the Democratic primaries or the Democratic convention. If given tbe support of the Democrats of the county I oledge my entire time to tbe duties of the office. J13-tf J. P. MA9SEY. Announcement. 1 announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Register of Deeds of Durham County, subject to tbe endorsement of the Democrat ic Convention. If nominated and elected, 1 promise to serve you to the best of my abil ity. Respectfully, mayao-tf M. G. MABKHAM. Kotice of Dissolution of Partnership. By mutual consent the partnership qf Marl In k. Kallon, composed of the undersign ed Individuals, Is dissolved. The affairs of the business will be wound up by T. H. Mar tin; This June 2d, 1902. T. H. MARTIN. JuneS-tw W. M. KALLON. THE CREAM OF THE VINTAGE In champagnes, claret Burgundies, sherries. porU. bauuternes. Tbe oldest aud of whiskies, brandies, rums aud gins, tbe 0iwt InciousHiud delightful of lluuors and cordials are all contained .in the brands in our store and cellars. None but what wo k now Is the bit are offered. Try a bottle of our Grn Klver, tbe whiskey without a headache, (Jull ana see T. II. SCOGGINS, At the PALACE SALOON. No. 124 CORN EB MANGOM ft PEAEODY 8T8 OCU-tl ,: , . . . . - i vfjts a V, an t b..rr w Kent, V. Tra.-ey, ti thet' , t0 Wei- -en he .. uied with a left the revolver ,, incbester, and had a i supply of both ammuci j aud tirovision?. Traeey sent obneon to lacoma to purcnae ine rerolver and ammunition. lie threatened to exterminate Johnson's family on the leaM sign of treachery. he murderer setmed iasreu out, and talked very little about himself or his plana. While at the houe he spent nearly all the time watcn inc for his pursuers. He left the house after dark, taking Johnson's orse, headed either for Seattle, or the Palmer cut-off. Not only did Tracey force John- ion to buy the revolver, but he made him borrow necesxary uiuurj m Kent. Johnson went to Taeoina and purchased the weapon without sounding any kind of warning to O . - mil the authorities. He was iiany frightened. Additional Purchase of Land. Washington-, July 10. Secre- i . i 1 o tary xaooay nas auinorizu ivear Admiral Lndicott, chiet ot tne bureau of yards and docks, to pro ceed with the purchase of 98 acres of additional land for the new naval station at Charleston, S C. Admiral Endicott today telegraphed to the mayor of Charleston asking if tbe offer of Charleston city to sell this land still beld good and when the favorable reply, which is expected, is received, the purchase will be speedily consummated. This addi tional land, is a Dart or i,tncoia Park and adjoins tbe property al readv uurchased on tbe north. The oily of Charleston offered to sell it at $200 an acre. 1 be land is wanted for a naval hospital. Progress Halt Not. Allan' Journal: A new mill in the Bouth was reported for every week of this year's first quarter and of these sixteen new mills for as many weeks three (all large ones) are credited to bouth Carolina. Ala bama shows up with three also, Mississippi leads the list in numbers, but not in capacity, with four,Geor gia, Aikansas and Louisiana had one each, Texas and North Carolina two apiece. Nor the first quarter of 1902 the total of new spindles in the new and enlarged mils of the ten southern states on the list is 487,132,, of which South Carolina has 171,760, or more than a third. The toial of new looms. is 13,619, of which 5,414 pertain to this state. North Caro lina holds second place, with 123,- 448 spindles and 4,990 looms, and Alabama third place with 84,920 spindles and 1,210 looms. A very eignificent fact in this con nection is that about three-forths of the nearly half a million new spin dies; representing altogether an in vestment of about 110,000,000, wil be installed in mills which have tried the business and know what is in it. There is no longer any doubt that the progress of the south in cotton manufacturing has come to stay and to increase. Militia Ordered to Springfield. Springfield, 111., July 10 Gov ernor Yates today ordered a squad of infantry to Eldorado to protect the lives and property of negro rest dents there, who during tbe past month have been subjected to out rages at the hands of the white citi- ens. Instructions have been given bv the Governor to quell all disturb ances and, if possible, ascertain tbe names of the leaders of the lawless mob. He My wife isn't er so very hard to get along with. She Isn't she, now? Faith, thin, yez don't luk it! Puck. Mattresses. Buy your mattresses from the Durham Mattress Frctory, at manu facturers' prices. j3-tf All straw goods at A. Max's re duced half price. - Three persons confirmed in the jail at St. Joseph,.. Mo., tried to get . 