A OUSHAH, 2T. C, SAT UK DAY, JULY 12. IVOJ VOLUME 20 -NTTAf TtTTT 1 8 - W ' ' - J 1 BUSY FEET Fop 10 Cts. Tender or aching feetre' lieved For 10 Cts. We will be pleased to give you a SAMPLE. COMING YOUR WAY through us is a fine assortment of things for summer wear. Don't need to be a man of means to become possessed of stylish ar ticles from this stock of MEN'S FURNISHINGS. A bill of small denomination will go a long way around the store be fore getting used op. We are particularly strong on Shirts. Never had a finer lot, and - never before were able to sell at such, prices. 'Miiston FurnisMnff Co. ; ; H YOU WANT FBESH CQIlllTRY PRODUCE . CAiordus. ' We can supply you , ;;'a Chickens, fresh Vegetables, 12ggs: and the best of V:'-;'' FAMILY GROCERIES. Prompt service when you want something nice. TV S. CHRISTIAN & SON, Church Street. mayU-lm KEEP KOOL BY HOMING -TO- MONTREAT. -o- HOTEL MONTREAL "LAND OF THE SKY," WE3TKEN N.O. Tbe most charming spot lo all the moun tain at which to spend the heated term Bleep under blankets all summer New hotel with all modern comforts. - Double daUy mall, telegraph and telephone, mineral waters. Two miles from Black Mountain Station, Southern Railway. W. D. PAXTON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreat, N. 0. W. E. HOLT. dea.leb in ' Choicb Home Killed Meats. BEEF, I'ORK. VEAL and SPRING LAMB. Either 'Phone. Prompt Delivery. H. D. LEIGH, J12-lm . Assistant. - W. L, WAJL.L, DUUX IS. WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood in any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. TnUrst.te Pbone IIS. Inn-ttf THE BEST MEALS Can always be found at Hi T, Smith's Restaurant, At ad; :hours, day or night. He gives more for the same mon ey than can be gotten - elsewhere. " - ICE CHEAU EVERY SUNDAY. SCW Partlflh Street. Intewtate Phone W4. DELIGHTFUL PARTY. Given Friday Night by Clyde Thax- tun Clyde Thmoo, eon of Mr. ami Airs. J. J. TbixtoD, ave a delight ful party Friday night at the home of hU parents on South street. The evening was most pleasantly spent by'all who were present. Among those who attended were quite a number of young ladies and gentle men. The hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Thaxton was never more at tractive. When the guesta departed for their various homes, it was with the feeling that all had en j yed the occasion bugely. i State Firemen's Tournament. The Sck has received the program for the fourteenth annual conven tion and tournament to be held at RileighJuly 22, 25 and 24. The business meeting of the association is to be held and on the program is a street parade, band concerts, en gine contests, hose wagon contests, reel races, hook and ladder contests, grab reel contests, band reel con tests, and special race?. Nearjsi,- 000 will be awarded in prizes. Durham will be there with both of her fire companies, and is hope ful or Dringing back some of the prize money. Stocksdalti's Movements The Sun learns that Oitis II. Stocksdale, the captain of tbe Dur ham team, will go to the Newark, N. J. , team as soon as the season is over here in North Carolina.- and will be pitcher for the team. As soon as his contract is out there which will be some time this fall be expects to return and go into business in Durham. Uis friends here will be glad to leirn, we have no doubt, that he is not to leae us entirely. . What Next? . Durham has street cars, automo biles, locomobiles, bicycles, and va rious other means of travel, but the atest acquisition on our thorough fares is an umbrella mender with a tricycle, on the front of which is a wire basket, in which he carries his apparatus for repairing umbrellas. Durham is a great town, anyhow, and it would not surprise us at no time lo see a flying machine floating over the city. Help the Baseballists. A committee of gentlemen will canvass tbe city today and Monday for a few hundred dollars to assist the baseball team in making a tine show to the end of tbe season They should be liberally encouraged, as only several gentlemen have been bearing the entire expenses so far and keeping up the team If liberal aid is given we will see good ball playing in .Durham, and our team will oome out all right. To Change Base. The private secretary of a promi nent capitalist here, who, with his wife, has only been a resident of Durham for a few months, will re sign his position during tbe coming week, we learn. This gentleman is to accept a position with one of tbe leading railroad systems of this country. fri - - A Republican's Suggestion. Inasmuch as the Republican con vention of Durham county has betn called to meet At tbe court house on the same day that the Democratic convention is to be held, it has been suggested by a Republican that they meet either in the