A - " I - ESTABLISHED. ICC?. DtfUIIAlI, N. C, MONDAY, JULY 14, If 02 VOLUME SG-TTXtBEE 1 9 J 4 . l n 1 t!UM :t5ira Iras. ESSY FEET Fop 10 Cts. Tender or aching feet re lieved For 10 Cts. We will be pleased to give . - you a : SAMPLE. There baa FALLEN1NT0 OUR HANDS through persistent efforts on our part as fine a lot of MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS as one could wish to see,, buy or wear. Made of the newest patterns and and in the newest styks these shirts have the appearance, the quality and the fit of tnauv eoods sold at r .. IV o twice the price. - SCan you imagine any better val ue -than this? rf JohBston; Furnishing Co. V WliEiL YOU WANT call oiys. We can supply you" with Cnickens, fresh Vegetables Eggs and the best of v . FAMILY GROCERIES. Prompt service when you want something nice. T. S. CHRISTIAN & SON, Church Street. mayU-lra KEEP KOOL BY KOMING -TO- MONTREAT. HOT&b .MONTREAL 'LAND OF THE SKY," WE3TRBN N.O. Tbe most charming spot la all the mono tun at wmcn to spend tne neatoa term Sleep under blankets all summer. New hotel with - all modern comforts. Double dally mall, telegraph and telephone, mineral waters. Two miles from Black Mountain Station, Southern Ball way. W. D. PAXTON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreat, N. 0. W. L. WALL, DSALBR IS. WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood in any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. Interstate Phone fl. . 1nn-ttf THE. BEST MEALS Can always be found at v H. T. Smith's Restaurant, At all hours, day or night He gives more for the same mon ey than can be gotten elsewhere. ICE HIM EVERY SUNDAY. 208 Parrtah Street. ' ' , , ' . ' Interstate Phone 294. The Wbbky Son is only year. From 20 to. 23 columns o: live. Interesting local, state ana FBESICOIM PRODUCE eeneral news each week. Sub ON TO GREENSBORO. - s' Democratic Hosts Begin to Move Thither. Tomorrow and Wednesday morn ing the rush to tbe Democratic State, Congressional and Judicial Conven tfona at Greensboro, will be on. Arrangements have been made for extra coaches on train No. 7, which passes here tomorrow afternoon at 4:43 o'clock, and also for train No. 11, which leaves Durham at 2:30 a. m. A cumber of delegates will wait and go up on train No. 35, due here at 9:50 a. m., on Wednes day moroiog. The delegates from Durham, Granville, Person and other coun ties, or at least many of them, will board the cars at this point. The State Convention bids fair to be one of the most notable gather ings in the history of North Caroli na. It is the first since the adop tion of the Constitutional Amend ment, and the first since the Demo cratic party regained control of tbe legislative and executive depart ments of the State government. Some of the delegates passed throog1oday en route to Greensboro. DURHAM 13 OUT. Did Not Go to New Bern to. Play This Week. .The Slate Baseball League has been in a shaky condition for several days, and the Durham team is out This was decided upon at a rfleeticg of the directors of tbe League, held in Raleigh, Saturday night. Dur ham was to have played in New Born the first three days of this week. Tfco Durham IrntmiiifT nnf if leaves only, three teams in the League Greensboro, Raleigh and New Bern. It may be that Wilson will take Durham's place in the State League. The Durham club is heavily in debt, and but for tbe fact that two gentlemen generously went down into their pockets for $500 each, tbe club could hardly have been Itept going as long as it has Carries God's Message. A trunk, that was a veritable preacher of Gpd'e word, was seen at the Southern depot Saturday after noon by a Sun reporter. There were no less than ten scriptural quo tations lettered up it as follows: "Jesus saves sinners," "God is love," "Jesus saves' "Prepare to meet thy God," "Christ died for the ungodly," "Look unto me and be ye saved," "Ye must be born again," Look and live," "the wicked shall be turned into hell," "believe on Jesus." Ruuning All Right. The electric cars are now running on schedule time, all right, and come right up the connections as smoothly as clock work. Mr. L O. Williams, an experienced electrio car man, was made cuuerintendent of the conductors and motor men a week ago, and under his manage ment he has greatly perfected the system. He thoroughly understands the business and has the running of cars in fine shape. Bahama and Willardville. Miss Lucy TilleyK of Chatham county, is visiting' relatives near Ba hama. Dr. W. P. Holt, of Willardville, is very sick with typhoid fever. Elder reed, a Primitive Baptist minister, preached at Orange Fao tdry on Sunday last. D. S. Ball 'of Bahama, is a Dur ham visitor today. The Murphy Democrat says the seventeen-year locust was bouth seen neard in tjnerok.ee county in May and June. Good Horse for Sale. Any one desiring a good saddle horse, 8 years old, should see me, A. M. Carr, at Carolina Roller Mills. . jdlia-tf A girl doesn't have to be a magi cian to call a fellow a lobster and then make a monkey of him. r - - Working 24 Hours a Day. ' 1here ls jio rest for those tireless little workers1-Dr King's New Life Pills. -Muliona arc always busy, cur ing Torpid Liver. Jaund ce,- Bilious ness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe cr woaken . Small, taste nice, work wonders. , rry twm. 25c at R Bl&cknall & Sou's Drug Store. 