1 I .1 a - . oui oy wrecking tne rear wall ot tbe building with a powerful charge of dynamite. Their plans were frus trated by the guards. - mm For Rent. The store room now occupied bv Johnston Furnishing company. Also the back part of Lara be & Lyon's 01a store ana tne np stairs to that building. Apply to the' Johnston V urnisbing company. , 1 2-tf. IM TTT u . auc wj.i,y oun is omy jii a year. From 20 to 23 columns 'of live, Interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur ham paper. i itji.ii ii . i. y 2 ways uiJ Cw.iru ays. aturuiy f:r; fre?h term to northeast wilJs. The Darham county Democratic primaries are but two wetks off. Several gentlemen" are buy making out the tax books for tbe sheriff. t Tie nice showers of last nigbt helped things wonderfully and cool ed off the atmosphere to a consider able extent. A regular meeting of Tar Heel Council, No. 2, J. O. IT. A. M., will be beld tonight. A full attendance of the members requested. An excursion of colored people passed through Durham this morn ing going from Oxford to Greens boro. There were seven well filled coaches. Car No. 6, of the Durham Traction Company, was out yester day afternoon and last night fortbe first time. It is a summer car, aud lentically like car No. 8. The two latest marriage license issued in Durham county were to tbe following parties, all colored: Ienry Jones and Julie Ld wards, leas W. Peace and Julia A. r$ai- ey. The members of the Christian Sunday-school whopicniced at Fairn- toeh, on the NorfoIkfc western road, Thursday, returned that night. All reported an exceedingly pleasant time. W. A. Slater has been quite sick for several days. He was reported as being better today, friends will be glad to know. All hope that he will soon be entirely restored to health. The Vance Debating Club will meet, tonight at 8 o'clock in tbe Red Men s hall, over Larube and Lyon s store. All young men interested in the work o&this society are invited to attend. Miss Jennie Tatum returned last night from a two weeks' visit in Durham. She was accompanied by Miss Nan Wood, of Durham, who will spend sometime with her, says the Greensboro Kecord. The paragraph we published few days ago stating that Col. J. S. Carr would address the old confed erate soldiers at Robertson's station, was a mistake, lie will not be there. Our information was ob tained from the Chapel Hill News Mr. irvin A. llogan, superin tenaent or toe uu&e tar nr. near V . i v-v i m University Station, informs the Chapel Hill News that on last Mon day evening he killed a crane, near his residenoe, which measured 6 feet and 5 inches from tip to tip. From its toes to its bill was 5 feet and inches. Presbyterian Reuniou at Pen Mar Baltimore, July 10. The Pres byterian reunion, inoluding leading representatives of the Northern and Southern branches of that church in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Nirginia, assembled today at fen Mar, on tbe Western Mary land railroad. Several hundred per sons, including clergy and laiety attended from this city. The pro ceedings include an address on "The Presbyterian Church,"- by Rev, Charles Wood, D. D., of Philadel phia, and an address on "Present Day Problems of Presbyterianism," by Kev. Thornton Whaling, of Lex ington, Va. Coronation Bazaar Fatality. London, July 10. Shortly after Queen Alexandra passed on her way to open tbe coronation bazaar, the decorations across Langham Palace, heavy and sodden with rain, were caught in a squall of wind and fell, dragging down a mass of coping from the top of All