basement of the court house or in the revenue offi cer's quarters over E lis' saloon. m m Good Horse for Sale. Any one desiring a good saddle horse, 8 years old, should see me. A. M. Carr, at Carolina Roller Mills. ' jull2-tf ' - We are selling Pearliue: the best Washing Compound in America, 3 packages lOcts. A. Max. jll-2t. mmm How is a truly successfully man to be distinguished r By his initials. He weafs them after bis name in stead of before. Washington Post - ' , . Blown to Atoms.; ... . The old idea that the body Bome- timos needs a powerful, drastic purT gative pill has ' been exploded ; for Dr KiDg'a New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently fit mulate liver and bowels tovexpel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and abso lutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only" 25 cents at R. Blacknall & Sou's Drug Store. 1 Ladies' low-cut shoes at A. Mix's j i rum o to o ou. iuu wm get nr . mn r r a : i . bargains. CAN THEY DO SO? We Fail to- See How They Can Participate. We are told that there are a few Republicans ia Durham county who anticipate attending the Democrat primaries on the 20th of this month, in order to take part in working and voting for some Democrat. - Under the rules and regulations for conducting primaries, adopted oy tne Democratic executive com mittee of Durham county, June 14tb, we do not see bow Republi cans can be allowed to do this. Of course, if they desire to vote the whole Democratic ticket, it will le a different thing. Article 6, of tbe Rules and Regu lations says: "That all white men who or will be qualified voters, at the November election, 1902, and who agree to abide by the result of primaries and support tbe Demo cratic ticket at said eleotion, are in. vited to vote in the primaries." As we understand it, to "support the Democratic ticket," is to go tbe whole ticket. Lot Sold at Auction. An auction sale of real estate took place at noon today, at tbe court house, by Victor S Isryant, commis sioner. It was a lot belonging to Amanda Mooson, deceased, and con tains about one-fifth of an acre, the property being situated on Chatham street. John W. Smith was the purchaser, bis bid being 1280. W. R Herndon was the auctioneer. To Attend the Meeting. . W. G. Brambara. manasrer of the Durham baseball, team, received a telesram todav from President Per- rin Busbee, of the State League, tnat a meeting of the League would be held in Raleigh tonight and to send a representative. Mr. Stocksdale went down on the 2:47 train and will be present. Home on Sick Furlough. J. G. Baa-well, who went from 0 9 - - here to Charlotte somejwo or three weeks ago, and was forced to come home the first of the week on ac count of sickness, was out today. He will remain here until be fully recovers. J. H. Freeland went to Charlotte a few days ago and is looking after the business while Mr. Bagwell is sick. Notice to Delinquent Tax. payers. This is to give notice to all delin quent tax-payers who have not paid tbetr city- taxes by July 30th, I will be compelled to advertise their property for sale. Please bear this in mind and gov ern yourself accordingly. J. It. Pattok, j 12-to-30. City Tax Collector. Can Sell Without License. Tbe Board of County Commiss ioners has granted Rev. J. J. Car den the privilege of selling books without license in this county. This was on account of Mr. Carden's infirmities- In cases where persons are not able to buy books, Mr. Car- den gives them away. Tent Meeting. The tent having been moved from East Durham to West Durham, ser vices will be conducted there Sun day at 4 and 8 p. m., by Rev. Ar thur O' Rear. Sunday at 11 a. ra. , Rev. Mr. O'Rear will preach at tbe Gospel Tabernacle, on Morris street. Neckwear at reduced prices. John ston Furnishing Company. Mattresses. All grades, any size mattress at the Durham Mattress Factory. Miss Bettie Belle Scruggs, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Scruggs, has gone over to Tye River, in Vir ginia, to visit her aunt, Mrs. L. L Paroplin. , When you want cool lard, butter, cheese and such things, right out of the refrigerator, call on the Cheek Royster Company. No extra charge. ll-2t Water Rents Are Due. Please call and pay promptly. All claims for rebates and errors must be reported before the 15th of July. Very respectfully, jll lw J. C. Michib, Supt. "Special" at Max's Grodery. Pear line 3 packages lOcte. . Jll-2t. -Negligee shirts, "alt sizes and prices at A. Max's. You can get them from 25o up to $1.25. tl . Every thing that, should be kept in cold storage, you . will find nice and cold, without extra charge, at the Cheek Roy tter Co. ll-2t LOST THEM BOTH. The Double-Header Game on Fri day. Durham's streak of ill luck still inrst two grimes since