2. Ladies' low-cut shoes at A. Max's Ill FREAKS. CURIOSITIES OF DURHAM COUNTY SOIL. White Blackberries.' a Green Rose an J Tomatoes of a Huge Size. When it comes to curious agricul turnl freaks, Durham is hard to beat. Button Davis, who lives beyond the city cemetery, has gathered sev eral quarts of perfectly white black berries this summer. A lady.from Raleigh who was here recently, suc ceeded in getting some of the ber ries and carried them home with her as a curioHity. Mrs. George E Lougee, Sr., has a most rare curiosity in the way of a rose with perfectly green petals. There is absolutely uo scent about the rose whatever. Capt. W. K. Styron gathered about a peck of tomatoes this morn ing fiom his garden on East Main street. Io tbe lot were three toma toes that measured 12 and 10 incites in circumference, respec tively. ALIEGED LYNCHER JAILED. Tom Spainell, White Man 35 Years of Age, Taken on a Bench Warrant Is.ued by Judge Shaw. Sausbuky, July 13. The first arrest on tbe charge of participating in the lynching pf the negro boys, Harrison and James tiulespie, the murderers of Miss Cornelia Benson, took place at 10 o'clock last night under a bench warrant issued by Judge Shaw for Tom Sparnell,, a bar tender of this city. Sparnell is a married man and is 35 years of age. When arrested he offered to give bond, but Sheriff Julian neces sarily refused to permit him to do so prior to bis preliminary examina tion and be was accordingly com mitted to jail. The examination will be held by Judge Shaw at 9 o' clock in the morning, with Solicitor Hammer also present. Fifteen sub poenas have been issued for witness es, including two Bent to Gold Hill, which was the home of the prisoner before bis coming here several years ago. Sparnell claims that he will be able to prove an unassailable ali bi. Solicitor Hammer, however, in the course of the investigation of the lynching which he has conduct ed, as required by the act of 1893 for the punishment of lynchers, has already examined the witnesses who have been summoned and hence it may be assumed that he is in pos session of evidenoe of a direct and positive character. Neither be nor Judge Shaw has yet arrived here, both being expected on the early morning trains. Special to Char- otte Observer. On a Few Days' Trip. Dr. N. M Johnson and children, Misses Mary and Kate and Master Eric, left this morning on the 7 o' clock Norfolk and Western train for trip to the north. Dr. Johnson will return the ' last of the week, while the others will doubtless re main a few days longer. North Carolina's Progress. Danville, Va., Bee: North Caro lina produces $17,000,000 worth of corn, only $15,000,000 worth of cotton and about $7,000,000 worth of tobacco annually, all of which goes to prove that tbe Old North state is one of the most progressive in the Union. James A. Perdue, will leave this week, probably tomorrow afternoon, for Greensboro to spend a few days on business. Notice to Delinquent Tax-payers This is to give notice to all delin quent tax-payers who have not paid their city taxes by July 30th, 1 will be compelled to advertise their property for sale. - PleaBe bear this in mind and gov ern yourself accordingly. , J. K. Patton, j 12 to-30.. City Tax Collector. Neckwear at reduced prices. John iton Furnishing Company." Water Rents Are Due. Please call and pay promptly. All claims -ior reDates and errors must be reported before the 15tb of July. . V ery respectfully, jll lw J; C. JdjCHiK, Supt. mgugee snirts, an sizes and JUNIOR ORDER BARBECUE To be Given at the Park on the '22nd. TLe Junior Order United Ameri can Mechanic will Lave a barbc cue at Lakewood park ou Tuesday night, July 22nd. Supper will be served at 7 o'clock. George E. Lougee, Sr., "Old Brunswick," will prepare the barbe cue. A number of ladies will be pres ent and will greatly assist in mak ing the occasion one long to be re membered and of enjoyment to all. By having the barbecue at tbe hour mentioned above, it will en able all, both ladies and gentlemen, to reach home in ample time, with out being out late. V-IOBACCO MEN. Brief Notes of Interest A buut Handlers of the Weed. W. R. Cooper left this morning for Marion, S. C , where he will be on the tobacco market during tbe season. C. G Mitchell, the American To bacco Company's buyer on the Dillon, S. C, market, spent a few hours in Durham today en route to that place from Rixboro. He spent Saturday and Sunday at the latter place with his family. L. O Ilolloway left today for one of the eastern tobacco markets This week will wituess a consid erable influx of tobacco rneu from here and elsewhere to the tobacco markets of eastern North Carolina and South Carolina E. L. Bryan is located on the Manning, S. C, market for tbe season. To Attend the Bible School. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Howcrton leave this week to attend tbe Mon treat Bible School. This will be in session at that popular mountain re sort from July 20th to some time in August. Revs. A. C. Dixon, L. G. Broughton and other noted preach ers will be present and take part. For Rent. 14 room house, on South Street, city water. Convenient to business. Apply to A. D. Markhara. Faith may move mountains, but it is money that moves mankind. Mattresses. All grades, any siza mattress at tbe Durham Mattress Factory. m . - . Slippers, all sizes add prices at A. Max's. Children's slippers from 2; c up. DENTISTRY halfTDi price W. H. EDWARDS, Main Street. Durham. N. O. Office over Lam be & Lyon's new store, ln- . terstate f none 173. juiia-tr HAMMOCKS. HAMMOCKS. GET YOU A SEE THEM AT J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412. f Tf A4 Tf FT T S G n mo TsTABUSHEO 1 RENOWNED FOR TONE & DURABILITY Over 117,000 Now in Use. " FRANKLIN ! PIANOS. HARVARD PIANOS. Sold for cash or easy payments. "UUJIL .m. W.R.Murray, "DURVANA- 0-IS A LIVE, WIDK-AWAKF.a 5 Cents QGfVrv- 5 Gents SMOKES FREE. MILD, FRAGRANT. GUARANTEED ALL HAVANA FILLER, THE SAME THAT GOES INTO 10 AND 15 CENT BRANDS. Whether you walk, talk or rids DURVANA. is a good companion. Take them with you. Durham, N. G. FECIAL XJIT TO THE CLOTHING BUYERS OF DURHAM: In order to close our stock of Flannel suits, we offer your choice of about 75 suits $5 00 per suit. Look at samples in our window. The former price was $7.50, cheap even at that price. . Our regular reduced saje still continues 15 per cent on all suits and extra pants, shirts, 25 to 3 3 j off. Straw hats li off. Call and see for yourselt, aad b; conviuc l. Oars is the cheapest. One price for cash. L AM BE 15 LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. WARM WEATHER SHOES. Just the thiu for t'e hot days more to be in fashion. Our Men's Oxfords have all the good points of style and work mauship. These three price hints. At $3.00 Men's Ve lour Calf, Bluchtf Oxford, Goodyear welt, sewed, value $3 50. At $4.00 Men's Pateut Kid and Patent Colt Skin Oxfords, two styles toe shapes, reduced from $4 50. At $5 00 Men's Patent Ideal Kid Oxfords, will not crick nor peel. Correct and shapely styles. Burcli-Gorman Company. THE BEATEN BISCUIT" originated in the old Southern families, in ante-bellum days, when hos pitality and good cheer were the signs of good breeding. But the mak ing of "this favorite bread formerly involved both time and labor and of late years was in danger of becoming a lost art. .THE ACME BISCUIT BEATER...... however, makes this process an easy ers who try it pronounce it to be of the day. TfVYLOR Unsurpassed Variety --AT-- REDUCTION. For warm weather occasions we CORRECT CLOTHING. SUITS that will satisfy splendidly made; SMART and PRIMP. The stok contains everything that the correctly dressed man desires. Tbe reduction is big. Those of you unsuited, come and be suited. The line of Gents' Furnishings still full. "SOLE AGENTS W. A. SLATER COMPANY, . CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. ' :-M0SQUlT0 NETS-: Are good for keeping off flies as well as mos quitoes. We have the kind tlat fasten on Wood, Brass and Iron Beds, as well as the . old ceiling style. Let us put you up one. BERNSTEIN IRON BEDS. Iron Beds are much cooler and cleanryfpr ; summer ,use than the old style closed up headq and.fooVwodd beds. Price from $10.00 up, with spring complete. ? An elegant line of couches, $10.00 up. Big reduction in Mattings and' Refrigerators, : The Koyall & Borden Go. marZ7-tt ' T FECIAL that are coming. It doesn't cost any and. quick one and all honse-keep- one of the most useful inventions For sale by 6c PHIPPS. have an unsurpassed variety of FOR KNOX HATS." from 39o to 13 50. You will get prices-at A. Max's, iou can get ham paper. bargaiue. them from 25o op to $1 25. Main Street, Durham, N. C. 1 1 ., scribe and get a wide-awake Dur

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