Souls' church. Miss Streathy, daughter of Ed. W. btreatby, treasurer of the Montreal Trust Deposit Company, was killed and several persons were injured. It is said on good authority that subject to the approval of King Edward's physicians the coronation will occur August 9. Melons in cold storage at the Cheek-Royster Company. Same price as those not cool. li-2t Mattresses. - Save money by buying direct from the Durham Mattress Factory. "Did he scare you with that aw ful talk about bacteria and mi. crobes?" "No, indeed. I don't get scared at anything smaller than mice or cows." Cleveland Plain Dealer. It Girdles the Globe. The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the beet in the world, ex tends round the earth. It's tbe one perfect noaier or Cuts, Oorns, Burns Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers! Felons, Aches. Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pile Cum 25 cents a box at R. Hacknall & Bon's Drug Btore. - 1 - T " -i.. J E overrents cf People and Thiiijrs la General, E?po24 Daily Ey B. F. Abetnethy. Mrs. W. L Burgess is quite sick today. Call at Alerntbv's furniture store r,d pay for tbe Sc.. ja It was ho hot her yesterday that Le wattr in Will Young's b vd rant ' ealded tbe hair oi! my hauds witeu washed them. Mis Cora Kerr is on the sick 1st. Miss Delia Howard, who has been siting Mrs. J. W. Cameron, re turned to her home in the country yesterday. There were two mad ladies in East Durham yesterday. They board ed tbe Southern train at Rocky Mount and were told by tbeconduc tor that tbey would make -connection with the N Jo W. at Durham for Roxboro. Tbey got off at Est Durham instead of Durham; got thoroughly wet and missed their train. Sbelburn is doing some fine work in tbe photograph line. He will re main in Last Durham a few days onger. Those who want photos hould call at once. Some of our citizens are complain ing about the street can running so ast down tbe grades on Angler say there is great avenue. 1 ney danger of running off tbe track. xeslerday afternoon two white boys and a colored boy tried to throw a street car off tbe track by placing stones on the track. The colored boy was caught and carried up town. The white boys escaped, but will be caught if they stay in town. Mr. Johnson, section foreman of the Seaboard road, has fixed up the crossings, so it is now possible to cross tbe tracks with a wagon. Now it the southern foreman will go and do likewise be will receive the thanks of our people. Roy, tbe little son of Mrs b. 51 Beck, on Angier avenue, is right sick. Remember that Abernethy will be in his store Saturday afternoon and night to collect for the Sum and the Model rurmture House. Mrs. Willie Wrenn,of West Dur ham, was visiting in the village yes terday. 1 f rofessor Cararron has discovered a new way of making ice cream He puts his milk in a tin bucket places that in a water bucket, with the ice and salt around it, then places tbe bucket in a rocking chair and rocks it like rocking a baby to sleep, and produces a cream equa to any made by the professionals. Mrs. S. E. Davie is on tbe sick list. S. P. Clements returned from Spray yesterday. Wholesale Resignations. Norfolk, July 10 N. M. Os borne, general agent of the Norfolk A Western Railroad, resigned today as a member of the water commis sioners. R B. Cook, general agent of the Philadelphia & Norfolk Riil way, resigned as a member of the board of State Insane Asylum; R H. Wright, general agent Merchants and Miners Transportation Com pany, will resign as a member of the water commissioners; D. Callahan, general agent of tbe Nor folk & Western Steamboat Com pany, will probably resign from the police commissioners. Thomas W 1 1. sneuon, railway counsel, aad re signed as a member of the boatd of the Virginia Military Institute and other resignations are on tapis, on aooount of tbe new constitution's new clause prohibiting the use of free passes by State and municipal officials. .V To be Held August 2. The Republicans will hold their county convention here on Satur. day, August 2d, to elect delegates to their State and district conven tions. On