tbe reorganize I - c tion of the four team league havinc , - 3 T O jbeen won by Greensboro, when the aou Die-neader was played bere. I be nm resulted in a Bcoreof 3 to 2 and the second 5 to 1. IfRST GAME. Score by innings: R II. E Greensboro 1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0-3 7 Durham OOitOODUO 0-5 6 1 3 Batteries: GreeDhorn. Huic and Sullivan; Durham, biaber aud Vet ter. Summarj : Earned rnns, Greenn- buro 2, Durham 1. Stolen bases, Durham 2. Two base hit, MoTeer. Home run. Sullivan Double nlav. Vetter toSoffelto Stocksdale. Bases on balls, off So errs 4. off Vetter 4 m OH Passed balls, Sullivan 2. Time of game 1:50. Umpire, Mr. Boucher. SECOND GAME. Score by innings: r u. E Greensboro 00000005 0-5 9 4 Durham 00100000 0-1 8 5 Batteries: Greensboroi Courneeji and McTeer; Durham, Bruoker and Fisher. Summary: Earned runs. Greens boro 1, Durham 1. Stolen bawen, Durham 2. Two base hits, Fox and Pbilbiu. Home run. Diaubv. Battes on balls, off Courneen 1 , off Hriu kt r 1. Struck out. bv Courneen 5. bv Brucker 4. Time of game 1 :30. Um pire, Mr. Boucher. At Raleieh Rakish. 2: Nw Bern, 1. Batteries: Raleigh, Child and Rollins : New Bern. Bans and Thackera. STANDING OK N. C LEAGUE. ' wow i. v. Greensboro 2 0 1 000 Raleigh.. 1 0 1 000 New Bern. . .... 0 1 .000 Durham. 0 2 .000 For a few davs onlv. Pearline the leading Washing Compound 3 pack ages locts. At A. Max's. ll-2t. Fine tomatoes kept in cold stor age. Get'4hem cool at same price ab you pay for those not cold. Cheek Royster Company. 11 -2t For Rent. 14 room house, on South Street, city water. Convenient to business. Apply to A. D. Markham. Slippers, all sizes add prices at A. Max's. Children's slippers from 25c up. HALF PRICE w. h. edwards; Main Street, Durham, N. 0. Office over Lam be & Lyon's new store. In terstate 'Phone 173. J ul ta-tf HAMMOCKS . HAMMOCKS. ' GET YOU A SEE THEM AT J. HENRY SMITH'S, . Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412.- 1, ,. e-sTABUISHED loTlfJ 11 renowned tor TONE & DURABILITY Over 117,000 Now in . Use. FRANKLIN ! PIANOS. HARVARD PIANOS. Sold for cash or easy payments. W.R. Murray, Mala Street, Durham, N. C. DENTISTRY M 1 "DURVAINA- 613 A UVE, WIDE-AWAKE-a" 5 Cents GIGfV.- 5 Cenfs SMOKES FREE. MILD, FRAGRANT. GUARANTEED ALX HAVANA FILLER, THE SAME THAT GOES INTO 10 AND 15 CENT BRANDS. Whether you walk, talk or ride DURVANA is a good companion. Take them with you. Durham, N. C. tfou) is YoM Opt)ortiii)ity j -TO GET .GFOOD CLOTHES FOR A LITTLE MONEY. For the next thirty days I will sell my Spring and Sum mer Suits at cost, FOR THE CASH. Remember this is only for rmiRTY J. S. MESLEY, Merchant Tailor, juue30 FECIAL TJIX ALE TO THE CLOTHING BUYERS OF DURHAM: In order to close oar stork nf Flannel stiit vuf nflfVir mnr io l - - - via. J VU4 W UUIV VI about 75 suits $5 00 per suit. Look at samples in our window. The former price was $7.50, cheap even'at that price. uur regular reauceu sale still continues 15 per cent on all suits and ejetra pants, shirts, 25 to 333 off. Straw hats i off. Call and see for yourseli, and be convinced. Oars is the cheapest. One price for cash. LAMBE M LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. WARM WEATHER SHOES. Just the thing for the hot days that are coming. It doesn't cost any more to be in fashion. Our Men's Oxfords have all the good points of style and workmanship. These three price hints. At $3.00 Men's Ve iour Calf, Blucher Oxford, Goodyear welt, sewed, value $3 50. At $4.00 Men's Patent Kid and Patent Colt Skin Oxfords, two styles toe shapes, reduced from $4 50. At $5 00 Men's Patent Ideal Kid Oxfords, will not crack nor peel. Correct and shapely styles. Burch-Gorman Company. THE BEATEN BISCUIT" originated in the old Southern families, in ante-bellum days, when hos pitality and good cheer were the signs of good breeding. Bat the mak ing of this favorite bread formerly involved both time and labor and of late years was in danger of becoming a lost art. .THE ACME BISCUIT BEATER however, makes this process an easy and quick one and all honse-keep-era who try it pronounce it to be one of the most useful inventions of the day. For sale by ' Tf YLOR 6c PHIPPS. Unsurpassed Variety --AT- ' s REDUCTION. , . . ' , For warm weather occasions we have an unsurpassed variety- of CORRECT CLOTHING. SUITS that will satisfy-splendidly made. SMART and PRIMP. The stock contjiins everything thai the correctly dressed man desires, The reduction is big. Those, of yott unsuited, come and be suited. The line of Gents' Furnishings still full. J "SOLE AGENTS FOR KNOX HATS." t W. A. SLATER COMPANY, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS . - DfYS Durham, N. C. - lw SPECIAL TJIX ALE r

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