Thursday of next week Re publican precinct meetings will be be held to choose delegates to the county convention. The Democratic convention of the sixteenth judicial district at Bryson Uity, Swain county, Wednesday, nominated Qarland S. F.rgnson, of tlarwood, for judge of the Superior Court and Thad Bryson, of Swain, tor solicitor. The best is the cheapest. Pear: line.3 packages lOcts. at A. Max's. jll-2t. . Richard Rlanton who was sen tenced to be hanged at Salisbury and then respited for a fortnight has been taken to Raleigh and put ju the penitentiary for that time. When you want a modern, up-to date physio, try Chamberlain's torn aon ana jjivor laDicts. . They are easy to take 'and pleasant in effect Pr'ce, 25 enta. Samples fr e at W Ll. Year by 's drus store. , . e a i c-r a u s :s cur cu i rice i c? rv a.nue ana ns teen ecge cas tnsc.e some eerp inesi pingcS FOURTH rere.aTHIRD there, and HALF iarra- j'.as, leaving values untouched, and raiting th"! biggest Footgear L'-alLS that has ever bea o5ered t residents of Durham and viciui:v. Everv Stunner Shoe raa-.t at once. Jest glance over the harg iia and 'call soon. Later may be too lve-. 50 pair Infint's S!i , were so. 75 and $1, choice 35c Mivies S ippt - id $1 75, rednoed to i. Wm-iaV reduced to ft. 75 U omens $i Oxfords, reduced to $2 so. Meus Patent Ki t and Ytci Oxfords, that $4 50. reduced to $3 00 Men's $3 00 Oxlcrds, r daccd to Jj 50 N. B. No goods charged at these prices. - . PRIDG-EN THE SHOE MEN. :THE CLOTHING- STORE ! You want a Homespun, Flannel or Crash Coat and Pants, Negligee Shirt, Straw Hat, Belt and Fancy Sox ior ounaay. uon t buy nntil you see our MfRKBD-DOWN O Prices on the above list Shirts, marked, especially much you save by getting your fixings here. , SIEED - iyfIH(I ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS MARKHAM'S CORNER. :-M0SQUIT0 NETS-: Are good for keeping quitoes. We have the kind that fasten on Wood, Brass and Iron Beds, as well as the old ceiling style. Let us put you up one. . BERNSTEIN Iron Beds are much cooler than the old style closed up Price from $10.00 up, An elegant line of couches, in Mattings an4 The Royall mar27-tf SHOT The hot weather is here, and we want to. call your at tention to the PEERLESS IGE CREAM FREEZERS, nothing better or more inexpensive for desert -make9 cream of finest quality in 3i minutes. Our WATER COOLERS are the best quality for a low price on the market all sizes, from 2 to 10 gallons. We have a few of the Lawn Swings left, only $4.50 each. Call and give us your orders for what you need at Lloyd's HardaJare Store, Durham. N. G. "Lest You Forget, We Say it Yet," That no one can serve you in -the Wall Paper business as we can. We have a large stock on hand. E. J. LONG. PHONE'468.. For Rent. 'Une tnree story onok Dunaingii cm bo consulted m bit office with elevator on Purrish St., suit-lrr ,6Wef 8fePt -kt- . .oneacb Tuteday and Weduevday. Modern able for WolCBal. or rUU. I methods used la the examlnatloti of the eye. Second and third Stories In brick Spectacle and EjegUad frames skillfully id' building on Parrish St. ' junted. majnf One store room on rarrish St. One store room on Cleveland St. Apply to -; j30 if. E. C. Uacenkt. . The Wrkklv Sun is only $ a year, Prom 20 to 93 col u runs of live, intei estiug local, Btate and general news each iveek. Snb scribe apd et a wide-awake Dur Uam aper . . 1 - rs. formerly sold f,.r ii 40. $i:;o Oxfords, we e $2 2 25 aad $2 so.. lorni'rlv olJ far t s,- i rv nA & JONES, NEW: Sov s Clothing Pants and low. Call in and see how - PEfISOI CO. off Ilea as well as'tnos IRON BEDS. and cleaner for summer use head and foot wood beds. with spring complete. irt thi $10.00 up. Big reductions Refrigerators. & Eorden Go. O mi o r DB. S. RAPPORT PUQUftY SPRINGS I I The Barham Bbme at Fuqiiay Springs la one hundred yards from the Sprlngi. Can accommodate 3S. Bates moderate. Addreik ' . " ' i 8. BARHAM, Proprietor, mayl4 lid ! Fuquay Springs, N. 0. ' I - Suit ease at reduced price. I lion Furnishing Company John WEATHER V I 4 ll I J mm". - iuilS I i

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